Monday, July 08, 2024

Biden Coverage Requires Less Hysteria, More Journalism

Jennifer Schulze: What's happened to journalism since the last debate is entirely out of proportion and not in keeping with the responsibilities of a free press. "Feeding frenzy" doesn't even come close to describing the news media coverage about Joe Biden's debate performance.


Much of the news coverage of this very serious moment in history isn't journalism at all but some sort of advocacy steeped in outrage. We expect that from Newsmax, Fox and the other disinformation specialists but when mainstream journalists leave objectivity behind, we have a serious problem.


I shut off most of the national TV news about a week ago. The disingenuous **ck's only want to focus on Biden while they say practically nothing about Trump's mental acuity, which is actually much worse.

#1 | Posted by Whatsleft at 2024-07-08 01:43 PM

US Journalists are terrified of Trump and the prospect of being left off of Air Force One. For those brave enough to ask pointed questions, the responses they get often range from the untruthful to fantastic, evidence of weak minds and poor education. More of the sick, inane and unhinged answers from the MAGA Hat Goon Squad and normal Americans will say to themselves "no way" to the GOP...

#2 | Posted by catdog at 2024-07-08 01:57 PM

The tail is wagging the dog. Some very rich people who don't exactly want to be seen as Trump supporters but still want Biden gone started this "he's got to quit" narrative. It's the new "but her emails."

#3 | Posted by qcp at 2024-07-08 01:57 PM

It's sad you guys see that people caring about who is running our country and their mental acuity for the job. You have no problem with your TDS and constant demonizing of a Rep candidate for it but, of course, you have no issue when your candidate is the same and arguably, not just by Reps or independents but by many prominent Dems, is part of the discussion.

Dems sorely need less hypocrisy, not more.

#4 | Posted by humtake at 2024-07-08 02:06 PM

"It's the new "but her emails."

That phrase was only ever uttered by sore loser Clinton supporters who refused to take responsibility for the numerous flaws of their candidate and the lousy campaign she ran. "They don't like me because I'm a woman, waaaaaah!"

At least Biden and his team are taking this campaign seriously now. Whether they can sustain it or they'll go back to coasting, time will tell, but at least for now the infighting in the democratic party is generating some buzz and making trump look kind of boring in comparison.

The trick will be if whoever gets the nomination, whether it's Biden or someone else, comes across as having earned it and not being an "anointed one", which is a problem Trump also has at this point.

#5 | Posted by sentinel at 2024-07-08 02:22 PM

you have no issue when your candidate is the same and arguably, not just by Reps or independents but by many prominent Dems, is part of the discussion.

Dems sorely need less hypocrisy, not more.


Democrats are hypocrites because they ("many prominent Dems") demonize their own candidate? WTF are you blathering about now?

Do you ever even read what you write?

You speak with a forked tongue. You know ... like a snake.

#6 | Posted by donnerboy at 2024-07-08 02:22 PM

When Clinton was impeached Republicans specifically objected to his "lies" and "lying" over 200 times.

Why should such standards not also be applied to a Republican candidate for President?

#7 | Posted by Tor at 2024-07-08 02:27 PM

The tail is wagging the dog. Some very rich people who don't exactly want to be seen as Trump supporters but still want Biden gone started this "he's got to quit" narrative. It's the new "but her emails."

Not exactly rich, but I have been saying dump Biden before he decided to run again.

He's senile, and deserves to be at peace.

Republicans are using it as a campaign slogan, "2024 is about electing Kamala."

Biden and his sycophants, chose to run again out of ego.
Party be damned.
Country be damned.

#8 | Posted by oneironaut at 2024-07-08 02:30 PM

The trick will be if whoever gets the nomination, whether it's Biden or someone else, comes across as having earned it and not being an "anointed one", which is a problem Trump also has at this point.
- sentinel

Trump went through a legit primary season.

Democrats could have done the same.

Whomever the elite Democrats replace Biden with will have literally been the anointed one.

#9 | Posted by oneironaut at 2024-07-08 02:33 PM

Trump went through a legit primary season.

Democrats could have done the same.

Whomever the elite Democrats replace Biden with will have literally been the anointed one.

#9 | Posted by oneironaut

Yeah such a "legit" primary season when the alternate candidates are so terrified of trump's mob of violent delusional goons that they refuse to confront or expose any of trump's failures and lies, not to mention his coup attempt.

#10 | Posted by SpeakSoftly at 2024-07-08 02:43 PM

Does anyone actually expect Biden to serve for four years if he won? No, because we all know that he's not capable.

Some folks seem intent on Jedi Mind Tricking us into believing the opposite. Good luck with that.

#11 | Posted by censored at 2024-07-08 03:19 PM

Some folks seem intent on Jedi Mind Tricking us into believing the opposite. Good luck with that.

#11 | Posted by censored

If the right can jedi mind trick the nation into thinking trump's coup attempt and close relationship with epstein are no big deal, then why not?

#12 | Posted by SpeakSoftly at 2024-07-08 03:26 PM

Does anyone actually expect Biden to serve for four years if he won?

You don't think Biden will live to be 85?

But you're sure Trump will live to be 82?

Where you getting your information? Republicans R Us?

Some folks seem intent on Jedi Mind Tricking us

The only Jedi Mind trick has been from you, pretending you're a democrat.

You dropped that facade pretty fast.

#13 | Posted by ClownShack at 2024-07-08 03:52 PM

If the right can jedi mind trick the nation into thinking trump's coup attempt and close relationship with epstein are no big deal, then why not? #12 | Posted by SpeakSoftly

Because Trump benefits from the glory of lowered expectations; no one expects any better from Trump.

As Trump said, he could "stand in the middle of Fifth Avenue and shoot somebody and not lose any voters." Trump was also found by judge/jury to have defamed a woman after sexually assaulting her in a dressing room and paying a corn star for sex while his wife was pregnant.

Joe does not enjoy that same wiggle-room for personal and professional flaws.

#14 | Posted by censored at 2024-07-08 03:54 PM

"Nobody believes Joe Biden can be president in four years."

-Noted Republican Van Jones: Democrats running Kamala Harris for president one way or the other'

#15 | Posted by censored at 2024-07-08 03:59 PM

Joe does not enjoy that same wiggle-room for personal and professional flaws.

#14 | Posted by censored

Why does trump get wiggle room?

#16 | Posted by SpeakSoftly at 2024-07-08 04:24 PM

What's happened to journalism since the last debate is entirely out of proportion

It's not though.

Defeating Donald Trump and the alt-right neonazi movement is the biggest political priority this nation has seen in several decades. The candidate running against that movement deserves to be meticulously hyperanalyzed, because any even remote chance of losing is completely unacceptable.

Yes, this conversation should have happened a year or two ago. By sticking to safe events, and by picking a VP nobody likes, Biden managed to avoid the conversation as long as he possibly could. But the fact that we are having the conversation at all is a sign of a healthy democracy. Barreling toward the general election simply because we feel handcuffed by the choices of a man who is clearly losing his faculties is NOT smart.

The conversation will end this week or next, and the party will unite around someone. Let's hope Biden's remaining brain calls lead him to make the correct choice.

#17 | Posted by JOE at 2024-07-08 04:29 PM

There's absolutely no reason to consider dropping Biden. All the evidence that he's missed a step are deep fakes. In the remote chance that he has issues in the future, our beloved Kamala is ready and able. The most important thing is that the administrative state is able to retain power without interference from elected politicians. Unattended ballot stuffing boxes and Diebold/Dominion voting machines are the only way to insure another win.

#18 | Posted by visitor_ at 2024-07-08 05:31 PM

Why does trump get wiggle room? #16 | Posted by SpeakSoftly

The GOP base lines up when called while the liberals throw tantrums, voting for Ralph Nader, and then 16 years later for Jill Stein.

Something to be said for discipline, which the libs tend to lack. Talk of Buttery Males and Superpredators are enough to send libs scurrying and hand SCOTUS to the Repubs for the next 40-60 years.

#19 | Posted by censored at 2024-07-08 05:46 PM

The GOP base lines up when called while the liberals throw tantrums, voting for Ralph Nader, and then 16 years later for Jill Stein.
Something to be said for discipline, which the libs tend to lack. Talk of Buttery Males and Superpredators are enough to send libs scurrying and hand SCOTUS to the Repubs for the next 40-60 years.


With all due respect. GFY. You act as if the Democratic party is entitled to votes. Clue phone here. They are not. Want our vote. Give us a candidate that we can vote for. Until then. Sit and spin.

#20 | Posted by LauraMohr at 2024-07-08 06:05 PM

Why does trump get wiggle room?

Because everyone already knows he's a deranged psychopath, so it isn't very newsworthy when he says something stupid anymore.

The only solution to this dynamic is for Dems to run their own little psycho candidate.

#21 | Posted by JOE at 2024-07-08 06:05 PM

Why does trump get wiggle room?

Because, the people who vote for him don't care whether he's telling the truth or lying.

They only care that he hates the same people they do.

#22 | Posted by ClownShack at 2024-07-08 06:09 PM

Unattended ballot stuffing boxes and Diebold/Dominion voting machines are the only way to insure another win.

#18 | Posted by visitor_

The people who filled your head with those lies are now paying out billions in damages to those companies for making up that propaganda. It's all out in public. Yet you cling to your delusions because to let them go would be to admit you're a sucker who got conned.

#23 | Posted by SpeakSoftly at 2024-07-08 06:14 PM

Since 2015, the media has been in the bag for Trump.

Free coverage. Completely ignoring his lies. Fearing to call him out for his failures. Giving his ------- consideration. Treating him as competent.

2020, God stepped in and used the TrumpVirus to help expose that monster for the American hating, psychopath he is.

But. Democrats are weak. Instead of actually prosecuting the traitor. They babied him and his MAGAts. Similar to how the Union babied the confederacy after the civil war.

#24 | Posted by ClownShack at 2024-07-08 06:32 PM

Look at Democratic champion, Censored, screaming about the sky falling because Biden is the candidate, while blaming liberals for not pulling together in 2000 and 2016 to support Al and Hillary.

The irony must be lost on him.

#25 | Posted by ClownShack at 2024-07-08 06:34 PM

With all due respect. GFY. You act as if the Democratic party is entitled to votes. Clue phone here. They are not. Want our vote. Give us a candidate that we can vote for. Until then. Sit and spin. #20 | Posted by LauraMohr

Here you go SpeakSoftly. Case in point.

There are probably few users on this site more in need of a liberal SCOTUS for protection than Laura. But cutting off nose to spite face seems to be preferable for the Greens than voting for Al Gore or Hillary. So at least I'll be able to schauden my freude when those SCOTUS rulings inevitably make their way into our society.

Meanwhile, in France: "French Candidates Drop Out En Masse to Stop Far-Right Takeover"

So the French thought rationally and strategically, taking necessary steps to protect their hard-won rights (like five weeks of paid vacation a year, universal healthcare, one year of paid parental leave per child). And we have the Greens thinking that they proved a point while the Repubs tear down the few benefits we have.

And just to be clear, I will be voting for Biden if that's the only choice I have that might beat Trump. My concern is that Joe has no chance of recovering from that debate, especially seeing as he was already behind before he figuratively relieved himself up on that stage.

#26 | Posted by censored at 2024-07-08 06:48 PM

With all due respect. GFY. You act as if the Democratic party is entitled to votes. Clue phone here. They are not. Want our vote. Give us a candidate that we can vote for. Until then. Sit and spin. #20 | Posted by LauraMohr

I find this attitude INCREDIBLY infuriating.

Stop asking what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country

In 1776 colonial patriots put their lives and fortunes on the line to throw off a dictatorial monarch.
In 1861 millions of American patriots put their lives on the line to save the Union and defeat slavery
In 1941 millions of American patriots put their lives on the line to defeat fascists from taking over much of the world
All that is being asked of you is to vote for the single solitary person who can stop a fascist takeover of our country.

What are YOU doing to prevent a fascist takeover?

Life is a series of difficult decisions, adults understand this. Stop acting like your group should dictate who is the candidate. Alternatives had their chance; enough people did not agree with you. So, it is time to put on your big girl pants and do your duty.

You have a choice between a fascist and not a fascist, between a dictator and a not-perfect progressive, between someone who will take your rights away vs someone who will strive to protect them.


#27 | Posted by truthhurts at 2024-07-08 06:59 PM

I agree with truth on this one.

get over yourselves. its not a beauty contest and the candidatess dont have to pander to your every whim. trump certainly doesnt, so why do you want that fascist to win?

#28 | Posted by Alexandrite at 2024-07-08 07:02 PM

get over yourselves. its not a beauty contest and the candidatess dont have to pander to your every whim. trump certainly doesnt, so why do you want that fascist to win?

#28 | Posted by Alexandrite

I think he wants our terrible candidate to step aside to prevent fascists from winning

#29 | Posted by SpeakSoftly at 2024-07-08 07:12 PM

#28 | Posted by Alexandrite
I think he wants our terrible candidate to step aside to prevent fascists from winning


She, you mean?

Can you provide a candidate that will have a better shot at beating -------? If so, I'm all ears

#30 | Posted by truthhurts at 2024-07-08 07:22 PM

" The GOP base lines up when called while the liberals throw tantrums, voting for Ralph Nader, and then 16 years later for Jill Stein."

Pretty sure in 2106 Gary Johnson got considerably more votes than Jill Stein.

#31 | Posted by BellRinger at 2024-07-08 08:27 PM

Most of the MSM colluded to try and keep Biden's condition hidden. Now they got caught.

#32 | Posted by BellRinger at 2024-07-08 08:29 PM

Gary Johnson got considerably more votes than Jill Stein.

3x as many, in fact.

#33 | Posted by REDIAL at 2024-07-08 08:32 PM

Most of the MSM colluded to try and keep Biden's condition hidden. Now they got caught.


What a patently stupid thing to claim.

Biden has been subjected to non stop comments on his mental acuity since before he took office. A fine SoTU address quieted them a tad.

Now compare that with the ridiculous ignoring by the MSM of -------- mental acuity over that time frame-bing, bang, boop, H2O, sharks, batteries, Dr. Johnson, Nikki Haley was responsible for 1/6

#34 | Posted by truthhurts at 2024-07-08 08:37 PM

Joe Biden has been a stutterer, and a walking gaff machine, for his entire long career in the Senate.

Now he's the same guy, but older.

Fortunately, he's not a traitor, nor a criminal, nor a narcissistic, pathological liar like his opponent.

Unlike his opponent, he is a patriot and an accomplished lawmaker, diplomat, and Executive.

Which makes it difficult to understand why Republicans who claim not to support Trump spend so much time obfuscating for for Trump and dissing Biden.

#35 | Posted by Corky at 2024-07-08 08:45 PM

"collusion isnt a crime"

#36 | Posted by Alexandrite at 2024-07-08 08:49 PM

You want to see the Press in a near meltdown, filled with hyperbole and self-importance, refusing to actually hear their question get answered, and then repeatedly asking the same question again and again? Today's press conference was a perfect example.

That's why I laughed out loud when I read #32.

#37 | Posted by YAV at 2024-07-08 08:51 PM

" Biden has been subjected to non stop comments on his mental acuity since before he took office,"

Uh huh. 2. Weeks before the debate they were all parroting "deep fake" from the administration of video footage of Biden looking just as clueless as he did during the debate. Hell, it was evident when he barely campaigned in 2020. Biden staffers and allies had been proclaiming that behind closed doors he was sharp as a tack and these people nodded and clapped along uncritically like circus seals.

It was "ageism" even to bring it up. They took their already historically low trust factor and cratered it even more.

#38 | Posted by BellRinger at 2024-07-08 08:52 PM

" "collusion isnt a crime"

#36 | POSTED BY ALEXANDRITE AT 2024-07-08 08:49 PM | FLAG: "

I didn't say it was.

#39 | Posted by BellRinger at 2024-07-08 08:53 PM

Most of the MSM colluded to try and keep Biden's condition hidden. Now they got caught.


video footage of Biden looking just as clueless as he did during the debate. Hell, it was evident when he barely campaigned in 2020. Biden staffers and allies had been proclaiming that behind closed doors he was sharp as a tack and these people nodded and clapped along uncritically like circus seals.


So the MSM was hiding Biden's "condition"-whatever THAT is, but were showing videos and the media evaluation of his "condition" went all the way back to at least 2020

You're an idiot.

#40 | Posted by truthhurts at 2024-07-08 09:03 PM

The MSM wasn't colluding with anyone.

The MSM has been publishing article after article after article about Biden's age for YEARS.

Now compare that with the constant ignoring the cognitive issues from -------, who regularly expresses malaprops, expresses non-sequiturs, gets people's names wrong, wanders aimlessly in his speeches, frequently blanks out during speeches, can't drink water with one hand, can't walk down slopes, can't walk short distances, waves at imaginary people, yeah, the MSM is in the bag for Biden.

What a disgusting joke.

#41 | Posted by truthhurts at 2024-07-08 09:07 PM

Once Biden secured the nomination in 2020 it was all hands on deck for the MSM. Biden's shocking dementia moments were ignored or explained away. That cotinued right up the the debate. A writer at New York magazine wrote a piece after the debate about what Biden insiders were telling her about his condition way back in January. She sat on it for 6 months and probably never would have published it had that debate not taken place.

#42 | Posted by BellRinger at 2024-07-08 09:28 PM

#27 I gave you a NW flag, but your logic only applies after the convention. If there's still time to change candidates and it turns out Kamala has a better chance of beating Trump (two big ifs but not impossible), it isn't really time to start berating people who want Biden to step down.

#43 | Posted by JOE at 2024-07-08 09:29 PM

#42 - Sounds like someone else is having some mental issues...

#44 | Posted by YAV at 2024-07-08 09:29 PM

Give me a break.

Not only is Trump a crazy lying criminal he's a babbling fool. Trump the felon should step down but nobody is focusing on that, the msm is in the bag for trump chaos ratings.

#45 | Posted by Alexandrite at 2024-07-08 09:31 PM

Biden's shocking dementia moments were ignored or explained away.

Biden is way worse now than he was 4 years ago. If you won't admit that you aren't being honest.

My main concern 4 years ago was this moment now, where he is much more clearly compromised and we are stuck having this conversation. A younger candidate in 2020 wouldn't be saddling the future of this nation with this glaring flaw.

#46 | Posted by JOE at 2024-07-08 09:31 PM

" can't drink water with one hand, can't walk down slopes".

The MSM cited those two occurrences of Trump needing 25A treatment.

Biden falls off a stationary bike. Calls up the stairs 3 times getting onto air force one. Trips and falls on a stage. Now wears sneakers with his suit, uses the short staircase of AF1, has his aides flank him when he walks so they can obscure his terrible gait and until the debate all of those things were mostly ignored by the MSM. After the debate he had extreme difficulty going down one step and needed Jill's help in doing so.

You are deluding yourself.

#47 | Posted by BellRinger at 2024-07-08 09:33 PM

" Biden is way worse now than he was 4 years ago"

I'm not sure he's "way worse" but he's definitely worse. His condition is something that does get worse over time.

#48 | Posted by BellRinger at 2024-07-08 09:34 PM

So, what you are saying is that both candidates are old as ----. You will get no argument from me on that point. You WILL get an argument that the MSM has been ignoring Biden's age and mental acuity when it has been discussed ad nauseum for years.

#49 | Posted by truthhurts at 2024-07-08 09:35 PM

#27 I gave you a NW flag, but your logic only applies after the convention. If there's still time to change candidates and it turns out Kamala has a better chance of beating Trump (two big ifs but not impossible), it isn't really time to start berating people who want Biden to step down.


The REALITY is the choice is Biden's. Discussing this issue is expending massive opportunity costs to take advantage of the Immunity decision, project 2025 and a whole host of issues. Time and effort rehashing replacing Biden, when he has chosen to stay in the race is self defeating.

And make no mistake, assume for a second Biden stepped down, well, we would have a month of Dems tearing each other apart over the new candidate be it Harris or any of a number of others. All the while ------- is skating through not being tested, not being questioned.

Then late in August, a candidate will emerge and we will have 2 months to get the low information morons to become acquainted and comfortable with them. All the while not attacking -------. ------- is not going to debate whomever because it would serve him nothing and he will skip to re-election

So, yeah, i stand by my statement. Stand behind the one person on the face of the earth standing between fascism and the White house

You have a duty

#50 | Posted by truthhurts at 2024-07-08 09:40 PM

Biden is way worse now than he was 4 years ago. If you won't admit that you aren't being honest.
My main concern 4 years ago was this moment now, where he is much more clearly compromised and we are stuck having this conversation. A younger candidate in 2020 wouldn't be saddling the future of this nation with this glaring flaw.


Biden is worse, ------- is worse, truthhurts is worse, that is the truth of time.

---- your woulda shoulda couldas. If ------- wins in November there will be plenty of blame to go around and time to spread it-Biden, Garland, McConnell, SC Smith, the Supreme Court, the Democratic Party, Cannon-pick your villain.

Dwelling on that is foolish

------- is a felon, fraud, rapist, mental case yet is not being asked to step down.

Biden is the one person on the face of the earth that stands between fascism and the White House.

You have a duty.

#51 | Posted by truthhurts at 2024-07-08 09:45 PM

" g Biden's age and mental acuity when it has been discussed ad nauseum for years.

#49 | POSTED BY TRUTHHURTS AT 2024-07-08 09:35 PM | REPLY | FLAG:"

When the issue has been broached the MSM mostly ignored it, was dismissive or was actively hostile to the notion that Biden has cognitive issues, apparently a strong case of dementia.

That's why the reaction to his debate performance was so much like a whipsaw.

#52 | Posted by BellRinger at 2024-07-08 09:53 PM

I'm going to go out on a limb and say that lecturing Joe about how to vote isn't something he finds persuasive. Pretty sure he's already on the record of voting for whomever the Dem nominee ends up being.

#53 | Posted by BellRinger at 2024-07-08 09:55 PM

The REALITY is the choice is Biden's. Discussing this issue is expending massive opportunity costs

He will only consider making that choice if people talk about it. So for people who think someone else would be a stronger candidate, it makes sense to talk about it.

And make no mistake, assume for a second Biden stepped down, well, we would have a month of Dems tearing each other apart over the new candidate be it Harris or any of a number of others.

I dont take that as a given. If he throws his full endorsement behind Harris, his delegates will follow his lead. Do you really think Newsom or Pritzker is going to tank the election by stoking another month of infighting?

#54 | Posted by JOE at 2024-07-08 10:00 PM

Biden is the one person on the face of the earth that stands between fascism and the White House.

You have a duty.

And he looks half dead and has millions of people wondering if he'll live until November. If we have a chance to do better than that, we need to talk about the pros and cons, because of the stakes you keep mentioning. This isnt a ------- game. We need to win. And a guy who can barely string together a sentence or stay up past 4pm is simply not going to be capable of waging the full-scale campaign against fascists that this election requires.

#55 | Posted by JOE at 2024-07-08 10:03 PM

I dont take that as a given. If he throws his full endorsement behind Harris, his delegates will follow his lead. Do you really think Newsom or Pritzker is going to tank the election by stoking another month of infighting?


You don't think the party of cats will jump to a new leader without having to be herded? LOL

8 years later and Bernie Bros are still fighting the power. Now we are expecting the various democratic groups to just accept the nominee given to us by the DNC?

That won't be compounded by a supposedly unpopular choice? Who is center left and thus antithetical to the groups most needing to be brought back into the fold?

Then you will have republican and concern trolls like jeff right here in this thread stirring up -----.

Nah, recipe for disaster.

#56 | Posted by truthhurts at 2024-07-08 10:04 PM

8 years later and Bernie Bros are still fighting the power. Now we are expecting the various democratic groups to just accept the nominee given to us by the DNC?

I was a big Sanders supporter. At this moment in time i think Harris is the preferable candidate among all realistic options. I'm just one person but you are discounting the level of pragmatism at play in these discussions.

#57 | Posted by JOE at 2024-07-08 10:06 PM

And he looks half dead and has millions of people wondering if he'll live until November. If we have a chance to do better than that, we need to talk about the pros and cons, because of the stakes you keep mentioning. This isnt a ------- game. We need to win. And a guy who can barely string together a sentence or stay up past 4pm is simply not going to be capable of waging the full-scale campaign against fascists that this election requires.


I don't disagree and if presented with a viable alternative I am all in, trust me.

I just think that Biden is our best bet and Dems spending days/weeks infighting plays into -------- hands.

the time for Biden to have stepped down was a year and a half ago. Now we are here. The ---- it out the donkey, time to make cake!

#58 | Posted by truthhurts at 2024-07-08 10:06 PM

I was a big Sanders supporter. At this moment in time i think Harris is the preferable candidate among all realistic options. I'm just one person but you are discounting the level of pragmatism at play in these discussions.


Hey, I freely admit I might be wrong, I might be way off, but I can only see infighting if Biden steps down. Keep in mind Harris is an ex-prosecutor, she is at a serious disadvantage with the young and minority voters because of that. She SUPPOSEDLY is incompetent, I strongly disagree, she has done what a VP does. Then there is the donor class, that I don't know how they will react.

I do see a great deal of wasted effort and missed opportunities. Imagine for a second Biden did fine in the debate, didn't crush it, didn't have a disaster. We could be slamming ------- about him becoming a King implementing Project 2025, stripping reproductive rights from every American woman, while he and his SC destroy America and he skates from crime, him being a felonious rapist fraud and all.

Instead we have debated replacing Biden for nearly 2 weeks.

#59 | Posted by truthhurts at 2024-07-08 10:11 PM

Pretty sure he's already on the record of voting for whomever the Dem nominee ends up being.

Against Trump or anyone like him? Absolutely.

Against normal Republicans i don't rubber stamp Dems, but you guys ------ up this country way too badly for any rational person to vote third party anymore.

#60 | Posted by JOE at 2024-07-08 10:16 PM

Imagine for a second Biden did fine in the debate, didn't crush it, didn't have a disaster. We could be slamming ------- about him becoming a King implementing Project 2025

That's just it though. The fact that he can't make
It through a debate is exactly why people think he is not up to this absolutely monumental and critical task. His debate put literally millions of people on edge about his abilities. I cannot in good faith say we should bet on him just because he has almost run out the clock. There is too much at stake; we must assess all possible options.

#61 | Posted by JOE at 2024-07-08 10:20 PM

Instead we have debated replacing Biden for nearly 2 weeks.

It will continue until the election. Every Biden flub will be examined.

but I can only see infighting if Biden steps down.

True, but the party elite will decide, not the Democrat voters. The primary is over, Biden's ego won over party and country.

#62 | Posted by oneironaut at 2024-07-08 10:28 PM

His debate put literally millions of people on edge about his abilities.

You have to ask why those millions are NOW on edge? The signs have been there since the 202 election.

Last week I was called a propagandist for stating the 3 videos weren't "cheap fakes".

Now everyone sees, and you're going to take those same people seriously?

#63 | Posted by oneironaut at 2024-07-08 10:31 PM

KJP whines about the press asking her questions:

"Personal attacks is not okay."

#64 | Posted by look_inward at 2024-07-08 11:55 PM

Can you provide a candidate that will have a better shot at beating -------? If so, I'm all ears

#30 | Posted by truthhurts

Literally almost any competent human. Trump is widely hated. We just have to run someone who isn't widely hated.

Hell even bernie sanders would beat trump and he's old as biden.

#65 | Posted by SpeakSoftly at 2024-07-09 12:45 AM

The media hysteria is because they got exposed covering up for this decomposing vegetable for years.

#66 | Posted by willowby at 2024-07-09 12:48 AM

Better a decomposing vegetable than a rotten orange.

#67 | Posted by ClownShack at 2024-07-09 01:50 AM

"Keep in mind Harris is an ex-prosecutor, she is at a serious disadvantage with the young and minority voters because of that."

Are you ---- kidding me? My children are young, minority progressive voters. Most of their friends are so disgusted with Biden they don't plan to vote at all. How do you think that will impact the Down ticket candidates?

FYI, most minority voters are law abiding citizens who don't see Kamala's experience as a prosecutor to be a "serious disadvantage". Your racist stereotyping betrays you.

#59 | POSTED BY TRUTHHURTS AT 2024-07-08 10:11 PM | REPLY | FLAG:

#68 | Posted by Miranda7 at 2024-07-09 02:41 AM

Most of their friends are so disgusted with Biden

What exactly are they so disgusted with Biden about?

#69 | Posted by ClownShack at 2024-07-09 02:53 AM

The fact that he can't make
It through a debate is exactly why people think he is not up to this absolutely monumental and critical task.

Well. That's too bad.

Guess we got no other choice but to crown Trump.

#70 | Posted by ClownShack at 2024-07-09 02:55 AM

IMO, Kamala Harris was Biden's strongest opponent in 2020, and ever since, the Democratic Machine has kept her contained, deliberately preventing her from reaching her potentia. Despite her qualifications, She wasn't selected to succeed Biden, she was selected for diversity points, to help Joe win. They have never seen her as more than a placeholder.

I'm going to go a step further and say it is time for Biden to leave office immediately. That would provide the best possible opportunity for Kamala to show Amrica what she is capable of, and together with her NEW Veep, form a rock solid incumbent ticket for November.

#71 | Posted by Miranda7 at 2024-07-09 02:57 AM

"What exactly are they so disgusted with Biden about?


My guess is that he's not remotely physically and mentally capable of doing the job and his inner circle and media allies have been gaslighting and lying about it for the duration of his presidency.

#72 | Posted by BellRinger at 2024-07-09 03:00 AM

#69 Palestine, housing costs, and his age related issues. Young people are way less forgiving of his memory lapses.

#73 | Posted by Miranda7 at 2024-07-09 03:03 AM

Kamala Harris was Biden's strongest opponent in 2020,

That was a staged performance set up to vet his past before republicans latched onto him for comments made in his past.

She was always going to be his VP.

It was the safe diversity ticket to give moderates someone they could trust and Black Americans and minorities someone to identify with.

#74 | Posted by ClownShack at 2024-07-09 03:05 AM

Palestine, housing costs, and his age related issues.

Palestine, Trump will commit military aid to Israel. They're literally flushing any hope Palestinians have.

Housing costs are no more in Biden's control than mine. Inflation in America is lower than the rest of the world.

Biden is 3 years Trump's elder. Not much of a difference.

Yes. Biden's performance at the debate was abysmal.

But to cut off your nose to spite your face is shortsighted.

I'm assuming they're young and not as aware of the impact of their decisions now as they will be when they're older.

Also. Looks like they could stand to do more research.

#75 | Posted by ClownShack at 2024-07-09 03:11 AM

The Democrat Party (and no it is not Democratic Party) defines how top down driven corrupt politics and deflection works. They are the real threat to democracy. The media has been had.

BTW why is the most corrupt illicit son of a POTUS still in and running Whitehouse?

#76 | Posted by Robson at 2024-07-09 06:21 AM

#76. Democrat Party? Why do you folks so often choose such tiny hills to die on? But there it is, and here it is: it really is the Democratic Party and there really is a Democratic National Committee. What concerns me, though, is the convict-nominating RepubliKKKan outfit.

#77 | Posted by Doc_Sarvis at 2024-07-09 06:31 AM

"The Democrat Party (and no it is not Democratic Party) defines how top down driven corrupt politics and deflection works."

If you think only one of the major parties in your country exemplifies this, you're either kidding yourself or just trolling.

By the way, people who insist on calling it the 'Democrat' party remind me those who insist using transgender as an adjective, instead of transgendereded.

#78 | Posted by sentinel at 2024-07-09 07:38 AM

Well. That's too bad.
Guess we got no other choice but to crown Trump.

We actually have a choice, right now, to do something else. This is easily the most critical election of our lives. You want to follow an 81 year old who can barely speak into that fight? I don't.

#79 | Posted by JOE at 2024-07-09 08:01 AM

James Carville: Biden Won't Win. Democrats Need a Plan. Here's One.

"I want to see the Democratic Party hold four historic town halls between now and the Democratic National Convention in August - one each in the South, the Northeast, the Midwest and the West. We can recruit the two most obvious and qualified people in the world to facilitate substantive discussions: Barack Obama and Bill Clinton. They may not represent every faction under our party's big tent. But they care as much about our democracy as our nation's first president, they understand what it takes to be president, and they know how to win.

Town halls - high-stakes job interviews for the toughest job in the world - would surely attract television and cable partners and generate record numbers of viewers. Think the Super Bowl with Taylor Swift in the stands. The young, the old and everyone in between will tune in to see history being made in real time."

#80 | Posted by schifferbrains at 2024-07-09 08:20 AM

#80 That actually is a plan, and the best (only?) one I've seen. With the convention a little over a month away, people would have to act now and move quickly.

#81 | Posted by Gal_Tuesday at 2024-07-09 09:06 AM

this is what I think of Carville.

#82 | Posted by RightisTrite at 2024-07-09 09:28 AM

That being said ... I would love to see Trumpanzee go up against a younger person who is faster on the takedown.
Republicl0wn contenders are weak. Trumpanzee took down his own party's young bucks... turning all of them into sopranos trilling arias of adoration for him. Even the big bad 2025ers are riding on his bluster because they lack their own...

We need someone with an actual stake in the future in charge... one who will fight for it. It would remind Trumpanzee and the other boomers in denial about their impending irrelevance and how life actually works.

#83 | Posted by RightisTrite at 2024-07-09 09:39 AM

I think the important part of Carville's plan is that it's out in the open and avoids the sense that they are anointing someone. And it would be a media spectacle.

#84 | Posted by schifferbrains at 2024-07-09 09:44 AM

#83 & 84 I agree with both of you. I wish Carville had come up with this plan a week earlier. It seems like it is probably too late now:

Rep. @AOC: President Biden has made clear that he is in this race. The matter is closed. Biden is our nominee. He is in this race and I support him. He is running against Donald Trump, who is a man with 34 felony convictions. Not a single Republican has asked for Donald Trump to not be the nominee. I'm here to win in November.

#85 | Posted by Gal_Tuesday at 2024-07-09 09:50 AM

Actually when I think about it this political climate says a lot about the relationship between the generation of Boomers and Gen X. Boomers selfishly refuse to let go... hang on long past their expiry... and X just doesn't stand up to us as they should. They should be running the show.

#86 | Posted by RightisTrite at 2024-07-09 09:54 AM

"Rep. @AOC"

AOC once had common sense. So did Fetterman. Now they have swallowed and assimilated by the Borg.

#87 | Posted by NerfHerder at 2024-07-09 09:55 AM

'Boomers selfishly refuse to let go"

Yes, like Anakin Skywalker they were the chosen ones- they were supposed to bring the world peace not leave it in pieces. Now all that remains is a very underwhelming and damaging legacy- Clinton, Dubya, Obama, Trump, and Biden, and probably Trump again...

#88 | Posted by NerfHerder at 2024-07-09 09:59 AM

I'm a Boomer and I thought we should have handed it over after Obama he was the tail end of Boomer and did 8 years... I said so many times. I supported Hillary when she was nominated. She knew to retire when she didn't get it. She is doing what we should be doing... thinking globally working locally.

and before you rag on boomers... when I was 20 years old 75% of the world went to bed hungry. They were either malnourished or starving. That is no longer the case. Now obesity is an issue... and complaints about how we got so much food... more people are eating than ever before in the history of our species... but now the food is not good enough?

I thought feeding people would bring about world peace... and it has... somewhat... fewer and believe it or not less devastating wars than my parents endured... trust me our efforts didn't always turn out as we envisioned... but then neither will anyone else's... and there are a lot more of us than ever before.

#89 | Posted by RightisTrite at 2024-07-09 10:17 AM

'I thought feeding people would bring about world peace"

Did you ever for one moment stop looking at it from your point of view and start to viewing it from others'? A bomb does not care if your belly is full or empty-- it blows you apart all the same. And right now, America's most consequential global export is nearly $250 billion dollars worth of goods used to destroy digestive systems, not fill them.

This is why the boomers and America are failing. Ask anyone under the age of 30 if you don't believe me.

#90 | Posted by NerfHerder at 2024-07-09 11:03 AM

To the Boomer's defense for holding onto power, Gen X and the Millennials are nothing but children unfit to govern more than a tik tok account.

#91 | Posted by visitor_ at 2024-07-09 11:28 AM

To the Boomer's defense for holding onto power, Gen X and the Millennials are nothing but children unfit to govern more than a tik tok account.


Ok Boomer

We get it. You want to mess up the country for a few mores years before we put you in the nursing home.

#92 | Posted by Sycophant at 2024-07-09 11:34 AM

Carville's "plan" is moronic. He claims to be offering something democratic, but it's really just a few televised spectacles followed by a delegate vote at the convention. You don't think Trump would find anything to criticize about that? Get real.

Biden needs to resign and throw his full support behind Harris, yesterday. We aren't waiting until August to resolve this nonsense.

#93 | Posted by JOE at 2024-07-09 11:37 AM

Sorry, didnt mean to type "resign;" i think the best move is for Biden to say that being president and campaigning are two full time jobs, he wants to put all of his energy into finishing out a successful presidency, and let his highly qualified VP go on the election offensive and prosecute the case against the most unqualified clown to ever run for office.

#94 | Posted by JOE at 2024-07-09 11:40 AM

To the Boomer's defense for holding onto power, Gen X and the Millennials are nothing but children unfit to govern more than a tik tok account.

#91 | Posted by visitor_

Meanwhile boomers fall for every russian propaganda story they see on facebook

#95 | Posted by SpeakSoftly at 2024-07-09 12:46 PM

Biden and other big wigs like GWBush always want war. They profit from it because war profiteers and lobbyists pay them kick backs to wage war. The crooked Biden family are in on it.They want WW3.

They want American white kids fighting and dying just as they want Chinese fentanyl contaminating prescription drugs. Biden is a fool owned by unknown politicians.

#96 | Posted by Robson at 2024-07-09 06:27 PM

They want American white kids fighting and dying just as they want Chinese fentanyl contaminating prescription drugs. Biden is a fool owned by unknown politicians.

Maybe you ought to read Project 2025's plan. They have a requirement in there that all students must take the ASVAB:

"Improve military recruiters' access to secondary schools and require completion of the Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery (ASVAB) - the military entrance examination - by all students in schools that receive federal funding."

"Encourage Members of Congress to provide time to military recruiters during each townhall session in their congressional districts"

"Increase the number of Junior ROTC programs in secondary schools."

(page 102/103)

That whole document is fckking insane.

#97 | Posted by YAV at 2024-07-10 08:34 AM

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