
Drudge Retort: The Other Side of the News
Thursday, March 28, 2024

Americans have soured on Israel's war in the Gaza Strip, reflecting shifting attitudes toward Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's government as it vows to expand its military campaign deeper south into the Palestinian city of Rafah.



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Nobody likes to watch children get Massacred.

Nobody likes to pay for the weapons used to slaughter civilians.

Even the Israeli's want some else to pay for their Weapons and Defense.

Eff That.

They can fund their own genocide. Even Hitler didn't ask to be Paid to slaughter his Enemies.

Putin hasn't either.

But Bibi wants a Free Ride,in Every sense of the word.

Swinish and Savage,that's the Likud.

No better morally than Hamas.

But everyone lines up to kiss their ------- Ass.

#1 | Posted by Effeteposer at 2024-03-27 07:19 PM | Reply | Newsworthy 1

Putin relies on China.

#2 | Posted by ichiro at 2024-03-28 09:29 AM | Reply | Newsworthy 1

- Nobody likes to watch children get Massacred.

With the obvious exception of those who obfuscate for Putin's targeting of civilians in Ukraine.

#3 | Posted by Corky at 2024-03-28 07:55 PM | Reply

Majority? Guess depends on who/what segment of people are polled.

#4 | Posted by MSgt at 2024-03-29 12:06 PM | Reply

"Nobody likes to watch children get Massacred."

Unless they're Jewish children. At a music festival.

Then it's a ------- party. At least to a majority of Palestinians it is.

#5 | Posted by madbomber at 2024-03-29 12:17 PM | Reply

And Palestinian children. At their homes.

Then it's a ------- party. At least to a majority of Zionists it is.

#6 | Posted by snoofy at 2024-03-29 12:26 PM | Reply

Majority? Guess depends on who/what segment of people are polled.

MSgt is part of the Alternate Majority.

#7 | Posted by snoofy at 2024-03-29 12:29 PM | Reply

Maybe if our news hid the skinny kids and kids missing limbs we'd be like Israel and support it (since they hide these images in their news).

#8 | Posted by Brennnn at 2024-03-29 01:01 PM | Reply

We hid the Iraqi casualties in our own news.

How often do you see combat footage in our news?

Starving kids,..that's just not news.

Anything to make the populace ignore the bloodshed and destruction done by American "troops".

Israel is no different.

#9 | Posted by Effeteposer at 2024-03-29 01:07 PM | Reply

"We hid the Iraqi casualties in our own news." Good point. We killed like 30,000 civilians in Iraq. One reason to not watch US news corps.

#10 | Posted by Brennnn at 2024-03-29 01:56 PM | Reply

"And Palestinian children. At their homes. Then it's a ------- party. At least to a majority of Zionists it is."

Sure. I'm guessing that the average day at the IAF headquarters starts by figuring out which targets contain the most amount of civilians. And rather than use their weapons against military targets, they instead choose to go bomb targets with no military value.

I get it bruh, you were never in that business. So it's cute and fun and appeals to emotion and comes off well on Tik Tok...but I've been doing this for years.

And the only time I ever had any touchpoint with the IAF was when we copied some of their techniques used to reduce collateral damage. So....

#11 | Posted by madbomber at 2024-03-29 02:07 PM | Reply

"Sure. I'm guessing that the average day at the IAF headquarters starts by figuring out which targets contain the most amount of civilians."

The whole place contains civilians. It's one of the most densely populated areas on earth.

#12 | Posted by snoofy at 2024-03-29 02:11 PM | Reply

"Good point. We killed like 30,000 civilians in Iraq. One reason to not watch US news corps."

It was far more than 30k. It was in the hundreds of thousands. And that's just through ~2010 or so, as part of the western effort to establish a democratic Iraq.

That doesn't include what happened after ISIS took control of large swaths of Iraq, and the US conducted massive air campaigns against the Islamic State.

#13 | Posted by madbomber at 2024-03-29 02:12 PM | Reply

But it has never been hidden from anyone.

#14 | Posted by madbomber at 2024-03-29 02:12 PM | Reply

Majority? Guess depends on who/what segment of people are polled.


Thank you Captain Obvious!

That's how polls work.

It also depends on how the questions are asked.

#15 | Posted by donnerboy at 2024-03-29 02:27 PM | Reply

"It also depends on how the questions are asked."

Do you like President Trump?

(devil voice:) Or did the demon spawn of George Soros and Oprah invade your MIND!?!. Press one for yes.

(Which will also start recurring debits)

#16 | Posted by Danforth at 2024-03-29 02:40 PM | Reply

"The whole place contains civilians. It's one of the most densely populated areas on earth."

Same with Raqqa. And Kobani. And Tal Afar. And Mosul. And other cities occupied by the other Islamic State.

Or, if you want to go back a few years, Koln. And Frankfurt. And Stuttgart. And Munich. And Dresden, of course.

#17 | Posted by madbomber at 2024-03-29 02:48 PM | Reply

Did you have a point or do you just like naming cities you've killed civilians in?

#18 | Posted by snoofy at 2024-03-29 02:52 PM | Reply

"Did you have a point or do you just like naming cities you've killed civilians in?"

The point was made. It just conflicts with the narrative you're emotionally attached to.

#19 | Posted by madbomber at 2024-03-29 02:56 PM | Reply

Was the point civilians are being killed in Gaza and that's okay?

Was it also okay to kill civilians in Iraq for 9/11, even thought Iraq has nothing to do with 9/11?

You brought up Iraq so I figured it is supposed to be comparable in some way.

#20 | Posted by snoofy at 2024-03-29 03:01 PM | Reply

The whole place contains civilians. It's one of the most densely populated areas on earth.
Actually, it's not, ~14,000 per sq mile and getting less dense everyday. Gaza doesn't break the top 100 in density.
This is just another TikToc meme (lie) put on offer as a reason to let Palestinians get away with murder.

And Munich. And Dresden, of course.
We killed 100,000 in 3 hours in Tokyo. Napalmed a paper city. No one called it genocide. Because it wasn't.
Civilians die in every war by the score. Woman, children and babies on all sides die in horrific ways.
Two of the unusual characteristics of the Israeli v Islamic Terrorists War is the lengths Israel is willing to go to prevent civilian deaths while their enemy tries to kill as many civilians as possible.
And the lengths the Pro-Hamas whiners, safe in their homes 12,000 miles away, are willing to go to distort history, reality and what can be classified as a "civilian" or "child" or "combatant".

#21 | Posted by BluSky at 2024-03-29 09:14 PM | Reply

"We killed 100,000 in 3 hours in Tokyo."

I guess it's okay for Israel to nuke Rafah then. After all, we nuked Hiroshima.

And if IDF wants to rape whatever Palestinians they can find, that's okay too because our Soviet allies did that as they matched across Poland and Germany.

#22 | Posted by snoofy at 2024-03-29 09:19 PM | Reply

Gaza is a little less densely populated than Hong Kong. And like HK there are parts that are essentially empty; moreso after Oct 7.

The Gaza Strip is 41 kilometres (25 miles) long, from 6 to 12 km (3.7 to 7.5 mi) wide, and has a total area of 365 km2 (141 sq mi).[22][23] With around 2 million Palestinians[24] on approximately 365 km2 (141 sq mi) of land, Gaza has one of the world's highest population densities.

#23 | Posted by snoofy at 2024-03-29 09:25 PM | Reply

I guess it's okay
It's not "okay". It is however a possible consequence of starting a war.

Of course, Hamas could come out of their hidey-holes to fight or surrender and save the lives of all those 'civilians' who actively support their efforts and voted them into office in the hopes they would Kill All The Jews.
Allah is on their side, they've got nothing to lose.

#24 | Posted by BluSky at 2024-03-29 09:28 PM | Reply

"No one called it genocide. Because it wasn't."

Okay. People are calling Gaza genocide.

Here's a handy checklist to see if it is!

#25 | Posted by snoofy at 2024-03-29 09:35 PM | Reply

"It's not "okay". It is however a possible consequence of starting a war."

True dat.

Israel had no choice but to start a war, because Iran is pulling Netanyahu's strings, isn't a very convincing argument against genocide.

#26 | Posted by snoofy at 2024-03-29 09:37 PM | Reply

Of course, Hamas could come out of their hidey-holes to fight or surrender and save the lives of all those 'civilians' who actively support their efforts and voted them into office in the hopes they would Kill All The Jews.

Or maybe Zionists could return to their ancestral homeland in Europe and stop squatting on Palestinian land under cover of IDF.

But, you know, Zionists from Europe think Eretz Yisrael was literally -- get this -- given to them by G-d, so good luck talking sensibly with someone waving a five thousand year old property deed in a reanimated dead language in your face.

#27 | Posted by snoofy at 2024-03-29 09:41 PM | Reply

World's most dense cities:
There are 4 Israeli cities on the list. Shouldn't they also enjoy the special privilege of being immune from attack?

Gaza only makes the list from your link when games are played with the math to exclude population centers with less than 10m.
Gibraltar and Vatican City is on that list. Absolutely no one who has ever visited Vatican City would call it "densely populated".

#28 | Posted by BluSky at 2024-03-29 09:43 PM | Reply

Blusky, what's your opinion on Netanyahu who let about a thousand Israelis get murdered on Oct 7 and then killed another 200 more Israelis repelling the attackers he just let cross the wire without military reprisal for half a day.

This guy seems like a competent leader in a time of war to you?

#29 | Posted by snoofy at 2024-03-29 09:45 PM | Reply

"Gaza only makes the list from your link when games are played with the math to exclude population centers with less than 10m."

Gaza has a population around 2M. That's how the game is played.

Gaza will have a population of 0 if Netanyahu gets his way. But it won't be genocide, or maybe it will, whatever, these things happen in war.

#30 | Posted by snoofy at 2024-03-29 09:46 PM | Reply

"Two of the unusual characteristics of the Israeli v Islamic Terrorists War is the lengths Israel is willing to go to prevent civilian deaths while their enemy tries to kill as many civilians as possible."

That's not surprising. It's asymmetric as hell.

It's also not surprising in your preferred war of comparison.

Would you say we tried to kill as many civilians as possible when we firebombed Japan? I don't see how you could conclude we didn't try to kill as many civilians as possible.

But feel free to "Wow!" me, okay?

#31 | Posted by snoofy at 2024-03-29 09:55 PM | Reply

"the lengths Israel is willing to go to prevent civilian deaths"

Bring me up to speed on that, please.
Who has killed more enemy affiliated civilians since 1948:
Israel, or those attacking Israel.

#32 | Posted by snoofy at 2024-03-29 09:59 PM | Reply

Here's a handy checklist to see if it is!
Conditions 4 and 5 aren't met and no one could argue they are. 1 and 2 are met but they could be applied to any shootout in East Chicago. #3 is clearly happening but only after 60 years of attempted negotiations, repeated ceasefires and resumptions and thousands of terrorist attacks around the world.

Your link lists seven genocides of the modern era. Why do you suppose they didn't include the Palestinians? Did they forget? Or will you concede that the authority on the subject you've offered doesn't classify the war against Islamic terrorists in Palestine as a "genocide"?

what's your opinion on Netanyahu
His arrogance and stupidity finally caught up to him. He's polling at 15%.
Maybe you'll get your wish and Israel will hold elections and form a new government in the Knesset.
Ben-Gvir will run. That'll be fun.

#33 | Posted by BluSky at 2024-03-29 10:04 PM | Reply

"Your link lists seven genocides of the modern era. Why do you suppose they didn't include the Palestinians?"

Well, the cynical answer is it's a Jewish organization.

A better reason is the dust hasn't settled yet.

Genocide isn't always agreed upon. Turkey denies the Armenian genocide, for example. That's just how these things go.

#34 | Posted by snoofy at 2024-03-29 10:16 PM | Reply

Would you say we tried to kill as many civilians as possible when we firebombed Japan?
No. I would say we didn't care how many civilians we killed.

Who has killed more enemy affiliated civilians since 1948:
Israel, or those attacking Israel.


Who has intentionally killed more totally unaffiliated, completely innocent civilians around the world since (insert arbitrary year)?
Israel or Islamic terrorists?

#35 | Posted by BluSky at 2024-03-29 10:17 PM | Reply

"His arrogance and stupidity finally caught up to him. He's polling at 15%."

Yeah but he's getting the war of revenge for his brother's death he has always wanted.

And all he has to do was quietly prop up the Hamas terror regime to rule over an entire generation of Gazans!

You're nuts if you don't think genocide is in this man's wheelhouse.

#36 | Posted by snoofy at 2024-03-29 10:17 PM | Reply

"Who has intentionally killed"

Are you setting this up so that civilian deaths at the hands of IDF aren't intentional?

IDF indented to drop every bomb they've dropped. The civilians who died as a result were intentionally killed. Just like the civilians in Tokyo and Desden ere intentionally killed. That was your thesis a few posts ago, if I am smelling what you are stepping in.

#37 | Posted by snoofy at 2024-03-29 10:27 PM | Reply

I don't think we disagree much on things, Blusky. I think we just see them in a different way.

There is just one reason I hold Israel to a higher standard than Hamas, and it's that Israel was born of Western values, and ought to be leading by example. What happened in The Nabka was a politically suitable solution in 1848, but we were supposed to have moved beyond that after it happened to the Jews of Europe.

All the wrong things came out on top. Hitler couldn't rid Europe of the Jews; ironically Britain did. Dispossessing a half million Palestinians of their homes to create a land with no people for a people with no land was not a good approach to nation building.

The Jews don't fit in there and never will. That is the thing that has needed a Solution, and acknowledged by the fact that there are supposed to be Two of them, ever since the inception of the Problem.

So, that's why people keep saying genocide. Because Netanyahu has chosen war, and we all agree that genocide is a thing that happens in war.

#38 | Posted by snoofy at 2024-03-29 10:49 PM | Reply

Who has intentionally killed more totally unaffiliated, completely innocent civilians around the world since (insert arbitrary year)?
Israel or Islamic terrorists?

The terrorists will tell you the West is affiliated with Israel, which is undeniably true.

On the total Israel vs Islamic Terror body count, probably Islamic terror. They have a much wider theater of operation. And they've killed many Muslims, probably more Muslims than anyone else. You can kind of see why Netanyahu would choose these terrorists to further his political ambitions.

As for the Islamic terrorists, you think they would stop if we would just leave them alone?

#39 | Posted by snoofy at 2024-03-29 11:06 PM | Reply

he's getting the war of revenge for his brother's death he has always wanted.

I don't think you are wrong there.

#40 | Posted by REDIAL at 2024-03-29 11:14 PM | Reply


Now there's a reason people might be inclined to call this genocide. Well played sir!

#41 | Posted by snoofy at 2024-03-29 11:19 PM | Reply

Who has intentionally killed more totally unaffiliated, completely innocent civilians around the world since (insert arbitrary year)?

Communists and Theocracies!

#42 | Posted by oneironaut at 2024-03-30 12:29 AM | Reply

Who has intentionally killed more totally unaffiliated, completely innocent civilians around the world since (insert arbitrary year)?
Israel or Islamic terrorists?

European Colonialism.

#43 | Posted by ClownShack at 2024-03-30 12:58 AM | Reply

The civilians who died as a result were intentionally killed.
Then there is no such thing as collateral damage and every army is guilty of the same charge.
If it is true and the IDF are intentionally killing civilians, they are really bad at their job. Random shelling with cheap artillery could have easily killed hundreds of thousands by now.

As for the Islamic terrorists, you think they would stop if we would just leave them alone?
Honestly, no. You and I aren't people, we're infidels, we deserve death. Israel isn't the end of the game. All the Jews could move to Mars, it would only encourage Islam. They would require Turkey, then Greece, Armenia. The House of Saud is "too western". India is full of polytheists, lower than dogs, fit for slaughter. And on and on and on. Labensraum can be pursued for its' own sake, this time under holy orders.

We look weak. We are weak. Western cities are regularly shut down by people wearing t-shirts with para-gliders openly supporting terrorists. They don't even have the decency to blush.
France is in real trouble. England, too. 'Americans' who support Palestine say they'll be voting for Trump even if it means the end of the Republic. Russia, Iran and China are . < this close to a formal alliance; three societies that won't be bothered by internal dissent if when war breaks out. Meanwhile, the majority of Americans moan about a measly 3 billion dollars -what the treasury department spends on toner and post-it notes- in military aid to the only ally willing to fight our enemy.

European Colonialism.
^See what I mean.^
How much energy do you think the people in Islamic States waste crying about what happened 400 years ago? Islamic Colonialism swept across Africa and into Europe, burning, killing and converting by sword everything in it's path. And without the help of small pox which did most of the heavy lifting for the Europeans. It is still going on to this day.
The self-immolation in Western society today is perfectly personified in Clownshow; a gay man who, if he were lucky, would be hurled head first from a tall building within minutes of setting foot in any of the places he seems to prefer to America.

#44 | Posted by BluSky at 2024-03-30 01:28 AM | Reply

The European colonizers used smallpox to colonize Africa, India, and Asia?

They needed it for South America and Australia?

WTF are you talking about? What Europeans did to native Americans is unfortunate. But they were colonizing the African and Asian continents for centuries.

#45 | Posted by ClownShack at 2024-03-30 01:35 AM | Reply

They needed it for South America and Australia?
Yes. 60-90% of the Inca died to small pox. Aboriginal Australians fell to a wider range of viruses, small pox, chicken pox, measles, flu... There were not that many to begin with, 300k on the low end, 1.5m at the high end. No hard numbers because like in the Americas, disease spread so fast and so far entire villages were wiped out before they even made contact with Europeans.
India was less susceptible. Lots of contact for centuries and they had their own domesticated animals. As a result the Muslim invasions/colonization of the subcontinent were far more 'successful' and bloody than England's attempt.

But they were colonizing the African and Asian continents for centuries.
So were Arabs. So were other Asian societies. You think Europeans were the only colonizers? Genghis Khan killed ~80 million people and made subjects as far west as modern day Poland. You think China appeared 4000 years ago with her borders intact?

#46 | Posted by BluSky at 2024-03-30 02:21 AM | Reply | Funny: 1

Don't forget People's Republic of North Korea!

#47 | Posted by john47 at 2024-03-30 12:02 PM | Reply

Netanyahu's days may be numbered now ...

BACKGROUND: When Israel was formed, an exemption to compulsory 3 year active duty military service was carved out for ultra-Orthodox Jews. There were 400 in 1948. Now, they comprise 13% of Israel's population.

The Israeli Supreme Court just issued an order that stipends are to be withheld from any ultra-Orthodox man of military age (3 yrs active, reserves for many more) studying in a "yeshiva" - a school where all they do is study the Torah.

- Ultra-Orthodox members of the Knesset are threatening to withdraw support for Netenyahu if it stands
- Secular members of Bernie Gantz's wing (he's a former general and war secretary) will pull their support if it doesn't.

LOSE/LOSE for Netenyahu

Right wing politicians in Israel have prevented peace, stirred up violence, and prevented any efforts to establish a Palestinian state for decades now.

This ruling could dramatically change the course of Israel's government

Read more about it at the Financial Times.

Ultra-orthodox draft exemption sharpens threat to Netanyahu government

#48 | Posted by AMERICANUNITY at 2024-03-30 03:15 PM | Reply

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