
Drudge Retort: The Other Side of the News
Friday, May 17, 2024

Trucks carrying humanitarian aid to Gaza from a newly built floating pier anchored in the Mediterranean began arriving on the Gaza shore Friday morning, the Pentagon said, a day after the U.S. finished constructing the quay.


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The pier-and-boat system is a "solution for a problem that doesn't exist," because cheaper and easier land crossings could bring in all the aid that's needed if Israel allowed it, said Oxfam's Scott Paul. Israel has closed the main land crossing in Rafah, and aid groups say they lack fuel, trucks and safety guarantees to deliver food throughout Gaza.


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"The delivery scheme " aid shipped from Cyprus is unloaded on a floating platform, then loaded onto Army trucks and transported by boat to the pier and causeway to shore, where it's transferred to the United Nations and aid organizations for delivery " is "fraught with logistical, weather and security challenges," The Associated Press said."

#1 | Posted by Corky at 2024-05-17 11:45 AM | Reply

Why is Biden helping Hamas?

#2 | Posted by snoofy at 2024-05-17 11:46 AM | Reply | Funny: 1

Why is Biden helping Hamas?

He's playing both sides.

#3 | Posted by oneironaut at 2024-05-17 12:26 PM | Reply

Dark Brandon don't play!

He's tried to be the rational voice on this war all along.

#4 | Posted by Corky at 2024-05-17 12:30 PM | Reply | Funny: 1

"Why is Biden helping Hamas?" Is helping the poor bad? These people have dumb ideology but are trapped in a occupied territory. Would you watch them starve because they voted in violent leaders?

#5 | Posted by Brennnn at 2024-05-17 02:53 PM | Reply

Why not just send the Palestinians an ark and start them on their new lives as seafaring people.

#6 | Posted by ClownShack at 2024-05-17 02:59 PM | Reply

How much money was spent on this pier?

How much money have we sent Israel?

How is it we still can't afford national healthcare?

#7 | Posted by ClownShack at 2024-05-17 03:01 PM | Reply

"Why is Biden helping Hamas?" Is helping the poor bad? These people have dumb ideology but are trapped in a occupied territory. Would you watch them starve because they voted in violent leaders?

#5 | Posted by Brennnn

Hateful quote unquote "Christians would fail the test Christ gave the disciples in Matthew 25: 31-46

- Feed the hungry
- Heal the sick
- House the homeless
- Clothe the naked
- Visit people in prison

Christ said if someone doesn't do those things they aren't going to Heaven.

The Good Samaritan parable is clearly instructive to quote unquote "Christians" about helping "enemies."

#8 | Posted by AMERICANUNITY at 2024-05-17 03:03 PM | Reply

Why is Biden helping Hamas?


Biden IS Hamas, actually.

Ask any mainstream Israeli and/or republican politician.

#9 | Posted by tres_flechas at 2024-05-17 04:18 PM | Reply


National Security Minister Itamar Ben Gvir, who is known for inflammatory remarks encouraging the killing of Palestinians and the destruction of Gaza, wrote on X (formerly Twitter): "Hamas [loves] Biden."

#10 | Posted by tres_flechas at 2024-05-17 04:19 PM | Reply | Newsworthy 1

And their criticisms are on point.

Joe Brandon merely provided the white phosphorus to the IDF and suggested that they spray it directly into the mouths of 3 year old Palestinians.

If he wasn't a raging antisemite he would have went to Gaza and held their mouths open.

#11 | Posted by tres_flechas at 2024-05-17 04:42 PM | Reply

Just about the time the famine relief gets to starving Palestinians this pier will be bombed twice 'by mistake' by the Israeli forces. The Israeli military is either lying about their targeting of civilians and aid workers, or may be the least competent among this world's modern armies. American protesters will howl that no matter how much aid is delivered "It's not enough!!!", and the phony christians on the American Right will declare that the Biden administration should not be feeding those in need, because, well, they have funny names, speak a foreign tongue, have their women dressed with their heads covered, and are not christians, so Jesus must hate them...

#12 | Posted by catdog at 2024-05-17 05:00 PM | Reply

American protesters will howl that no matter how much aid is delivered "It's not enough!!!",


I don't think that's their grievance.

It seems like maybe they want the hedge fund with a library that they pay so they can get a job someday to stop funding a genocide.

I think this because these are the things they are saying.

If genocide isn't the word you'd use feel free to call it a wristwatch or a cantaloupe, but how about being at least a little bit honest about it?


#13 | Posted by tres_flechas at 2024-05-17 05:18 PM | Reply

Why not just send the Palestinians an ark and start them on their new lives as seafaring people.
#6 | Posted by ClownShack at 2024-05-17 02:59 PM

Re-think that strategy - send the Palestinians an Iron Dome and an international presence to shove the settlers off seems more appropriate.

I can imagine how much of a challenge that might be with Hamas constantly tricking IDF into murdering their own hostages for months now.

Unless it's true that the settlers have been killing hostages purposefully so the IDF can continue the genocide.

#14 | Posted by redlightrobot at 2024-05-17 07:30 PM | Reply

The Moslem Arab states attacked the Israelis multiple times this last century and in this century lost territory and lost their wares and then their people were supposed to relocate to within their own states of Jordan, Syria, Egypt, Iraq and others states in peace treaties. These so-called Palestinians are holdouts in Israeli property and do not have 'any' legal claim to those parts of Israel that they lost in the war(s). Now, if they wish to remain their against those treaties and act like nice neighbors they should be allowed, in my opinion. I am not for the conservative Jews forcing them out as they are not acting for the state but themselves in a rather nasty way. Those that burn US flags and murder and or capture US citizens or any other citizens including Israelis for gang raping parties and as hostages need to piss off and die. I saw what they did to those women and children on October 6 and they can rot in hell for it. It was not just the cave dwelling Hamas turds that did this but all kinds of citizens of Gaza that helped them out including those hospitals that they carried their wounded captives through not their way to their caves for more gang raping and torture. I have not a clue why the USA should help any of these people if they do not admit their hatred for the Jews and westerners and until they do, they should be treated just like the Nazi citizens and Japanese that were all about cutting off all of our heads in their quest for world domination.

#15 | Posted by Wildman62 at 2024-05-17 08:10 PM | Reply | Funny: 2

The word "moslem" is antiquated and only serves to reflect poorly upon the one who continues to use it in any attempt at serious discussion.

#16 | Posted by ExpectingReign at 2024-05-17 08:47 PM | Reply | Funny: 1

wildman you seem very angry and one-sided. I could care less if a person is burning a flag- if they are starving I don't want them to die of starvation. Is that so hard? Anyone can be violent and violence knows no limit. Do some searching- babies on both sides have been hurt/killed. Just because you think someone should leave does not solve the problem. No country wants the people of gaza. They came with the territory. It is an occupied land.

#17 | Posted by Brennnn at 2024-05-18 01:15 AM | Reply

As far as I'm concerned, Netanyahu is just capitalizing on an opportunity to get the pressure of the 2-State solution off his back, permanently!

Humanitarian aid is incompatible with his goal.

#18 | Posted by Twinpac at 2024-05-18 04:30 AM | Reply

"Netanyahu is just capitalizing on an opportunity to get the pressure of the 2-State solution off his back, permanently!"

I agree with your post except the word "permanently" brcause the conflict will continue on forever with the two state solution being the only realistic chnce for peace. As long as Israeli settlers are allowed to ride roughshod over the Palestinians those people will seeth with anger which will continue to erupt into violence. At long last the Zionists need to be told to limit their land grabs to within the borders of Israel as it is today; excluding Gaza but they won't and Netanyahoo will resist any attempt to limit their intrusions and land grabs. The U.S. caused the situation by arming the Israelis and financing them and we just need to tell them that the Zionist Party is over and our Congress needs to tell AIPAC the same thing.

#19 | Posted by danni at 2024-05-18 08:24 AM | Reply | Newsworthy 1


If Netanyahu has his way there aren't going to be enough Palestinians left to "seeth."

His solution is to kill them all, women, children, babies, everybody until the whole Gaza strip is laid bare. If not by bombing then by starvation, disease and lack of medical care.

Nor does he seem to care about the effect his actions are having on the Presidential elections in the USA and his most ardent supporter, President Biden.

Netanyahu seems crazed with only one thought in his head. KILL, KILL, KILL

#20 | Posted by Twinpac at 2024-05-18 09:36 AM | Reply

I hope you're wrong TWINPAC but, sadly, I don't think you are. We are talking about Holocaust levels of murder and, I'm sorry but, I'll be joining thr pro-Palestinian protesters and will probably become very intolerant towards Israeli sympathizers. The United States needs to communicate directly with the general population of Israel and let them know all support for that nation will end if what you predict does happen!

#21 | Posted by danni at 2024-05-18 10:48 AM | Reply

NATO should Bomb Israel. Like they did Serbia, and Libya. Until they Stop.

Where's the "Duty to Protect"? The concern for "Human Rights"?

At the very least they should stop funding Iron Dome and give Hezbollah the chance to really hit Israel in Ernest.

That would be cheapest and least intrusive.

Cut them off from military aid and leave the region.

If Israel wants to be Savage they can do it Alone.

#22 | Posted by Effeteposer at 2024-05-18 01:28 PM | Reply

" Where's the "Duty to Protect"? The concern for "Human Rights"

Probably buried in Article 13.

#23 | Posted by Danforth at 2024-05-18 01:32 PM | Reply


I see no reason to "join" either side. We're entitled to our private opinions but to take a side only ads to another "tempest in a teapot" here in our own country. I have friends of all persuasions and I do not intend to let myself be infected with prejudice against them over things that are of no fault of their own.

#24 | Posted by Twinpac at 2024-05-18 01:57 PM | Reply

Bomb Israel.

Do it Today!

Make em' Pay.

"Never Again" is supposed to mean Everyone, not just Jews.

If Israel was a normal country killing like this would get them sanctioned and bombed.

Now they just get slow delivery.. If that, as "punishment" for Mass Slaughter
Open Revenge and Land Theft.

Even Russia voted for an immediate Cease Fire, but not, Guess Who?

Is this what "Exceptional" means?

"Not subject to norms or the rules most others abide by".

#25 | Posted by Effeteposer at 2024-05-18 08:30 PM | Reply

#23 Neither Serbia or Libya asked for help or were members of NATO.

They just saw "a humanitarian situation" and bombed. No questions asked.

This is even more clearly Open massacre and ethnic cleansing.

What gives?

Why does Israel get a Pass, but Serbia and Libya didn't?

It's just too Blatant.

No wonder the Global South laughs at the US when they talk about human rights.

No Credibility.

#26 | Posted by Effeteposer at 2024-05-18 08:52 PM | Reply

"Why does Israel get a Pass, but Serbia and Libya didn't?"

Who attacked Serbia and Libya in the way that Israel was attacked?

#27 | Posted by sentinel at 2024-05-18 10:43 PM | Reply

'The word "moslem" is '

a perfectly acceptable transliteration of the word for a follower of Islam, according to the various dialects of Arabic.

#28 | Posted by sentinel at 2024-05-18 10:56 PM | Reply

Unfortunately, you are misinformed. There isn't an "o" or "ah" sound in Arabic, so the transliteration of "Moslem" is incorrect. It is antiquated and commonly used by those like the one who used it earlier, who usually have nothing intelligent to offer.

As someone who is fluent in Arabic I would be obliged to correct you on other Arabic-related linguistical matters, if you persist in spreading misinformation.

#29 | Posted by ExpectingReign at 2024-05-18 11:34 PM | Reply

Serbia and Libya were having civil wars. Which is, Minus the ethnic Supremacist BS, Essentially what this is. Israel is commiting civil rights crimes on a minority population that it Occupied decades ago and never assimilated or allowed to become truly self ruling.

Israel is almost exactly on point with Serbia at least.

Abusing ethnic minorities within its borders.

The fact that the Palestinians broke out of their enclave and killed Israeli civilians doesn't mean Israel is free to massacre as many Palestinians as they feel like.

NATO bombed Serbia for disproportionate response against Kosovars and Bosnians. The Croats got a pass for their massacres of Serbs.

NATO played Favorites then too.

Israel is just another black stain on NATO and US credibility.

They deserve a duty to protect intervention at least as much as Serbia did in 1999.

80 days of bombing Israel should bring them to heel on Gaza.

Don'tcha think?

#30 | Posted by Effeteposer at 2024-05-19 01:18 AM | Reply

"I agree with your post except the word "permanently" brcause the conflict will continue on forever with the two state solution being the only realistic chnce for peace. As long as Israeli settlers are allowed to ride roughshod over the Palestinians those people will seeth with anger which will continue to erupt into violence."

You do know that Israel pulled all the settlers out of Gaza around two decades ago, right?

#31 | Posted by madbomber at 2024-05-19 04:19 AM | Reply

"NATO should Bomb Israel. Like they did Serbia, and Libya. Until they Stop."

Do you think NATO should support the Islamic Resistance in its genocide campaign?

Remember, there is only one belligerent in this fight that has genocide explicitly drafted into its charter.

#32 | Posted by madbomber at 2024-05-19 04:20 AM | Reply

Israel is de facto commiting Genocide.

The Croats were too in the former Yugoslavia.

NATO had no problem with Croatian genocide of Serbs and Bosnians but for some reason the Serbs got bombed for similar acts.

Same situation here. Israel kills ten, twenty, times more people but gets money and arms to continue. Israeli leadership has openly called for expulsion or death for all Palestinians and the theft of their lands.

This results in the European alliance standing with Israel to slaughter, rather than bombing them into stopping.

?? What gives?

Why does NATO pick favorites and ignore the Crimes of certain people?

They obviously have no actual belief in human rights for everybody.

This makes everything they do look arbitrary and Bigoted.

Like Israel itself.

#33 | Posted by Effeteposer at 2024-05-19 10:40 AM | Reply

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