
Drudge Retort: The Other Side of the News
Sunday, February 16, 2025

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskiy, who met with U.S. Vice President JD Vance in Germany on Friday, said Ukraine was not invited to the talks in Saudi Arabia and Kyiv would not engage with Russia before consulting with strategic partners.



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"I hold in my hand a piece of paper."
Neville Chamberlain

#1 | Posted by Doc_Sarvis at 2025-02-16 11:01 AM | Reply | Newsworthy 4

What a Salesman our Pres is.... he's selling out America and the Western Alliance quicker than I ever imagined he could.

When Vlad creates a Manchurian Candidate, he doesn't go halfway!

#2 | Posted by Corky at 2025-02-16 11:06 AM | Reply | Newsworthy 3


US presented Ukraine with a document to access its minerals but offered almost nothing in return

... Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy says he directed his ministers not to sign off on a proposed agreement to give the United States access to Ukraine's rare earth minerals because the document was too focused on U.S. interests.

The proposal, which was a key part of Zelenskyy's talks with U.S. Vice President JD Vance on the sidelines of the Munich Security Conference on Friday, did not offer any specific security guarantees in return, according to one current and one former senior Ukrainian official familiar with the talks.

Zelenskyy's decision not to accept the proposal, at least for now, was described as "short-sighted" by a senior White House official.

"I didn't let the ministers sign a relevant agreement because in my view it is not ready to protect us, our interest," Zelenskyy told The Associated Press on Saturday in Munich.

The proposal focused on how the U.S. could use Kyiv's rare earth minerals "as compensation" for support already given to Ukraine by the Biden administration and as payment for future aid, the current and former senior Ukrainian officials said, speaking anonymously so they could speak freely.

Zelenskyy insists on security guarantees

Ukraine has vast reserves of critical minerals that are used in the aerospace, defense and nuclear industries. The Trump administration has indicated it is interested in accessing them to reduce dependence on China but Zelenskyy said any exploitation would need to be tied to security guarantees for Ukraine that would deter future Russian aggression.

"For me is very important the connection between some kind of security guarantees and some kind of investment," the Ukrainian president told AP. ...

#3 | Posted by LampLighter at 2025-02-16 12:28 PM | Reply

Trump is selling Ukraine down the river.

#4 | Posted by LauraMohr at 2025-02-16 01:40 PM | Reply | Funny: 1 | Newsworthy 3

Ukraine had no plans of sending a delegation anyway. You know why? Because nothing coming from this meeting will send them another dime in welfare.

"MUNICH " Senior Trump administration officials are heading to Saudi Arabia to start peace talks with Russian and Ukrainian negotiators, according to a Republican lawmaker and two U.S. officials familiar with the plan.

However, a Ukrainian official told POLITICO that the announcement of the Saudi talks came as a surprise to Kyiv, and as of now there were no plans to send a delegation"

And that's the Politico twist of the story.

#5 | Posted by lfthndthrds at 2025-02-16 02:34 PM | Reply

Trump is selling Ukraine down the river.

#4 | POSTED BY LAURAMOHR AT 2025-02-16 01:40 PM | REPLY

We never signed up to raise them.

#6 | Posted by lfthndthrds at 2025-02-16 06:48 PM | Reply | Funny: 1

How to put this diplomatically, when you're signing the checks ... What you say goes. Peace is a good thing gang.

#7 | Posted by Bluewaffles at 2025-02-17 01:47 AM | Reply | Funny: 1 | Newsworthy 2

How to put this diplomatically, when you're signing the checks ... What you say goes. Peace is a good thing gang.

Posted by Bluewaffles at 2025-02-17 01:47 AM | Reply

What a Putin sycophant. Typical MAGA Trumpers these days.

#8 | Posted by LauraMohr at 2025-02-17 01:50 AM | Reply | Newsworthy 1

BTW It's Congress that signs the checks. Not the executive branch. God learn something for once

#9 | Posted by LauraMohr at 2025-02-17 02:00 AM | Reply

I'm sorry Laura, who is in charge of Congress right now? Also, remind me again who signs bills into laws? Oh wait ...

#10 | Posted by Bluewaffles at 2025-02-17 02:54 AM | Reply

The historic parallels are incredible. A Democratic VPOTUS loses in 1968 because of war (Vietnam), a Democratic VPOTUS loses in 2024 because of war (Gaza). Both DNC conventions were in Chicago and both locked out the antiwar voices. In Munich 1938, the Great Powers sold Czechoslovakia out, in 2025 the Great Powers sold Ukraine out. Post-Spanish flu America experienced the Roaring 20s with an unregulated stock market; post COVID America has an unregulated crypto-currency market. The 1930s was the acme of fascism, the 2020s are experiencing a similar phenomenon.

#11 | Posted by C0RI0LANUS at 2025-02-17 03:11 AM | Reply

"What a Salesman our Pres is.... he's selling out America and the Western Alliance quicker than I ever imagined he could."

He's not selling, he's just obeying orders from Putin. Trump is a good, obedient Nazi.

#12 | Posted by danni at 2025-02-17 10:46 AM | Reply | Newsworthy 2

Trump is a good, obedient Nazi.


Donald is just a very good Nazi dog.

I am told that Good Doggie Donald is capable of great ferocity when dealing with transgender people.

#13 | Posted by Zed at 2025-02-17 12:13 PM | Reply

This is the same thing that Trump did to the Palestinians in 2020. They included Israel, Turkey, UAE and Saudi Arabia but excluded Palestinians. A few years late we now have Trump and Israel conspiring to commit genocide against the Palestinian people. Ukraine, or anyone else for that matter, have no reason they should trust Trump.

#14 | Posted by johnny_hotsauce at 2025-02-17 01:09 PM | Reply | Newsworthy 2

Ukraine will never give up no matter what fat orange Quisling says or his dwarf butt buddy back in Moscow. Keep fighting Ukraine we are getting a dead Russian fascist for every penny these days.

#15 | Posted by Wildman62 at 2025-02-17 03:55 PM | Reply

"Peace is a good thing gang."

Says one of the right wing cowards that dragged us into Iraq and let Bin Laden escape in Afghanistan so as to prolong the war there and then betrayed the Afghan people and their military when Hair Fuerer made a secret deal behind the legal government of Afghanistan. Move along ------- nobody cares what people like you think you ------- hypocrite.

#16 | Posted by Wildman62 at 2025-02-17 03:59 PM | Reply | Newsworthy 2

Peace is a good thing gang.

That's the funniest thing you've written.

You're a Trump sycophant.

War is good in Israel but bad in the Ukraine.

If Trump wants to start a war to, let's say, take over the Panama Canal or Greenland, you'd be cheering him on and plastering yourself with American flags.

#17 | Posted by ClownShack at 2025-02-17 04:18 PM | Reply

He's not selling, he's just obeying orders from Putin. Trump is a good, obedient Nazi.

#12 | POSTED BY DANNI AT 2025-02-17 10:46 AM | FLAG: | NEWSWORTHY 1

Per usual you learned nothing from the election. The majority of the voters realized that the Dems made up the entire Russian hoax but you can keep it up if it makes you feel better. Just another stupid Liberal that has been proven to be stupid. Congrats.

#18 | Posted by fishpaw at 2025-02-17 07:49 PM | Reply

Ukraine will never give up no matter what fat orange Quisling says or his dwarf butt buddy back in Moscow. Keep fighting Ukraine we are getting a dead Russian fascist for every penny these days.

#15 | Posted by Wildman62

You're free to go to Ukraine and kill fascist if you really believe that

But you won't, typical American all bluster.

#19 | Posted by oneironaut at 2025-02-17 08:33 PM | Reply

We never signed up to raise them.

#6 | Posted by lfthndthrds

America did in the 90s, but then America goaded Russia into war from 2008

America is sinful

#20 | Posted by oneironaut at 2025-02-17 08:36 PM | Reply


Because you're maga scum you'll continue to suck Putin's taint.

#21 | Posted by reinheitsgebot at 2025-02-17 08:36 PM | Reply

IAMRUNT would make a fine orc meat cube.

#22 | Posted by reinheitsgebot at 2025-02-17 08:38 PM | Reply

I wouldn't say I'm a Trump sycophant Clown, but really more of an "owning the Libs" kind of guy and I don't have a problem saying that either. It's just hilarious he gets under the collective skin of the Left the way he does and that's why I support him.

#23 | Posted by Bluewaffles at 2025-02-18 01:43 AM | Reply

I wouldn't say I'm a Trump sycophant Clown, but really more of an "owning the Libs" kind of guy and I don't have a problem saying that either. It's just hilarious he gets under the collective skin of the Left the way he does and that's why I support him.

Posted by Bluewaffles at 2025-02-18 01:43 AM | Reply

So you're one of those types ehhhhhhhhhhh?? A word of warning. While you are trying to own the liberals that you don't own yourself in the process. There will come a time where you will desperately need our help and we'll laugh at you to your face. Just sayin

#24 | Posted by LauraMohr at 2025-02-18 01:53 AM | Reply

"I wouldn't say I'm a Trump sycophant ... "

No, go on, you can say the quiet part out loud.
(Cute little bao jar you got there, by the way.)

#25 | Posted by Doc_Sarvis at 2025-02-18 05:32 AM | Reply

So you're one of those types ehhhhhhhhhhh?? A word of warning. While you are trying to own the liberals that you don't own yourself in the process. There will come a time where you will desperately need our help and we'll laugh at you to your face. Just sayin

#24 | Posted by LauraMohr at 2025-02-18 01:53 AM | Reply | Flag:

Forget it Laura, your type is beyond asking for help. The party that you represent is done with, the American people made that abundantly clear. Your comments carry no weight from being wrong for so long.

#26 | Posted by fishpaw at 2025-02-18 12:53 PM | Reply | Newsworthy 1

The party that you represent is done with, the American people made that abundantly clear.


MAGA mythology employed to save your own pathetic ego.

Trump is already collapsing.

Sit down and shut up for a few minutes and you will feel it for yourself.

#27 | Posted by Zed at 2025-02-18 12:59 PM | Reply


It's no one's fault but your own that you fail to see (or likely just fail to admit) what a vicious and incompetent bastard Donald is.

Even at those times when the man is most visibly vicious and incompetent you play the part of a happy clam: sightless, unable to hear, and buried in mud.

There have not been a worse four months in any presidency since the Civil War.

And to top it off, Musk and Trump together think that you have your Social Security check because of fraud.

You people are making your own luck, and my how it sucks.

#28 | Posted by Zed at 2025-02-18 01:08 PM | Reply

"There have not been a worse first months in any presidency since the Civil War

That's a challenge to you, personally, Mr. MAGA to find any.

#29 | Posted by Zed at 2025-02-18 01:09 PM | Reply

"The party that you represent is done with, the American people made that abundantly clear."

I'll take "statements that don't age well" for 400 eggs.

This same thing is said pretty much after every election. I may even have said it myself after the GW Bush Error. Yet republicans now control all three branches of government. Who'd a thunk it? Not me.

Time to grow up little Fishpoo.

Now Republicans actually have to govern to hold that power and the People will have to approve of how you are governing or they will just throw you out, too.

#30 | Posted by donnerboy at 2025-02-18 01:10 PM | Reply | Newsworthy 1

Trump is already collapsing.
- zed

Where does it say this?

I have seen polling where he's almost as high as Obama was.

#31 | Posted by oneironaut at 2025-02-18 01:12 PM | Reply


DonnerBot, you have to admit Democrat response has been timid and shouting in X.

Not a good look, also there's no clear message of how Democrats will make America great again.

#32 | Posted by oneironaut at 2025-02-18 01:14 PM | Reply

Time to grow up little Fishpoo.
- DonnerBots

This is self retorting.

#33 | Posted by oneironaut at 2025-02-18 01:14 PM | Reply

We never signed up to raise them.

#6 | Posted by lfthndthrds

America did in the 90s, but then America goaded Russia into war from 2008

America is sinful

#20 | Posted by oneironaut at 2025-02-17

#6 Of course we signed up to "raise them" and protect them but we didn't ever present it for ratification.

#8 Quit being a Putin apologist. We didn't goad Russia into anything Putin goaded others into action.

#34 | Posted by GalaxiePete at 2025-02-18 01:15 PM | Reply

Remember when Biden said it all depends upon how big an incursion by Russia would be?

Kinda left Ukraine out of the loop didn't he?

#35 | Posted by oneironaut at 2025-02-18 01:16 PM | Reply

#6 Of course we signed up to "raise them" and protect them but we didn't ever present it for ratification.
- galaxie

Just more sins by the Americans, what good is your word?

#36 | Posted by oneironaut at 2025-02-18 01:17 PM | Reply

The party that you represent is done with, the American people made that abundantly clear.


You must be referring to republicans plan to rig every future election, since the american people only vote for trump by like 1%, which wouldnt be the end of any party unless their opponent was going to rig the game so they can never come back.

#37 | Posted by SpeakSoftly at 2025-02-18 01:18 PM | Reply

Trump is underwater at 48 percent approval, Obama at 59. Even GW is at 52.

Trump is tied with Bubba. And 1Nut again proves he is a perfect reverse barometer for facts.

#38 | Posted by Corky at 2025-02-18 01:19 PM | Reply | Funny: 1

#8 Quit being a Putin apologist. We didn't goad Russia into anything Putin goaded others into action.
- galaxie

Out of a reasoned response I see. There's plenty of documentation from 2008 to the CIA in 2014, and the nuland recording.

But Russia Russia Russia.

This is the level of discourse from the "let's have that conversation" group.

#39 | Posted by oneironaut at 2025-02-18 01:19 PM | Reply

#38 oh please Corkster the media poling is and always was way off.

#40 | Posted by oneironaut at 2025-02-18 01:22 PM | Reply

This is the level of discourse from the "let's have that conversation" group.

#39 | Posted by oneironaut

Let's have a conversation about how you imagine trump ended up with russian asset paul manafort as his campaign manager - a man trump didn't know, who charged trump nothing, who was in debt to putin for 17 million, and who immediately rewrote the GOP platform to let putin keep crimea.

#41 | Posted by SpeakSoftly at 2025-02-18 01:37 PM | Reply

"Trump is already collapsing"

Where does it say this?


It's more of a look around and believe your eyes sort of thing.

However, I do appreciate this look into your personal psychology.

Perhaps we should start with "where", if something said this, you would believe it.

#42 | Posted by Zed at 2025-02-18 02:00 PM | Reply

1Nut has managed to become the most easily exposed and most often beaten Trump mule on the site.

Congrats, I guess.

#43 | Posted by Corky at 2025-02-18 02:30 PM | Reply

Forget it Laura, your type is beyond asking for help. The party that you represent is done with, the American people made that abundantly clear. Your comments carry no weight from being wrong for so long.

Posted by fishpaw at 2025-02-18 12:53 PM | Reply

God you're just so ignorant aren't you?? Trump barely won the presidency by just about 1.6 percentage points. He didn't even get 50%. You really need to get a clue. You really do.

#44 | Posted by LauraMohr at 2025-02-18 02:43 PM | Reply

"You're free to go to Ukraine and kill fascist if you really believe that"

Other than being in my late 40s with a son, I send money to Ukraine fundraisers. They buy equipment with it to help kill Orcs.

#45 | Posted by dibblda at 2025-02-18 04:18 PM | Reply

They need people, not equipment. They have tons of equipment.

#46 | Posted by sitzkrieg at 2025-02-18 04:48 PM | Reply

Other than being in my late 40s with a son, I send money to Ukraine fundraisers. They buy equipment with it to help kill Orcs.
#45 | Posted by dibblda


They need people.
Plenty of fathers have died for the cause.
But you send cash...

#47 | Posted by oneironaut at 2025-02-18 05:13 PM | Reply

#43 look at Corkythebigot posting for likes.

What sorry state.

I was against the war before Trump showed up.

Keep posting, someone will give you a funny or newsworthy.

#48 | Posted by oneironaut at 2025-02-18 05:15 PM | Reply

I love the sound of 1Nut whining in the afternoon.

It reminds me the pig farms I drove past in Iowa last year, lmao! Smells the same, too.

#49 | Posted by Corky at 2025-02-18 05:21 PM | Reply

As U.S. and Putin negotiate, intel shows he's not interested 'in a real peace deal,' sources say

... Intelligence suggests Russian President Vladimir Putin is going through the motions and still thinks he can eventually control all of Ukraine, the sources told NBC News.

As the Trump administration begins preliminary talks with Russian officials about ending the war in Ukraine, intelligence from the United States and close allies shows that Russian President Vladimir Putin still wants to control all of Ukraine, according to four Western intelligence officials and two U.S. congressional officials.

"We have zero intelligence that Putin is interested in a real peace deal right now," one of the congressional officials said.

Putin is sending representatives to Saudi Arabia for negotiations Tuesday with the U.S. that are aimed at ending the war. But, the six officials said, current intelligence shows Putin still believes he can wait out Ukraine and Europe to eventually control all of Ukraine.

"He thinks he's winning," one of the Western intelligence officials said, adding that Russian losses on the battlefield are not pressuring Putin to stop fighting. ...

Of course Pres Putin thinks he is winning. At the negotiations table his adversary is President Trump who seems to think that a surrener to Pres Putin is winning because the war ended. (but did it really end?)

#50 | Posted by LampLighter at 2025-02-18 05:34 PM | Reply

He won as soon as his Boy Trump was elected, and he knows it.

#51 | Posted by Corky at 2025-02-18 06:01 PM | Reply | Newsworthy 1

(but did it really end?)

#50 | Posted by LampLighter at 2025-02-18 05:34 PM | Reply

If Russia recognizes Ukraine's sovereignty and legitimizes their elected government then it's really ended. It's going to take some trades to make it happen.

#52 | Posted by sitzkrieg at 2025-02-18 06:13 PM | Reply | Newsworthy 1

Demented Rapist Falsely Claims Ukraine Started War

#53 | Posted by reinheitsgebot at 2025-02-18 06:25 PM | Reply | Newsworthy 1

@#52 ... If Russia recognizes Ukraine's sovereignty and legitimizes their elected government then it's really ended. ...

Russia has already violated Ukraine's sovereignty. Will Pres Putin return the land he seized illegally and recognize that returning of illegal lands?

Why should Russia have any say in "legitimizing" Ukraine's elected government? The last time Russia "legitimized Ukraine's elected government, it resulted in the leader fleeing to Russia.

Then there is the NATO thing. Surrender-Pres Trump has already ceded that to Pres Putin.

So, at the start, the US-Russia negotiations look to be moving towards a goal of surrender of Pres trump to Pres Putin, but Pres trump declaring it a victory.

#54 | Posted by LampLighter at 2025-02-18 06:40 PM | Reply

"They need people.
Plenty of fathers have died for the cause.
But you send cash..."

No, they need supplies.

Anywho, I donated 20 dollars in your name to a Ukrainian organization of my choice Oneironaut. Enjoy!

Organization: 69th SB / Help99 / Rotary Klubi Tallinn Vanalinn
Campaign: Quick donation to 69th Sniffing Brigade for evacuation Trucks
Donor Name:(Anonymous Donor)
Amount: $21.08
Dedication Type: In honor of
Honoree Name: Oneironaut

#55 | Posted by dibblda at 2025-02-18 07:21 PM | Reply | Newsworthy 1

I hope your handlers don't google and cross check your username here and Ukranian war donation sites.

#56 | Posted by dibblda at 2025-02-18 07:28 PM | Reply

Ukraine is like Iraq. No different. Who policed the US while we were doing the same thing? No one... Why? because we could... Sleep it off and shut the f up.

#57 | Posted by lfthndthrds at 2025-02-18 07:36 PM | Reply

@#57 ... Ukraine is like Iraq. ...

How so?

Please be specific.


#58 | Posted by LampLighter at 2025-02-18 08:02 PM | Reply

Trump levels stunning criticisms against Zelensky after Russia talks

... President Trump sharply criticized Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky on Tuesday, after U.S. officials met for talks with Russia, from which Ukraine was excluded.

Why it matters: Trump's comments -- falsely suggesting Ukraine started the war and that Zelensky is deeply unpopular with his own people -- will supercharge fears among Ukraine and U.S. allies that the Trump administration is siding with Moscow ahead of possible peace talks.

- - - They could also increase the tension and suspicion between the Trump administration and the Zelensky government.


#59 | Posted by LampLighter at 2025-02-18 10:29 PM | Reply


So, Pres Trump seems to be diving into his role as the surrender President, little more than a sock-puppet for Pres Putin?

#60 | Posted by LampLighter at 2025-02-18 10:30 PM | Reply

Gee, I hope none of those Ukrainian drones set Mar-A-Lardo on fire....

#61 | Posted by LegallyYourDead at 2025-02-18 10:49 PM | Reply

Russia has already violated Ukraine's sovereignty.

#54 | Posted by LampLighter at 2025-02-18 06:40 PM | Reply | Flag:

It's not that simple.

Russia doesn't recognize the Zelensky government, nor the revolution as being legal, therefore it does not recognize the sovereignty of Ukraine. If you meet with somebody you don't recognize, you are now recognizing them. They are not going to recognize them without incentives, they're winning.

#62 | Posted by sitzkrieg at 2025-02-19 07:37 AM | Reply

And they are going to lose territory. Crimea, Donetsk, Luhansk. There is no ability to take them back. Failure to recognize that is childish at best, and the longer it takes to do that, the more land Ukraine will lose.

#63 | Posted by sitzkrieg at 2025-02-19 07:39 AM | Reply

I wonder how long it'll be before President Donald "Neville Chamberlain" declares peace for our time.

#64 | Posted by TrueBlue at 2025-02-19 08:01 AM | Reply

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