
Drudge Retort: The Other Side of the News
Thursday, August 15, 2024

While appearing on "The Portal" podcast in April 2020, Sen. JD Vance (R-OH) agreed with host Eric Weinstein's claim that "postmenopausal females" exist just to help take care of children.



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...Sen. JD Vance (R-OH) agreed with host Eric Weinstein's claim that "postmenopausal females" exist just to help take care of children. ...


This guy is a VP candidate?

#1 | Posted by LampLighter at 2024-08-14 05:56 PM | Reply


JD Vance's Approval Rating Is Worst Among Boomers

... More than half of older voters, known as Baby Boomers, hold an unfavorable opinion of Ohio Senator JD Vance, the Republican vice presidential nominee, according to a poll.

A Big Village survey of 1,001 adults shows that 40.5 percent said they have an unfavorable view of Donald Trump's running mate while 37.7 percent hold a favorable view of him, giving the vice presidential hopeful a net rating of minus 2.8 percent.

When broken down further, the survey shows that respondents aged 59-77 are the demographic which have the worst opinion [52.2 percent unfavorable] of Vance, including 46.3 percent who hold a "very unfavorable" view of him. In comparison, 40.5 percent of Boomers hold a favorable view of Vance, giving him a total net favorable rating of minus 11.7 percent in the key voting demographic.

The survey is the latest worrying poll for Vance since he was confirmed as Trump's vice presidential pick for the 2024 election. ...

#2 | Posted by LampLighter at 2024-08-14 05:58 PM | Reply | Newsworthy 1

Taking care of grandchildren?

Why limit them so much?

Not sure you heard, but they're pretty good and cooking and cleaning too.

#3 | Posted by ClownShack at 2024-08-14 06:02 PM | Reply

Soooo, JV read the Handmaid's Tail and adopted it as his world-view. Weird book for a gender-fluid self-hating gay person to choose.

#4 | Posted by _Gunslinger_ at 2024-08-14 10:01 PM | Reply

Belldingalinger hates to admit, but J.D mascara man is right

#5 | Posted by ChiefTutMoses at 2024-08-14 10:06 PM | Reply

I can't wait to hear what Morning Mika, who holds a women's conference for her 50 over 50 list each year, has to say about this lastest Vance "bon mot". The more these interviews are uncovered, the more I understand why JD was willing to run with such a womanizer and misogynst as Trump.

#6 | Posted by Gal_Tuesday at 2024-08-14 10:15 PM | Reply

@#6 ... The more these interviews are uncovered, the more I understand why JD was willing to run with such a womanizer and misogynst as Trump. ...

I've said it before, and i will say it again.

Contrary to the usual, fmr Pres trump seemed to have picked a clone of himself as his VP pick.

For that I ask, is fmr Pres Trump expecting a need to step down and hand the reins to his VP pick?

I mean, why else would he pick a VP candidate who does not expand his appeal?

Why pick a clone?

#7 | Posted by LampLighter at 2024-08-14 10:24 PM | Reply

Belldingalinger hates to admit, but J.D mascara man is right

He believes people like Trump and Vance and McConnell and Lindsay and Johnson and Thomas and Alito better represent him.

They all hate the same.

Hate is a strong emotion and will get people to do a lot of things they wouldn't if they just took a deep breath and relaxed.

#8 | Posted by ClownShack at 2024-08-14 10:25 PM | Reply

Why pick a clone?

He's basically promising MAGAts they will control this nation should he die while in office.

#9 | Posted by ClownShack at 2024-08-14 10:26 PM | Reply

Explains the purpose?.... this doesn't end well does it?

He doesn't say something like to continue their careers so as they can to provide wisdom to upcoming Generations or to lead their best life he says something stupid doesn't he?

#10 | Posted by Tor at 2024-08-14 10:31 PM | Reply

The size of Ashley Furniture's Michigan rally spurs laughter.

#11 | Posted by reinheitsgebot at 2024-08-14 10:38 PM | Reply

Shady Vance's messages:

Breeding age women are livestock.

Rapists can pick the mothers of their children.

People who don't have kids have no say in government.

Post menopausal women are only good for free daycare for the breeders.

Women who are beaten by their partner need to suck it up and stay in the marriage.

I am sure these are going to play very well with independent women in swing states.

I saw an interview with Frank Luntz who played the tape of a focus group of former Orange Pedo/Brainworm voters who switched to Harris and the women listed Shady Vance as the reason why they changed.

Uday and Qusay did their daddy proud by pushing Ashley Furniture onto him.

#12 | Posted by Nixon at 2024-08-15 10:07 AM | Reply | Newsworthy 2

Why pick a clone?

He's basically promising MAGAts they will control this nation should he die while in office.

#9 | Posted by ClownShack at 2024-08-14 10:26 PM | Reply | Flag

There is a few reasons:

His support of toxic white males was dropping and Shady boosts it.
He was pushed onto him by the toxic males Uday, Qusay and Tuckems.
Peter Theil and Elmo promised him millions of cash if he picked him and all he looked at was the promise of hundreds of millions of dollars flowing into him.
287 pages of research showed why Shady was bad choice and we all know he has the attention span of a toddler hopped up on pixie stix.
He is too lazy to do any research himself.

#13 | Posted by Nixon at 2024-08-15 10:11 AM | Reply

Eric Weinstein.

Anyone willing to go on that douchebag's popcase outs themselves as someone not worth listening to.

#14 | Posted by jpw at 2024-08-15 10:20 AM | Reply

What a weirdo.

#15 | Posted by reinheitsgebot at 2024-08-15 12:18 PM | Reply

I can't wait to hear what Morning Mika, who holds a women's conference for her 50 over 50 list each year, has to say about this lastest Vance "bon mot". The more these interviews are uncovered, the more I understand why JD was willing to run with such a womanizer and misogynst as Trump.

#6 | Posted by Gal_Tuesday

Don't you ladies worry your little heads about nothin'.

JV'll be along to mansplain more stuff in simple language y'all can understand (/facitious) :-)

#16 | Posted by AMERICANUNITY at 2024-08-15 05:44 PM | Reply

JD Vance Explains the Purpose of Postmenopausal Females

"Wrong! Women serve no purpose. Postmenopausal women, doubly so." *
* Except Ivanka ... for reasons
- This Message Proudly Brought to You by MNN (The MAGAt News Network)

#17 | Posted by censored at 2024-08-15 06:06 PM | Reply

He needs to go back in to the service and get a brain under TRICARE.

#18 | Posted by Yodagirl at 2024-08-15 06:56 PM | Reply

Democrats need to be really careful about getting suckered into the same place they were in 2016, where they're overconfident about their own candidate and underestimate their opponent. That's clearly what Trump's team is setting up right now.

#19 | Posted by sentinel at 2024-08-16 06:16 PM | Reply | Funny: 1

@#19 ... Democrats need to be really careful about getting suckered into the same place they were in 2016, where they're overconfident ...


That is a big concern of mine.

Overconfidence has killed many campaigns at the ballot box.

#20 | Posted by LampLighter at 2024-08-16 06:45 PM | Reply

That's clearly what Trump's team is setting up right now.


Ha! You're so funny!

Like the Trump team is actually capable of that level of rational thought or strategic thought.

Trumps strategy is just a remix of his old insults.

#21 | Posted by donnerboy at 2024-08-16 07:42 PM | Reply

"Ha! You're so funny!"

Stupid people always tell me that. You thought Trump had no strategy in 2016 beyond you saw at face value, and you were wrong then too. I don't think he'll win this time, but even Saint Michael Moore is warning you that Dems could blow this.

"Trumps strategy is just a remix of his old insults."

Do you really want to lose this badly to him? Trump understands marketing and showbusiness, and he's not going to waste his capital now, other than to just keep his name in the news. He knows that most of the electorate either doesn't really pay attention or doesn't have the attention span until the last couple of months before the election.

#22 | Posted by sentinel at 2024-08-16 08:56 PM | Reply

@#22 ... You thought Trump had no strategy in 2016 beyond you saw at face value, and you were wrong then too. ...

Wow, so, what was fmr Pres Trump's strategy in 2016?

#23 | Posted by LampLighter at 2024-08-16 09:12 PM | Reply

@#22 ... Trump understands marketing and showbusiness, and he's not going to waste his capital now, other than to just keep his name in the news. ...

But... I have to ask...

Is fmr Pres Trump increasing the number of voters who might cast a vote for him in the election booth?


Is fmr Pres Trump just trying to hold on to the voters thinks he already has in the bag?

At this point, in such a close campaign, the strategy is to increase support, not just maintain support.

So, what is fmr Pres trump doing to garner new supporters?

What's new about his current blathering that will get him new supporters come Election Day?


#24 | Posted by LampLighter at 2024-08-16 09:17 PM | Reply

The Republican Party is becoming the He - Man Women Haters Club before our eyes

#25 | Posted by truthhurts at 2024-08-16 10:38 PM | Reply

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