
Drudge Retort: The Other Side of the News
Wednesday, December 18, 2024

[Pollster Ann] Selzer published a poll days before the election that said Kamala Harris was ahead by 3 percentage points. Trump won the state by 13 percentage points.



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Addendum, he is also going to sue 60 minutes

Fascism has arrived in the United States of New America

#1 | Posted by truthhurts at 2024-12-16 09:56 PM | Reply

"Fascism has arrived in the United States of New America


No it hasn't Our news media are incredibly diverse.

#2 | Posted by BellRinger at 2024-12-16 10:07 PM | Reply

You might be bothered by the fact that the left no longer has a monopoly on the narrative, but it doesn't change the fact that we have a remarkably diverse news media.

#3 | Posted by BellRinger at 2024-12-16 10:34 PM | Reply | Newsworthy 1

That poll was off by 17 points. Right near the election.

Seems like election interference. I see nothing wrong with digging into why this poll got it so wrong, but raised hackles all over the country.

#4 | Posted by oneironaut at 2024-12-17 01:49 AM | Reply

Leave it to jeff to get it exactly wrong.

1. Balance or diversity of opinion is not automatically a virtue in journalism. Accuracy is. Having the courage to publish hard facts against the powers that be the most important virtue.

2. OAN or Newsmax or Foxnews spewing republican propaganda is not the same as the NYT accurately reporting -------- crimes. It simply isn't. And I will even grant that there is bias against the truth across the spectrum-though it is far worse on the conservative side.

3. This is actually about major news organizations publicly bowing to political pressure. That is obscene and should be terrifying to everyone, even you. This portends the future of journalism will be to NOT cover the ------- administration honestly or courageously.

4. We are seeing the effects of an ongoing assault on press freedom. You think it a coincidence ABC settled what was nothing more than a nuisance lawsuit? ABC was sued because Stephanopoulos said ------- was an adjudicated rapist-something even the trial judge said. That type of statement CLEARLY falls within the realm of press freedom for a public figure like -------. What damage did --------uffer from Stephanopoulos saying that? ------- is obviously a public figure. That type of statement is or was simple acceptable to state.

5. ABC is owned by Disney; Disney has been dealing with litigation from Florida over Disney's criticism of the Don't Say Gay bill. That has OBVIOUSLY made them gun shy on covering republican issues or criticizing -------.

6. To give you perspective jeff, this is sort of like Hannity going to Delaware and pledging to back off on Hunter Biden criticism. Or FoxNews settling a theoretical lawsuit that Biden brought against them for saying the Biden Crime Family.

7. You think that the recent attacks and surrenders by press organizations will make right wing propaganda machines more or less honest? FoxNews paid, what, 3/4 of a billion dollars for spewing lies. Lies they admitted to and all proof indicating it (so no there is NO equivalence between what Fox and ABC did)? Or do you think it will be a permission structure for them to lie more?

This assault is astounding honestly. And the damage cannot be understated. If the press is afraid to report on stuff ------- is doing or to editorialize on it, well there goes another MAJOR guardrail on -------- presidency.

#5 | Posted by truthhurts at 2024-12-17 06:16 AM | Reply

Seems like election interference.

#4 | Posted by oneironaut

Oh, is that what it seems like?

Outliers occur in statistical sampling all the time.

It's like, expected. You're coming out in favor of the suppresion of any minority report.
Seems like you're outing yourself as a fascist. But I have never kept up with you. Likely you always have been one.

#6 | Posted by Zed at 2024-12-17 08:32 AM | Reply

Stories like this make me wonder how long it will be until Donald one of his minions come for people like RCADE?

I mean "election interference" is advanced here all the time.

And if he comes for RCADE he will come for me.

Because that's the way it works.

#7 | Posted by Zed at 2024-12-17 08:35 AM | Reply

Fascists are mean and intolerant people.

There is NOTHING in their minds too small to be mean and intolerant about.

Many, many will join in the meanness and intolerance simply as a shield to keep themselves out of trouble.

We are going to be damned lucky to get through this without a world of hurt.

Are you frightened to be brave? Well, then. Happy extinction.

#8 | Posted by Zed at 2024-12-17 08:40 AM | Reply

The World of Hurt is baked in. It can't be avoided now. Trump is the end of any true freedoms left. The news people and Oligarchs are afraid of Trump

They can accommodate him, pay him relatively small sums, and flatter him....

Or they can be persecuted by the State under his control.

They see no future, financially or otherwise, in Standing Tall.

Cowardice is profitable, and safer short term.

Denial is a very strong thing.

Especially when it's sugarcoated with money.

The future looks bleak to me.

#9 | Posted by Effeteposer at 2024-12-17 12:19 PM | Reply | Newsworthy 1

You might be bothered by the fact that the left no longer has a monopoly on the narrative, but it doesn't change the fact that we have a remarkably diverse news media.

#3 | Posted by BellRinger

No, we don't. We have had an explosion of infotainment bulls*&^ that's even more brazenly about clicks and likes for money than the legacy media is.

And it's far, far more biased.

#10 | Posted by jpw at 2024-12-17 01:45 PM | Reply

Seems like election interference.

Duhhhhh ElEcTiOn IntErFeRenCeZ!!!

Probably unlikely to say that about Musk's tactics of producing ads that mislead viewers into believing they came from the Harris campaign and Dems...


#11 | Posted by jpw at 2024-12-17 01:46 PM | Reply

"Bezos refusing to allow the Washington Post to endorse Harris"

Four years ago: bUt iTs ThEiR oWn cOmPaNy!!!!!

#12 | Posted by lfthndthrds at 2024-12-17 02:10 PM | Reply

Fascism has arrived in the United States of New America

#1 | Posted by truthhurts

aaah ahahahhahahahahaa

a) a reliable pollster in the past missed it so bad that it looks like it was on purpose..

sue her ?....naw.....she took herself out.

and 60 minutes brazenly re-edits comments from the democrat candidate...

sue the ever loving dog turds out of those worthless democrat activists....for false advertising if nothing else.

and as always....." Fascism ".......leftist dogma-KLAN twunts definitions are shvt.

#13 | Posted by shrimptacodan at 2024-12-17 02:17 PM | Reply

"Bezos refusing to allow the Washington Post to endorse Harris"

Four years ago: bUt iTs ThEiR oWn cOmPaNy!!!!!

#12 | Posted by lfthndthrds

that's right with this one caveat....." as long as they write stuff we approve of"

---2 faced hypocritical lying shvt !!

#14 | Posted by shrimptacodan at 2024-12-17 02:18 PM | Reply

OAN or Newsmax or Foxnews spewing republican propaganda is not the same as the NYT accurately reporting -------- crimes.
~ LiesHurt

People have sued these companies when they were fraudent claims, AND YOU CHEERED you didn't yell Fascism.

Hypocrite much.

#15 | Posted by oneironaut at 2024-12-17 02:27 PM | Reply | Newsworthy 2

Fascism has arrived in the United States of New America
#1 | Posted by truthhurts

YO !! lfthndthrds

this whiny little twit sounds more and more like whoopi and others every day....

"Whoopi Goldberg Says That If Trump Is Reelected He Will Round Up' Journalists & Gay People"


---New York Democrat congressional candidate suggests MAGA supporters go to 're-education camp'
Democrat candidate Paula Collins is running against GOP Rep. Elise Stefanik for New York's 21st congressional district
June 6, 2024

2 faced BS

#16 | Posted by shrimptacodan at 2024-12-17 02:29 PM | Reply | Newsworthy 1

Christ you morons are not even worth engaging.

No one is arguing that a private company doesn't have the right to endorse whomever they please. the problem is that bezos did it to protect his business interests and preemptively acquiesced to trump.

Fox was sued by a private company, NOT the president or DoJ. There is ZERO equivalence between a private company successfully suing a news agency for lies that damaged their business and the Potus-elect suing a media company and the media company caving to that lawsuit for what falls firmly within allowable speech.

60 Minutes did with the Harris interview what every single tv interviewer does full stop.

The rest of the responses are, honestly, unreadable and/or nonsensical

#17 | Posted by truthhurts at 2024-12-17 03:58 PM | Reply

When Trump says "he plans to sue..." does he mean himself personally or the US Govt?

And he what are his damages? Doesn't he have to establish he was damaged?

#18 | Posted by eberly at 2024-12-17 04:05 PM | Reply

"Christ you morons are not even worth engaging."
- Twoofy

Did you forget ya safeword? LMAO

#19 | Posted by lfthndthrds at 2024-12-17 08:24 PM | Reply

@#3 ... You might be bothered by the fact that the left no longer has a monopoly on the narrative ...

Not really.

I have always sought differing views, provided they are reality-based. Indeed, I have even changed my opinion based upon those differing views.

What does bother me, however, is that the right currently seems to have a monopoly upon lies and the alternative reality.

#20 | Posted by LampLighter at 2024-12-18 06:40 PM | Reply


---- off ------. Nobody ------- cares.

#21 | Posted by LegallyYourDead at 2024-12-19 12:40 AM | Reply

Trump is a thin skinned douchenozzle.

#22 | Posted by Nixon at 2024-12-19 01:42 PM | Reply

Like EB said ... He won so exactly how was he damaged?

Harassing citizens with frivolous lawsuits (which Trumpy is famous for) just because you can is a form of abuse of power (which Trumpy is also famous for).

#23 | Posted by donnerboy at 2024-12-19 02:05 PM | Reply

If this story and poll were "election interference" what were the hundreds of millions of dollars spent by Elmo on boldfaced lies about Kamala Harris and her policies? Ads intended to keep people from voting? Now that IS election interference. Seems like VPOTUS needs to sue Elmo for the value he paid for Twitter, because it's obvious he's too much of a criminal moron to be trusted with such a large bullhorn.

#24 | Posted by _Gunslinger_ at 2024-12-20 01:41 AM | Reply

I saw a headline that he's suing CBS now for making Harris "look better."

Or something like that.

Can't wait until he has the power of the Oval Office behind him again.../s

#25 | Posted by jpw at 2024-12-20 02:15 AM | Reply

" Our news media are incredibly diverse."

Fox Newsis on 24/7 pumping out lies (propaganda) while the other three major networks offer natiional news 30 minutes per day and yes there is MSNBC or CNN but neither are included with basic cable. So your claim of "diversity" in our media is actually just more of a "bulls**t" lie from the GQP. Most of the "media" you refer to is print media but as we all know "print media" was effective 30 years ago but today it is irrelevant as Jeff Bezos proved when he castrated the Washington Post.

#26 | Posted by danni at 2024-12-20 08:46 AM | Reply

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