Saturday, June 29, 2024

Why Not Call for the Convicted Felon who Endlessly Lies to Step Down?

The press is call out the debate performances of Joe Biden and Donald Trump. All agree that Biden's performance was bad and Trump's many lies obvious and reprehensible. Oddly, no one is calling for Trump, a convicted felon who endlessly lies and deceives the American public, to step down.



I get that Biden is old but trump is a sociopath.

We saw him tell a series of obvious lies during the debate.

Why aren't people demanding the GOP end his campaign?

#1 | Posted by Tor at 2024-06-29 04:09 PM

Trump has remade the GOP in his own image, and Republican politicians need his voters for their very livelihood. He's a parasite who would be fatal to remove. They know this, no one is calling for it because it will never happen.

Democrats holding onto Biden are more what concern me. He's possibly the only person on earth who could actually lose to Trump. And they're holding onto him for what? Sunken cost fallacy? Loyalty to a 50 year politician who would himself be the most egotistical, elitist, corporatist sell out and pathological liar in the nation were it not for Trump?

Why? Why do Democrats feel the necessity to seize defeat from the very jaws of victory time and time again in my life?

Now is the time to run a left wing populist. A Sanders (or Sanders type, the man himself is also too old) a Ro Khanna, someone who could actually undercut Trump on the populist side of things while simultaneously invigorating an apathetic democrat base tired of establishment Dems that are essentially Republican-lite. This is the time to seize the moment.

Pretty sure instead Dems will go on to pry out that defeat. It's gotten exhausting to watch.

#2 | Posted by zeropointnrg at 2024-06-29 04:25 PM

Great moments in presidential/vice presidential debates:

"...I want you to know that also I will not make age an issue of this campaign. I am not going to exploit, for political purposes, my opponent's youth and inexperience," - Reagan

"Senator, you're no Jack Kennedy" - Lloyd Bentsen

"I didn't have sex with a porn star..." - PO1135809

#3 | Posted by chuffy at 2024-06-29 04:26 PM

Why Not Call for the Convicted Felon who Endlessly Lies to Step Down?

Because his supporters don't care. Which is one of the reasons why Republicans win.

While the liberals and others who make up the Dem base turn on each other at the drop of a hat. Although, to be fair, Joementia dropped far more than a hat at that debate.

Jill Stein 2024!

#4 | Posted by censored at 2024-06-29 04:39 PM

Newsom is sadly the only one with a background in looking after a population equal to 10 normal states.


Horay for Newsom?

#5 | Posted by Tor at 2024-06-29 04:47 PM

The one-dotard crime wave needs to go.

#6 | Posted by reinheitsgebot at 2024-06-29 09:40 PM


I don't see how Newsome/same as the oldsome could leverage his record in California into a winning position.
just another nuthin' special politician

#7 | Posted by brerrabbit at 2024-06-29 11:13 PM

I totally agree. The orange felon rapist con man devil incarnate should step down. So should the feeble barely mobile corpse, AKA Joementia.

#8 | Posted by willowby at 2024-06-29 11:55 PM

The orange felon rapist con man devil incarnate should step down. So should the feeble barely mobile corpse, AKA Joementia.

Fair trade.

#9 | Posted by rstybeach11 at 2024-06-30 12:38 AM

Horay for Newsom?

Too many people are crazy jealous/envious of California so he'd have an uphill battle.

#10 | Posted by REDIAL at 2024-06-30 12:42 AM

"Jill Stein 2024!

#11 | Posted by danni at 2024-06-30 04:24 AM

The Democratic Party still has control over its process, while the Republican Party is totally lost to the authoritarian Trump gang. Why bother using reason and asking for Trump to stand down?

#12 | Posted by Hughmass at 2024-06-30 06:05 AM

Because that's his schick. Always has been.

#13 | Posted by fresno500 at 2024-06-30 10:27 AM

" Democrats holding onto Biden are more what concern me. He's possibly the only person on earth who could actually lose to Trump. And they're holding onto him for what? Sunken cost fallacy? Loyalty to a 50 year politician who would himself be the most egotistical, elitist, corporatist sell out and pathological liar in the nation were it not for Trump?"

It starts with 2020. In a divided field it looked like Bernie Sanders was primed to do what Trump did in 2016. Democrats rightly believed that Trump would beat Sanders, so they huddles, looked at their pathetic cast and decided Biden had the best chance of winning so they rallied around him. Then, Democrats made a huge mistake by insisting that VP be a woman of color. Period. With Biden's choices now limited he chose Harris which was a horrible choice.

Fast forward to this spring. Dems didn't have a real primary. So, Biden has the delegates pledged to him. Biden's inner circle knows how bad of shape he's in. So do any of us with eyes and ears who have been watching him during his presidency. His public appearances are tightly controllled and scripted. His aides protect him constantly. The MSM dutifully repeat every lie they are fed about Biden's fitness. Just 3 weeks ago mainstream news outlets were angrily calling out video footage of Biden displaying dementia overseas as "cheap fakes." Then the debate happened. Biden was clearly not pumped up with drugs l8ke he was for SOTU. But it didn't matter. Read8ng from a teleprompter is not the same is thinking on one's feet and speak8ng off the cuff. So Biden was finally fully exposed because his party miscalculated by challenging Trump to a debate completely on Biden's terms. Trump immediately accepted. Biden spent 6 days holed up at Camp David doing nothing but debate prep and THAT was the outcome.

So, here is the answer to your question - Democrats can't dump Biden. Not now. Here's why - Kamala Harris. The only chance you have is for Biden to now announce that he's finishing his term and won't run for re-election. It would be very difficult to ditch Harris as the nominee but not impossible. But whomever the nominee is he or she would not be chosen by Dem primary voters but by Dem leaders behind closed doors in a smoke filled room. And because the party is SO fixated on identity politics if not Harris they'd have to find another woman of color. 2 names that I've seen floated sr3 Newsome (white man) and Whitmer (white woman). Neither checks all of the boxes. So do they insert Stacey Abraham's? She's awful. And just think about the optics of it all. Biden clearly can't execute even a fraction of his duties yet they were sticking with him anyway just so long as they could keep his condition hidden from the public.

Odds are low that they can thread the needle. Likely they are stuck with Biden. They can't afford to run Harris. So, I think the strategy will be to try to drag Biden to November 5 and 2 weeks after inauguration he can resign/retire. Dems believe they can't have candidate Harris but are okay with President Harris, no matter how awfully she will liklely perform, because it preserves their power for now. That's all that matters to them these days.

#14 | Posted by BellRinger at 2024-06-30 11:37 AM

Power plays and games of thrones bring out the worst in all those involved and all who really seem to care about the outcomes.

#15 | Posted by moder8 at 2024-06-30 11:51 AM

Imagine thinking it's Trump that lies and not the media and Democrats

#16 | Posted by THEBULL at 2024-07-01 12:29 AM

@#16 .. Imagine thinking it's Trump that lies and not the media and Democrats ...

So... what's yer got for that assertion?

Is your alias denying that fmr Pres Trump is a serial liar?

Yer up.

#17 | Posted by LampLighter at 2024-07-01 12:37 AM

Buttigieg is the brightest of the Democrats, and would be
my choice (either him or Klobuchar, also brilliant). But
it may be too late now to change the train or the destination.

Democrats as usual are over analyzing this. We are only 4 months
from election time. Can we really switch horses now? Would anyone
pay attention to the new candidate outside of the Democratic base
if we did?

It's the Independents you need to capture. At least a sizeable portion
of them. Not the dyed in the wool Blue Dems like myself.

The train has left the station. We may be along for the ride.

I would focus on minority outreach, and making sure EVERYONE votes.

#18 | Posted by earthmuse at 2024-07-01 09:07 AM

Hey Rcade, again what I'm about to say is something you and a few of the others need to hear. You might not like it, but you guys are completely missing the political winds around us and the mood of the people. Just look to our brethren in Europe, the right is on the march.

No one except the Democrat Party and a few independents care about Trump's convictions in NYC (I know you all do) but the rest of America doesn't. The Left's plan was to tar and feather Trump with criminal proceedings in the hope it would destroy him. However, two things have occurred that you guys miscalculated on.

1) Trump is a mud monster, the ---- you guys have thrown at other politicians doesn't work with him (It's why last year when you idiots raided Mar-a-lago I told you it was a fools errand and would backfire). It clearly has.

2) The wildcard Coup de grace however came last week. The Republicans had been pointing out that Biden wasn't all there and wondering who was actually running the show. Biden's performance forced the media to finally acknowledge the truth that he isn't all there. The public now has seen that the Emperor is wearing no clothes.

If you guys would have left Trump alone, focused on the kitchen table issues such as taming inflation Trump would have disappeared (again the only way to isolate someone like that is to ignore him) and inflation may have been more under control. But you all allowed your TDS to get the better of you, and now thanks to your own Party's idiocy on both fronts ... Trump will be returning to the White House. As the old adage goes, the best laid plans go to waste.

#19 | Posted by Bluewaffles at 2024-07-01 09:17 AM

trump is a convicted felon because he did it. the man is a walking crime spree.

thats not the fault of the democrats.

#20 | Posted by Alexandrite at 2024-07-01 09:24 AM

"If you guys would have left Trump alone, focused on the kitchen table issues such as taming inflation"

Where's Trump's plan to tame inflation? There isn't one.

Republicans can count on emotionally susceptible voters like you not understanding that Republicans don't have any plans not any desire to tame inflation.

The next time you blame inflation on a Republican in the White House will be the first.

#21 | Posted by snoofy at 2024-07-01 09:38 AM

"Trump would have disappeared"


Why didn't all these Republicans who claim to dislike Trump focus on the kitchen table issues such as taming inflation, abd make Trump go away?

It's because what you are saying is nonsense.

Cults don't go away until the cult leader dies.

Trump is setting up America to die like the Branch Davidians did. Trump also likes the young girls, just a coincidence I'm sure.

#22 | Posted by snoofy at 2024-07-01 09:41 AM

thats not the fault of the democrats.....#20 | POSTED BY ALEXANDRITE

Fault isn't the issue ... electability is

and trump has been elected before with lies and treachery on full display

#23 | Posted by brerrabbit at 2024-07-01 09:47 AM


all your taming inflation arguments are negated by one video showing people streaming across the border and then a flash to downtown NYC

#24 | Posted by brerrabbit at 2024-07-01 09:50 AM

all your taming inflation arguments are negated by one video showing people streaming across the border and then a flash to downtown NYC

What's the connection?

#25 | Posted by snoofy at 2024-07-01 09:58 AM

What's the connection?....#25 POSTED BY SNOOFY

that common sense and fiscal responsibilities aren't as relevant in trumpland as pictures and sound bites

#26 | Posted by brerrabbit at 2024-07-01 10:13 AM

What's the connection?....#25 POSTED BY SNOOFY
that common sense and fiscal responsibilities aren't as relevant in trumpland as pictures and sound bites

That's nothing new.

Republicans have always preached fiscal responsibility
while spending like drunken sailors
and cutting taxes for the rich.

#27 | Posted by snoofy at 2024-07-01 10:21 AM

trump was a novelty when he was elected. most people are sick of him now.

#28 | Posted by Alexandrite at 2024-07-01 10:32 AM

6-3 again. trump gets partial immunity.

our system is broken.

#29 | Posted by Alexandrite at 2024-07-01 10:41 AM

A country that permits insurrection is no country at all

#30 | Posted by truthhurts at 2024-07-01 10:57 AM

"The press is call out the debate performances of Joe Biden and Donald Trump. All agree that Biden's performance was bad and Trump's many lies obvious and reprehensible. Oddly, no one is calling for Trump, a convicted felon who endlessly lies and deceives the American public, to step down.


There is nothing odd about it at all. Everybody rational knows Trump would never step down. Everybody rational hopes Biden would be responsible enough to step down.

Neither is happening.

#31 | Posted by sitzkrieg at 2024-07-01 11:14 AM

"Everybody rational hopes Biden would be responsible enough to step down."

With zero consensus on who steps up, that's a whole lot of cat herding to do in six weeks.

#32 | Posted by snoofy at 2024-07-01 11:34 AM

If only there were a convention scheduled on August 19th where it could be figured out.

#33 | Posted by sitzkrieg at 2024-07-01 11:48 AM

Why not as an official presidential act declare a convicted felon ineligible to run for office ... .and arrest him for espionage as a Russian asset.

#34 | Posted by 2020Rocks at 2024-07-01 01:18 PM

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