
Drudge Retort: The Other Side of the News
Monday, February 19, 2024

Democratic Rep. Rashida Tlaib, an outspoken critic of President Joe Biden's handling of the Israel-Hamas war, is calling on residents to vote "uncommitted" in the Michigan primary.



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"the first Palestinian American woman to serve in Congress"

And, at this rate, the last.

#1 | Posted by Zed at 2024-02-19 07:42 AM | Reply

"We feel completely neglected"

If you want that total feeling of neglect, help Trump get back in.


#2 | Posted by Zed at 2024-02-19 07:43 AM | Reply | Newsworthy 2

Tlaib calls on Democrats to vote uncommitted'

Jill Stein 2024!

#3 | Posted by censored at 2024-02-19 10:08 AM | Reply | Funny: 1

This is really stupid on her part. Short sighted is an understatement.

#4 | Posted by YAV at 2024-02-19 10:30 AM | Reply

This is really stupid on her part. Short sighted is an understatement. #4 | Posted by YAV

Hard to believe that the Palestinians would engage in shortsighted, self-destructive conduct.

#5 | Posted by censored at 2024-02-19 10:40 AM | Reply | Funny: 1

This is really stupid on her part.

Why? I see it as a primary election, only one candidate, and she's just trying to get a different opinion out. I don't agree with it, but its a protest vote, that doesn't affect the general.

#6 | Posted by oneironaut at 2024-02-19 11:14 AM | Reply

This is great thinking on her part. That way when Dementia Don wins, she can be deported with the rest of the Palestinians.

#7 | Posted by Nixon at 2024-02-19 11:41 AM | Reply | Newsworthy 1

After seeing the choices available anyone who votes uncommitted needs to be committed.

#8 | Posted by donnerboy at 2024-02-19 11:49 AM | Reply | Newsworthy 2

[...] That way when Dementia Don wins, she can be deported with the rest of the Palestinians. #7 | Posted by Nixon

OK, but there are also plenty of downsides to her plan.

#9 | Posted by censored at 2024-02-19 11:55 AM | Reply

*shrug* much sound and fury, signifying nothing

#10 | Posted by e1g1 at 2024-02-19 12:22 PM | Reply

Tlaib calls on Democrats to Vote 'uncommitted' in Michigan Primary

Hopefully she will get over this anger with Biden once the primaries are complete. However bad you think Biden's policies may be, they are far better than any policies that a Trump administration would impose.

As Biden likes to say; "Don't judge me against the Almighty, judge be against the alternative"!

#11 | Posted by FedUpWithPols at 2024-02-19 12:36 PM | Reply | Newsworthy 1

Look, Hamas knew what would happen when they started this.

I understand that they have the guns so there was little those opposed to them could do. The sad fact remains how many actively support them even now. I understand that Israel treats Palestinians as less than human but you have to look at if from their side too - "Palestinians" are in open aggression to them and in particular Hamas. "Stone" throwing kids are hurling rocks with slings that are in fact deadly and weapons of war. And you are talking about a group that believes in the annihilation of Israel. etc. Both sides stoke hate and fear. I don't see this stopping until Israel achieves its goals, whatever they are, Gaza will be forever changed. It seems as though Hamas failed to achieve much of anything other than torture and cold blooded murder and trigger a genocide in Gaza.

This is such a terrible situation but given the actions of Hamas, it is hard to feel empathy for too many Palestinians even though most deserve it, even in Gaza.

That said she is not doing anything to actively condemn Hamas or its actions. She probably needs to start there. Call on Hamas to surrender and stop the blood shed. But we know that won't happen either. Hamas has lost. It is just a matter of time until Israel controls Gaza.

#12 | Posted by GalaxiePete at 2024-02-19 02:33 PM | Reply

She is absolutely right.

We are supporting a genocide. ALL aid to Israel should have been cut immediately when the bombings started, at the very least.

Even better would be to encourage a UN security council vote for a no-fly zone over Gaza.

We could have been the good guys. We could have forced Israel to the table, to agree to either a two-state solution or a one state solution with full citizenship for Palestinians and an end to Israeli apartheid.

So I agree with her completely. Send a message in the primary that Biden is screwing up. Let him know that US policy toward Israel MUST change, and change quickly if he wants to keep Drumpf out of office.

I just hope he hasn't gone too far to redeem himself already as far as gen z is concerned. They are NOT happy with him, and he can't win without them.

#13 | Posted by DarkVader at 2024-02-19 03:07 PM | Reply

History will prove her one of the strongest, bravest women in America. She has more guts than anyone else in the House or Senate. Defying bigotry, hate and multiple death threats from the left and right while challenging the warmongering political establishment, bought and controlled by Israel, and its numerous apologists.

Genocide Joe has got to go, or Trump will come and run the show.

#14 | Posted by ExpectingReign at 2024-02-19 09:59 PM | Reply | Newsworthy 2

Since the Gross Old Pedophiles have advocated for Israel to "bounce rubble" in Gaza and for deporting every Palestinian from the United States, I'm sure that by demonizing the ONLY adult in the room, and that doing so could get the------------- reinstalled, that Tlaib enjoys her free flight home to Gaza and that the bouncing rubble doesn't cause too many headaches.

#15 | Posted by _Gunslinger_ at 2024-02-20 12:29 AM | Reply

"*shrug* much sound and fury, signifying nothing"

Perfect summary of the Squaw'd.

#16 | Posted by sentinel at 2024-02-20 07:58 AM | Reply | Funny: 1

Misogynistic on top of everything else.

#17 | Posted by YAV at 2024-02-20 01:40 PM | Reply

"We could have been the good guys."

How? By demanding that Israel not respond to an attack on their country?

If we had helped Hamas extirpate the Jews living between the river and the sea, would we have been the really good guy?

#18 | Posted by madbomber at 2024-02-20 02:26 PM | Reply

"We could have forced Israel to the table, to agree to either a two-state solution or a one state solution with full citizenship for Palestinians and an end to Israeli apartheid."

That's not a viable solution so long as HAMAS holds sway.

Despite what you may believe, HAMAS is not interested in any sort of free Palestinian state. They're interested in an Islamic State. Nothing else would be acceptable.

#19 | Posted by madbomber at 2024-02-20 02:28 PM | Reply

That's not a viable solution so long as HAMAS holds sway.

The way to deal with HAMAS is to turn the Palestinians against them. As it easy, with the harsh treatment of Israel toward the Palestinians, Palestinians probably take the position that "the enemy of my enemy is my friend".

The international community should set up the boundaries of the Palestinian state; have the UN recognize those boundaries; and set up a peace keeping force within the state to deal with HAMAS, and Israeli aggression. IOW: the world should do for the Palestinians what it did for the Jews fleeing Europe after WW II.

#20 | Posted by FedUpWithPols at 2024-02-20 04:04 PM | Reply | Newsworthy 1

The way to deal with HAMAS is to turn the Palestinians against them.
You seem to think there is some sharp Hamas/Palestinian line of demarcation. The videos of the Palestinian "civilians" celebrating over the raped, naked, dead bodies of Jewish girls on October 7th suggest that line may be non-existent.

The international community should set up the boundaries of the Palestinian state; have the UN recognize those boundaries; and set up a peace keeping force within the state to deal with HAMAS
Yeah, cause which Western nation doesn't want to send their soldiers into terrorist-land to deal with IEDs and a terrorist-loving population for the next 50 years?

and Israeli aggression
Just a reminder that 21% of Israel's population is Arab, and enjoying the same rights as Jews and probably more freedom than is enjoyed by any other Muslims in the Arab world.

IOW: the world should do for the Palestinians what it did for the Jews fleeing Europe after WW II. #20 | Posted by FedUpWithPols
The Jews took their freedom by force after having 60% of their population murdered in the Holocaust. They are now 0.2% of the world population with Israel accounting for about 0.1% of the world's land.

The Muslims, on the other hand, are more than 100 times that number, with 25% of the world's population and about an equivalent percentage of the world's land mass belonging to Muslim majority nations.

The Palestinians have almost the entire world to choose from for homes, if they could bring themselves to stop attacking the nations that offer them shelter.

#21 | Posted by censored at 2024-02-20 06:26 PM | Reply

"The Jews took their freedom by force after having 60% of their population murdered in the Holocaust."

Two wrongs don't make a right.

Perhaps if Jews had taken their freedom from the people who did the Holocaust, things would be different.

Instead Jews simply found a group it's okay to bully, like Republicans bully Trans kids, and took their land.

#22 | Posted by snoofy at 2024-02-20 06:35 PM | Reply | Newsworthy 1

And just another reminder, the Palestinians do not want to live in peace with the Jews. They want the Jews dead.

To the point that it's their official policy to pay money to terrorists to encourage them to kill Jewish children.

#23 | Posted by censored at 2024-02-20 06:37 PM | Reply

"Palestinians do not want to live in peace with the Jews."

What a coincidence.
Jews do not want to live in peace with the Jews either!
Exhibit A: Yigal Amir.

#24 | Posted by snoofy at 2024-02-20 06:41 PM | Reply

Exhibit B: IDF tanks shelling Jews on Oct 7.
Exhibit C: IDF helicopters shooting Jews on Oct. 7.

Those you write off as acceptable losses.

Just like you write off the murder of Yitzhak Rabin by a ultra-conservative Jew as an acceptable but wholly necessary loss to ensure Israel's security.

#25 | Posted by snoofy at 2024-02-20 06:45 PM | Reply

"The Jews took their freedom by force after having 60% of their population murdered in the Holocaust."

Technically, their "freedom" was given to them by the Brits are part of their post-war decolonization effort. That area was British territory.

What they did was defend their freedom when attacked by multiple neighbors trying to eliminate the Jews.

The Jewish populations in other predominantly Muslim states were not so lucky. They got holocausted just like their European cousins.

#26 | Posted by madbomber at 2024-02-21 01:42 AM | Reply

This is liable to cost Biden, 100-200 votes...

#27 | Posted by earthmuse at 2024-02-21 06:48 AM | Reply

The Jews took their freedom by force after having 60% of their population murdered in the Holocaust.

I didn't realize that the Palestinians were involved in the Holocaust that forced Jews to leave Europe. I thought it was the Germans. And who did the Jews take their freedom from? I thought it was a joint effort by the US and Europeans that defeated the Nazis in WW II that made freedom of the Jews and others in Europe possible. Were the Jews part of the liberation? Of course but so were millions of other people.

The Palestinians have almost the entire world to choose from for homes
They already had/have homes. For many (most?), those homes were taken from them; aided and abetted by the US and other world powers.

Here is an interesting read about Arabs in Israel:

#28 | Posted by FedUpWithPols at 2024-02-21 07:35 AM | Reply

I didn't realize that the Palestinians were involved in the Holocaust that forced Jews to leave Europe.

#28 | POSTED BY FEDUPWITHPOLS AT 2024-02-21 07:35 AM | REPLY

"It's complicated." There were Palestinian Jews. The same Nazi laws that forced Jews to migrate out of Germany also created the legal framework to become the #1 exporter to Mandatory Palestine. The SS and a group called Revisionist Zionists worked together to get Jews flowing out of Germany because it served both their interests. That took a hard turn once war began. On the Islamic side, The Grand Mufti of Palestine was a Nazi collaborator that once informed of the Final Solution, worked to limit Jewish flight so they could be killed off and worked closely with the Germans to wage special forces operations against Allied forces in Iraq, Transjordan, and Palestine. Muslim SS battalions were raised and fought on the Ostfront.

#29 | Posted by sitzkrieg at 2024-02-21 09:11 AM | Reply

I didn't realize that the Palestinians were involved in the Holocaust that forced Jews to leave Europe. [...] They [Palestinians?] already had/have homes. For many (most?), those homes were taken from them; aided and abetted by the US and other world powers. [...] #28 | Posted by FedUpWithPols

Wait till you find out what the Muslims did to the Jews living in their countries. Any right of return and compensation for the Jews? Or was their 0.2% of the world population supposed to vanish into thin air?

The Palestinians have fought eight+ wars against Israel in the last 75 years. Each time having their asses handed to them because the Jews correctly surmised that this is their last stand and fought accordingly.

Maybe for their next attack the Palestinians will decide that they need to rape and murder more women and children, as 1,400 dead civilian Jews didn't do the trick this time around. That seems to be the extent of the Palestinian strategic thinking.

#30 | Posted by censored at 2024-02-21 09:30 AM | Reply

More information about the Grand Mufti of Palestine

#31 | Posted by FedUpWithPols at 2024-02-21 09:37 AM | Reply

This Grand Mufti was installed by Britain in the early 1920s and was never actually elected by the Palestinian people living there at the time. To associate him as the spokesperson for the Palestinians and use him as a reason for enabling four generations of ethnic cleansing, apartheid, oppression, and now, genocide against the Palestinian people only shows how completely brainwashed the average Israeli apologist is by Zionist propaganda.

Zionism is a destructive, supremacist and fascist ideology and it has been since it's inception. Zionists have always been for the complete ethnic cleansing, elimination and subjugation of the traditional populations and cultures in Palestine and they always will be. Bring up the Mufti, bring up Hamas, bring up October 7, bring up anything that the Israeli lie factory manufactures, but the fact remains that the current evils perpetrated in Palestine originated with Zionism.

#32 | Posted by ExpectingReign at 2024-02-21 09:38 AM | Reply

Boo Hoo. Gallant wittle Israel making their "last stand"... is total ---------.

They are a nuclear power. They have the "victim card" as Jews that they play endlessly anytime anyone criticizes them in any way.

They are never sanctioned. Even when they practice open Apartheid and land theft with Extrajudicial killings.Now even disproportionate killing of civilians with obvious genocidal intent, gets them no real censure.Practices that got Serbia bombed and partitioned. By the same countries that pay and Arm Israel to kill without limits.

If NATO bombed Israel and forced them to surrender the West Bank in its entirety for a Palestinian State that would be the equivalent of what NATO did to Serbia. The Serbs lost hundreds of thousands of civilians to the Nazis.

The Russians lost 20+ millions. Why are they not "victims" worthy of special consideration according to a "Duty to Protect"?

Why are the Israeli's singled out as "special" in Victim status?

Why are the Palestinians called a "fake" ethnicity openly by Israeli officials? Why is this rarely objected to?

Why is anti Israeli speech suppressed with extreme vigor but anti Arab or Palestinian speech usually tolerated or even approved of?

BIGOTRY is the simplest answer. Tribalism at it's MOST STUPID and primitive.

Where is the Duty to Protect civilians from Israeli excesses?

Why is Russia,also traumatized by the Nazis not free to slaughter civilians?

What makes Israel exempt from the laws and customs that other nations must observe?

Why do they alone get impunity for Genocide?

#33 | Posted by Effeteposer at 2024-02-21 10:05 AM | Reply

"They have the "victim card" as Jews that they play endlessly anytime anyone criticizes them"

I take exception to the above statement. One must separate Zionism from Judaism. Judaism has been around for 3000+ years. Zionism, on the other hand, is a European political construct that has been around for only 100+ years. Judaism is a healthy and vibrant religion and should be respected. Zionism is a destructive, supremacist ideology that needs to be fought as the extremist ISIS-esque movement that it has always has been, is, and continues to be.

Every Muslim should remember that individuals of the Jewish faith are accorded elevated and respected positions as prophets in their own scriptures. Jesus, Moses, Joseph, and Mary are all pious Jews who are mentioned with reverence in the Quran.

Jews have a right to live in peace with Christians and Muslims in Palestine in a single state whose laws are not based on supremacist ideology.

Zionists have absolutely no right to oppress, subjugate and ethnically cleanse anyone in Palestine. Not in the past, not in the resent and not in the future.

#34 | Posted by ExpectingReign at 2024-02-21 10:21 AM | Reply | Newsworthy 1

That's a fantastic boatload of idealism.

Over here in the real world, hegemony is a real issue and you don't always get to pick your allies.

#35 | Posted by sitzkrieg at 2024-02-21 10:25 AM | Reply

#34 I agree completely. The Jews as a people, or religion, are not the problem.

They have the same rights to peace and security as everyone else.

The Zionist project to create a Jewish Supremacist State is the real issue.

Not the security or safely of Jewish people.

#36 | Posted by Effeteposer at 2024-02-21 10:26 AM | Reply

"Realism" is struggling against, fighting and, if necessary, dying to reduce or eliminate true oppression and those who seek to oppress.

You represent a decaying empire of amorality that at one point in time at least pretended to stand up for elevated "ideals". Not any longer. Its decline is and continues to be a difficult one to witness.

#37 | Posted by ExpectingReign at 2024-02-21 10:32 AM | Reply

Any right of return and compensation for the Jews?
Did those Jews that left these Arab lands ever make a claim to return? What about their obvious claims to land in Germany, Poland, Russia and other countries they fled/emigrated from? We hear a lot about claims to claims to works of art but not about land.

#38 | Posted by FedUpWithPols at 2024-02-21 10:37 AM | Reply

It will kill millions when the collapse actually happens.

And the US will give themselves the same moral impunity to kill and economically ruin anyone who opposes them.

Morals only apply to "little countries ". Great Powers kill without limits or restraint.

All in the name of Justice.

#39 | Posted by Effeteposer at 2024-02-21 10:38 AM | Reply

"Any right of return and compensation for the Jews?"


Two wrongs don't make a right.

But, since you thrive in false equivalencies:

Jews gained the right return to their "Ancestral Homeland." They lost one right in exchange for another right.

Whereas the Palestinians simply lost the right to ever again live in their "Ancestral Homeland.". And their villages were bulldozed and removed from the map and rebuilt and given new names. Like the Palestinians and their homes never existed.

Equating the conqueror with the conquered is fascist propaganda.

#40 | Posted by snoofy at 2024-02-21 10:56 AM | Reply | Newsworthy 1

Did those Jews that left these Arab lands ever make a claim to return?
Beats me. If I were them, I certainly wouldn't want to seek return to nations that discriminated against my people for centuries and actively sought my destruction. Even if they pinky-promised to stop.

Most of the Jews seem to have tried to move on with their lives, like pretty much every other group that has ever been forced to run for heir lives to find a new place to eke out an existence.

As opposed to the Palestinians who are perpetual refugees. Two + generations on and they're still refugees. A thousand years on? Sure, why not?

What about their obvious claims to land in Germany, Poland, Russia and other countries they fled/emigrated from? We hear a lot about claims to claims to works of art but not about land. #38 | Posted by FedUpWithPols

Yeah, I get it, lots of people hate Jews. And so they found a place to claim as their own and fight to the death to keep. Can't say I blame them.

#41 | Posted by censored at 2024-02-21 11:13 AM | Reply

"Near the Temple Mount inside the walls, notable remains of an Umayyad palace have been found.

The excavations since 1978 in the Mount Ophel and City of David area have revealed evidence of settlement dating to the 4th millennium BCE as well as of Canaanite and early Hebrew settlements, the latter with a wealth of seals, epigraphic material, and everyday utensils."

"Ancient origins of the city

The earliest traces of human settlement in the city area, found on a hill to the southeast, are from the late Chalcolithic Period (Copper Age) and Early Bronze Age (c. 3000 BCE).

Excavations have revealed that a settlement existed on a site south of the Temple Mount, and a massive town wall was found just above the Gihon Spring, which determined the location of the ancient settlement.

The name, known in its earliest form as Urusalim, is probably of western Semitic origin and apparently means "Foundation of Shalem (God)."

The city and its earliest rulers, the Egyptians, are mentioned in the Egyptian Execration Texts (c. 1900"1800 BCE) and again in the 14th-century

Tell el-Amarna correspondence, which contains a message from the city's ruler, Abdi-Kheba (Abdu-eba), requiring his sovereign's help against the invading Hapiru (Habiru, Apiru).

A biblical narrative mentions the meeting of the Canaanite Melchizedek, said to be king of Salem (Jerusalem), with the Hebrew patriarch Abraham.

A later episode in the biblical text mentions another king, Adonizedek, who headed an Amorite coalition and was vanquished by Joshua."

#42 | Posted by Corky at 2024-02-21 11:20 AM | Reply

# 41 Lots of people hate Russians. Do they get to fight to the death and keep what they stole? Do they have Impunity as a victim people?

Lots of people hate Native Americans,is living on a small reservation and dying at fifty of cirrhosis "getting on with their lives"?

You are an apologist for ethnic Murders and Supremacist thinking.

#43 | Posted by Effeteposer at 2024-02-21 11:30 AM | Reply

- ethnic Murders and Supremacist thinking.

Speaking of Putin.....

#44 | Posted by Corky at 2024-02-21 11:34 AM | Reply | Funny: 1

Putin claims Ukraine is Russia...He's trying to reunify them... In his Mind.

The Ukrainian nationalists love Hitler and the Third Reich. They seek to create an Ethnically pure nation. With No Russian influence or cultural affinity. They seek to destroy the Russian heritage of the Ukraine.

Is Putin Righteous,or an Evil Turd?

....or Neither. Just another ------- playing with matches while the world Burns?

#45 | Posted by Effeteposer at 2024-02-21 11:44 AM | Reply

- The Ukrainian nationalists

Are a vast minority in Ukraine; 2 percent of the last election vote.

You lying about that is getting really boring.

- Just another ------- playing with matches while the world Burns?

THAT sounds a lot like self-description on your part.

#46 | Posted by Corky at 2024-02-21 11:49 AM | Reply

The only political party that can be argued are ultra-nationalist right wingers is Svoboda.

They have 1 seat of the 450 in the Verkhovna Rada. They have less political power in Ukraine than The Skwad does in the US House.

#47 | Posted by sitzkrieg at 2024-02-21 12:04 PM | Reply | Newsworthy 1


I'm not sure what you're talking about. Even the "far-right" distances itself from antisemitic or racist doctrine.

"With No Russian influence or cultural affinity."

Yeah. Just like every other European country that suffered under the communist bootheel. Would you expect countries formerly occupied by the 3d Reich to acquiesce to National Socialist influence of cultural affinity? Any monuments built to the occupiers have long since been torn down.

They're tearing them down across eastern Europe right now. Maybe you can make someone a deal on one. Put a bust of Lenin in your front yard.

#48 | Posted by madbomber at 2024-02-21 12:19 PM | Reply

"Whereas the Palestinians simply lost the right to ever again live in their "Ancestral Homeland.". And their villages were bulldozed and removed from the map and rebuilt and given new names. Like the Palestinians and their homes never existed."

What did the Jews get in Israel that the Palestinians did not?

I think that question is weird in and of itself. They all have a common lineage. You go back a couple thousand years and they all have the same granddad. There are Jewish Palestinians who are Israeli Citizens. Are they the victims or the oppressors?

If you look at history, many Palestinian families fled the region after the creation of Israel, despite the new state encouraging them to stay. Instead, their leaders encouraged them to flee, which they did with the understanding that Israel's neighbors would soon wipe the country off the map, and the Palestinians could return home to a Jew-free levant.

#49 | Posted by madbomber at 2024-02-21 12:23 PM | Reply

Are a vast minority in Ukraine; 2 percent of the last election vote.

Thats more than in the US, and just look how crazy everyone here gets.

#50 | Posted by oneironaut at 2024-02-21 12:27 PM | Reply


Numbers wise it's not more... and white nationalist authoritarians are the biggest threat of domestic terrorism in this country, and have been for at least a decade now, according to Homeland Security and the DoJ.

#51 | Posted by Corky at 2024-02-21 01:52 PM | Reply

All extremist murders in the US last year were committed by right-wingers.

#52 | Posted by YAV at 2024-02-21 02:35 PM | Reply

Is Zelinsky afraid of domestic right wingers in Ukraine?

Askin' for a Friend.

#53 | Posted by Effeteposer at 2024-02-21 03:05 PM | Reply

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