Monday, November 04, 2024

Is America Collapsing Like Ancient Rome?

Caesar, Trump, and the future of American democracy.



"The fall of the Roman Republic is both complicated and straightforward:

The state became too big and chaotic; the influence of money and private interests corrupted public institutions; and social and economic inequalities became so stark that citizens lost faith in the system altogether and gradually fell into the arms of tyrants and demagogues.

All of that sounds very familiar, doesn't it?"

#1 | Posted by Corky at 2024-11-03 03:34 PM

"All of that sounds very familiar, doesn't it?"
#1 | Posted by Corky"

Sounds like California.

#2 | Posted by deadman at 2024-11-03 08:29 PM

Deadfool the Blind.

btw... Pls don't try to grok the thread article; I wouldn't want to be responsible for your 'brain' exploding from the effort.

#3 | Posted by Corky at 2024-11-03 08:42 PM

"Sounds like California." -

#2 | Posted by deadman | Flag: A completely meaningless comment in light of this

Meanwhile, Serious level

#4 | Posted by Hans at 2024-11-03 08:45 PM

"Pls don't try to grok the thread article
#3 | Posted by Corky"

The state became too big and chaotic: Yes for California, so much so the state wants to break into several states as the interests are so unaligned

The influence of money and private interests corrupted public institutions: Yep. This is why everything is fake and gay and controlled by big tech or the entertainment industry in the state

And social and economic inequalities became so stark that citizens lost faith in the system altogether and gradually fell into the arms of tyrants and demagogues: 100% Cali as the poverty rates and income inequality are on pace with African nations and the homeless problem is out of control

So, if you want to say this is 'America' when it described 100% Democrat controlled California so much better, you are not be intellectually honest. Also, I think you would have a hard time applying this description to places like Iowa, Wisconsin, Texas, or Florida.

#5 | Posted by deadman at 2024-11-03 08:55 PM

Ck the link in #3 for the actual Worst States... you won't find your pet peeve on it.

CA is the 3rd largest economy in the world, and suffered as most large economies did.

The US economy, howsomever, just had a nice soft landing and is the best recovery in the world.

Despite everything Don Old Turd did to screw that up.

And, btw.... his Deficit killing tax cuts for Billionaires don't include you.

#6 | Posted by Corky at 2024-11-03 09:01 PM

the actual Worst States..

The first list of ------ states I've seen in like forever that didn't include Mississippi.

#7 | Posted by eberly at 2024-11-03 09:16 PM

Hmm...your 'worst states' sure seem to attract a lot of people like AZ, TX, TN, and IN while your 'liberal utopia states like NY, CA, and IL seem to lose population every census.

More than that, CA is the poster child of a state that was made great due to past policies (mainly GOP) that are slowly being pissed away by the Liberals that mistakenly believe they were the ones that built the state. It is typical of the rich kid syndrome - wealth is squandered within 3 generations. That tech sector was mainly due to Stanford getting government military grants to work advanced radar systems which spawned the hardware tech revolution. These did not spring up because they loved trans-kids. These sprung up due to actual businesses using the vast infrastructure that had been constructed in the state - including an education system that was best in the nation and now is close to last after 20+ years of liberal control.

#8 | Posted by deadman at 2024-11-03 09:32 PM

Tell us you know zero - and I mean zero - about California, lil Jeffy.

You "people" are just pathetic hacks.

Go ---- yourself.

#9 | Posted by LegallyYourDead at 2024-11-03 09:52 PM


Ever heard of Prop 13?

Now really, go piss off

#10 | Posted by LegallyYourDead at 2024-11-03 09:53 PM

The state became too big and chaotic; the influence of money and private interests corrupted public institutions; and social and economic inequalities became so stark that citizens lost faith in the system altogether and gradually fell into the arms of tyrants and demagogues.

All of that sounds very familiar, doesn't it?

It does. But this is where your misunderstanding of the US Government founders fails you. Your education system failed in educating you properly. I suspect only an outsider like myself can see it.

Unfortunately for the country the US passed the 17th amendment. This destroyed the founders and many other historical figures understanding of governments.

After the 17th passed the path was inevitable.

Polybius argued that regimes were in an endless cycle, and the three basic forms of government are destined to degenerate into their lower forms " and lead back to anarchy.
But there's a way to fix it...

To break the cycle, you need to combine elements of each system. Polybius admired this in the Roman Republic:

Consuls (monarch-like leaders), Senate (aristocratic body), and Assemblies (democratic element).

It is a the sweet siren of "democracy at all costs" that lead to this downfall. History is your guide, Lumpers ignored it.

#11 | Posted by oneironaut at 2024-11-03 10:19 PM

Unfortunately for the country the US passed the 17th amendment.

Non-lumpers have had 100+ years to repeal it. Failed.

#12 | Posted by REDIAL at 2024-11-03 10:27 PM

"Ever heard of Prop 13?
Now really, go piss off
#10 | Posted by LegallyYourDead"

It is the only thing that has prevented the state from falling off a cliff through over taxation.

By any objective quality of life measurement, California was WAY BETTER in the year 2000 than it is in the year 2024 - this after multiple decades of Democrat only rule.

The crime is way worse, the schools are way worse (paying way more for worse results at every level from K-12 to the U of California campuses), there are way less emergency rooms available, homelessness is way worse, poverty level (adjusted for cost of living) is way worse, drug overdoses and mental disorders are way worse, income inequality is way worse, the infrastructure from airports to highways is way worse, and out of state migration is way worse.

This is what 2 decades plus of Democrats controlling the state gets you - it is the rich kid blowing their inheritance on hookers and coke.

#13 | Posted by deadman at 2024-11-03 10:38 PM

You're a ------- idiot. Go ---- yourself, you stupid ----.

#14 | Posted by LegallyYourDead at 2024-11-03 10:40 PM

"#14 | Posted by LegallyYourDead"

I know - facts hurt your fi-fi's. Sorry, but everything I wrote is true - and I doubt you even live in California.

#15 | Posted by deadman at 2024-11-03 10:52 PM

This is what 2 decades plus of Democrats controlling the state gets you - it is the rich kid blowing their inheritance on hookers and coke.

#13 | Posted by deadman

Cool. Now do the century control of places like Alabama, Mississippi, know, any one of the red state ---- holes that have been the bottom of our barrel and nothing but federal money sponges for our entire lives...

#16 | Posted by jpw at 2024-11-04 09:36 AM

Sounds like California.


You betcha!

If you need me I will be in the redwood's or on the beach.

Hiding from the Pretorian Guard.

#17 | Posted by donnerboy at 2024-11-04 10:02 AM

This is what 2 decades plus of Democrats controlling the state gets you -

The 5th largest economy in the world.

Also I'll just leave this here for maga maroons.

"Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it."

#18 | Posted by donnerboy at 2024-11-04 10:32 AM

Once the oligarchs took over, the end was beginning. Giving the keys to the treasury of sociopathic billionaires whose only concern was killing the social safety net (medicare, social security, food stamps, minimum wage and now ACA) so they could get even more egregious tax cuts while simultaneously raiding the treasury for fat contracts to incarcerate poor criminals, build overpriced weapons systems, fund the upper middle classes private schools, etc.

The greatest con-job was convincing 30% of the electorate that a sociopath billionaire with a history of sexual assault, shipping jobs to mexico and china, hiring illegal immigrants and forcing contractors into bankruptcy or suicide by routinely screwing them over on their contracts was looking out for the poor.

#19 | Posted by Nixon at 2024-11-04 10:37 AM

"Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it."

Better still, they ban the books that teach the history.

They are planning on committing the same crimes.

#20 | Posted by Nixon at 2024-11-04 10:38 AM

I never join in the California bashing crap. Not gonna start now.

Huge economy with huge challenges all the time.

Awesome features in California such as beaches, forests, mountains, etc... but since they're NOT a's a challenge to enjoy them. congestion, high cost of living, many other problems everyone has (homelessness, poverty, etc) to one degree or another....

#21 | Posted by eberly at 2024-11-04 10:40 AM

but since they're NOT a's a challenge to enjoy them. congestion, high cost of living, many other problems everyone has (homelessness, poverty, etc) to one degree or another....

I know of a lot of "SECRET" places in California.

Of course they are not really secret. Just hard to get to. So fat lazy tourists don't bother. They just get an air bnb and enjoy the view. Which works for me! I can go the beach (which is only a mile away) and I bet there is no one there right now. Because they have to work and I don't! Ha! And here in Northern California we still have lots of unspoiled coastline lots of redwood forests and lots of empty beaches.

As for all the challenges? Yup! We got em! Which state does not have these same challenges?

More people means more challenges.

And so it goes ...

#22 | Posted by donnerboy at 2024-11-04 11:56 AM

Oh I forgot to mention the mountains the deserts and the rivers and lakes and probably so much more.

I forget about all that is east of me because I don't leave the Lost Coast very much anymore.

It's just too nice here. But I do know if I don't like the weather where I am I can just drive an hour or so and find a whole different climate and some better weather.

#23 | Posted by donnerboy at 2024-11-04 12:01 PM

- it is the rich kid blowing their inheritance on hookers and coke.

But enough about Trump and his sons.

#24 | Posted by Corky at 2024-11-04 12:08 PM

But it's important to note that how California performs does have a huge impact everywhere.

Corky managed to deflect to his tired ole red state -------- argument (even though he lives in one) on post #3 but those red state challenges have always been present even as our country thrives.

Mississippi isn't going to rebound into some thing we all want.

And that's okay in the big picture.

California? It's immensely more important that state continues to be the economic engine it is.

we've hitched our wagon to that horse whether you understand and like it or not.

#25 | Posted by eberly at 2024-11-04 12:09 PM


Damn... and I had just given your #21 a NW flag.

You should have addressed this one to DeadTrumper, as he's the one picking on CA.

I lived there for several years, and other than the fact it was already taken, even in the 80's, it was a great place. Still is, really, unless one reads the news thinking it should only have the problems that much smaller states do.

#26 | Posted by Corky at 2024-11-04 12:16 PM

-he's the one picking on CA.

while you pick on red states.

it's silly, but you argue with whom you can......

#27 | Posted by eberly at 2024-11-04 12:18 PM

My larger point is that California is worth arguing about.

Mississippi isn't.

#28 | Posted by eberly at 2024-11-04 12:42 PM

I drove though Alabama, Mississippi, and Louisiana last year on the way to Texas, and Louisiana was to me by far the ex-slave state that still has the slave state mentality; the workers reminded me of zombies... it was surreal.

#29 | Posted by Corky at 2024-11-04 12:46 PM

Did ancient rome collapse due to propaganda from their enemies being accepted and parroted by one of their political parties?

Because that's what is destroying america.

#30 | Posted by SpeakSoftly at 2024-11-04 12:47 PM


The real, 'enemy from within' in league with America's foreign enemies, yep.

#31 | Posted by Corky at 2024-11-04 12:50 PM

BTW, it's a really good interview. The article.

"I think the biggest point " and I'm afraid the ship has already sailed " is that violence should never be a part of politics. Once it's there, it is very hard to make it go away without even more violence that ultimately neutralizes the people willing to do it. Violence has no part in a representative political system."

When we allowed those people in to the Capitol building, and I said it on THAT day......we'll regret that.

We should have shot those guys when they tried to breach.

If their names were Muslim/Arab then we would have....but since their names were Chad, Brad, Jerry, and Fred.....we couldn't do it.

But we allowed that violence.

and we're not done paying the price for that.

#32 | Posted by eberly at 2024-11-04 01:12 PM

" ancient rome collapse due to propaganda from their enemies being accepted and parroted by one of their political parties?"

Sorta. However, the fall of Rome was gradual and complex, and there was no single reason.

I feel it did have to do with propaganda to a great degree. And is a valuable lesson to leaders to NOT allow one person (or entity) to be the nexus that controls the flow of information to you.

Especially now with the advent of AI.

#33 | Posted by donnerboy at 2024-11-04 02:16 PM

short answer: yes, through excessive debt, ignorance, and Trump.

#34 | Posted by e1g1 at 2024-11-04 02:31 PM

Did ancient rome collapse due to propaganda from their enemies being accepted and parroted by one of their political parties?

Because that's what is destroying america.

#30 | Posted by SpeakSoftly

No it isn't, you need to take the whole of the situation.

Businesses shutting
Lack of taking responsibility.

This isn't due to either sides rhetoric.

See you want it to be one side bad, one side good

If you read any history it's really because the US in its desire to be wholly democratic, has destroyed the golden goose.

Roman empire lasted a thousand years, the US? Maybe 50 years of glory.

Those days are over.

#35 | Posted by oneironaut at 2024-11-04 02:38 PM

#35 | Posted by oneironaut at 2024-11-04 02:38 PM | Reply | Flag: mumpsimus

#36 | Posted by Hans at 2024-11-04 02:44 PM


It's been a few years now but I drove through Mississippi.

Straight out of a Grisham novel.

surreal indeed.

#37 | Posted by eberly at 2024-11-04 02:46 PM

Businesses shutting
Lack of taking responsibility.

Great description for the results of republican policies.

#38 | Posted by ClownShack at 2024-11-04 02:47 PM

Two important points

Tocqueville Effect, as people gain more rights and equality, their expectations increase, making them feel more entitled and less content

When the people find that they can vote themselves money, that will herald the end of the republic. " Ben Franklin

This is what is happening, nothing to do with rhetoric, that's just a symptom.

#39 | Posted by oneironaut at 2024-11-04 02:48 PM

Great description for the results of republican policies.
#38 | Posted by ClownShack

What Republican policy in California is causing that?

Be specific.

#40 | Posted by oneironaut at 2024-11-04 02:49 PM

This isn't due to either sides rhetoric.

See you want it to be one side bad, one side good

#35 | Posted by oneironaut

See when one side is the cult of a russian puppet who attempted a coup, and the other side isn't, then one side is clearly and obviously far far better than the other.

#41 | Posted by SpeakSoftly at 2024-11-04 02:51 PM

"This isn't due to either sides rhetoric.

See you want it to be one side bad, one side good"

People have to boil it down to their own reading level.

#42 | Posted by eberly at 2024-11-04 02:53 PM

See you want it to be one side bad, one side good

So do you, 1LumpOfTrump, so do you.

You're very fond of posting how awful Democrats and liberals are while showering republicans and MAGAts with praise.

#43 | Posted by ClownShack at 2024-11-04 03:04 PM


That appears to be the only way a marginal poster can get the attention they need.

#44 | Posted by Corky at 2024-11-04 03:21 PM

"That appears to be the only way a marginal poster can get the attention they need." -

#44 | Posted by Corky

That, and constantly talking about "blocking" me.

He has just virtually stuck his head in the sand, and think it is clever.

#45 | Posted by Hans at 2024-11-04 05:17 PM

"even in the 80's, it was a great place. Still is, really, unless one reads the news thinking it should only have the problems that much smaller states do.
#26 | Posted by Corky"

Is CA better today in quality of life than it was in the year 2000? If so, by what metric?

#46 | Posted by deadman at 2024-11-04 08:11 PM

#46 | Posted by
deadman | Serious level

#47 | Posted by Hans at 2024-11-04 08:13 PM

Is CA better today in quality of life than it was in the year 2000? If so, by what metric?


By my personal metric?

By the happiness quotient.

I am happier today than I was in 2000.

And there is a good chance I will be even happier tomorrow.

Like we felt after Obama won. That was a wonderful feeling.

I wouldn't mind feeling that again.

#48 | Posted by donnerboy at 2024-11-04 08:18 PM

-Is CA better today in quality of life than it was in the year 2000? If so, by what metric?

Boazboy proved he didn't understand the question.

Maybe someone can come along and actually answer you.

#49 | Posted by eberly at 2024-11-04 08:28 PM

"Boazboy proved he didn't understand the question.
#49 | Posted by eberly"

It is not a lack of understanding, it is that they have no facts to stand on so they spew nonsense.

It is an undeniable fact that quality of life has decreased in CA from year 2000 to year 2024 after 2 decades+ of absolute Democrat control of EVERY level of government in the state.

If you want another comparison - is San Francisco (the front runner of CA statewide policies) better in 2024 than it was in 2000 by any actual metric?

#50 | Posted by deadman at 2024-11-04 09:36 PM

#50 | Posted by deadman | Flag: Hans' Love Letter to deadman

#51 | Posted by Hans at 2024-11-04 09:41 PM

It is an undeniable fact that quality of life has decreased in CA from year 2000 to year 2024 after 2 decades+ of absolute Democrat control of EVERY level of government in the state.
#50 | Posted by deadman

You just described a time period where CA's economic output supported the entire rest of the moocher nation.

#52 | Posted by SpeakSoftly at 2024-11-04 09:48 PM

@#50 ... It is an undeniable fact that quality of life has decreased in CA from year 2000 to year 2024 ...

So, then, your current alias has evidence?

#53 | Posted by LampLighter at 2024-11-04 09:53 PM

And another dunce steps up to prove they can't read.

Short bus veterans like this are used to trying to conceal their ignorance

Not reveal it

#54 | Posted by eberly at 2024-11-04 09:54 PM

"Is CA better today in quality of life than it was in the year 2000? If so, by what metric?"

Air quality.

LA has, via their gas regulations, minimized the schittt-brown ring that used to be around the city. That has to have a statewide effect.

The ring was from exhaust, but the topography is the reason for the ring: it keeps whatever pollution is being produced, within the ring.

IIRC, one native tribe's word for that area mentioned a brown ring. My guess is, back then, it was due to the smoke from native's fires for food and warmth.

#55 | Posted by Danforth at 2024-11-04 09:56 PM

"You just described a time period where CA's economic output supported the entire rest of the moocher nation.
#52 | Posted by SpeakSoftly"

Nice deflection - but again, did the quality of life increase with 2+ decades of total Democrat control of the state?

#56 | Posted by deadman at 2024-11-04 09:56 PM

First there was this ...

Do you honestly think something went wrong on the server side to repost 1000+ times by Hans or was he sitting in his basement continuously hitting the publish comment button with ever growing incel rage until it finally posted 1000+ times? My bet is that someone's mom didn't bring the pizza rolls in time and Hans was rage hitting submit while likely screaming the n-word at the top of his lungs. Thankfully, he likely resides in a windowless basement so no one was exposed to his racial abuse.

#18 | Posted by deadman at 2024-10-17 08:23 PM

...and then there was this...
#18 | Posted by: deadman | Flag: Serious level

Interestingly enough, this is post #18.

"Any significantly advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic."

#22 | Posted by Hans at 2024-10-17 08:58 PM

This is just way too easy.

#57 | Posted by Hans at 2024-11-04 09:57 PM

"LA has, via their gas regulations, minimized the schittt-brown ring that used to be around the city. That has to have a statewide effect.
#55 | Posted by Danforth"

The problems with air quality were largely already solved by 2000. You are reaching back to the late 1980's if you are talking huge LA smog issues.

But at least you gave it a shot.

#58 | Posted by deadman at 2024-11-04 10:00 PM

Is there anyone who can give a good reason why the supporters/apologists of the Kumquat Pol Pol deserve any respect when they have clearly forfeited that right?

I'm open to persuasion.

#59 | Posted by Hans at 2024-11-04 10:00 PM

I have to ask the board, do any of you actually find Hans to be a contributing poster? I am considering blocking him at this point. Like I said, he seemed creepily obsessed with me and I don't want to feed into his mental illness. Actually, yes, I will block him.

#60 | Posted by deadman at 2024-11-04 10:01 PM

"did the quality of life increase"

FFS, go ahead and give us your cherry-picked list, don't make us guess. Exactly what are you counting, and what aren't you counting?

I'm sure low unemployment isn't one of your metrics, since we've been at greater-than-full employment for a while.

Nor is increased net worth for investors. Between the S&P and Dow, 71 highs this year. Inflation down below 3%. Hands down the best reaction and response to Covid in the last four years, leading to the fastest and furthest reduction of inflation in the G-20.

So...Where's the beef? Be specific.

#61 | Posted by Danforth at 2024-11-04 10:03 PM

@#60 ... I am considering blocking him at this point. ...

That's your current alias' decision to make.

Does your current alias seem to want to blank out opinions it has an issue with?

#62 | Posted by LampLighter at 2024-11-04 10:04 PM

-do any of you actually find Hans to be a contributing poster?

Not when he's chasing people from thread to thread to thread to thread with his obsession

And I speak for this entire blog with that

#63 | Posted by eberly at 2024-11-04 10:05 PM

I consider that an honor.


First there was this ...

Do you honestly think something went wrong on the server side to repost 1000+ times by Hans or was he sitting in his basement continuously hitting the publish comment button with ever growing incel rage until it finally posted 1000+ times? My bet is that someone's mom didn't bring the pizza rolls in time and Hans was rage hitting submit while likely screaming the n-word at the top of his lungs. Thankfully, he likely resides in a windowless basement so no one was exposed to his racial abuse.

#18 | Posted by deadman at 2024-10-17 08:23 PM

...and then there was this...
#18 | Posted by: deadman | Flag: Serious level

Interestingly enough, this is post #18.

"Any significantly advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic."

#22 | Posted by Hans at 2024-10-17 08:58 PM

This is just way too easy.

And humiliating you is a pleasure.

And, please... This was a very interesting comment from earlier in the week:

"I get the feeling he doesn't understand how blocking works."

#166 | Posted by oneironaut at 2024-10-29 11:49 PM

On the Retort it is called plonking, not blocking.

On other social media sites, when you attempt to reply to someone who has you blocked, the system does not allow you to post said reply. Furthermore, you can no longer see the posts of the person who blocked you. Your only option then is to block that person in return, and neither of you will ever see another one of your posts.

Here, 'tis a little bit different.

When you plonk someone (add to your Killfile), sure, you no longer see their posts.

But here comes the fun part: Yeah, you can no longer see the plonked person's posts, but they can still see yours.

Which means that you can't see the plonked person's reply!

And everyone else can also see plonked person's reply.

You're welcome, oneironaut

#64 | Posted by Hans at 2024-11-04 10:06 PM

"FFS, go ahead and give us your cherry-picked list, don't make us guess. Exactly what are you counting, and what aren't you counting?
#61 | Posted by Danforth"

I was pretty clear above:
1. crime is way worse
2. the schools are way worse (paying way more for worse results at every level from K-12 to the U of California campuses)
3. less emergency rooms available,
4. homelessness is way worse,
5. poverty level (adjusted for cost of living) is way worse,
6. drug overdoses and mental disorders are way worse,
7. income inequality is way worse,
8. the infrastructure from airports to highways is way worse
9. out of state migration is way worse

But, the already clean air did get cleaner, so you have that.

#65 | Posted by deadman at 2024-11-04 10:06 PM

"And I speak for this entire blog with that"

#63 | Posted by eberly


And the lack of patience is palpable . . .

#66 | Posted by Hans at 2024-11-04 10:07 PM

"Does your current alias seem to want to blank out opinions it has an issue with?
#62 | Posted by LampLighter"

I have been willing to engage with anyone stating any actual opinion or argument. I am not willing to engage with askholes or people like Hans posting for the sake of posting alone - that is obsessive and creepy.

#67 | Posted by deadman at 2024-11-04 10:08 PM

Is there anyone who can give a good reason why the supporters/apologists of the Kumquat Pol Pol deserve any respect when they have clearly forfeited that right?

I'm open to persuasion.

#68 | Posted by Hans at 2024-11-04 10:08 PM

Forfeited what right?

#69 | Posted by eberly at 2024-11-04 10:10 PM

"...that is obsessive and creepy." -

#67 | Posted by deadman (new) | Serious level


Faced with your own reflection is somewhat disgusting.


#70 | Posted by Hans at 2024-11-04 10:11 PM

@#61 ... I'm sure low unemployment isn't one of your metrics, since we've been at greater-than-full employment for a while. ...

Well, yeah.

The labor market has been quite strong.

To the point that companies seem to be afraid of laying off workers. The hiring has been reduced, but the layoffs have not yet seemed to occur in any major manner (outside some tech companies).

#71 | Posted by LampLighter at 2024-11-04 10:12 PM

"The problems with air quality were largely already solved by 2000."

Not solved; paused. You're pretending status quo solves an ever-growing problem. It's the continued introduction of cutting-edge technology which has prevented the problem from naturally worsening. And yes, the air quality is better in 2024 than it was in 2000. Or at least is was as of last January.

#72 | Posted by Danforth at 2024-11-04 10:12 PM

#69 | Posted by eberly

What part of ...

Is there anyone who can give a good reason why the supporters/apologists of the Kumquat Pol Pol deserve any respect when they have clearly forfeited that right?
... do you not understand?

#73 | Posted by Hans at 2024-11-04 10:13 PM

"Faced with your own reflection"

You mean you?

Because you're in his face

#74 | Posted by eberly at 2024-11-04 10:13 PM

@#71 ...The labor market has been quite strong. ...

Actually, the U.S. labor market remains very strong

... It is indisputable that the U.S. labor market is strong.

The share of the population ages 25"54 with a job is at a 23-year high, median household incomes rose 4.0% last year, and real wage growth over the last four years has been broad-based and strong. The economy has not only regained the nearly 22 million jobs lost in the pandemic recession, but also added another 6.5 million.

Are some folks still having a hard time? Absolutely.

Even when the unemployment rate is low, there are still sidelined workers, and it remains difficult for many families to make ends meet on wages that are still too low. Unfortunately, that's a long-term phenomenon stemming from a too-stingy U.S. welfare state, rising inequality, and the legacy of anemic wage growth during past economic recoveries. But when comparing the labor market with four years ago (during the pandemic recession) or even before the pandemic began, the answer is clear: More workers have jobs and wages are beating inflation by solid margins.

More people have jobs ...

#75 | Posted by LampLighter at 2024-11-04 10:14 PM

"The labor market has been quite strong.
#71 | Posted by LampLighter"

In Q4 of 2000 California unemployment rate was 4.0%. As of this last September, it was 5.3%, a full 32.5% higher than in year 2000.

But, please try again.

#76 | Posted by deadman at 2024-11-04 10:15 PM

"Because you're in his face" -

#74 | Posted by eberly

And they said you were stupid.

#77 | Posted by Hans at 2024-11-04 10:15 PM


I just want to see if I can get you to follow me around for a few days and ask that 1,487 more times.


#78 | Posted by eberly at 2024-11-04 10:16 PM

"I just want to see if I can get you to follow me around for a few days and ask that 1,487 more times." -

#78 | Posted by eberly

You mean visibility?

Imagine that.

#79 | Posted by Hans at 2024-11-04 10:18 PM

-And they said you were stupid.

I'll take it over what's being said about you right now.

#80 | Posted by eberly at 2024-11-04 10:18 PM

"It's the continued introduction of cutting-edge technology which has prevented the problem from naturally worsening. And yes, the air quality is better in 2024 than it was in 2000. Or at least is was as of last January.
#72 | Posted by Danforth"

It is improving nationwide - but CA still ranks #48 in the nation in terms of air quality.

#81 | Posted by deadman at 2024-11-04 10:20 PM

-You mean visibility?

Um ... .no

I mean you going from thread to thread stalking posters.

You laid off lamplighter I see.

You were going to outcute him with your little way and he didn't like it.

You guys make up?

#82 | Posted by eberly at 2024-11-04 10:26 PM

"I just want to see if I can get you to follow me around for a few days and ask that 1,487 more times." -

#78 | Posted by eberly

Reminds me of the salesman story:

A guy is walking down the street when he sees across the road this man standing there and, apparently, saying something to each passing woman. And each time the man gets his face slapped.

Finally, the guy walks across the street and says to the man, "I'm sorry. But I've been watching you and each time a woman passes you by you seem to say something to her and she slaps your face."

"Tis true, " replied the man. "With each woman that passes by I ask, 'Do you want to sleep with me?'"

"Wow," says the guy. "You must get your face slapped quite a bit."

"That's also 'true," replied the man. "But you'd be surprised!"

#83 | Posted by Hans at 2024-11-04 10:26 PM

Is there anyone who can give a good reason why the supporters/apologists of the Kumquat Pol Pol deserve any respect when they have clearly forfeited that right?

#84 | Posted by Hans at 2024-11-04 10:27 PM

@#81 ... but CA still ranks #48 in the nation in terms of air quality. ...

Then why does there seem to be so much Republican opposition to laws that would help to increase the quality of the air that Americans breathe?

Stated differently, why does your current alias seem to highlight as a disadvantage the results of the policies it seems to espouse?

#85 | Posted by LampLighter at 2024-11-04 10:27 PM

"Then why does there seem to be so much Republican opposition to laws that would help to increase the quality of the air that Americans breathe?
#85 | Posted by LampLighter"

Ever hear of diminishing returns? Learn the phrase and you will understand why throwing billions of dollars and chasing away jobs to make already clean air even clear makes no sense at this point - just like the CA special fuel blends. If it was still 1985, you would have a point. In 2000 or 2024, you sound uninformed.

#86 | Posted by deadman at 2024-11-04 10:30 PM

@#86 ... Ever hear of diminishing returns? ...


Since my first economics course back in the 1970's

... Learn the phrase and you will understand why throwing billions of dollars and chasing away jobs to make already clean air even clear makes no sense at this point ..

Yeah, your current alias has yet to provide any manner of evidence for the connection it asserts.

So, maybe, instead of trying to instruct me to learn something I already know, maybe your current alias might be able to provide evidence of its assertions?

#87 | Posted by LampLighter at 2024-11-04 10:37 PM

"#87 | Posted by LampLighter"

You have already been answered on this point askhole. If you want to continue to engage, ask a new question that has not already been answered or make your own point.

#88 | Posted by deadman at 2024-11-04 10:41 PM

@#86 ... to make already clean air ...

Yeah, you had to know I'd call that out, especially in contrast to a prior comment of your current alias ...

@#81 ... but CA still ranks #48 in the nation in terms of air quality. ...

So, is California's air "already clean" as your current alias seems to assert?

Or is it near the bottom of clean air, as your current alias also asserts?

#89 | Posted by LampLighter at 2024-11-04 10:42 PM

@#88 ... You have already been answered on this point askhole. ...

An ad hominem attack is not an answer.

Do try harder.

#90 | Posted by LampLighter at 2024-11-04 10:44 PM

"So, is California's air "already clean" as your current alias seems to assert?
#89 | Posted by LampLighter"

I will indulge you this one time.

We will use LA as the proxy for this:

In year 2000, LA had a total of 10 "Very Unhealthy or Hazardous Air Days", in 2023, it was 3. So, your increase in non "Very Unhealthy or Hazardous Air Days" went from 355 days to 362 days, an increase of 2%. In 1988, the "Very Unhealthy or Hazardous Air Days" was 145. So, the increase from 1988 to 2000 was 220 to 355 days, a 61% increase. As stated, by year 2000, the smog and air quality issue in CA was largely solved. This is the very definition of diminishing returns.

Further, there have been no stage 2 SMOG alerts since 1988 and no stage 1 SMOG alerts since 2003.

#91 | Posted by deadman at 2024-11-04 10:59 PM

Do try harder.

His current alias isn't worth any more time that his former "Claudio" alias.

#92 | Posted by REDIAL at 2024-11-04 11:03 PM

"#92 | Posted by REDIAL"

I am the only person that has brought any actual data to this entire discussion (which is par for the course). As you cannot dispute any of the data, you want to attack me instead. Just admit defeat and go home.

#93 | Posted by deadman at 2024-11-04 11:13 PM

@#93 . ... I am the only person that has brought any actual data to this entire discussion ...

Yeah, what else is your current alias selling?

#94 | Posted by LampLighter at 2024-11-04 11:18 PM

-what else is your current alias selling?

What an interesting and unstubstantiated assertion.

#95 | Posted by eberly at 2024-11-04 11:22 PM

Just admit defeat and go home.

I'm already home, Claudio.

#96 | Posted by REDIAL at 2024-11-04 11:22 PM

"Yeah, what else is your current alias selling?
#94 | Posted by LampLighter"

I presented actual data on the debate in #91, #81 and in #76 for starters. None of it has been refuted - instead, your side resorts to personal attacks because it is unable to counter the actual data.

So, I don't need to 'sell' anything. Just posting actual data alone is enough to completely destroy your Democrat talking points.

By the way, I still so none on your side has been able to respond to my original challenge on what is better in CA in 2024 compared to 2000 for actual quality of life issues.

#97 | Posted by deadman at 2024-11-04 11:25 PM

"#95 | Posted by eberly"

Liberals argue like children or autistics.

#98 | Posted by deadman at 2024-11-04 11:26 PM

@#91 ... I will indulge you this one time. ...

Thank-you for that apparent extreme effort on the part of your current alias to substantiateb what it says.

... In year 2000, LA had a total of 10 "Very Unhealthy or Hazardous Air Days", in 2023, it was 3. So, your increase in non "Very Unhealthy or Hazardous Air Days" went from 355 days to 362 days, an increase of 2%. ...

OK, I do not disagree.

But I have to ask ...

How does that apparent cheering of your current alias contrast with it's prior #81 comment?

... It is improving nationwide - but CA still ranks #48 in the nation in terms of air quality. ...

So, it seems that your current alias is cherry-picking data for Los Angeles to try to justify its comment about the whole of California?


#99 | Posted by LampLighter at 2024-11-04 11:34 PM

@#97 ... By the way, I still so none on your side has been able to respond to my original challenge ...

Yeah, I am having trouble parsing that.

But why the "on your side" aspect?

Why try to divide?

#100 | Posted by LampLighter at 2024-11-04 11:36 PM

@#98 ... Liberals argue like children or autistics. ...


#101 | Posted by LampLighter at 2024-11-04 11:37 PM

-Liberals argue like children or autistics. ..

some do.

Lamp can't argue ---- which is why he covers it up with his cute little "your alias" crap to completely deflect from the subject.

Hans? Same routine.

#102 | Posted by eberly at 2024-11-04 11:40 PM

"How does that apparent cheering of your current alias contrast with it's prior #81 comment?"

It doesn't. My point then, and now, is that US air quality issues have already been addressed and corrected by the year 2000. With coal burning gone in favor of natural gas for electrical generation and more efficient vehicles nationwide, our air is already way better than what was previously set as the standard for 'clean air'. That is why LA no longer has level 2 of level 1 SMOG alerts. At this point, you are spending billions of dollars to make clean air even cleaner - it is diminishing returns. For CA, especially LA area, they are uniquely terrible vs. the rest of the nation in air quality but even their air quality has been at an acceptable level since 2000.

"So, it seems that your current alias is cherry-picking data for Los Angeles to try to justify its comment about the whole of California?
#99 | Posted by LampLighter"

I am using LA because anywhere else in CA, say Humboldt County, is because the air quality is already so good there that you cannot even find data to make statistically meaning points. For Humboldt County, they had 0 smog days in year 2000 and 0 smog days in 2023. Only LA, with its uniquely awful smog problems from the 1980's has meaningful data - and that data, used as a proxy, already proves my point.

Your problem seems to be with logic in this case.

#103 | Posted by deadman at 2024-11-04 11:43 PM

@#102 ... Lamp can't argue ---- ...

A comment said without no substantiation whatsoever.

Do try harder.

On the other hand, perhaps I should be indirectly gratified that my comments have seemed to have drawn such attention from you?

I mean, why have I been singled out?

#104 | Posted by LampLighter at 2024-11-04 11:46 PM

plenty of substantiation.....can't argue ----.

just obfuscates with your inane deflections.

years and years and years of data....right there.

#105 | Posted by eberly at 2024-11-04 11:48 PM

LA is still in California, right?

the population is roughly 13 million people which is more than most "---- hole states" that get ragged on here every day by some cheerleaders.

So....I think that makes LA fair game.

#106 | Posted by eberly at 2024-11-04 11:50 PM

"@#102 ... Lamp can't argue ---- ...
A comment said without no substantiation whatsoever.
#104 | Posted by LampLighter"

I think your posts in this thread are exhibit A for substantiation of the claim.

#107 | Posted by deadman at 2024-11-04 11:51 PM

@#103 ... It doesn't. ...

Good to see your current alias admit that.

Moving on ...

... My point then, and now, is that US air quality issues have already been addressed and corrected by the year 2000. ...

Yet in #81 your current alias stated ...

... It is improving nationwide - but CA still ranks #48 in the nation in terms of air quality. ...

Why the apparent backtracking from that?

#108 | Posted by LampLighter at 2024-11-04 11:52 PM

"LA is still in California, right?
#106 | Posted by eberly"

If I were a liberal cherry-picking data, I would have used Humboldt County's 0 smog days in 2000 vs. 0 smog days in 2000 to show that there has been no improvement. But, because I am honest with data, I used the most representative sample I could find for the state - and yet, they still whine because the actual data flies in the face of the arguments they try to make.

#109 | Posted by deadman at 2024-11-04 11:54 PM

"Why the apparent backtracking from that?
#108 | Posted by LampLighter"

Already asked and answered in #103. Read it more slowly this time, maybe it would help your comprehension.

#110 | Posted by deadman at 2024-11-04 11:55 PM

Nice deflection - but again, did the quality of life increase with 2+ decades of total Democrat control of the state?

#56 | Posted by deadman

Merely BEING in california is quality of life.

One of the reason we have so many homeless is because it's so damn nice out.

#111 | Posted by SpeakSoftly at 2024-11-05 12:34 AM

Trump's cult is taught to bark at the word CALIFORNIA the same as they're trained to chant lock her up.

It's their identity. Brainwashed into their gullible skulls by enemies of america.

#112 | Posted by SpeakSoftly at 2024-11-05 12:36 AM

"Merely BEING in california is quality of life.
One of the reason we have so many homeless is because it's so damn nice out.
#111 | Posted by SpeakSoftly"

Do Liberals come pre-installed with a logic filter or is it the fact that you are NPCs incapable to deviating from pre-programmed talking points that makes you incapable of debate?

The question, and it is a simple one, is California quality of life better now than it was in the year 2000 after 2+ decades or exclusively liberal rule? If so, by what measure?

#113 | Posted by deadman at 2024-11-05 01:04 AM

"Trump's cult is taught to bark at the word CALIFORNIA the same as they're trained to chant lock her up.
#112 | Posted by SpeakSoftly"

It is more the fact that people have actually lived in CA for more than 20 years and have seen the steady fall in quality of life - especially in areas with deep liberal concentrations - can use logic to put 2+2 together. For GOP areas like Orange County have been okay as well as the 'ultra-liberal' enclaves like Marin County where they actively fight implementation of the liberal agenda in their own community while forcing it on everyone else - such as tolerance for illegals or section 8 housing in Marin County. Sorta like the Martha's Vineyard of California. "Immigrants for thee but not for me"

#114 | Posted by deadman at 2024-11-05 01:11 AM

@#110 ... Already asked and answered in #103. ...

I have read your current alias' comments. Slowly.

And now, in #110, it seems to admit that it is cherry-picking LA data.

So, back in #91, it said...

... "So, is California's air "already clean" as your current alias seems to assert?
#89 | Posted by LampLighter"

I will indulge you this one time.

We will use LA as the proxy for this: ...

Your current alias admits that it uses LA as "a proxy" for all of California?

#115 | Posted by LampLighter at 2024-11-05 01:15 AM

"Your current alias admits that it uses LA as "a proxy" for all of California?
#115 | Posted by LampLighter"

Yes, as already explained on why - perhaps read it again more slowly or have a grown up read it to you. If I wanted to cherry-pick, I would have used Humboldt County. I gave you the single best data point for your side and it simply does not back your argument so now you are banging the table in frustration.

Again, this has been asked and answered already.

Pick a new question or make an original point. You are becoming very boring.

#116 | Posted by deadman at 2024-11-05 01:19 AM

The question, and it is a simple one, is California quality of life better now than it was in the year 2000 after 2+ decades or exclusively liberal rule? If so, by what measure?

#113 | Posted by deadman

More high paying jobs? More productive economy? Cleaner air?

#117 | Posted by SpeakSoftly at 2024-11-05 01:21 AM

@#116 ... Yes, as already explained on why - perhaps read it again more slowly ...

So, your current alias admits that LA is not the proxy for all of California that it had asserted.

What other back-tracking does it want to do?

#118 | Posted by LampLighter at 2024-11-05 01:31 AM

@#117 ... More high paying jobs? More productive economy? Cleaner air? ...


#119 | Posted by LampLighter at 2024-11-05 01:32 AM

"More high paying jobs? More productive economy? Cleaner air?
#117 | Posted by SpeakSoftly"

Cleaner air has already been debunked. As for 'more productive economy' - that is not a quality of life measurement. If you want to trace back 'more productive economy' with 1.) lower unemployment 2.) lower poverty levels 3.) lower rate of homelessness 4.) lower rates of mental health problems 5.) decrease in wealth inequality then you have a point. So, is it linked with any of those?

So, which of these metrics has the 'more productive economy' enabled?

#120 | Posted by deadman at 2024-11-05 01:33 AM

"So, your current alias admits that LA is not the proxy for all of California that it had asserted.
What other back-tracking does it want to do?
#118 | Posted by LampLighter"

It is the BEST PROXY to support YOUR ARGUMENT that is available - and yet, it still does not support your argument. So, I ask you, by what measure and degree of improvement do you have for overall air quality improvement in the state of California from 2000 to 2024? I wait for your link for actual data.

#121 | Posted by deadman at 2024-11-05 01:35 AM

@#121 ... It is the BEST PROXY to support YOUR ARGUMENT that is available ...

I don't have an argument here.

I am just questioning the content of your current alias' posts.

It is up to your current alias to support what it asserts.

So far, I've not seen such a support.

Many contradictions, yes.

But support?

Not one iota.

At this point I am asking myself why I even bother to try to have a reasonable conversation with your current alias.

#122 | Posted by LampLighter at 2024-11-05 01:44 AM

"I don't have an argument here.
#122 | Posted by LampLighter"

That has been clear from the start. Post actual data in your next post or don't expect a reply.

#123 | Posted by deadman at 2024-11-05 01:52 AM

@#123 ... Post actual data in your next post ...

So your current alias seems to be tiring of it's unsubstantiated assertions?

Good to know.

And, fwiw, it is not up to me to post data to counter your current alias's claims. It is up to your current alias to substantiate those claims, which it has not yet done.)


..."Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence" (sometimes shortened to ECREE),[1] also known as the Sagan standard ...

#124 | Posted by LampLighter at 2024-11-05 01:59 AM

"#124 | Posted by LampLighter"

And we are done here. I gave you more chances than I should have.

#125 | Posted by deadman at 2024-11-05 02:01 AM

@#123 ... don't expect a reply. ...


Your current alias could not resist, apparently.


#126 | Posted by LampLighter at 2024-11-05 02:22 AM

THAT will be decided by tonight's election...

If the nation votes in Trump. Then I say we are
definitely sliding in that direction, if we haven't
already arrived...

#127 | Posted by earthmuse at 2024-11-05 06:54 AM

-At this point I am asking myself why I even bother to try to have a reasonable conversation with your current alias.

What else are you capable of doing besides chasing people like him around begging for attention?

And it is a 100% lie that you're trying to have a reasonable conversation

That's a Bridge too far for your alias ... .

#128 | Posted by eberly at 2024-11-05 09:03 AM

Empires come empires go.
Fortunately, they don't suddenly collapse.
Still... nothing lasts forever.

Lucky me.
I am serious when I say this.

I am fortunate... that for no reason I can name... I got to be born into this one during its assent... instead of one still picking itself up after a fall... as so many are these days.

I can't take credit... life is really a crapshoot of chance...

Those places we call $#!t#0le countries... the ones we ridicule... insist we're gonna fix... are so often the carcasses of worn-out empires... after the vultures left.

#129 | Posted by RightisTrite at 2024-11-05 09:23 AM

The question, and it is a simple one, is California quality of life better now than it was in the year 2000 after 2+ decades or exclusively liberal rule? If so, by what measure?

#113 | Posted by deadman

I agree. California is horrible. Especially northern California. You should get out while you can. Try Texas or Florida. They will love you and your hate for America there. And please stop talking about Humboldt County!

We don't want people like you to even know it exists.

And the quality of life here is much better here now than the year 2000 during the Nightmare Before Biden. And gradually improving. Sorry it's not fast enough for you. But we haven't experienced a coup attempt and a violent transfer of power in America since America kicked Trumpy to the curb.

Hopefully America will send Don the Con and all his hateful lies packing once again. (This time with no classified documents in his boxes to sell to the Russians).

#130 | Posted by donnerboy at 2024-11-05 09:58 AM

No it isn't, you need to take the whole of the situation.

Businesses shutting
Lack of taking responsibility.

This isn't due to either sides rhetoric.

No, it's not propaganda, it's [insert propaganda].

STFU moron.

If you read any history it's really because the US in its desire to be wholly democratic, has destroyed the golden goose.

Roman empire lasted a thousand years, the US? Maybe 50 years of glory.

Those days are over.

#35 | Posted by oneironaut

So get the f&^% out and stop being part of our problem.

#131 | Posted by jpw at 2024-11-05 10:25 AM

income inequality is way worse,

This dips**t thinks electing a billionaire that wants to wipe out social security medicare, who fired employees who dared to ask for OT pay for working OT, who will raise the cost of living on families by $4000, who bankrupted numerous contractors that he hired, who identifies with a party that has fought against raising minimum wage will fix that.

#132 | Posted by Nixon at 2024-11-05 10:26 AM

Those days are over.

#35 | Posted by oneironaut

No worries!

As soon as Trumpy rounds up all the immigrants and their children and torture them we will be fine. And our blood won't be poisoned anymore!

#133 | Posted by donnerboy at 2024-11-05 10:28 AM

lions n' tigers n' bears oh my!
lions n' tigers n' bears oh my!
lions n' tigers n' bears oh my!
lions n' tigers n' bears oh my!
lions n' tigers n' bears oh my!
lions n' tigers n' bears oh my!

#134 | Posted by RightisTrite at 2024-11-05 11:00 AM

The Rich convince the poor to make the Rich richer.

When the country stalls, the Rich invest and/or go elsewhere or they die with their riches before it truly affects them.

It's all about short term game for the rich.

Unlike Rome, they have options to go elsewhere when the country crumbles.

#135 | Posted by Sycophant at 2024-11-05 12:27 PM


No it won't.

Nobody is talking about the debt both sides created.

Watch the usual partisans will blame the other side.

#136 | Posted by oneironaut at 2024-11-05 02:39 PM

Nobody is talking about the debt both sides created.

Watch the usual partisans will blame the other side.

#136 | Posted by oneironaut

And the usual russians will pretend the sides are equally bad, when one is far worse in reality.

#137 | Posted by SpeakSoftly at 2024-11-05 02:53 PM

Growth in the national debt of the United States from 1969 to 2023, by president

is by Pres, 1 or 2 terms

#138 | Posted by Corky at 2024-11-05 03:02 PM

It is an undeniable fact that quality of life has decreased

#50 | Posted by deadman

The standard of living has decreased all across America in the timeframe you mention. It has been declining since Reagan and his cronies implemented supply side economics (trickle-down). But many Republicans continue to bite on the trickle-down scam like carp bite on worms. You suckers LET the rich get richer through cronyism, while the middle class pays for the deficit destroying tax cuts with sweat and the American treasure.

Unlike you, I will substantiate my statement:
The Top 1% of Americans Have Taken $50 Trillion From the Bottom 90%

And since this was written over 5 years ago, it's only gotten worse.

#139 | Posted by Whatsleft at 2024-11-05 03:35 PM


You guys are all severely mistaken. Median household income in 2023 was over $80k. That represents a 4% increase in inflation-adjusted dollars over 2022.

What has changed? People's expectations of what they deserve. This #139 nonsense article pre-supposes an obsolete market that no longer exists. It's not wrong probably, but it is referencing a world that has been overcome by events.

The biggest contributor to dissatisfaction now is that people feel they deserve more than they are able to earn or collect on their own. Imagine a prehistoric hunter stating that he "deserved" one elk kill per week, but based on ability was not able to achieve that, and instead based the blame on those hunters with greater skill who were able to achieve multiple kills per week.

That's where we are at champs. But ask yourself, would our ancestors who survived the great depression want to trade places with us? Would you want to trade places with them? How about those in 1960? That halcyon period where high income earners were taxes at 91% and union membership was strong.

I think they would happily trade places. Progressive might, until they realized they were stuck in a 1200 square foot house with one car.

#140 | Posted by madbomber at 2024-11-05 04:03 PM


I think a vast majority would happily trade for the period "where high income earners were taxed at 91% and union membership was strong". That was also a period where one earner could more easily support an entire household. If they really thought about it, most Trump supporters would realize that is exactly when they thought America was great.

until they realized they were stuck in a 1200 square foot house with one car.

I currently have a 3000 sq ft house and several vehicles. Sometimes I'm pretty tired of maintaining it all. If it were entirely up to me, I could be pretty happy with much less. The US obsession with consumption and possession is not healthy. When did we decide that owning things or going into excessive debt to possess things is what's necessary to make us happy? The US needs to stop trying to copy the 1 percent.

#141 | Posted by Whatsleft at 2024-11-05 04:36 PM

-The US obsession with consumption and possession is not healthy.


#142 | Posted by eberly at 2024-11-05 04:58 PM

-I think a vast majority would happily trade for the period "where high income earners were taxed at 91% and union membership was strong".

union members are voting more than ever republican.

If what you're saying is true, then the voters would look different.

I don't think very many people are comfortable with a 91% tax rate even if they know it's miles away from them.

might be why not even Bernie Sanders offered such a plan.

or did he?

#143 | Posted by eberly at 2024-11-05 05:02 PM

It is an undeniable fact that quality of life has decreased in CA from year 2000 to year 2024 after 2 decades+ of absolute Democrat control of EVERY level of government in the state.
#50 | Posted by deadman

California GDP grew from 1.36 trillion in 2000 to 4.08 trillion in 2024, a 300% increase.
US GDP ( minus California) grew from 8.89 trillion in 2000 to 25.08 trillion in 2024, a 282% increase.
So in the same timespan, California's GDP grew 6.4% faster than the rest of the US.

Whether that translates into better quality of life, I can't answer. I don't live there. My last visit was a bit over a year ago, and we had a great time.

#144 | Posted by El_Buscador at 2024-11-05 05:06 PM

I don't think very many people understand that 91% IS miles away from them.

Even though he's accomplished nothing that raises taxes, many Trump supporters believe Biden has raised their taxes. Hell!, many middle class folks still believe inheritance taxes affect them.

I think the one of the most significant problems in the US is that so many are too lazy to become informed.

And no, I don't believe Sanders ever proposed a tax increase that steep for anyone.

#145 | Posted by Whatsleft at 2024-11-05 05:13 PM

#145 was directed to #143

#146 | Posted by Whatsleft at 2024-11-05 05:14 PM

-I don't think very many people understand that 91% IS miles away from them.

Absolutely. Pundits and pols (republicans) attach joe sixpack to a tax exposure they aren't anywhere near close to.

#147 | Posted by eberly at 2024-11-05 05:16 PM

union members are voting more than ever republican.

#143 | Posted by eberly

Yes. Even as Republicans still attempt to destroy their unions, and many of the benefits those unions have helped bring about.

#148 | Posted by Whatsleft at 2024-11-05 05:26 PM

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