
Drudge Retort: The Other Side of the News
Monday, August 12, 2024

Josh Marshall: I saw a headline somewhere over the weekend that the campaign had reset to one between the Happy Tribe and the Angry Tribe. It's always reductive to try to capture the vast complexity of two national campaigns in a simple catch phrase or binary opposition. But those broad descriptions can capture realities that transcend the details; they are often the takeaway for those watching only at a distance.



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It doesn't take much imagination to think of Trump and the MAGA movement as the Angry Tribe. I mean, they've always been Team Angry, or maybe Team Grievance or Team Vengeance.

I'm not sure what there is to analyze about how the Kamala Harris campaign is different. What's different is right there in front of us. I don't think we can remove from the mix that winning, or at least having an energy that makes it seem like you're in the hunt, is transformative. Within moments of the beginning of Harris's campaign, Democratic small donors went to their devices and sent her almost $100 million dollars in 36 hours. Though it's taken about three weeks for her to move into a small but significant popular vote lead, almost from the first days polls registered a jump in support. Then there are the crowds, totally eclipsing those for President Biden's rallies and even those of Trump's. And all of this is impossible to separate from the three weeks that preceded it, a dismal and seemingly unending passage that functioned as a vast psycho-social slingshot, pulling back with ever-mounting physical tension into as yet unplumbed lengths of despair, anxiety and fear to be able, when released, to sling forward with an unimaginable intensity.

The Harris campaign has a different texture. It is forward-looking and loose and ebullient in a different way. As we've discussed in other posts, her campaign has entered the broader popular culture in ways that neither Biden nor Trump ever has. I find it very difficult to pick apart what is intrinsic to the campaign vs the feel of energy and the possibility of victory.

These past three weeks feels at minimum like 3 months has passed.When reality bends in ways your conscious mind never considered it could, it's jarring. Conventional wisdom just flew out the window screaming bloody murder. What we're seeing isn't supposed to be possible, yet here we are facing an entirely different world - and trajectory - than anyone thought possible only 22 days ago.

Maybe the operative question here is have we settled into a new norm or are we simply waiting for whatever comes next?

#1 | Posted by tonyroma at 2024-08-12 03:51 PM | Reply | Newsworthy 2

Fat Donnie the Diaper-Wearing Freak has the sads.

Boo ------- Hoo.

#2 | Posted by LegallyYourDead at 2024-08-12 08:31 PM | Reply | Newsworthy 2

Team Sane versus Team CooCoo.

#3 | Posted by Zed at 2024-08-12 08:41 PM | Reply | Newsworthy 1

It will be really difficult to sell this to the American public.

There's so many instances where people absolutely HATE Trump. Very few where there is outright hatred of Biden.

Good luck propagandist.

#4 | Posted by oneironaut at 2024-08-12 08:47 PM | Reply

Very few where there is outright hatred of Biden.


#5 | Posted by ClownShack at 2024-08-12 09:54 PM | Reply

Liberals - especially younger female liberals, have a diagnosed mental illness rate bordering on 50%. Liberals tend to be super angry at their own failures in life and cut off their friends and family in a cult-like manner if they do not share the same opinions. Liberals hate the world as it is today so they are hellbent on driving 'change', which has only made things worse where implemented (refer to California from 2000 vs. California 2024).

Trump supporters, on the other hand, are happy people content with life and they want to stop the downward spiral caused by the liberals. They don't cut off their friends and families over differences in opinion and their diagnosed mental illness rate is a fraction of those on the left.

If you want more proof - google the videos of conservatives yelling at the sky when Biden was elected vs. videos of liberal yelling at the sky when Trump was elected.

#6 | Posted by Claudio at 2024-08-13 01:06 AM | Reply | Funny: 2


Where's the Gaslighting/Projection flag when you need one?

#7 | Posted by tonyroma at 2024-08-13 06:38 AM | Reply | Newsworthy 1

Definitely projection.

I laughed too much for it to be gaslighting!
The brilliant tactic of "I know you are but what am I!"

Just so self-blind and filled with denialism.

I (joyfully) fart in Claudio's general direction! Ha!

What a weirdo!

#8 | Posted by YAV at 2024-08-13 07:28 AM | Reply | Newsworthy 1



Trump has successfully used the "I'm rubber, you're glue ... ." elementary school playground defense numerous times because MAGAts are dumb.
"You're the REAL [racist, misogynist, homophobe, etc.]."

For some reason, it hasn't worked with the weirdo charge. People are just tired of this stale act. Hallelujah.

#9 | Posted by anton at 2024-08-13 07:34 AM | Reply | Newsworthy 2

google the videos of conservatives yelling at the sky when Biden was elected vs. videos of liberal yelling at the sky when Trump was elected.

#6 | Posted by Claudio

MAGA simply said that Biden was never elected at all.

#10 | Posted by Zed at 2024-08-13 07:44 AM | Reply | Newsworthy 1

google the videos of conservatives yelling at the sky when Biden was elected

Don't have to.

We can just watch the 40,000 hours of video from January 6th security cameras when rabid Trumpers laid siege to the US Capitol building, attacking police with all sorts of weapons and chemical sprays while shouting "Hang Mike Pence(!)" as the then Vice President and Congressmembers from both parties had to halt their constitutional succession activities and flee for safety from the enraged mob trying to "Stop the steal."

#11 | Posted by tonyroma at 2024-08-13 07:56 AM | Reply | Newsworthy 2

Clodia is weird.

#12 | Posted by LegallyYourDead at 2024-08-13 10:07 AM | Reply | Funny: 1 | Newsworthy 2

Oh my. Looks like even Trump got infected with a little bit of Kamala's Team Happy. He went on and on about her, well the "drawing" of her on the cover of Time Magazine, even comparing her to the Melania! He even called her beautiful. Here's the cover:

#13 | Posted by YAV at 2024-08-13 10:17 AM | Reply

videos of liberal yelling at the sky when Trump was elected.

"If I lose to him, I don't know what I'm going to do. I will never speak to you again," Trump told supporters at a rally in North Carolina.

Just another promise he failed to keep.

#14 | Posted by Nixon at 2024-08-13 10:24 AM | Reply | Newsworthy 2

even comparing her to the Melania

They will die mad about the worst first lady in history not making the cover of Vogue.

I don't really care, do you?

#15 | Posted by Nixon at 2024-08-13 10:26 AM | Reply | Newsworthy 1

Where's the Gaslighting/Projection flag when you need one?


It's referred to as a "plonk" and it's on a different page.

#16 | Posted by donnerboy at 2024-08-13 12:04 PM | Reply

Poor Trumpy. Why won't Melatonia sing the "soft kitty" song to him anymore?

#17 | Posted by donnerboy at 2024-08-13 12:18 PM | Reply

There are videos of Kreestians and Kreestian preachers saying Trump is sent by God to save the world. Those are relatively mild. There are some weirdos who do worship that nut. "Do your own research."

#18 | Posted by anton at 2024-08-13 01:35 PM | Reply | Newsworthy 1

"Where's the Gaslighting/Projection flag when you need one?
#7 | Posted by tonyroma"

Projection? How about we just stick with the FACTS:

"White liberals are more prone to mental health disorders than individuals who identify as conservative or moderates, according to a Pew Research Center survey.

Sixty-two percent of Whites who classify themselves as "very liberal" or "liberal" have been told by a doctor they have a mental health condition, as compared to 26% of conservatives and 20% of moderates, the study found.

Young White people who identified as "very liberal" were almost one and a half times more likely to report mental health problems than those who considered themselves "liberal.""

Like I said, the more liberal you are, the more mentally ill you become - and that is not opinion - IT IS FACT.

Also, extrapolating the data, if liberals overall have a 62% rate and 'very liberal' are 1.5x more likely than all liberals, than you uber-liberals posting on here probably have a mental health condition bordering on 100%.

#19 | Posted by Claudio at 2024-08-14 03:02 AM | Reply | Funny: 1

the more liberal you are, the more mentally ill you become

#19 | Posted by Claudio

Donald Trump must be an extraordinarily liberal man.

Who knew?

#20 | Posted by Zed at 2024-08-14 07:08 AM | Reply | Newsworthy 1

Hey Claudio the Gaslighting King: This thread isn't about mental health, it's about how each campaign decided to present itself to the American electorate.

Trump and Vance talk about everything negative and about how bad things are/will be. Harris/Walz are positive with their vision for America's future with both candidates at ease smiling and laughing at their own amazement of being where they are in this particular moment in American history.

If you ever had a cogent moment of introspection you would have saved us the tangential diatribe from the Moonie Times. Nothing you've said alters the truth of this:

The Harris campaign has a different texture. It is forward-looking and loose and ebullient in a different way. As we've discussed in other posts, her campaign has entered the broader popular culture in ways that neither Biden nor Trump ever has.
Not a single inference nor connection to mental health whatsoever.

#21 | Posted by tonyroma at 2024-08-14 08:06 AM | Reply | Newsworthy 1

Projection? How about we just stick with the FACTS:

First, Washingtontimes is a Mooney paper and is total --------. That you even bothered to try and pass that off as legit is insane.
Second the Pew study said no such thing. It said that there's more of a willingness to discuss and seek help by "liberals" than "conservatives."
I'm good with that, personally.
It also explains why so many "conservatives" could vote for Trump.
It also explains why so many "conservatives" are on "Team Mad" and "Team Bitter."

Clearly they should seek help, immediately.

So thanks for putting that out there to, once again, prove the point.
Reality wins. Again.

#22 | Posted by YAV at 2024-08-14 08:24 AM | Reply | Newsworthy 2

For America's sake, we need to get beyond the endless division stoked by Trump and his warped allies. I honestly thought January 6 would seal his fate as a shamed ex-president. But his supporters only dug their heels deeper.

Even taking his criminality out of the equation, we gain nothing by returning to the daily diet of antagonism, rage and lies. Team Trump wants you to hate everyone who is different from you, whether ethnically, politically or socially. It's exhausting and deeply harmful to the mental health of our country. That alone should be enough to vote for Harris.

#23 | Posted by cbob at 2024-08-14 02:19 PM | Reply

The evangelicals are even more radicalized after trump "survived" an "assassination attempt." They think that proves God is behind him. Not Satan, who of course could have just as easily "saved" his life (or come up with the entire plan by having a trump supporter try and kill him). Logic doesn't work at all though, nor does consistency, or even understanding one's own faith and their own god.

#24 | Posted by YAV at 2024-08-14 02:34 PM | Reply | Newsworthy 1

"First, Washingtontimes is a Mooney paper and is total --------. That you even bothered to try and pass that off as legit is insane.
#22 | Posted by YAV"

Is is the Washington Times reporting on PEW RESEARCH -------.

I will post this again for you smooth brain: "White liberals are more prone to mental health disorders than individuals who identify as conservative or moderates, according to a Pew Research Center survey."

As you have no comeback for reality and the actual FACTS, you try to go after the group that simply republished the results - sad and pathetic. So, are you claiming Pew Research is lying?

#25 | Posted by Claudio at 2024-08-14 06:44 PM | Reply

I will post this again for you smooth brain: "White liberals are more prone to mental health disorders than individuals who identify as conservative or moderates, according to a Pew Research Center survey."

As you have no comeback for reality and the actual FACTS, you try to go after the group that simply republished the results - sad and pathetic. So, are you claiming Pew Research is lying?

#25 | Posted by Claudio


Are you surprised that people who have the intelligence to grasp the dangers of climate change and rising fascism are kind of bummed out?

It's easier to be happy when your brain is too dim to comprehend problems like that and you can be content just watching nascar and drinking beer.

Plus therapy is an admission that you need help. Something republicans can't do because of their insecure egos.

#26 | Posted by SpeakSoftly at 2024-08-14 06:51 PM | Reply | Newsworthy 1

@#25 ... the actual FACTS, ...

Suddenly your current alias considers survey results presented in an OpEd in Washington Times to be facts, let alone medical facts?

Was there a reference to the Pew Research study in that OpEd?

#27 | Posted by LampLighter at 2024-08-14 06:55 PM | Reply | Newsworthy 1

"#26 | Posted by SpeakSoftly"

Well, I will hand it to you - your reply is just as dumb as Yav's but you did find a novel way to showcase your stupidity. Unfortunately for you:
" Individuals who identify as Republican have greater probability knowledge

Individuals who identify as Republican have higher verbal reasoning ability

Individuals who identify as Republican have better question comprehension

Cognitive ability's effect on party identity works through socio-economic position"

For me, I TRUST THE SCIENCE. The more liberal you are, the dumber you are and the higher the likelihood you have a mental illness...again, it is just facts -------.

#28 | Posted by Claudio at 2024-08-14 06:59 PM | Reply

Donald Trump the is undisputed king of "verbal reasoning" and "question comprehension" even when he sounds like Buddy Hackett after a three-day bender.

#29 | Posted by anton at 2024-08-14 07:06 PM | Reply

@#28 ... For me, I TRUST THE SCIENCE. ...


That just shows that Republicans (i.e., the wealthy) tend to have better educational opportunities than Democrats (poor and middle class) do.

So, what's yer point?

That the Republicans trying to keep the lower and middle class in their ~place~ seems to be working?

#30 | Posted by LampLighter at 2024-08-14 07:10 PM | Reply

From the link in #28

... Path analyses indicate that the associations between cognitive ability and party identity are largely but not totally accounted for by socio-economic position: individuals with higher cognitive ability tend to have better socio-economic positions, and individuals with better socio-economic positions are more likely to identify as Republican. ...

#31 | Posted by LampLighter at 2024-08-14 07:13 PM | Reply

"Donald Trump the is undisputed king of "verbal reasoning" and "question comprehension" even when he sounds like Buddy Hackett after a three-day bender.
#29 | Posted by anton"

Trump agreed to take cognitive tests as the POTUS and states all candidates should be required. Yet, Biden refused - we all told you -------- his brain was broken but you were in denial until a month ago.

And now we have Kamala - the girl that couldn't get accepted at a competitive university despite being from a wealthy family and being a triple-minority and then failed her bar exam (no, not the AOC bar exam but the legal one) and will also refuse to take any test of cognitive ability.

You desperate -------- don't have a leg to stand on.

#32 | Posted by Claudio at 2024-08-14 07:13 PM | Reply

Which is which?

I assume which ever TEAM LegallyYourDead is on is Team Hate.

#33 | Posted by oneironaut at 2024-08-14 07:14 PM | Reply

And now we have Kamala - the girl that couldn't get accepted at a competitive university despite being from a wealthy family and being a triple-minority and then failed her bar exam (no, not the AOC bar exam but the legal one) and will also refuse to take any test of cognitive ability.

You desperate -------- don't have a leg to stand on.

#32 | Posted by Claudio

Trump had to pay kids to take his tests in high school and college. And threatened to sue his schools if they ever revealed his grades.

Harris passed the bar on her second try. How many tries do you think it would take trump?

#34 | Posted by SpeakSoftly at 2024-08-14 07:16 PM | Reply

"... Path analyses indicate that the associations between cognitive ability and party identity are largely but not totally accounted for by socio-economic position: individuals with higher cognitive ability tend to have better socio-economic positions, and individuals with better socio-economic positions are more likely to identify as Republican. ...
#31 | Posted by LampLighter"

So, your great comeback to my scientifically backed statement that liberals are dumb and have mental illnesses is .... Yeah, not only that, but we are poor too!

You managed to pull of the trifecta, great job Sparky! What we see here is not just correlation but causation.

#35 | Posted by Claudio at 2024-08-14 07:18 PM | Reply

@#35 ... So, your great comeback to my scientifically backed statement that liberals are dumb and have mental illnesses is .... Yeah, not only that, but we are poor too! ...

That was not my comeback.

But the determination of the "I TRUST SCIENCE" article your current alias cited.

Let me repeat it for your current alias...

... associations between cognitive ability and party identity are largely but not totally accounted for by socio-economic position: individuals with higher cognitive ability tend to have better socio-economic positions, and individuals with better socio-economic positions are more likely to identify as Republican. ...

So, what are Republicans doing to improve the schooling of the lower and middle classes?

#36 | Posted by LampLighter at 2024-08-14 07:25 PM | Reply

"#36 | Posted by LampLighter"

Hats off to you - and I completely agree with you (as does the science): Liberals are stupid, poor, and have mental illnesses at much higher rates than conservatives.

I just don't see how any of those statements of fact in any way counter any single point I made on this article.

#37 | Posted by Claudio at 2024-08-14 07:31 PM | Reply

#37 | Posted by Claudio

Since you were mocking harris for having to take the bar exam twice, how many tries do you think trump would take to pass it?

#38 | Posted by SpeakSoftly at 2024-08-14 07:40 PM | Reply

@#37 ... Hats off to you - and I completely agree with you (as does the science): Liberals are stupid, poor, and have mental illnesses at much higher rates than conservatives. ...

So, your current alias admits that the base of Democrats tends to be the lower and middle class working people, while the base of the Republicans tends to be the wealthy.

Good. That's a start.

Now, the next step is ...

How do we raise the educational opportunities of the lower and middle class?

Or do the republicans just want to keep the lower and middle class "in their place?"

For starters, why does Project 2025 want to eliminate the Department of Education?

Project 2025 and education: A lot of bad ideas, some more actionable than others

... Project 2025 outlines a radical policy agenda that would dramatically reshape the federal government. The report was spearheaded by the right-wing Heritage Foundation and represents the policy aims of a large coalition of conservative activists. While former President Trump has attempted to distance himself from Project 2025, many of the report's authors worked in the previous Trump administration and could return for a second round. Trump, himself, said in 2022, "This is a great group, and they're going to lay the groundwork and detail plans for exactly what our movement will do."

In other words, Project 2025 warrants a close look, even if the Trump campaign would like Americans to avert their gaze.

Project 2025's education agenda proposes a drastic overhaul of federal education policy, from early childhood through higher education. Here's just a sample of the Project 2025 education-related recommendations:

- - - Dismantle the U.S. Department of Education (ED)

- - - Eliminate the Head Start program for young children in poverty

- - - Discontinue the Title I program that provides federal funding to schools serving low-income children

- - - Rescind federal civil rights protections for LGBTQ+ students

- - - Undercut federal capacity to enforce civil rights law

- - - Reduce federal funding for students with disabilities and remove guardrails designed to ensure these children are adequately served by schools

- - - Promote universal private school choice

- - - Privatize the federal student loan portfolio

It's an outrageous list, and that's just the start of it.

This is what fmr Trump wants to do...

#39 | Posted by LampLighter at 2024-08-14 07:42 PM | Reply | Newsworthy 1

"Since you were mocking harris for having to take the bar exam twice, how many tries do you think trump would take to pass it?
#38 | Posted by SpeakSoftly"

He probably would have passed the first time as the CA bar is not that big of a deal. I have many friends that passed it on the first go - some from top schools, some from crappy no-name schools. But, this is just speculation and not based on the science like: Liberals are stupid, poor, and have mental illnesses at much higher rates than conservatives.

#40 | Posted by Claudio at 2024-08-14 07:50 PM | Reply | Funny: 1

He probably would have passed the first time as the CA bar is not that big of a deal. I have many friends that passed it on the first go - some from top schools, some from crappy no-name schools. But, this is just speculation and not based on the science like: Liberals are stupid, poor, and have mental illnesses at much higher rates than conservatives.

#40 | Posted by Claudio

Your assessment of trump's mental abilities reveals your own mental abilities.
"Dumbed down intelligence briefings still to difficult for trump to read"

#41 | Posted by SpeakSoftly at 2024-08-14 07:58 PM | Reply

@#40 ... He probably would have passed the first time as the CA bar ...

Based upon fmr Pres Trump extensive legal education?


Where did Donald Trump go to law school? What degree did he get?

... We don't know what Mr. Trump's GPA was, and despite his multiple demands during the campaign that Obama release his transcripts ( "I heard [Obama] was a terrible student, terrible...I'm thinking about it, I'm certainly looking into it. Let him show his records."), Mr. Trump has failed to produce his transcripts when asked.

What we do know is that Mr. Trump graduated with a bachelor's degree from Wharton without honors and that one of his professors there is reported to have said "Donald Trump was the dumbest goddam student I ever had."

(By contrast Obama graduated with honors magna cum laude from Harvard Law School and in the top 10 per cent of his class.) ...

#42 | Posted by LampLighter at 2024-08-14 08:00 PM | Reply | Newsworthy 1

He probably would have passed the first time as the CA bar is not that big of a deal.

Hardest Bar Exams By State

1. California
Length: Two days

Pass rate: 52%

Law students across the US may be familiar with the famed "impossible" California bar exam. But why is the California bar exam so hard? For starters, the cut score (the score needed to pass the test) of the California bar is 1390 out of 2000, which is 40 points above the national average.

Claudio is not too bright. He's quite the dim bulb who thinks he's a blowtorch.

#43 | Posted by tonyroma at 2024-08-14 08:05 PM | Reply | Newsworthy 3

"So, your current alias admits that the base of Democrats tends to be the lower and middle class working people, while the base of the Republicans tends to be the wealthy."

No - I disagree with working part for the poor liberals. They tend to have a 100% lock on the welfare class with average hours worked way less than the conservatives.

"How do we raise the educational opportunities of the lower and middle class?"

Let's look at some uniquely liberal areas: Detroit spends $16,742 per student each year...Baltimore school system is now spending $22,424 per student...or the LeBron James charter school. Overall in the US, the average is $15,633. So, why then does Detroit, Baltimore, and the LeBron James charter school combined produce under 10 students annually that are proficient in both math and English? Let me guess - your solution is MORE MONEY.

"Or do the republicans just want to keep the lower and middle class "in their place?"
For starters, why does Project 2025 want to eliminate the Department of Education?""

As shown in the stats, there is a big difference between 'educated' and 'college educated'. Liberals have much higher rates of being college educated than conservatives - yet, conservatives have much, much better economic outcomes and have better mastery of math and verbal reasoning - both as shown in the scientific data we both agree on above.

So, the question I have for you - since the programs your side has pushed for the last 50 years have resulted in a ever worsening results - why do you persist in pushing them? You think the US public schools will turn it around if only they had another $100B? We would have test scores like Norway, Japan, or S. Korea? Really? If we keep pushing kids into college that are unequipped to succeed and then let them take majors with no economic hope of payback - this, will magically change somehow? There will a much higher demand for gender studies majors in the year 2035?

#44 | Posted by Claudio at 2024-08-14 08:05 PM | Reply

"Donald Trump was the dumbest goddam student I ever had."

Which explains the love that his Cultists around here, from Clodio to Fishpaw, have for him.

Stupid attracts stupid.

And stupid is as stupid votes.

#45 | Posted by Corky at 2024-08-14 08:07 PM | Reply | Newsworthy 2


What does your hijacking of this thread have to do with the Harris campaign being one that engenders happiness and joy while Trump is incapable of smiling, much less of saying anything positive about anything unless he has a direct connection to it?

Trump rails about rapists (obviously personal knowledge), World War III, his personal grievances and promises revenge against everyone who's slighted him, friends and foes alike.

There is nothing happy in Trump's party unless it's cheering on suffering and tragedy befalling those he doesn't like.

#46 | Posted by tonyroma at 2024-08-14 08:12 PM | Reply

Today he was again talking about how we are a third world country in recession, lol.


"According to polling, Vice President Kamala Harris is gaining momentum with White voters without a college education in key swing states ahead of the 2024 election."

#47 | Posted by Corky at 2024-08-14 08:18 PM | Reply

"He probably would have passed the first time as the CA bar is not that big of a deal.
Hardest Bar Exams By State
1. California
Length: Two days
Pass rate: 52%
#43 | Posted by tonyroma"

Let's break this down: the average IQ of a lawyer is ~108 ( - meaning even with the most conservative application to the Bell Curve, a person with a 108 IQ would pass the bar. How does 108 rate? Well, it would place you in about the top 30% of IQ. Given that she failed it on the first go round, it would imply Kamala's IQ is less than the mean of 108.

So, this CA bar that you -------- think is so hard is actually well suited to people with an IQ in ~the top 40% of US adults. That isn't selective.

#48 | Posted by Claudio at 2024-08-14 08:20 PM | Reply

"to do with the Harris campaign being one that engenders happiness and joy while Trump is incapable of smiling, much less of saying anything positive
#46 | Posted by tonyroma"

You do understand how elections work, right? The side not in power generally says things need to change as they are not working. You get this concept, right? Based on your reverence for the CA bar, I can no longer make this assumption about you.

#49 | Posted by Claudio at 2024-08-14 08:22 PM | Reply

- The side not in power generally says things need to change as they are not working.

Which in this particular case is an obvious lie to most people.

Most non-Cultists, anyway.

#50 | Posted by Corky at 2024-08-14 08:28 PM | Reply

Let's break this down: the average IQ of a lawyer is ~108 ( - meaning even with the most conservative application to the Bell Curve, a person with a 108 IQ would pass the bar. How does 108 rate? Well, it would place you in about the top 30% of IQ. Given that she failed it on the first go round, it would imply Kamala's IQ is less than the mean of 108.

So, this CA bar that you -------- think is so hard is actually well suited to people with an IQ in ~the top 40% of US adults. That isn't selective.

#48 | Posted by Claudio

Trump's briefings had to be dumbed down for him. Harris won't need to be treated like a mental child the way trump was.

Next time you want to criticize a candidate's intelligence, make sure you're not supporting a guy who stares at solar eclipses and bones porn stars without a condom.

#51 | Posted by SpeakSoftly at 2024-08-14 08:31 PM | Reply

@#44 ... I disagree with working part for the poor liberals. They tend to have a 100% lock on the welfare class with average hours worked way less than the conservatives. ...

Got any substantiation for that assertion?

Here's what I found when I looked for ~who receives welfare benefits.~...

Fact Check | Are Black people the majority of welfare recipients?

... Even with consistent data, the association between Black people and welfare has remained prevalent, especially the "welfare queen" myth. The phrase is meant to depict a Black woman exploiting the welfare system for personal gain.

THE CLAIM: The majority of people on welfare assistance are Black. "Welfare queens" exist and they constantly take advantage of government social support programs.


As it stands, the United States government spends over $1 trillion on social safety net programs. This includes everything from child nutrition to housing assistance. Of these programs, welfare assistance accounts for an estimated $15 billion. Requesting government help is not limited to one type of group or people. But stereotypes linking Black people to welfare assistance or fraud remain entrenched in popular discourse. Economic disparities exist between racial groups and also within different demographics like age or gender. For Black people, every generation's experience in political and technological advancement has been paired with the ongoing drumbeat of discrimination in employment, education, and housing.

The majority of those who receive government assistance in the U.S. are not Black. Using research from the Urban Institute (gathering data from 59 million people), the graph below presents the largest percentage of welfare recipients in 2019. The majority of recipients were white (43 percent), followed by Hispanic (26 percent), and Black (23 percent). These figures fall in line with population demographics and debunk the misconception that welfare programs are predominantly associated with the Black community. ...

#52 | Posted by LampLighter at 2024-08-14 08:32 PM | Reply

@#44 ... Detroit spends $16,742 per student each year...Baltimore school system is now spending $22,424 per student.. ...

Got links? I'm curious about what year those numbers represent.

Here's one I found...

Inequality in Public School Funding: Key Issues & Solutions for Closing the Gap (2020)

... Millions of students and educators in the US grapple with disparities in their schools on a daily basis. The harsh reality is some schools have the benefit of quality buildings and facilities, while others must make do with leaking ceilings and makeshift gymnasiums. Some schools provide up-to-date instructional materials and equipment, while others have outdated computers and textbooks. It's no wonder that achievement gaps exist when the playing field is so uneven. What accounts for these dramatic differences, and how can they be fixed?

While no single factor creates these stark contrasts, inequality in public school funding certainly contributes. Addressing the unfortunate disparities in public education requires taking a hard look at gaps in funding, among other things, and coming up with solutions that ensure public education in the US gives all students the opportunity to reach their full potential.

Despite the intense challenge and years of failed policies to eliminate deep inequities in public education, funding reforms have the power to shift the status quo.

Some states and local districts have already revised their funding systems and made significant strides in student achievement as a result. By examining such successes, other policy makers can adopt strategic changes and help ensure US public schools give every student a quality education.

The Flaws of the Current Funding System

The financing systems of public schools in the US ensure that community wealth disparities carry over into education. By relying largely on property taxes to fund schools, which can vary widely between wealthy and poor areas, districts create funding gaps from the word go.

Affluent areas end up with well-funded schools and low-income areas end up with poorly funded schools. ...

#53 | Posted by LampLighter at 2024-08-14 08:35 PM | Reply

You do understand how elections work, right?

Yes. The candidate that gets more people to the polls to vote for them than their opponent does wins the election.* (*All except the Electoral College)

Enthusiasm for a candidate is measured as something which drive voters to the polls, as a lack of candidate enthusiasm keeps many would be voters home. (See Clinton, Hillary 2016)

My assumption about you is proven increasingly correct. You're not too bright, yet think you're a genius - just like Trump.

#54 | Posted by tonyroma at 2024-08-14 08:37 PM | Reply | Newsworthy 1

@#48 ... How does 108 rate? Well, it would place you in about the top 30% of IQ. ...

What Is the Normal Range for IQ?

... IQ scores between 90 and 109 indicate normal or average intelligence. ...

#55 | Posted by LampLighter at 2024-08-14 08:39 PM | Reply | Newsworthy 1

@#48 ... So, this CA bar that you -------- think is so hard is actually well suited to people with an IQ in ~the top 40% of US adults. That isn't selective. ...

As I showed in @55, the premise of your current alias' comment looks to be false fallacious. (again!)

Therefore, what does that say about the conclusion of your current alias' comment?

#56 | Posted by LampLighter at 2024-08-14 08:42 PM | Reply

@#46 ... What does your hijacking of this thread have to do with the Harris campaign being one that engenders happiness and joy while Trump is incapable of smiling, much less of saying anything positive about anything unless he has a direct connection to it? ...

Nothing at all.

And that is why that current alias seems to have hijacked the thread.

imo, fmr Pres Trump - anger, resentment and desire for revenge

VP Harris - together, let's build a great future.

MAGA has nothing to counter that optimistic outlook, so they have to change the topic of conversation.

#57 | Posted by LampLighter at 2024-08-14 08:46 PM | Reply

"Trump's briefings had to be dumbed down for him. Harris won't need to be treated like a mental child the way trump was.
#51 | Posted by SpeakSoftly"

The Dem leadership thinks so little of Kamala's intelligence that they refuse to even allow her to have a press conference - and for good reason. We have a lifetime of stupid spewing out of this woman. But sure, go on about Trump - the guy that just did 2 hours unscripted and blew the doors off your last sack of crap candidate in a debate so badly that the Dems were forced to retire him.

#58 | Posted by Claudio at 2024-08-14 08:47 PM | Reply

"The majority of recipients were white (43 percent), followed by Hispanic (26 percent), and Black (23 percent). These figures fall in line with population demographics and debunk the misconception that welfare programs are predominantly associated with the Black community. ...
#52 | Posted by LampLighter"

Can't quite comprehend the notion of "per capita" I see. If you ever learn it, I advice you not to look at FBI stats or your head will explode.

That said, I never argued black vs. white - the Dem party is over-represented in BOTH WHITE and BLACK welfare recipients. That is shown in ever study of income and political affiliation.

#59 | Posted by Claudio at 2024-08-14 08:50 PM | Reply

Let's break this down: the average IQ of a lawyer is ~108

And touting "average" instead of "median" again shows you're not very smart. Averages give no meaningful understanding of how many in the data set fall higher or lower than the number calculated. Outliers in either direction can skew the results dramatically given enough in number.

While also being imprecise, median at least gives you the delineation point where half the data set lie above and half below the given calculated number - which tells far more about the numerical distribution of the IQ's in the data set than does the average.

#60 | Posted by tonyroma at 2024-08-14 08:54 PM | Reply

@#58 ... The Dem leadership thinks so little of Kamala's intelligence that they refuse to even allow her to have a press conference ...

More deflection attempts?

What else yer got?

#61 | Posted by LampLighter at 2024-08-14 08:54 PM | Reply

Is is the Washington Times reporting on PEW RESEARCH -------.

You poor poster. You just aren't the example to prove your thesis, are you?

First - your citation's first line: OPINION:
It's not peer reviewed, and it's not a scientific study.

All you've done is show everyone how you're on Team Mad.

Plain ol' weird if you ask me.

And just for fun (so sorry, Tony!) a more recent study:
"There was a significant negative correlation between intelligence and political conservatism"

"More recently, Bouchard et al. (2003) found a linear trend in which more intelligent people were less conservative, as did Kanazawa (2010), Stankov (2009), and Woodley of Menie and Dunkel (2015). Similarly, McCourt, Bouchard, Lykken, Tellegen, and Keyes (1999) observed that low levels of intelligence were associated with high scores on Right Wing Authoritarianism (RWA), as did Heaven, Ciarrochi, and Leeson (2011). The latter group of researchers also reported a negative association between Social Dominance Orientation (SDO) and cognitive ability.

Explains the MAGA movement, doesn't it?

#62 | Posted by YAV at 2024-08-14 08:55 PM | Reply

"@#48 ... How does 108 rate? Well, it would place you in about the top 30% of IQ. ...
What Is the Normal Range for IQ?
... IQ scores between 90 and 109 indicate normal or average intelligence. ...
#55 | Posted by LampLighter"

As you are clearly not very bright, let me give you a quick lesson in statistics. If the AVERAGE IQ of lawyers is 108 - it means that half are above and half are below that number. Thus, given her fail, I would assume she is in the lower tail of that distribution which would put her IQ UNDER 108. So, under a 'best case' scenario, she would have an IQ of 108 - which would put her at about the 70% percentile for intelligence. Now, I add that 65-75% of lawyers passed the bar on their 1st take, so saying 108 is probably being highly generous.

#63 | Posted by Claudio at 2024-08-14 08:56 PM | Reply

@#59 ... Can't quite comprehend the notion of "per capita" I see. ...

I understand per capita quite well.

hat else yer current alias got besides deflection attempts?

#64 | Posted by LampLighter at 2024-08-14 08:56 PM | Reply

"And touting "average" instead of "median" again shows you're not very smart. Averages give no meaningful understanding of how many in the data set fall higher or lower than the number calculated. Outliers in either direction can skew the results dramatically given enough in number.
#60 | Posted by tonyroma"

In a sample size of 1.3M US lawyers, you think there is a significant skew? Really? You -------- are clueless.

#65 | Posted by Claudio at 2024-08-14 08:58 PM | Reply

@#63 ... As you are clearly not very bright, let me give you a quick lesson in statistics. If the AVERAGE IQ of lawyers is 108 - it means that half are above and half are below that number. Thus, given her fail, I would assume she is in the lower tail of that distribution which would put her IQ UNDER 108. So, under a 'best case' scenario, she would have an IQ of 108 - which would put her at about the 70% percentile for intelligence. Now, I add that 65-75% of lawyers passed the bar on their 1st take, so saying 108 is probably being highly generous. ...

Wow, your current alias went from "the top 30% of IQ" to some random babbling incoherent about IQ.

Do you write the scripts for the fmr Pres Trump's teleprompter?

Your current alias is losing it, imo.

#66 | Posted by LampLighter at 2024-08-14 09:01 PM | Reply

As you are clearly not very bright, let me give you a quick lesson in statistics. If the AVERAGE IQ of lawyers is 108 - it means that half are above and half are below that number.

Oh dear god.

#67 | Posted by YAV at 2024-08-14 09:02 PM | Reply

"In a sample size of 1.3M US lawyers, you think there is a significant skew? Really? You -------- are clueless.
#65 | Posted by Claudio"

That said, if we assume someone with an IQ of 90 will be highly unlikely to become a lawyer, the lower tail of the distribution probably is much smaller (likely still not meaningful in a sample size of 1.3M to introduce skew) but IF IT WOULD - it would place the Median LESS THAN the Mean - which again, supports my contention that Kamala's IQ is 108 as a BEST CASE scenario. She is probably closer to 95 - 105, which would place her as thoroughly average.

Also, I am no fan of W Bush (as I said many, many times) but I will remind all of you that his GPA at Yale blew the doors Kerry - the same guy that the Dems were also touting as some kind of genius.

#68 | Posted by Claudio at 2024-08-14 09:02 PM | Reply

- given her fail, I would assume

Which, given your constant whiny, self-serving assumptions about President Biden being a pedophile, which word you seemed to like using more than a normal person would have, would make sense; you make a lot of wild assumptions to fit your preconceived Narratives, whatever they might be.

Just like your Cult Leader does.

And you prolly actually look and sound a lot like him doing it.

#69 | Posted by Corky at 2024-08-14 09:05 PM | Reply

"Wow, your current alias went from "the top 30% of IQ"
#66 | Posted by LampLighter"

My posting has not changed - a 108IQ would place her at the 70 percentile for IQ

Again, this would be the BEST CASE. If you are arguing that she is likely much, much dumber - then we seem to be in violent agreement over the opinion.

That said, I can't remember the last time the supporters for a president candidate were touting the fact that their candidate is a moron as a positive.

#70 | Posted by Claudio at 2024-08-14 09:06 PM | Reply

"As you are clearly not very bright, let me give you a quick lesson in statistics. If the AVERAGE IQ of lawyers is 108 - it means that half are above and half are below that number.
Oh dear god.
#67 | Posted by YAV"

I hate to have to state the obvious - but you seem to not have a basic understanding of this topic, or really any topic.

#71 | Posted by Claudio at 2024-08-14 09:07 PM | Reply

Being a MAGA has made you an idiot, Claudio.
You seem to be intelligent, but you've sacrificed that along with critical thinking on the MAGA altar. .

#72 | Posted by YAV at 2024-08-14 09:07 PM | Reply | Newsworthy 1

"- given her fail, I would assume
Which, given your constant whiny, self-serving assumptions about President Biden being a pedophile
#69 | Posted by Corky"

1.) Lawyers that fail the bar tend to be dumber than lawyers that pass it
2.) People accused by their own daughter of molesting them tend to be pedophiles

What is wrong with that logic exactly?

#73 | Posted by Claudio at 2024-08-14 09:10 PM | Reply

"Being a MAGA has made you an idiot, Claudio.
#72 | Posted by YAV "

Which is why everything I post is backed up by links and facts that you have been completely incapable of countering.

But, keep projecting -------.

#74 | Posted by Claudio at 2024-08-14 09:11 PM | Reply

@#68 ... if we assume someone with an IQ of 90 will be highly unlikely to become a lawyer, ...

Yet, in #48 your current alias stated...

... Let's break this down: the average IQ of a lawyer is ~108 ( ...

Going from an IQ of 90 to an IQ of 108 is not a big leap.

That's +/-10% of the average IQ.

So, why continue your current alias' lame deflection attempts?

#75 | Posted by LampLighter at 2024-08-14 09:11 PM | Reply

The Dem leadership thinks so little of Kamala's intelligence that they refuse to even allow her to have a press conference - and for good reason. We have a lifetime of stupid spewing out of this woman.

When will you bubble dwellers ever wander off the reservation and try to understand what actually exists as to one's long established record?

Kamala Harris has won 5 different elections, from local DA, to California Attorney General, to US Senator for the largest state in America, to Vice President, and finally now as the "Break Glass in Case of Emergency" replacement Democratic presidential candidate. She has spoken thousands of times to tens of thousands of people over her 20 years as an elected government official.

Look at the list of California Senators and there isn't a dunce in the bunch. And a stupid individual cannot run the second largest prosecutors' office this side of the DOJ in DC.

Kamala Harris went in front of the American people in 5 different key swing states and spoke to all of them, projecting the messages of her campaign. No one needs a media person to foist their agenda on her except those looking for nits to pick about her unprecedented rise that's emanated an energy and joy unlike anything Trump could ever muster.

Your problem is that you've only seen Harris' blooper reel because it serves her opponent's need to stem her meteoric rise in both the polls and popularity and because this was the lazy narrative laid first by the right wing media and internalized by the incurious who believed what they were told.

You Tube is full of Harris interviews and speeches where anyone with internet access can see them unedited and arrive at their own conclusions as to her abilities and accomplishments. What they won't find is a "crap" candidate. The fact you'd make such an ignorant assertion confirms that you're not a thinking nor intelligent person. You're a lemming, just like most Trumpers - clinging to your delusional fantasies while the rest of the country moves forward in anticipation of a new day, not the dystopian reality of Trump wanting to revisit our racist, misogynistic, white male dominated past.

#76 | Posted by tonyroma at 2024-08-14 09:11 PM | Reply

Which is why everything I post is backed up by links and facts that you have been completely incapable of countering.

You haven't though. You posted an OPINION piece, labeled so and in all caps and bold.
You don't even know the difference between AVERAGE (MEAN), and MEDIAN.

#77 | Posted by YAV at 2024-08-14 09:14 PM | Reply

Trump Flails Trying to Respond to Kamala Calling Him "Weird" (July 2024)

... Donald Trump is struggling to find a comeback to Kamala Harris calling him weird.

#78 | Posted by LampLighter at 2024-08-14 09:15 PM | Reply

"Going from an IQ of 90 to an IQ of 108 is not a big leap.
That's +/-10% of the average IQ.
So, why continue your current alias' lame deflection attempts?
#75 | Posted by LampLighter"

So, are you arguing that there are many lawyers with an IQ under 90? I really don't understand your point. I only set out that lower bound to respond to Yav's comments on Mean vs. Median - unfortunately for him, the skew would mean that the median is LOWER than the mean, which means she is dumber than the BEST CASE I posted for her. Again, all 3 of us seem to be in violent agreement with the opinion that Kamala most likely has an IQ under 108.

#79 | Posted by Claudio at 2024-08-14 09:16 PM | Reply

- the fact that their candidate is a moron

Even an ASSUMED 108 IQ isn't moron level.

That would be 50-70 back when psychologists even used that correlation, which they don't today.

You should change your handle to Stretch... since that's what you do with your self-serving assumptions.

Which is why the word 'stupid' is so often found in retorts to your bile.

#80 | Posted by Corky at 2024-08-14 09:16 PM | Reply

@#74 ... Which is why everything I post is backed up by links and facts ...

Not really.

One example (just one example...)

I asked your current alias for links in my #53, and I did not see them.

So, what other lies has your current alias got?

Or is it just going to continue trying to deflect?

#81 | Posted by LampLighter at 2024-08-14 09:19 PM | Reply

"You haven't though. You posted an OPINION piece, labeled so and in all caps and bold.
You don't even know the difference between AVERAGE (MEAN), and MEDIAN.
#77 | Posted by YAV"

The "Opinion Piece" is just restating data from Pew Research - they are not making up data. If the Washington Times quotes the number of protons in hydrogen is 1 based on the periodic table - would you throw that out because the Washington Times is the one reporting it?

Again, your desperation is pathetic.

As for mean vs. median, not only have I told you why it is meaningless in this case (1.3M sample size) but IF SKEW EXISTS it would mean Kamala is even dumber than I posted - which is why I called it 'BEST CASE'. If we have a sample size under 30, you may have point - at 1.3M, you have a hand full of ---- that you are claiming is gold.

#82 | Posted by Claudio at 2024-08-14 09:20 PM | Reply

My favorite part of Claudio?
He's ignoring his own bitter hatefilled candidate that's degrading before our eyes and pretending Harris can't have an IQ higher than {fill in the blank with his current statement} as she continues to beat him like a rented mule, all the while smiling, laughing, and having a good time.

#83 | Posted by YAV at 2024-08-14 09:21 PM | Reply | Newsworthy 1

Don't feed the trolls. Nobody thinks Kamala is stupid. Nobody thinks Trump is smart. He's a ------- moron (according Rex Tillerson) who couldn't sit through the PDBs unless they included pictures and multiple references to himself.

#84 | Posted by Gal_Tuesday at 2024-08-14 09:22 PM | Reply

@#79 ... So, are you arguing that there are many lawyers with an IQ under 90? ...

I am not arguing anything.

I am asking ( #75, "So, why continue your current alias' lame deflection attempts?") why your current alias seems to be so intent upon deflecting and disrupting rather than discussing.

A question I note that your current alias has not answered.

Back when I ran a message board, I'd call that trolling.

#85 | Posted by LampLighter at 2024-08-14 09:25 PM | Reply

Just like his ignorance of Kamala Harris' considerable accomplishments, abilities, and skills, Claudio hangs his hat on a metric that doesn't define success in law any more than it does in real life when compared to preparation, willingness, and desire.

Bryan Caldwell
Retired Attorney, Professor of Constitutional Law Author has 8.9K answers and 16.9M answer views3y

I taught law schools courses for nearly 20 years. I've also taught undergraduate college courses. One thing I stressed to my students is that success in law school (and, ultimately in practice) is more about your work ethic than about any level of intelligence you were born with.

Don't get me wrong. You have to be reasonably intelligent. But to get to law school you have to (in almost all instances) have graduated from high school and earned an undergraduate degree, so you're not without some level of intelligence or competence. Once you begin law school it's much more about handling the amount of work required and being aggressive about your study. It's not enough to let things slip by or to just do well enough to survive a test. You have to be objective about your own work and go after things you don't understand or have trouble with. You have to avoid all the short cuts you're going to be presented with and do the work.

I've seen extremely intelligent people, who have excelled in other disciplines, do terribly in law school - because they can't manage the work required and they always try to get by with the least amount of effort. And, I've seen people of reasonable or average intelligence do very well - because they've developed a serious work ethic and they prioritize what they need to do and, one way or another, always manage to get it accomplished.

#86 | Posted by tonyroma at 2024-08-14 09:25 PM | Reply

"Kamala Harris has won 5 different elections, from local DA, to California Attorney General, to US Senator for the largest state in America, to Vice President
#76 | Posted by tonyroma "

Kamala HAS NEVER won an election - the DEMOCRAT CANDIDATE has. In CA, you only need to be the Democrat candidate to win and EVERYONE knows it. So how did she become the Democrat candidate? She got there through the support of Willie Brown - the 60 year old married guy she was banging to get ahead politically. That is who she is and all that she will ever be - the side-chick that failed her way to the top.

#87 | Posted by Claudio at 2024-08-14 09:27 PM | Reply

@#82 ... he "Opinion Piece" is just restating data from Pew Research ...

Which it did not link.


#88 | Posted by LampLighter at 2024-08-14 09:28 PM | Reply

"Don't feed the trolls. Nobody thinks Kamala is stupid. Nobody thinks Trump is smart.
#84 | Posted by Gal_Tuesday"

You need to get out of your libturd bubble - even Kamala's handlers know she is stupid which is why they are hiding her from the media. Your desperation is pathetic.

#89 | Posted by Claudio at 2024-08-14 09:29 PM | Reply

The "Opinion Piece" is just restating data from Pew Research

You are FINALLY (maybe) starting to get it!
Why are they "restating" it?
And did they link to the PEW Research piece?
What do you think the reason for that was?
Oh wait - did you find it on "twitter" on Goldberg's feed?
Zach Goldberg, a doctoral candidate, consolidated the data on Twitter
Consolidated data on Twitter? A doctoral candidate? A doctoral in what? Political Science. Oh.
So where is this Pew Research study?

Let me help:

"The questions pertaining to mental health conditions, political affiliation, and race weren't originally asked in the Pew American Trends poll queried in March, but PhD student Zach Goldberg ascertained the data and categorized it by political affiliation." (using twitter...)

As for mean vs. median, not only have I told you why it is meaningless in this case
No, what you did was prove you don't know the terms you using and have never had a statistics class. You fundamentally don't understand statistics nor the vocabulary.

#90 | Posted by YAV at 2024-08-14 09:30 PM | Reply

"So where is this Pew Research study?"
"#90 | Posted by YAV"

In the cross tabs: pew research american trends panel wave 64

You don't need to specifically ask the question to derive the data. Sorry you are so butthurt over this but it is well accepted as fact in EVERY scientific paper on the matter. Liberal tend to suffer from depression at much higher rates.

#91 | Posted by Claudio at 2024-08-14 09:33 PM | Reply | Funny: 1

I don't blame you for falling for the Washington Times bullshht.
They are masters at deception.
It fits your confirmation bias, and makes you feel superior and better than all those "others" when you read it.
That's why it exists.
Sciencedirect does not peer review anything. It's used to put anything out there. I showed you that in post #62 which directly refutes your "sciencedirect" post.

#92 | Posted by YAV at 2024-08-14 09:34 PM | Reply

@#89 ... even Kamala's handlers know she is stupid ...

Your current alias has stated...
... @#74 ... Which is why everything I post is backed up by links and facts ...

So, let's see the links.

Yer up.

#93 | Posted by LampLighter at 2024-08-14 09:34 PM | Reply

well accepted as fact in EVERY scientific paper on the matter


#94 | Posted by YAV at 2024-08-14 09:38 PM | Reply

@#91 ... In the cross tabs: pew research american trends panel wave 64 ...

@#74 ... Which is why everything I post is backed up by links and facts ...

I didn't see a link.

Yer up.

fwiw, i popped "pew research american trends panel wave 64" into my search engine of choice.

I found this...

American Trends Panel Wave 64 (2020)

yer current alias really needs to troll harder.

#95 | Posted by LampLighter at 2024-08-14 09:38 PM | Reply

BTW - the links above explain why Trump's supporters are "Team Mad."

#96 | Posted by YAV at 2024-08-14 09:39 PM | Reply

Trump can't read or sit still for very long, which means he could never have gone to law school, did all the course work and then sat through taking the Bar exam.

#97 | Posted by Gal_Tuesday at 2024-08-14 09:40 PM | Reply

#95 - that is the correct Pew Research paper that was then reinterpreted based on Twitter data (self-selection) to draw a correlation (does not imply causation) that was then presented in a tweet by the doctoral candidate.

And somehow that's supposed to be a "scientific" study.
Not peer reviewed.
Methods not published.
No paper.
Not associated with Pew Research - but that didn't stop using "Pew Research" to try and give a sheen of legitimacy to it.

#98 | Posted by YAV at 2024-08-14 09:42 PM | Reply | Newsworthy 1

@#96 ... BTW - the links above explain why Trump's supporters are "Team Mad." ...


And that is the main reason why I have hung in that current alias' trolling discussion for so long.

MAGA is looking desperate of late.

So desperate.

All they seem to have now is trolling. Nothing constructive.

Their "mad" isn't working as it used to work.

Anger, resentment and desire for revenge ("mad") seems to have lost its luster and attraction with the voters.

imo that's why fmr Pres Trump's rallies have seen a diminishing attendance.

Is it why he also seems to be shying away from rallies lately?

#99 | Posted by LampLighter at 2024-08-14 09:47 PM | Reply

Claudio's projection is what's desperate here:

You desperate -------- don't have a leg to stand on.
#32 | Posted by Claudio

Again, your desperation is pathetic.
#82 | Posted by Claudio

Your desperation is pathetic.
#89 | Posted by Claudio

And his penchant for the word -------:

"Is is the Washington Times reporting on PEW RESEARCH -------."

"For me, I TRUST THE SCIENCE. The more liberal you are, the dumber you are and the higher the likelihood you have a mental illness...again, it is just facts -------."

"Trump agreed to take cognitive tests as the POTUS and states all candidates should be required. Yet, Biden refused - we all told you -------- his brain was broken but you were in denial until a month ago."

"You desperate -------- don't have a leg to stand on."

"So, this CA bar that you -------- think is so hard is actually well suited to people with an IQ in ~the top 40% of US adults. That isn't selective."

"In a sample size of 1.3M US lawyers, you think there is a significant skew? Really? You -------- are clueless."

"But, keep projecting -------."

#100 | Posted by Gal_Tuesday at 2024-08-14 09:56 PM | Reply | Newsworthy 2

"So, let's see the links.
Yer up.
#93 | Posted by LampLighter"

Already posted above. Do you need me to come click the links for you or do you need me to read them to you as well?

#101 | Posted by Claudio at 2024-08-14 10:26 PM | Reply

"And his penchant for the word -------:"

I call a horse a horse because it is a horse
I call a dog a dog because it is a dig
I call a libturd a ------- because it is a -------.

You libturds are the ones which classification problems - which is why you still can't differentiate between a man and a woman.

"For me, I TRUST THE SCIENCE. The more liberal you are, the dumber you are and the higher the likelihood you have a mental illness...again, it is just facts -------."

100% true - thanks for the repost.

"Trump agreed to take cognitive tests as the POTUS and states all candidates should be required. Yet, Biden refused - we all told you -------s his brain was broken but you were in denial until a month ago."

100% true - thanks for the repost.

"So, this CA bar that you -------s think is so hard is actually well suited to people with an IQ in ~the top 40% of US adults. That isn't selective."

100% true - thanks for the repost.

"In a sample size of 1.3M US lawyers, you think there is a significant skew? Really? You -------s are clueless."
#100 | Posted by Gal_Tuesday"

100% true - thanks for the repost.

You clearly fit into the category of stupid and mentally ill - I will withhold judgement on if you make the trifecta of being poor as well to 100% fit the liberal profile.

#102 | Posted by Claudio at 2024-08-14 10:30 PM | Reply

@#101 ... Already posted above. ...

Sorry, no.

What else your trolling got?

#103 | Posted by LampLighter at 2024-08-14 10:38 PM | Reply

@#102 ... 100% true ...


I saw nothing to substantiate that in your current alias' comments.

What else does your trolling alias got?

#104 | Posted by LampLighter at 2024-08-14 10:40 PM | Reply

"Team Happy vs Team Mad"

I saw someone on Twitter describe it this way: "Happy Warriors vs Jaded Weirdos." I also like Happy Warriors vs Narcissistic -----------.

#105 | Posted by Gal_Tuesday at 2024-08-14 10:45 PM | Reply



Regardless of the appellation, I'd proffer that the Trump campaign seems to be going all out to try to refocus.

And they seem to be discovering that their shtick of anger, resentment and desire for revenge isn't working with the voters as it used to.

#106 | Posted by LampLighter at 2024-08-14 10:54 PM | Reply

This seems to be the theme song for the trolling current alias Claudio...

Failure - Skinny (1998)

Lyrics excerpt...

Why have I always been a failure?
Why have I always been a failure?
Why have I always been a failure?
What can the reason be?

Talking to myself at stations
Slipping in the pouring rain
Ripped my new shirt
Pocket with a hole and
Chasing all the coins
Rolling down the drain

#107 | Posted by LampLighter at 2024-08-14 11:15 PM | Reply

The problem with "Claudio" is, if enough of them live int the same district. They can decide an election.

This is what we face in November.

Swing state districts republicans control.

#108 | Posted by ClownShack at 2024-08-14 11:36 PM | Reply

"I saw someone on Twitter describe it this way:
#105 | Posted by Gal_Tuesday"

The best description of Tampon Tim and Heels Up Harris is: Hairy Balz...which also describes about 50% of the 'women' in the Democrat party.

#109 | Posted by Claudio at 2024-08-15 12:03 AM | Reply



Wow, you're still grinding on this thread?


#110 | Posted by LampLighter at 2024-08-15 12:11 AM | Reply

"#110 | Posted by LampLighter"

Slaughtering you -------- with facts never gets old for me.

#111 | Posted by Claudio at 2024-08-15 12:16 AM | Reply

The GQP outdid itself with Putin's ----------- and the couch ------.

#112 | Posted by reinheitsgebot at 2024-08-15 12:36 AM | Reply

@#111 ... Slaughtering you -------- with facts never gets old for me. ...

Please allow me rephrase that for you...

    Trying to denigrate the good people of this august message board with ad hominem attacks never gets old for me.

What else does yer current alias got?

#113 | Posted by LampLighter at 2024-08-15 12:38 AM | Reply

"The GQP outdid itself with Putin's ----------- and the couch ------.
#112 | Posted by reinheitsgebot"

Willie Brown's ---- holster and horse ----- guzzling Balz are a great team for the Dems - 100% representative of the Democrat Party....a party filled with pedophiles and other assorted weirdos.

#114 | Posted by Claudio at 2024-08-15 12:43 AM | Reply


Do try harder.

Your current is showing its weakness.

#115 | Posted by LampLighter at 2024-08-15 12:47 AM | Reply

" Slaughtering you -------- with facts never gets old for me."

What a riot.

This is the moron who stated Trump's lisp was because of compression software ... which, oddly, wasn't affecting Elon's sibilance at all!

I come here for the comedy.

#116 | Posted by Danforth at 2024-08-15 12:47 AM | Reply

Scatberg, Murdoch is already shoveling dirt on the daughter-boning orange pedo and the dolphin porn aficionado. That's got to sting.

#117 | Posted by reinheitsgebot at 2024-08-15 12:51 AM | Reply

"who stated Trump's lisp was because of compression software
#116 | Posted by Danforth"

Because that was the reason. Or, do you want to fly off into conspiracy land where Trump spontaneously developed and then cured a lisp condition over the course of 2 hours? The fact that Dems even made that stupid argument just shows how desperate you are knowing that Heels Up can't string together a coherent sentence any better than broken brain Biden can - even unburdened by what has been...Kamala is still a moron.

#118 | Posted by Claudio at 2024-08-15 12:54 AM | Reply

"Murdoch is already shoveling dirt on the daughter-boning orange pedo and the dolphin porn aficionado. That's got to sting.
#117 | Posted by reinheitsgebot"

Wow, talk about kicking a guy when he is down - hasn't Biden endured enough yet? I did hear he may throw a tantrum at the DNC due to lasting anger with the gay Kenyan dude.

#119 | Posted by Claudio at 2024-08-15 12:55 AM | Reply

Epstein's child-raping wingman is getting curb-stomped by Rupert and his rags. Ouch.

#120 | Posted by reinheitsgebot at 2024-08-15 12:57 AM | Reply

@#118 ... Because that was the reason. ...

Got links?

@#74 Which is why everything I post is backed up by links and facts ...

So... where's the links...

#121 | Posted by LampLighter at 2024-08-15 12:58 AM | Reply

At this point, I am wondering if RCade is trying to make a decision...

~Do I want the page hits, or do I want to stop the troll?~

#122 | Posted by LampLighter at 2024-08-15 12:59 AM | Reply

Do I want the page hits, or do I want to stop the troll?

Coin toss on that one. Socks like Clodio are harmless but do drive traffic. He's so off the deep end stupid no one takes him seriously.

#123 | Posted by REDIAL at 2024-08-15 01:03 AM | Reply

@#123 ... Socks like Clodio are harmless but do drive traffic. ...

You say "harmless," I say "humorous."

Potato - Potahto.


#124 | Posted by LampLighter at 2024-08-15 01:09 AM | Reply


and, fwiw, by the mere mention in my #122, I likely have reduced the options RCade may have.

Oh well.

I suspect we will be having to deal with the humorous inanity of that current alias for a while.

I mean, back in March 2023 it was asserting we were in a recession.

#125 | Posted by LampLighter at 2024-08-15 01:20 AM | Reply

Killing trolls is difficult.

They're more like hydras.

Cut off the head of one and two more appears.

#126 | Posted by ClownShack at 2024-08-15 01:23 AM | Reply

"Killing trolls is difficult.
#126 | Posted by ClownShack"

Actually, it is very easy to do if you have a brain in your head and facts on your side. Unfortunately for you libturds, you are mentally deficient (as documented above) and reality is heavily conservative at this point.

#127 | Posted by Claudio at 2024-08-15 01:27 AM | Reply

I suspect we will be having to deal with the humorous inanity of that current alias for a while.

Cloditiot and a bunch of others ended up in jail recently... not sure what land mine they stepped on.

#128 | Posted by REDIAL at 2024-08-15 01:34 AM | Reply

The best description of Tampon Tim and Heels Up Harris is: Hairy Balz...which also describes about 50% of the 'women' in the Democrat party.

#109 | Posted by Claudio

G enital
O bsessed
P arty

#129 | Posted by SpeakSoftly at 2024-08-15 01:42 AM | Reply

@#127 ... Actually, it is very easy to do if you have a brain in your head and facts on your side. ...

Yeah, but links and facts seem foreign to your current alias.

imo, this song seems apropos in describing what your current alias has posted here this evening...

Frank Black - [I Want to Live on an] Abstract Plain (1994)

Lyrics excerpt...

I've had it with this town
I never saw those shifting skies
I never saw the ground
Or the sunset rise
I want to live on an abstract plain

I'm building a frame
A place to put my ten-yard stare
Thinking of that paint
Painted in plain air
I want to live on an abstract plain

I need a new address
I want some new terrain
Is it North or South?
I want to live on an abstract plain

#130 | Posted by LampLighter at 2024-08-15 01:52 AM | Reply

"Cloditiot and a bunch of others ended up in jail recently... not sure what land mine they stepped on.
#128 | Posted by REDIAL"

We spelled libturd differently, which is apparently against the Safe Spaces policy of this website. Obviously, I did not know that given the names conservatives are called but a rule is a rule so I did not appeal it.

#131 | Posted by Claudio at 2024-08-15 06:20 AM | Reply

a rule is a rule

#131 | Posted by Claudio

So you don't support Trump after all.

#132 | Posted by Zed at 2024-08-15 07:36 AM | Reply

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