Drudge Retort: The Other Side of the News
Saturday, September 28, 2024

Hezbollah confirmed Nasrallah's death in a statement released later on Saturday afternoon. The news came after the Israeli military said on Friday it had carried out a strike against Hezbollah's headquarters in Beirut, the capital of Lebanon. Nasrallah had led the Iranian-backed militia group in Lebanon for more than three decades.



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From another article that I quoted elsewhere:

"Hezbollah's central headquarters was intentionally built under residential buildings in the heart of the Dahiyeh in Beirut as part of Hezbollah's strategy of using Lebanese people as human shields," IDF Spokesman R.-Adm. Daniel Hagari stated in an evening address.
Hezbollah and Hamas M.O. Pretty impressive that Israel was able to minimize civilian casualties.

#1 | Posted by censored at 2024-09-28 08:19 AM | Reply

Hooray! A bad guy is dead. The world just got lighter.

#2 | Posted by lee_the_agent at 2024-09-28 09:43 AM | Reply

If Trump were in office this guy would be even dead-er!!

#3 | Posted by anton at 2024-09-28 10:58 AM | Reply

Putin's next.

#4 | Posted by LegallyYourDead at 2024-09-28 11:10 AM | Reply

Now that was some mighty fine shootin. Let me load er up!


#5 | Posted by donnerboy at 2024-09-28 11:28 AM | Reply

I watched the video of that and other strikes. They leveled about 6 buildings with that strike and went on to hit a lot of sites from Beirut to the border area. Totally a leadership decapitation by Israel. Hezbollah will most likely be in disarray.

#6 | Posted by GalaxiePete at 2024-09-28 11:48 AM | Reply


#7 | Posted by censored at 2024-09-28 12:15 PM | Reply

Do they think they can kill there way to where there is no hate?

#8 | Posted by Brennnn at 2024-09-28 12:25 PM | Reply

Do they think they can kill there way to where there is no hate?
#8 | Posted by Brennnn

Are you asking Hamas, HezzBawlzOff, and the Palestinians?

Israel can certainly reduce the number of rockets lobbed at them from Lebanon by killing. Which is their goal. Not any pollyannish
notions of winning the love of the Arabs who have sworn to kill them.

#9 | Posted by censored at 2024-09-28 12:30 PM | Reply


Bad grammar aside, what does hate have to do with it? I spent most of my adult life putting a crosshair on something. It wasn't done out of hate, or any other emotion for that matter.

Hezbollah has no reason to hate Israel. I don't think Israel would care less what Hezbollah did, so long as they didn't do anything to Israel.

#10 | Posted by madbomber at 2024-09-28 02:25 PM | Reply | Newsworthy 1

@#10 ... I don't think Israel would care less what Hezbollah did, so long as they didn't do anything to Israel. ...


If Iran and it's proxies didn't want or intend to do anything to Israel, then why not sign, and abide by, a peace treaty with Israel?

#11 | Posted by LampLighter at 2024-09-28 06:05 PM | Reply | Newsworthy 1

Do they think they can kill there way to where there is no hate?

Maybe you're on to something.

Here's the (dead) leader of Hezbollah calling for the murder of LGBT people.
My friends, stop being useful idiots and cheerleading the people that want to slaughter us. Their mission doesn't stop with Israel.

If Iran and it's proxies didn't want or intend to do anything to Israel, then why not sign, and abide by, a peace treaty with Israel?

Which brings up a question. Why should they?

Why would the US give Iran Billions?

Allow the sanctions to not be enforced?

And then allow the proxies to shoot anti-ship missiles at the US Navy?

Why? Whats the point of a treaty if there are no consequences for not adhering to them? Why does Iran care if head of Hezbollah gets whacked?

It's just "whack a mole" to the Iranians, given that the US won't lift a finger to enforce a peace.

#12 | Posted by oneironaut at 2024-09-28 10:54 PM | Reply

I guess this criminal religious nutcase child molesting scumbag will not be waving that fat finger in anybody's face any time soon. This is a good thing.

#13 | Posted by Wildman62 at 2024-09-29 01:34 PM | Reply

#8 | Posted by Brennnn at 2024-09-28 12:25 PM
Do they think they can kill there way to where there is no hate?

There is no place on Earth "where there is no hate" - there is either too much money in hate, or it has been taught and ingrained since childhood by various religions, [death] cults, ideologies, supremacists etc.

But if you destroy enough of those who teach and practice hate, you could achieve peace, even if it's "cold," while society de-programs and teaches generations of others to become "normal" - it's been done numerous times, including Israel and its neighbors.

It may not get you "love thy neighbor" vibe from them, but it should stop them from trying to kill you and you having to kill them first... and get you [and them] peace.

It's a lot easier to teach and use hate where life - their own or others - has no or little value, except in the service of hate or in return for a monetary reward.

en.wikipedia.org - Palestinian Authority Martyrs Fund
Purpose: Financial support to the families of Palestinians killed, injured, or imprisoned for violence against Israel

jcpa.org - Incentivizing Terrorism:
Palestinian Authority Allocations to Terrorists and their Families
- 2017

|------- The Palestinian Authority's legislation and allocations of monthly salaries and benefits rewarding imprisoned and released terrorists, and the families of "Martyrs," amount to $300 million annually. This financial reward clearly demonstrates the PA's institutional commitment to sponsoring terror against Israel.

When I learned of this in November 2015... I proceeded to raise the issue with organized American Jewish community leaders and Israeli policymakers, and was told "everybody knows."

According to Palestinian leaders, achieving their national goal of establishing their state over all of Palestine commits them to struggling against Zionism in a wide variety of ways, including terrorism. Therefore, terrorists.. are heroes fighting for the national and religious cause, and... should be glorified and rewarded...

The salary payments to terrorists from all Palestinian terror organizations, including Hamas as well as those who carried out terror attacks after the Oslo agreements ... are made according to Palestinian Authority legislation ...

Legally, the payments of salaries to terrorists stand in sharp contrast to the Oslo agreements...

... Ali asks his mother what would happen if he killed a Jew and went to an Israeli prison. She tells him he'd be paid thousands of dollars each month by the Palestinian Authority. In fact, she tells him, the more Jews he would kill, the more money he'd get. Oh, and when he gets out of prison, Ali would be guaranteed a job with the Palestinian Authority. ... Hundreds of thousands of Palestinian children ... are indoctrinated with hate... Imagine what it takes for a young boy or girl to break free out of this culture of hate. ... How can any of us expect young Palestinians to support peace when their leaders poison their minds against peace?

While Israeli leaders condemn terrorists, all terrorists, Arabs and Jews alike, Palestinian leaders celebrate terrorists. While Israel jails the handful of Jewish terrorists among us, the Palestinians pay thousands of terrorists among them. ...

Talking about value of life - IDF had opportunity to eliminate Hamas head Yahya Sinwar recently, but didn't take it for fear of harming hostages.

#14 | Posted by CutiePie at 2024-09-29 07:50 PM | Reply


In other news from Middle East:

* Hezbollah confirmed Israel had carried out strikes in Beirut's Kola district, targeting their Telegram channel

* IDF struck Yemen's Hodeidah and Ras Issa ports, attacking oil reserves and military supplies, following Houthis recent 3 ballistic missile attacks on Tel-Aviv and central Israel. This strike substantially exceeded massive strike on Hodeidah port in July, using "dozens" of F-15i planes 1800 kilometers from Israel. Targets also included power plants and a seaport used to import oil and transfer Iranian weapons to the region, in addition to military supplies and fuel tankers.

IDF noted that Houthis are cooperating with Iraqi "militias" who are also Iranian proxies in the region, but avoided directly striking militias in Iraq, to prevent complicating situation there for the US.

* In Syria, on September 24 USAF conducted two strikes which killed 37 militants affiliated to the extremist IS and an al-Qaeda-linked groups. On September 16 US conducted a large-scale airstrike on IS training camp in Syria, which killed 28 militants, including at least 4 Syrian leaders.

#15 | Posted by CutiePie at 2024-09-29 08:44 PM | Reply

Good Americans and westerners don't start off hating Israel. When our hearts are in the right place we start off giving Israel the benefit of the doubt and assuming the situation must be more complicated than it appears, because we're trying our best to be GOOD and not just going to reflexively assume the Jewish state is evil like some kind of neo-Nazi fascist construct. We all grew up learning about the persecution of the Jewish people, watching movies and reading books about it and vowing "never again" like everyone else with conscience.

So for entirely sensible and good-natured reasons we tend to start off viewing anything to do with Israel and, more generally, Jews and Judaism in a sympathetic light.

It's not until we start learning about and paying attention to the history and Israel's recent actions that this view begins to change. We come to understand that Israel is in fact profoundly evil, not because it is full of Jews but because it's a western settler-colonialist project that's inflicting the same kinds of genocide, ethnic cleansing, theft and abuse on the indigenous population of the land that other western settler-colonialist projects like Australia, the US and Canada inflicted in earlier centuries.

And we learn that this evil doesn't just pervade the Israeli government but virtually all of Israeli society: not because of Judaism or Jewishness, but for the same reason hatred and supremacism and racism pervaded the societies of the Jim Crow south and apartheid South Africa.

We suddenly realize that Israelis have been indoctrinated from birth to view the non-Jewish indigenous populations of the region as less than human, because otherwise it would make no moral sense for there to be a state where one ethnic group receives preferential treatment over the others, or for that state to have been dropped on top of a pre-existing civilization without the permission of the people who live there. This indoctrination is the glue that holds the whole settler-colonialist project together.

We learn that this is what we are seeing when we translate comments Israelis make in Hebrew on social media which look like a page out of Hitler's Mein Kampf, or when we see photos of Israeli soldiers mockingly dressing in the clothing of dead or displaced Palestinian women and playing with the toys of dead or displaced Palestinian children, or when we read polls of Jewish Israelis supporting Israel's daily massacres in Gaza and Lebanon. This is just what it looks like when an entire society is indoctrinated from birth into viewing their neighbors as soulless savages.

And we gradually come to understand that just as Jewish Israelis are indoctrinated in a way that warps their perception and their conscience, we ourselves were indoctrinated to see Israel in a sympathetic light. The vast majority of our news media constantly frame Israel as the victim in whatever violence it is involved in, and the vast majority of our politicians constantly frame Israel as a friend and anyone who opposes it as an enemy. This happens for the same reason the American/western political-media class lies to us about EVERY SINGLE western war: because Israel is a crucial component in the western war machine.

And THAT is the premiere reason its 80+ year settler-colonialist project is supported by the western empire.

#16 | Posted by NerfHerder at 2024-09-29 11:07 PM | Reply


I want you to imagine a scenario where the Palestinians somehow gain the upper hand over Israel. What do you think happens to the citizens of Israel. Hint: Hamas has already told you.

#17 | Posted by madbomber at 2024-09-30 01:31 AM | Reply

#16 | Posted by NerfHerder at 2024-09-29 11:07 PM
Good Americans and westerners don't start off hating Israel.

Good Germans in 1920s-30s didn't start off hating Jews. Palestinian children didn't start off hating Jews, Israelis, Israel. They "learned" from someone | somewhere | somehow.

It's not until we start learning [from someone|somewhere|somehow] and paying attention ... that this view begins to change.

And we learn [from someone|somewhere|somehow] that this evil ...

We suddenly [??] realize that Israelis have been indoctrinated from birth to view the non-Jewish indigenous populations of the region as less than human ... despite having more than 21% of Arab Israeli citizens, as well as more than 5% of Druze, Bedouins and other minorities and being the only multicultural, multi-religion, multi-party democratic society, with liberal western norms, who have no problems living next to / side-by-side with their neighboring Arab countries after they gave up on destroying Israel in several major and minor wars and sought peace. In fact, their economies greatly benefited from trade with more prosperous Israel, which has neither oil nor abundance of natural resources.

Palestinian leaderships, OTOH, refused peace and establishment of Palestinian state every time it has been offered to them, and broke every "permanent cease-fire" agreement with Israel.

But who needs the facts, knowledge or reasoning? We have social media to "learn" from.

We learn that this is what we are seeing when we [or someone we don't know] translate [by someone we don't know] comments Israelis [or someone we don't know] make in Hebrew on social media [or somewhere] ...

The social media "information" is a great resource... for being indoctrinated and radicalized.

And we gradually [!!] come to understand ... ... ... all the reasons we now hate Israel and Jews... voil'a! You have graduated from the University of Indoctrination and Radicalization!

Thank you. You've just described a classic process of indoctrination and radicalization. That's how the young Palestinians and poor-critical-thinking adults anywhere, especially exposed to the "right information" on social media, get radicalized and keep looking and "paying attention" for all kinds of one-sided grievances (real, made up or fake), instead of learning well-known facts and looking at real causes of Palestinians suffering - they are true victims of their own leaderships, who portray them as victims of Israel / Zionists / Jews. That gets them both sympathy and billions in "humanitarian aid" for "refugees" which they use for their stated goal of genocide - Jews and Israel.

Their "leaderships" (depending on which "militia" / sect / gang one belongs to) always aligned themselves with forces or powers antithetic and hostile to Jews and/or Israel: German Nazis before and during WW2, then with the other Arab countries and Soviet Union/Russia, and later, after dissolution of USSR, with Islamic Republic of Iran to wage the Jihad / Holy Struggle - Hitler's "Mein Kampf" also translates into "My Struggle."

Their view of Israel is the same as Putin's view of Ukraine - it's "our land and always has been" and Ukrainians / Israelis are the "occupiers / colonizers" - thoroughly debunked, but alive and well in propaganda and social media.

I am not trying to change your mind, but the [anti-Israel] "process" of indoctrination and radicalization that you described here is a classic "teachable moment" / "case study" for others, so... thanks!

"We learn from history that we learn nothing from history"

#18 | Posted by CutiePie at 2024-10-01 04:32 AM | Reply

Palestinian children didn't start off hating Jews, Israelis, Israel.

Yea. They watched their family members, loved ones and friends get kidnapped, tortured or murdered by IDF and learned to hate their oppressors.

Your blind devotion to Israel is no different than the German's blind devotion to the Nazi Party.

You even have you own half truth and bullshht propaganda you love to spread

Isn't it nice sitting at home on your couch spreading hate about people you know nothing about.


#19 | Posted by ClownShack at 2024-10-01 04:53 AM | Reply

#19 | Posted by ClownShack at 2024-10-01 04:53 AM
Isn't it nice sitting at home on your couch spreading hate about people you know nothing about.

The one sitting on the couch spreading hate, half-truths and propaganda you love to spread about people you know nothing about... is you.

You didn't even read a quarter of my post, or care about any facts in it - just recited usual one-sided grievances ("oppressors") and habitually launched into ad hominem.

You are entitled to your own opinions. You are not entitled to your own facts.

You can ignore reality, you can't ignore the consequences of ignoring reality.

#20 | Posted by CutiePie at 2024-10-01 05:40 AM | Reply | Funny: 1

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