Ok, to clarify, and correct the misperception that some idiots are raising.
This change requires a SS recipient to GO TO A SS OFFICE whenever there is a change in benefits OR a change in direct deposit information.
To verify identification.
Who receives SS?
Disabled and old people
The example I posted that was cut when the thread was moved to the Front Page is the perfect exemplar.
A 90-year-old wheel bound woman whose husband dies will have to go to a SS office to deal with the change in her benefits.
If you can't understand the problem with that, I just don't know.
SS recipients live in Assisted Living facilities, are in hospice care, live in long term mental health facilities, live in old age homes say for the last couple of years of their lives when they are simply immobile.
These people will now have to find a SS office, go to it and get approved.
That is cruel.
NOW combine that with the closure of SS offices and they have announced plans to eliminate 7,000 staff members.
71.6 MILLION Americans are on SS
Assume say 5 % per year have a need to change their benefits or direct deposit
There is what like 250 workdays during the year?
Thats 14,320 people processed PER DAY
That is a complete addition to the normal work performed by the social security staff in the offices.
So, yeah this is evil