
Drudge Retort: The Other Side of the News
Tuesday, June 25, 2024

For more than 130 years, Americans have been instructed that drinking milk that comes directly from a cow's udder can be dangerous.



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The "Finding Out" stage is going to make people into Trumpers when they have to flush their low volume toilets ten times.

I'm pretty much okay with raw milk, except for the part where parents are going to kill their kids with it.

If it weren't for that, I wouldn't really care. Ride your motorcycle without a helmet if that's you're thing.

#1 | Posted by snoofy at 2024-06-24 04:20 PM | Reply | Newsworthy 2

If any of these raw milk drinkers spent more than two seconds on a dairy farm, they would see how absolutely filthy farm animals. When cows --------, it's like a big fecal water balloon that explodes when it hits the ground, releasing manure everywhere, especially the udders.

Heck, even dogs that we keep in our homes are dirty. Would you drink raw milk from your dog ------?

Also, now I'm having flashbacks to that Tom Green episode where he milks a cow. Thanks for nothing BoAz!

#2 | Posted by censored at 2024-06-24 05:35 PM | Reply | Newsworthy 1

Make Tuberculosis Great Again!

#3 | Posted by johnny_hotsauce at 2024-06-24 06:01 PM | Reply


How Raw Milk Went from a Whole Foods Staple to a Conservative Signal (March 2024)

... In 2008, as he was running for the Iowa House of Representatives, Jason Schultz was stunned to learn dairy farmers could get in trouble for selling milk.

A local farmer had shown him the cease-and-desist letter he had received from the Iowa Department of Agriculture for selling milk straight from his cows to his friends and neighbors without pasteurizing it " heating it to kill bacteria " first.

So one of the first things Schultz, a Republican, did upon winning was introduce a bill to legalize the sale of so-called raw milk. The bill went nowhere, which wasn't much of a surprise in a Legislature controlled by the opposite party, though almost no one in either party was interested in fighting a small army of big dairy lobbyists and public health officials who lectured about the dangers of potentially fatal bacteria. Moreover, the state had a long-standing prohibition on the sale of raw milk; indeed, in 1980, Iowa jailed 37-year old dairy farmer Delbert Banowetz for 30 days for the offense.

But Schultz wouldn't give up, pushing the bill year after year. Very slowly over time he attracted supporters like Esther Arkfeld, a homeschooling mom and dairy owner turned grassroots leader who argued raw milk had health benefits and could help small farmers, too. Last May, Schultz's bill finally passed, legalizing the sale of raw milk directly from farm to consumer. The vote " 37 to 13 in the Senate and 64 to 35 in the House -- wasn't particularly close.

What changed since 2008 is a vivid example of a larger upheaval in American politics. The Food and Drug Administration and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention still say raw milk is dangerous and the state dairy lobby sent lobbyists to the Iowa Capitol to defeat Schultz's bill. But Iowa has flipped " it's a Republican state now, from the presidential vote to the governor's office to the near-supermajority Legislature " and that flip has occurred alongside even larger shifts in national politics, spurred on by the rise of Donald Trump. With Trump has come a new GOP electorate, one more rural, more working class, less ideological and generally more distrustful of lobbyists, big business and "the experts." And that has been a big help for a cause that is bucking just about every one of those groups.

Long a fringe health food for new-age hippies and fad-chasing liberal foodies, raw milk has won over the hearts and minds of GOP legislators and regulators in the last few years. (The Iowa vote broke almost perfectly along party lines with nearly all Republicans in favor and only a handful of Democrats defecting to their side.) And it's not just in Iowa. Montana, North Dakota, Alaska, Georgia and Wyoming all have passed laws (or changed regulations) since 2020 legalizing the sale of raw milk on farms or in stores. ...

#4 | Posted by LampLighter at 2024-06-24 07:50 PM | Reply

Would you drink raw milk from your dog ------? [...]
#2 | Posted by censored

What is up with the bleeper at this site?

First it censors Mark [TuhhWhayne's] name. And now it bleeps out the name of esteemed medical professional Gaylord M. ------.

Such blatant disrespect to some of the greatest individuals our humble nation has ever put forth! SMDH.

#5 | Posted by censored at 2024-06-24 09:23 PM | Reply | Newsworthy 1

@#5 ... What is up with the bleeper at this site? ...

My guess would be along the lines of the following. ...

This site, like many web sites, relies upon advertisers to the $$$ to keep it alive.

So, in order to place ads on this site, the advertisers have criteria that the site must follow.

That criteria may be along the lines of, ~if you want the revenue from our ads, we do not want to see these words on the site.~

So, in a nutshell, that is what is up with the bleeper on this site.

And for what happens when you cross the advertisers on your site...

Elon Musk Begs Advertisers to Return to Twitter

So, in essence, the word ---- is not good. But pasture pastry is acceptable.

Go figure.

It boils down to ... do you want this most august site to be able to be here so you can post your opinions?

It really is a yes or no question. ...

#6 | Posted by LampLighter at 2024-06-24 09:39 PM | Reply | Funny: 1

"Since 1987, the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) says that 143 deaths from various illnesses in the US have been linked to raw milk"

OMFG the horrors! High fructose corn syrup kills that many daily.

#7 | Posted by lfthndthrds at 2024-06-24 11:59 PM | Reply | Newsworthy 1

@#7 ... High fructose corn syrup kills that many daily. ...

Got a link?

Or is it the usual analpore miasma your current alias posts here?

#8 | Posted by LampLighter at 2024-06-25 12:17 AM | Reply | Funny: 4

OMFG the horrors! High fructose corn syrup kills that many daily.

#7 | Posted by lfthndthrds

Depends on which denominator you use because it sure as hell shouldn't be the population of the US.

Also, just because a modern garbage additive is bad for you doesn't mean you should discard centuries old scientific practices. And you wonder why you're viewed as stupid...

#9 | Posted by jpw at 2024-06-25 09:17 AM | Reply | Funny: 2 | Newsworthy 1

Everything is a culture war. We should have seen the writing on the wall when case after case after case of "can I have the vaccine now?" was heard from MAGA morons as they were about to vented for COVID.

It isn't so much culture war, it's just pure contrarianism and a constant middle finger from people who are just miserable, bitter and angry.

#10 | Posted by jpw at 2024-06-25 09:19 AM | Reply | Newsworthy 4

constant middle finger from people who are just miserable, bitter and angry.

That describes MAGAts perfectly.

A guy I used to coach soccer with was getting the company he worked with bought out and his profit sharing plan was being terminated. His Dodge was roaching out bad so he decided against every sound piece of advice to sink the funds into a used Jeep Wrangler with 120,000 miles on it and take a loan for the remainder of the purchase price instead of buying a reliable sedan and then proceeded to sink thousands into accessories including a massive Punisher hood decal to "own the libs".

Fast forward to six months later and the thing had been in the shop three times for draining the battery and had the computer replaced for not starting he now has to trade it in underwater on a six year old Nissan Sentra.

He didn't like it when I asked him if the libs are owned yet.

Toxic masculinity is so amusing to watch.

#11 | Posted by Nixon at 2024-06-25 11:49 AM | Reply | Funny: 1

It's not about the milk.

It's about the science.

#12 | Posted by donnerboy at 2024-06-25 01:53 PM | Reply | Funny: 1

"it's just pure contrarianism and a constant middle finger from people who are just miserable, bitter and angry."

Fair point.

If you can allow yourself to be divided from others over raw milk....well, you're pretty ------ in the head.

Guns, healthcare, schools, roads, infrastructure, etc..plenty of big issues of our time. Milk?

#13 | Posted by eberly at 2024-06-25 01:59 PM | Reply

Would you drink raw milk from your dog ------?

Well let's not be hasty here...

#14 | Posted by look_inward at 2024-06-25 02:14 PM | Reply

It's pretty great that the brain trust on the right has decided to take the most idiotic stances possible on stuff like vaccines and pasteurization. Fewer conservatives is always a good thing.

#15 | Posted by qcp at 2024-06-25 02:14 PM | Reply | Newsworthy 1

Did you know, a dog doesn't have to have puppies of her own to produce milk?

#16 | Posted by look_inward at 2024-06-25 02:15 PM | Reply

People also ask
How nutritious is dog milk?
Canine milk contains higher contents of protein (6.62"17.34%), fat (8.92"14.31%), and ash (1.11"1.81%), and a lower content of lactose (1.56"3.92%) compared to bovine and caprine milk

#17 | Posted by look_inward at 2024-06-25 02:17 PM | Reply


It really isn't about the science.

The science is pretty clear, raw milk can be dangerous. Also, the science is pretty clear, raw oysters can be dangerous.

What's the relative danger? Well, in a decade raw milk caused 2,645 illnesses and 228 hospitalizations. Wow! That's a lot right? The CDC estimate is that raw oysters cause 80,000 illnesses and 100 deaths PER YEAR. So NO, it's not a lot compared to foods we have no problem with being legal.

So unless you think the sale of raw oysters should be banned (I WILL CUT YOU) it makes no sense for raw milk sales to be illegal.

What would be based on good science would be to regulate things like appropriate sanitary standards, testing standards, and maximum herd sizes for farms that sell raw milk, and do things like batch numbering and tracking.

#18 | Posted by DarkVader at 2024-06-25 02:19 PM | Reply | Newsworthy 1

Canine milk produces a rich cheese. Guests are often surprised to learn that the hors-d'"uvres are actually from canine cheese!

#19 | Posted by look_inward at 2024-06-25 02:21 PM | Reply

You do realize that people have been drinking raw milk before pasteurization right?? It wasn't until people started moving from rural America to the cities that the necessity of pasteurization became necessary. These rural transplants wanted their milk but couldn't obtain it fresh from the farm. Raw milk is great but it has a very short lifespan. Pasteurization made it so milk could be processed and stored on grocery store shelves that made it last longer and safer.

#20 | Posted by LauraMohr at 2024-06-25 02:22 PM | Reply

People did lots of dumb things before they knew better. The smart ones adapt and suffer less when new knowledge makes old things better or safer.

#21 | Posted by qcp at 2024-06-25 02:29 PM | Reply

I expect the cows were in better health before censored's people started factory farms and their cows had diarrhea all the time from poor diet and stress.

#22 | Posted by look_inward at 2024-06-25 02:34 PM | Reply

#20 yeah, at a time when decreased average life span was largely driven by high childhood mortality.

"People did" is a meaningless statement because unless they did something uniformly lethal there would be people who remain to keep doing it.

That says nothing regarding the safety of the behavior.

#23 | Posted by jpw at 2024-06-25 02:36 PM | Reply

Paranoia and contrarianism are now part and parcel to the Republican party. The CDC should issue guidance against playing Russian Roulette just to see how many red staters kill themselves in response.

#24 | Posted by JOE at 2024-06-25 02:44 PM | Reply | Newsworthy 1

I am perfectly ok with bozo and his friends drinking raw milk.

Just not the lies and half truths they have to spout to justify their ignorance.

But it's the same anti-science behavior that set them against masks, social distancing and vaccines.

#25 | Posted by donnerboy at 2024-06-25 03:09 PM | Reply

I expect the cows were in better health before censored's people started factory farms and their cows had diarrhea all the time from poor diet and stress. #22 | Posted by look_inward

I guess that's one way to admit that one has never seen a cow outside of a Looney Tunes cartoon.

#26 | Posted by censored at 2024-06-25 05:27 PM | Reply

I missed the Looney Tunes with the CAFO, which one is that?

#27 | Posted by snoofy at 2024-06-25 05:30 PM | Reply

It's good for kids but overrated for adults.

#28 | Posted by Tor at 2024-06-25 05:36 PM | Reply

Raw milk is fine as long as the cow is healthy. A lot of issues stem from cleanliness. Factory dairies have little time for cleanliness and that's why they use pasteurization, and it makes sense on a large scale. If you've ever watched someone hand milk a cow or goat and they didn't clean from the Hershey highway to the navel, leave that ---- alone. And when I say clean, I mean hot soapy water and a rag, then a through rinse like you're washing a car rim. Big dairies generally just spray the teat where the suction cone goes on and that thing vacuums up every particle between the resting spot and the teat - then back.

#29 | Posted by lfthndthrds at 2024-06-25 10:01 PM | Reply

I was in Diagonal, Iowa, a few years ago and an Amish woman was selling pies, vegetables and raw milk in galvanized open pails on a street corner in town. I watched the horse that was pulling her wagon pss on the street and splash into those pails of milk. She didn't bat an eye, and those pails didn't move. I remember whatever we bought, we threw in the trash when we got back to the house - took no chances. I'll get my milk at the store.

#30 | Posted by HeeHaw at 2024-06-25 10:02 PM | Reply

And when I say clean, I mean hot soapy water and a rag, then a through rinse like you're washing a car rim.[....] #29 | POSTED BY LFTHNDTHRDS

That requires a level of fastidiousness that will be hard to come by when farmers are running a business selling raw milk. Corners will be cut, and people, who never had the opportunity to witness the milking and production process, will inevitably end up getting sick.

That's one of the reasons why pasteurization is important. It allows compensation for the deficiencies that inevitably arise in the milk production process.

#31 | Posted by censored at 2024-06-25 10:39 PM | Reply | Newsworthy 1

That requires a level of fastidiousness that will be hard to come by when farmers are running a business selling raw milk. Corners will be cut, and people, who never had the opportunity to witness the milking and production process, will inevitably end up getting sick.

That's one of the reasons why pasteurization is important. It allows compensation for the deficiencies that inevitably arise in the milk production process.

#31 | Posted by censored at 2024-06-25 10:39 PM | Reply | Flag

I'm not disagreeing with you, but when I had my house in South MS, there were a couple of people out there in the sticks I trusted. I have no issue with it.

I've bought from this place too. They have a low-temp pasteurization process and the milk is really good.

#32 | Posted by lfthndthrds at 2024-06-25 11:06 PM | Reply

13. I'm with Eberly. I've gone this long in my life not meeting a person who cares about milk, except that it's easily available and cold, and I don't anticipate that changing -- and I've lived everywhere from urban America to Appalachia.

And anyone for whom milk is their main line in the sand in a culture war, well, bless their hearts.


I saw that link and thought, "What's happening to those poor country girls that they're screaming?"

#33 | Posted by Dbt2 at 2024-06-26 12:41 AM | Reply

...because half of the country is retarded.

#34 | Posted by earthmuse at 2024-06-26 10:48 AM | Reply

As a clear thinking normal American Conservative, I don't care what anyone drinks. The warnings of raw milk have been clearly stated. The warnings of cigarette smoking are clearly stated but some people *choose to smoke.
This is just another subject for the leftys here to insult the rightys. I

#35 | Posted by phesterOBoyle at 2024-06-26 10:53 AM | Reply

a clear thinking normal American Conservative

If there was such a thing, you definitely would not be it.

As evidence by your blaming for righties making yet another ridiculous grievance complex culture was pile of nonsense.

#36 | Posted by jpw at 2024-06-26 10:59 AM | Reply

Wow more insults, thanks for proving my point.

#37 | Posted by phesterOBoyle at 2024-06-26 11:07 AM | Reply

Try again, idiot.

#38 | Posted by jpw at 2024-06-26 11:25 AM | Reply

Wow so sad to be so hateful

#39 | Posted by phesterOBoyle at 2024-06-26 11:41 AM | Reply

Wow, hilarious hypocrisy once again. Liberals demonize everyone who fight against regulations on food services and want to regulate what they can and can't sell because of health. But, all of a sudden it's a good thing now.

If liberals didn't have hypocrisy, they wouldn't have a platform.

#40 | Posted by humtake at 2024-06-26 11:47 AM | Reply

On that platform thang, note the GOPers "platform" is simply whatever the pantload they've fallen for happens to blurt out at any given moment. What a bunch, huh?

#41 | Posted by Doc_Sarvis at 2024-06-26 11:52 AM | Reply

. The warnings of raw milk have been clearly stated. The warnings of cigarette smoking are clearly stated but some people *choose to smoke.
This is just another subject for the leftys here to insult the rightys.

If Republicans made "smoking cigarettes and getting lung cancer" into an act of political defiance, they'd be worthy of derision for that too. I'm sure you thought you had a point here but you really don't.

#42 | Posted by JOE at 2024-06-26 11:55 AM | Reply

Wow so sad to be so hateful


This from the Trumper whose only contribution to this thread has been to pass blame from Trumpers to LibRuLz.

Spare me.

#43 | Posted by jpw at 2024-06-26 12:29 PM | Reply

If liberals didn't have hypocrisy, they wouldn't have a platform.


If you didn't have nonsensical broad brushes to set up your argument from hypocrisy logical fallacies, you wouldn't have anything to say.

#44 | Posted by jpw at 2024-06-26 12:30 PM | Reply | Newsworthy 1

"If liberals didn't have hypocrisy, they wouldn't have a platform."

Republicans literally don't have a platform.

Maybe someday you'll notice.

#45 | Posted by snoofy at 2024-06-26 01:07 PM | Reply

I guess that's one way to admit that one has never seen a cow outside of a Looney Tunes cartoon.

#26 | Posted by censored

Ha that's what you think. I happen to live where cows still run wild, folks gotta put up fences to keep them out of the garden. We hunt'em at night, alls you need is a rattle-can and a sledgehammer. Maybe one of them battery chainsaws...

#46 | Posted by look_inward at 2024-06-26 01:10 PM | Reply | Newsworthy 1
countrygirl screamery

#47 | Posted by look_inward at 2024-06-26 01:12 PM | Reply | Funny: 1

^shoot somebody already did it. how do I delete this?

#48 | Posted by look_inward at 2024-06-26 01:19 PM | Reply

I noticed on the screamery website, Timmy is feeding that baby cow from a bottle. Why would he be doin that? Ain't that baby cow's mama there? Unless that sly look on his face is "watch this, you get'em started to sucking that bottle, then a quick switch, and no one's the wiser!"

#49 | Posted by look_inward at 2024-06-26 01:23 PM | Reply

Republicans lost more voters during COVID than did Democrats.

It looks like Raw Milk will become the next chapter.


#50 | Posted by Danforth at 2024-06-26 02:02 PM | Reply

"Milk is for babies." - Arnold Schwarzenegger

#51 | Posted by chuffy at 2024-06-27 08:52 AM | Reply

The 'Derp' is strong in this post...

#52 | Posted by earthmuse at 2024-06-27 01:25 PM | Reply

Comments are closed for this entry.

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Drudge Retort