John Skiles Skinner
Imagine DOGE opens your mail and finds your household electric bill. To eliminate this cost, they burn your house down without warning. Then they total up the bills that, as a homeless person, you will never again pay. On its website, DOGE boasts about the money it has saved you.
DOGE did this to 18F, and now they are doing it to the rest of GSA. They destroy things of great value to the public, tell the public about the small "savings" that result from that destruction, and do not mention the far larger costs.
It is a simple accounting trick: DOGE keeps a one-sided ledger.
Lacking a column for losses, the ledger reports gain after gain to you as your public assets are sold off.
The GSA is the landowner of public buildings. The people who took over our government presumably plan to sell these buildings to themselves in the current discounted market for office space.
They will tell the American people they have saved us money by making us homeless.
Presumably there will be vast waste in the liquidation of GSA too. Public dollars become private dimes.
Owning buildings is generally far cheaper for the government than leasing. I predict DOGE will throw away that efficiency as quickly as possible.
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