
Drudge Retort: The Other Side of the News
Monday, March 17, 2025

Putin sees Ukraine's ceasefire as his path to Soviet power while China, Iran and North Korea fuel his war. America's hesitation threatens NATO and our economic future.


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TAPPER: Is it now clear that Putin is the impediment to peace? WITKOFF: I think he has indicated that he accepts the philosophy of President Trump. I think President Putin wants to see an end to this. (Russia continues to bomb Ukraine ... )

[image or embed]

-- Aaron Rupar ( March 16, 2025 at 9:13 AM


Admin's note: Participants in this discussion must follow the site's moderation policy. Profanity will be filtered. Abusive conduct is not allowed.

"The negotiation playbook Putin will employ is predictable. He'll first engage in what can be called the "reluctant-bride" strategy"extracting significant concessions merely for appearing at the bargaining table.

His demands are no state secret:

installation of a new Ukrainian government, prohibition of European security forces on Ukrainian soil, reduction or elimination of Western military assistance, and immediate recognition of Russian sovereignty over four eastern Ukrainian provinces and the Crimea.

We should harbor no illusions about a potential ceasefire.

Russian forces will inevitably exploit any defensive vulnerabilities along the frontlines while cynically blaming Ukraine for violating the agreement"a tactic Putin has employed repeatedly.

The fundamental reality remains unchanged: Putin will never accept any arrangement preserving Ukraine as a genuinely independent nation with credible security guarantees. What he seeks is capitulation disguised as diplomacy."

#1 | Posted by Corky at 2025-03-14 05:34 PM | Reply

Is The U.S. Playing Right Into Putin's Hands?

Trump: "Maybe ..." [schoolgirl giggle]


#2 | Posted by censored at 2025-03-14 06:17 PM | Reply | Newsworthy 1

Putin's got the world right where he wants it!

If only he could get past the meat grinder in Ukraine......

Lumpers, honest question, Putin bogged down in Ukraine of all places.

Why do you even imagine he could take on the EU with or without the US.

#3 | Posted by oneironaut at 2025-03-14 07:03 PM | Reply

Here's an honest answer - kiss my ------- ass, you ------- MAGAT ------

#4 | Posted by LegallyYourDead at 2025-03-14 07:46 PM | Reply | Newsworthy 1

Here's an honest answer - kiss my [effing buttocks], you [effing] MAGAT [developmentally challenged human].
#4 | Posted by LegallyYourDead

I think you're forgetting that OneIronTurd is a Bernie Bro. You know it's true because he said so.

#5 | Posted by censored at 2025-03-14 07:51 PM | Reply | Funny: 1

Yeah, he flies an electric plane to his job at Toys-R-Us

#6 | Posted by LegallyYourDead at 2025-03-14 08:36 PM | Reply | Funny: 1

Actual libs care that Ukraine has been raped and murdered by Putin.... whatever kind of faux-Tech Bros billionaire coddler 1Nut is only cares about pointing at it and laughing.

#7 | Posted by Corky at 2025-03-14 08:37 PM | Reply

Is The U.S. Playing Right Into Putin's Hands?

Brought to you by
Is The Pope Catholic?

With additional support from
Does the bear ---- in the woods?

And a generous bequest from the
Is Water Wet?

#8 | Posted by snoofy at 2025-03-14 09:03 PM | Reply | Newsworthy 2

By antagonizing and alienating Canada, Trumpf is certainly helping Putin's long-term plans. In 2001, Russia claimed the Arctic shelf (and therefore the vast oil and minerals deposits underneath). Global warming is making access to minerals in the Arctic and Greenland easier. Canada expects US support if the Russian military makes incursions into the Arctic Circle. The Kremlin has 13 military bases pointed at the Arctic. Canada and the US agreed to jointly defend North America (NORAD) and expects US support if the Russian military makes incursions into the Arctic Circle (NATO). When Canadians fought and died for the US in Vietnam and Afghanistan, their people expressed their loyalty to America and now find treachery from Trumpf.
Russian submersible planting flag under the ice at the North Pole (Photo: BBC, 2001).

#9 | Posted by C0RI0LANUS at 2025-03-15 05:17 AM | Reply | Newsworthy 1

El Rey Dotardo II is so eager to be awarded a Nobel Peace Prize that he is willing to sell Ukraine into servitude to get there. He is not an honest broker of peace, and when he talks to Vlad the Mystery Caller on March 18, El Rey will make any and all ridiculous promises, to try to bring about what he claimed would be easy, i.e., resolving the war in 24 hours. Of course, when he goes back to Z to tell him what has been agreed upon, the Ukrainians will find it difficult to restrain their anger.

Trump is trying to box Ukraine in, by threatening to permanently ceasing intelligence, stopping arms shipments, and probably also turning off Starlink (doing so would make Leon Skum complicit in any slaughter of Ukrainians). Ukraine will refuse these terms, which will be better for Vlad than what Hitler got from Chamberlain in 1938. What's left of the Russian death machine will roll on, Ukraine will die a more public death than Kitty Genovese, and the stature of the US on the world stage will be reduced to that of a janitorial crew, cleaning up after all others...

#10 | Posted by catdog at 2025-03-17 05:43 PM | Reply

Lewzer will declare the war over. Then, when Ukraine keeps fighting, he will claim that they started a new war.

#11 | Posted by REDIAL at 2025-03-17 05:59 PM | Reply | Newsworthy 2

... Is The U.S. Playing Right Into Putin's Hands? ...

That's even a question anymore?

#12 | Posted by LampLighter at 2025-03-17 06:14 PM | Reply

@#!0 ... El Rey Dotardo II is so eager to be awarded a Nobel Peace Prize that he is willing to sell Ukraine into servitude to get there. ...

Sell, or cede?

#13 | Posted by LampLighter at 2025-03-17 06:15 PM | Reply

After he cedes Crimea to Vlad, and Donbas and more... he'll give up half of Ukraine's minerals to Russia, and keep the rest for TrumpCo.

If Vlad will throw in some of the blond girl pre-teens they've captured. Because that's just the kind of AC he is.

#14 | Posted by Corky at 2025-03-17 06:16 PM | Reply

@#14 ... he'll give up half of Ukraine's minerals to Russia, and keep the rest for TrumpCo.

Keep half for TrumpCo? Why would Pres Putin give up that influx of foreign money.

After all, Pres Putin has said he would be happy to sell Russian rare minerals to the US ...

Putin offers Russian and Ukrainian rare minerals to US (February 25, 2025)

... Russian President Vladimir Putin said he is open to offering the US access to rare minerals, including from Russian-occupied Ukraine. ...

#15 | Posted by LampLighter at 2025-03-17 06:29 PM | Reply

"His demands are no state secret:

installation of a new Ukrainian government, prohibition of European security forces on Ukrainian soil, reduction or elimination of Western military assistance, and immediate recognition of Russian sovereignty over four eastern Ukrainian provinces and the Crimea.

#1 | Posted by Corky"

Yeah...I am fine with all that. That was obvious before the war started. It is where the war will end up regardless but I guess the Dems wanted to kill off a few million people and waste billions of dollars before agreeing to it. Democrats are a death cult.

#16 | Posted by ScottS at 2025-03-17 07:49 PM | Reply

@#16 ... Yeah...I am fine with all that. ...

So, your current alias seems to fully support Pres Putin's invasion of a sovereign country?

Will your current alias also support Pres Putin's further future invasions deeper into sovereign Europe?

#17 | Posted by LampLighter at 2025-03-17 08:03 PM | Reply

"So, your current alias seems to fully support Pres Putin's invasion of a sovereign country?
#17 | Posted by LampLighter"

I am against wasting a million lives and billions of dollars trying to stop something as inevitable as the sun rising in the East and setting in the West. This outcome was 100% certain before the first shot was fired and it is still certain today. So, what was gained other than your sacrifices to Moloch?

#18 | Posted by ScottS at 2025-03-17 08:13 PM | Reply

@#18 ... I am against wasting a million lives and billions of dollars trying to stop something as inevitable as the sun rising in the East and setting in the West. ...

So, you prefer surrender instead of fighting for freedom?

#19 | Posted by LampLighter at 2025-03-17 08:19 PM | Reply

Poll: Most Americans are rooting for Ukraine. But nearly half think Trump prefers Russia.

... The NBC News poll shows 49% of registered voters think Trump sympathizes with Russia in its war against Ukraine, while only 2% support Russia themselves and 61% back Ukraine. ...

#20 | Posted by LampLighter at 2025-03-17 08:23 PM | Reply

"So, you prefer surrender instead of fighting for freedom?
#19 | Posted by LampLighter"

There is no reason for US citizens to make a Masada-like stand (or pay for someone else to do so) when the results were certain from before the first shot was fired. You dumb dems still need to square the circle on how Putin is unable to take over the Ukraine after 3 years but is a threat to roll over all of Europe. Or that Biden's tough sanctions on Russia and policy weakened the Russian military to the point they were stripping refrigerators for computer chips and reduced to fighting with shovels yet their military is now stronger than ever. Maybe try to at least make an internally consistent argument.

#21 | Posted by ScottS at 2025-03-17 08:29 PM | Reply

@#21 ... There is no reason for US citizens to make a Masada-like stand (or pay for someone else to do so) when the results were certain from before the first shot was fired. ...

So, your current alias seems to prefer supporting surrender instead of fighting for freedom?

#22 | Posted by LampLighter at 2025-03-17 08:36 PM | Reply

"So, your current alias seems to prefer supporting surrender instead of fighting for freedom?
#22 | Posted by LampLighter"

You mean like the Japanese soldiers did during the Battle of Okinawa where they chose suicide over surrender? I don't find these soldiers to be heroic or morally superior because they refused to surrender in the face of the inevitable loss on the battlefield. You seem different. But, I guess it is easy to take your stance when you don't pay the tax money to support it and it is not you or your family being asked to actually do the fighting.

#23 | Posted by ScottS at 2025-03-17 08:41 PM | Reply

"it is not you or your family being asked to actually do the fighting."

We are fighting the terrorists over there, so we don't have to fight them here.
Well, we were doing that until a few weeks ago.
Until Trump decided Putin's terrorists aren't worth stopping.

#24 | Posted by snoofy at 2025-03-17 08:42 PM | Reply

@#23 ... You mean like the Japanese soldiers did during the Battle of Okinawa where they chose suicide over surrender? ...

No, I meant like Pres Trump effectively surrendering to Pres Putin before the peace negotiations had even begun.

To which Pres Putin seems to have responded, thank-you, but now that you already gave that to me, I want more.

#25 | Posted by LampLighter at 2025-03-17 08:48 PM | Reply

"We are fighting the terrorists over there, so we don't have to fight them here."

Actually, your liberal judges are fighting tooth and nail right now to keep the terrorists in the country.

"Well, we were doing that until a few weeks ago.
Until Trump decided Putin's terrorists aren't worth stopping.
#24 | Posted by snoofy"

How many times have the Russians invaded the US in our nation's history? How many terrorist attacks were carried out by the Russians against the US in our nation's history?

By not fighting in Ukraine, do you honestly think that number will change from zero?

#26 | Posted by ScottS at 2025-03-17 08:50 PM | Reply

"No, I meant like Pres Trump effectively surrendering to Pres Putin before the peace negotiations had even begun.
#25 | Posted by LampLighter"

With a blank check from the US, Ukraine would never offer peace. So, it had to be done. Given Biden's incompetent running of the military, we no longer can just threaten and get actions like in the past - military or economic sanction threats are both ineffective now due to Democrat impotence. So, you can either embrace the actual reality or you can join your Japanese WW2 heroes and throw yourself off a cliff before the Russians invade Chicago.

#27 | Posted by ScottS at 2025-03-17 08:53 PM | Reply | Funny: 1

Re: #26 Scotts

Digitally or physically? Confirmed, suspected, denied but suspicious? If you believe the answer is zero I have some buckets of bull$#!+ to sell you

#28 | Posted by hamburglar at 2025-03-17 08:55 PM | Reply


Wow, you're a f***ing idiot. Bye, shithead

#29 | Posted by hamburglar at 2025-03-17 08:55 PM | Reply

"Digitally or physically?
#28 | Posted by hamburglar"

Physically - and proven.

What do you have?

Meanwhile, the US knowingly funded Islamic extremists since the days of the Russian Afghan invasion that still carry out terror attacks against Russia to this day. But, we are the 'Good Guys'...

#30 | Posted by ScottS at 2025-03-17 09:03 PM | Reply

"Wow, you're a f***ing idiot. Bye, shithead
#29 | Posted by hamburglar"

You have the debate skills of a poop flinging monkey - typical for liberals. Go cry to your mommies. The one with a penis might tell you to man up but I doubt it.

#31 | Posted by ScottS at 2025-03-17 09:05 PM | Reply

@#27 ... With a blank check from the US, Ukraine would never offer peace. So, it had to be done. ...

What Pres Trump is offering is surrender to Pres Putin. Nothing more, nothing less.

Ukraine has shown its willingness to fight for its freedom, with the help of weaponry made here in the US by American workers.

Why should Ukraine be forced to surrender by the Pres Putin-enabled Pres Trump?

Fun tune just popped up on a playlist here ...

August Campbell - The I-95 Asshole Song (1983)

Lyrics excerpt ...

Well I was driving down I-95 the other night
When somebody nearly cut me right off the road
I decided it wasn't going to do any good to get mad
So I wrote a song about him instead. It goes like this...

Were you bo-rn an asshole, or did you work at it your whole life?
Either way it worked out fine, 'cause you're an ass-hole tonight

Yes you're an A-SSHOLE, and don't you try to blame it on me
You deserve all the credit, you're an asshole tonight

You were an assho-le yesterday, you're an ass-hole tonight
And I've got a feeling, you'll be an asshole the rest of your life

And I was talking to your mother, just the other night
I told her I thought you were an asshole, she said "yes, I think you're right"

#32 | Posted by LampLighter at 2025-03-17 09:07 PM | Reply

Scatberg, why haven't you offed yourself yet?

#33 | Posted by reinheitsgebot at 2025-03-17 09:15 PM | Reply

"Ukraine has shown its willingness to fight for its freedom, with the help of weaponry made here in the US by American workers.
#32 | Posted by LampLighter "

That probably explains the 'snatch vans' grabbing guys off the street to send them to the front lines.

#34 | Posted by ScottS at 2025-03-17 09:28 PM | Reply

Putin's mush-brained orange bitch is still grunting out Kremlin talking points,

#35 | Posted by reinheitsgebot at 2025-03-17 09:34 PM | Reply

@#34 ... That probably explains the 'snatch vans' grabbing guys off the street to send them to the front lines. ...

It seems to have taken a while for your current alias to post that reply. Waiting for talking points from the mothership? :)

What we know about video of man walking his dog being forced into van to serve in Ukraine military (March 4, 2025)

... A video circulating online in early March 2025 allegedly showed Ukrainian military officials forcing a man walking his dog into a van to serve in the Russia-Ukraine conflict and abandoning his pet in the street. The clip, possibly obtained from home security footage, displayed a date of Feb. 28 and a time of just before 8 a.m.

For example, one X user whose March 1 post (archived) received around 15 million views asserted of Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy and the video, "Yesterday, Zelensky's military recruiters snatched another young man off the street, threw him into a black van as he screamed, and left behind his dog. Thousands of videos online show Ukraine forcibly drafting young men to fight in an unwinnable war." Other users made similar claims of the clip on X. ...

While translation services' interpretations varied when converting the Ukrainian-language Facebook post to English, a consensus reflected that the post's author alleged the man walking the dog had repeatedly attempted to avoid military service. If he was of eligible age, such avoidance would violate a 2024 Ukrainian law requiring men between 18 and 60 to register for service and always carry registration documents on their person. The law stated only men aged 25 to 60 remain eligible for mobilization, though Ukrainian officials also explored reforms for younger men.

The post also said one of the officials visible in the video accompanied the man's dog back to its owner's home, and that, due to the man's love of his pet, they assigned him to one of the military's canine units. The post provided no further information or evidence to support its claims, and the center had not yet respond to an emailed request for comment sent in the evening hours of March 4. ...

Yes, tiny Ukraine is fighting for its freedom against the huge Russia.

And, yes, manpower is an issue in that fight.

So, is that a reason why Pres Trump should just surrender Ukraine to Pres Putin?

What else yer current alias got?

#36 | Posted by LampLighter at 2025-03-17 09:52 PM | Reply

"What we know about video of man walking his dog being forced into van to serve in Ukraine military (March 4,
#36 | Posted by LampLighter "

Video? Like you think this only occurred 1 time? Are you dense? There are dozens of videos including them snatching up a clearly mentally deficient guy.

#37 | Posted by ScottS at 2025-03-18 02:03 AM | Reply

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