Obviously nobody is buying the TWO Fake News threads you had take down today, rofl!
Are you going to have to refund the Trump Campaign's rubles?
On Topic:
"Da Vinci's painting depicts the moment when Jesus Christ declared that an apostle would betray him. The scene during Friday's ceremony featured DJ and producer Barbara Butch " an LGBTQ+ icon " flanked by drag artists and dancers.
Religious conservatives from around the world decried the segment, with the French Catholic Church's conference of bishops deploring "scenes of derision" that they said made a mockery of Christianity "" thread article
Anyone who wants to see a, "mockery of Christianity" need only look to American White Christian Nationalists selling out for a traitor, convicted felon, adjudicated sex abuser, and pathological liar.
A man who fits the Biblical descriptions of the anti-Christ as if they were written just for him.
Jesus himself was pilloried as a wine-bibber who associated with women, tax collectors and other assorted supposed nogoodniks in Israel... sorta like drag artists and dancers.
As he himself said, it's the Hypocrites who are the real sinners.