
Drudge Retort: The Other Side of the News
Friday, March 15, 2024

7.6% of adults in the U.S. now identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender or another sexual orientation besides heterosexual, according to a Gallup survey released Wednesday. `



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More from the article...

... 7.6% of adults in the U.S. now identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender or another sexual orientation besides heterosexual, according to a Gallup survey released Wednesday.

Why it matters: That's a new record for adults who identify as LGBTQ+, a community that's grown by over four percentage points since 2012.

What's inside: The survey found that women are nearly twice as likely as men to identify as LGBTQ+.

- - - Bisexuality is the most common form of LGBTQ+ identification among women, while gay and bisexual are the most common among men.

- - - Generation Z (those born between 1997 and 2012) was by far more likely to identify as LGBTQ+ than any other generation.

Of note: Almost three in 10 (28.5%) Gen Z women identify as LGBTQ+. ...

[the usual excellent graphic in the article]

#1 | Posted by LampLighter at 2024-03-13 08:50 PM | Reply


Two Nice Girls - I Spent My Last $10.00 (On Birth Control and Beer) (1989)

Lyrics excerpt...

When I was a young girl like normal girls do
I looked to a woman's love to help get me through
I never needed any more than a feminine touch
I hated the thought of kissing a man, it really was too much
I did not drink, I did not smoke, I did not say "goddamn"
I was polite, I was sensitive before I loved a man
My family, they were proud of me were proud of what I am
But then along came Lester and my tell of woe began

I spent my last ten dollars on birth control and beer
My life was so much simpler when I was sober and queer
But the love of a strong hairy man has turned my head I fear
And made me spend my last ten bucks on birth control and beer

[Verse 2]
It was June 1983 when Mary Lou and I did part
She said she loved another ----, my god it broke my heart
I was bitter and disillusioned to lose another girlfriend

But Lester came to work at Papa's store and decided to ease on in
Before my last heartbreak nothing made me more sick
Than a hairy-chested, cheap double-breasted suited man with a---------

I guess that I was curious, heck I guess that I was young
I guess it was that old rum and coke I guess that I was dumb

For of course, for a woman to love a man she must also love to booze
If a woman don't drink beside her man then she will surely lose him
As I sit in this hetero honky-tonk and reflect upon my past

I think about those old girlfriends and why they did not last
For there's certain thrills that lesbian love simply cannot supply

Like paying for abortions from sperm gone awry
And so I say to you my friends without this man I'd die
So listen to my tell of woe and hang your head and cry

#2 | Posted by LampLighter at 2024-03-13 08:57 PM | Reply

"Generation Z (those born between 1997 and 2012) was by far more likely to identify as LGBTQ+ than any other generation."

Part of the trend, no doubt, is lessening of the stigma over time. Another part is understanding the question itself: To Gen Z (and others), the "+" is supporters and allies.

#3 | Posted by Danforth at 2024-03-13 11:39 PM | Reply

@#3 ... Part of the trend, no doubt, is lessening of the stigma over time. ...


(I had a multi-word response (oh so many "multi", but decided upon the above.)

#4 | Posted by LampLighter at 2024-03-13 11:47 PM | Reply

@#3 ... To Gen Z (and others), the "+" is supporters and allies. ...

OK, I broke this part of your comment out separately because I also agree about that "+" aspect. And that is what I think is important here.

The folk who seem to say, ~I don't care, I love you for you.~

#5 | Posted by LampLighter at 2024-03-13 11:50 PM | Reply

Another part is understanding the question itself: To Gen Z (and others), the "+" is supporters and allies.


Is that specified in the question, though, and reported in the results?

I always thought of the + as inclusive of the players to be named later. Since here, we can add TIA, and maybe another A, I forget.

These days "down for something" means the same as "up for something."

It doesn't matter what it means to a certain cohort. Forty to eighty percent of the country doesn't like the way this country is going. That tells you nothing if people think it's lurching in opposite directions.

#6 | Posted by Dbt2 at 2024-03-13 11:56 PM | Reply

Sorry. PIA.

#7 | Posted by Dbt2 at 2024-03-13 11:57 PM | Reply

"Is that specified in the question, though"

It looks like the "+" was part of the question. It got left out of the headlines, which becomes misleading.

Let me ask: what does the "+" mean to you?

#8 | Posted by Danforth at 2024-03-14 09:13 AM | Reply

8. I posted that earlier.

"I always thought of the + as inclusive of the players to be named later. Since here, we can add [P]IA, and maybe another A, I forget."

The acronym has emerged over time. It's gone from LGB to LGBT to LGBTQ, and instead of updating with the newly identified group or offending any left out, LGBTQ+ has become a handy and inclusive shorthand.

I could go on. Did I trip any buttons?

#9 | Posted by Dbt2 at 2024-03-14 10:22 AM | Reply

I saw more numbers.

It's mostly females at a ratio about 2 to 1.

Women might be more interested in experimenting but it's a harder concept for young men to consider giving a friend a bj.

#10 | Posted by BillJohnson at 2024-03-14 03:13 PM | Reply


It was either + or etc.

#11 | Posted by BillJohnson at 2024-03-14 03:15 PM | Reply

If someone asked me today if I consider myself a member of LGBTQIA+, this straight guy would say yes.

Folks either know what the "plus" means, or they don't. I wouldn't take too much stock in the overall numbers without including that factor.

#12 | Posted by Danforth at 2024-03-14 03:20 PM | Reply

Agreed. Unless it was spelled out up front, I wouldn't put any stock in the numbers at all. You can't trust that everyone's denotations are the same, especially in an area so fluid.

I'm glad you would say that. I'd say I'm straight but support LGBTQIAP++ rights.

I'm not LGBTQIAP++, just like Bill Clinton wasn't the first Black president, as hep as he'd like himself to be presented.

#13 | Posted by Dbt2 at 2024-03-14 03:42 PM | Reply


Yes, much simpler. Thank you.

#14 | Posted by Dbt2 at 2024-03-14 03:43 PM | Reply

Women might be more interested in experimenting but it's a harder concept for young men to consider giving a friend a bj.

It's easier for girls to eat box than for boys to slob knob?

Please, share your insights.

What lead you to such a conclusion?

#15 | Posted by ClownShack at 2024-03-14 03:55 PM | Reply


Ask around and you'll see a lot of girls have practiced kissing with another girl.

Boys? Nope. They don't.

That doesn't make them gay or bi.

Just saying girls would be more likely to experiment than boys.

Btw...Dan. Have you told your family you secretly long for a man?

You better act on it or the gay police will attack you for not being your true self.

#16 | Posted by BillJohnson at 2024-03-14 06:00 PM | Reply

Ask around and you'll see a lot of girls have practiced kissing with another girl.


Kissing is nothing.

Especially amongst women. Because no one cares.

There's no negative stigma associated with two girls kissing.

It's usually when they're drunk and everyone cheers.

That doesn't mean anything. They're not gonna get down. They're gonna go back to their boyfriends and everyone will be laughing.

#17 | Posted by ClownShack at 2024-03-14 06:06 PM | Reply


"There's no negative stigma associated with two girls kissing."

That is my point.

There is a stigma associated with 2 boys kissing. And it's not taught. It is a natural feeling we're born with. Most cultures throughout time with no contact have similar reactions. There are exceptions but what I've said has been the rule.

Some people would argue that's the whole point. The stigma should not exist for boys to kiss and be reprogrammed out of society.

Good luck with that.

#18 | Posted by BillJohnson at 2024-03-14 07:18 PM | Reply

" There is a stigma associated with 2 boys kissing. And it's not taught. It is a natural feeling we're born with."

--------. Link or stink.

#19 | Posted by Alexandrite at 2024-03-14 07:23 PM | Reply | Newsworthy 1

"Boys? Nope. They don't."

That's cultural.
That's also your cultural belief.

#20 | Posted by snoofy at 2024-03-14 07:30 PM | Reply

Boys Don't Cry.

That's cultural oppression too.

And as an English boy at the time, you're encouraged not to show your emotion to any degree. And I couldn't help but show my emotions when I was younger. I never found it awkward showing my emotions. I couldn't really continue without showing my emotions; you'd have to be a pretty boring singer to do that. So I kind of made a big thing about it. I thought, Well, it's part of my nature to rail against being told not to do something'.[4]
Wikipedia link probably won't make it,

#21 | Posted by snoofy at 2024-03-14 07:32 PM | Reply

" Btw...Dan. Have you told your family you secretly long for a man?"

Why should I? I don't.

That said, I've worked in the arts for almost 50 years. I've always fought for my fellow workers to be treated as equal citizens.

Clearly, in your world, that means you want to sleep with a guy.

#22 | Posted by Danforth at 2024-03-14 07:49 PM | Reply

There is a stigma associated with 2 boys kissing.

There used to be a stigma associated with a white person kissing a black person.

#23 | Posted by ClownShack at 2024-03-14 08:12 PM | Reply


"--------. Link or stink."

You live in "men can have babies" culture so anything I post would be discounted.

#24 | Posted by BillJohnson at 2024-03-14 08:40 PM | Reply

So post it.

#25 | Posted by Alexandrite at 2024-03-14 08:47 PM | Reply

What have you got to lose?

#26 | Posted by Alexandrite at 2024-03-14 08:47 PM | Reply

Ask around and you'll see a lot of girls have practiced kissing with another girl.
Boys? Nope. They don't.
That doesn't make them gay or bi.
Just saying girls would be more likely to experiment than boys.
Btw...Dan. Have you told your family you secretly long for a man?
You better act on it or the gay police will attack you for not being your true self.

Amish and Mennonite men kiss each other with no backlash. Men kissing men is normal regardless of sexual orientation BillJohnson get over your self loathing bigotry. It would do you some good.

#27 | Posted by LauraMohr at 2024-03-14 09:14 PM | Reply

Alex Jones was right. They're turning the kids into gay frogs!

Seriously though, they're finding microplastics and endocrine disrupters in everything. It does actually make you wonder how much that contributes to the increasing number of LGBT+ vs just increased social acceptance.

#28 | Posted by zeropointnrg at 2024-03-14 09:15 PM | Reply | Newsworthy 1

"Greet each other with a holy kiss."

"Some Christians today might be surprised to learn that the apostles command us, five times, to "greet [each other] with a holy kiss" (Romans 16:16; 1 Corinthians 16:20; 2 Corinthians 13:12; 1 Thessalonians 5:26; or "kiss of love," 1 Peter 5:14).

Really? How's that supposed to work? When you arrive at church? When you cross paths during the week? And is it okay that many of us today, at least in my Christian circles, are not obeying this command? Or are we?"

This is one of those questions I like to ask holier than thou types... did you guys kiss each other when you got church today?

#29 | Posted by Corky at 2024-03-14 10:01 PM | Reply

That's cultural.
That's also your cultural belief.

Idk culture at some level rarely goes against nature.

You can make laws and such, like they did against homosexuality.

While the range maybe large, there is low variance. And that's all you guys are arguing over.

One is arguing low variance the other wide range.

#30 | Posted by oneironaut at 2024-03-14 10:14 PM | Reply

"Idk culture at some level rarely goes against nature."

What's that supposed to mean?

#31 | Posted by snoofy at 2024-03-14 10:20 PM | Reply

It's easier for girls to eat box than for boys to slob knob?


BTW, congratulations. Gonna be awhile til AI spews out that sentence.

Unless you're quoting something.

#32 | Posted by Dbt2 at 2024-03-14 10:55 PM | Reply

That poetry was home spun.

51 shades of ClownShack.

#33 | Posted by ClownShack at 2024-03-15 12:11 AM | Reply | Funny: 1

I have seen this coming for a long time. I think it was first reported last year.

#34 | Posted by GalaxiePete at 2024-03-15 01:14 PM | Reply

Have you thought they are screwing the numbers on purposes because it is non of anyone's business?

#35 | Posted by FLMason at 2024-03-15 09:10 PM | Reply

Imagine identifying as mentally ill

#36 | Posted by THEBULL at 2024-03-16 04:33 AM | Reply


"Men kissing men is normal regardless of sexual orientation BillJohnson get over your self loathing bigotry."

You have your opinions about who I am but you don't really know me.

The truth is for me men kissing is lovely and natural. I have no issues with men kissing although I am aware a lot of straight people do.

#37 | Posted by BillJohnson at 2024-03-17 12:21 AM | Reply | Funny: 1

The truth is for me men kissing is lovely and natural. I have no issues with men kissing although I am aware a lot of straight people do.

#37 | Posted by BillJohnson

If it's natural why do you fight against your nature and against the way god made you?

#38 | Posted by SpeakSoftly at 2024-03-17 02:04 AM | Reply

Imagine identifying as mentally ill

#36 | Posted by THEBULL

That's what trump supporters do every morning when they look in the mirror.

#39 | Posted by SpeakSoftly at 2024-03-17 02:05 AM | Reply | Newsworthy 1

PPPFFTTTT! At their age, they are just horny.. ready to hump anything. There are just fewer social restrictions. All that $#!t they called curious sexual experiments are now preferences.

#40 | Posted by RightisTrite at 2024-03-17 05:29 AM | Reply

Yawn. I pay all of them no mind. I like women and opposite sex. They are different with different attributes and qualities etc in many aspects.

Btw queer is much easier to say than all the multi letter syllables and ++connotations.

But I find the special months and protected class BS. It is totally divisive and devious as politicians love to play and divide the sheep.

#41 | Posted by Robson at 2024-03-17 08:38 AM | Reply


"If it's natural why do you fight against your nature and against the way god made you?"

You suggest I should leave my wife or cheat on my wife?

I actually like being married to her.

Being married to a woman conforms to my values and is the way God made me.

#42 | Posted by BillJohnson at 2024-03-17 04:26 PM | Reply


"If it's natural why do you fight against your nature and against the way god made you?"

You suggest I should leave my wife or cheat on my wife?

I actually like being married to her.

Being married to a woman conforms to my values and is the way God made me.

#42 | Posted by BillJohnson

You like having a buddy who does house chores. You're depriving her of having a real husband.

God made you gay. Just like he makes some wild animals gay.

#43 | Posted by SpeakSoftly at 2024-03-17 04:33 PM | Reply


Over the years I have learned there are a lot of married men in my situation who secretly meet up with men for sex.

Their wives are either unaware or in denial or turning a blind eye to their husband's lack of commitment to their marriage.

To be sure, it's a complicated situation for the man, the marriage and the wife.

My sort of marriage certainly requires complete openness and honesty. Being honest with yourself and with your spouse. I know exactly who I am. Unlike married men who have not been with men although they feel the desire, I have been with quite a few.

I experienced living among gays and gay relationships and have read enough to see that in many ways things have never changed. A major issue for me was that monogamy was and still is the exception for gay relationships although a lot of gay men long for it. I've seen how difficult it is when you're talking about 2 testosterone driven males. It takes a lot of discipline especially when you live in a culture what casual sex is flaunted.

I loved many men over the years during my youth and saw what that did to the older gays I knew who loved and lost again and again. They became disillusioned with the idea of long-term relationships and so many lived alone once the bloom of youth is gone.

I met a girl and fell in love and discovered the joy of straight sex.

This is the real me as much as being with men was.

#44 | Posted by BillJohnson at 2024-03-17 05:09 PM | Reply

Being married to a woman conforms to my values and is the way God made me.

Based on the majority of your posts, you suffer from severe mental illness.

#45 | Posted by ClownShack at 2024-03-17 05:29 PM | Reply


"Based on the majority of your posts, you suffer from severe mental illness"

And what possibly qualifies you to make that determination?

Personally, I believe people who make those kinds of statements have personality disorders.

#46 | Posted by BillJohnson at 2024-03-17 05:40 PM | Reply

Once you've had a Clown, you'll never go back!

Or so that's what I hear.

#47 | Posted by Corky at 2024-03-17 05:45 PM | Reply

I met a girl and fell in love and discovered the joy of straight sex.

This is the real me as much as being with men was.

#44 | Posted by BillJohnson

So you're bi.

And you vote for a party who prosecutes and torments people like you.

Like a black person fighting for the confederacy.

#48 | Posted by SpeakSoftly at 2024-03-17 06:13 PM | Reply

Comments are closed for this entry.

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