Tuesday, August 13, 2024

Ukrainian Forces Control 74 Russian Settlements in Kursk

The Ukrainian leader says his country's daring operation is evidence that its army maintains the ability to seize the initiative.



More than two years into the war, with Ukrainian forces exhausted and support from Western allies coming under growing political scrutiny, the raid could also be an effort to inflict a greater price on Russia for continuing the war.

Speaking on national TV on Tuesday, Mykhailo Podolyak, an adviser to Zelenskyy, said the move was meant to exert pressure on Russia to participate in peace talks.

"Simple calls to Russia do not work," he said. "Only a set of coercive tools works."

The raid has been an embarrassing setback for Russia, with more than 100,000 people displaced by the fighting as the country's forces rush to repel the Ukrainian attack."

#1 | Posted by Corky at 2024-08-13 04:48 PM

It's the perfect time for Ukraine to surrender.

#2 | Posted by Zed at 2024-08-13 05:01 PM

Savvy Genius, that lad Vlad.

Has it all figured out.

Right, Ruski-publicans?

#3 | Posted by Wardog at 2024-08-13 05:02 PM


That was sublime, I almost didn't get that!

That's EP's natural retort, lol.

#4 | Posted by Corky at 2024-08-13 05:04 PM

if power from the russian nuclear plant gets cut off it will be felt over a very large area.

#5 | Posted by Tor at 2024-08-13 05:53 PM

Putin controls the media in Russia but the invasion of Russian territory will get communicated to the Russian people who will begin to more strongly doubt their Fearless Leader and their willingness to sacrifice so much for the unnecessory ambitions of him.

#6 | Posted by danni at 2024-08-14 12:29 AM

Did Bush lose control of the US after Iraq?

No he got re-elected.

Same Thing.

People don't stop supporting the Troops or the war mongers.

Wars usually give the bad leaders more control over the masses.

Hitler was never deposed by the Germans, they fought to the bitter end.

Thinking people will turn on their leaders when things go wrong is mostly Not Supported by History.

It's wishful thinking.

If Putin is to be stopped NATO is going to have to step in with actual Troops and fight too.

How likely is that,really?

NATO is just sacrificing the Ukrainians for their own selfish ends.

Too craven to fight Russia directly the just get hundreds of thousands of Ukrainians killed for Western Hegemony that the Ukrainians will not profit from themselves.

It's sad to watch them be so dumb.

#7 | Posted by Effeteposer at 2024-08-14 02:27 AM

I don't understand why Russian citizens are evacuating themself to Moscow by the trainload. It seems to me they should be happy now to be included in Ukraine's democracy instead of Russia's dictatorship.

#8 | Posted by Twinpac at 2024-08-14 06:30 AM

That has to be sarcasm.

#9 | Posted by sitzkrieg at 2024-08-14 08:19 AM


No, it's not. If I lived in one of those Russian districts, I'd be beating a trail in the other direction., toward the winners and asking for sanctuary.

Because if bombs, missiles, Ukrainian troops, armored vehicle and F-16s are headed east, I'm headed west.

Ukraine doesn't shoot women, children, the elderly and other non-combatants just for the hell of it.

#10 | Posted by Twinpac at 2024-08-14 08:53 AM

That's an exceptionally Western view. If you were living in one of those Russian districts, you would be an elderly babushka, all you'd see coming towards you are Nazis, and you would flee towards Moscow if you were able to flee at all. Otherwise you would mostly hide and pray the Ukrainian troops don't use your house as a strongpoint.

#11 | Posted by sitzkrieg at 2024-08-14 09:12 AM

On a more pessimistic but practical note, "74 settlements" is an area about the size of a single rural county in Illinois. If you drive at 35 mph, you'll make it from the Ukrainian border to the Forward Edge of Battle, in 15 minutes.

#12 | Posted by sitzkrieg at 2024-08-14 09:16 AM


Is there any reporting on how the UKR soldiers are presenting themselves to Russian citizens? Are they largely leaving them alone to go about their usual business, or are they trying to establish complete control of local populations?

Are they telling these Russians that their presence is only temporary and that they have no designs on establishing a permanent presence, ie. they're just trying to get the Russian invaders out of Ukrainian territory?

Just what is happening on the ground per your knowledge?

#13 | Posted by tonyroma at 2024-08-14 09:19 AM

Ukrainian troops are digging in to occupy this small part of the greater Kursk Oblast as part of they call a Special Military Operation. Yes, that's a serious answer. The civilian population was already depopulated of fighting age males, so it's a lot of elderly people that either flee, hide, with a rare handful that can speak Ukrainian coming out to say hello. Nothing good happens to them, unless you own a restaraunt that makes Ukrainian style borscht, in which case the Ukr troops are leaving them positive reviews on Google. Surreal, right? Ukr troops have seized the govt, rail, and energy infrastructure and used explosives to destroy the Gazprom switching station in the area.

Civilian news coming out of the area is sparse. Russian govt has turned off Telegram, Youtube, and other social media channels, along with cell phone service in the region. They don't want news getting out.

It's a solid strategic move by Ukraine. To the South the Russians are grinding their way through them because all of the positions are known and fixed. It's a Rattenkreig, a war of the rats where humans hide underground and force concentrations are heavily attacked with drones as they build up. Russian aviation is throwing guided glide bombs into fortifications to batter them down some the conscripts can creep forward. By opening the Kursk front, there are no real defenses on either side. This creates a crazy situation on the ground for the Russians. They have to push in reinforcements down major highways which get spotted by drones and erased with ATACMS fragmentation cluster bombs. They don't have fortifications to move to so they have to rush to the Ukr front and dig in. Instead of digging in, command and control is non-existent, morale is absymal, so Russian conscripts are looting Russian homes. Instead of digging in they're securing loot, so they can halt the Ukr recon elements that come down the road, but the Ukr will attack the next day with a force concentration that marches them down the road and lets them encircle Russian strongpoints and starve them out. Russian forces have a critical lack of drinking water. All that said, they still have numbers. Throw enough bodies in the way of the Ukrainians and the invasion will continue to bog down. It'll go back to a stalemate like the rest of the line.

#14 | Posted by sitzkrieg at 2024-08-14 09:31 AM

Ukrainian war crimes...


#15 | Posted by Nixon at 2024-08-14 09:33 AM


A Ukrainian soldier gave his blue-and-yellow bracelet to a Russian girl. A beautiful reminder of heroism and how love can bridge divides ...

#16 | Posted by Nixon at 2024-08-14 09:33 AM

Re 15

Wow. Thanks for sharing that.

#17 | Posted by donnerboy at 2024-08-14 10:41 AM

#10 The Ukrainians murdered a 24 year old pregnant woman in front of her husband and child. They are using poison gas munitions on the Russians. Looting at will.

You have swallowed propaganda to an appalling degree.

The Russians don't see freedom coming, they see terror and death.

The Ukrainians aren't the heroes you think they are.

The Russians aren't the monsters you think they are either.

Propaganda is a wonderful thing, it makes the truth irrelevant.

And you just lick it up like it's delicious.

#18 | Posted by Effeteposer at 2024-08-14 10:43 AM

Ukraine doesn't shoot women, children, the elderly and other non-combatants just for the hell of it.
#10 | Posted by Twinpac

Before the war they did. See ICC findings.

#19 | Posted by oneironaut at 2024-08-14 10:48 AM

Propaganda is a wonderful thing

#18 | Posted by Effeteposer at 2024-08-14 10:43 AM | Reply | Flag:

If you could kill with irony, it'd have been a 3 day Special Military Operation.

#20 | Posted by sitzkrieg at 2024-08-14 10:52 AM

That has to be sarcasm.
#9 | Posted by sitzkrieg

No that is brain washing, and it's not just with Ukraine.

#21 | Posted by oneironaut at 2024-08-14 10:52 AM

Hitler was never deposed by the Germans, they fought to the bitter end.

Not for the lack of trying.

1. 1921: The Munich Beer Hall Melee
2. 1938: Maurice Bavaud's Plot
3. 1939: Georg Elser's Beer Hall Bomb
4. 1943: Henning von Tresckow's Brandy Bomb
5. 1943: Rudolf von Gertsdorff's Suicide Mission
6. 1944: The July Plot and Operation Valkyrie


It's sad to watch them be so dumb.


I understand. Because it's sad to watch YOU be so dumb.

#22 | Posted by donnerboy at 2024-08-14 10:56 AM

It's sad to watch many thousands die for nothing.

It's sad to know that it's mostly just for Craven reasons on Both Sides.

The Russians aren't devils, the Ukrainians aren't angels.

NATO has no real stake in Ukraine.

Ukraine is not United, if they were there would be no war happening.

Donbass was a Russian enclave within Ukraine, now it is part of Russia proper.

Stopping the killing is the priority for people not invested in exploiting Ukraine.

For them the Slaughter is just Good Business.

Propaganda is like sugar,it makes bad tastes palatable.

It lulls the foolish into thinking everything is about good and evil when that's just total BS.

#23 | Posted by Effeteposer at 2024-08-14 11:48 AM

Ahh that's where you're wrong. NATO has a stake in Ukraine, because of Russia World Island foreign policy. "Russia has no borders" was Putin's campaign slogan.

If Russia was not run by military expansionists with eyes on controlling the Black Sea and working towards having a Med port, NATO would not have a stake in Ukraine.

#24 | Posted by sitzkrieg at 2024-08-14 12:03 PM

but it is, so now there's US National Guard hummers driving around the Kurk Oblast.

#25 | Posted by sitzkrieg at 2024-08-14 12:04 PM

For now.. You have to know long term they stand no chance of remaining.

If the Ukrainians get completely encircled and can't be resupplied....

This is a fun lark for Ukraine, it has little or no Strategic weight.

If NATO got involved directly that wouldn't be the Case.

But NATO populations have No Appetite for dying in Ukraine.

They know it's not really their problem.

All the propaganda in the world won't change that, as much as the leadership might want it to.

#26 | Posted by Effeteposer at 2024-08-14 12:25 PM

"It's sad to watch many thousands die for nothing."

Welcome to Earth Little Poser. Many thousands have died for nothing here over and over for thousands and thousands of years.

"This is a fun lark for Ukraine, it has little or no Strategic weight."

It has huge "strategic weight"

Napoleon claimed that 'In war, three-quarters of victory is down to morale, only one quarter to the balance of military forces. ' Indeed, success in a military undertaking does not depend solely on the number and skill of the soldiers, the brilliance of the strategists, or the quality of technical performance.

If you knew anything about war you would know this.

#27 | Posted by donnerboy at 2024-08-14 12:35 PM

For now.. You have to know long term they stand no chance of remaining.

#26 | Posted by Effeteposer at 2024-08-14 12:25 PM | Reply | Flag:

The Russians don't seem to believe that. They're digging defenses 25km behind the current front.

#28 | Posted by sitzkrieg at 2024-08-14 12:44 PM

Uh oh, Ukrainian looting spotted.

One soldier stole the "Leaving Lgov" road sign.

#29 | Posted by sitzkrieg at 2024-08-14 01:19 PM

Ukrainians need need to push forward till they are within artillery range of everything worth destroying that southwest of Moscow.

#30 | Posted by Tor at 2024-08-14 01:31 PM

Being careful is good practice. Digging in is the right thing to do.

Maybe they aren't going anywhere. War is an uncertain thing.

Odds are they won't remain. But sometimes the odds aren't the outcome.

If they make the Russians see them as aggressors, this could backfire on Ukraine and make the Russians more motivated, not less.

It could cause dangerous escalation. More deaths. Help with Russian recruiting, not damage it.

#31 | Posted by Effeteposer at 2024-08-14 01:37 PM

Digging in is the right thing to do.

#31 | Posted by Effeteposer at 2024-08-14 01:37 PM | Reply | Flag:

You would think so, but the Russian mobiks would rather loot Russian homes than establish strongpoints. They're desperately offering construction workers 8x the going rate to dig trenches and trying to bus them into Kursk.

#32 | Posted by sitzkrieg at 2024-08-14 01:48 PM

"Digging in is the right thing to do."

"Maybe they aren't going anywhere. War is an uncertain thing."

Are you certain?

You don't seem to have much experience regarding what exactly is the right thing to do in a war.

Have you ever even studied war? Much even be near one? You don't seem to have much of clue about them.

I hate to give you such a hard time but you say some really dumb things sometimes.

The smart thing for them to do right now is whatever you and I and especially Pooty Pants is not expecting them to do.

#33 | Posted by donnerboy at 2024-08-14 02:02 PM

Much less.. even be near one.

#34 | Posted by donnerboy at 2024-08-14 02:03 PM

Ukraine is now using air support and expanding the area they control.

#35 | Posted by Tor at 2024-08-14 04:33 PM

They're desperately offering construction workers 8x the going rate to dig trenches and trying to bus them into Kursk.
#32 | Posted by sitzkrieg

Wonder what the chances are of some of those construction workers finding themselves involuntarily joining the Russian army once they're done digging. Like those unfortunate Indian tourists who thought it would be a good idea to visit Russia during wartime. ("Indian tourists tricked into joining Russian Army" www.hindustantimes.com )

I'd say higher than zero.

#36 | Posted by censored at 2024-08-14 09:05 PM

It's been a long three days...

#37 | Posted by LegallyYourDead at 2024-08-14 09:47 PM

@#28 ... The Russians don't seem to believe that. They're digging defenses 25km behind the current front. ...

yeah, The Russians seemed to have been caught off-guard.

Why did there appear to be a lack of defensive capabilities?

Did Pres Putin underestimate Ukraine?

Why did Pres Putin apparently leave such a swath of his country undefended?

#38 | Posted by LampLighter at 2024-08-14 09:53 PM

@#31 ... If they make the Russians see them as aggressors, this could backfire on Ukraine and make the Russians more motivated, not less. ...

Let me restate that in the context of Pres Putin's unprovoked invasion of a sovereign country for your alias...

If they make the Ukrainians see them as aggressors, this could backfire on Russia and make the Ukrainians more motivated, not less.

#39 | Posted by LampLighter at 2024-08-14 09:56 PM

Did Pres Putin underestimate Ukraine?
Yes, and he continues to underestimate Ukraine.

At the start of the war, did you know he had the military convoy take their dress uniforms with them for the parade they were going to have in Kiev?

#40 | Posted by YAV at 2024-08-14 10:32 PM

@#40 ... At the start of the war, did you know he had the military convoy take their dress uniforms with them for the parade they were going to have in Kiev? ...

Yeah, Pres Putin thought his unprovoked invasion of a sovereign country would go start-to-finish is a couple three weeks.

#41 | Posted by LampLighter at 2024-08-14 10:42 PM

Too bad Ukraine lacks the manpower to occupy more of Russia.
They could easily take the rest of the Donbass and the Belgorod
regions if they only had the men to occupy those regions.

Too bad so many Ukraine males of fighting age left at the
start of the war. They could really use those guys coming back
home now.

#42 | Posted by earthmuse at 2024-08-15 11:41 AM

What would happen to the people living there? Would the Ukrainians oppress and kill them like they did in the Donbass 2014-2015?

Would they assimilate the people or ethnically cleanse them?

History suggests they would do the latter.

Russia won't let that happen. World War would be more likely than that.

The Ukrainians aren't Innocent Angels of Peace and Mercy.

They are Formidable Fighters of Great Tenacity.

#43 | Posted by Effeteposer at 2024-08-15 01:03 PM

The West may have created a a Frankenstein they will lose control of.

Just a possibility.

#44 | Posted by Effeteposer at 2024-08-15 01:05 PM

Ukraine doesn't need to occupy the regions they need to make sure it's demilitarized along with all the russian regions along the border.

#45 | Posted by Tor at 2024-08-15 01:05 PM

GFY Effeteposer.

#46 | Posted by LauraMohr at 2024-08-15 01:07 PM

"Russia won't let that happen. World War would be more likely than that."

Still cheerleading for that "world war"?

Good luck with that.

Vlad the Invader knows exactly what he needs to do to stop this.

Pull back his troops out of his sovereign neighbors territory.

Will he do it?

Just a possibility. (My fantasy is way better than your fantasy)

#47 | Posted by donnerboy at 2024-08-15 01:09 PM


Your Hero Vlad created what Ukraine is today... and he's paying for it.

The idea that Vlad was doing Humanitarian Work in Donbass is absurd... he used it as an excuse to further his own long held goals to restore the ole Soviet Union.

Your denial of the facts, as any scholar of Russian history could tell you, is long past being interesting; its a dangerous lie.

#48 | Posted by Corky at 2024-08-15 01:10 PM

Russia won't let that happen. World War would be more likely than that.

The Ukrainians aren't Innocent Angels of Peace and Mercy.

They are Formidable Fighters of Great Tenacity.

#43 | Posted by Effeteposer a

Aren't you supposed to be selling the lie that they're all nazis so putin is the good guy for fighting nazis?

What ever happened to that argument? You used to make it every day.

#49 | Posted by SpeakSoftly at 2024-08-15 01:19 PM

The dangerous Lie is that Putin is the only thing Driving this War.

Putin is a Moderate by Russian standards, Dimitri Medvedev is Nuts. He's far more dangerous then Putin. The late Vladimir Zhiranovsky was also an Over the Top War Hawk.

Putin's SMO was approved by the Duma, unlike many American military interventions that are never reviewed by Congress.

Propaganda is rampant on both sides.

#50 | Posted by Effeteposer at 2024-08-15 01:23 PM

John Marston ...
Thanks to Putin British and German tanks are fighting side by side inside Russia.


What a savvy genius.

#51 | Posted by reinheitsgebot at 2024-08-15 01:26 PM

= approved by the Duma

jajaja! The Duma is a Vlad's plaything.

"Russia's Crazy Sham Election

To retain control in this weekend's Duma elections, the Kremlin has reached very deep into its bag of tricks."


#52 | Posted by Corky at 2024-08-15 01:28 PM

The dangerous Lie is that Putin is the only thing Driving this War.

The Dangerous Lie of the Day.

Give it up little Poser. Everyone can see right thru your lies.

Tomorrow you will have a different "dangerous lie".

Depending on how successful Ukraine is in wounding the Bear that is attacking them.

#53 | Posted by donnerboy at 2024-08-15 01:29 PM

#49 The actual Nazis were also Formidable and Tenacious Fighters.

They Weren't Angels either. Respecting military prowess is just common sense and reality, not a judgement on Moral Virtue.

#54 | Posted by Effeteposer at 2024-08-15 01:38 PM

Putin started this, it's his job to stop it.
But he won't. Ego. Knowing that if 'he' is not
successful in Ukraine, that he will go down as the
Biggest Loser in Russia since the fall of the Soviet
Union. That will keep staying his hand from pulling out.

And so he recommits. And so he gets further and further into
the Ukrainian Meat Grinder. And so he further exacerbates
Russia's current and future woes.

And seriously Effete (or some other Russian defender on here),
do you not KNOW ALREADY that should Ukraine start to seriously
lose territory, that NATO will just finally say, alright, that's
enough, and like half of troops stationed along the eastern front
there in Europe will come marching in to 'save Ukraine'.

Putin lost this war after the 1st couple of months, when Russia
failed to get a quick end to the war. Everything since then has
been the firming up of the NATO position and investment into the

Sorry Pooty. You've lost. Time to 'pack up and go home' and take
your licks. If your lucky (or wise) you may escape with your head,
at least for a few more years, until the Hague tracks you down.

#55 | Posted by earthmuse at 2024-08-15 01:44 PM

"The actual Nazis were also Formidable and Tenacious Fighters."

And Americans kicked their Nazi Asses.

Can I get an OORAH?

#56 | Posted by donnerboy at 2024-08-15 01:50 PM


I've read that one of the Nazi foot soldiers realized that Germany was f***** when he looked in the mess kit of the first American he killed and found it contained Cigarettes and Chocolate. He knew the American was just a dumb grunt but he had supplies on him not available to anyone in the German military that wasn't an officer.

I wouldn't be surprised if he didn't start searching the American for instructions on how to surrender LOL

#57 | Posted by Tor at 2024-08-15 02:00 PM

Todays Headlines for putinposer:

Pay attention to that last one. It's only a "rumor" now. But if Pooty can't eject Ukrainians from Russian soil it could be the straw that breaks his back.

Ukraine Reports Largest Surrender by Russian Troops of the War


Zelenskyy says Ukrainian troops have taken full control of the Russian town of Sudzha


Putin facing revolt as Kremlin 'questions leadership' over humiliating Ukraine invasion


#58 | Posted by donnerboy at 2024-08-15 02:00 PM

If Ukraine can get an entire province of Russia to surrender its neighbors may do the same without bloodshed.

Wouldn't it be something if every Russian province bordering Ukraine ended up being its own country?

#59 | Posted by Tor at 2024-08-15 02:02 PM

Propaganda is rampant on both sides.

#50 | Posted by Effeteposer

So how come only one side had to take over the internet and tv stations and lock up reporters for telling the truth?

#60 | Posted by SpeakSoftly at 2024-08-15 02:08 PM

Any revolt would be Hardliners MORE AGGRESSIVE than Putin pushing him out for being Too Soft.

World War is what would likely happen. Or a massive regional war against NATO.

Which is effectively the same thing.

Attacking Russia proper triggers a Nuclear Response under Russian military doctrine.

Any credible threat to the homeland by NATO would possibly trigger a nuclear detonation in Europe.

Sleep Tight...little Donnieboy.

#61 | Posted by Effeteposer at 2024-08-15 02:15 PM

Attacking Russia proper triggers a Nuclear Response under Russian military doctrine.

#61 | Posted by Effeteposer

It it considered ATTACKING when you hit BACK after being hit FIRST?

#62 | Posted by SpeakSoftly at 2024-08-15 02:19 PM

"Russian court jails US-Russian woman for 12 years over $50 charity donation

Ksenia Khavana jailed for treason over donation to US charity that helps Ukraine"


The Motherland is calling you, Moneywar.

#63 | Posted by Corky at 2024-08-15 02:22 PM

"Attacking Russia proper triggers a Nuclear Response under Russian military doctrine."


What are they gonna do? Nuke their own country?

The "phone call" is coming from INSIDE the country!

#64 | Posted by donnerboy at 2024-08-15 02:25 PM

Sleep Tight...little Donnieboy.


I will thank you!

Russia is not going to nuke us. Or anyone else. Rich Russian oligarchs do not want to die. They like their cushy lives with their ill gotten gains and their fancy yachts way too much.

#65 | Posted by donnerboy at 2024-08-15 02:29 PM

Russia wouldn't dare hit their own pipeline. They're not even going to carpet bomb the region for fear of cutting off their main source of income.

#66 | Posted by Tor at 2024-08-15 02:30 PM

I wish I was as Sure of this being okay as you guys are.

First Putin's an Evil Madman, ..then he's supposed to be Eminently Rational... and Not overreact.

Russia is Paranoid about attack from the West.

Nuclear Bombs are part of this Equation.

NATO is upping the stakes with more Nukes themselves.

"God Dammit all to Hell. They Blew It up".

I hope that stays Planet of the Apes.

Nuclear Chicken is stupid policy.

Sleepwalking into Armageddon,..is just not Good government.

Is the Donbass worth all that?

Especially when Ukraine is essentially a proxy for NATO itself.

#67 | Posted by Effeteposer at 2024-08-15 03:00 PM

^^Chicken Little is off his meds again.

#68 | Posted by rstybeach11 at 2024-08-15 03:05 PM

First they came for Ukraine, but I did not speak out - because I was not Ukrainian.


"First they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out " because I was not a socialist.

Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out " because I was not a trade unionist.

Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out " because I was not a Jew.

Then they came for me " and there was no one left to speak for me."

"Martin Niemller


#69 | Posted by Corky at 2024-08-15 03:05 PM

#68 Dude, I so knew you were coming back with the Chicken Little stuff.

That's why I refered to Nuclear Chicken in my posting.

So Eminently Predictable, it's like an automatic response.


#70 | Posted by Effeteposer at 2024-08-15 03:10 PM

"Attacking Russia proper triggers a Nuclear Response under Russian military doctrine."

Well, the invasion and entrenchment has already happened. What are you waiting for Russkie? Did the missiles fizzle in their silos?

#71 | Posted by dibblda at 2024-08-15 03:27 PM

When Trump is promising to send financial and military aid to Moscow.

#72 | Posted by moder8 at 2024-08-15 03:38 PM

Ukraine has been holding Russian territory for over a week now and there's been no nuclear response or even a direct threat of a nuclear response. It looks like Putin has chosen to allow ukrainians to kill as many Russians as they want since that's less expensive than using nukes. The problem with this is Russians are now deserting his army and joining the ukrainians.

#73 | Posted by Tor at 2024-08-15 03:48 PM


You've been literally nothing but a Russian stooge the whole time. ---- off.

#74 | Posted by LegallyYourDead at 2024-08-15 04:43 PM

So Eminently Predictable, it's like an automatic response.


#70 | Posted by Effeteposer

Yeah like the way you automatically ignore it whenever I ask why Putin had to shut down the internet and take over all the tv stations when he started his war.


#75 | Posted by SpeakSoftly at 2024-08-15 05:27 PM

The second documented HIMAR loss just happened near Sumy. It launched missiles from its hiding spot while under Russian drone observation.

#76 | Posted by sitzkrieg at 2024-08-15 06:04 PM

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