Pretending otherwise just makes you appear naive, at best; stupid in all probability.
Pretending to know why you would not want to change the name of a base is stupid to someone who never experienced Bragg.
I'm going to wager, you were never at FT. Bragg or any military base other than to visit someone, maybe.
You probably have never seen an airborne field, been to an artillery range, or had to run 9 miles in the rain and mud on any base. You ever lived in military housing on FT. Bragg?
I have. You ever driven down Bragg blvd? I have. Did you ever go to the old NCO club on Bragg? I did. Have you ever marched in the 82nd day run and felt the pride when the old paratroopers saluted you as you ran by?
I have.
The name is about so much more than you military arm chair DEI specialists know. Talk about something you do know, but I bet the conversation will be short Danni.
Funny how the only ones wanting to get rid of the name Bragg is liberals/democrats/progressives, most of who have never been in the military. Most military folks, especially those who served there, want it left alone.
I left a lot of blood at Bragg. Leave the name alone.