BJ's hilarious self-unaware comments aside, here is probably the leading bible scholar today, from Oxford, at a gathering of 2000 church leaders in Oregon a few days ago, teaching the Western Church what the Eastern Church has long known about actual Christianity.
There aren't a lot of short answers to the most important questions in any field, so save these and next time you want to know what Christianity is actually all about, check them out... or any of his other shorter clips answering various questions on YT or at AskNTWrightAnything.
"Jesus and the Powers
N.T. Wright joined by more than 2,000 church leaders from the Portland, OR metro area in February 2025."
"Jesus And The Powers: Christian Political Witness in an Age of Totalitarian Terror and Dysfunctional Democracies"
A take down of Donald Trump et al.
Primer... much of what people have believed about Christianity in the bible was sifted through first Plato in the early church with the concept of a 'soul that goes to Heaven' which isn't in the bible, and then Epicurus for all kinds of further misnomers, not to mention Medieval superstitions .
In example, the word translated as 'soul' is in the original Hebrew, 'life energy', not the person and personality itself. And it doesn't 'go off to Heaven' somewhere, it becomes part of God's New Creation as God returns to Earth... a resurrected human being, as was Jesus, being our destiny, not becoming Casper the Friendly Ghost in Space.
As Christians pray without understanding, "your Kingdom come (to Earth) your will be done, on Earth as it is in Heaven'. The End Times culminate with God as King on Earth not somewhere else.
And Jesus taking 1000 years to teach mankind how to rule justly, as we obviously need a lesson in that.