- The stupid is strong with this one.
In a society where the love of money is the norm, it becomes obvious to some people that millionaires and billionaires are just better than them.
They must be smarter and braver and almost always right about almost everything.
Including that they should get a bigger percent in tax cuts on their income than most people.
So Pres Musk is, "capable of reevaluating and changing course."... and going to Mars and building transatlantic tunnels...
... and if he really wanted to he could beat up Travis Kelce and steal his girlfriend Taylor something.
He can do anything, and some day Trumpers are going grow up be billionaires too, so let's not be too hard on the Oligarchs!
Some of the weirdest characters on these pages like Robson and Visitor are convinced that Trump is protecting them from the Oligarchs.
Apparently by giving himself and his richer buddies anything they want... like tax payers funding their bitcoins with their salaries, pensions, investments, social security, and medicare
But it's OK, because all that's going to Trickle Down and benefit Trumpers!
Ok, it's not, it' never has, and it never will. Reagan told them that, too... and ended up raising the voter's taxes 11 times to make up for shortfall.