Since anyone can add arbitrary qualifiers to define what a human being is, you can't prove that an infant is any more of a human being than a zygote. Young children contribute nothing to society and are just parasites. To use your terminology, they're just potential humans until they can live on their own.
Using your logic, Smith and Peterson made individual health decisions that were none of anybody's business.
#98 | Posted by sentinel
You are not a good debater. You post nonsense and the incredibly obvious and you reach no conclusions or strawman conclusions.
"Since anyone can add arbitrary qualifiers to define what a human being is, you can't prove that an infant is any more of a human being than a zygote."
What is the point of stating this?
"Young children contribute nothing to society and are just parasites."
What is the point of stating this?
"To use your terminology, they're just potential humans until they can live on their own."
Wbat is the point of stating this?
"Using your logic, Smith and Peterson made individual health decisions that were none of anybody's business."
I have already stipulated that a zygote, embryo and fetus are part of the cycle in creating a human being.
I have already stated that I believe that the dividing line when society should impose it's laws is after the birth of the entity.
Therefore, you are categorically wrong in stating that using my logic those were individual health decisions. Full Stop.
Those actions constitute murder. Full Stop
I have also explained my reasoning, that the implementation of limitations on abortion, results in the oppression of people who can get pregnant (forced labor, forced organ donation, etc. to say nothing of the secondary but no less important impacts like limitations to choice they have in other aspects of their lives). These negative impacts are unavoidable due to the inherent nature of the abortion restrictions.
And since those negative impacts exist it is morally indefensible to place those restrictions on people who can get pregnant.
You apparently are not intelligent enough to understand what I am explaining (in great detail)