A Balliol man picked an intellectual fight with an American "hillbilly" yesterday, and guess who won? Yep, the "hillbilly". It was a showdown between JD Vance, the new American Vice President, and Rory Stewart, a podcaster. It started when Vance gave an interview to Fox News in which he outlined his Christian belief in a hierarchy of love. He said: "You love your family, and then you love your neighbour, and then you love your community, and then you love your fellow citizens in your own country, and then after that you can focus [on] the rest of the world." To all normal folk who have not partaken of the Kool-Aid of globalism, this will sound perfectly reasonable. Of course we love our own children more " incalculably more " than the children of far-flung nations.
Even as an atheist I recognize the blasphemy of Vance's position.
Its not blasphemy, Vance articulated the views of Saint Thomas Aquinas.
Aquinas lays down a basic principle: "One's obligation to love a person is proportionate to the gravity of the sin one commits in acting against this love." Put differently, we're to love with greater devotion those for whom we have greater responsibility.
Simply hilarious the guy running around calling people ------- claims we should love everyone equally.
Do you love ------- same as your daughter?
TruthLies again.
You don't know squat about Catholicism.
Yea! It's about hating minorities, the poor and the LGBTQ!!!
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