How about you, Twoothy? Do you love your daughter more than the guy who lives next door?
We all know the answer so can we dispense with this hypocrisy crap, especially since you all despise Christianity?
#31 | Posted by BellRinger
It truly is breath taking how much you lie.
In this very thread I wrote:
Christ you're an inchoate turd
Where do I call for loving everyone equally?
I reject the bronze age myths of people so ignorant that they shared brushes to scrub their asses with after defecating.
I am throwing his mythological beliefs back in his face showing him to be the hypocrite he so obviously is.
I have zero responsibility to love people who choose to act reprehensibly.
I am free to hate those who act hateful.
It is very liberating by the way.
#9 | Posted by truthhurts
I am not bound by the bronze age myths.
You are once again proven to be an ignorant deceitful lying piece of ----. The proof could not be clearer.
But you will deny and/or disappear to return later to regurgitate the same lies.
You see Jeff, I have no problem hating people who act hateful.
I have no problem with NOT loving the likes of ----ler and YOU.
Because you have shown yourselves irredeemable.
But --------, I do believe in redemption. That every single human being has worth and is capable of change
Even you
But until you demonstrate change, REAL change. You deserve nothing but scorn for how you act.
Just to educate you a tad, shame can encourage change in a person. And scorn can induce shame.
But then there are people like you that appear to have no shame and that tack is less effective.
But maybe, just possibly, there is a nugget of conscience in your sick head and possibly, just maybe in can be encouraged to grow.
I am not hopeful, but the signs are there, retroactive distaste for W, being embarrassed to admit you support ----ler.
But, hey, ------- turd, I am an optimist
But until you prove otherwise
You are not a good person.
You've been informed and educated. Be a better person.
Truth Hurts