You are a big idiot. Please stop with the disinformation and abject Iranian propaganda. What's wrong, your hero Putler not giving you enough things to cheer about these days? Or, is the Russian loss of Syria still got you depressed and sad? The facts are that the Jewish people have one single country to go to in the entire world where they are semi safe and have been there longer than any Moslems yet, dozens of Islamic states refuse to let Christians, Jews or gay people even live in their ------ countries and yet here you are picking on the Israelis yet again? Would you be happy if Hair Furer, your buddies in Iran, Putler and Xi join forces to exterminate all the Jews of the world? Or would you just be content if those that live in Israel are all killed by your heroes the gave dwelling gang rapists from the Gaza Strip?
#33 | Posted by Wildman62 at 2025-01-28 04:33 PM
Fascinating. New York seems very secure. In fact, Jews across the planet enjoy the same freedom as their other nationals - even the Iranians.
Zionists are not just Jewish, and not all Jews are Zionists. The vast majority are Evangelical Christian. Thus, the kinship of bigotry among you.
Israel is a Zionist ethno-state, and from what we can see it's not safe for non-Zionist Jews.
They are safe from incarceration in New York, until this ban goes into effect.
FYI - gay people have never been able to legally marry in Israel.
Also, the lies regarding mass rape and baby butchering is seriously outdated. The returning hostages have a very different account of their treatment by Hamas.