So when a Dem is in office, arrest Trump, Elon, and their cronies. Remember, Due Process isn't for traitors and terrorists.
#3 | Posted by Sycophant
Pay attention, because the real world is more complicated than your pea brain can seem to handle.
The law that Trump is using to implement this doesn't require "due process" by the judicial system.
From a previous post of mine
My understanding reading the law as best I could, SCOTUS ruled it has no say in the matter of the Alien Enemies Act.
Just like an airplane, if the pilot (president) deems the the orders are against the safety of the flight (gang members) he/she can disregard those orders.
Under authority of the Act of 1798, the President, on July 14, 1945, directed the removal from the United States of all alien enemies "who shall be deemed by the Attorney General to be dangerous to the public peace and safety of the United States."
As Congress explicitly recognized in the recent Administrative Procedure Act, some statutes "preclude judicial review." Act of June 11, 1946, 10, 60 Stat. 237, 243. Barring questions of interpretation and constitutionality, 164*164 the Alien Enemy Act of 1798 is such a statute.
A war power of the President not subject to judicial review is not transmuted into a judicially reviewable action because the President chooses to have that power exercised within narrower limits than Congress authorized.