Friday, January 31, 2025

Vance beats up a British Liberal

A Balliol man picked an intellectual fight with an American "hillbilly" yesterday, and guess who won? Yep, the "hillbilly". It was a showdown between JD Vance, the new American Vice President, and Rory Stewart, a podcaster. It started when Vance gave an interview to Fox News in which he outlined his Christian belief in a hierarchy of love. He said: "You love your family, and then you love your neighbour, and then you love your community, and then you love your fellow citizens in your own country, and then after that you can focus [on] the rest of the world." To all normal folk who have not partaken of the Kool-Aid of globalism, this will sound perfectly reasonable. Of course we love our own children more " incalculably more " than the children of far-flung nations.


---- off moron.

You can go ---- yourself.

Death to MAGA!

#1 | Posted by LegallyYourDead at 2025-01-31 03:12 PM

he outlined his Christian belief in a hierarchy of love. He said: "You love your family, and then you love your neighbour, and then you love your community, and then you love your fellow citizens in your own country, and then after that you can focus [on] the rest of the world."

What Jesus said about love
Love God: "Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind"
Love others: "Love your neighbor as yourself"
Love each other: "Love each other as I have loved you"
Sacrifice: "Greater love has no one than this: to lay down one's life for one's friends"
True love: "If God so loved us, we also ought to love one another"

who are you going to believe Jesus or Vance?

Even as an atheist I recognize the blasphemy of Vance's position.

#2 | Posted by truthhurts at 2025-01-31 03:16 PM

Vance is a ------. No wonder Bo-ass licks his balls.

#3 | Posted by LegallyYourDead at 2025-01-31 03:19 PM

Moar War. Gotta love Our Own first.

A "hierarchy" of love? Love is Abstract and without Mass.

One can love anything... Or Nothing at all. Including Family and Friends.

When people start talking about a Scale of love and who deserves it or not...

I get Hinky. He's just blabbering Nonsense. Dangerous Nonsense that leads to Nationalist Vainglory and War.

Hitler "Loved" Germany.

Nuff' Said.

#4 | Posted by Effeteposer at 2025-01-31 03:52 PM

I remember a certain former poster who said Liberals beat up a 7 year old. It was balderdash then as this one is now. Funny thing that.

#5 | Posted by LauraMohr at 2025-01-31 04:15 PM


#6 | Posted by hamburglar at 2025-01-31 04:19 PM


Science says otherwise.

Kin selection is real. Those that don't practice it, will not be in future generations.

#7 | Posted by oneironaut at 2025-01-31 04:23 PM

Even as an atheist I recognize the blasphemy of Vance's position.


Its not blasphemy, Vance articulated the views of Saint Thomas Aquinas.

Aquinas lays down a basic principle: "One's obligation to love a person is proportionate to the gravity of the sin one commits in acting against this love." Put differently, we're to love with greater devotion those for whom we have greater responsibility.

Simply hilarious the guy running around calling people ------- claims we should love everyone equally.

Do you love ------- same as your daughter?

TruthLies again.

#8 | Posted by oneironaut at 2025-01-31 04:31 PM

Christ you're an inchoate turd

Where do I call for loving everyone equally?

I reject the bronze age myths of people so ignorant that they shared brushes to scrub their asses with after defecating.

I am throwing his mythological beliefs back in his face showing him to be the hypocrite he so obviously is.

I have zero responsibility to love people who choose to act reprehensibly.

I am free to hate those who act hateful.

It is very liberating by the way.

#9 | Posted by truthhurts at 2025-01-31 04:57 PM

Only in Twoothy's world Vance saying he loves his kids more than other people's kids is reprehensible behavior and hypocritical.

#10 | Posted by BellRinger at 2025-01-31 07:37 PM

Patricide Jeff adores Vance because he terrorized Haitian kids.

#11 | Posted by reinheitsgebot at 2025-01-31 07:41 PM

---- you ----, take it up with jesus, Vance is ignoring his plain language teachings you ignorant ----

#12 | Posted by truthhurts at 2025-01-31 07:48 PM

1Nut the Theologian...... rofl!

22 Bible Verses on Welcoming Immigrants

#13 | Posted by Corky at 2025-01-31 07:54 PM


Jeff is a stupid ----.

#14 | Posted by LegallyYourDead at 2025-01-31 10:31 PM

- Jeff is a stupid ----.

Isn't that a movie title?

I always knew he'd make the big time!

#15 | Posted by Corky at 2025-01-31 11:15 PM

You're thinking of the art film, "Jeff has a stupid ----."

It's a little slow and some of the story doesn't make sense.

But it's up for the Eberly Award for most smelly.

#16 | Posted by ClownShack at 2025-01-31 11:28 PM

#16 | Posted by ClownShack

I think I saw that one on Netflix. Poor acting, but solid narrative.

#17 | Posted by rstybeach11 at 2025-01-31 11:32 PM

@#16 ... the Eberly Award ...

Hmmm. that has a certain ring to it ....

#18 | Posted by LampLighter at 2025-01-31 11:39 PM

" ---- you ----, take it up with jesus, Vance is ignoring his plain language teachings you ignorant ----

#12 | POSTED BY TRUTHHURTS AT 2025-01-31 07:48 PM | FLAG: "

You don't know squat about Catholicism. You cherry pick passages, take them as literally as possible to suit your narrative and ignore the rest. If the Bible was a literal document there would be no need for the Catholic Church.

#19 | Posted by BellRinger at 2025-02-01 09:46 AM

You don't know squat about Catholicism.

Yea! It's about hating minorities, the poor and the LGBTQ!!!

#20 | Posted by ClownShack at 2025-02-01 02:53 PM

You don't know squat about Catholicism. You cherry pick passages, take them as literally as possible to suit your narrative and ignore the rest. If the Bible was a literal document there would be no need for the Catholic Church.

#19 | Posted by BellRinger

I know plenty about Catholicism. And the current US treatment of migrants is horrific to the left and the right wings of it.

"If the Bible was a literal document there would be no need for the Catholic Church."

I don't even know what that means.

Nothing these days is a literal document when people choose their own definitions.

#21 | Posted by Dbt2 at 2025-02-01 08:35 PM

You don't know squat about Catholicism. You cherry pick passages, take them as literally as possible to suit your narrative and ignore the rest. If the Bible was a literal document there would be no need for the Catholic Church.

#19 | Posted by BellRinger

If you don't understand the core teachings of the catholic church that is on you dumbass.

The one consistent throughline of the jesus myth is loving others, turning the cheek, love your enemies, love your neighbors, helping the outcasts, the poor, the sick. There was no hierarchy in that love, that is, simply put, the exact opposite of what jesus supposedly preached.

But, you DO touch on the one joke of religion. You get that one thing right, that it is not literal (to some that isn't even true), so CONVENIENTLY it is open to the myriad selfish and self serving interpretations of -------- like you and vance.

But, again, to think that jesus said love this person, before this person before that person and if you ever get around to it the person over there, well you didn't pay attention to the nuns.

You've been informed and educated. Be a better person.

Truth Hurts


#22 | Posted by truthhurts at 2025-02-01 08:49 PM

" The one consistent throughline of the jesus myth is loving others, turning the cheek, love your enemies, love your neighbors, helping the outcasts, the poor, the sick. There was no hierarchy in that love, that is, simply put, the exact opposite of what jesus supposedly preached. "

None of it says love thy neighbor MORE than thy children. You hate ALL organized religion but especially hate Christianity and more so Catholicism.

You have no clue what you are talking about when you simplify scripture down to such simplicities. Perhaps schedule an interview with a local bishop and present it the way you've dumbed it down?

Do better.

#23 | Posted by BellRinger at 2025-02-01 11:45 PM

You're incapable of not lying.

Where did I say love they neighbor more than anyone.

You are a desperate turd trying to defend the indefensible. You simply cannot admit a mistake.

That makes you quite less than a man, but everyone already knows that.

If you don't think jesus was all about love, you are an ignorant ----.

He said love god
He said love your neighbor
he said the greatest love was to lay down your life for a friend (or another based on "interpretations")
He said to love your enemy

Only a conservative would rank love

I am curious

How does this work in practice: "You love your family, and then you love your neighbour, and then you love your community, and then you love your fellow citizens in your own country, and then after that you can focus [on] the rest of the world."

Like does one love your family until they are dead, then you love your neighbor until he is dead, then you love your community etc? How does that ranking work? Is it money? It's money isn't it? That's how a conservative thinks about love as the investment of money.

Face it ---- head your soul is gunk.

You are not a good person.

You've been informed and educated. Be a better person.

Truth Hurts

#24 | Posted by truthhurts at 2025-02-02 12:50 AM

JD Vance is wrong: Jesus doesn't ask us to rank our love for others

#25 | Posted by LauraMohr at 2025-02-02 01:06 AM


Your ignorance is astounding. I'll phrase it another way, even your simplified and hyper-literal interpretation of cherry-picked interpretation of scripture doesn't mandate that the degree of love between children, friends and enemies be equal.

Love doesn't work that way. But you think you've found some BS talking point to bash Vance. I'd love to see you try to debate that guy over the issue with cameras rolling.

Or similarly with a Catholic bishop. You'd get destroyed very quickly and would go into your usual petulant blood-rage because it's all you know how to do when challenged. You make JPW seem like the most modest person on the planet and that is truly remarkable.

#26 | Posted by BellRinger at 2025-02-02 01:33 AM

" Face it ---- head your soul is gunk." -Twoothy

Of your daughter were to get cancer and die, I'd be mortified and would feel terrible for you and my instinct would be to offer sincere condolences. I wouldn't though and I'll explain why ... .

Of my wife were to get cancer and die you'd laugh uproariously because you want to taste the tears of my grief.

So I wouldn't offer you condolences because you'd somehow construe it the same way -me being ------------ over your grief.

Marinate on that and enjoy the rest of the weekend.

#27 | Posted by BellRinger at 2025-02-02 01:48 AM

" None of it says love thy neighbor MORE than thy children."

ALL of it says love thy neighbor NO LESS than thyself OR thy children.

Vance is wanting a pecking order where Jesus clearly DID NOT.

FFS, Jesus' whole point is: the problem is VANCE's point of view.

#28 | Posted by Danforth at 2025-02-02 01:56 AM

Vance's comments align perfectly with the White Christian Nationalist Movement. They do not align with Jesus's teachings however.

#29 | Posted by LauraMohr at 2025-02-02 02:40 AM

"Love your neighbor as you love yourself."

--every religion for the last 5000 years

But when you're justifiably self-loathing --- like MAGAts, where does that leave you?

#30 | Posted by Dbt2 at 2025-02-02 08:24 AM


In this case Vance is correct. But if THIS is the hill you all want to die on, be my guest. BTW, he's stating the obvious. Do you love your wife more than you do the waiter who serves you breakfast on Sundays?

How about you, Twoothy? Do you love your daughter more than the guy who lives next door?

We all know the answer so can we dispense with this hypocrisy crap, especially since you all despise Christianity?

#31 | Posted by BellRinger at 2025-02-02 08:44 AM

How about you, Twoothy? Do you love your daughter more than the guy who lives next door?

We all know the answer so can we dispense with this hypocrisy crap, especially since you all despise Christianity?

#31 | Posted by BellRinger

It truly is breath taking how much you lie.

In this very thread I wrote:

Christ you're an inchoate turd

Where do I call for loving everyone equally?

I reject the bronze age myths of people so ignorant that they shared brushes to scrub their asses with after defecating.

I am throwing his mythological beliefs back in his face showing him to be the hypocrite he so obviously is.

I have zero responsibility to love people who choose to act reprehensibly.

I am free to hate those who act hateful.

It is very liberating by the way.

#9 | Posted by truthhurts

I am not bound by the bronze age myths.

You are once again proven to be an ignorant deceitful lying piece of ----. The proof could not be clearer.

But you will deny and/or disappear to return later to regurgitate the same lies.

You see Jeff, I have no problem hating people who act hateful.

I have no problem with NOT loving the likes of ----ler and YOU.

Because you have shown yourselves irredeemable.

But --------, I do believe in redemption. That every single human being has worth and is capable of change

Even you

But until you demonstrate change, REAL change. You deserve nothing but scorn for how you act.

Just to educate you a tad, shame can encourage change in a person. And scorn can induce shame.

But then there are people like you that appear to have no shame and that tack is less effective.

But maybe, just possibly, there is a nugget of conscience in your sick head and possibly, just maybe in can be encouraged to grow.

I am not hopeful, but the signs are there, retroactive distaste for W, being embarrassed to admit you support ----ler.

But, hey, ------- turd, I am an optimist

But until you prove otherwise

You are not a good person.

You've been informed and educated. Be a better person.

Truth Hurts

#32 | Posted by truthhurts at 2025-02-02 09:38 AM

Do you love your wife more than you do the waiter who serves you breakfast on Sundays?

How about you, Twoothy? Do you love your daughter more than the guy who lives next door?

We all know the answer so can we dispense with this hypocrisy crap, especially since you all despise Christianity?

#31 | Posted by BellRinger

Want to discuss the three types of love generally recognized by the Greeks at that time, and Jesus's whole thing about leave your families and follow me . . . to help bring about the kingdom? And what that kingdom entailed? You're entirely missing the point.

BTW, I neither practice nor despise Christianity. At all.

I swear, you and Boaz are just attention whores. No one could be as intentionally ignorant on a day-to-day basis.

#33 | Posted by Dbt2 at 2025-02-02 10:15 AM

" BTW, I neither practice nor despise Christianity. At all."

Good for you. My comment was directed at Danforth and Twoothy.

#34 | Posted by BellRinger at 2025-02-02 10:22 AM

" Where do I call for loving everyone equally?"

You are claiming Christianity does when it doesn't. "Equally" is not found in the scripture you are citing to try and smear Vance and all Christians, by proxy.

You define "morality" as a conformity to your political and social advocacies.

It's beyond immature, but here we are.

#35 | Posted by BellRinger at 2025-02-02 10:28 AM

" My comment was directed at Danforth"

Just admit you don't understand the meaning of the word "thuself", and leave it at that.

Love thy neighbor AS THYSELF.

Not third or fourth ... Equally.

You're either pretending to be ignorant, or you're not pretending.

#36 | Posted by Danforth at 2025-02-02 10:49 AM

" In this case Vance is correct."

Not if he's trying to represent Jesus. He's 180 degrees off, and completely misstates Jesus' position.

If you can't see the Vance says pecking order, while Christ said no pecking order, you're a moron.

#37 | Posted by Danforth at 2025-02-02 10:56 AM

" In this case Vance is correct."

Not according to Jesus's own words.

Luke 14:26
Jesus said that anyone who comes to him but does not leave their family behind cannot be his disciple. This includes prioritizing Jesus over their own lives.

Luke 18:28-30
Jesus said that those who leave their homes behind and choose God's kingdom over their family will receive eternal life.

Matthew 10:37
Jesus said that anyone who loves their family more than him is not worthy of him

#38 | Posted by donnerboy at 2025-02-02 11:27 AM

- you all despise Christianity?

In your bible, which you obviously don't read, it is the Church that falls away from God in the Last Days, and towards the Antichrist.... which is one of the ways he is recognized.

Now tell me, who has the Church fallen head over heels for lately?
Could he be the same person that perfectly fits ALL the other dozens of descriptions of him in your bible?


" #14) The Antichrist is revealed by the falling away " 2 Thessalonians 2:3

A remarkable and yet often overlooked meaning behind this verse is that the "falling away" " or those that leave the faith " will be tied in with the revealing of the man of sin. In other words, these two events are related, as those who fall away from the faith will fall TOWARDS the man of sin.

Thus, it is the falling away that reveals the Antichrist, as we simply need to look at those who have fallen away from the faith and see WHO they are gravitating towards. It's not simply a falling away for the sake of leaving the faith, but a falling away FROM Jesus Christ and TOWARDS the Antichrist.

This is exactly what we've seen over the past few years with many Christians and their love affair with Trump. While Trump's vileness would have been repulsive in any other politician, strangely Christians not only embraced him, but started talking about him as if he was a man of God.

Even worse, some Christians now consider Trump as the savior of America, putting him on the same level as Jesus. But to those of us who are watching, their falling away from the faith helps us identify who the Antichrist is, as we simply need to observe WHO they are embracing instead of Jesus."

from the 15 Ways video and transcript

#39 | Posted by Corky at 2025-02-02 11:33 AM

Everyone knows Jesus said, "Do unto Others before those bastards do unto you and steal your jobs!"

It's right there in Trumpy's Bible.

Like Lee Greenwood says:

I am proud to be an American! Where only white men get to be free !

Or was it proud to be a Canadian where at least I know healthcare is free! ?

He made so many versions for so many countries . Hard to keep up and tell which one is best.

#40 | Posted by donnerboy at 2025-02-02 11:42 AM

" Jesus said that those who leave their homes behind and choose God's kingdom over their family will receive eternal life. "

Nothing about loving less. Thanks for proving my point.


Couldn't be clearer.

#41 | Posted by Danforth at 2025-02-02 11:59 AM

"Thanks for proving my point."

Thank Jesus. That was His idea. Not mine. Just quoting the "red" section of the NT.

#42 | Posted by donnerboy at 2025-02-02 12:08 PM

"But if THIS is the hill you all want to die on, be my guest."

If this is the "hill" you wish to die defending go for it.

We can see that you all are really into trying to undermine democracy but good luck trying to undermine the Word of a God.

#43 | Posted by donnerboy at 2025-02-02 12:25 PM

-I am an optimist

Perhaps but your posts indicate otherwise.

But you're a child begging for attention so who knows what the truth is

#44 | Posted by eberly at 2025-02-02 12:37 PM

Of your daughter were to get cancer and die, I'd be mortified and would feel terrible for you and my instinct would be to offer sincere condolences. I wouldn't though and I'll explain why ... .

Of my wife were to get cancer and die you'd laugh uproariously because you want to taste the tears of my grief.

So I wouldn't offer you condolences because you'd somehow construe it the same way -me being ------------ over your grief.

Marinate on that and enjoy the rest of the weekend.

#27 | Posted by BellRinger

I want to circle back to this. Jeff has criticized me for the kids with cancer argument.

But what he doesn't see, because he is amoral ----, is that his whole argument is an example of his immorality.

Not ONCE have you seen this waste of space arguing against the people that actually took treatment and medicines away from children suffering from cancer. He has NEVER criticized them. Not once.

He can only find it in his heart to condemn me for pointing that fact out. That the people he support have stripped care from children with cancer

My anger is at the people causing that harm and the voters electing them. Jeff is mad at me for pointing it out.

Jeff is NOT a good person.

You've been informed and educated. Be a better person.

Truth Hurts

#45 | Posted by truthhurts at 2025-02-02 12:58 PM

BullBringer, who spreads nothing but lies and hate, along with the whole deplorable trumping MAGA cult, have no clue what Jesus Christ symbolizes.

They live their lives in antithesis to Christ's teachings.

#46 | Posted by Clownshack at 2025-02-02 01:08 PM

Since Biden had open border policies and skyrocketed the flood of illegal aliens, by Twoothy's "logic and morality" were his daughter to be raped and killed like Laken Riley I should laugh uproariously at his grief. Of course I would never do that but shoe on the other foot he certainly would and he's made that abundantly clear. Because, according to him, the mere election of Donald Trump translates to a shortage of cancer treatment.

Of course, that remains to be seen, but Twoothy regards his own predictions as gospel and as if they already happened. So, even if empirical evidence doesn't support it was we move forward he's decreed not only that it will happen, but that it's already happened.

But then, this is Twoothy we are dealing with.

#47 | Posted by BellRinger at 2025-02-02 01:35 PM

His track record beats you riding Johnny Turleys jock any day.

#48 | Posted by Alexandrite at 2025-02-02 01:37 PM

Since Biden had open border policies ...

Never happened, you're starting your post off with a lie, which makes reading the rest of it absolutely pointless.

You got anything better than this trolling bullshht?

#49 | Posted by ClownShack at 2025-02-02 01:38 PM

" His track record beats you riding Johnny Turleys jock any day.

#48 | POSTED BY ALEXANDRITE AT 2025-02-02 01:37 PM | FLAG: "

Piss off. He makes zero room for the concept of principled disagreement, engages in nonstop histrionics and treats his opinions as absolute fact. He makes JPW appear humble by comparison.

#50 | Posted by BellRinger at 2025-02-02 01:53 PM

Yeah, but here's the thing jeff, I don't have to lie to assign you a position. I have NEVER advocated for or supported open borders. Biden did not have open border policies. I can even point to the deal that ------- tanked to add more security to the border.

But I don't have to lie about magat scum removing medicines and treatment for kids with cancer. I simply don't

You see, the things is jeff, what you view as histrionics and arrogance is actually you arguing with a person with integrity.

I don't post lies, like you do.

I admit mistakes when I make the, unlike you

I do not post on issues I do not know or understand, unlike you.

When I post facts I can back them up, unlike you.

When I draw conclusions I support them with facts, unlike you.

You are a deceitful person deep in your soul, which corrupts your cognitive thought processes. You cannot conceive of someone who uses facts to make arguments

And when pointed out your errors, deceit or outright lies, you either double down or run like a bitch.

I am not arrogant I am confident.

You are arrogant because you lie and act like no one can see through your --------.


You are not a good person jeff.

You REALLY need to examine your life. I don't know what damage happened to you in your life, but you really are a disgusting human being.

You've been informed and educated. Be a better person.

Truth Hurts

#51 | Posted by truthhurts at 2025-02-02 02:13 PM

-I admit mistakes when I make the, unlike you

Like when you tried to out a poster's personal identity?

Because he was kicking your ass into oblivion?

Those mistakes?

#52 | Posted by eberly at 2025-02-02 02:19 PM

Piss off. He makes zero room for the concept of principled disagreement, engages in nonstop histrionics and treats his opinions as absolute fact. He makes JPW appear humble by comparison.

#50 | Posted by BellRinger

Oh, btw, I must admit you do come up with some hilarious posts once in a while.

YOU, of all people, claiming principled disagreement.

I cannot, that is simply some next level humor right there, bravo.

BTW not that you will understand or admit, I DO have plenty of room for principled disagreement.

Example, I am an avid follower of the Bulwark podcast, which is made up of former Republicans. Me being an arch liberal have numerous issues with many of their positions, but I can respect them. I can respect their positions for example on why Harris lost and still disgree strongly with them.

But, you see, you are fascist magat scum. I hold you in utter contempt. I have zero respect for you and I do not believe a single solitary thing you write. NOTHING whatsoever. So, when you say I have not room for principled disagreement, that is because YOU have no principles for me to disagree with. that is a fact, until YOU prove otherwise.

I freely admit I can be an -------. I own that. But, it is my belief that people respect me. That is FAR more important to me then whether magat scum like me or think I am reasonable or debate in principled disagreement. Because you are fascist scum. I will fight fascist scum till my last breath.

I wonder why you don't.

You've been informed and educated. Be a better person.

Truth Hurts

#53 | Posted by truthhurts at 2025-02-02 02:22 PM

And let me give you a quick example

Just a couple of days ago you were arguing, essentially, that undocumented immigrants do not have rights because their deportation is not a criminal matter.

I posted numerous facts refuting that and detailing how your position is simply and obviously false. I posted supreme court cases, the constitution and the legal and logical basis for those rights.

You could not admit you were wrong. Hey, I could even see your original position as a hastily thought out comment.

But you are incapable of being a man and admitting a mistake.

Cause that is who you are.

So, you flailed around trying to insult me and obfuscating the point.

But you made a mistake and were called out on it.

Your response was to lie and refuse to admit your mistake

And, I predict, even today you won't be able to admit that mistake, certainly not without conditions.

But, again that is who you are

You are not a good person.

You've been informed and educated. Be a better person.

Truth Hurts

#54 | Posted by truthhurts at 2025-02-02 02:27 PM

I swear, you and Boaz are just attention whores. No one could be as intentionally ignorant on a day-to-day basis.

They are not attention whores, they are plain whores.
They are both on the Kremlin's payroll.

#55 | Posted by a_monson at 2025-02-02 07:33 PM

I swear, you and Boaz are just attention whores. No one could be as intentionally ignorant on a day-to-day basis.

They are not attention whores, they are plain whores.
They are both on the Kremlin's payroll.

#56 | Posted by a_monson at 2025-02-02 07:34 PM

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