
Drudge Retort: The Other Side of the News
Tuesday, February 04, 2025

Eugene Fama, the renowned "Father of modern finance," predicts Bitcoin will be worthless in a decade.


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Why? Cryptocurrencies "violate all the rules of a medium of exchange," Fama said on the Jan. 30 episode of Capitalisn't. "They don't have a stable real value. You know, they have highly variable real value. That kind of medium of exchange is not supposed to survive."


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"Fama, who authored the efficient markets hypothesis in the 1960s, didn't actually guarantee that Bitcoin will be worthless. Rather, he agreed when podcast host, finance professor Luigi Zingales, asked what the probability was that, "within 10 years, the value of Bitcoin would go to zero?"

"I would say it's close to one," Fama replied."


"Another big threat to Bitcoin voiced by Fama is 51% attack. Although such an attack would have been costly, Fama says that every transaction system faces "a problem of verification and a problem of who is enforcing the rules."

Fama, who was awarded with a Nobel Prize in economics in 2013, also insists that " unlike Bitcoin " gold is more favorable because it has many use cases. And the government's role in the crypto market may speed up the loss of value of Bitcoin.'

#1 | Posted by Corky at 2025-02-03 03:00 PM | Reply

Bitcoin is a non-linear ponzi scheme with no rules.

#2 | Posted by Angrydad at 2025-02-03 04:31 PM | Reply | Newsworthy 4

Bitcoin Will Eventually be Zero: Here's When

So my Trump Coin investments are still safe??!? Whew! You had me worried for a second.

#3 | Posted by censored at 2025-02-03 04:52 PM | Reply | Funny: 2

Bitcoin is backed by nothing.

Bitcoin is unsecure.

Bitcoin is a scam.

#4 | Posted by Nixon at 2025-02-04 09:23 AM | Reply

I think it's ff people will buy a computer bit. At least with the Tulip you had a flower... diseased though it might be... the sick ones had the most value... but I digress... ff.

#5 | Posted by RightisTrite at 2025-02-04 10:18 AM | Reply

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