
Drudge Retort: The Other Side of the News
Saturday, December 07, 2024

"brazen and targeted" killing of health insurance executive Brian Thompson, CEO of UnitedHealthcare, outside a New York hotel this week shocked America. The reaction to the crime also exposed a simmering rage against a trillion-dollar industry.



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A trend that is building?

Unfortunately, attacks in ER's are now routine and part of the job.
Coming soon to a labor and delivery unit that allowed someone's family member to die.

#1 | Posted by mattm at 2024-12-07 03:00 PM | Reply

What's not to love about a system that efficiently transfers vast sums of wealth to the powerful and well connected.

#2 | Posted by visitor_ at 2024-12-07 04:29 PM | Reply

Exactly that.

#3 | Posted by ClownShack at 2024-12-07 04:33 PM | Reply

#2 (how appropriate!)

That's the system that's put the Oligarchs back into control this Election.

#4 | Posted by Corky at 2024-12-07 05:06 PM | Reply

"Shocked"? Not exactly how I'd put it.

More like "About ---- time somebody did that!"

#5 | Posted by DarkVader at 2024-12-07 05:33 PM | Reply

It's a different group of oligarchs.

#6 | Posted by visitor_ at 2024-12-07 05:33 PM | Reply | Funny: 1

Stupid monkeys think that killing the lowest paid CEO of a Healthcare Company is going to help them. It won't change the algorithms or the programmers or the experts or the mid management or the laws.

#7 | Posted by Tor at 2024-12-07 05:52 PM | Reply

It's good for the Elites to Fear the Masses.

Far Better than Contempt.

Contempt gets policies that kill.

Fear makes for Concessions to keep Order.

#8 | Posted by Effeteposer at 2024-12-07 08:15 PM | Reply | Newsworthy 1

The 1% would be stupid to think the world won't go "Pol Pot" on them. I think it's time to teach them some manners. Every revolution starts with economic disparity.

#9 | Posted by RightisTrite at 2024-12-08 02:04 AM | Reply

It's a health care business, and therein lie the seeds of its intended inefficiencies, cruelties, and corruption.

#10 | Posted by Doc_Sarvis at 2024-12-08 05:22 AM | Reply | Newsworthy 1

#2 (how appropriate!)

That's the system that's put the Oligarchs back into control this Election.
#4 | POSTED BY CORKY AT 2024-12-07 05:06 PM | FLAG:

Exactly, Corky.

Some of the people cheering the assassination of wealthy CEO Brian Thompson for capitalizing on the challenges of ordinary Americans seem to think Muskaswamy and Trump are less rapacious.

The richest man who ever lived, accompanied by other filthy rich oligarchs, is coming to hack and slash and upend everything they see, undoubtedly causing serious harm in the process. Yet the Trumpers giggle with glee thinking these rich bastards' actions will help the un-rich.

#11 | Posted by cbob at 2024-12-08 08:05 AM | Reply | Newsworthy 3


Yep. All they've done is let the rich foxes back into the People's henhouse.

#12 | Posted by Corky at 2024-12-08 10:36 AM | Reply | Newsworthy 1

Here's an example of some 11 year old simmering anger:

"In 2011 and 2012 my wife and I shelled out $13,000 in premiums each year for an Anthem BC-BS policy with a $10,000 deductible, and paid another $13,000 in out-of-pocket costs for a hernia operation in 2011 and cancer testing in 2012. $39,000 dollars in 2 years for basic healthcare. We had to sell the dream home we had built with our bare hands back in the '80s in 2013, and leave the town in New Hampshire I'd grown up in and where my ancestors went back 200 years, otherwise we were going to go broke. The move worked & we recovered, but we're still heartbroken over the loss of the home we planned on living out our lives in."

WE were fortunate to have the resources to do what we did and recover, but are now living 2700 miles away from that home and all the friends and loved ones we shared lives with in almost every New England state. I fought with the NH Insurance Commission about the single provider status Anthem BCBS has enjoyed in NH since the 90s when Shaheen was governor, in 2011. Their response? "You only have to wait until 2014 when Obamacare kicks in." Something sure smells foul in that relationship. Also at that time, Anthem's then CEO, a fellow appropriately named Dwayne Glasscock, was retiring with a $70,000,000 retirement package. Was I pissed off? You decide.

#13 | Posted by Yodagirl at 2024-12-08 10:40 AM | Reply

They've identified the shooter, but are withholding the name as they are, 'closing in' on him... according to the police press briefing just now.

#14 | Posted by Corky at 2024-12-08 11:00 AM | Reply | Newsworthy 1

but are withholding the name as they are, 'closing in' on him..

Will be interesting to see how far he got.

#15 | Posted by REDIAL at 2024-12-08 11:45 AM | Reply

I'm guessing he's someone who's Memaw died while waiting for UH to pay for her operation like they were paid to.

#16 | Posted by Corky at 2024-12-08 12:05 PM | Reply

Yes, motivation will also be interesting. Doesn't sound like some random nut.

#17 | Posted by REDIAL at 2024-12-08 12:27 PM | Reply | Newsworthy 1

I've noticed libbies on line citing happiness for the murder of the CEO, so I guess libbies no long have a problem with capital punishment either then....

#18 | Posted by MSgt at 2024-12-08 04:28 PM | Reply

I've noticed libbies on line citing happiness for the murder of the CEO, so I guess libbies no long have a problem with capital punishment either then....

#18 | Posted by MSgt at 2024-12-08 04:28 PM | Reply | Flag:EYE ROLL

It's a mixed bag... I find it odd you paint your impressions of us with such broad strokes. Remember Obama went into Pakistan and extracted bin Laden while accepting a Nobel...jus' sayin'

We are full of surprises... what's your guess on the shooter? Another gun happy cl0wn? ... maybe one of ours... I hope we get the pronouns right.

#19 | Posted by RightisTrite at 2024-12-08 05:03 PM | Reply

I've noticed libbies on line citing happiness for the murder of the CEO, so I guess libbies no long have a problem with capital punishment either then....

#18 | Posted by MSgt at 2024-12-08 04:28 PM | Reply | Flag:EYE ROLL

You might want to look a little closer. Sure, lots of liberals are cheering this guy's death. Speaking for myself, I don't condone murder, even of insurance CEOs, but I sure as hell understand the anger, as do many others. But I've read some social media comments from conservatives too ... pushing back hard against the Ben Shapiros of the world who portray the sentiment as simplistically as you did.

People in power need to beware of the growing resentment over the ever-wider chasm between rich and poor, because it could get ugly in a hurry. Nobody likes to feel like they're getting screwed, that only a certain few can prosper while the rest suffer. I know this is a lot to ask, but if we know what's good for America, we'll work together to tame Trump's robber-baron mentality.

#20 | Posted by cbob at 2024-12-08 05:47 PM | Reply | Newsworthy 3

Any fool that uses words like "libbies" is a retarded --------.

#21 | Posted by LegallyYourDead at 2024-12-08 08:29 PM | Reply | Newsworthy 1

@#18 ... I've noticed libbies on line citing happiness for the murder of the CEO, ...

That's a fairly sweeping statement.

Is such a sweeping, and apparently fact-ignorant, view the way you make all your political decisions?

#22 | Posted by LampLighter at 2024-12-09 01:02 AM | Reply

It's not a problem, seeing a crime occur, realizing a crime has occurred and consequences must ensue, and yet also possible to consider motives that might have triggered the behavior, both that of shooter and victim, without providing an endorsement. Let's see how this shakes out, but there are developments which could provide a good defense attorney with opportunities. Shortcut: having served on a jury that hung, it just takes one.

#23 | Posted by Doc_Sarvis at 2024-12-09 06:37 AM | Reply

It's been interesting how both sides are collectively not giving a rats @$$ about the cancelation of this clown's life policy.

8 years ago Trumpanzee and the cl0wn brigade promised something better...

#24 | Posted by RightisTrite at 2024-12-09 08:57 AM | Reply

Internet sleuths are sitting this one out, in spite of the reward.

#25 | Posted by mattm at 2024-12-09 10:40 AM | Reply

"I've noticed libbies ... "

I've noticed you are still an idiot and haven't learned a thing.


What's not to love about a system that efficiently transfers vast sums of wealth to the powerful and well connected.


And the billionaires want to thank you Republicans for making sure it stays that way.

#26 | Posted by donnerboy at 2024-12-09 11:20 AM | Reply

8 years ago Trumpanzee and the cl0wn brigade promised something better...


After 8 years of hard werk for the American people he now has a "concept of a plan".

#27 | Posted by donnerboy at 2024-12-09 11:22 AM | Reply

It just would be you progressives justifying the killing of another person.

You people are scum.

#28 | Posted by boaz at 2024-12-09 01:24 PM | Reply

I can't say it any better than this:

" everyone " yes, everyone " has grievances, and there is nothing within our social compact that permits a small subset of them to exempt themselves from its elementary standards. In other countries, where some or all of the medical system has been socialized, it is politicians, rather than private insurers, who deny or delay or ration health care. Were America to adopt such a system, there would remain many Brian Thompsons, but, instead of being called "CEO," they would be called "senator," "representative," "director of Health and Human Services" or the like. To establish the principle that one may take revenge against anyone who is obliged to deal with scarcity would be to greenlight the routine assassination of the elected or appointed officials who would take responsibility in an altered status quo. Is that what we want?

... ... ..

. The New York Times, in particular, has been keen to inform its readers about the "hate," "anger," "frustration," and "rage" against health insurance providers that supposedly exists abroad in the land. If pushed to explain this tack, its editors would likely claim that the paper is merely stating a fact. But surely one cannot imagine that this approach would have been taken if Brian Thompson had been the CEO of, say, ABC News. Unlike with health insurance, it is an indisputable fact that a supermajority of Americans "hate" the legacy media, and that a minority of Americans exhibit "anger," "frustration," and "rage" toward it. Do we really think that, following the killing of a prominent media executive, the Times would have commissioned a series of indulgent pieces pointing to the legitimate feelings that culminated in an illegitimate act? Or do we think that, in such a circumstance, the Times would have recognized the evil inherent in adopting that perspective, and, instead, reminded their readers that even the most disdained human beings do not deserve to be killed?"

#29 | Posted by BellRinger at 2024-12-09 01:32 PM | Reply

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