"What are the specific "Berneeism" policies that you find abhorrent?"
It's in the article:
Healthcare is a human right and must be available to all regardless of income.
Every worker in America is entitled to earn a decent income. We must raise the minimum wage to a living wage and make it easier for workers to join unions.
We must have the best public educational system in the world, from childcare to vocational training, to graduate school " available to all.
We must address the housing crisis and build the millions of units of low-income and affordable housing that we desperately need.
We must create millions of good paying jobs as we lead the world in combating the existential threat of climate change.
We must abolish all forms of bigotry.
It's not that I have any issue with any of these things, provided that A) it occurs with the consent of the governed and B) it doesn't impose cost on one party to benefit another. If you want to see this written differently, review the National Socialist's 25 Point Program. It reads much the same. And for Bernie to implement these measures would almost certainly mean government gaining full control over healthcare, and wages, and education, and industry, as well as society writ-large.
As bad as trump is, his efforts would be insignificant compared to the changes Bernie would need to make in order to achieve his objectives.