
Drudge Retort: The Other Side of the News
Friday, July 05, 2024

Survey: New analyses from the Annenberg Public Policy Center find that public perceptions of scientists' credibility -- measured as their competence, trustworthiness, and the extent to which they are perceived to share an individual's values -- remain high, but their perceived competence and trustworthiness eroded somewhat between 2023 and 2024.



Admin's note: Participants in this discussion must follow the site's moderation policy. Profanity will be filtered. Abusive conduct is not allowed.

More from the article...

... From 2018-2022, the Annenberg Public Policy Center (APPC) of the University of Pennsylvania relied on national cross-sectional surveys to monitor perceptions of science and scientists.

In 2023-24, APPC moved to a nationally representative empaneled sample to make it possible to observe changes in individual perceptions.

The February 2024 findings, released today to coincide with the address by National Academy of Sciences President Marcia McNutt on "The State of the Science," come from an analysis of responses from an empaneled national probability sample of U.S. adults surveyed in February 2023 (n=1,638 respondents), November 2023 (n=1,538), and February 2024 (n=1,555). ...

#1 | Posted by LampLighter at 2024-07-05 12:09 AM | Reply

Congrats to Russian disinformation and the GOP.

#2 | Posted by morris at 2024-07-05 02:10 AM | Reply | Newsworthy 4

The general public is neither well educated nor well informed, and certainly not about scientific matters. That's no shocker, particularly when you factor in the rather unsettling number who appear wedded to magical thinking (

#3 | Posted by Doc_Sarvis at 2024-07-05 07:32 AM | Reply | Newsworthy 5

When we have universities marketing liberal arts degrees as social sciences, the media marketing articles by labeling anyone who publishes a paper a "scientist" or "expert", and politicians and pundits claiming anyone who disagrees with them doesn't "believe" in science, is it any wonder people have become jaded when they hear the word "scientist"?

#4 | Posted by sentinel at 2024-07-05 08:21 PM | Reply | Funny: 4 | Newsworthy 1

When politics including DEI and pedophilia and perverted sex, are fraudulently injected into any aspect of government the outcome is bad news always. Democrat radicals have forced this on us and done this and they need to pay along with media that covered.

#5 | Posted by Robson at 2024-07-05 08:51 PM | Reply | Funny: 3 | Newsworthy 1

The General Population needs to be taught the difference between hard science and social science.

Social science includes people who talk about their being a couple dozen kinds of genders.

Hard science includes people who can tell the race of a dead body in order to help identify a murderer.

#6 | Posted by Tor at 2024-07-05 09:09 PM | Reply | Funny: 1 | Newsworthy 2

Like the time the "environmental scientist" said you could get covid from swimming in, or even standing near the ocean. The science illiterates here believed that nonsense.

#7 | Posted by visitor_ at 2024-07-06 09:26 AM | Reply | Funny: 1 | Newsworthy 1

"Like the time the "environmental scientist" said you could get covid from swimming in, or even standing near the ocean."

Without a link your out of context statement means nothing.

And.. Oh noes! Someone said something incorrect while trying to figure out how a novel virus was being spread in the throes of a global pandemic.

It wasn't the ocean that was the problem. It's human behavior that was the problem in a global pandemic that killed millions and humans like you were obviously part of the problem. Not the solution.

#8 | Posted by donnerboy at 2024-07-06 10:11 AM | Reply | Newsworthy 4

"When politics including DEI and pedophilia and perverted sex ... "

But enough about convicted felon Trumpy and his maga maroons.

#9 | Posted by donnerboy at 2024-07-06 10:13 AM | Reply | Newsworthy 3

The science illiterates here believed that nonsense.

While also believing COVID is a Democrat Hoax.
While also believing COVID is No Worse Than The Flu.
Would alai believing COVID is an Escaped Chinese Bioweapon.

Y'all Deplorables believe whatever you want, whenever it suits you.

#10 | Posted by snoofy at 2024-07-06 10:16 AM | Reply | Newsworthy 4

Without a link your out of context statement means nothing.

#8 | POSTED BY DONNERBOY AT 2024-07-06 10:11 AM | REPLY

Kim Prather, Scripps Oceanography Institution of Technology.

"I wouldn't go in the water if you paid me $1 million right now". paraphrasing: "Social distancing doesn't apply on the beach, because of wind" ... as if it's not windy everywhere outdoors.

They're still studying the long term impact of the depression in surfers from being blocked from their lifestyle.

#11 | Posted by sitzkrieg at 2024-07-06 10:32 AM | Reply

and public perception of science is low because a study will get produced, it goes viral in the news, and nobody ever bothered to peer review it.

Here's a simple one. Why did corporations embrace DEI? It's not to right historical wrongs. It's because a scientific study told them it would make them more money. The study hasn't survived peer review.

#12 | Posted by sitzkrieg at 2024-07-06 10:34 AM | Reply | Funny: 1 | Newsworthy 1

"It's because a scientific study told them it would make them more money."

Study, I can believe. I'm not convinced it was a

#13 | Posted by snoofy at 2024-07-06 10:40 AM | Reply

"and public perception of science is low because a study will get produced, it goes viral in the news, and nobody ever bothered to peer review it.

That's not the fault of "science".

Again. Human behavior.

Also found your "viral" article without your link.

They were discussing whether the virus could be in raw sewage that sometimes gets into coastal waters. Raw sewage is already known to sometimes contain other pathogens that sickens humans when they swim in it. It was a valid discussion.

And again it was not so much the ocean but the crowds of humans that gather there in close proximity with each other.

#14 | Posted by donnerboy at 2024-07-06 10:49 AM | Reply | Newsworthy 2

They're still studying the long term impact of the depression in surfers from being blocked from their lifestyle.


You are kidding me right? Hard to tell if that was snark or serious.

#15 | Posted by donnerboy at 2024-07-06 10:51 AM | Reply | Newsworthy 1

Crowds like that loan surfer being run down by a boat loads of Newsome's thugs with assault rifles.

#16 | Posted by visitor_ at 2024-07-06 11:04 AM | Reply | Funny: 1

That's not the fault of "science".

#14 | POSTED BY DONNERBOY AT 2024-07-06 10:49 AM | FLAG:

I did not say it was. This is a thread about public perception.

That lady was afraid of wind borne Covid at the beach.

The study on depression in surfers is 100% real, and peer-reviewed psychological studies advance the science of disease control implemented by politics.

#17 | Posted by sitzkrieg at 2024-07-06 11:29 AM | Reply

"I did not say it was. This is a thread about public perception."

If you read one article and base all your beliefs and or problems on it I cannot help you and you definitely need professional help.

You came into this thread supporting the contention that science declared the oceans unsafe when it was only one scientist in expressing her concerns relative to her own area of expertise in an article in the LA Times.

In these days of Tik Tok and social media our brains have been and are being completely rewired. THAT is what needs to be studied. Along with the depression and myriad of other problems like isolation and loneliness being caused by social media. Which is apparently not so social.

The rest of the story is the CDC later determined that the going to the beach was safe as long as YOU didn't bring the virus with you and you kept your distance from others. (Human behavior)

As for studies of surfer depression. That's a great thing to study (I guess)but there is whole lot of depression going on tho and depression during a global pandemic or any disaster of global proportions when normal human behavior is disrupted seems to be a normal occurrence for any normal human (being as we are social creatures) .

And I am so sorry that surfers were so inconvenienced by a global pandemic that killed millions. I hope they are ok now that we know more and things are under "control" again.

Seems to me when there is a global pandemic raging out of control being overly cautious is a thing to be expected. As is resistance to authority.

#18 | Posted by donnerboy at 2024-07-06 12:03 PM | Reply | Funny: 1 | Newsworthy 2

I didn't even read this article. My discipline is Comp Sci. It's famous for the extreme levels of toxicity in the peer reviewed research world. What's your discipline, what are your degrees in?

#19 | Posted by sitzkrieg at 2024-07-06 12:16 PM | Reply | Funny: 2

The fact is the public perception of science is being manipulated.

As it always is. Mostly by the religulous. And if you haven't figured it out by now propaganda works and humans are very susceptible to it the religulous are particularly good at it.

And we have seen and heard it before.


I worry that, especially as the Millennium edges nearer, pseudoscience and superstition will seem year by year more tempting, the siren song of unreason more sonorous and attractive. Where have we heard it before? Whenever our ethnic or national prejudices are aroused, in times of scarcity, during challenges to national self-esteem or nerve, when we agonize about our diminished cosmic place and purpose, or when fanaticism is bubbling up around us - then, habits of thought familiar from ages past reach for the controls.

The candle flame gutters. Its little pool of light trembles. Darkness gathers. The demons begin to stir.
Carl Sagan, The Demon-Haunted World: Science as a Candle in the Dark

#20 | Posted by donnerboy at 2024-07-06 12:21 PM | Reply | Newsworthy 1

"I didn't even read this article. "

Yet you quoted a small snippet from it in support of someone who apparently thought it was important anti science evidence.

You probably should have at least read it before you quoted from it.

#21 | Posted by donnerboy at 2024-07-06 12:27 PM | Reply | Newsworthy 1

Public Perception of Scientists' Credibility Has Slipped

Entirely by design.

The RightWing SmearMachine has been tirelessly working on this for over 40yrs now.

See idiot comments #4 and #5.

#22 | Posted by Angrydad at 2024-07-06 12:40 PM | Reply | Newsworthy 1

Someone in authority must have thought that "environmental scientist" was credible. They closed the beaches and arrested at least one lone surfer on video. And as I said, the scientific illiterates on this site defended those actions. Some are ignorant enough they continue to defend it while pretending at the same time that it never happened.

#23 | Posted by visitor_ at 2024-07-06 12:44 PM | Reply

"I didn't even read this article. "
Yet you quoted a small snippet from it

#21 | POSTED BY DONNERBOY AT 2024-07-06 12:27 PM | FLAG:

I quoted a snippet from a completely different article that provided the context that you couldn't find earlier as to what somebody was referring to. Then you couldn't get over some psychologists studying surfer depression. Move on old man, you're like Biden at a debate right now.

#24 | Posted by sitzkrieg at 2024-07-06 12:49 PM | Reply

More from the article...

... In a 2024 publication titled "The Politicization of Climate Science: Media Consumption, Perceptions of Science and Scientists, and Support for Policy" (May 26, 2024) in the Journal of Health Communication, the same team showed that these five factors mediate the relationship between exposure to media sources such as Fox News and outcomes such as belief in anthropogenic climate change, perception of the threat it poses, and support for climate-friendly policies such as a carbon tax. ...
[emphasis mine]

#25 | Posted by LampLighter at 2024-07-06 12:49 PM | Reply | Newsworthy 1

The problem isn't science or scientists. It is people's ignorant expectations of science or willful ignorance of what science actually tells us.

Ex. When a new virus emerges, the transmission rate, transmissivity, durability, lethality of that virus is completely unknown. The science is to take a very conservative approach until the virus is understood, you know, so it doesn't kill the entire human race.

Ignorant people expect scientist to provide exact answers on the best way to handle a novel virus. Ignorant people blame the scientists when the scientists explain the situation in terms that SHOULD be understood by the common man or woman.

The ignorant believe scientists are all wrong, when one or two protective measures are retroactively deemed to not have been needed.

The scientist tried to explain in complicated terms, which was intentionally or ignorantly misunderstood. So scientists necessarily had to simplify the message-to you know, save the human race.

People who make claims like 'People are really surprised I understand this stuff' During a visit to the headquarters of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention on Friday, President Trump touted his own understanding of the coronavirus outbreak. "Maybe I have natural ability," he said, referring to a "super-genius" relative who was a scientist.are simply ignorant who denigrate actual knowledge and experience.

Getting people like Visitor to understand a very complex situation is very difficult.

#26 | Posted by truthhurts at 2024-07-06 12:56 PM | Reply | Newsworthy 3

"The RightWing SmearMachine has been tirelessly working on this for over 40yrs now."

And evangelicals are ecstatic about it.

And even before that the religulous have been busy bees trying to undermine science.

See the scopes monkey trials and their failed attempts (so far) to equate the myth of biblical creation with the science of evolution.

and then there are religion based organizations like the Discovery Institute actively spending millions annually to undermine science in our schools

... .

Discovery Institute is a nonpartisan public policy think tank that advocates for free-market policies supporting traditional Western principles. The Institute conducts research, educates, and analyzes the role of science and technology in public policy.

Tax ID: 91-1521697
Tax-Exempt Status: 501(c)(3)
Budget (2019): Revenue: $7,637,803
Expenses: $6,865,358
Assets: $7,719,373
Location: Seattle, WA
Formation: 1996
Type: Non-Profit
President: Steven Buri
President's Salary: $184,200 1

I wonder how much "science" spends to "research educate and analyze (and influence ) the role of science and technology in public policy".

#27 | Posted by donnerboy at 2024-07-06 12:59 PM | Reply

"surfer depression"

who gives a good god damn.

#28 | Posted by Alexandrite at 2024-07-06 01:05 PM | Reply | Newsworthy 1

"I quoted a snippet from a completely different article that provided the context that you couldn't find earlier as to what somebody was referring to. "

Too afraid to share the link you quoted from but did not read?

Anti science undertones in America are the same as it ever was. But have been recently revived and encouraged by Magatonians who proudly flaunt it like they are so proud of it.

I have plenty more where that came from but hey ... Ready to move on whenever you are.

#29 | Posted by donnerboy at 2024-07-06 01:05 PM | Reply

"surfer depression"

who gives a good god damn.


Exactly. It does seem rather trivial in the scheme of things.

That's why I couldn't tell if he was serious or not.

#30 | Posted by donnerboy at 2024-07-06 01:08 PM | Reply

Anti science undertones in America are the same as it ever was.

#29 | POSTED BY DONNERBOY AT 2024-07-06 01:05 PM | FLAG:

Do you not even see the irony of what you're doing? You blew off the surfer's mental health study, without reading it, because it was Covid lockdown related.

I'm done, it's too retarded.

#31 | Posted by sitzkrieg at 2024-07-06 01:14 PM | Reply

whats your alternative, sitz?

we cant stop pandemics because surfers have a sad?

#32 | Posted by Alexandrite at 2024-07-06 01:16 PM | Reply

everyone was depressed during covid because it sucked.

being dead because youre too stupid to wear a mask or stay out of crowds isnt the answer.

#33 | Posted by Alexandrite at 2024-07-06 01:18 PM | Reply | Newsworthy 2

Do you not even see the irony of what you're doing? You blew off the surfer's mental health study, without reading it, because it was Covid lockdown related.
I'm done, it's too retarded.


What point are you trying to make?

Surfer's lives were impacted detrimentally due to the response to the pandemic?

A scientist made the observation that the beach might be an unsafe location due to covid?

I don't understand your point.

#34 | Posted by truthhurts at 2024-07-06 01:21 PM | Reply

As an aside, the measures taken to limit the spread of the covid virus saved literally millions of lives

You're welcome

#35 | Posted by truthhurts at 2024-07-06 01:22 PM | Reply | Newsworthy 2

Do you not even see the irony of what you're doing? You blew off the surfer's mental health study, without reading it, because it was Covid lockdown related.

I'm done, it's too retarded.


How could I read it? You never posted a link to it.

I am glad you are done speaking half truths and lies. We will all be better off for it.

Wrapping lies in truth only proves you are good at wrapping lies in truth.

Psychologists even have a word for it now.


"Misleading by "telling the truth" is so pervasive in daily life that a new term has recently been employed by psychologists to describe it: paltering. That it is so widespread in society now gives us more insight into the grey area between truth and lies, and perhaps even why we lie at all."

(Notice how I posted a link so you read the quote in context?).

#36 | Posted by donnerboy at 2024-07-06 01:28 PM | Reply

It's because 98% of scientists agree with who funds them.

#37 | Posted by lfthndthrds at 2024-07-06 03:08 PM | Reply

#37 tell me you don't know ---- about the topic without telling me you don't k ow ---- about the topic.

Stay on the nooner moron. Its more your idiotic slow speed.

#38 | Posted by jpw at 2024-07-06 03:35 PM | Reply

#37 tell me you don't know ---- about the topic without telling me you don't k ow ---- about the topic.

Stay on the nooner moron. Its more your idiotic slow speed.

#38 | Posted by jpw at 2024-07-06 03:35 PM | Reply | Flag:

Fake Dr. with the PdH thinks people actually listen to his drivel.

#39 | Posted by lfthndthrds at 2024-07-06 03:44 PM | Reply


This loser slathers horse paste all over his pink sock.

#40 | Posted by reinheitsgebot at 2024-07-06 03:46 PM | Reply

JPW you're needed in the overflow room.

#41 | Posted by visitor_ at 2024-07-06 04:07 PM | Reply | Funny: 1

Modern Americans and people around the globe are brainwashed by their cel phones and computers feeding them only what their algorithms wish them to read; People's electronic devices are doing the thinking for them these days. A viscous cycle of disinformation going on worldly. I am aware of my own issues with this problem and unlike most of the people I know, I actively attempt to read multiple international sources on any topic so as not to lose my own battle to 'not' believe everything that my phone or computers sends me to read. I know of a lot of over weight fat effing right wing morons that have let their cel phones get the better or them and also a lot of very gullible and naive left wing college kids taking over lawns and buildings at universities.

#42 | Posted by Wildman62 at 2024-07-06 04:17 PM | Reply | Newsworthy 2

People need to talk to their Primary Care physician about whether or not they should trust those who are skilled in matters that militaries routinely deploy on a battlefield.

#43 | Posted by Tor at 2024-07-06 06:45 PM | Reply

Only because 45% of Americans are straight up Nutters anymore. When did America start worshiping ignorance over science?

Amongst the political right the % of crazy is more like 80%.

#44 | Posted by earthmuse at 2024-07-06 07:33 PM | Reply


You're a ------- idiot. Go ---- off.

#45 | Posted by LegallyYourDead at 2024-07-06 07:53 PM | Reply

Fake Dr. with the PdH thinks people actually listen to his drivel.


Lol posts a common ignorance-based trope that gets corrected by someone who's written and received multiple grants ...

Calls that person's statement drivel. Lol

#46 | Posted by jpw at 2024-07-06 08:18 PM | Reply

TruthHurts said it well in #26:
The problem isn't science or scientists. It is people's ignorant expectations of science or willful ignorance of what science actually tells us.

Ex. When a new virus emerges, the transmission rate, transmissivity, durability, lethality of that virus is completely unknown. The science is to take a very conservative approach until the virus is understood, you know, so it doesn't kill the entire human race.

Ignorant people expect scientist to provide exact answers on the best way to handle a novel virus. Ignorant people blame the scientists when the scientists explain the situation in terms that SHOULD be understood by the common man or woman.
Every time a new disease emerges, the scientific community jumps into action in an effort to keep as many people safe as possible. Claiming some nefarious motive is irresponsible. But it's a common tactic among authoritarians, and it works well with people who failed science or don't have good critical thinking skills.

#47 | Posted by cbob at 2024-07-06 08:47 PM | Reply

"When a new virus emerges, the transmission rate, transmissivity, durability, lethality of that virus is completely unknown. The science is to take a very conservative approach until the virus is understood, you know, so it doesn't kill the entire human race

Well, that did not apply to covid. Given Fauci funded its development - they knew EXACTLY what it was when it escaped the lab. Only ------- morons are still arguing this came from a Chinese wet market and not the lab working on creating corona virus bioweapons a mile away.

For covid - Fauci and his allies enlisted scientific journals to run fake pieces to push the wet market nonsense and they are still hiding their emails to cover all this up.

"Science" has taken a huge hit in credibility (and not just the climate -------- that said we would all be dead by now, the arctic would be ice free, and snow would no longer fall in the UK) and it is well earned.

#48 | Posted by Claudio at 2024-07-06 08:48 PM | Reply | Funny: 1

" Fauci and his allies enlisted scientific journals to run fake pieces to push the wet market nonsense and they are still hiding their emails to cover all this up"

Well, if that's the case, at least one person who disagrees with Fauci has got those blast emails, right? So proving a cover-up would be easy, right?

Amazing isn't it? All those witnesses, and not a single one coming forward. Four years later, and zip.

#49 | Posted by Danforth at 2024-07-06 08:50 PM | Reply

Oh but CBOB we must not disparage the scholars who spent an evening googling Covid 19 and became experts in the field!

#50 | Posted by truthhurts at 2024-07-06 08:56 PM | Reply

"Well, if that's the case, at least one person who disagrees with Fauci has got those blast emails, right? So proving a cover-up would be easy, right?
Amazing isn't it? All those witnesses, and not a single one coming forward. Four years later, and zip.

They have come forward and the evidence is already plain for all to see - we now know for certain that Fauci funded the research and lied about gain of function research at the lab thanks in large part to Rand Paul. We are just back to the fundamental question again - will the Democrats continue to run a two-tiered justice system or will they make arrests? There is no debate remaining on the underlying facts.

#51 | Posted by Claudio at 2024-07-06 09:06 PM | Reply | Funny: 1

Scatberg is another horse paste munching MAGAt.

#52 | Posted by reinheitsgebot at 2024-07-06 09:08 PM | Reply

"They have come forward and the evidence is already plain for all to see "

Then post the emails. Make it plain for everyone to see.

#53 | Posted by Danforth at 2024-07-06 09:20 PM | Reply

" will the Democrats continue to run a two-tiered justice system ... "

Another moron who can't point to a single indictment of Trump which you or I could do without fear of legal repercussions.

Fact is, they are the ones who want the two-tiered justice system: one for Democrats, another for Republicans.

#54 | Posted by Danforth at 2024-07-06 09:22 PM | Reply

My discipline is Comp Sci. It's famous for the extreme levels of toxicity in the peer reviewed research world.

Comp sci publishes and has peer review?

#55 | Posted by jpw at 2024-07-06 09:43 PM | Reply

Science" has taken a huge hit in credibility (and not just the climate -------- that said we would all be dead by now, the arctic would be ice free, and snow would no longer fall in the UK) and it is well earned.

This idiot showed precisely why this article is correct, but not in the way he thinks.

#56 | Posted by jpw at 2024-07-06 09:48 PM | Reply

They have come forward and the evidence is already plain for all to see

You misspelled innuendo, idiot.

#57 | Posted by jpw at 2024-07-06 09:49 PM | Reply

Some scientists think men can transform into women. We know that ain't true. I don't care how many "experts" or "scientists" claim otherwise. Maybe stop lying to people and you'll get some credibility back but for many you've ruined your reputation already and you can't get it back.

#58 | Posted by THEBULL at 2024-07-07 04:02 AM | Reply | Funny: 1

#58 | Posted by THEBULL at 2024-07-07 04:02 AM | Reply |

That moron who posted #57 right above your post is one of those who believe in the transformation you speak of.

And the -------- expects people to take him seriously.

#59 | Posted by lfthndthrds at 2024-07-07 04:47 PM | Reply

lol I've never claimed whatever you morons are babbling about.

#60 | Posted by jpw at 2024-07-07 07:08 PM | Reply

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