
Drudge Retort: The Other Side of the News
Sunday, September 08, 2024

The commander of a Navy destroyer that's helping protect the San Diego-based aircraft carrier USS Theodore Roosevelt in the Middle East has been relieved of duty about four months after he was seen in a photo firing a rifle with a scope mounted backward.



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... The image brought the Navy considerable ridicule on social media. The San Diego Union-Tribune reported that Cameron Yaste, commanding officer of the destroyer USS John McCain, was removed on Friday.

The Navy said Yaste was relieved of duty "due to a loss of confidence in his ability to command the guided-missile destroyer" that's currently deployed in the Gulf of Oman. The statement didn't elaborate about why Yaste was replaced.

In April, a photo posted on the Navy's social media showed Yaste in a firing stance gripping the rifle with a backward scope.

The military news outlet Stars and Stripes reported that the Marine Corps took a dig at the Navy, sharing a photo on its social media of a Marine firing a weapon aboard the amphibious assault ship USS Boxer. The caption read: "Clear Sight Picture." ...

#1 | Posted by LampLighter at 2024-09-07 12:19 AM | Reply

His name was Lamplighter.

#2 | Posted by oneironaut at 2024-09-07 12:20 AM | Reply

@#2 ... His name was Lamplighter. ...

Why, thank-you for the citation.

But I do have to say, what else yer got?

I mean, your current alias' comment merely underscores its weakness.

#3 | Posted by LampLighter at 2024-09-07 12:32 AM | Reply

He was seen in a photo firing a rifle with a scope mounted backward.

Should have played it off like he was handicapping himself. Because he's just that damn good!

"Can You Use a Scope Backwards?"

#4 | Posted by censored at 2024-09-07 08:05 PM | Reply

With this outcome it's tough not to feel that his crew set him up, or was testing him, due to previous loss of confidence experiences.

There's no way that all the folks who handled the rifle in the chain of custody didn't know it was backwards LOL. That includes the armorer who is the designated SME on board.

#5 | Posted by GOnoles92 at 2024-09-08 01:26 AM | Reply | Newsworthy 1

Reminded me of this photo:

#6 | Posted by AMERICANUNITY at 2024-09-08 03:49 PM | Reply

LMAO when coming across that pix a few months back - officer is a 'poser'.

#8 | Posted by MSgt at 2024-09-08 04:03 PM | Reply

This guy was allowed to run a war

#9 | Posted by RightisTrite at 2024-09-08 04:05 PM | Reply

So he got relieved with Duty for this blunder yet Trump was able to redraw a hurricane PATH map with a sharpie and nobody thought to remove him from office?

#10 | Posted by Tor at 2024-09-08 04:31 PM | Reply | Newsworthy 2

nobody thought to remove him from office?


As I recall they tried.


#11 | Posted by donnerboy at 2024-09-08 09:23 PM | Reply

The man worked hard building a career and then was blindsided by personnel who wamted tp destrpy jos career. GONOLES post is probably the truth. Someone was out to get him and the photo wasn't a coincidence.

#12 | Posted by danni at 2024-09-09 06:48 AM | Reply

He's a grown man. Anybody that's not legally blind can look through a scope and instantly know it is backwards.

If you're crew thinks that little of you that they'd set you up, knowing you're legally blind (or dumb), you can't be trusted with a $2.2 billion dollar destroyer.

#13 | Posted by sitzkrieg at 2024-09-09 07:40 AM | Reply | Newsworthy 1

"As I recall they tried.

Tried yes but not for that funk up and never by his cabinet and never by his own party and democrats knew their efforts would never get through.

#15 | Posted by Tor at 2024-09-09 01:22 PM | Reply

Go see who they replaced him with!

Looks like a Captain Christy has taken temporary command.

#16 | Posted by REDIAL at 2024-09-09 01:27 PM | Reply

"He's a grown man. Anybody that's not legally blind can look through a scope and instantly know it is backwards."

I bet he has shrunk a little after displaying that level of stupidity. And then allowing someone to take a picture of it too?


And now there is nowhere to hide. He will be lucky to be able to command a desk.

#17 | Posted by donnerboy at 2024-09-09 01:33 PM | Reply

The picture wasn't taken as a gag?

#19 | Posted by ClownShack at 2024-09-09 01:55 PM | Reply

"Looks like a Captain Christy" ... could easily kick your fat dumb arse.

#20 | Posted by donnerboy at 2024-09-09 03:10 PM | Reply

Captain Christy" ... could easily kick your fat dumb arse.

Good bet.

#21 | Posted by REDIAL at 2024-09-09 03:12 PM | Reply

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