Monday, October 14, 2024

Kamala Harris Agrees to Interview with Fox News

Kamala Harris will do a sit-down interview with the rightwing broadcaster Fox News on Wednesday, the news channel announced on Monday, in the most dramatic moment yet in a recent media blitz by the Democratic presidential nominee.



Bolding going where Trump is afraid to follow, lmao!

#1 | Posted by Corky at 2024-10-14 05:07 PM

Boldly... who's editing this?

#2 | Posted by Corky at 2024-10-14 06:06 PM

@#1 ... where Trump is afraid to follow, lmao! ...


Fmr Pres Trump has shown himself to be all bravado in his words, but quite the coward in his actions.

I remember a supporter of fmr Pres Trump on this most august site once telling me, don't listen to fmr Pres Trump's words, watch his actions.

During this campaign season, fmr Pres Trump's actions seem to be more of a coward, not a leader.

He seems to be relying upon his vacuous words, rather than actions.

#3 | Posted by LampLighter at 2024-10-14 09:25 PM

It IS a bold move for Harris.

A battle of the wits.

FOX will triple their viewers with this one.

#4 | Posted by Twinpac at 2024-10-14 09:56 PM

Polling and the betting markets over the last couple of weeks have swung towards Trump. Harris campaign must be noticing and has decided to do this. Don't think they were interested when they were ahead.

#5 | Posted by rosemountbomber at 2024-10-14 09:58 PM

She performed poorly on the friendliest platforms.

Baier will probably be fair but he will also probably ask her challenging questions and will likely push back on non-answers and ask follow ups to evasive answers.

#6 | Posted by BellRinger at 2024-10-14 10:08 PM

@#6 ... She performed poorly on the friendliest platforms. ....

How so?

#7 | Posted by LampLighter at 2024-10-14 10:11 PM

@#6 ... She performed poorly on the friendliest platforms. ....

How so?

#7 | Posted by LampLighter

Jeff only thinks it is a good appearance if you crap yourself or one of your supporters attempts to kill you.

#8 | Posted by johnny_hotsauce at 2024-10-14 10:14 PM

Seems kinda desperate.

@#6 ... She performed poorly on the friendliest platforms. ....
How so?

She's sliding in the polls after the friendlies

Also she's doing this interview, that's how you can tell. None of her support dudes (Obama, Clinton, Walz) were of any use, downright disappointing.

#9 | Posted by oneironaut at 2024-10-14 10:23 PM

Don't think they were interested when they were ahead.


Seems reasonable. But not sure how it helps her. Needs to get the middle ground, not the rabid righties that watch Fox.

#10 | Posted by oneironaut at 2024-10-14 10:25 PM

It's not about trying to persaude the rabid righties who watch Fox. It's about showing that she isn't afraid to do an interview with Baier on Fox in contrast to Trump who won't even do a debate with Baier moderating it. Part of her closing argument is that Trump's team dosn't want him to debate or do ian nterview on 60 Minutes because he is too weak and unstable.

#11 | Posted by Gal_Tuesday at 2024-10-14 10:32 PM

@#9 ... She's sliding in the polls after the friendlies ...

I've noted that in my comment.

But I do note your current alias' reply avoids the question I asked of your alter-alias.


#12 | Posted by LampLighter at 2024-10-14 10:32 PM

Kamala Harris taunted Donald Trump at a rally in Greenville, North Carolina, on Sunday, calling him out for not releasing recent medical records, declining a 60 Minutes interview and rejecting a second presidential debate.

"It makes you wonder--why does his staff want him to hide away?" Harris said. "One must question--are they afraid that people will see that he is too weak and unstable to lead America? Is that what's going on?"

The new line of attack from Harris comes as she recently released her own personal medical records, sat for her own "60 Minutes" interview last week and accepted a CNN town hall, after Trump refused to participate in a second presidential debate with the vice president. In North Carolina, Harris accused Trump of "not being transparent" with voters, especially for not releasing more up-to-date medical information, which "every other presidential candidate in the modern era has done," she said.

#13 | Posted by Gal_Tuesday at 2024-10-14 10:34 PM

Internal polls are collapsing and she has no choice. Shockingly, Obama trying to shame black men into voting for the half Irish/half Indian woman raised in Canada didn't work as intended.

Fox News really doesn't have any credibility on the right any longer though. They are basically a centrist channel at this point.

If Fox has any integrity, they will play the video of the VA governor advocating for post birth abortion and the Ohio 911 call on the immigrants killing geese and ask for her to admit both stories were true. At the very least, they can ask her about her husband knocking up the nanny and knocking around his date as just revealed. They could also ask her when she realized that Joe Biden was so mentally impaired he needed to drop out of the race.

However, something tells me none of this will come up.

#14 | Posted by deadman at 2024-10-14 10:35 PM

"The new line of attack from Harris comes as she ... realizes that her poll numbers are tanking and even trotting out the gay Kenyan to shame black men is not working"
#13 | Posted by Gal_Tuesday"

There, fixed it for you.

#15 | Posted by deadman at 2024-10-14 10:36 PM

#11 Gal Tuesday,

You are cherry picking. Trump has done 2 interviews with Time, lasting about 90 minutes laying out his policy agenda. He had a 90 minute presser. He has gone on other outlets including Fox. Prior to this the closest thing Harris has done was her one 60 Minutes interview. Whitaker acted like a real journalist which was very refreshing. But instead of letting that stand CBS violated their own standards and considerably edited her answer about Israel to make her seem less incoherent.

And don't even get me started on Vance vs Walz.

#16 | Posted by BellRinger at 2024-10-14 10:38 PM

"It makes you wonder--why does his staff want him to hide away?" Harris said.

"One must question--are they afraid that people will see that he is too weak and unstable to lead America? Is that what's going on?"

There's Kamy being weak, just for Jeffy and 1Nut, the Friends of Traitor Trump Co-Chairs.

#17 | Posted by Corky at 2024-10-14 10:38 PM

"He had a 90 minute presser."

You call that a presser? Please.

#18 | Posted by Gal_Tuesday at 2024-10-14 10:39 PM

"He has gone on other outlets including Fox."

Yeah, but only with the non-journalists. He nixed doing a debate with Baier and MacCallum.

#19 | Posted by Gal_Tuesday at 2024-10-14 10:41 PM

"He had a 90 minute presser."
#18 | Posted by Gal_Tuesday"

Kamala would never do 90 minutes. You have to either pay for 2 hours or the overnight rate.

#20 | Posted by deadman at 2024-10-14 10:42 PM

It's not a real Presser unless he fills his diapers loudly.

Between that and the constant Lies and Hate Speech, most of his rally 'crowds' have left long before it's over.

#21 | Posted by Corky at 2024-10-14 10:43 PM

"But instead of letting that stand CBS violated their own standards and considerably edited her answer about Israel to make her seem less incoherent."

If you are outraged by that, this will certainly make you mad:

It Seems Fox News Edited Trump Interview to Help Him Sound Normal

A new Fox interview with Donald Trump has some obvious edit cuts.

Fox edits out Trump's criticism of one of their reporters

#22 | Posted by Gal_Tuesday at 2024-10-14 10:44 PM

"He nixed doing a debate with Baier and MacCallum.
#19 | Posted by Gal_Tuesday"

Kamala had her chance to show up to a debate on Fox vs. Trump in September but her braindead handlers thought it would not be needed. So, we are where we are now.

NO ONE needs Trump to define himself. We have hours of tape of him explaining his policies and 4 years of prior experience of him doing it.

For Kamala, she needs the time to explain how the last 4 years are not her fault and what she will be doing different. Unfortunately for her, she has been completely unable to explain what she would do different than what the failed Biden/Harris administration did for the last 4 years and just used her time to explain how that was on Joe and not her.

#23 | Posted by deadman at 2024-10-14 10:47 PM

@#18 ... You call that a presser? Please. ...

OK, the MAGA crowd had been most critical of VP Harris for not going out and doing interviews with the press.

Now that she seems to be doing exactly what the MAGA cult was so critical of, what else they got?

More criticism that she is doing an interview with lying (to the tune of $700+ million dollars) Fox News?

I mean, really.

#24 | Posted by LampLighter at 2024-10-14 10:47 PM

Fox has a long history of helpfully editing Trump's remarks:

The Lincoln Project

Mar 9, 2023
Fox News has selectively edited Trump's interviews so he doesn't sound like he's siding with Putin to give away Ukraine. They're Trump's MAGA propaganda machine, even when that means concealing what he's actually saying.

#25 | Posted by Gal_Tuesday at 2024-10-14 10:47 PM

In conclusion:

You knew it was out there, didn't you?

Fox News edited their Townhall with Donald Trump in June to make him sound normal.

In fact, the edits were so stark that @Acyn, @atrupar, and @BadFoxGraphics commented on them here on twitter.

But a Harris interview edit for time, while the full interview is posted online, has upset MAGA.


#26 | Posted by Gal_Tuesday at 2024-10-14 10:48 PM


Who writes your material... Steven Bannon or Roger Stone?

Alex Jones, you say? Figures.

#27 | Posted by Corky at 2024-10-14 10:49 PM

I have to admit though, finding that Trump speaks at a 4th Grade Level shows both improvement on his part, and explains his Base's utter stupidity.

#28 | Posted by Corky at 2024-10-14 10:51 PM

"OK, the MAGA crowd had been most critical of VP Harris for not going out and doing interviews with the press.
Now that she seems to be doing exactly what the MAGA cult was so critical of, what else they got?
#24 | Posted by LampLighter"

NO ONE is criticizing her for doing an interview on Fox News. I think most of MAGA is happy she is doing it as the odds of her doing/saying something campaign ending is greater than zero and it will change precisely zero % of the vote barring the career ending slip-up.

#29 | Posted by deadman at 2024-10-14 10:52 PM

@#16 ... But instead of letting that stand CBS violated their own standards and considerably edited her answer about Israel to make her seem less incoherent. ...

How, exactly did CBS violate their own standards?

Yer up ...

Trump's complaints about '60 Minutes' put a spotlight on editing at the nation's top newsmagazine

... Donald Trump skipped a "60 Minutes" interview this past week, but he's attacking CBS for how it handled its session with opponent Kamala Harris, calling it a "giant fake news scam" and suggesting the network was out to protect her.

Portions of the Harris interview ran Monday on the newsmagazine and on the Sunday morning political show "Face the Nation." On two occasions, it depicted Harris giving different answers to questions posed by correspondent Bill Whitaker on the Biden administration's efforts to stop the war in the Mideast.

For CBS News, it was considered part of the typical editing and cross-promotion process that takes place for a big interview. Yet to those unfamiliar with journalism and television production, the effect can be jarring.

How did Harris appear to give two answers?

Whitaker interviewed Harris on Saturday afternoon, Oct. 5, in Washington for the special broadcast that aired Monday, two days later. But "60 Minutes" offered a portion of that interview to colleagues at "Face the Nation," both to give the Sunday morning show some fresh news and to "tease" the longer interview.

At one point, Whitaker observed that it appeared Israel's prime minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, did not appear to be listening to the administration's suggestions.

"Well, Bill, the work that we have done has resulted in a number of movements in that region by Israel that were very much prompted by or a result of many things, including our advocacy for what needs to happen in the region," the vice president said in response, on the "Face the Nation" clip.

On "60 Minutes," after Whitaker said the same thing, Harris answered: "We're not going to stop pursuing what is necessary for the United States to be clear about where we stand on the need for this war to end."

After the differences were pointed out online, Trump said on his Truth Social feed that Harris' "REAL ANSWER WAS CRAZY, OR DUMB, so they actually REPLACED it with another answer in order to save her or, at least, to make her look better."

So what did Harris actually say to Whitaker?

Well, both things, according to CBS. Her full answer to the question was the two sentences put together " the first sentence used on "Face the Nation" and the second sentence on "60 Minutes."

CBS said the need to make the "60 Minutes" interview segment concise prompted the editing. The full interview with Harris took 45 minutes, and it was fit into a 20-minute slot on the broadcast. Yet the editing made it appear that the answer shown on "60 Minutes" was the first thing Harris said in response to the question. Having "Face the Nation" show Whitaker asking the question " instead of having someone paraphrase it -- added to the confusion and made CBS vulnerable to criticism. ...

#30 | Posted by LampLighter at 2024-10-14 10:52 PM

"I have to admit though, finding that Trump speaks at a 4th Grade Level shows both improvement on his part, and explains his Base's utter stupidity.
#28 | Posted by Corky"

And yet, the average income of the GOP voters is higher than that of the Democrats. So much 'education' on the part of the Democrats and such poor economic outcomes. Yes, typically GOP voters are unable to name more than 2 genders unlike their Democrat "educated" peers. But, as Kamala and Dougie proved this week, the GOP do know how to use simple tools like a shovel while the Democrats can't seem to figure it out.

#31 | Posted by deadman at 2024-10-14 10:55 PM

"Well, both things, according to CBS. Her full answer to the question was the two sentences put together " the first sentence used on "Face the Nation" and the second sentence on "60 Minutes."
#30 | Posted by LampLighter"

Wonderful! Then simply release the unedited clip and/or the transcript of the unedited clip.

#32 | Posted by deadman at 2024-10-14 10:57 PM

I take it dead men prefer traitors as Presidents.

From what I read, you and he share a certain... aroma.

And you both lie like dogs:

"Rich and Split: Democrats Edge Out GOP For Affluent Voters

Among upper-income voters (based on an adjusted income of $215,400 or greater for a household of three in 2022), 53% lean Democratic, outpacing 46% of wealthy voters who lean Republican."

#33 | Posted by Corky at 2024-10-14 11:14 PM

@#32 ... Wonderful! Then simply release the unedited clip and/or the transcript of the unedited clip. ...

They did.

So, what's yer point?

#34 | Posted by LampLighter at 2024-10-14 11:18 PM

"Among upper-income voters (based on an adjusted income of $215,400 or greater for a household of three in 2022), 53% lean Democratic, outpacing 46% of wealthy voters who lean Republican."
#33 | Posted by Corky"

Now actually show a link the contradicts what I ACTUALLY SAID which was "the average income of the GOP voters is higher than that of the Democrats". We all know the Dems have the elites at the top controlling their welfare dependent slaves at the bottom. That is why the average Democrat has lower income tan the average GOP voter - because you have way more of the welfare dependent slaves at the bottom.

#35 | Posted by deadman at 2024-10-14 11:21 PM

How does having more money equate with intelligence?

trump and musk inherited their money and theyre idiots.

#36 | Posted by Alexandrite at 2024-10-14 11:23 PM

No they certainly didn't Lamp. Please provide a link directly from CBS proving they did. I remember when Hillary had to go do ole FOX News, this interview isn't by choice ...

#37 | Posted by Bluewaffles at 2024-10-14 11:23 PM

"They did.
So, what's yer point?
#34 | Posted by LampLighter"

I didn't see that. Can you link to it? I would like to watch/read it.

#38 | Posted by deadman at 2024-10-14 11:24 PM

"trump and musk inherited their money and theyre idiots.
#36 | Posted by Alexandrite"

Calling Musk an idiot is probably the greatest sign of TDS available - even better than nose rings and pink hair.

#39 | Posted by deadman at 2024-10-14 11:25 PM

Oh my:

Donald Trump abandons town hall Q&A to play James Brown and Pavarotti after two people taken ill

#40 | Posted by Gal_Tuesday at 2024-10-14 11:25 PM

Okay (from above link):

The first casualty was an inconvenience that halted Donald Trump for a minute or two while midflight answering questions about home prices, the border and small business.

By the time the second person collapsed in the heat of the overcrowded exhibition hall, the former president knew he had a problem. A few people at the back of the hall were making for the exits and he knew he needed to pump up the crowd. It was time for plan B.

'Let's not do any more questions,' Trump said to his audience in suburban Philadelphia. 'Let's just listen to music.'

#41 | Posted by Gal_Tuesday at 2024-10-14 11:28 PM


Weasel words, lol. Your Cult Leader is a billionaire who's billionaire friends like Musk, Theil, and Leo Leonard have raped American workers; taking huge deficit spending tax cuts that working people can never pay back for them.

You must be SO proud!

Just as you must be so proud of Dear Leader for being the criminal traitor that, according to dozens of his own Top Aides under Oath, committed criminal acts trying to stay in office.

And the thousand plus people already convicted of following his illegal schemes.

#42 | Posted by Corky at 2024-10-14 11:29 PM

"trump and musk inherited their money and theyre idiots.
#36 | Posted by Alexandrite"
Calling Musk an idiot is probably the greatest sign of TDS available - even better than nose rings and pink hair.
#39 | Posted by deadman

At least you didn't say calling Trump an idiot is probably the greatest sign of TDS available. Even you knew better than to say that. LOL

#43 | Posted by Gal_Tuesday at 2024-10-14 11:30 PM

Musk buys companies actual geniuses worked on. He wasted 44 billion dollars buying twitter and destroyed it. He gets trolled and owned on his own site daily.

the guy is a ------- embarrassment.

#44 | Posted by Alexandrite at 2024-10-14 11:31 PM

If you want to see a sign of TDS here it is:

#45 | Posted by Gal_Tuesday at 2024-10-14 11:37 PM

"He wasted 44 billion dollars buying twitter and destroyed it. He gets trolled and owned on his own site daily.
the guy is a ------- embarrassment.
#44 | Posted by Alexandrite"

Twitter engagement is at an all time high, meanwhile, traditional news is dying and laying off employees. On top of this, even your own braindead President used TWITTER, not the traditional MSM to announce he was dropping out. If that is your definition of failure, you need to be reset to factory settings. Twitter is the greatest free speech platform in the world today. But, keeping betting against Musk. Never worked in the past but maybe this time you will be right.

#46 | Posted by deadman at 2024-10-14 11:41 PM

@#38 ... I didn't see that....

And whose fault is that?

I provided a link in the comment your current alias replied to

So, if I may ask, what, exactly is the concern being expressed?

#47 | Posted by LampLighter at 2024-10-14 11:42 PM

"@#38 ... I didn't see that....
I provided a link in the comment your current alias replied to
#47 | Posted by LampLighter"

I clicked your link and did not see either the unedited transcript or unedited video. Maybe it is my version of chrome and blocking links or something. Can you provide the direct link to either?

#48 | Posted by deadman at 2024-10-14 11:46 PM

New Data Shows X Is Losing Users in the US and UK
Published Sept. 23, 2024

Despite Elon Musk's claims that X is reaching new record highs in usage every other month, and that the app remains a critical connector, the latest data shows that Elon's X project is losing user interest, sparked, in many cases, by Musk's own divisive commentary in the app.

According to new insights, X has seen a significant decline in users in both the U.S. and U.K. in recent months, as Musk has continued to double down on his political stances.

#49 | Posted by Gal_Tuesday at 2024-10-14 11:49 PM

" "But instead of letting that stand CBS violated their own standards and considerably edited her answer about Israel to make her seem less incoherent."

If you are outraged by that, this will certainly make you mad:

It Seems Fox News Edited Trump Interview to Help Him Sound Normal

A new Fox interview with Donald Trump has some obvious edit cuts.

Fox edits out Trump's criticism of one of their reporters

#22 | POSTED BY GAL_TUESDAY AT 2024-10-14 10:44 PM | REPLY | FLAG:"

That's every bit is terrible as what 60 Minutes did. No argument from me on that. I'm guessing we are in agreement that both are violating journalistic standards in these instances.

#50 | Posted by BellRinger at 2024-10-14 11:52 PM

@#48 ... did not see either the unedited transcript or unedited video. ...

... and that surprises you ... why?

Why would (or should) a media organization release unedited video?

Stated differently, what is the real concern of you?

Aside from trying to make a mountain out of an ant hill?

#51 | Posted by LampLighter at 2024-10-14 11:59 PM

Donald Trump abandons town hall Q&A to play James Brown and Pavarotti after two people taken ill
#40 | Posted by Gal_Tuesday

Here's a description from a Fox News correspondent who was at the town hall turned concert that includes a videos of the songs Trump played, everything from Elvis to Streisand. Definitely weird:

Bryan Llenas

Well, this is a very strange Trump Town Hall in Pennsylvania. It turned on a dime after two Trump supporters passed out/fainted/needed medical attention in back to back episodes that paused the Q and A format for a while.

#52 | Posted by Gal_Tuesday at 2024-10-14 11:59 PM

@#50 ... That's every bit is terrible as what 60 Minutes did. ...

Please detail what, exactly 60 Minutes did, and how your current alias seems to equate that with what Fox did.

Or, is this just another false equivalency of your current alias?

#53 | Posted by LampLighter at 2024-10-15 12:04 AM


Stop with your current alias's nonstop passive- aggressive trolling.

If you are THIS bored and starved for attention watch a movie a read a book or do some ------- thing.

#54 | Posted by BellRinger at 2024-10-15 12:06 AM

Welp, this is certainly a first:

Republican Voters Against Trump
Trump at his town hall: "Let's not do any more questions. Let's just listen to music. Who the hell wants to hear questions?"

Sarah Longwell
After multiple people passed out at this Trump Townhall, instead of taking questions, he just played the following songs while standing and swaying on stage:

Ave Maria
Time To Say Goodbye
It's A Man's World
Nothing Compares 2 U
An American Trilogy
Rich Men North of Richmond
November Rain
Memory from Cats

#55 | Posted by Gal_Tuesday at 2024-10-15 12:09 AM

"#49 | Posted by Gal_Tuesday"

What is it that makes you liberal incapable to actually responding to the actual argument put forward? Linking to daily users in 2 selected markets to respond to my statement of 'engagement' is not responsive in the least when Twitter is completely transparent in how it measures engagement (hint: actual usage). It is attempting to cherry-pick data as you know you cannot respond to the actual argument in a truthful manner.

This was the same with Corky's totally non-responsive argument on the average income or GOP vs. Dem voters.

It is the same as Lamp still not linking to the unedited transcript or video from 60 minutes.

Why must you always resort to strawman arguments and avoid the actual argument being made? It this genetic? Diet/hormonal related or what?

#56 | Posted by deadman at 2024-10-15 12:09 AM

@#54 ... Stop with your current alias's nonstop passive- aggressive trolling. ... ?

Methinks your current alias is projecting.

Do try harder.

#57 | Posted by LampLighter at 2024-10-15 12:10 AM

"Why would (or should) a media organization release unedited video?
#51 | Posted by LampLighter"

You told me that they did in your prior link. So, was that an intentional lie or you were just too stupid to not know any better?

#58 | Posted by deadman at 2024-10-15 12:11 AM

"(hint: actual usage)."

And how many of those are actual people? As opposed to bots from Russia, etc?

#59 | Posted by Gal_Tuesday at 2024-10-15 12:11 AM

"Twitter is completely transparent in how it measures engagement"

I'll say the same thing I said to BR earlier. X is completely transparent? Please.

#60 | Posted by Gal_Tuesday at 2024-10-15 12:13 AM

Why must you always resort to strawman arguments and avoid the actual argument being made? It this genetic? Diet/hormonal related or what?
#56 | Posted by deadman

You tell me since you are the one projecting.

#61 | Posted by Gal_Tuesday at 2024-10-15 12:14 AM

"And how many of those are actual people? As opposed to bots from Russia, etc?
#59 | Posted by Gal_Tuesday"

No answering a question with a question. You are not making your case any stronger with this nonsense.

#62 | Posted by deadman at 2024-10-15 12:14 AM

Why must you always resort to strawman arguments and avoid the actual argument being made? It this genetic? Diet/hormonal related or what?
#56 | Posted by deadman

PS You seem to like asking quesitons well enough. Good for the goose and gander and all that.

#63 | Posted by Gal_Tuesday at 2024-10-15 12:17 AM

@#58 ... You told me that they did in your prior link. So, was that an intentional lie or you were just too stupid to not know any better? ...


When I posted that comment, I had read the link's explanation of what fmr Pres Trump had objected to.

That explanation made sense to me.

So yeah, I have no links to the unedited interview.

As I have stated many times in the past, thanks for correcting me on that.

#64 | Posted by LampLighter at 2024-10-15 12:23 AM

" I'll say the same thing I said to BR earlier. X is completely transparent? Please.

#60 | POSTED BY GAL_TUESDAY AT 2024-10-15 12:13 AM | REPLY"

X is not "completely" transparent. Nor has it "completely" lived up to the open speech platform it was promised to become.

Having said that, it is FAR more transparent now than it was under prior ownership and is FAR more open speech than it was under prior ownership. Is it Utopia? Of course not. Have the stated objectives I just mentioned been a noticeable, if not considerable, improvement? Absolutely.

#65 | Posted by BellRinger at 2024-10-15 12:36 AM

@#65 ... Having said that, it is FAR more transparent now than it was under prior ownership and is FAR more open speech than it was under prior ownership. ...

Yeah, if the goal is to promote hatred and violence, yeah, X is now more transparent.

Please explain why your current alias thinks that is a good thing.

#66 | Posted by LampLighter at 2024-10-15 12:47 AM

"As I have stated many times in the past, thanks for correcting me on that.
#64 | Posted by LampLighter"

Well, at least you were man enough to admit that just being plain old stupid was the cause of your error. Most liberals just stick to lying or run away from the discussion so I give you credit for that.

#67 | Posted by deadman at 2024-10-15 12:49 AM

"Yeah, if the goal is to promote hatred and violence, yeah, X is now more transparent.
#66 | Posted by LampLighter"

As the liberals have fled Twitter to their own safe spaces, it has become much less violent and less filled with racial slurs. Also, they finally stopped liberals from posting child porn. Now, if Elon can get rid of the liberal onlyfans girls, it will be an almost perfect platform.

#68 | Posted by deadman at 2024-10-15 12:51 AM

@#68 ... As the liberals have fled Twitter to their own safe spaces, ...

I've not seen that.

Please be more specific.

Got links?

#69 | Posted by LampLighter at 2024-10-15 12:56 AM

No they certainly didn't Lamp. Please provide a link directly from CBS proving they did. I remember when Hillary had to go do ole FOX News, this interview isn't by choice ...

#37 | Posted by Bluewaffles

Strange intrusion, corrected a minute later? Deadman's sounded caprine from the outset.

#70 | Posted by Dbt2 at 2024-10-15 01:01 AM

@#67 ... Well, at least you were man enough to admit ...

As I stated, I admit when I have made an error.

Though, I see nothing "man enough" in such an admission.

It is just me being honest about what I post..

But then I have to ask...

Why is being honest described as being "man enough" by you?

Oh, that raises so many questions.


#71 | Posted by LampLighter at 2024-10-15 01:02 AM

Great tune that just popped up on a playlist here...

Stevie Wonder - Ngiculela-Es Una Historia-I Am Singing (1976)

Lyrics excerpt ...

Ngiculela ikusasa
Ngiyacula ngo thando
Ngicula ngelinyi langa
Uthando luyobusa
Jikelele kulomhlaba wethu

Es una historia de mañana
Es una historia de amor
Es una historia que amor reinar
Por nuestro mundo
Es una historia de mi corazn

There's songs to make you smile
There's songs to make you sad
But with a happy song to sing
It never seems as bad
To me came this melody
So I've tried to put in words how I feel
Tomorrow will be for you and me

I am singing of tomorrow
I am singing of love
I am singing someday love will reign
Throughout this world of ours
I am singing of love from my heart

Let's all sing someday sweet love will reign
Throughout this world of ours
Let's start singing
Of love from our hearts
Let's start singing
Of love from our hearts

#72 | Posted by LampLighter at 2024-10-15 01:23 AM

On topic,

I believe this is a massive mistake doing this interview.

I can only guess that internal polling is worse than what we are seeing.

She has consistently proven to be terrible off the cuff. Further, even on friendly outlets (which comprise all but maybe one of her interviews) she bombed easily anticipated and friendly worded basic questions. " ... ..I was born middle class ... ."

Baier is pretty good at this. She's only been pushed for one flip flop that I recall - her push to ban fracking. Her answer was a non answer. A ton of questions that she has yet to face are out there. An amateur could string them together and press her. Baier is a professional.

I don't see a strategic path where this doesn't go poorly for her.

#73 | Posted by BellRinger at 2024-10-15 01:34 AM

#73 | Posted by BellRinger

Compare that to a candidate (Trump) who yesterday said he'd even use the military to go after journalists, critics, and Democrats.

Posse Comitatus notwithstanding. Not that Trump actually knows the Constitution or the Posse Comitatus Act that bars using the U.S. military against our own citizens.

The Posse Comitatus Act is a United States federal law (18 U.S.C. 1385, original at 20 Stat. 152) signed on June 18, 1878, by President Rutherford B. Hayes that limits the powers of the federal government in the use of federal military personnel to enforce domestic policies within the United States.

#74 | Posted by AMERICANUNITY at 2024-10-15 02:20 AM

@#73 ... On topic, ...

Because your current alias' off-topic comments revealed an ignorance?

OK, that aside.

.... I believe this is a massive mistake doing this interview. ...

Time will tell.

... She has consistently proven to be terrible off the cuff. ...

You mean, telling the truth instead of "making up stories?"

Yeah, I do look forward to the interview.

Now, when will fmr Pres Trump agree to do a sit-down with 60-Minutes?

Trump backs out of a '60 Minutes' prime-time interview, CBS says (October 1, 2024)

... The CBS news program 60 Minutes announced on Tuesday that former President Donald Trump has backed out of an interview he had agreed to do as part of its prime-time election special next week.

"For over half a century, 60 Minutes has invited the Democratic and Republican tickets to appear on our broadcast as Americans head to the polls," the newsmagazine posted on X. "This year, both the Harris and Trump campaigns agreed to sit down with 60 Minutes."

It went on to say that "after initially accepting 60 Minutes' request for an interview" with Scott Pelley, Trump's campaign "has decided not to participate." ...

#75 | Posted by lamplighter at 2024-10-15 02:24 AM

The child-raping orange jizzfart skipped 60 Minutes because he's a mush-brained coward.

#76 | Posted by reinheitsgebot at 2024-10-15 03:23 AM

REIN @ #76

More likely because he couldn't afford to get his ass handed to him again by Kamala Harris.

Actually, it's a smart decision by his campaign. He got slaughtered in that debate.

Once burned, twice shy.

#77 | Posted by Twinpac at 2024-10-15 04:22 AM

"Trump backs out of a '60 Minutes' prime-time interview, CBS says (October 1, 2024)
#75 | Posted by lamplighter"

Trump made the 60 Minutes interview contingent on 60 Minutes apologizing for the lie they told last cycle about the Hunter laptop. Seems something completely normal to me. If the 'factchecker' was clearly lying in their last interview, it should be standard procedure to start the next interview with a correction for that error.

#78 | Posted by deadman at 2024-10-15 05:44 AM

Soooooooooo... ahem...

Trumpanzee the man who bragged about getting along with... on a first-name basis with... in love with... notorious dictators... but couldn't face an interview with Racheal Maddow ...this just shows Kamala is the better "man" for the job than Trumpanzee...

#79 | Posted by RightisTrite at 2024-10-15 08:06 AM

Harris displays the kind of knowledge, poise, self-control, intelligence, and mastery of a discussion and makes her ideal for the job.

Trump makes up for his shortcomings in those departments because his accolytes believe that somewhere under the clown suits, rubber diapers, and blown mind there is the tiniest thing they stupidly believes makes that pancake streaked clown *manly* and that would be some appendage they can think of as a penis.

What a bunch.

#80 | Posted by Doc_Sarvis at 2024-10-15 08:32 AM

"rightwing broadcaster Fox News"
"Fox News is the highest-rated network in all swing states"
"Democrats' ideologically aligned media bubbles"
Good one Guardian. PS stop interfering with my election.

#81 | Posted by commnotes at 2024-10-15 10:03 AM

Harris will win by 7 points in just 3 weeks. Yes, she will squash the "alpha male" who wears makeup, colors his fake transplanted hair, wears diapers, spray tans, and whines like a baby every single hour of every single day. He is 0% Alpha and such a weak individual. When you have to lie non stop, cheat non stop and manipulate your base while fleecing them you are about as far from a strong man as you can be. He's more like wimpy from the old PopEye cartoons. A dope. When he loses he will cry "rigged" because the GOP has been sharing fake polls for the last week showing he is ahead, when he is not even close. Harris will wipe the floor with trump and it will all be over here soon, well, she will win and after his baby tantrum and trying to incite violence again he will eventually crawl back to his golden toilet, cry like the baby he is and fear for his future, as he should. Going to be so much fun, these next fee weeks.

#82 | Posted by NOTGOINGBACK at 2024-10-15 11:14 AM

Baier is pretty good at this.

That's why Lewzer is afraid of him.

#83 | Posted by REDIAL at 2024-10-15 11:24 AM

- Deadman

Dead weight, more like.

#84 | Posted by Corky at 2024-10-15 11:33 AM

#81 | Posted by commnotes

"Ideologically aligned media" means they tell the truth.

FoxNews often spreads lies and conspiracy theories.

FoxNews watchers don't know that because they live in a bubble since Rush Limbaugh started telling them not to listen to truth.

#85 | Posted by AMERICANUNITY at 2024-10-15 12:24 PM

If Fox has any integrity

I got 750 million reasons they don't chucklef*ck.

#86 | Posted by Nixon at 2024-10-15 02:41 PM

The child-raping orange jizzfart skipped 60 Minutes because he's a mush-brained coward.

#76 | Posted by reinheitsgebot at 2024-10-15 03:23 AM | Reply | Flag:

Because they are afraid of being fact checked.

Only liars fear being fact checked.

The------------- is a compulsive liar.

#87 | Posted by Nixon at 2024-10-15 02:51 PM

"Ideologically aligned media" means they tell the truth.
- AU

Tell me you're know nothing without telling me you're a know nothing.

#88 | Posted by oneironaut at 2024-10-15 07:54 PM

"FoxNews often spreads lies and conspiracy theories.
#85 | Posted by AMERICANUNITY"

Conspiracy theories like Trump is a Russian agent? the Hunter laptop is fake? the Ashley Biden diary is fake? that Trump told people to inject bleach? Trump said the Charlottesville Nazi was fine people? Obama did not lie to the FISA court to spy on Trump's campaign? Biden is sharp as a tack?

You mean those types of conspiracies? Because despite each one of those being debunked YEARS ago, I still see them spouted as true on trash tabloid channels like MSNBC weekly if not daily.

#89 | Posted by deadman at 2024-10-15 08:40 PM


Wow! Alex Jones can post from prison.... who knew?

#90 | Posted by Corky at 2024-10-15 08:42 PM

#89 | Posted by deadman at 2024-10-15 08:40 PM | Reply | Flag: MAGAts post and re-post 100% BS because they believe that everyone is as gullible and stupid as they are

#91 | Posted by Hans at 2024-10-15 08:42 PM

"Tell me you're know nothing without telling me you're a know nothing.
#88 | Posted by oneironaut"

You don't understand the Left. When AOC says "There's a lot of people more concerned about being precisely, factually, and semantically correct than about being morally right" - they mean what she says. For them, the "truth" does not need to align with actual FACTS as long as it feels right and you can walk around wrapped in a moral superiority cloak impervious to the ACTUAL FACTS that make you look like a douche.

#92 | Posted by deadman at 2024-10-15 08:43 PM

"Wow! Alex Jones can post from prison.... who knew?
#90 | Posted by Corky"

Which one of those points, which Democrats 100% defended as 100% true FOR YEARS, is actually true? Please tell us.

#93 | Posted by deadman at 2024-10-15 08:51 PM


His appear to be from Steve Bannon and Rudy G, Leo Leonard and Peter Thiel and fElon... it's like he's got a Musk Starlink pipeline into their heads.

Or maybe it's the other way around and the Cult has ownership of what passes for his mind.

This is what he's really schlepping for, the rwing Libertarian Corporate Authoritarian Government, as there is in Singapore today.... here's the Plan:

#94 | Posted by Corky at 2024-10-15 08:57 PM


Repetitious, no denial of his identity.... and proud to be mistaken for Alex Jones.

#95 | Posted by Corky at 2024-10-15 09:00 PM

"Repetitious, no denial of his identity.... and proud to be mistaken for Alex Jones.
#95 | Posted by Corky"

Which one of those points, which Democrats 100% defended as 100% true FOR YEARS, is actually true? Please tell us.

#96 | Posted by deadman at 2024-10-15 09:31 PM

#96 | Posted by deadman at 2024-10-15 09:31 PM | Reply | Flag: A proud member of the Drudge Retort MAGAt Team

#97 | Posted by Hans at 2024-10-15 09:35 PM

"#97 | Posted by Hans"

I didn't make my challenge only for Corky, I will accept your attempt as well. So, how about Sparky?

Which one of those points, which Democrats 100% defended as 100% true FOR YEARS, is actually true? Please tell us.

#98 | Posted by deadman at 2024-10-15 09:56 PM

#98 | Posted by deadman at 2024-10-15 09:56 PM | Reply | Flag: A proud member of the Drudge Retort MAGAt Team

Why should I, or anyone for that matter, waste any time trying to prove anything to a member of the Drudge Retort MAGAt Team?

Your response is predictable: Slaughter the source, or post 100% BS because you believe that everyone is as gullible and stupid as you are, which is the MO for people like you.

#99 | Posted by Hans at 2024-10-15 10:09 PM

"Why should I, or anyone for that matter, waste any time trying to prove anything to a member of the Drudge Retort MAGAt Team?
#99 | Posted by Hans"

Well, you shouldn't if your goal is to simply lie and then pound on table and cry louder when confronted on the lie. However, if you are an adult that is actually interested in an honest discussion, you will either admit that those were all 'fake news' and the Democrats (including Kamala as recently as the last debate and MSNBC as part of their regular programing) should stop stating them as they are clearly false, or provide actual evidence that they are true. So, it depends on you and your next reply (or lack thereof) will clearly show us your intentions.

#100 | Posted by deadman at 2024-10-15 10:28 PM

#100 | Posted by deadman at 2024-10-15 10:28 PM | Reply | Flag: MAGAts post and re-post 100% BS because they believe that everyone is as gullible and stupid as they are

Won't work.

Your middle-school attempt at psychology is laughable.

Try again, proud member of the Drudge Retort MAGAt Team...

#101 | Posted by Hans at 2024-10-15 10:42 PM

#100 | Posted by deadman

Oh, here we go! Another episode of 'I'm Right, You're Wrong'"a classic hit. You ever notice how the people yelling the loudest about 'honest discussions' are usually the ones who wouldn't know an honest discussion if it walked up and slapped them in the face? It's always the same: 'Admit you're wrong, or I'll keep screaming until my brain explodes!' Look, if your whole point depends on what some politician or news anchor said during a debate, you've already lost. And by the way, next time you want evidence, try starting with your own facts instead of waiting for someone else to spoon-feed it to you. Now, everybody relax and maybe try thinking for once"if that's still legal in this country!

#102 | Posted by rstybeach11 at 2024-10-15 10:49 PM

"#101 | Posted by Hans"

Thank you for your non-answer. As such, you have proven you are not a serious person and should be treated as such.

#103 | Posted by deadman at 2024-10-15 11:42 PM

Trump's a coward.

His interview with Bloomberg at the Economic Club of Chicago went south quickly when he became irate for being fact checked.

That's why he chickened out of an interview on CNBC yesterday.

#104 | Posted by AMERICANUNITY at 2024-10-16 01:55 AM

"That's why he chickened out of an interview on CNBC yesterday.
#104 | Posted by AMERICANUNITY"

You are just pissed as Trump can do the Biden "hide in the basement" strategy over the next 2 weeks and cruise to an election victory. Polymarket has him up 16.8% and the betting odd lines are starting to resemble Kamala's legs at a Willy Brown lunch date with the wide spread.

#105 | Posted by deadman at 2024-10-16 02:42 AM

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