Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Suddenly Trump Looks Older and More Deranged

Anne Applebaum, The Atlantic: Now the Republicans are the ones saddled with a candidate who can't make a clear argument or finish a sentence.



Everything the Trump campaign and members of the Cult of Trump have been saying about Pres Biden now seems to be circling around with a new focus upon fmr Pres Trump's age and mental acuity.

What goes around comes around.

#1 | Posted by LampLighter at 2024-07-23 06:34 PM

Seems to me, this was brilliant on Biden's part. Wait until Trumpanzee synched the nomination then dump someone younger, smarter, better looking, and more qualified on him.

#2 | Posted by RightisTrite at 2024-07-23 06:36 PM

In military terms, what Uncle Joe did may be described as "strategic surprise." Now Cult45, the TCF, FixNews, and the GQP are scrambling like cockroaches when the lights come on. Except for Josh Shapiro, the short list for Kamala's VP choice are head and shoulders above J Dunce Vance.

#3 | Posted by C0RI0LANUS at 2024-07-23 06:49 PM

Compared to Biden Trump looked "pretty good for his age" as they say. Next to Harris he looks his age and then some. Suddenly his orange pancake makeup, bleached blonde combover, girdle and shoe lifts make him look like someone who is trying way too hard to be something he hasn't been in a very long time.

#4 | Posted by Gal_Tuesday at 2024-07-23 06:55 PM

@#3 ... the short list for Kamala's VP choice are head and shoulders above J Dunce Vance. ...

Pres Trump picked Sen Vance for VP candidate, not based upon long-time views held my Sen Vance, but only after Sen Vance when from leveling valid criticisms of fmr Pres Trump to being a full-on toady of fmr Pres Trump in order to win his Senate election, i.e., for his (Sen Vance's) own personal gain.

#5 | Posted by LampLighter at 2024-07-23 07:09 PM

Concur GT and LL. I lost some of my white wine in a spit-take when I read the word "girdle."

Great imagery for the DNC or the Lincoln Project ad folks: a) #45 snoozing in a rocking chair with flies buzzing all over him; b) #45 snoring in NYS criminal court.

The voiceover narrator for both ads would ask voters: "Is this what you want?"

#6 | Posted by C0RI0LANUS at 2024-07-23 07:31 PM

Biden is no longer the measuring stick.

#7 | Posted by ClownShack at 2024-07-23 07:33 PM

Since the GOP made age an issue; so be it. Fire for effect (FFE)!

Below are appropriate ads for the DNC or the Lincoln Project to run against the ex-Dotard in Chief (with copyright permissions, of course) and someone like George Clooney or James Earl Jones can provide the voice-over narration.

With apologies, I don't know how to paste an image into a DR message, so you have to go to the links.



#8 | Posted by C0RI0LANUS at 2024-07-23 08:00 PM

Dark Brandon strikes again.

Heh, heh.

#9 | Posted by Wardog at 2024-07-23 10:07 PM

@#7 ... Biden is no longer the measuring stick. ...

i'd say that his accomplishments while in office speak for themselves, and in a good way.

But, yeah, going forward, the GOP now needs to face a campaign against VP Harris.

The aging, befuddled fmr Pres Trump vs. the energetic VP Harris.

Kamala Harris dances with the kids

Oneindia News ...Nov 7, 2020 #KamalaHarris #USElections2020
A video shared by Priyanka Chaturvedi on Twitter shows US Democrat Vice Presidential candidate Kamala Harris dancing with small girls. Priyanka wrote in the Caption, 'This. It took 243 years to break the glass ceiling. Daughter of immigrants.

A tough American woman.

More power to you! You deserve every moment of this joyful dance! A very happy moment for women fighting for their place under the sun @KamalaHarris' ...

#10 | Posted by LampLighter at 2024-07-23 10:25 PM

@#8 ... Since the GOP made age an issue; so be it. ...

Not just age, but also misspeaking.

Yup. So be it.

Will the GOP hopes on carpet-bagger Vance save them?

Too soon to tell.

#11 | Posted by LampLighter at 2024-07-23 10:28 PM

Not only does he look older but his ideas are old, video at link:

Trump says he is modeling his Project 2025 plan for mass detention camps after a 1950s military-style operation called "Operation -------" and says "nobody complained" about it back then


MAGA aka make it the 1950.

BTW, I like this update on MAGA I've been seeing online:

MALA=Make America Laugh Again with videos of Kamala laughing.

#12 | Posted by Gal_Tuesday at 2024-07-23 10:38 PM

@#12 ... videos of Kamala laughing. ...

I would have gone with her coconut tree meme.

But then, I'm not a desperate MAGA campaign official.


#13 | Posted by LampLighter at 2024-07-23 10:48 PM

@#12 ... MAGA aka make it the 1950. ...

Be careful with that excerpt. Ya need to be specific about the 1950's.

... Trump says he is modeling his Project 2025 plan for mass detention camps after a 1950s military-style operation called "Operation -------" and says "nobody complained" about it back then...

He could also cite the internment of Japanese citizens during WWII.

That aside, and my point here...

The 1950's represented a huge increase in the wealth of the middle class in America.

So singling out one aspect of the 1950's, I have issues ...

If fmr Pres Trump truly wants to return to the 1950's and bring more wealth to the middle class, then his goal of tax cuts for the uber-wealthy just will not cut it.

#14 | Posted by LampLighter at 2024-07-23 10:57 PM

Is it true the demented orange pedo is demanding that all future debates be held on Epstein Island because that's where he's most comfortable?

#15 | Posted by reinheitsgebot at 2024-07-23 11:52 PM

The fat orange criminal insurrectionist must be worried because in his tweets (or whatever they are called now) he refers to himself as "young". Uh huh. Compared to, maybe, Strom Thurmond? Go back to Studio 54 old man ...

#16 | Posted by catdog at 2024-07-24 09:06 AM

For a man of 78 Trump looks terrible, especially that turkey waddle neck that flops back and forth when he walks.

I chalk it up to stress and all that comfort food he eats to fight off bouts of depression.

This last uppercut to the chin from President Biden probably added a couple extra challenges to sleeping well at night, as well.

#17 | Posted by Twinpac at 2024-07-24 12:46 PM

-For a man of 78 Trump looks terrible,

Isn't it nice to be free to post that?

With Biden out, you feel free to type that all day and night.

Sure, it makes it easy to accuse you of being a massive hypocrite to pretend it matters to you but nobody cares. It's still the truth

#18 | Posted by eberly at 2024-07-24 01:01 PM

-For a man of 78 Trump looks terrible,
Isn't it nice to be free to post that? With Biden out, you feel free to type that all day and night. [...] #18 | Posted by eberly

True! And Trump set the stage for that. ("Trump's Age, Fitness Arguments Backfire With Biden Exit" www.barrons.com )

Now, getting back to the mentally incompetent, morbidly obese, convicted felon, sexual assaulter, orange pustule to which the GOP has hitched its wagon ...

#19 | Posted by censored at 2024-07-24 01:12 PM

Nonsense! Trump looks mightier and smoother and golder than everer!

#20 | Posted by redlightrobot at 2024-07-24 01:31 PM

Trump couldn't communicate effectively or coherently during his first term, and that was nearly 8 years ago. He hid his lack of knowledge and understanding with bluster and showmanship, but everyone who pays attention is well aware of his game now. I think President Biden bowing out was a very shrewd move, as his own evidence of decline was drawing attention away from Trump's. With Diamond Joe out, there is now only one stumbling and bumbling elder who shouldn't be running for a 4-year term. Although to be fair, I suppose you could say that what Trump lacks in youth he makes up for in conviction(s).

#21 | Posted by El_Buscador at 2024-07-24 01:33 PM

If fmr Pres Trump truly wants to return to the 1950's and bring more wealth to the middle class, then his goal of tax cuts for the uber-wealthy just will not cut it.

Does that mean tax rates for the high income earners of 84.357% again?
Or maybe the early '60's when it was 91%

Oh! And there's this:

BTW - did you all hear the GOP "leaders" are frantic telling all their underlings to stop insulting Kamala Harris for being a woman? What's it say when you have to tell your party to stop being openly misogynist? I'm surprised there are leaders that get it!

#22 | Posted by YAV at 2024-07-24 01:34 PM

What's it say when you have to tell your party to stop being openly misogynist?

When you have to tell your party not to act like racists and misogynists, your party is probably racists and misogynists.

#23 | Posted by El_Buscador at 2024-07-24 01:40 PM

Trumps White House Christmas Address is magical. He's as deranged as Santa, you heathen!

#24 | Posted by redlightrobot at 2024-07-24 02:02 PM

-And Trump set the stage for that.

I would like to believe he was set up for that by planning having Biden appear very challenged leading to the questions about his cognitive abilities then he drops out and now that can be used against Trump for the rest of the campaign.

Trump so much as trips or stumbles or slurs or experiences any issues......he'll get hammered with it.

#25 | Posted by eberly at 2024-07-24 02:11 PM

I would like to believe he was set up for that by planning having Biden appear very challenged leading to the questions about his cognitive abilities then he drops out and now that can be used against Trump for the rest of the campaign.

Same thought crossed my mind, but I thought that was getting into tinfoil hat territory. Would be some beyond House of Cards political craftsmanship. Joe's been declining for years, so sadly no chance of that, I think.

Trump so much as trips or stumbles or slurs or experiences any issues......he'll get hammered with it. #25 | Posted by eberly

Yeah, although the impact of that will be far less than for Biden. People expected much from Biden, while with Trump it appears that him managing not to soil himself is considered a good day.

#26 | Posted by censored at 2024-07-24 02:26 PM

Dems need to be careful not to be too blatantly ageist considering a) Biden was set to be their nominee until this week and b) the American population is aging rapidly. It should be about the ability to do the job, not how many years somebody has on them.

I was talking to a guy I met at a bar recently about favorite beers and favorite foods. Then we got to talking about our college days. I told Charlie I had gotten my degree in the 1980s. The other guy said he was a member of the 1944 graduating class.

Wait, what?

Suddenly Charlie checked his watch, popped up from his seat and began hurrying toward the bar, explaining, "Happy hour ends in 10 minutes. Want another beer?" I said sure. "Two Pilsner Urquells," he told the bartender. Seconds later he's walking back to the table we were sharing. Before I could say anything else, he said, "I'm 97. I'll be 98 first week of August."

Swear to God, I thought this guy was 70-75 tops. No glasses, no hearing aid that I could tell, no cane or walker or anything else. Moved with the effortless fluidity of a 40-year-old. Obviously, he's the exception rather than the rule, but sheer numbers are no guarantee of one's mental and physical condition.

I'd rather focus on what a contemptuous, dishonest, hateful criminal Trump is.

#27 | Posted by cbob at 2024-07-24 03:07 PM

With Biden out, you feel free to type that all day and night.

Sure, it makes it easy to accuse you of being a massive hypocrite to pretend it matters to you but nobody cares. It's still the truth


Amazing the difference a day can make.

And Gee thanks for your permission. And you can bet we will! Welcome to American politics. So have fun swinging that purse.

Why are republicans running such an old feeble minded deranged candidate?

Trumpy is now the oldest American to ever run for the Presidency. What ever possessed republicans to chose such an ancient out of touch low energy candidate? Is that the best they could do?

Biden gave you an early clue but you all missed it.

When asked after a news conference while walking away who else could beat Trumpy he turned and glibly and prophetically said he could think of least 50 other democrats that could easily beat Trumpy.

And now Trumpy is afraid of being shot by one of his rabid supporters so now all his rallies will have to be held in his basement.

#28 | Posted by donnerboy at 2024-07-24 03:32 PM

"And Gee thanks for your permission"

#29 | Posted by Doc_Sarvis at 2024-07-24 03:36 PM

That would be some trick for conservatives to pull off: convincing an always cranky cantankerous ill-mannered narcissist to bow out so that a younger successor can lead the contest he is not morally or psychologically fit to be in.

#30 | Posted by Augustine at 2024-07-24 03:54 PM

Trump can't bow out even if he wanted to. He still has that deal between Russia and the GOP to carry out. This is his second shot at it. If Trump fails this time, Mr. Putin is going to be a very unhappy camper. And we all know what Mr. Putin does when he's unhappy with someone.

#31 | Posted by Twinpac at 2024-07-24 06:29 PM

Convicted felon djt has always struck me as deranged. But it is also obvious that campaigning is taking its toll on 'grandpa'. Doesn't he look old? Old and angry? Much more so than Uncle Joe ever did!

#32 | Posted by lduvall at 2024-07-25 09:57 AM

The convicted felon's life has always been full of lies...

He lied about bone spurs to dodge the draft.

He routinely lied to contractors who did work for him, refuse to pay and force them into bankruptcy. One even took his own life because of the financial stress.

He routinely sexually assaults and rapes women.

He raped a 12 year old.

He is a prominent passenger on the lolita express and frequently called up Epstein to make "massage" appointments.

He lied about the central park five and called for their execution even after DNA evidence cleared them.

He lied about being to busy as president to golf.

He lied about paying off the debt.

He lied about fixing health care.

He refused to release his medical records.

He refused to release his grades.

He refused to release his taxes.

He's been convicted of business fraud.

He stole from his charity.

He stole from injured veterans.

He stole from a children's cancer charity.

He stole through his fraud university.

He has settled dozens of lawsuits from children abused at Epsteins island to the tune of tens of millions of dollars.

He incited an insurrection.

He criminally was involved in the fake electors crimes.

He stole classified documents, refused to return them, claimed the FBI planted them then demanded them back, told employees to hide evidence, told them to destroy evidence, etc.

This is what the GOP thinks is someone who should have the nuclear codes.

They are a far bigger danger than he is.

#33 | Posted by Nixon at 2024-07-25 11:00 AM

#33 Yet he still a real danger to become President. For a second time.

So we know what the facts you listed say about him. But what does that one fact I just mentioned say about us?
Maybe it says that, as a country, we are more fixated on the flaws in others rather than the flaws in ourselves. Both individually and as a society.
And if we do turn our gaze inward and learn to recognize our own flaws, do we spend sufficient time on attempting to fix them? Or is just recognizing them while we continue to repeat them, over and over, all that we are ever capable of doing?

Just some gentle rhetoric, that's all. If it were any harsher, we'd be prone to either run away or get our dander up and say something foolish or unhelpful. A greater degree of ethos and logos. A lesser degree of pathos.

#34 | Posted by ExpectingReign at 2024-07-25 11:23 AM

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