Thursday, July 25, 2024

Harris Wasn't the Border Czar. Here's What She Really Did.

Ever since a spring 2021 White House meeting when Biden announced he was asking Harris to take the lead on a major immigration initiative, the vice president has been the face of the administration's response to migration at the Southern border. But if you actually watch that video, you'll notice something: Biden never called Harris a "border czar," or even implied she'll be taking the lead for administration policy.



As the full meeting transcript makes clear, he was simply tapping Harris to work with foreign governments, businesses and local organizations on the "root causes" of migration from the "Northern Triangle" countries of El Salvador, Guatemala and Honduras.

"She was not in charge of what happened at the U.S.-Mexico border. She was not a border czar," Theresa Cardinal Brown, director of immigration policy at the Bipartisan Policy Center, told HuffPost.

That doesn't mean Harris can - or should - avoid questions about Biden administration immigration policy. She has been a voice in the room. And given the positions she took before becoming vice president, it's entirely possible she would have taken a similar approach to the border had she, not Biden, been the ultimate decision maker.

A Harris win would keep a proponent of reform legislation in the White House, though her ability to deliver it would obviously depend on her negotiating skills and which party controls Congress. In the meantime, it's safe to assume Harris would likely use her executive authority over border enforcement by trying - as Biden did - to find some sort of middle path that blends tighter border controls with new methods for processing migrants. And she'd probably keep paying attention to root causes, in Central America and maybe beyond.

Such an approach certainly wouldn't solve the problems associated with immigration in a single year, or even a single presidential term. But considering immigration's complexity, and what's actually feasible as policy and politics today, Harris could make a credible case there's no better alternative.

The full article goes into fact-based details and comments from various experts invested in solving the immigration crisis and tells the stories, lessons-learned, and the public mistakes Harris made during the course of her educational journey taking her to various involved countries while personally interacting with stakeholders. One of the facts learned was that the immigrants' coming in great numbers today aren't coming from the same countries, nor for the same reasons as earlier waves, and there are record numbers of both women and children, exacerbating already strained resources in the US, Mexico and other countries their journey to America takes them through.

But whenever talking about immigration, everyone should remember this:

For most Democrats and at least some Republicans, the best policy response would be legislation simultaneously increasing security and increasing the capacity for processing migrants trying to enter legally -- and, in some fashion, dealing with the estimated 11 million undocumented immigrants already in the U.S.

Twice in the last decade, Congress has come close to passing such legislation on a bipartisan basis. Both times, anti-immigration Republicans killed it.

#1 | Posted by tonyroma at 2024-07-25 06:22 PM

this rewriting of recent history by the MSM is why nobody trusts them.

#2 | Posted by BellRinger at 2024-07-25 06:44 PM


Trumpringer trusts Trump instead.

#3 | Posted by Corky at 2024-07-25 06:54 PM


'Rewriting' means facts, evidence, and expert analysis that undermines the right wing-created narrative.

#4 | Posted by tonyroma at 2024-07-25 06:57 PM


You can do better than that. Who labeled her Border Czar and what was she supposed to do in that role?

Be specific.

#5 | Posted by rstybeach11 at 2024-07-25 07:00 PM

" You can do better than that. Who labeled her Border Czar and what was she supposed to do in that role?"

Axios did, for starters.

#6 | Posted by BellRinger at 2024-07-25 07:55 PM

Here is Biden in his own words:

" . . The Vice President has agreed " among the multiple other things that I have her leading " and I appreciate it " agreed to lead our diplomatic effort and work with those nations to accept re- " the returnees, and enhance migration enforcement at their borders " at their borders.

We're already talking with Mexico about that; she's already done that. We're going to be dealing with a full team now that we have to be able to deal with the problem here at home, but also to deal with it now in terms of in country.

And I can think of nobody who " who is better qualified to do this than a former " this is a woman who ran the second-largest attorney general's office in America " after the U.S. " after the United States Attorney General " in the state of California, and has done a great deal upholding human rights, but also fighting organized crime in the process.

So it's not her full responsibility and job, but she's leading the effort because I think the best thing to do is to put someone who, when he or she speaks, they don't have to wonder about is that where the President is. When she speaks, she speaks for me. Doesn't have to check with me. She knows what she's doing, and I hope we can move this along.

But " so, Madam Vice President, thank you. I gave you a tough job, and you're smiling, but there's no one better capable of trying to organize this for us"

#7 | Posted by BellRinger at 2024-07-25 07:58 PM

"Vice President Kamala Harris might soon get a new official title: 2024 Democratic presidential nominee. In the meantime, Republicans have revived a title they gave her in 2021: "border czar."

But Biden didn't put Harris in charge of overseeing border security."

Poor Trumpringer.

Whenever you are repeating Trump's lies, you are lying. Mostly to yourself.

#8 | Posted by Corky at 2024-07-25 08:01 PM

@#6 ... Axios did, for starters. ...

Did Axios attribute that label to VP Harris?

Your current just posted a thread...

The link of that thread... ...
cites an Axios article...

Harris border confusion haunts her new campaign

In that Axios article is the statement...

... Driving the news: In the past few days, the Trump campaign and Republicans have tagged Harris repeatedly with the "border czar" title -- which she never actually had. ...

So, the GOP is trying to argue, again?, against something that does not exist?

#9 | Posted by LampLighter at 2024-07-25 08:03 PM

"In March 2021, President Joe Biden tasked Vice President Kamala Harris with working alongside officials in Guatemala, El Salvador and Honduras to address the issues driving people to leave those countries and come to the United States.

The Biden-Harris administration said it would focus on five key issues: economic insecurity, corruption, human rights, criminal gang violence and gender-based violence.

Border security and management is the Homeland Security secretary's responsibility."

same link

#10 | Posted by Corky at 2024-07-25 08:04 PM

So it's not her full responsibility and job

Sounds about right.

#11 | Posted by REDIAL at 2024-07-25 08:07 PM

the Trump campaign and Republicans have tagged Harris repeatedly with the "border czar" title

Did they also include the job description and pay grade of this position? I can't find "Czar" anywhere in the Executive Branch job list.

#12 | Posted by REDIAL at 2024-07-25 08:16 PM

Jeffyjbell never tires of being humiliated by those he robotically serves

Dude must have really low self esteem

#13 | Posted by ChiefTutMoses at 2024-07-25 08:36 PM

Jeffyjbell never tires of being humiliated by those he robotically serves

His MO is simple and consistent:

1) Read thread.
2) Determine consensus opinion of thread.
3) Post: "That's not true! The exact opposite is true!"
4) Move to next thread and repeat.

#14 | Posted by REDIAL at 2024-07-25 08:47 PM

@#6 ... " You can do better than that. Who labeled her Border Czar and what was she supposed to do in that role?"

Axios did, for starters. ...

I am still waiting for your reply to my #9 comment.

#15 | Posted by LampLighter at 2024-07-25 09:02 PM

Her resume prior to being VP was pretty thin. Now she's ducking accountabity for the administration. If the border and immigration were a success is there any doubt she would embrace the title?

#16 | Posted by visitor_ at 2024-07-25 09:30 PM

Her resume prior to being VP was pretty thin.

That's true. Just AG and Senator from California.

Lewzer's resume dwarfed that before he ran. He had more failed businesses and lawsuits than anyone in NY history.

#17 | Posted by REDIAL at 2024-07-25 09:38 PM

She doesn't want run on her AG accomplishments, that time is also being memory holed.

#18 | Posted by visitor_ at 2024-07-25 09:43 PM

She doesn't want run on her AG accomplishments

She already is.

#19 | Posted by REDIAL at 2024-07-25 09:52 PM

I see gaslighter is living up to his alias.

Did Axios attribute that label to VP Harris?
- Gaslighter

Yes, from the link above ...

Why it matters: The number of unaccompanied minors crossing the border has reached crisis levels. Harris, appointed by Biden as border czar, said she would be looking at the "root causes" that drive migration.

Lumpers gotta Lump and Lamplighter's gotta gaslight.

I really don't understand the literal gaslighting over this, according to Lumpers the border was secure, she should run on being the Border Czar!

And quite frankly Harris is correct, ICE has the reputation of being the KKK.

#20 | Posted by oneironaut at 2024-07-25 10:07 PM

Here is a thread that brings all sorts of receipts:

#21 | Posted by BellRinger at 2024-07-25 10:14 PM

Take the L, bell. you got destroyed in your own thread on this.

#22 | Posted by Alexandrite at 2024-07-25 10:15 PM

Then there is this:

"BREAKING: The House just voted in favor of a resolution condemning border czar Kamala Harris for the open border catastrophe.

Six Democrats voted with every Republican: Peltola, Golden, MGP, Caraveo, Don Davis, and Cuellar."

#23 | Posted by BellRinger at 2024-07-25 10:16 PM

Here is the link:

#24 | Posted by BellRinger at 2024-07-25 10:17 PM

TrumperBell has gone Full Trumper.

Or really, he's just not hiding it anymore.

Michelle Malkin's Twitchy is just his latest depredation.

#25 | Posted by Corky at 2024-07-25 10:17 PM

"Take the L, bell. you got destroyed in your own thread on this.

#22 | POSTED BY ALEXANDRITE AT 2024-07-25 10:15 PM | FLAG: "

Not even close, BUD!

#26 | Posted by BellRinger at 2024-07-25 10:18 PM

Patricide Jeff and IAMRUNT cheered this on.

#27 | Posted by reinheitsgebot at 2024-07-25 10:20 PM

Ballwasher the sad little clown, doing BOHICA duty for a fat phony fraud. Pathetic.

#28 | Posted by LegallyYourDead at 2024-07-25 10:20 PM


lmao.... the Media follows the Republican chant of "Border Czar" so that means it's the God's Honest Truth to TrumperBell.

My, how the flighty hath fallen.

#29 | Posted by Corky at 2024-07-25 10:25 PM

You think because there is no official title of "czar" that she isn't accountable for the results? Like that makes any difference. She failed at every assignment she was given. She would embrace the label if the border wasn't a failure.

#30 | Posted by visitor_ at 2024-07-25 10:27 PM

For over 3 years I've been lectured that the border is actually secure. She should embrace this role as should her cheerleaders in the MSM.

#31 | Posted by BellRinger at 2024-07-25 10:29 PM

She's not accountable for what you think because what you think is wrong.
It's not complicated. Except for you and Bellringer, and of course Trump.
Trump is what you get when you snort pop-rocks instead of eating them.

#32 | Posted by YAV at 2024-07-25 10:33 PM

- She should embrace this role

She should embrace the clownish title Republicans gave here as a political ploy?

It surely has made a fool of you.

The Sec of Homeland Sec is in charge of the Border, if anyone were to be called the Border Czar it would be that person.

Harris has some special projects in 3 countries, not the entire border.

You've become a willing Patsy for Trump.

#33 | Posted by Corky at 2024-07-25 10:34 PM

Her resume prior to being VP was pretty thin.

Yeah, she only won 5 different elections, four in California: Two times for San Francisco District Attorney leading that office; one which was for State Attorney General (- where she helmed the largest justice department this side of DC and the DOJ -); another for US Senator and her last election as Vice President of the United States.

Real thin resume, eh?

Now do Trump and Vance.

#34 | Posted by tonyroma at 2024-07-25 10:34 PM

For over 3 years I've been lectured that the border is actually secure.

Can you provide an example?

#35 | Posted by REDIAL at 2024-07-25 10:40 PM

"Can you provide an example?



#36 | Posted by BellRinger at 2024-07-25 11:03 PM

The press gave her the label, she never rebuked it until now that Republicans are pouncing on her failure. She is trying to avoid accountability, like how she kept black men in prison after their sentences were served because the state wanted free labor.

#37 | Posted by visitor_ at 2024-07-25 11:07 PM


Didn't see the word "secure" in that article. I must have missed it.

#38 | Posted by REDIAL at 2024-07-25 11:14 PM

Here is Harris in her own words:

.@POTUS asked me to lead our diplomatic work with Mexico, El Salvador, Guatemala, and Honduras. To address the situation at the southern border, we have to address the root causes of migration. It won't be easy work-
but it's necessary.

#39 | Posted by BellRinger at 2024-07-25 11:14 PM

The internet is forever and the evidence is overwhelming.

No amount of gaslighting can change that.

#40 | Posted by BellRinger at 2024-07-25 11:15 PM

Kamala wants you to imagine what she could be, unburdened by what she has been.

#41 | Posted by visitor_ at 2024-07-25 11:19 PM

Well, if VPOTUS Kamala Harris is/was a "Border Czar," she seems to be doing a pretty good job looking at these recent cases.

Perfect DNC counter ads below:

Eighteen MS-13 Members and Associates Sentenced for 10 Murders, Seven Attempted Murders, Kidnapping, Drug Trafficking, and Firearms Offenses

Nineteen Alleged Members of Human Smuggling Organization Charged for Illegally Bringing Migrants into United States


#42 | Posted by C0RI0LANUS at 2024-07-25 11:23 PM

The internet is forever and the evidence is overwhelming.

Um. the ---- on the internet is not "evidence" of anything.

#43 | Posted by REDIAL at 2024-07-25 11:26 PM

"Um. the ---- on the internet is not "evidence" of anything.

#43 | POSTED BY REDIAL AT 2024-07-25 11:26 PM"

It is when screenshots and links are provided that directly contradict media outlets gaslighting and trying to rewrite recent history.

See #21 as an example (we all know you won't, but that's beside the point).

#44 | Posted by BellRinger at 2024-07-26 12:09 AM

@#44 ... t is when screenshots and links are provided that directly contradict media outlets gaslighting and trying to rewrite recent history.

See #21 as an example (we all know you won't, but that's beside the point). ...

So, your current alias seems to be admitting that it has nothing to back up its assertion that VP Harris was the Border Czar? (see #9 for details)

Good to know.

So, what else yer got?

#45 | Posted by LampLighter at 2024-07-26 12:15 AM

Crazy all of the examples of her being labeled as the border czar but no contemporaneous examples of the administration refuting that label.

#46 | Posted by visitor_ at 2024-07-26 12:44 AM

.@POTUS asked me to lead our diplomatic work with Mexico, El Salvador, Guatemala, and Honduras. To address the situation at the southern border, we have to address the root causes of migration. It won't be easy work-
but it's necessary.

There's no gaslighting going on here as it regards Kamala's established record. The above statement is almost verbatim what Corky first posted:

"In March 2021, President Joe Biden tasked Vice President Kamala Harris with working alongside officials in Guatemala, El Salvador and Honduras to address the issues driving people to leave those countries and come to the United States.

The Biden-Harris administration said it would focus on five key issues: economic insecurity, corruption, human rights, criminal gang violence and gender-based violence.

Border security and management is the Homeland Security secretary's responsibility."

We can properly comprehend sentences written in English so that intelligent people can understand them. Border security was never directly on Kamala's plate except for its intersection with the five key issues driving the immigration crisis as it is based on the statements made and released by the Administration. In no comprehension of their words is any implication that Kamala Harris was appointed a "border security czar" nor was her task to immediately fix or repair our broken immigration and asylum systems.

She did what she did, and she made very memorable public mistakes along the way. No one is denying that. But based on what other people state in the article, she did learn tremendous lessons and will have a personal basis of understanding that she otherwise would not have to guide her when having to deal with the entirety of this issue as President - again something neither Donald Trump nor JD Vance currently have, and which the likes of Trump, Vance, and Bellringer will continue to ignore while trying to claim that the truth is somehow liberals trying to gaslight. One doesn't gaslight by using whole documented quotations proving that all intentions and directions were exactly as how we're describing them.

For Trumpers and the GOP, any use of the word immigration is directly related to the influx of foreigners arriving at our borders either entering our borders illegally or by use of our overstretched asylum program that allows the possibility of fleeing the system and staying regardless of one's court outcome. So "immigration" is completely analogous to "border crisis".

To the rest of the world, when it was announced that the VP would be in direct contact with relevant government officials in other affected nations, her involvement to easing the crisis was based on the Biden's Administration's effort of stopping the flow of immigrants inundating our border by changing conditions in their home countries that force them to leave in the first place. The whole endeavor was never an attempt at a quick fix just to assuage the GOP's use of the crisis as a fear tactic, it was an attempt to discover if other effective methods might keep people in their homelands, and what some of those methods might be and how best to implement them. The article gives more details.

But again, all of this is based on the reality that when given a chance to vote for change which both parties agree will tighten our borders, the GOP has twice voted down comprehensive immigration reform because the issue itself was too important for their electoral purposes to be taken out of play as it regards blaming the status quo on the Democrats.

#47 | Posted by tonyroma at 2024-07-26 12:56 AM

She was set up to fail by Biden.

The only way to properly address the issue would have been to completely contradict Biden's clear lack of enforcement policy at the Southern border.

Biden needed a scapegoat, made her one and she played along and that's on her. She did pretty much nothing when given the assignment. While she was placed in a difficult position she showed an utter lack of any kind of leadership.

This is an issue that will absolutely get hung around her neck like an albatross and even with our Pravda media she doesn't really have any escape hatches on this.

#48 | Posted by BellRinger at 2024-07-26 01:07 AM

@#46 ... Crazy all of the examples of her being labeled as the border czar but no contemporaneous examples of the administration refuting that label. ...


The Republicans need to prove their assertion that VP Harris is/was given the title of the Border Czar.

It is not up to the current administration to prove the negative.

The Republicans are making the assertion.

What's they got? Since your alias seems to be so sure about it, certainly it has a link.

Yer up.

#49 | Posted by LampLighter at 2024-07-26 01:16 AM

@#48 ... She was set up to fail by Biden.

The only way to properly address the issue would have been to completely contradict Biden's clear lack of enforcement policy at the Southern border. ...

What lack of enforcement?

Following the laws is lack of enforcing them?

Please provide specific lack of enforcement examples.

#50 | Posted by LampLighter at 2024-07-26 01:18 AM

From the article:

"With Biden taking the lead, the Obama administration sent more aid to the Northern Triangle countries. But they had only two years, and Trump, whose singular focus was on stopping migrants at the border, cut the assistance and scaled back other efforts to make it easier to process refugees. When Biden became president, he restarted the initiatives and handed his old portfolio to Harris."

BTW, there are less border crossings now than when Trump was president.

#51 | Posted by AMERICANUNITY at 2024-07-26 01:27 AM

@#51 ... there are less border crossings ...

I'd say that there needs to be a distinction between illegal crossings and those legally seeking asylum.

I have a couple of reasons for that distinction, but one of those reasons is that if all the border crossing are deemed to be illegal, then have Gov Abbott and Gov DeSantis been illegal trafficking of immigrants when they shipped those immigrant to northern states?

#52 | Posted by LampLighter at 2024-07-26 01:38 AM

@#20 ... Did Axios attribute that label to VP Harris?
- Gaslighter

Yes, from the link above ...

Which link "above" was that?

The link from Axios I saw (link in #9) stated...

... Driving the news: In the past few days, the Trump campaign and Republicans have tagged Harris repeatedly with the "border czar" title -- which she never actually had. ...

So, what else yer got?

#53 | Posted by LampLighter at 2024-07-26 03:38 AM

@#46 ... Crazy all of the examples of her being labeled as the border czar ...

So, in your opinion, just being labeled as something is being that something? Even though no evidence is provided for such labeling?

OK, with that in mind, I now label fmr Pres trump as a a convicted felon and a sexual predator.

Oh wait, there is evidence of that.

Does that evidence negate the assertion, or confirm it?

#54 | Posted by LampLighter at 2024-07-26 03:43 AM

What does being a "border Czar" entail and how do those duties fall under the jurisdiction of the Vice President?

Republicans will make up any bullshht and then cry about it.

#55 | Posted by ClownShack at 2024-07-26 03:48 AM

Who labeled her Border Czar and what was she supposed to do in that role?
Be specific.

You can't seriously be asking such a question from BullBringer.

It has been repeatedly prove he doesn't know what the fkkk he's talking about and he's allergic to details.

His job as a troll is to simply post statements in order to get responses.

#56 | Posted by ClownShack at 2024-07-26 03:53 AM

@#20 ... Yes, from the link above ... ...

Note the lower case letters in your current alias' citation of border czar ...

... Why it matters: The number of unaccompanied minors crossing the border has reached crisis levels. Harris, appointed by Biden as border czar, said she would be looking at the "root causes" that drive migration. ...

Not capital letters as would indicate an actual title given to someone.

Thank-you for showing what I had stated, that VP Harris was not given the title and responsibly of being the Border Czar.

As an aside in all this hoopla, this is all the Trump campaign can come up with against VP Harris?


In a presidential race with one candidate being a former prosecutor going against criminals and the other candidate being a convicted felon and sexual predator, I'd say that the GOP may want to come up with better talking points.

#57 | Posted by LampLighter at 2024-07-26 03:57 AM

Biden's clear lack of enforcement policy at the Southern border.

How dumb are you? Biden's policies, which he passed through an EO after Trump told republicans to sink the bipartisan bill, has reduced immigration.

Face it, you're an idiot.

Everyone one realizes you're an idiot.

Continue wallowing in the mud with your fellow trolls.


#58 | Posted by ClownShack at 2024-07-26 03:58 AM

@#58 ... Trump told republicans to sink the bipartisan bill ...

That is a most curious aspect of this issue.

That fmr Pres Trump actively killed the Republican-authored and b-partisan accepted bill to reduced a significant problem at our southern border.

Now, the Republicans seem to be complaining about the very problem they refused to fix.

#59 | Posted by LampLighter at 2024-07-26 04:03 AM

This is an issue that will absolutely get hung around her neck like an albatross and even with our Pravda media she doesn't really have any escape hatches on this.

#48 | Posted by BellRinger at 2024-07-26 01:07 AM | FLAG 000ooooOOOOOOO

I love ghost stories! Tell me more...what happens after that?

Tell me everything!

Scare me!

#60 | Posted by RightisTrite at 2024-07-26 04:14 AM

It doesn't matter what she did, what her title was, how Trump killed the bipartisan bill, how crossings have dropped to below Trump levels, the bloated------------- will get up and lie his ass off about everything and his low iq voters will believe him with the help of the fox -------- network.

#61 | Posted by Nixon at 2024-07-26 08:54 AM

You can't seriously be asking such a question from BullBringer.

That's it! "BullSlinger" fits!

#62 | Posted by YAV at 2024-07-26 08:56 AM

It's silly to focus on trying to rewrite the past and not on the terrible performance of Kamala. It doesn't matter what she was called so why erase that part of history? How did she perform?

Kamala wants you to imagine what she could be, unburdened by what she has been.

#63 | Posted by visitor_ at 2024-07-26 09:13 AM

It's silly to focus on trying to rewrite the past and not on the terrible performance of Kamala. It doesn't matter what she was called so why erase that part of history? How did she perform?

False framing. First and foremost, Kamala did not perform "terribly" in her role. Her role was not to immediately fix the flow of border traffic, it was to find a long term solution for immigration through the "root cause" strategy articulated in detail in this thread's article.

Ignorant righties, like yourself, keep viewing the crisis as something Kamala alone was tasked to repair unilaterally, which was never her charge. But in no reality was the work Harris did in any way a failure.

Jason Marczak, vice president and senior director of the Atlantic Council's Adrienne Arsht Latin America Center, said it's unrealistic to expect quicker progress from the root-causes effort, as Harris herself warned when she took on the task. "The factors leading up to the migration from these three countries, they didn't start last year, two years ago, five or even 10 years ago -- they go back decades," Marczak said.

There's also the inherent difficulty of trying to work on root causes in countries where the government is not a particularly helpful partner, because of corruption, incompetence or both.

If it's too early to assess the effects of the root-causes strategy, it's not too early to see where Harris' efforts have made a mark, several advocates and analysts said.

Cecilia Muoz, a veteran political leader in the Latino political community, cited the establishment of "safe mobility centers" in Central and South America, starting in Guatemala, so that potential migrants can seek permission to enter the U.S. without making the treacherous, smuggler-led journey to the Mexico border.

"Setting up migration offices that involve multiple countries and multiple international organizations is an enormously complex exercise," said Muoz, who worked on immigration while serving as a domestic policy adviser in the Obama White House. "It is tremendously important to have a principal of the vice president's caliber leading the charge, engaging with heads of state, and managing the collaboration between the many federal agencies in the United States who need to be involved in that process."

That kind of high-level negotiation also helped secure more than $5 billion in regional investment from multinational companies like Apple and Starbucks, Muoz and some of the other analysts said. And while Harris' speech and the NBC interview got the most public scrutiny during her 2021 Guatemala trip, what some regional experts noticed was the vice president's itinerary there -- and how it reflected the expertise, if not the experience, she brought to the job.

"She made sure that she wasn't just meeting with the corrupt administration there," Marshall Fitz, managing director of immigration at the Emerson Collective, said of her trip. "She was also meeting directly with Indigenous women, engaging them, making sure she heard them and saw them. One of her niches is women's empowerment generally, and her understanding of migration is very much rooted in an understanding that if you've going to solve these migration challenges, women are going to be a big part of that because they're the backbones of these families."

#64 | Posted by tonyroma at 2024-07-26 09:56 AM

This entire topic is representative of the lack of intellectual depth and understanding exhibited daily by Trump and his supporters.

If a complicated problem isn't solved during a single news cycle, those addressing the problem have failed, even though the same people now complaining were unable to solve the problem when they were in charge and left things demonstrably worse for those succeeding them.

#65 | Posted by tonyroma at 2024-07-26 10:02 AM

So what you are actually saying is that due to the DEI nature of Kamala's selection as VP she wasn't given a critical role. Her role was fluffed by the media with a meaningless label of 'czar'. The administration merely gave her busy work, the kind typically given to DEI hires when there is a low expectation of positive results.

Kamala wants you to imagine what she could be, unburdened by what she has been.

#66 | Posted by visitor_ at 2024-07-26 10:02 AM

So what you are actually saying is that due to the DEI nature of Kamala's selection as VP she wasn't given a critical role. Her role was fluffed by the media with a meaningless label of 'czar'. The administration merely gave her busy work, the kind typically given to DEI hires when there is a low expectation of positive results.

Confirmation of just how blissfully ignorant you choose to remain when confronted with evidence of the truth. Kamala Harris has run in 5 elections and won each of them. She was twice elected to run the San Francisco DA's office and elected State Attorney General. Then she was elected as a US Senator from our most populous state, California, and finally elected Vice President along with Joe Biden. If you see any DEI in this equation, then you're ignoring that whites make up the majority of each electorate where she's won.

And to those like you, no person of color or non-male gender can ever be qualified if you can first point to whichever demonized group of American citizens they belong to by birth in order to demean and ostracize - without evidence - their accomplishments of being far superior to the mediocre white men who fear being replaced by more capable and noteworthy minorities.

#67 | Posted by tonyroma at 2024-07-26 10:16 AM


I disagree Visitor, Kamala was successful at the border.

Its funny to watch Lumpers distance themselves from the "safe and secure border" under Joe Biden.

For years they have claimed it's fine, why not let Kamala take credit, it's bewildering.

#68 | Posted by oneironaut at 2024-07-26 10:19 AM

I disagree Visitor, Kamala was successful at the border.
Its funny to watch Lumpers distance themselves from the "safe and secure border" under Joe Biden.
For years they have claimed it's fine, why not let Kamala take credit, it's bewildering.


I too am confused. I was told for years by Trumpers that the border wall would solve the issue and how Trump built such a big, perfect wall.

Did it not solve the border issue?

#69 | Posted by Sycophant at 2024-07-26 10:21 AM

The only unchallenged ability that Kamala has demonstrated is that she is able to parlay sex with a powerful man into political power for herself. I suppose that ability could be useful in negotiations with Putin or Xi but she's well past her "best if used by date".

Kamala wants you to imagine what she could be, unburdened by what she has been.

#70 | Posted by visitor_ at 2024-07-26 10:26 AM

Kamala wants you to imagine what she could be clearly see who she actually is and what she fights for, unburdened by what she has been others knowingly misrepresent her as, while ignoring her success at both winning elections and helming vital elected government offices over the last 20 years.


#71 | Posted by tonyroma at 2024-07-26 10:50 AM

Clearly Kamala does not want us to who she actually is. That is why her campaign put out the current talking points where she rebukes the 'border czar' label. She had no problem accepting that label until Republicans rightfully associated her with the failed policy of her administration.

#72 | Posted by visitor_ at 2024-07-26 11:01 AM

Every time a Trumper whines about the border, show them this article from a rightwing thinktank.

New Data Show Migrants Were More Likely to Be Released by Trump Than Biden

#73 | Posted by JOE at 2024-07-26 11:20 AM

She had no problem accepting that label until Republicans rightfully associated her with the failed policy of her administration.

Another lie. Post one quote from Kamala where she utters the phrase of "border czar." You morons continue to refuse to believe what's been put right before you from the time Biden stated her role and targets regarding immigration.

Kamala was never directed to deal with affecting the current influx of border crossers through any other method than engaging the very countries listed during the announcement of Biden's policy. She was never tasked with going to our physical border with Mexico - which is why the question thrown her by NBC about whether she was heading to the border led to her halting, disjointed answer.

The policy she was in charge of was based on keeping future immigrants from leaving their nations, then heading to the US, keeping them there by addressing local problems and issues that drive them to immigrate in the first place and setting up in-country US immigration offices where locals can apply for asylum/entry through the legal process without leaving their countries.

But keep spewing the right wing created false narratives. It's all your intellect allows you to do, reality be damned.

#74 | Posted by tonyroma at 2024-07-26 11:20 AM

What is date on the talking points memo? Is it just days old? She didn't rebuke the label when it was first applied, did she?

#75 | Posted by visitor_ at 2024-07-26 11:34 AM

Did you really think the gaslighting on this would work?

Kamala wants you to imagine what she could be, unburdened by what she has been.

#76 | Posted by visitor_ at 2024-07-26 11:40 AM

Kamala wants you to imagine what she could be, unburdened by what she has been.

Safe to assume you have that on a macro?

#77 | Posted by REDIAL at 2024-07-26 11:43 AM

She didn't rebuke the label when it was first applied, did she?

Why is it her role to rebuke something others placed on her? Have you rebuked the fact that I've used your insolence to educate others to the ignorance and deceit of your false framing?

This is the problem with Trumpers. They make up something to fit their view of an issue and then become apoplectic when the actual record of quotes and documents prove them to be fabulists of the highest order, arguing incessantly that the fantasy they created - to denigrate those actually addressing a long neglected problem - was in fact real.

#78 | Posted by tonyroma at 2024-07-26 11:46 AM

What's a macro? I have a Dell.

#79 | Posted by visitor_ at 2024-07-26 11:47 AM

Her resume prior to being VP was pretty thin.

#16 | Posted by visitor

"pretty thin"?

US Senator from CA - 4 years
Attorney General of CA - 6 years
District Attorney for San Francisco - 7 years
Deputy District Attorney, Various CA state boards, Assistant District Attorney - 14 years
J.D. from UCH
B.A. from Howard - polisci and econ

This information is easily obtained. I can only deduce you are among the willfully ignorant. Sad.

#80 | Posted by El_Buscador at 2024-07-26 11:53 AM

Kamala wants you to imagine what she could be, unburdened by what she has been.

#70 | Posted by visitor

You people do this for Trump all the time. It never, ever matters to you what he is or has been. If it did you'd be disgusted by it.

#81 | Posted by Zed at 2024-07-26 11:55 AM

Kamala wants you to imagine what she could be, unburdened by what she has been.


So ...

She is a politician just like Trumpy.

Only a thousand times better.

You still have 4 months. You are gonna need to do better. If we were to compare Kamala's past with Trumpy's past then Kamala wins. Easily. And poor Trumpy loses again and will just have to face justice for his crimes by Kamala's justice dept. And Kamala will go on with her life and just try again in 4 years.

Speaking of being unburdened by the past ... Is maga planning on attacking the capitol again when you lose this time?

#82 | Posted by donnerboy at 2024-07-26 11:56 AM

Biden tasks Harris with 'stemming the migration' on southern border
The vice president is expected to focus on both curbing the current flow of migrants and coordinating with countries in the region to address the root causes of migration.

Tony Roma's gasighting is so easy to expose.

Again why not run on the "secure border"?

#83 | Posted by oneironaut at 2024-07-26 12:00 PM

This information is easily obtained. I can only deduce you are among the willfully ignorant. Sad.

And desperate.

They went from being on top of the world thinking they were going to easily win and enact their evil plans with project 2025 and round up the "vermin" and deport them all to suddenly losing in the polls very badly with their candidate now in danger of losing in a landslide (and who will then spending months in court facing justice and then finally going to jail) in one day.

They are still in shock.

#84 | Posted by donnerboy at 2024-07-26 12:03 PM

Again why not run on the "secure border"?


Because you are not in charge thank the gods.

What she is proposing is common sense.

Your guy Trumpy is running on mass deportations.

So she doesn't have to do much to counter that horrible scenario.

#85 | Posted by donnerboy at 2024-07-26 12:10 PM

Heads up for everyone. Kamala claimed to be integral to the Afghanistan policy. Now she denies any part it and the disastrous withdrawal.

#86 | Posted by visitor_ at 2024-07-26 12:14 PM

Tony Roma's gasighting is so easy to expose.

No your use of hearsay is what's being exposed. We've posted the official statements from Biden and the Administration in full. All you're proving is that the media publishes the right wing's spin on things as a matter of daily business. Here is the official fact sheet delineating what Harris' role was to be and what Biden hoped to accomplish in stemming the flow of mass immigration.

FACT SHEET: Strategy to Address the Root Causes of Migration in Central America

On February 2, 2021, President Biden signed an Executive Order that called for the development of a Root Causes Strategy.

Since March, Vice President Kamala Harris has been leading the Administration's diplomatic efforts to address the root causes of migration from El Salvador, Guatemala, and Honduras. She has worked with bilateral, multilateral, and private sector partners, as well as civil society leaders, to help people from the region find hope at home. This complements work done throughout the U.S. government over the last six months to learn lessons from prior efforts and to consult with a wide range of stakeholders to inform the development of this strategy.

Today, the Biden-Harris Administration is releasing the Root Causes Strategy - a core component of our Administration's efforts to establish a fair, orderly, and humane immigration system. This Strategy identifies, prioritizes, and coordinates actions to improve security, governance, human rights, and economic conditions in the region. It integrates various U.S. government tools, including diplomacy, foreign assistance, public diplomacy, and sanctions. (more details at link)

No gaslighting, fool. Just the facts, in context as they were written by the President and Administration instituting the long-term policy.

#87 | Posted by tonyroma at 2024-07-26 12:14 PM

#84 | Posted by donnerboy

Their only message is fear and hatred, and their only communication style is misinformation, gaslighting, and "alternative facts". There are two broad options; 1, rethink your message and recraft your communication, or 2, double- and even triple-down on the stupid, hoping enough gullible fools will believe the lies often repeated.

#88 | Posted by El_Buscador at 2024-07-26 12:19 PM

Wow liberals get desperate when their hypocrisy and lies are exposed. It doesn't matter what Biden officially called it, he DID and ON RECORD say she is responsible for the border problem. How her responsibilities aligned with that mandate is irrelevant. They quote:

""One of the ways we learned is that if you deal with the problems in country, it benefits everyone. It benefits us, it benefits the people, and it grows the economies there," Biden said then."


"Biden tasked Harris with addressing the root causes influencing people's decisions to migrate to the United States."


""I've asked her ... to lead our efforts with Mexico and the Northern Triangle and the countries that help " are going to need help in stemming the movement of so many folks, stemming the migration to our southern border," Biden said in March 2021."

But very little of that actually happened, so Reps are 100% right in this situation. Harris failed the entire scope of border problems, so regardless of what Biden tasked her with, nothing within the realm of root causes of border security was realized. So she failed. Plain and simple.

What has she done in other countries to benefit everyone? Very, very little. You can research it. In other words, no matter how she went about fixing the border problem, she failed miserably and that can't be denied. Trying to say otherwise is only liberals being no better than Trump.

So, instead of being little sheep and concentrating on semantics and how to make the party not look bad, try using a little critical thinking and objectivity. It's not the end of the world. In fact, had Harris come out and said she wasn't able to get to the root causes but feels that becoming POTUS will give her the clout and resources needed to devote a stronger approach, her stock would have risen considerably in this regard.

#89 | Posted by humtake at 2024-07-26 12:19 PM

Re 86/89

Heads up for everyone!

Maga maroons are panicking.

Stand back and stand by!

#90 | Posted by donnerboy at 2024-07-26 12:25 PM

It doesn't matter what Biden officially called it, he DID and ON RECORD say she is responsible for the border problem.

Just another illiterate liar who refuses to understand that the very quotes he posted don't say what he alleges above.

Referring to Harris as the "border czar" isn't new. Right-wing media, anti-immigrant activists, and Republican politicians have been using the label for the vice president for years.

It has its roots in March 2021, when Biden announced that he would be giving Harris essentially the same assignment he got during his own vice presidency: coordinating diplomatic relationships to address the "root causes" of migration into the United States.

"I've asked her, the VP, today - because she's the most qualified person to do it - to lead our efforts with Mexico and the Northern Triangle and the countries that help - are going to need help in stemming the movement of so many folks, stemming the migration to our southern border," Biden said during a White House meeting on migration on March 24, 2021.

The idea behind this approach is a long-term strategy: Border surges were just one symptom of deeper economic, diplomatic, and security problems these countries face that cause people to make the trek north.

Senior White House officials who briefed reporters before the announcement emphasized at the time that this was a diplomatic assignment: a two-pronged approach to build diplomatic ties with these countries and to oversee investment and implementation of foreign aid to these countries to address infrastructure, grow business, and strengthen civil society.

From the start, though, media coverage and the White House's communication about the role were muddled. Headlines described Harris as the "point person on immigration" and "placed in charge of migration crisis," while senior officials later said Harris would "oversee a whole-of-government approach" to dealing with migration.

The White House's communications team spent much of that early time trying to clarify the assignment, but as migrant border crossings continued to rise, much of the press and the public's attention became focused on why Harris and the administration were not more focused on addressing short-term problems.

#91 | Posted by tonyroma at 2024-07-26 12:32 PM

But very little of that actually happened, so Reps are 100% right in this situation.

She has done more than republicans have ever considered doing to address the root causes of immigration.

And republicans are never "100% right" about anything being the lying bastages they are.

#92 | Posted by donnerboy at 2024-07-26 12:34 PM

Harris failed the entire scope of border problems, so regardless of what Biden tasked her with, nothing within the realm of root causes of border security was realized. So she failed. Plain and simple.

So much lying. I guess they can't help it.

The Vice President and the Administration have already taken action - notable accomplishments include:

*Addressing immediate humanitarian needs including vaccines. On April 26, Vice President Harris announced $310 million in urgent relief to help address the acute factors of migration, including from hurricanes, the pandemic, and drought caused by climate change. To date, we have allocated over $250 million of the total funds, reaching over two million people. We also provided over 10 million COVID vaccine doses to El Salvador, Guatemala, and Honduras.

*Countering corruption and democratic backsliding. Vice President Harris has been direct and unwavering in highlighting the problems of corruption, the need for reforms, and the vital importance of demonstrating commitment to the rule of law, judicial independence, human rights, and a strong civil society - including during her bilateral meeting in Guatemala.

*Working with the Department of Justice, the Vice President launched an Anticorruption Task Force that will include U.S. prosecutors and law enforcement experts to investigate and prosecute corruption cases with a nexus in the United States and the region.

*Addressing security concerns of mutual interest. Vice President Harris launched Anti-Migrant Smuggling Task Forces in both Mexico and Guatemala and secured commitments to increase border enforcement. She reached an agreement with the Mexican government to restart the high-level dialogue focused on the trafficking of weapons and drugs.

*Internationalizing our efforts. The Vice President has said, "The United States cannot do this work alone." She has reached out to international partners to highlight the need for increased support for Central America and secured commitments from a number of countries. She successfully encouraged the United Nations to develop a regional Humanitarian Response Plan to mobilize international donor support for the region.

*Working with the private sector. On May 27, Vice President Harris launched a Call to Action for the private sector to make new commitments in El Salvador, Guatemala, and Honduras to expand economic opportunities. The initial group of 12 companies and organizations committed to helping over 13 million people, offered to provide $750 million in resources, and established a non-profit organization to support economic development efforts in the region " The Partnership for Central America. These initial commitments will provide financial services to small business owners, internet access and digital banking to rural communities, housing for low-income families, and reduced barriers to higher education. Since the launch, over 150 companies and organizations have expressed interest in joining the Call to Action.

Full report here:

As I've stated repeatedly, the efforts that Harris led were long term policy changes that would take years to manifest. They were never intended to immediately stem the ongoing crisis - however, parts of the project (like opening offices in foreign countries where locals wanting to immigrate could apply legally for entrance into the US without leaving their nation's borders) would have immediate effect, but never in numbers to alter the contemporary flow dramatically. That does not define a failure.

#93 | Posted by tonyroma at 2024-07-26 12:42 PM

All the right-wingers can do is lie. That and use derogatory language. They certainly can't use facts. Facts are the campaign killer.

#94 | Posted by YAV at 2024-07-26 12:55 PM

Again why not run on the "secure border"?

Our "open borders, liberal" wants "secure borders".

Here's the thing Lumpy, if you tell the truth, you don't have to remember your lies.

The border is secure. America is secure.

The greatest threat to our safety and democracy comes from domestic terrorist MAGAt Trumpers.

#95 | Posted by ClownShack at 2024-07-26 01:05 PM

The border is secure. America is secure.

The greatest threat to our safety and democracy comes from domestic terrorist MAGAt Trumpers.

But but what about all that "migrant crime wave" that is engulfing and destroying our way of life?

Oh. Another maga lie?


Fox News and Trumpy's latest "migrant crime wave"
meme completely debunked by John Oliver:

#96 | Posted by donnerboy at 2024-07-26 01:13 PM

You people act like we don't have memories. Her role at the border has been very recent.

#97 | Posted by BellRinger at 2024-07-26 01:41 PM

If we swallow the talking points as you all have, Kamala was an NPC vice president. That's not the winning strategy you think it to be.

Kamala NPC VP.

#98 | Posted by visitor_ at 2024-07-26 01:53 PM

Our "open borders, liberal" wants "secure borders".

Of course what kind of person wouldn't.

Open borders doesn't mean chaotic borders, you need to vet the migrants entering the country at PoE.

The border is secure. America is secure.

Thats what I said, why is Harris running away from it if its TRUE? Seems like it would be win for her and Biden.

As I've stated repeatedly, the efforts that Harris led were long term policy changes that would take years to manifest.

Not what NBC said, just because you say it "repeatedly" makes it true?

What exactly were those efforts? I see alot of talk, but not seeing the results.

This conversation describes exactly the issue lots of "discussion", no results.

That does not define a failure.

It kind of does when you can't point to something concrete.

#99 | Posted by oneironaut at 2024-07-26 01:54 PM

Kamala wants you to imagine what she could be, unburdened by what she has been.

Kamala NPC VP.

#100 | Posted by visitor_ at 2024-07-26 01:55 PM

You people act like we don't have memories. Her role at the border has been very recent.

Until this thread, you had ZERO idea what her role even was. All you're doing is continuing in delusion, regurgitating the right wing's created version of her role. Most importantly, the term "border" was never used - outside of a descriptor - in laying out Harris' role. The term used was immigration. (See 87, 91, and 93)

And when Kamala - in her own words - actually starts reciting all the work she was involved in - and what positive changes occurred because of the Biden Administration efforts - and THEN contrasts it with direct quotes from Trump and other GOP politicians on his selfish call to vote down the border security legislation Republicans and Democrats negotiated in good faith, it will become clear which candidate and party wants to and has tried to legislatively address the border crisis and which candidate simply wants immigration as a campaign issue to rail against.

And if you think Kamala is unable to articulate her role in a positive light, just wait. The facts and actions - yet again - are on her side, not Trump's.

#101 | Posted by tonyroma at 2024-07-26 01:59 PM

What exactly were those efforts?

See post 93. It lists them while explaining both their purpose and effectiveness in addressing the issues causing people to flee their home countries to begin with.

You idiots are analogous to those who criticize the medical profession when they fail to resuscitate an ill person whose sickness took years of neglect and bad habits to manifest in disease. The Root Cause strategy is like preventative healthcare practices. It's addressing the issue from multiple fronts with the goal of reducing the desires and needs of aggrieved people to seek immigration as an answer to their problems - thereby trying to eliminate the need at the source, not just our borders.

#102 | Posted by tonyroma at 2024-07-26 02:06 PM

You people act like we don't have memories. Her role at the border has been very recent.

What was her role at the border?

Please be specific or stop commenting.

#103 | Posted by ClownShack at 2024-07-26 02:06 PM

All those news media outlets that called her the border czar are right wing? Who knew.

Kamala wants you to imagine what she could be, unburdened by what she has been.

#104 | Posted by visitor_ at 2024-07-26 02:07 PM

She did nothing and how do you like that!

#105 | Posted by THEBULL at 2024-07-26 02:19 PM

All those news media outlets that called her the border czar are right wing?

And herein lies the problem with trying to discuss anything of substance with right wing fools, safely ensconced in their own bubble, oblivious to the truth even when it's spoon fed to them.

I have never stated that the news media was "right wing," I correctly noted that the right wing invented the frame of "border czar" out of thin air based on proven knowledge that their audience doesn't have the intellectual sophistication to discern a more complicated truth.

And repeating ad nauseam the same discredited non sequitur throwaway line also shows a severe lack in both reading comprehension and applied rebuttal abilities. Be better.

#106 | Posted by tonyroma at 2024-07-26 02:19 PM

And herein lies the problem with trying to discuss anything of substance with right wing fools, safely ensconced in their own bubble, oblivious to the truth even when it's spoon fed to them.

They aren't spoon fed, the media said exactly what the right-wingers are saying.

Biden tasks Harris with 'stemming the migration' on southern border
The vice president is expected to focus on both curbing the current flow of migrants and coordinating with countries in the region to address the root causes of migration.

Should one beleive MSNBC at the time?

OR TonyRomas gaslighting?

#107 | Posted by oneironaut at 2024-07-26 02:25 PM

I correctly noted that the right wing invented the frame of "border czar" out of thin air based on proven knowledge that their audience doesn't have the intellectual sophistication to discern a more complicated truth.

Again more gaslighting ...

Why it matters: The number of unaccompanied minors crossing the border has reached crisis levels. Harris, appointed by Biden as border czar, said she would be looking at the "root causes" that drive migration.

#108 | Posted by oneironaut at 2024-07-26 02:26 PM

And the news media repeated the right wing Kamala is 'border czar' talking point. Kamala waited three years to correct them. Sure Jan.

#109 | Posted by visitor_ at 2024-07-26 02:30 PM

Heres probably the reality Tony.

Biden appointed her BorderCzar, because he was getting slaughtered in the media, and she was complaining she wasn't doing any thing of substance.

Exasperation and dysfunction: Inside Kamala Harris' frustrating start as vice president

So she accepted the role, then eventually realized the REAL problem and She said f-that its your problem, I'll just fight the "root causes", which you outline.

Then nothing ever came from it.

This is the same Kamala that said ICE is likened to the KKK.

She unfortunately didn't lead as leader should. She can redeem herself, but not by hiding from the past.

#110 | Posted by oneironaut at 2024-07-26 02:31 PM

Again more gaslighting ...

AGAIN more FACTS! Aren't you dizzy from repeatedly running head first into my fists? Axios is the media repeating what the GOP created.

Referring to Harris as the "border czar" isn't new. Right-wing media, anti-immigrant activists, and Republican politicians have been using the label for the vice president for years.

The reality of the documented history of this issue isn't going to change. Neither Biden, Harris, nor anyone inside their administration ever used or embraced the term created by the right wing for their own political purposes.

#111 | Posted by tonyroma at 2024-07-26 02:32 PM

Introducing Kamala to voters as someone that lacks autonomy and shirks accountability is not a good look.

#112 | Posted by visitor_ at 2024-07-26 02:34 PM

And what she accomplished in the role Biden gave her is listed in detail in post 93.

And nothing will change THAT reality either.

Trust me, you'll be hearing this straight from Kamala's mouth very soon as she continues to speak to the electorate. Don't believe me? Just watch.

#113 | Posted by tonyroma at 2024-07-26 02:35 PM

Kamala waited three years to correct them.

To my knowledge, Kamala has never said ---- about what the right wing created to call her to this day. It's the RECORD that's correcting you, not the Vice President. If you could find a comment from Biden or Harris to support your assertions you would have posted it.

You've yet to post one quote from either Biden or Harris acknowledging the framing you claim wasn't complained about. If Democrats spent every waking moment trying to "correct" GOP falsehoods they'd never have a free second to get anything else done.

#114 | Posted by tonyroma at 2024-07-26 02:42 PM

The talking points just appeared. Sure Jan.

#115 | Posted by visitor_ at 2024-07-26 02:46 PM

Trolls are paid to waste your time. While you think you are engaging in honest discourse with someone on DR, they are getting paid to misinform readers and counter you with talking points. That's why you never win an argument with them or ever see a concession. Cursing a troll with profanity or getting personal with them is what they want. See link below.


#116 | Posted by C0RI0LANUS at 2024-07-26 02:50 PM

The talking points just appeared. Sure Jan.

#115 | Posted by visitor_

You mad that about the talking points that neuter your talking points?

#117 | Posted by SpeakSoftly at 2024-07-26 02:52 PM

Introducing Kamala to voters as someone that lacks autonomy and shirks accountability is not a good look.

#112 | Posted by visitor_

Someone tell this moron what VICE president means.

#118 | Posted by SpeakSoftly at 2024-07-26 02:52 PM

Biden tasks Harris with 'stemming the migration' on southern border
The vice president is expected to focus on both curbing the current flow of migrants and coordinating with countries in the region to address the root causes of migration.

Should one beleive MSNBC at the time?

OR TonyRomas gaslighting?

#107 | Posted by oneironaut

I guess you should be praising the progress being made then right?
"Border Patrol agents recorded the fewest monthly migrant apprehensions since 2021 on southern border"

Great job kamala and joe!

#119 | Posted by SpeakSoftly at 2024-07-26 02:54 PM

Kamala Harris NPC VP is the strategy?

#120 | Posted by visitor_ at 2024-07-26 02:55 PM

the media said exactly what the right-wingers are saying.


Right wing politicians labeled Kamala the "border czar", the media repeated it, and now you rightwing morons are saying it.

#121 | Posted by ClownShack at 2024-07-26 02:59 PM

The check cleared and the Obamas have endorsed former 'border czar' and NPC VP Kamala Harris.

#122 | Posted by visitor_ at 2024-07-26 03:03 PM

Kamala waited three years to correct them.

She has no obligation to acknowledge the bullshht being slung by rightwing propagandists and trolls.

#123 | Posted by ClownShack at 2024-07-26 03:05 PM


You're trying too hard to troll.

#124 | Posted by ClownShack at 2024-07-26 03:07 PM

That's why you never win an argument with them or ever see a concession. Cursing a troll with profanity or getting personal with them is what they want.

Countering their lies with documented truths is all I want. My messages are geared toward readers who don't know the actual truth by providing both the context and links to support what I claim. I have no disagreement with anything you note, but the more time they spend getting their heads bashed-in by me means less time to spew other lies and misinformation elsewhere.

I consider this a win-win by that metric alone.

#125 | Posted by tonyroma at 2024-07-26 03:08 PM

she's ducking accountabity for the administration. If the border and immigration were a success is there any doubt she would embrace the title?

#126 | Posted by visitor_ at 2024-07-26 03:09 PM

#125 That's just sad. Now I feel bad. So I will concede that although Kamala was given some border related duties, she was never given the completely imaginary title in this country of 'czar'.

Real leaders take charge and perform above and beyond the limits they are given.

#127 | Posted by visitor_ at 2024-07-26 03:19 PM

she's ducking accountabity for the administration. If the border and immigration were a success is there any doubt she would embrace the title?
#126 | Posted by visitor_

Translation: "Drrr...we voted down our own immigrations bills and now want to blame the VP for not magically fixing everything! Drrr."

#128 | Posted by Sycophant at 2024-07-26 03:20 PM

Biden tasks Harris with 'stemming the migration' on southern border
The vice president is expected to focus on both curbing the current flow of migrants and coordinating with countries in the region to address the root causes of migration.

March 24, 2021, 3:28 PM EDT / Updated March 24, 2021, 2:30 PM EDT
By Lauren Egan, Gabe Gutierrez and Dareh Gregorian
WASHINGTON " President Joe Biden announced Wednesday that he has appointed Vice President Kamala Harris to lead efforts to stem migration across the U.S.-Mexico border, as the administration faces growing political pressure to address a surge in undocumented migrant children unaccompanied by parents.

Biden said during an immigration meeting at the White House that he had asked Harris to lead the administration's efforts with Mexico and the Northern Triangle " El Salvador, Guatemala and Honduras, countries that will "need help stemming the movement of so many folks, stemming the migration to our southern border."

A senior administration official said Harris' role would focus on "two tracks": both curbing the current flow of migrants and implementing a long-term strategy that addresses the root causes of migration. Cabinet members, including the secretary of state, are expected to work closely with Harris on these issues.

Of course, cackles was an abysmal failure and did absolutely nothing....

And the best you leftists can do is play word games, what a shock.

#129 | Posted by Javelin at 2024-07-26 03:24 PM

If the border and immigration were a success is there any doubt she would embrace the title?

Zero analytical ability whatsoever. No, she'd never embrace such a title because that wasn't the task she was charged with doing! How many times does this need to be said? I'm not posting it like your discredited tag lines.

And there have been successes, just not the ones it takes legislation to actually ameliorate, and not just by one individual.

Trumpers refuse to see the 4 dimensions of reality, clamoring instead for simplistic 2 dimensional solutions that they weren't able to achieve when they controlled the policy. People are not stupid: Immigration will remain a hot button issue as long as the GOP leads in stoking the bonfire with recriminations and accusations while making sure bipartisan political compromises never see the light of day.

This my friend is gaslighting. Saying you want something on one hand, and when given that thing, killing it before it can defuse the problem, lest you lose a political talking point seen as a useful weapon to attack your opponents with.

#130 | Posted by tonyroma at 2024-07-26 03:25 PM

Real leaders take charge and perform above and beyond the limits they are given.

Which is why, once Trump told republicans to vote against the bipartisan border legislation, Biden took it upon himself to pass an Executive Order to secure the border.

Thanks for point that out.

#131 | Posted by ClownShack at 2024-07-26 03:27 PM

I feel bad for breaking you. I'm sorry.

#132 | Posted by visitor_ at 2024-07-26 03:29 PM


See post 93. Educate yourself because you'll never be exposed to the documented truth on the sites you frequent. They're allergic to the truth, as are you evidently based on your ignorance of what the Root Strategy actually achieved and is still achieving by addressing the issues causing people to flee their countries in the first place.

Right wingers simply cannot continence that by addressing corrupt governments, by placing US immigration offices in foreign countries, by supporting the cessation of gang and criminal violence, by creating resources for women and children where they live will help stop many from fleeing their homes and trekking thousands of miles, finally landing upon our borders as refugees and immigrants under extreme duress.

#133 | Posted by tonyroma at 2024-07-26 03:32 PM

I'm sorry.

Yes, you are.

#134 | Posted by ClownShack at 2024-07-26 03:44 PM

#133 | Posted by tonyroma


What I posted is straight from NBC sport

#135 | Posted by Javelin at 2024-07-26 03:53 PM

What I posted is straight from NBC sport

Exactly! NBC operating in the frame created by the GOP. The facts are given by the participants, not the reporters. No one has challenged a single document on this topic published by the US Government. And idiots like you didn't even know nor understand what exactly VP Harris was charged with doing, nor the actual long term goals of the effort.

All you regurgitate like a sick puppy is the spin. You can't even correctly comprehend what you post yourself.

Biden said during an immigration meeting at the White House that he had asked Harris to lead the administration's efforts with Mexico and the Northern Triangle - El Salvador, Guatemala and Honduras, countries that will "need help stemming the movement of so many folks, stemming the migration to our southern border."
It's right there - "stemming migration TO our southern border" not "at" our southern border. Her job was to work in and with the countries Biden mentioned to achieve the projects long time goals - because thinking people realize that "now" didn't happen overnight, and unless the systemic issues within the immigrants' countries that cause them to flee for America aren't addressed, their flow to our borders won't be either on anything approaching a permanent basis.

#136 | Posted by tonyroma at 2024-07-26 04:09 PM

The check cleared and the Obamas have endorsed former 'border czar' and NPC VP Kamala Harris.

#122 | Posted by visitor_

Is that like when bud light wrote a check to trump and then he said his cult could drink bud light again?

#137 | Posted by SpeakSoftly at 2024-07-26 04:12 PM

#1 The idea to send VP Harris to the border to explore the "root causes" was novel and encouraging. I don't recall hearing much about the results of that initiative. Now might be a good time to bring that to the forefront.

At the time of this initiative, I had an El Salvadoran employee who still had many relatives back home, and sponsored many family members coming to the US. He had a a lot of strong views on this, and he and I talked at length. He believed the problem could not be solved with money alone, because it went directly into the pockets of corrupt government officials. The solution was infusions of capital in closely supervised infrastructure and social programs. But the corrupt government officials insisted on corrupt oversight, so every promising program seemed to fail. They needed schools, water and law enforcement to rein in the gangs that were running everything. The gangs were getting exponentially stronger as good men (including himself) left for greener pastures. He felt a deep sense of shame for leaving his community and wanted more than anything to return home to help be part of the solution. At the same time, he wanted safety for his children. He also lamented that the same gangs were putting down solid roots in the US, so escape from that cycle was fleeting. He said I might not be aware of the strong gang presence, but within the immigrant community, it was already past the tipping point.

#138 | Posted by Miranda7 at 2024-07-26 04:34 PM

From the NBC article linked in #107

"Interviews with nearly three dozen former and current Harris aides, administration officials, Democratic operatives, donors and outside advisers " who spoke extensively to CNN " reveal a complex reality inside the White House. Many in the vice president's circle fume that she's not being adequately prepared or positioned, and instead is being sidelined. The vice president herself has told several confidants she feels constrained in what she's able to do politically. And those around her remain wary of even hinting at future political ambitions, with Biden's team highly attuned to signs of disloyalty, particularly from the vice president. "

Interesting. This is EXACTLY what I said a couple days ago on another thread and Gal dismissed it as a "falsehood" and a "GOP talking point". I'll double down on it now. From the beginning, It has been my view that Harris (despite her qualifications) was selected to diversity the ticket and pull in votes, but they had ZERO intention of grooming her to be the future president. The Democrat power brokers DELIBERATELY sought to sideline Harris, keep her profile low and prevent her from shining outwardly and becoming a threat to their future "chosen one" predetermined to be one term President Biden's successor. Paybacks are hell.

#139 | Posted by Miranda7 at 2024-07-26 04:46 PM

The idea to send VP Harris to the border to explore the "root causes" was novel and encouraging. I don't recall hearing much about the results of that initiative. Now might be a good time to bring that to the forefront.

Post 93:


Desired End State

A democratic, prosperous, and safe Central America, where people advance economically, live, work, and learn in safety and dignity, contribute to and benefit from the democratic process, have confidence in public institutions, and enjoy opportunities to create futures for themselves and their families at home.

Pillar II: Combating corruption, strengthening democratic governance, and advancing the rule of law

Strategic Objectives:

1. Strengthen Democratic Institutions to Improve Governance and Rule of Law: Governments enact and implement legislative reforms towards transparent and participatory policy making and electoral processes, including broad civic engagement. Oversight is instituted at all levels of government.

2. Combat Corruption: Governments are freed from entrenched networks of corruption and impunity. They develop and strengthen independent and transparent systems to eliminate conflicts of interest, including in selection of judges and other government personnel.

3. Improve Government Service Delivery: Governments improve capacity to raise and manage public resources, initiate reforms to improve fiscal and operational transparency, and provide services to all citizens.

Pillar IV: Countering and preventing violence, extortion, and other crimes perpetrated by criminal gangs, trafficking
networks, and other organized criminal organizations (way more at link above)

For expert analysis on the programs actual effects so far, go to the thread's article for more information.

#140 | Posted by tonyroma at 2024-07-26 04:59 PM

Many in the vice president's circle fume that she's not being adequately prepared or positioned, and instead is being sidelined. The vice president herself has told several confidants she feels constrained in what she's able to do politically. And those around her remain wary of even hinting at future political ambitions, with Biden's team highly attuned to signs of disloyalty, particularly from the vice president. "

This is the norm view for President/Vice President relationships since this nation was born. Every VP feels like the above statements because there is rarely anything of real substance that Presidents task their VP's with responsibility for.

If the above was indeed correct, then is it representative of what we're seeing and experiencing with our own eyes and ears this week? Does Kamala look unprepared for this moment or somehow preeternally comfortable inside the crucible she's now thrust into? Kamala has been on the road for a substantial part of Biden's tenure in the White House while looking and sounding wholly different than she did in 2020 during her aborted campaign due to what's she's learned and the experiences she's gained. For the last 3 weeks, Harris has been on the trail nearly solo and during this time she remained faithfully loyal to Joe and never gave any public hints that she was now in a better position for being elected than he was.

And I believe that loyalty was the final tipping point in allowing Joe to gracefully exit the race in an unprecedented time and manner. The candidate Kamala Harris we see in this moment is a far cry from the one described in the opening quoted paragraph. Somehow, someway Kamala certainly knows how to project presidential readiness in ways her 2020 self could never imagine.

#141 | Posted by tonyroma at 2024-07-26 05:12 PM

Interesting. This is EXACTLY what I said a couple days ago on another thread and Gal dismissed it as a "falsehood" and a "GOP talking point". I'll double down on it now. From the beginning, It has been my view that Harris (despite her qualifications) was selected to diversity the ticket and pull in votes, but they had ZERO intention of grooming her to be the future president. The Democrat power brokers DELIBERATELY sought to sideline Harris, keep her profile low and prevent her from shining outwardly and becoming a threat to their future "chosen one" predetermined to be one term President Biden's successor. Paybacks are hell.
#139 | Posted by Miranda7

Double down all you want, but you are placing all your bets on an article from November, 2021. IOW, an article written 10 months into the Biden/Harris administraton. Here's what a recent article which outlines her accomplishments as VP:

What has Kamala Harris accomplished as vice president? Here's a quick look.

Vice President Kamala Harris and her meteoric rise as the successor to President Joe Biden, 81, as the Democratic presidential candidate in the Nov. 5 election is the most significant seismic shift in presidential politics in recent history.

As she gears up to secure the Democratic presidential nomination in Chicago this August, we examine some of Harris' most significant accomplishments and policy initiatives.

#142 | Posted by Gal_Tuesday at 2024-07-26 05:14 PM

And here's another recent article that concentrates on her foreign policy experience:

Kamala Harris would bring greater foreign policy experience than most new US presidents

A few things are certain: Harris represents significant generational change. She embraces the globalized outlook one might expect of a daughter of immigrants who spent part of her childhood in Canada. She will take office with a seasoned team around her. And other than Biden, Americans must go all the way back to George H.W. Bush in 1989 to find a president who would take office with more foreign affairs experience than her.

Vice presidential accomplishments

Other engagements were the diplomacy that consumes senior officials' calendars--trips to Mexico and Central America as part of her migration agenda, and a three-country trip to Africa fulfilling a White House pledge.

Attending a meeting is not, of course, the same as being the final decider on US foreign policy. But that experience--and the hours of meetings and study that go with it--sets Harris apart from the new presidents of the last three-plus decades.

Donald Trump had never represented his country to a foreign government before being elected. Bill Clinton and George W. Bush led international trade missions as governors. Barack Obama, like Harris, travelled occasionally during his four years in the Senate. But one would have to go all the way back to George H.W. Bush, who served as vice president, CIA director and a member of Congress, to find a president before Biden who began their first term with more experience than Harris.

Harris has a stable and well-respected foreign policy team in her role as vice president. Her national security adviser, Phil Gordon, and his deputy, Rebecca Lissner, are both experienced Washington hands who served in previous administrations. Both have published books that suggest a subtle shift away from an America that leads the world aggressively and alone.

#143 | Posted by Gal_Tuesday at 2024-07-26 05:26 PM

As she gears up to secure the Democratic presidential nomination in Chicago this August, we examine some of Harris' most significant accomplishments and policy initiatives.

Just for esses and gees, can anyone hear recall any "significant accomplishments or policy initiatives" from former VPs Pence, Biden, or Quayle? (I left out Gore and Cheney because the answers for them are obvious: Gore - climate change; Cheney: War in Iraq, Global War on Terror)

In most cases, our VPs are like appendixes: Attached to the President, but almost always unused and unneeded outside of a crisis. Every VP has basically two standing orders: Golden Rule: Don't ever upstage the President; and Know Your Role - Universally support the President 24/7/365, but do it in a much more dignified manner than the over-the-top, butt-barnicle Mike Pence.

#144 | Posted by tonyroma at 2024-07-26 05:31 PM

Until you can come up with something more substantial than a November, 2021 article, I stand by what I said: Evidence does not support your hypothesis that Harris was forced to hide her light under a bushel and that Democratic elites, including/especially Joe Biden, deliberately tried to sideline her.

#145 | Posted by Gal_Tuesday at 2024-07-26 05:34 PM

"From the beginning, It has been my view that Harris (despite her qualifications) was selected to diversity the ticket and pull in votes, but they had ZERO intention of grooming her to be the future president."

The other flaw in your logic that Kamala "was selected to diversity (diversify?) the ticket and pull in votes" is that Biden won the nomination because of black voters. He didn't need to pick a black woman to get their votes; he already had them. If he was trying to attract swing voters in midwestern states, it might have been a better purely political calculation to pick someone like Amy Klobushar, who also ran in the 2020 primary. He wasn't going to pick a male running mate, but I don't think it was a given that he needed to pick a woman of color and I wasn't at all convinced he would. Before he made his seleciton, I actually wrote to him/his campaign and recommended he pick Harris.

#146 | Posted by Gal_Tuesday at 2024-07-26 05:51 PM

Evidence does not support your hypothesis that Harris was forced to hide her light under a bushel and that Democratic elites, including/especially Joe Biden, deliberately tried to sideline her.

I don't beleive it for second, but it is possible. There are some theories which are plausbile, and Biden's "Iammaquitting" speech generated more questions than answers.

For instance we know Pelosi was saying "Joe needs to figure out if he's running", when clearly Biden had been saying he's in it to win it.

Or the "we can do this the easy way or the hard way".

Biden really had no answers for his reasoning to exit.

The other flaw in your logic that Kamala "was selected to diversity (diversify?) the ticket and pull in votes" is that Biden won the nomination because of black voters. He didn't need to pick a black woman to get their votes; he already had them.

This is somewhat false.

Pressure Grows On Joe Biden To Pick A Black Woman As His Running Mate

In late April, more than 200 black women who are leaders and activists within the Democratic party signed an open letter to the presumptive Democratic nominee Joe Biden calling on him to select a black woman as his running mate.

"It is a fact that the road to the White House is powered by Black women and Black women are the key to a Democratic victory in 2020," they wrote.

He better pick a Black woman': Biden faces Whitmer backlash

My guess, with no evidence other than payback, is it was a deal Bidean made with Clyburn for his support which launched him in the primiaries.

Just at guess.

#147 | Posted by oneironaut at 2024-07-26 06:15 PM

Just for esses and gees, can anyone hear recall any "significant accomplishments or policy initiatives" from former VPs Pence, Biden, or Quayle?

Yes I can, Biden ..

1. Handling Ukraine reconstruction after the coup.
2. ACA. there isn't a man alive that knew congress and "how sausage is made" better than Biden. Obama relied upon him often.

#148 | Posted by oneironaut at 2024-07-26 06:20 PM

I remember he promised to appoint a black woman to the SC.

#149 | Posted by Gal_Tuesday at 2024-07-26 06:21 PM


Just an observation of American government.

I would expect Governors to be better Presidents than congressmen. Perhaps Harris should pick an governor for VP.

Executive Polling:

#150 | Posted by oneironaut at 2024-07-26 06:25 PM

I remember he promised to appoint a black woman to the SC.


This is true, he promise to choose a woman for VP. (narrowed down to 4)

#151 | Posted by oneironaut at 2024-07-26 06:26 PM

This is true, he promise to choose a woman for VP. (narrowed down to 4)

#151 | Posted by oneironaut

How angry were you when trump said he'd choose a woman for the supreme court?

#152 | Posted by SpeakSoftly at 2024-07-26 07:09 PM

Gal, Tony,
You seem to be suggesting that i am questioning her qualifications. Quite the contrary. I think the Dem power brokers felt threatened by her and sought to keep her "under control."

C'mon man, Neither party selects a VP candidate because of their qualifications. They are selected for their ability to draw votes, which is an entirely different metric.

I have never suggested that Kamala Harris was selected to attract Black voters. She was selected to diversify the ticket, thus attracting voters from many demographics an old white dude doesn't draw. Are YOU suggesting that Kamala Harris only attracts Black voters? I didn't think so.

#153 | Posted by Miranda7 at 2024-07-26 08:24 PM

How angry were you when trump said he'd choose a woman for the supreme court?

Only someone throwing around false accusations of "cheap fakes", and "propaganda" at Biden being feeble, would consider pointing out legitimate facts as "angry".

You don't have to be a MAGAt to see that reality, you just need to stop regurgitating the narratives the media is spoon feeding you.

#154 | Posted by oneironaut at 2024-07-26 08:33 PM

She was selected to diversify the ticket, thus attracting voters from many demographics an old white dude doesn't draw. Are YOU suggesting that Kamala Harris only attracts Black voters? I didn't think so.

I would suggest it's the primary reason.

Sure it gave CA voters something to consider. But overall the calculation was she attracted Black voters.

You need to consider the context and timing of the selection, the US was going through BLM protest/unrest.

#155 | Posted by oneironaut at 2024-07-26 08:37 PM

I have never suggested that Kamala Harris was selected to attract Black voters. She was selected to diversify the ticket, thus attracting voters from many demographics an old white dude doesn't draw. Are YOU suggesting that Kamala Harris only attracts Black voters? I didn't think so.
Posted by Miranda7

My point was the opposite: Biden was trying to attract some voters for whom diversity is a bugaboo, a con, not a plus. For those voters picking Kamala was a greater risk than picking someone like Klobuchar would have been. What demographics do you think Kamala was added to the ticket to attract? Specifically, what demographics do you think Kamala was selected to attract that Klobuchar wouldn't have?

#156 | Posted by Gal_Tuesday at 2024-07-26 10:16 PM

Neither party selects a VP candidate because of their qualifications.

This is the lamest excuse a racist Trumper can provide for why Kamala was chosen to be Biden's running mate.

Self loathing black America are pathetic.

#157 | Posted by ClownShack at 2024-07-26 10:22 PM

I would expect Governors to be better Presidents than congressmen.

DeSantis approves this message.

#158 | Posted by ClownShack at 2024-07-26 10:25 PM

Dem power brokers felt threatened by her and sought to keep her "under control."

Is that why she's the presidential nominee?

Because they feel threatened by her and are seeking to keep her under control?

Do you feel the stupid when you read your posts?

Why do you hate Black women so much?

Is it jealousy or simply hate for Black people?

#159 | Posted by ClownShack at 2024-07-26 10:28 PM

Sumbitted without comment:

Aaron Rupar
Moments after describing Kamala Harris as a DEI hire, GOP Rep. Claudia Tenney adds that she's "uninformed and lazy"

#160 | Posted by Gal_Tuesday at 2024-07-26 10:45 PM

#160 - no comment necessary, but boy howdy, they sure aren't hiding, are they? Interesting. Her district cuts out every major city in that area. It's alll rural NY. I wonder if they are they happy with the representation they have? Yuck.

#161 | Posted by YAV at 2024-07-26 10:58 PM

You can just see/hear how much he relishes saying this:

Trump: "Kamala Harris was a bum three weeks ago. She was a bum."

#162 | Posted by Gal_Tuesday at 2024-07-26 11:08 PM

'Wow': CNN anchor taken aback after Trump calls Kamala Harris 'real garbage'

Sidner played a clip of Trump speaking with "Fox & Friends" on Thursday morning in which he said of Harris that "I'd love to be nice but I'm dealing against real garbage."

"Wow," Sidner said in response.

Trump said a lot of "nasty" things about Hillary, but I don't recall him ever calling her garbage or a bum.

#163 | Posted by Gal_Tuesday at 2024-07-26 11:14 PM

Trump said a lot of "nasty" things about Hillary, but I don't recall him ever calling her garbage or a bum.

His comment speaks volumes to racists.

I expect Miranda and Boaz to agree with him.

#164 | Posted by ClownShack at 2024-07-26 11:16 PM

It's hard to believe that some people, way too many people, believe that this is the man God saved so that he could save the USA.

#165 | Posted by Gal_Tuesday at 2024-07-26 11:24 PM

In the real world,Trump is not God's chosen one. His comments about Harris are projection. He's the one who is a bum and real garbage.

#166 | Posted by Gal_Tuesday at 2024-07-26 11:52 PM

too many people, believe that this is the man God saved so that he could save the USA.

That staged photo op was brilliant.

All they had to do was kill expendable people, who mean nothing to conservatives and put a bandaid on Trump's ear.

#167 | Posted by ClownShack at 2024-07-26 11:58 PM

you just need to stop regurgitating the narratives the media is spoon feeding you.

#154 | Posted by oneironaut

Like "the election was fraudulant?" Oh wait that's what YOUR media spoon fed everyone which resulted in the end of the peaceful transfer of power that has stood since george washington.

#168 | Posted by SpeakSoftly at 2024-07-27 01:27 AM

Trump: "Get out and vote just this time. You won't have to do it anymore. Four more years it will be fixed. It'll be fine. You won't have to vote anymore...In four years you don't have to vote again. We'll have it fixed so good your not gonna have to vote."

#169 | Posted by ClownShack at 2024-07-27 03:11 AM

Snoofy loves this game so I'm gonna play it today...

Dems and Harris has said nothing about this when it was used in the media or over the past few years so they can't be against it now.

#170 | Posted by kwrx25 at 2024-07-27 11:14 AM

Dems and Harris has said nothing about this when it was used in the media or over the past few years so they can't be against it now.


lol New Rulz everyone!

So if the media says something about you and you don't refute it immediately you can never refute it?


Maga and their weird made up maga rulz.

Good luck with that!

#171 | Posted by donnerboy at 2024-07-27 11:30 AM

Biden flicked the immigration booger at Harris because he didn't want to deal with it and assumed that Vice Prez was as far as she was ever going to go.

I don't blame her for the mess at the border. Biden is the president, and Trump is far more culpable for the current mess than She is.

#172 | Posted by madbomber at 2024-07-27 11:36 AM

it's absolutely laughable that anyone can try and claim that for the past 4 years the tacit understanding of the Dems, the R's, the media, and the public of Harris being in charge of the border issue is now somehow not the case.

Arguing that the term Czar hasn't been used to describe those appointed to issues in the past...

"What is a drug czar in the United States?
Drug czar is an informal name for the person who directs drug-control policies in various areas. The term follows the informal use of the term czar in U.S. politics. The 'drug czar' title first appeared in a 1982 news story by United Press International that reported that, "[United States] Senators ..."

The fact the term exists and is understood by those in politics, was used for Harris and not disputed, is absolutely acknowledging that was exactly her role.

I'll even offer that outright refuting it would be odd political optics, but they would have tried to walk it back in, and that did not happen either.

And if Tony is so right that she actually performed well in the role... why try to distance yourself from it now? ... the gaslighting makes zero sense. Just stop it.

#173 | Posted by kwrx25 at 2024-07-27 12:25 PM


You wrote all that just to let everyone know you're an idiot?


#174 | Posted by ClownShack at 2024-07-27 12:29 PM

"why try to distance yourself from it now? "

No one is "distancing" themselves from anything.

But you don't get to redefine reality to suit your made up maga memes.

There is no office in the U.S. that has the title Czar in it.

So why don't YOU just stop it?

Because you cant. Not unless Dear Leader says it's time to stop.

Now would you care to discuss what VP Harris's actual role was regarding the border or just talk about what the media said about her?

As I understand it she was addressing the root causes of immigration as VP. Not the border itself as a border "czar".

Do you agree or disagree?

#175 | Posted by donnerboy at 2024-07-27 12:47 PM

it's absolutely laughable that anyone can try and claim that for the past 4 years the tacit understanding of the Dems, the R's, the media, and the public of Harris being in charge of the border issue is now somehow not the case.

In a sentence K-tool was able to articulate exactly why VP Harris is seeing a wave of unprecedented support lift her candidacy in a way Biden never could after these last few weeks and months. It will be too late when the intentionally deluded like K-Tool and their fellow Trumpers realize that the Vice President Kamala Harris the right wing media promoted - inarticulate, gaff-prone, unsure, not intelligent, too 'other'/not like me, and definitely a complete failure in the job given her to address migration - isn't the type of political leader the world is seeing right now coming out of their video screens and earbuds.

Make no mistake about it, Kamala Harris owes the right wing distortion machine for making the phoenix-like resurrection of Harris' popularity we're watching take place. Sloppy people like K-Tool buy into created narratives hook, line and sinker, never bothering to read and comprehend nuance - the bedrock of what's real and what's invented.

And every now and then, a facade that was created comes crashing down and that which emerges is so different than expected - stronger, more confident, more determined, more prepared, and perhaps most importantly, preeternally comfortable in her own skin - ready to take the reigns of leadership with a grace and compassion totally bereft in her opposition.

Trust me, in the coming days everything conventional wisdom supposedly taught you about Kamala will run smack dab into her 2 decades of political leadership experiences - first locally, then statewide, and finally nationally as our Vice President. The same Vice President that visited 21 different countries and personally engaged scores of world leaders in all sectors of life. There is currently no American politician with more broad experience for the Presidency than Kamala Harris. And these last almost 4 years? You're going to hear about all she was doing as it regarded the 'migration' crisis and the long term programs and policies outlined in this thread that were never intended to immediately impact the cluster on our southern border. The most salient part of this is that what I'm saying is right there in the official record. The fact so many think that record says something completely different stands as testament to the power of distortion and partisan framing that the GOP excels at.

#176 | Posted by tonyroma at 2024-07-27 01:04 PM

#176 And we will hear all of these wonderful things about Kamala from the same people that a month ago told us that Biden's decline was deep fake gaslighting. Not sure why they were keeping Kamala's light under a basket until now though. Gas lighting is not the best kind of light for human vision.

#177 | Posted by visitor_ at 2024-07-27 02:00 PM

Look who showed back up again to do his best trolling.

Visitor, the next time you post something worth reading will be your first time.

#178 | Posted by ClownShack at 2024-07-27 02:08 PM

Here's another type of gaslight.

#179 | Posted by visitor_ at 2024-07-27 02:17 PM

#176 And we will hear all of these wonderful things about Kamala from the same people that a month ago told us that Biden's decline was deep fake gaslighting
#177 | Posted by visitor_

You know the most wonderful thing about her? She's not trump and she's not biden, which is what most people have been begging for, as evidenced by her record grassroots fundraising as soon as biden stepped aside.

#180 | Posted by SpeakSoftly at 2024-07-27 06:47 PM

Kamala Harris from day one is still a busy lying do nothing stupid pos that has never ever done anything good for any American. And now the deep state that somehow employs her incompetence to cover up everything bad she has done and nothing she has done is good.

#181 | Posted by Robson at 2024-07-27 08:48 PM

Her nick name given by her staff is Cruella, but that's not her official title like 'border czar'.

#182 | Posted by visitor_ at 2024-07-27 08:50 PM

The noxious orange pedo is the Covid czar who killed 1.2 million Americans.

#183 | Posted by reinheitsgebot at 2024-07-27 09:03 PM

If Visitor would just Robson back his meds, these threads would be much more NW.

#184 | Posted by Corky at 2024-07-27 09:28 PM


Your nickname is "Drooly", given to you by the other ------- on the ward.

#185 | Posted by LegallyYourDead at 2024-07-27 09:49 PM

Robotson loves Orange Hitler.


#186 | Posted by LegallyYourDead at 2024-07-27 09:49 PM

Wow Tony all respect lost for you. I don't agree with you so I'm some maga moron? I don't support Trump, never have never will. I'm also not going to throw away decades up decades of political history of the term czar being used and pretend what we all new up until last week isn't the case anymore. Go on with another pretentious TL;DR monologue it doesn't matter you've already shown your broad brush partisan party before logic colors now. I used to respect your opinion but now it's common trash.

#187 | Posted by kwrx25 at 2024-07-27 11:27 PM

Also if she did so well with her 21 country tour ... why not own that record and rub the boarder czar title in trumps face? "I led where you didn't". Your own defense says she should be able to use it like a cuddgle. Makes no sense.

Also you'll note I never said she did well or terrible with the border in this discussion, why the knee jerk need to defend her actions there? You're just eating up the party line of distancing her from association with the border. Why? You say she did great there.

#188 | Posted by kwrx25 at 2024-07-27 11:34 PM

Her nick name given by her staff is Cruella, but that's not her official title like 'border czar'.

#182 | Posted by visitor_

We know how trump's cult demands leaders who are NICE.

#189 | Posted by SpeakSoftly at 2024-07-28 02:09 AM


You're lack of reading comprehension skills is glaring. You can't understand simple english sentences at a 6th grade level. Go back and reread what I've written and you'll see the issue here is one of truth over invention.

Right this second, border crossings are LOWER than they were when Donald Trump left the presidency after spiking under Biden. Why are they lower? Could it have something to do with the policies enacted during Harris' work on the migration crisis? So feel free to pin this on her all you want. Things currently are BETTER than they were under Trump. The goal of any policy is to positively affect the problem, right? Mission Accomplished for the moment. Can migration worsen again based on factors far outside any American administration's ability to handle them? Of course they can. Perhaps this is why there's no football's being spiked in the end zone. The migration crisis has been with us for decades and will stay with us until the people feeling physically threatened in their own countries or unable to support their families in the manner they believe afforded them in the US see a meaningful way forward in their lives by staying instead of fleeing to the US or other countries. This was how Harris was charged with affecting migration from the Triangle countries. She wasn't told to go visit the US/Mexico border, she was told to go visit the countries where these people are leaving or traveling through and try to ameliorate the conditions there causing them to eventually end up on our border as refugees.

You keep arguing about how the media misframed Harris' job and objective - and the actual contemporaneous quotes betray your wanton ignorance in continuing to force the false narrative that things that never happened did, and things that did happen and were said and recorded at that time are somehow "gaslighting."

I can't keep repeating enough, the Harris campaign is not being led by fools. If you think the actual truth and facts won't be loudly articulated in due time during these last 100 or so days before the election, then you're woefully naive or drunk on the Kool-Aid being doled out by a convicted felon lying to everyone in saying that only he can solve this nation's problems when he is the root cause himself of so many of them - due to his constant use of fear and division to attract his following.

And lastly, I've not seen Harris disavow her work on migration, have you? Until this thread you would have sworn that Harris was given the job to immediately stop the flow of migrants at our border in the early days of the Biden Administration where the reality was far more long-term than that. People like you fall for taglines without ever stopping to consider simple phrases and slogans often do tell the complete story about any particular issue. The way the media and opposition research frame persons and issues into their own narratives is an ongoing process as is the proliferation of intentionally misleading disinformation.

It's hard to claim someone "failed" at something when the problem at this very moment has improved from the last day Trump was President after it worsened first. Not a single word of the past sentence is untrue. And it's why I'm me and you are you - gullible and ignorant until the end.

#190 | Posted by tonyroma at 2024-07-28 07:00 AM

Whoops! Sorry about the over-bolding.

#191 | Posted by tonyroma at 2024-07-28 07:02 AM

Morning, TONY. First time you've been overly bold, Lol.

#192 | Posted by Doc_Sarvis at 2024-07-28 07:13 AM

I give "Visitor" credit as one of the first posters on this forum to offer sense and balance , in what was a sea of simpleton leftism, none that made any sense.

The proof of whaki-ness always comes from kooks of leftist ideology that vote identity instead of intellect and competence. Look at every poverty and crime filled sanctuary city given to us by the czar of border destruction and stupidity Democrat Kamala

#193 | Posted by Robson at 2024-07-28 09:12 AM

#193 | Posted by Robson

Think for yourself, ROBSON. Your masters aren't doing a good job for you.

#194 | Posted by Zed at 2024-07-28 09:18 AM

try YOUR reading skills Tony I didn't say she bad either, You've bought into your own sanctimonious rants a little too much, so much so it appears that you feel your opinion is somehow better than the rest of us here to the point that if someone disagrees with you they are some crazy maga.

I didn't say she failed. I said if she did so well on her tour... not sarcastically or dismissively... but as a accepted to lay the ground for the next part of the statement/question.... Why not double down, own the Czar title and smack Trump around with it? That makes sense.

Avoiding a well established term, that she could use, does not. Telling the rest of us that the collective memory that she was viewed as being put in charge of handling the border does not.

Assuming she did well, and that in political history being called a Czar is an excepted term (Obama had 38)... Why not own it and use it is the only question I put out there.

And as an aside, it is a normal thing to be called...
So it's not like she'd be owning some brand new invented slight.

#195 | Posted by kwrx25 at 2024-07-28 09:52 AM

Also... I missed one of your points.

Who said it was necessarily Harris doing the distancing? Why is the media in full spin mode on this... That's all I've seen too? It doesn't change anything though the same questions still apply, why?

It's more damaging really that it is the media trying to spin it as it has been the media for the past years using the Czar term on her. Suddenly though "she really wasn't" and we are just supposed to accept their gaslighting?

why does the media suddenly want to reverse it's direction. It's a fair question. You can through it away as right wing maga talk, but that's just evidence you don't actually care about anything other R vs L despite trying to come across as more intellectual than that.

#196 | Posted by kwrx25 at 2024-07-28 10:00 AM


#197 | Posted by kwrx25 at 2024-07-28 10:06 AM

why does the media suddenly want to reverse it's direction. It's a fair question.

This whole thread is an answer to your question. And first, let me say that I don't see the larger "media" changing it's direction, it's only those who've know the right direction from the get go who are bringing this topic up to pre-butal the inevitably wrong perceptions such as yours. I find it hilarious to think that those of us living in reality are obliged to correct intentional misperceptions created from the right if they become repeated tropes in the broader zeitgeist.

Why do you think Biden and Harris use the words that they use? They don't do so in order for others to retwist and rebrand them into criticisms of things never said when the point, goals and aspirations of the effort led by Harris were put on paper AND released to the media at the time the policy was publicly announced - along with periodic updates as to things done and progress made up to that point. Those papers exist and contain information that obliterates the fiction that Harris accomplished nothing in her role. Absolutely she didn't accomplish the immediate cessation of cross border migration traffic, but that wasn't the point of what she was tasked to do in the immediate sense. Long term - yes; Immediately - no.

In a sentence, here is a Times magazine synopsis:

Harris's mandate was much narrower, focused on improving conditions and addressing root causes of migration in Central America.
Not a lie, the truth. No gaslighting or changing of the actual then-published details of her role. The fact that the media helped in misleading does not make the truth any less true.

#198 | Posted by tonyroma at 2024-07-28 11:40 AM

Tony the part youre missing is you keep saying they don't have to defend against criticism based on something they never said she was.

The sudden media shift is ahead of the supposed criticism, that's my issue. The media is seemingly preemptive denying, and hence why those of us that remember distinctly the use of a common term and her seemingly accepting it consider it gaslighting

Also, how is being called the border czar a slight anyway? Obama had 38?

#199 | Posted by kwrx25 at 2024-07-28 12:13 PM

Basically Tony my point is that your point is distinction without a real difference. I understand what your saying. She didn't own the border in full specific terms used by the administration. The media used a common political term for someone given a specific task and no one cared.

Now it's seen that the border may be an issue potentially for her even though she should be able to use it to her advantage if she were savvy. Instead they want to distance from it and your willing to play intellectual word games to back the party claim via the media that "technically they never actually said that"

When it seemed they were giving her some power in the administration though no one was parsing words so closely.

It's basically text book gaslighting, we all were there and had the same understanding but now looking back you're trying to say well technically that isn't true

Nothing you said is wrong, you're just choosing to play the game based on left and right, at least own that

#200 | Posted by kwrx25 at 2024-07-28 12:21 PM

It's basically text book gaslighting, we all were there and had the same understanding but now looking back you're trying to say well technically that isn't true

No, you did have that understanding, I've never denied it. However, it was wrong then - as all the WH papers written THEN conclusively prove - and it's wrong now to say that what you want to call conventional wisdom is only now being challenged. The fact that is wasn't challenged enough for the truth to become common is how our media system works. The entire Trump mantra of "fake news" only applies when something - often based on a nuanced truth about a given policy - comes from critics on the left?

Sorry, but I'm not taking responsibility for anything the media does to serve its own ends when those ends are being an honest portrayer of the events and people they cover. However, I don't take anything for granted and when faced with an option on what is truth, I look it up myself.

The media isn't self-correcting. It's being forced to be people like me and discussions like this, pointing out that what they've been saying for years actually is a mischaracterization of what they were told and given examples of that is the factual truth.

#201 | Posted by tonyroma at 2024-07-28 12:33 PM

"The media is seemingly preemptive denying, and hence why those of us that remember distinctly the use of a common term and her seemingly accepting it consider it gaslighting"

Whaaa! the media is being so mean to maga maroons!

First of the media loves a good close horse race with lots a drama. You should be used to it.

Second Fixed News (your media of choice) gaslights you daily. And you seem perfectly ok with that.

Thirdly. You were riding so high while the "media" was all in on "the Biden is too old" meme.

And now you whine and complain because the tables you helped the media set and that you were happily feasting on were suddenly turned to dust on you.

Have fun with your whine. Maybe there is still some moldy cheese left for you to go with that whine.

#202 | Posted by donnerboy at 2024-07-28 12:35 PM

...when those ends aren't being an honest portrayer...

#203 | Posted by tonyroma at 2024-07-28 12:43 PM

The proof of whaki-ness always comes from kooks of leftist ideology that vote identity instead of intellect and competence. Look at every poverty and crime filled sanctuary city given to us by the czar of border destruction and stupidity Democrat Kamala

#193 | Posted by Robson

Proof is in the pudding. Nationwide economy does better under dems. If they're so wacky and leftist why does the data show more success than republicans?

If liberal leadership is so bad, why does california carry all the mooching red states on its back?

#204 | Posted by SpeakSoftly at 2024-07-28 02:34 PM

I know everyone that isn't in lock step with you donner has to be a caricature maga, but it's not true simpleton ... Didn't vote for trump and I don't watch fox. Try again

#205 | Posted by kwrx25 at 2024-07-28 03:35 PM

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