Drudge Retort: The Other Side of the News
Monday, July 29, 2024

After the Democrat's coup against a feeble President Biden who was forced out from being TKO'd by former President Trump during the June debate. the non democratically anointed candidate of Harris still trails in the polls in-spite of a "honeymoon" phase. In an apparent move to attempt to protect the down ballot from complete disaster, can Harris achieve such a task while cruising to electoral defeat? Time will tell.



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Most of those polls are a week or so old.... today's polling?


Nice try, no waffles for you.

#1 | Posted by Corky at 2024-07-29 02:52 PM | Reply

That a single poll, the aggregate tells a very different story. I was correct on the polling for poor man Biden. So much so you guys booted the poor dementia ridden guy out. I'm correct on this.

#2 | Posted by Bluewaffles at 2024-07-29 02:57 PM | Reply

Also, while I was in my "time out" for pointing out rioting by a certain segment ... I have to say Clownshack is the most realistic poster here who sees the writing on the wall for Harris. Clownshack, if you read this, we might disagree on politics but you certainly have earned my respect.

#3 | Posted by Bluewaffles at 2024-07-29 03:00 PM | Reply

- the aggregate tells a very different story.

Yeah! Because, as I mentioned, some of them are a week old.

Is this thing even on??

- earned my respect.

I'm sure the 'Shack will live that down.

#4 | Posted by Corky at 2024-07-29 03:04 PM | Reply | Funny: 1

Dude, you're on track to lose again. Just accept it, hope the beating isn't as bad as it would have been under Biden's epic loss and things will be just fine.

#5 | Posted by Bluewaffles at 2024-07-29 03:16 PM | Reply

---------- is the ------ who predicted Herschel Walker and Dr. Oz were going to win their senate races.

#6 | Posted by reinheitsgebot at 2024-07-29 03:19 PM | Reply | Newsworthy 1


Translation from the Trumpeze: "Dude, I gots nuthin' but smack talk as per usual!".

#7 | Posted by Corky at 2024-07-29 03:19 PM | Reply

I never said Harris couldn't win.

I do believe the election is Trump's to lose.

I do see democrats celebrating way too soon and congratulating themselves on something that's a long shot.

Polls are misleading.

The popular vote is meaningless. (And I'm not certain Harris will win the popular vote.)

Swing states are key battlegrounds and democrats are showing up late to the party.

Let's be realistic.

I'm not saying any of this for anyone's benefit or derision.

I'm saying. This is a Hail Mary.

#8 | Posted by ClownShack at 2024-07-29 03:29 PM | Reply

Rein ... That polling I relied upon was coming from 538, which was being touted on the front page for Biden as though it was definitive proof (just before Biden had a soft coup committed against him).

#9 | Posted by Bluewaffles at 2024-07-29 03:30 PM | Reply

Two features of this election that have not yet had time to sink in yet:

1. JayDee as a purveyor of insufferable pomposity and smug jackassery.
2. Orange Julius as an aged, senescent convicted felon and sower of looney tunes.

Put those two bits together, mix well, and with Biden out of the game the whole age/brain thang is now a monkey on Trump's back. What a hoot. And as for Vance, if you factor in Trump's evident mental and presumed physical health, well, a vote for Trump is a vote for JayDee as POTUS.

#10 | Posted by Doc_Sarvis at 2024-07-29 03:37 PM | Reply | Newsworthy 1

@#2 ... the aggregate tells a very different story. ...

Yes, they do.

Fmr Pres Trump went from a 3.1% lead to a 1.7 percent lead in less than two weeks.

#11 | Posted by LampLighter at 2024-07-29 03:47 PM | Reply | Newsworthy 1

Clown again, for as long as I am allowed to post here ... any disagreement we have on topics are solely that of philosophical differences. I very much so respect you.

#12 | Posted by Bluewaffles at 2024-07-29 04:17 PM | Reply

"Watch out for your goodies, Clowny! That man is a sex maniac!"

(apologies to MASH)

#13 | Posted by Corky at 2024-07-29 04:24 PM | Reply

Back in reality, ...

#14 | Posted by morris at 2024-07-29 11:56 PM | Reply

Several things Blue Balls and Clown are missing:

1. VOLUNTEERISM - There is a wave of 170,000+ volunteers who have signed up in the last week and are out making calls, writing postcards and knocking doors. That's just the initial number. Reportedly people are showing up to campaign offices all over the country, grabbing a clipboard and making phone calls. Wisconsin has been setting up offices all over the state since January. There is NO word of ANY ground game for the GQP. Dotard has never mounted a ground game in either of his previous campaigns because they are expensive and you have to trust people to make financial decisions at the local level, which we know Dotard is incapable of. Thanks to Donnie Dementia, the GQP has no money, because Donnie and his crotch fruit's tone deaf wife have raided the coffers, so there is no money for down ballot races.

2. ENTHUSIASM - According to a poll I saw today, before POTUS dropped out, the GQP led in enthusiasm by 18, now the Dems lead by six, that's a massive turnaround in a week, led by black voters and youth voters, the two most important segments of the Biden coalition.

3. POLLING SUCKS - The pollsters have been unable to effectively track young voters. Now that Harris has at least a 20 point lead among that group, I expect any poll that shows them tied is really Harris up by about 4-5 thanks to the new found enthusiasm among Gen-Z.

4. THE DOBBS EFFECT - VPOTUS makes the case for women's reproductive rights better than did POTUS. Women are still pissed about Dobbs and will continue to vote that way.

5. THE DNC - It will continue the Harris honeymoon, and I expect a three to five point bump from it. She will trot out Hillary, Bernie, Bill, Michelle, and Barack who will give an amazing stemwinder on the second to last night, whipping up the base as inly he can. Then she will make the case for the prosecutor over the convicted felon/adjudicated rapist as only she can. She will also get a bump from choosing a highly qualified VP candidate, I suspect either Roy Cooper putting NC in play, or Mark Kelly giving her Arizona.

6. CURRENT DOTARD-VPOTUS POLLING IS STILL THIN AND PROVIDES NO TREND LINES - But remember it comes with his tiny bump from the RNC and and from getting hit by a flying piece of plastic. However her likebility numbers since she became the presumptive nominee are through the roof, about fifteen points better than Dotard's.

7. DIAPER DONNIE IS THE MOST DISLIKED POLITICIAN IN THE COUNTRY - VPOTUS is attractive, well spoken, joyful, and really likable. Dotard is a lazy, fat old liar who is a convicted felon and a adjudicated rapist. The more people see VPOTUS the more they will like her, Donnie's trending in the opposite direction.

8. THE AGE AND INFIRMITY QUESTION - It was laid at POTUS' feet, now he's kicked it over to Dotard. The media is suddenly paying attention to what Dotard is saying whether it's his multiple glitches per Klan rally, or his saying the quiet part out loud, as in illegally ending Birthright Citizenship and having "fixed" the election system by 2028 so Christians NEVER HAVE TO VOTE AGAIN.

9. DEMS HAVE A FAR DEEPER BENCH OF SURROGATES - Thanks to MAGA, Dotard is the only person the GQP can roll out that can draw a bigger crowd than the line at Starbucks. Dems have Newsom, Whitmer, Shapiro, Cooper, Beshear, Pete, Michelle, Barack, Bill, and so on, all significant draws on their own. They are all great on TV, Pete is especially great on Faux Spews.

The Dems have only begun to fight. We have three months, and I firmly believe we will see the first female POTUS sworn in in January.

#15 | Posted by _Gunslinger_ at 2024-07-30 03:36 AM | Reply | Newsworthy 1

Yeah Gunslinger ... I'm not reading all of that when numbers tell me Kamala is only slightly more popular than Biden and still is losing to Trump.

#16 | Posted by Bluewaffles at 2024-07-30 09:58 AM | Reply | Funny: 1

Yeah Gunslinger ... I'm not reading all of that when numbers tell me Kamala is only slightly more popular than Biden and still is losing to Trump.


RCP is a biased poll. Biased towards republicans.

The tide is obviously turning. And democrats are energized.

But you go ahead and believe that Trumpy is winning.

You can believe that right up to Election Day. That's fine. But please don't be shocked when you lose again. And please don't freak out when you lose again and gather your friends and try and attack my capital and violently overthrow the elections again. We will be watching a lot closer this time.

#17 | Posted by donnerboy at 2024-07-30 12:02 PM | Reply

RCP also predicted a Hillary win in 2016

So RCP predicting a Trumpy will win this time doesn't carry much weight. Especially this far out.

Anyway. Good luck with all that. We have 90 some days to go. And Dems haven't even picked a VP or had their convention bump yet.

And don't forget the October Surprise! Those are always so much fun!


#18 | Posted by donnerboy at 2024-07-30 12:12 PM | Reply

@#18 ... RCP also predicted a Hillary win in 2016 ...

They did not.

You cited averages that did not take into account the margin of error of the polls.

Taking MoE into account, RCP said 2016 was a toss-up.


#19 | Posted by LampLighter at 2024-07-30 12:49 PM | Reply

@#17 ... RCP is a biased poll. Biased towards republicans. ...

RCP is not "a poll" but a rolling average or summary of all major polls.

I find their polling pages to be quite good.

#20 | Posted by LampLighter at 2024-07-30 12:51 PM | Reply

RCP is not "a poll" but a rolling average or summary of all major polls.
I find their polling pages to be quite good.

They are a poll aggregator (how can you claim you were in tech and not know the term?) , but Donnerboy claiming its right wing bias is hilarious.


#21 | Posted by oneironaut at 2024-07-30 01:01 PM | Reply

@#21 ... They are a poll aggregator ...

Yup that is what I said in #20.

RCP is not "a poll" but a rolling average or summary of all major polls. ...

#22 | Posted by LampLighter at 2024-07-30 01:10 PM | Reply

October should be fun.

#23 | Posted by LegallyYourDead at 2024-07-30 01:18 PM | Reply

They did not.

Actually they did.

You cited averages that did not take into account the margin of error of the polls.

Because they did not assign one?

Furthermore, RCP assigned no margin of error to its state-specific forecasts.

"It is desirable to place the RCP results on a stronger statistical foundation, especially as an indicator of the caliber of state-level polls that it summarized. A simple way to do so is to accept RCP's assumption that the various polls in its average are essentially interchangeable. A "megapoll" could be created by combining all the individual polls RCP used for a given state in its Election Day forecast. Using that megapoll, one can estimate a margin of sampling error for the statewide result and"more importantly"estimate the probability that Trump would carry the state."

Real Clear Politics (RCP) predicted on Election Day that Trump would get 266 electoral votes, compared to Clinton's 272. It correctly identified the winner in 47 of the 51 states, erring"like FiveThirtyEight"in PA, MI, and WI, and also in Nevada. (FiveThirtyEight got Nevada right, but it tilted toward Clinton in Florida and North Carolina, which she lost.) However, RCP listed all four of the states it got wrong in its "tossup" category.

Still, the specific procedure by which RCP assigned a state's winner would cause statisticians to tear their hair out. Roughly speaking, it considered all major polls in the state within two weeks of the election, and took a simple arithmetical average of their results. If Trump was ahead of Clinton in this average, he was awarded the state in RCP's "no tossup" assessment.


#24 | Posted by donnerboy at 2024-07-30 01:23 PM | Reply

Are you a statistician? When's the last time you passed a college statistics class?

#25 | Posted by sitzkrieg at 2024-07-30 01:27 PM | Reply

Do you have any kind of background in any quantitative field?

#26 | Posted by sitzkrieg at 2024-07-30 01:28 PM | Reply

Here are the RCP results from 2016 just before the election:


#27 | Posted by TrueBlue at 2024-07-30 01:32 PM | Reply

@#24 ... Because they did not assign one? ...

RCP does not assign a margin of error, the pollsters do based upon the statistics of their poll. If you look at he table in the link you provided in #18, you'll see the MoE for most of the polls used in the summary. From what I see, most of the polls there had a MoE of 3% or more.

Indeed, for current 2024 polling, when the RCP summary went to +3.1% lead for fmr Pres Trump I wrote that the results look like they were starting to leave the quagmire of the MoE.

RCP was good for the 2016 election. The problem is all those who seemed to ignore the margin of error, and just look at the general election polling results. Apparently including that amstat.org link you posted...

... Donald Trump's victory in the 2016 presidential election caused widespread shock, in large part because political polls seemed to predict an easy victory for Hillary Clinton. ...

"political polls seemed to predict" ? If anything the polls were showing a toss-up when MoE was taken into account. It was those "predicting" from the poll results that blew it.

@#24 ... Real Clear Politics (RCP) predicted on Election Day that Trump would get 266 electoral votes, compared to Clinton's 272. ...

That is based upon the RCP "No tossup" map, which ignores the MoE.

Look at the 2016 map in my #19 to see the 2016 Electoral College taking into account the MoE.

#28 | Posted by LampLighter at 2024-07-30 01:41 PM | Reply

@#27 ... Here are the RCP results from 2016 just before the election: ...

More important, imo, than the general election results are the Electoral College results from 2016...


171 toss-up electoral votes.

#29 | Posted by LampLighter at 2024-07-30 01:43 PM | Reply

" numbers tell me Kamala is only slightly more popular than Biden and still is losing to Trump."

That's because you're ignoring P.O.'d women. Then again, not your fault: so is every other pollster.

Ask yourself: why did the KS abortion vote stun the pollsters? Same with Ohio's vote on women's health. Polls were also way off in Alabama, and in OH06, a district which went +29 for Trump, went for the (R) by only nine points.

What's the common thread? Pollsters all use the prior electorate as the model.

This ain't them. Pissed off women are NOWHERE in the models.

#30 | Posted by Danforth at 2024-07-30 02:22 PM | Reply

RCP includes a lot of crap GQP leaning polls into their average, which tends to skew them. I haven't watched RCP since 2016. Again, nobody has figured a way to effectively sample a group that does not answer calls from unknown phone numbers and prefers to interact via text or other app. The pollsters tend to overvalue the few right leaning Gen-Z people they actually talk to. Hence the red wave we were guaranteed that was easily mopped up with a panty liner.

This race is too knew for there to be any accurate polling, especially trendline polling. However, rustbelt popularity polls look like Kamala is winning in MI and MN, and is ahead in popularity in WI and PA. We will see how that changes after the DNC which should be epic.

Blue Balls, you can try to use old polling to predict a new race, you might as well be using 2016 polling and Sharpie in Kamala's name over HRC's name. But that would leave out how incredibly unpopular Dotard is, and has been since he first stole 2016 with the help of Russia and James Comey. Dems have not been this excited to vote for a candidate since 2008. All the momentum is with Harris, and will be for the next month. And that doesn't even touch Dobbs, which will hang around Dotard's neck like an electoral anchor, especially since Harris makes the case for reproductive rights better than did POTUS.

#31 | Posted by _Gunslinger_ at 2024-07-30 03:41 PM | Reply | Newsworthy 1

Several things Blue Balls and Clown are missing

I'm not missing anything.

I'm saying stop counting your chickens before they've hatched.

Not everyone is as excited about Harris as the Democratic establishment.

Also. I've never stated she can't win. I'm saying get out there and fight. Stop assuming Americans will simply go out there and vote for her. Because, they didn't during the 2020 primaries.

Hillary was a better candidate than Trump. Didn't help her win.

Anyway. I'm sure I'm missing something. I'll read your list and let you know if there's something I'm not considering.

#32 | Posted by ClownShack at 2024-07-30 03:59 PM | Reply

1. VOLUNTEERISM - Is definitely important and reflects the need to make sure people receive the correct information. Because republicans are already out there spitting hate on AM radios and in churches across the nation. As for Donald Trump, the media lavishes him with attention. That's how he campaigns.

2. ENTHUSIASM - This is where I'm telling you to take caution and not overestimate what you hear or read. This election is far from won because Biden dropped out. Harris is a younger candidate who would be a better choice. But I'm not convinced this enthusiasm is what it's being drummed up to be.

3. POLLING SUCKS - Agreed. Not sure why you went only with anything more for #3. There should have been a period at the end of "Polling Sucks".

4. THE DOBBS EFFECT - Women time and time again prove they don't always have their own best interests at heart. If they did, they'd never vote for Republicans. Especially not Trump.

5. THE DNC - Harris already has the DNC. So did Biden. Although I do agree, democrats are more excited about Harris. But. What about independents and moderates? Can Harris win over people who would vote for 3rd party candidates? "Trump is bad!" cannot be the campaign.

6. CURRENT DOTARD-VPOTUS POLLING IS STILL THIN AND PROVIDES NO TREND LINES - I refer you back to #3, Polling Sucks. Don't believe polling matters. Voting matters.

7. DIAPER DONNIE IS THE MOST DISLIKED POLITICIAN IN THE COUNTRY - This may be true. But the popular vote is meaningless. Consider the EC. The vote will come down to a few districts in a couple states. How disliked is Trump there? How liked is Harris? Better find out and campaign harder.

8. THE AGE AND INFIRMITY QUESTION - Same as above. If the people whose votes actually matter don't care, then none of that matters. Besides. They're voting for more than Donnie Dementia Diaper Pants. They're going for the GOP, the Supreme Court, Project 2025, the end of American Liberalism. It's a big election. There are plans that if go in play, will change America.

9. DEMS HAVE A FAR DEEPER BENCH OF SURROGATES - Money is God. But I'm not certain which bench has deeper pockets. You really only need a few multi billionaires to have a successful campaign. The GOP has several of their own.

This is an election. Not a cake walk. Harris and the DNC have a lot of work to do.

#33 | Posted by ClownShack at 2024-07-30 05:52 PM | Reply

Never said it was a cakewalk, all I'm saying is that you are underestimating a bunch of things. I believe David Hogg when he talks about the NEW ENTHUSIASM among young voters, his finger is on the pulse. All of these calls breaking Zoom and raising millions for the Harris campaign are not the DNC, this is enthusiasm, something Dems haven't had since 2008, this is HOPE! Yes there is work to do, and that's why the volunteerism is so important, not just to make the calls and educate voters, but to ask for their votes, make sure they are (still) registered and make sure they have a plan to get to the polls. Once you've identified a possible voter the key is to keep checking back. Women voting on Dobbs are directly responsible for Dems completely overperforming polling and polling history in pretty much every race since Dobbs, it will continue. And according to what I've read, given that polling sucks, Harris has pulled ahead with Independents.

#34 | Posted by _Gunslinger_ at 2024-07-30 06:16 PM | Reply

Well the new swing state polling has VPOTUS up 10 in MI (which is what the approval poll showed over the weekend as well), so that's now out of reach for Dotard along with MN. Not a surprise as 5hey love Big Gretch in that state and Detroit was a safe bet to show out for Kamala. She's up two in WI, NV, and AZ, he's up 4 in NC, 2 in PA and they are tied in GA. Kamala has all the momentum; she spoke to a packed house of over 10k in ATL today and was electric. She has all the youthful enthusiasm and the energy to go hard for the next 98 days, while the sad, fat old pedophile sat at home in his bathrobe feeling sorry for himself, writing nasty posts on his third rate Threads knockoff that nobody reads and probably eating KFC. Lots of work to do, but I like the way its trending heading into the DNC in Chicago, which should draw massive audiences wanting to learn more about Kamala. I predict she will rebuild the blue wall through the rust belt before the end of August, and put AZ, GA, and NV in the books by the end of September. She might even spend some of her massive warchest playing in FL since abortion is on the ballot trying to defeat Rick Medicare Fraudster Scott.

#35 | Posted by _Gunslinger_ at 2024-07-31 03:37 AM | Reply

Ask yourself: why did the KS abortion vote stun the pollsters?

#30 | Posted by Danforth at 2024-07-30 02:22 PM | Reply

Which pollsters? It was the KS Secretary of State that predicted 36% turnout. He has no quantitative background, he's a medical equipment sales rep turned Republican politician.

#36 | Posted by sitzkrieg at 2024-07-31 11:47 AM | Reply

RCP average for Trump went back up to +2.

#37 | Posted by sitzkrieg at 2024-07-31 11:48 AM | Reply

Betting odds favor trump, 55%.

Even if we lose it's still less embarressing than running Biden again.

#38 | Posted by sitzkrieg at 2024-07-31 11:51 AM | Reply

This headline didn't age well.
Harris is doing much better in swing states today beating Trump in all but two IIRC.

#39 | Posted by YAV at 2024-07-31 11:58 AM | Reply

Where did LuftWaffles go, anyway?

#40 | Posted by YAV at 2024-07-31 12:00 PM | Reply

This headline didn't age well.
Harris is doing much better in swing states today beating Trump in all but two IIRC.

#39 | Posted by YAV at 2024-07-31 11:58 AM | Reply | Flag:

It has not shown up in the aggregate yet.

Battlegrounds Trump Harris Spread
Wisconsin 48.2 48.0 Trump +0.2
Pennsylvania 48.2 45.5 Trump +2.7
Michigan 46.3 48.3 Harris +2.0
Arizona 49.0 44.8 Trump +4.2
Nevada 47.5 43.5 Trump +4.0
North Carolina 49.0 43.5 Trump +5.5
Georgia 48.2 44.6 Trump +3.6

#41 | Posted by sitzkrieg at 2024-07-31 01:17 PM | Reply

Bloomberg/Morning Consult poll:Harris standing versus Trump:Michigan +11 Arizona +2Wisconsin +2Nevada +2Georgia 0 (tie)Pennsylvania -4North Carolina -2

#42 | Posted by Alexandrite at 2024-07-31 01:18 PM | Reply

Harris is doing better in the Bloomberg Morning Consult poll. There's a piece of fishy data in it for Michigan, the average has been Trump +2, but it skyrocketed to Harris +11 without the same jump appearing in any other state? Anyways, need a lot more polls over the next few weeks that are favorable to Harris to take the lead in betting markets.

#43 | Posted by sitzkrieg at 2024-07-31 01:20 PM | Reply

Biden was super unpopular in michigan because of Gaza. now hes no longer the nominee.

#44 | Posted by Alexandrite at 2024-07-31 02:00 PM | Reply

That doesn't explain it. She's been the VP the entire time. There is no signal of any policy step that's not aligned with what Biden implemented. She met with BB even.

"Days after launching her White House campaign, U.S. Vice President Kamala Harris met with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in the vice president's ceremonial office. Netanyahu also met with President Joe Biden earlier in the day."

#45 | Posted by sitzkrieg at 2024-07-31 02:36 PM | Reply

More likely it's +1.1 and not +11.

#46 | Posted by sitzkrieg at 2024-07-31 02:36 PM | Reply

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