I love how all you 'armchair quarterbacks' and 'habitual complainers'
always forget that, despite online conspiracy theories to the contrary,
America does not run a worldwide Empire. No, they lead several 'regional'
collectives of like minded countries.
Hence, America, though long allied w Israel, cannot dictate Israeli policy.
While there are some 'again, conspiracy aherents on the right that think we can
or do' that is not the case. And Bibi has shown time and time again throughout
history that he is marching to his own drummer and agenda.
Then you have to factor in history. And all of the years of building up the Jewish
presence in the Middle East, in their 'sacred homeland'. Britain and America helped create
what became modern day Israel. The British through prior occupation of the region, and later
America (through the United Nations) when Britain signaled that they were giving up and packing it in.
America has stood by and helped foster its independence through decades of arms sales to defend itself.
Have all of the decisions around Israel been wise decisions, most certainly not. But who knew how
this was going to play out back when Israel declared its Independence back in 1948? Hindsight is
always 20/20, but few can see the future with any degree of clarity.
So Israel has turned away (for the time being) from taking American Advice, and have charted their
own direction. And America (who has invested so much in the Jewish State--in great part, I believe,
due to the guilt and obligation felt at the end of the Holocaust in World War II) continues to back
the state, albeit, less certainly that before.
It is Israel, and more to the point, it is Bibi and his hardline coalition of Jewish politics that has
turned Israel down this dark path. America (ever stuck in a hard place it seems) cannot afford to back
and condone some of the atrocities committed by BiBi's war lust, but at the same time, with so much invested,
and Arab Allies in the region running thin, America cannot afford to let her fall.
Politics is complicated. Politics is messy. And allegiances come and go. None of it, is certainly as easy
as some of you would make it sound.