
Drudge Retort: The Other Side of the News
Wednesday, March 05, 2025

The General Services Administration announced Tuesday that it will begin selling off some of the federal government's most recognizable office buildings, including the J. Edgar Hoover Building, which serves as the FBI headquarters in Washington, and the Robert F. Kennedy Building, home to the Department of Justice -- a landmark shift in how the government manages its real estate portfolio.


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They will raid the USPS employee pension fund and call it "savings."[image or embed]

— Dave Simon ( February 20, 2025 at 7:57 PM


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Other high-profile buildings soon to go on the market include the Hubert H. Humphrey Building (home to the Department of Health and Human Services), the Frances Perkins Building (which houses the Department of Labor), and even GSA's own headquarters--a striking acknowledgment that the agency itself is not immune to the restructuring.

GSA did not say where the thousands of federal workers housed in these buildings would work or speculate on what entity would buy such buildings. The Trump administration has been pressuring workers who had been telecommuting to work in person.

What's staying? GSA emphasized that it will retain properties deemed critical to government operations, including courthouses, land ports of entry, and facilities essential to national defense and law enforcement.

#1 | Posted by Gal_Tuesday at 2025-03-04 08:26 PM | Reply

This is the takeover of the Gov from the People by the Corporations.

Soon, you local Pay Day Scam Loans guy will loan you the money to pay your mortgage to the Musk Tiny Homes Company.... and sell you the Building Permit for that addition.

#2 | Posted by Corky at 2025-03-04 08:37 PM | Reply

Sounds like a plan con artist real estate developer would love:

John Skiles Skinner

Imagine DOGE opens your mail and finds your household electric bill. To eliminate this cost, they burn your house down without warning. Then they total up the bills that, as a homeless person, you will never again pay. On its website, DOGE boasts about the money it has saved you.

DOGE did this to 18F, and now they are doing it to the rest of GSA. They destroy things of great value to the public, tell the public about the small "savings" that result from that destruction, and do not mention the far larger costs.

It is a simple accounting trick: DOGE keeps a one-sided ledger.

Lacking a column for losses, the ledger reports gain after gain to you as your public assets are sold off.

The GSA is the landowner of public buildings. The people who took over our government presumably plan to sell these buildings to themselves in the current discounted market for office space.

They will tell the American people they have saved us money by making us homeless.

Presumably there will be vast waste in the liquidation of GSA too. Public dollars become private dimes.

Owning buildings is generally far cheaper for the government than leasing. I predict DOGE will throw away that efficiency as quickly as possible.

More here:

#3 | Posted by Gal_Tuesday at 2025-03-04 08:44 PM | Reply

This is the takeover of the Gov from the People by the Corporations.
Soon, you local Pay Day Scam Loans guy will loan you the money to pay your mortgage to the Musk Tiny Homes Company.... and sell you the Building Permit for that addition.
#2 | Posted by Corky

It's a scam alright:

Dave Sund
This is pretty much the vulture capitalist playbook so it's no surprise that Musk is running it.

Victoria Ward
This is an accurate analogy. But it isn't just Musk, it is a world wide movement that all right wing gov'ts want to adopt. See Argentina.

#4 | Posted by Gal_Tuesday at 2025-03-04 08:58 PM | Reply

I guess some of the money wasted on helping gay people in Africa could have been used to revamp those buildings. Oh well.

#5 | Posted by THEBULL at 2025-03-05 07:55 AM | Reply

They're going to privatize everything. This is what happens when a group of assets liquidating robber barons get elected.

#6 | Posted by lee_the_agent at 2025-03-05 07:56 AM | Reply | Newsworthy 2

Trump administration considers selling OKC Federal Building

The------------- wants to one-up repug icon Tim McVeigh.

#7 | Posted by reinheitsgebot at 2025-03-05 07:59 AM | Reply

Yeah, all that cash to boost people's self-esteem is a total waste of $$$. Let'em go to therapy and get prescribed happy pills. That's the way lobbyists like it.

#8 | Posted by lee_the_agent at 2025-03-05 08:02 AM | Reply

They could sell a lot more if they didn't demonize working from home.

Too soon?

#9 | Posted by Imshakinitboss at 2025-03-05 08:43 AM | Reply

They could sell a lot more if they didn't demonize working from home.
Too soon?
#9 | Posted by Imshakinitboss

I think the plan is to eliminate almost all of the federal work force, to privatize the small amount that's left and replace human workers with AI wherever possible. For example:

Sam Stein

NEW: In an email obtained by The Bulwark, the acting Social Security administrator made clear they're going to outsource-privatize operations. The expectation is it will be the call centers that seniors depend on.

Elon Is Coming for Your Social Security

[In a March 1 email, Lee Dudek, the acting SSA commissioner, wrote:]

"We need to double down on our greatest strength " the field. We need to revitalize SSA operations by streamlining activities, outsource non-essential functions to industry experts, and reinstating human judgment and common sense into every decision at every level."

What did Dudek mean by "outsource non-essential functions"? He doesn't elaborate in the rest of the email. But Martin O'Malley, who ran the SSA under Joe Biden, suggested Dudek's plans could include automation and the use of AI to replace live human beings in call centers. This would, he says, be a total disaster.

#10 | Posted by Gal_Tuesday at 2025-03-05 09:03 AM | Reply

As a commercial real estate professional, I'm calling BS on this one.

The list is anything from parking lots to federal courthouses nationwide. So, the federal courts in many major cities (and here in OKC) are going to close? Doubtful. And so who will negotiate the sales, and the leases for occupancy of, say, the FBI, DOJ, the odd federal or bankruptcy judge, or in Norman, OK., the NOAA installation that runs national weather radar? DOGE Muskrats named Scooter, BJ or Ganesh will be taken to the cleaners. The 'wall of receipts' will soon show that those taking title to many of these buildings will be paid to do so, given the environmental issues, age and current condition and special-use characteristics of many buildings. (The parking lots and decks will be snapped up first, and buyers of those properties will soon be ginning money.)

This is the sort of move that distressed companies take. It's called a 'sale-leaseback', and is often a sign if distress on the part of the seller. In this case, the seller hopes to raise about $4T to offset the coming tax cuts that will be rammed through in a few months, and then tank the economy shortly thereafter. For someone who claims to be a real estate expert, El Rey Dotardo II is greatly over-hyping this idea. It will be talked about for a while, and then will die a quiet death...

#11 | Posted by catdog at 2025-03-05 09:48 AM | Reply

A fire sale of our nations assets to fund tax cuts for billionaires? With succeeding generations left to bear the brunt? Sounds about right for Hair Furor's regime.

#12 | Posted by censored at 2025-03-05 10:14 AM | Reply | Newsworthy 1

------- magat scum should ------- die

#13 | Posted by truthhurts at 2025-03-05 10:32 AM | Reply

China will gladly snatch them up and then rent them back to America.

For a small nominal fee. It's just a small fee and Americans have such huge penises. So Big!!!

So ... Don't worry ... China take care of your buildings and China will not tear down your Chitty Walls.

#14 | Posted by donnerboy at 2025-03-05 10:49 AM | Reply

Too bad the Democrats weren't paying attention the last quarter century, or for believing they were dealing with good actors. It's not just Trump. This has been their motto all along.

"I don't want to abolish government. I simply want to reduce it to the size where I can drag it into the bathroom and drown it in the bathtub." Grover Norquist, interview on NPR's Morning Edition, May 25, 2001

#15 | Posted by Dbt2 at 2025-03-05 10:53 AM | Reply | Newsworthy 1

Damn. It's Boaz redux.

"[Democrats] will only become acceptable once they are comfortable in their minority status. Any farmer will tell you that certain animals run around and are unpleasant, but when they've been fixed, then they are happy and sedate."

--Grover Norquist cited in "The Great Revulsion" at, 10 November, 2006

#16 | Posted by Dbt2 at 2025-03-05 10:55 AM | Reply

#15 | Posted by Dbt2

Yes, I agree people are not connecting the dots and recognizing the big picture goal behind all of this. They aren't just coming for Medicaid or Medicare or Social Security or or or or. They are coming for the whole damn government, and there doesn't seem to be anything anyone can do to stop them. Republicans have literally been planning this for decades. Trump does have an important role to play in that I doubt a President McCain or a President Romney would have been this ruthless and unconscionable.

#17 | Posted by Gal_Tuesday at 2025-03-05 11:11 AM | Reply

Trump does have an important role to play in that I doubt a President McCain or a President Romney would have been this ruthless and unconscionable.

Yeah.. I regret not voting for Romney now.

To think we could ALL be wearing some of that magic underwear by now.

#18 | Posted by donnerboy at 2025-03-05 11:15 AM | Reply

China will gladly snatch them up and then rent them back to America.

Nah, but Chinese investors might, just like your debt.

Too bad the Democrats weren't paying attention the last quarter century, or for believing they were dealing with good actors.
~ DBT2

Which side is the good actors? Its really incredible, you don't understand why the Democrats lost. Decades of spending out of control, shoveling gold bricks out the windows and people got upset.

The biggest loser here is the BigGovernment types, really no one is defending big government, they're just making hitler analogies.

Pathetic, Democrat Presidents from Clinton to Obama promised to weed out waste. To claim there is no waste or its in consequential is ridiculous, so instead of weeding it they let it grow, let the DEBT increase to astronomical levels. Now you're surprised someone came in laid waste to it.

You have to be blind to see how the Democrat Elite brought this upon themselves and how it ruins the brand.
The Democrat protest last night looked like a bunch Authoritarian (wearing same outfits) slave (holding bidding signs) owners bidding on slaves.


#19 | Posted by oneironaut at 2025-03-05 11:35 AM | Reply

#19 | Posted by oneironaut

Why, yes. But we knew that; you prove it here daily.

- To claim there is no waste or its in consequential is ridiculous

No one claims that, it's just another logical fallacy from the same source, you. This one is called a Red Herring; no one says there's no waste.

What they say is that treating the American People and the economy like they are the target of a ruthless shock and awe Corporate Takeover; breaking stuff and worry about the damage later if ever...

... and doing so using a self-serving Gov Contractor who's gotten $40 Billion from the Gov and continues to get $8 million a day, and has multiple conflicts of interest, including beating out his competitors (like Verizon) for contracts (like the FAA's) to lead this Fox in the Henhouse Operation is something only stupid Trumpers like yourself fall for.

#20 | Posted by Corky at 2025-03-05 11:50 AM | Reply


What a pointless comment.

Next time, just write "democrats bad!" and go huff your cans of spray paint.

#21 | Posted by ClownShack at 2025-03-05 11:51 AM | Reply | Funny: 1

to lead this Fox in the Henhouse Operation

More like a Bull in a China Shop Operation.

#22 | Posted by ClownShack at 2025-03-05 11:54 AM | Reply

Maggot scum! Orange grifting rapist felon extortionist lying POS is out to ruin the country. Now, the feds will have to rent these buildings or go somewhere else to rent the equivalent if their is any employees left at all. If the feds decide to bite the bullet and stay inside these buildings, they will have to pay a high rent and of course we all know that a private hedge fund does 'not' do maintenance so any improvements will come from tax payer dollars. Just look at all the private housing bought up during the 2008 disaster and after the Pandemic; what was once nice neighborhoods where people owned their homes is now all turned into slums. Here is an example of just how stupid privatizing all the infrastructure is. I work in Yosemite and the Federal courthouse I was repairing had a right wing judge sitting inside pushing her weight around and she decided it was better to have a private company manage the maintenance of the courthouse so as to save them money. Cleans the place by emptying their trash, clean and vacuum and guess what? At the rates the contractor was offering his workers, it was not cost effective to have people driving over 100 miles on very curvy dangerous roads every day of the week to work for just a couple hours each day. The contractor cannot get anybody to do this work so trash hardly gets picked nor does the place get cleaned. The judge than badgered the NPS to have one of their underpaid employees swing by to do this so the NPS does the work for free and the contractor gets paid anyway. The NPS hired an employee, who could live up in or very near Yosemite this job got taken care of properly. so the US tax payer was getting billed for twice. It was the judges brain fart that led to this problem and guess who bitches and moans all the time about ---- not getting emptied or cleaned in a timely manner? That's right same stupid judge. The same stupid over-paid judge had also worked a deal that NPS would do the painting; four hours a month work. Recently, the NPS, in a display of charity, spent several weeks painting the entire exterior of the place. because a couple years went by before it got a coat of paint. The NPS must have spent about $30,000 doing that paint job. I've seen infrastructure in both Yosemite and Yellowstone built by private contractors and it is always and I mean always more expensive than what we(NPS) could do it for. Cutting corners is another way the contractor's attempt to save money on their bloated contracts. In Yellowstone, we were refurbishing the main administration building which was 8 stories high made of large stones and brick. We hired a private contractor to come in to build the scaffolding that we would work off of and they did a really really ------ job that was totally unsafe to work off of. No guard rails on corners and wood that was bending severally when we walked on it so, the shop foreman forced the dick head cheapskate contractor to tear it down and redo it again. How much money was saved? Not much eh?

#23 | Posted by Wildman62 at 2025-03-05 12:49 PM | Reply | Newsworthy 1

Yeah.. I regret not voting for Romney now.

To think we could ALL be wearing some of that magic underwear by now.

#18 | Posted by donnerboy

I posted this as a thought experiment a few months ago. "Knowing what you now know, would you have voted for Romney in 2012?"

The few responses were that the VCs would have sold us off by now, and Ryan was basically a Norquister so it would have been bad.

But I agree with Gal. It wouldn't have been as bad. Trump is the most conscienceless person on Earth. After him I fear neither magic underwear nor Eddie Munster.

#24 | Posted by Dbt2 at 2025-03-05 05:16 PM | Reply

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