This is truly an amazing feat. The Republicans and Shitler have accomplished making half of the country despise government workers.
These government workers mind you do OUR business. They are, for the most part, educated and trained middle class Americans who implement the collective will of our nation as embodied by the laws pass by Congress.
These are veterans and doctors and scientists doing cutting-edge research to cure real diseases, they are park rangers making sure our national parks are safe and clean, they are law enforcement chasing serial killers, terrorists and cartel gang members, they are accountants who review tax records to catch tax cheats, they are auditors who ensure our nation's money is spent properly, they are clerks who process payments to medicaid and medicare and SS, these are trained professionals who secure air and rail and auto travel.
These are people who have dedicated their lives to public service.
How these people became the enemy is a real and true tragedy.
So, these magat scum, who are literally the worst people in the world, are decimating the expertise and institutional knowledge that makes our government function.
Here is something magat scum do not understand. Government should NOT work like a business. It's goals are nearly the opposite that of a business. Where a business' goal is to maximize profits, the government's job is to enforce our collective will and to protect our rights.
To make those people who do OUR business, what WE call them to do, what THEY do as an honorable service to their fellow countrymen and women the enemy is simply despicable.
Short-sighted people fail to understand that the long term effect of those efforts will destroy the fabric of society. No system can survive the trauma that is being inflicted. Replacing competence with incompetence, experience with dogma, passion to serve with passion to break is a recipe for disaster.
These people being hated, and fired or forced out serve US. They provide US with the benefits of our government. You get rid of them WE ALL lose out.