Thursday, May 02, 2024

Hamas Must be Stopped, but What is the Correct Response to More Than 13,000 Dead Children?

Nearly 26,000 children - or just over two percent of Gaza's child population - have been killed or injured in Gaza in six months of a war which has decimated the health system and severed access to education, Save the Children said. In the six months since the 7 October attacks in which 33 children were killed, more than 13,800 children have been killed in Gaza and 113 in the West Bank, and over 12,009 children have been injured in Gaza and at least 725 children in the West Bank, according to OCHA and the Ministry of Health in Gaza. UNICEF reported at least 1,000 children have had one or both legs amputated, and about 30 out of 36 hospitals have been bombed, leaving only 10 partially functioning. Israeli forces have also hit ambulances, medical aid convoys and access roads, decimating Gaza's health system and undermining access to healthcare at the time when the 1.1 million children in Gaza need it most.


Perspective: This same nonprofit, Save the Children, expressed concern in a 2021 press release, titled "ONE CHILD KILLED OR MAIMED EVERY 5 HOURS OVER 20 YEARS OF WAR IN AFGHANISTAN," that almost 33,000 children had been injured or killed in Afghanistan over the past 20 years. In the press release linked above, it says 26,000 children have been killed or injured in Gaza in six months.


Nobody that owns a military weapon stock cares... aka congress.

#1 | Posted by Brennnn at 2024-05-02 12:07 PM

Really? This is an easy one, I'm surprised it made it here. The correct response is to not attack another country and kill 1200 innocent civilians, and then detain a bunch of hostages which have already been exposed as being raped, beaten, etc. by you and refuse to give them back while these innocent children are being killed, while using them and other innocents of YOUR OWN PEOPLE as human shields.

But let's not let inconvenient truths get in the way of partisan ideology, amirite? Don't try to ignore those facts while you cling to the facts written in this article because they meet your ideology, that only makes you dumber and ensures the right fix never happens.

Now, is it all as simple as that? No. Is it the right way to do things by either side? No. But basing your judgements on an article and ignoring all of the other evidence that goes against your judgements makes the situation worse. In effect, you are saying that it's OK for one side to do wrong but not OK for the other. And that also ensures the problem will never be fixed, which is clearly evidenced by the fact that America can't fix any issues anymore because of that same ideology.

#2 | Posted by humtake at 2024-05-02 12:37 PM

The Islamic Resistance should call on its supporters to lay down their arms and stop fighting.

No more dead kids.

#3 | Posted by madbomber at 2024-05-02 12:46 PM

"The Islamic Resistance should call on its supporters to lay down their arms and stop fighting.

No more dead kids."

That doesn't track.

The roughly 13,000 kids killed by Israel generally weren't armed.

If you are saying Israel will keep killing children until their political goals are achieved, you are saying Israel is a terror regime.

#4 | Posted by snoofy at 2024-05-02 12:48 PM


Do you ever tire of being such a crushing bore?

#5 | Posted by LegallyYourDead at 2024-05-02 12:48 PM

When I volunteered medical in Haiti 6 months after the earthquake, Save the Children was awesome.

#7 | Posted by zarnon at 2024-05-02 01:07 PM

I'm with Humtake and Madbomber, and YES, I am a proud liberal.
When HAMAS attacked ISRAEL, there is no rule that responses must be proportionate.

Does anyone on this site from the USA think that after 9/11, we should have taken a proportionate response and killed 3000 or so people? Do we really think that thousands of children in Afghanistan and Iraq were killed? All part of FAFO.

On the other hand, I am not a big fan of us alone sending Israel military help; we have our own problems, too. The constant simping by the USA for Israel is getting tired.

#8 | Posted by e1g1 at 2024-05-02 01:17 PM

What is the Correct Response to More Than 13,000 Dead Children?

The same as for all of the world's problems. Blame the joos!

#9 | Posted by censored at 2024-05-02 01:18 PM

"...there is no rule that responses must be proportionate."


#10 | Posted by truthhurts at 2024-05-02 01:33 PM

I say it's the result of a well-executed plan.

Do with that what you will.

#11 | Posted by RightisTrite at 2024-05-02 01:34 PM

"Blame the joos!"

Your input is appreciated. Now back to the ball crawl with you.

#12 | Posted by pumpkinhead at 2024-05-02 01:36 PM

Does anyone on this site from the USA think that after 9/11, we should have taken a proportionate response and killed 3000 or so people? Do we really think that thousands of children in Afghanistan and Iraq were killed? All part of FAFO.

Ummmm, what?

Let me understand what you are saying.

ummm, what are you saying?

You're saying after 9/11 America should have just killed people? Like LOTS of people? Like that was the natural and appropriate response? Regardless of whether they attacked us or not?

ummm, what?

Yes, thousands of kids WERE killed in Iraq and Afghanistan. You're arguing that was the appropriate response? FAFA, right? Kill innocent Iraqi and Afghani children in response to being attacked by a Saudi. That that was, umm, the right thing to do?

How did the Iraqi children FAFO on 9/11?

I don't understand, you need to clarify.

#13 | Posted by truthhurts at 2024-05-02 01:38 PM

I'm with Humtake and Madbomber, and YES, I am a proud liberal.
When HAMAS attacked ISRAEL, there is no rule that responses must be proportionate.
Does anyone on this site from the USA think that after 9/11, we should have taken a proportionate response and killed 3000 or so people? Do we really think that thousands of children in Afghanistan and Iraq were killed? All part of FAFO.
On the other hand, I am not a big fan of us alone sending Israel military help; we have our own problems, too. The constant simping by the USA for Israel is getting tired.
#8 | Posted by e1g1 at 2024-05-02 01:17 PM

Iraq had nothing to do with 9/11.

#14 | Posted by redlightrobot at 2024-05-02 01:38 PM

#8 Is a shoo-in for the dumbest thing I'll read all day.

(Unless boaz shows up.)

#15 | Posted by qcp at 2024-05-02 01:52 PM

The Islamic Resistance should call on its supporters to lay down their arms and stop fighting.

No more dead kids.


Does that mean kids killed for throwing rocks at checkpoints don't count?

#16 | Posted by jpw at 2024-05-02 02:01 PM

Really? This is an easy one, I'm surprised it made it here. The correct response is to not attack another country and kill 1200 innocent civilians, and then detain a bunch of hostages which have already been exposed as being raped, beaten, etc. by you and refuse to give them back while these innocent children are being killed, while using them and other innocents of YOUR OWN PEOPLE as human shields.
But let's not let inconvenient truths get in the way of partisan ideology, amirite? Don't try to ignore those facts while you cling to the facts written in this article because they meet your ideology, that only makes you dumber and ensures the right fix never happens.
Now, is it all as simple as that? No. Is it the right way to do things by either side? No. But basing your judgements on an article and ignoring all of the other evidence that goes against your judgements makes the situation worse. In effect, you are saying that it's OK for one side to do wrong but not OK for the other. And that also ensures the problem will never be fixed, which is clearly evidenced by the fact that America can't fix any issues anymore because of that same ideology.


DEFINITELY the children's fault, right?

#17 | Posted by Sycophant at 2024-05-02 02:11 PM

Does that mean kids killed for throwing rocks at checkpoints don't count? #16 | Posted by jpw

Can I throw rocks at you? That's OK, right?

If you don't like it, maybe you should protest against our own border patrol that fairly routinely opens fire on rock throwers. Because rock-throwing is the use of deadly force for which the thrower could be charged with second degree murder when it actually does its job.

Your dislike for the people who are the targets of those rocks doesn't magically turn the rocks into marshmallows.

#18 | Posted by censored at 2024-05-02 02:15 PM

"Can I throw rocks at you? That's OK, right?"

Is it a capital offense, to throw rocks at a tank?

You used to seem smart, did you know that?

#19 | Posted by snoofy at 2024-05-02 02:20 PM


Yes, at this point Israel IS a terrorist state.

A terrorist state committing the crimes against humanity of apartheid and genocide.

And for those that want to bring up Iraq and Afghanistan, SO IS THE US. I would absolutely love for Bush and Cheney to be shipped off to The Hague for their crimes against humanity and war crimes trials.

#20 | Posted by DarkVader at 2024-05-02 02:30 PM

Your dislike for the people who are the targets of those rocks doesn't magically turn the rocks into marshmallows.


Nice strawman.

Rocks thrown from a distance at checkpoints and people behind barriers with body armor on doesn't warrant deadly force.

That is, unless you think the kid you're shooting is subhuman.

Which seems to be your view ...

#21 | Posted by jpw at 2024-05-02 02:40 PM

[...]Rocks thrown from a distance at checkpoints and people behind barriers with body armor on doesn't warrant deadly force.[...] #21 | Posted by jpw
I invite you to test that theory out on our own police force. Let me know how it goes; unless it's already made the nightly news, I mean.

That is, unless you think the kid you're shooting is subhuman. Which seems to be your view ... #21 | Posted by jpw
Personally, I almost never throw rocks at people, especially when they have guns. Unless I think that they're subhuman. Which seems to be your view ...

#22 | Posted by censored at 2024-05-02 03:04 PM

invite you to test that theory out on our own police force. Let me know how it goes; unless it's already made the nightly news, I mean.

Cool non sequitur. It's almost as if you'd rather mouth some words than think.

Also where do you live where there are police checkpoints and road blocks with armor manned by personnel with heavy weapons and body armor?

Personally, I almost never throw rocks at people, especially when they have guns. Unless I think that they're subhuman. Which seems to be your view ...


Hey! Me neither!

Doesn't mean I can't recognize an imbalance of power and the negative effects of it over generations.

In any case, your I know you are but what am I' response only confirms what I suspected-you're no terribly bright.

#23 | Posted by jpw at 2024-05-02 03:13 PM

#23 | Posted by jpw

Ad hominems? About what I expected from someone who thinks the joos should stand around with their hands in their pockets and get beaned in the head with rocks. Enjoy your future rock-tossing adventures and its entirely-predictable results.

#24 | Posted by censored at 2024-05-02 03:20 PM

It's what you earned by posting nonsense like that.

My wife has family in Israel.

Can you figure that out, idiot?

#25 | Posted by jpw at 2024-05-02 03:22 PM

My wife has family in Israel. Can you figure that out, idiot? #25 | Posted by jpw
How "[c]an [I] figure that out?" I'm supposed to know what an Israeli looks like based on text posts on the Internet? One who is not even an Israeli, but is married to someone who is related to one?

And what am I supposed to do with that information? Get you an invitation to Clarence Thomas's Self-Loathing Minorities Book Club? Where you guys can take turns ragging on Eli Wiesel and Frederick Douglas?

#26 | Posted by censored at 2024-05-02 03:41 PM

I absolutely believe there will be a reckoning for Israel in the aftermath of this horrific slaughter of so many innocent people by the IDF. In a way, kind of like the USA after the Vietnam war. Both a domestic and and an international reckoning.

#27 | Posted by moder8 at 2024-05-02 03:48 PM

Dark Brandon has at least tried to reign in Israel's worst instincts in this war between cousins.

Trump otoh, is a Hero in Israel after the Abraham Accords and would be talking tactical nukes about now were he in power.

The very best thing anyone can do for either party over there is to make sure the moderate (who is obviously not lefty enough for some leftier than thou folks) stays in Office.

#28 | Posted by Corky at 2024-05-02 03:49 PM

The very best thing anyone can do for either party over there is to make sure the moderate (who is obviously not lefty enough for some leftier than thou folks) stays in Office.
POSTED BY CORKY AT 2024-05-02 03:49 PM | REPLY

At least you admit that he isn't a progressive. There's hope for you yet.

#29 | Posted by LauraMohr at 2024-05-02 04:07 PM

One who is not even an Israeli, but is married to someone who is related to one?

Odd that i hate "joos" while i married a woman who's got Jewish heritage as far back as can be discerned.

Or may you're just making base, lazy assumptions because ... you're not too bright.

#30 | Posted by jpw at 2024-05-02 04:08 PM

You're just figuring this out? Censored is a homicidal Moron.

He always was.
He's too chicken hearted to do anything but write stupid ---- online. But if he had any courage of his convictions at all he would be like Baruch Goldstein.

Another Zionist Pig beaten to death by the families of people he Slaughtered.

#31 | Posted by Effeteposer at 2024-05-02 04:15 PM

"He's too chicken hearted to do anything but write stupid ---- online. "

Have you set your hair on fire for Hamas yet today?

Hamas needs your support!

#32 | Posted by donnerboy at 2024-05-02 04:23 PM

Laura... he's a Communist compared to what passes for "Conservatives" these days.

He's always been a moderate, I've never said he's some flaming liberal.

#33 | Posted by Corky at 2024-05-02 04:30 PM

When HAMAS attacked ISRAEL, there is no rule that responses must be proportionate.

I think a strong argument can be made that the further out of scale a violent response is, the more it should be condemned and viewed as grotesque, gratuitous violence.

If someone punches me in the face, i will punch them back. But if i pin them on the ground and punch them in the face until they are dead, most normal people would at some point tell me to stop. I guess you're not in that category.

#34 | Posted by JOE at 2024-05-02 04:34 PM

I don't support Hamas. I don't support terrorists no matter who they are.

I must have really gotten to you by finding Aaron Bushnell to be more than a fool even if his death was stupid and not helping.

He ---- all over the military and it's worldview. He turned the violence the military reserves for others on himself in a very public way.

He didn't just crawl away and kill himself in private, like most Morally injured Vets.

He torched himself in full view and said why.

Why do you hate him so much for this?

It it because he completely repudiated the military publicly?

Because he died for his own reasons, not as a tool of others?

#35 | Posted by Effeteposer at 2024-05-02 04:37 PM

If someone punches me in the face, i will punch them back. But if i pin them on the ground and punch them in the face until they are dead, most normal people would at some point tell me to stop. I guess you're not in that category. #34 | Posted by JOE

Isn't that the way wars work? Keep fighting till the other side surrenders or you both decide that you've had enough?

Hamas hasn't surrendered and Israel has no black eyes to speak of. So why would they stop to allow Hamas time to reconstitute forces and go for a repeat in five or ten years?

#36 | Posted by censored at 2024-05-02 04:38 PM

Odd that i hate "joos" while i married a woman who's got Jewish heritage as far back as can be discerned. Or may you're just making base, lazy assumptions because ... you're not too bright. #30 | Posted by jpw

I don't think I claimed that you hate joos, but you might, even if you married one of them. For example, there's a non-zero chance that Clarence Thomas's wife doesn't like colored people.

Anywho, blaming Jews is a good pastime. It's like playing Eight Degrees of Separation, but with religion. Go back as far as you want, and I bet you can blame Jews for whatever went wrong (you're probably unaware, but they've been around for quite awhile).

Colonization of the New World? Jews loaned the money, cause banks and stuff. Genocide of the Native Americans? Gold was discovered, and we know how Jews like gold.

Hamas raping and murdering 1,200 civilian men, women, and children in a deliberate act to bring on the wrath of Old Testament Yahweh? Jews, because they played their music too loud at that music festival.

#37 | Posted by censored at 2024-05-02 04:50 PM

So I am so against what Israel is doing it isn't funny but honestly, the numbers of dead and wounded are numbers Hamas gives only.

Seeing the Hamas track record on this, I believe the numbers are likely 1/4th to 1/3rd of what is reported. Don't forget these numbers include the "hundreds" of dead from when Hamas' own rocket came down on the Hospital parking lot early in the war. Turns out there likely was nobody killed at all and the parking lot was mostly empty. That is not to say the thousand of women and children that are dead were not all unavoidable either. They were avoidable.

Hamas started this and Israel will finish it. Hamas is a terror organization that is going to hide behind the civilians. Until the civilians turn on them en mass, unfortunately, this will continue. Israel has no intention of stopping. And for those of you who choose to judge people by their religion - Remember the Jews have an eye for an eye but they aren't going to stop there.

#38 | Posted by GalaxiePete at 2024-05-02 04:52 PM

Of course Biden is a moderate. Still voting for him.

#39 | Posted by Alexandrite at 2024-05-02 05:07 PM

The Israeli's are taking more than an eye for an eye.

They are killing 20 to one or more their own losses.

An eye for an eye would mean stopping after 1200 killed. Have they done that?

They intend extermination and resettlement, nothing less.

Hamas is moderate compared to Likud.

The UN should be intervening, trusting Israel to be humane is obviously not working.

How is this any better than Sebrenica, or any of the other Balkan massacres that brought NATO into Serbia?

The UN should be separating the two sides and creating a place for people to survive.

Instead the US vetoes UN resolutions and arms and funds mass slaughter while mouthing Puerilities about international law.

No wonder people are protesting.

#40 | Posted by Effeteposer at 2024-05-02 05:07 PM

The Israeli's are taking more than an eye for an eye.

They are killing 20 to one or more their own losses.

As I recall when I was a Marine it's a ratio of 100 to 1.

It may have gone up with inflation.

So relatively speaking that sounds "fair".

#41 | Posted by donnerboy at 2024-05-02 05:14 PM

No wonder people are protesting.


Protesting is fine. Threatening students and shutting down the school and illegally squatting on state property isn't. I thought we all agreed that destruction of government property was a crime against the people.

We have over a million dollars in damage to our local University.

Classes were disrupted for a week, students were threatened and had to shelter in place and graduation ceremonies postponed.
Total costs
-Costs unknown
-Costs unknown
Prosecution for crimes
-Costs unknown

How does creating all those problems and associated costs help solve any problems in Gaza?

#42 | Posted by donnerboy at 2024-05-02 05:24 PM

The Israeli's are taking more than an eye for an eye.

They are killing 20 to one or more their own losses.

If could be worse, Israel could just shell Gaza leveling the whole area, making it 20 to 0.

Hamas is moderate compared to Likud

I haven't read anything about Likud, but are they goring pregnant women and disgorging women of their fetus?

IMO Israel should just re-occupy Gaza and put it under Marshall law, until sometime in the future. Build schools and teach the kids about getting along with each other, like most every other western/Israeli school.

Build out the Riviera, giving jobs to the people that live there. Then the Lumpers here could go visit.

There is no end to this, so long as there is an fake "occupation", with a hope there will be a two state solution. Israel just needs to claim the land, and put everyone under the same equal protection under the law. US should reinforce this behavior.

#43 | Posted by oneironaut at 2024-05-02 05:26 PM

How does creating all those problems and associated costs help solve any problems in Gaza?


More people are aware of problem
More people will contact their representatives to do something about problem
Representatives will push administration to condition aid to Israel
Israel will have fewer weapons to drop on Gaza
Israel will be more open to peace talks

See, that is how protests work.

Additional points will be gained if pressure on colleges move them to divest from firms benefiting from Israel's war in Gaza-though I am less hopeful of this due to the almighty buck and the MIC

#44 | Posted by truthhurts at 2024-05-02 05:28 PM

As I recall when I was a Marine it's a ratio of 100 to 1.
It may have gone up with inflation.

So relatively speaking that sounds "fair".

10 of those 20 are children, one has to be mighty tough to blow up children with a 2,000 pound bomb-you might break a nail.

Doesn't seem "fair" though.

#45 | Posted by truthhurts at 2024-05-02 05:30 PM

"Seeing the Hamas track record on this, I believe the numbers are likely 1/4th to 1/3rd of what is reported."

Absolute total --------.

The numbers are likely way higher because that only accounts for recovered bodies, not the unrecovered dead beneath all the buildings destroyed.

The numbers are coming from the brave NGOs and journalists on the ground in Gaza.

to say NOTHING of the humanitarian crisis going on which is unprecedented over the past few decades of warfare.

#46 | Posted by truthhurts at 2024-05-02 05:32 PM

Hamas started this and Israel will finish it. Hamas is a terror organization that is going to hide behind the civilians. Until the civilians turn on them en mass, unfortunately, this will continue. Israel has no intention of stopping. And for those of you who choose to judge people by their religion - Remember the Jews have an eye for an eye but they aren't going to stop there.


You do realize that is the following:

1. Immoral
2. Illegal
3. Genocide talk

2/3 of Palestinians are under the age of 19.

What Israel is doing is barbaric.

What Hamas did and is doing is barbaric.

The only innocents are the Palestinian children and the Israeli peaceniks killed on 10/7

#47 | Posted by truthhurts at 2024-05-02 05:34 PM

So why would they stop to allow Hamas time to reconstitute forces and go for a repeat in five or ten years?


So, kill all 2,000,000 Palestinians in Gaza?

#48 | Posted by truthhurts at 2024-05-02 05:35 PM

So, kill all 2,000,000 Palestinians in Gaza? #48 | Posted by truthhurts

Where did I say that?

Hamas hasn't surrendered so the war continues until Israel thinks Hamas is no longer a threat.

That's the way wars work. In this case, the war that the Palestinians started and continue to wage, while hiding behind their own civilians in a half-successful attempt to gain sympathy from gullible suckers and those who hate Jews anyway and were just looking for an excuse to go full anti-Semite.

#49 | Posted by censored at 2024-05-02 05:47 PM

It's the logical conclusion to your belief that the Palestinians support Hamas.

If you are waiting for Hamas to cry uncle, it will never happen.

Thus the logical conclusion is to kill them all because you cannot permit them to "reconstitute"

As an aside, your childish propaganda pictures are not very convincing.

#50 | Posted by truthhurts at 2024-05-02 05:58 PM

"If you are waiting for Hamas to cry uncle, it will never happen."

How about the Palestinian people demanding Hamas release the hostages ? Still too much to ask?

#51 | Posted by donnerboy at 2024-05-02 06:14 PM

[...] If you are waiting for Hamas to cry uncle, it will never happen. [...]
I'm not waiting for squat. Israel knows the game Hamas chose to play and Israel is all in.

Thus the logical conclusion is to kill them all because you cannot permit them to "reconstitute" #50 | Posted by truthhurts
By "them," you mean Hamas? Yeah, by all means, kill them all. I won't be shedding any tears.

Pretty sure Israel has more bullets than Hamas has troops.

#52 | Posted by censored at 2024-05-02 06:19 PM

If Hamas releases the hostages they lose all leverage.

Based on past behavior Israel will kill MORE Palestinians after the hostages are released.

They will be even more Barbaric than they've been so far.

There won't be any reason To show any restraint at all

Except human decency and I haven't noticed any of that in the IDF.

They are Savages, as bad as Hamas.

Do the Likud even see Palestinians as people, or just Vermin?

Likud is the problem... they're Israeli Nazis.

If they aren't Broken this will continue until open regional War.

#53 | Posted by Effeteposer at 2024-05-02 09:40 PM

Would I sound old if I called this guy a "broken record"?

#54 | Posted by REDIAL at 2024-05-02 09:42 PM

If Hamas releases the hostages they lose all leverage.

So you are all for taking and keeping American hostages as "leverage".

Got it.

#55 | Posted by donnerboy at 2024-05-02 10:14 PM

I'm trying to understand their point of view.

It's called Imagination, you don't seem too familiar with it.

Obviously Hamas is thinking about leverage, do you think the IDF isn't?

Why all the Lies, Beheaded babies, mutilated pregnant women, etc.

Always the most shocking things imaginable.

That's seeking leverage. Starving whole populations,seeking leverage.

Bombing areas called "safe" when they're most crowded with hungry, frightened, people, more leverage.

Not to mention,but I will, the ten thousand hostages Israel holds in preventive detention that they torment for years.

Israel made this existential for the Palestinians decades ago.

They're just Scared by the fact Hamas drew blood after all of their oppression and collective punishment.

I don't like the idea of Americans or anyone being held hostage.

But that means everyone.

#56 | Posted by Effeteposer at 2024-05-02 11:28 PM

#37 | Posted by censored

You really are an idiot.

#57 | Posted by jpw at 2024-05-03 12:48 AM

Golda Meir once famously said (to paraphrase) 'so long as Palestinian mothers care more about killing Israelis than they do about their own children dying, the struggle will continue',

#58 | Posted by moder8 at 2024-05-03 01:20 AM

"We can forgive them killing our sons but we can never forgive being forced to kill theirs".

That's the actual quote.

Self serving claptrap.

Still...the Victims no matter what. Even when they Massacre,'s all about Them.


#59 | Posted by Effeteposer at 2024-05-03 01:44 AM

That's the actual quote.

No it isn't.

#60 | Posted by REDIAL at 2024-05-03 01:46 AM

So what is?

#61 | Posted by Effeteposer at 2024-05-03 02:00 AM

So what is?

"When peace comes we will perhaps in time be able to forgive the Arabs for killing our sons, but it will be harder for us to forgive them for having forced us to kill their sons. Peace will come when the Arabs will love their children more than they hate us."

#62 | Posted by REDIAL at 2024-05-03 02:16 AM

It's still self serving claptrap.

Just with an accusatory twist about hating Jews more than loving their own.

It's even more Nauseating as a proper quote. Kinda Sums Up the Hubris and Vainglory that is the Zionist vision.

Thank you for correcting me.

#63 | Posted by Effeteposer at 2024-05-03 02:22 AM

Kinda Sums Up the Hubris and Vainglory that is the Zionist vision.

And that was from 1973. Three years before the Entebbe raid where Bibi's brother was killed. The year of the OPEC oil embargo. And Watergate-gate.

None of this is new.

#64 | Posted by REDIAL at 2024-05-03 02:35 AM

What is new is Likud. The rise of far right Israeli politics.

These ------------- are really Dangerous.

As their hold on power Wanes they will even start a major war just to stay on top.

It's as dangerous as Ukraine actually.

In some ways More.

#65 | Posted by Effeteposer at 2024-05-03 02:55 AM

What is new is Likud.

Not really. Likud was formed in 1973 as well.

#66 | Posted by REDIAL at 2024-05-03 03:23 AM

I am blown away that even self-proclaimed "liberals" are being duped into opposing, or even giving half a ---- about, antiwar campus protests. Maybe you're just a bunch of old guys who are reflexively cranky towards the youth of today.

If students were camping out in support of Israel do we think police would be frog-marching in with their military gear to violently arrest them, and that Americans would sit there nodding their heads and scolding those who dared to voice their opinions in public? Or would that just be rounded up to antisemitism?

#67 | Posted by JOE at 2024-05-03 06:51 AM

Attending the 1967 Pentagon march, later being at a school where the state's governor threatened to have students who wanted a flag on campus lowered to half-staff in memory of those killed at the Kent State outrage shot on the spot ... from that vantage point, some people grabbing the smelling salts over the current state of affairs seem to have a poor idea of what chaos actually looks like.

#68 | Posted by Doc_Sarvis at 2024-05-03 07:06 AM

#67 I'm blown away by the absurdity of liberals feeling the need to support anything labeled a "protest."

#69 | Posted by jpw at 2024-05-03 12:30 PM

"If students were camping out in support of Israel" many of the ones there we paid to be there. Would there be violence if people just let a group rant? No, Israel wanted violence at the rallies. The goal was to make supporters of gaza look bad for a news cycle.

#70 | Posted by Brennnn at 2024-05-03 02:34 PM

How to stop Hammas: empower women. Allow adoption out of Gaza. Non-religious schools. There is a reason Israel wants to take over the gaza education system.

#71 | Posted by Brennnn at 2024-05-03 03:15 PM

"How to stop Hammas: empower women."

Coincidentally, that's also how you stop Ultra Orthodox Judaism, which is coincidentally the strongest enclave of Zionist intolerance.

#72 | Posted by snoofy at 2024-05-03 03:24 PM

Ultra Orthodox Anything.....Suck.

#73 | Posted by Effeteposer at 2024-05-03 03:34 PM

How to stop Hammas: empower women. Allow adoption out of Gaza. Non-religious schools. There is a reason Israel wants to take over the gaza education system.

#71 | Posted by Brennnn

Women are not the solution: Christie Noem, MTG, Lauren Boebert, etc

#74 | Posted by SpeakSoftly at 2024-05-03 03:34 PM

Golda Meir once famously said (to paraphrase) 'so long as Palestinian mothers care more about killing Israelis than they do about their own children dying, the struggle will continue'

How does Israel win that struggle?
So far, it's lend Palestinian mothers a helping hand by killing their sons for them.

#75 | Posted by snoofy at 2024-05-03 03:34 PM

"If students were camping out in support of Israel do we think police would be frog-marching in with their military gear to violently arrest them, and that Americans would sit there nodding their heads and scolding those who dared to voice their opinions in public?"

If they were occupying buildings and calling for the genocide of Palestinians? Preventing Palestinians from going to class. Threatening them to the point where schools were developing policy on how Palestinian students should behave, and where they should and should not go?

You're goddamn right the Police would be frog marching in to arrest them. And rightly so.

Let's do this. Would you feel any different about the situation if it were "Unite the Right" types that were engaging in the behavior that the Palestinian supporters are?

#78 | Posted by madbomber at 2024-05-04 09:30 AM

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