
Drudge Retort: The Other Side of the News
Monday, August 26, 2024

Robert F. Kennedy Jr.'s daughter shared a whale of a tale more than a decade ago, but it went viral for the first time over the weekend ...



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"Around 1994, Kennedy caught wind that a dead whale had washed up on a beach in Hyannis Port, Massachusetts, and rushed out to the scene with a chainsaw and 6-year-old Kick in tow.

He cut the whale's head off, secured it to the roof of his minivan with bungee cords, and made the five-hour drive back to the family's home in New York.

"Every time we accelerated on the highway, whale juice would pour into the windows of the car, and it was the rankest thing on the planet," Kick recalled.

"We all had plastic bags over our heads with mouth holes cut out, and people on the highway were giving us the finger, but that was just normal day-to-day stuff for us."

Kick, named after great-aunt Kathleen "Kick" Kennedy Cavendish, made headlines on Saturday after a source told Page Six she'd recently been spotted palling around Los Angeles with Ben Affleck.

"The nature of their relationship remains unclear," the tabloid noted."


They actually passed Mitt and Seamus on the way upstate!

#1 | Posted by Corky at 2024-08-25 10:30 PM | Reply

He cut the whale's head off, secured it to the roof of his minivan with bungee cords

Didn't RFK Jr try to do that to the wife he drove to suicidal?

#2 | Posted by reinheitsgebot at 2024-08-26 05:27 AM | Reply


#3 | Posted by johnny_hotsauce at 2024-08-26 09:58 AM | Reply

Perfect fit for trump.

#4 | Posted by bat4255 at 2024-08-26 10:11 AM | Reply

So that's what wealthy people who do not have to work for a living spend their time.

Eating roadkill and dead whale dorks for a lark.

No wonder he got worms in his brain.

#5 | Posted by donnerboy at 2024-08-26 11:04 AM | Reply

Expect the left to bring up stories alot more frequently now that RFK has endorsed Trump. Shocking that these stories are being fabricated, I mean coming out now. Next week it will come out that he was the one who actually killed Mary Jo Kopechne.

#6 | Posted by fishpaw at 2024-08-26 12:24 PM | Reply | Funny: 1 | Newsworthy 1

- he was the one who actually killed Mary Jo Kopechne.

Nope. That was Trump.

#7 | Posted by Corky at 2024-08-26 01:24 PM | Reply

Pure desperation.

#8 | Posted by lfthndthrds at 2024-08-26 05:10 PM | Reply

Pure desperation.

#8 | Posted by lfthndthrds

Nothing says desperation like running fake spoiler candidates because you can't beat your opponent fairly.

#9 | Posted by SpeakSoftly at 2024-08-26 05:45 PM | Reply

I doesn't make him more appealing as a candidate, but he actually seems to be an intellectually curious and interesting man and this story reinforces that impression.

He does things I wouldn't want to but, Vive' la' difference.

He's actually seeing things for himself without a media filter.

#10 | Posted by Effeteposer at 2024-08-26 07:05 PM | Reply

It was already dead?

Then what's the issue.

Probably has a cool looking skull.

Great conversation piece.

#11 | Posted by ClownShack at 2024-08-26 07:14 PM | Reply

Yeah but I think it's illegal under the Marine Mammal Protection Act of 1972. Also it's supposed to be reported, necropsy report done, etc.

#12 | Posted by YAV at 2024-08-26 07:19 PM | Reply

It was 30 frickin' years ago for ----- sake.

#13 | Posted by Effeteposer at 2024-08-26 07:26 PM | Reply

I see.

Still. Cool conversation piece.

Also I guess people could start killing whales and then claim they were already dead.

#14 | Posted by ClownShack at 2024-08-26 07:27 PM | Reply

14 > 12

#15 | Posted by ClownShack at 2024-08-26 07:27 PM | Reply

Date of incident: 1994.
Date of the MMPA: 1972.

#16 | Posted by YAV at 2024-08-26 07:29 PM | Reply

It was 30 frickin' years ago for ----- sake.

#13 | Posted by Effeteposer

This dude has a pattern of cutting up animals.


#17 | Posted by SpeakSoftly at 2024-08-26 07:30 PM | Reply

It was 30 frickin' years ago for ----- sake.

Chappaquiddick was 55 years ago and apparently that's still relevant.

#18 | Posted by REDIAL at 2024-08-26 07:33 PM | Reply

This on top of thinking it was funny to bury a bear in Central Park along with a bicycle.

This guy is, as if it hasn't been in-your-face obvious, weird.

#19 | Posted by YAV at 2024-08-26 07:36 PM | Reply

Anyone taking brain worm's side is desperate.

#20 | Posted by LegallyYourDead at 2024-08-26 07:48 PM | Reply

#18 No statute of limitations on Murder.

If her death was murder?

#21 | Posted by Effeteposer at 2024-08-26 08:04 PM | Reply

Hey --------, that Kennedy's been dead for 15 years.

You ------- lowlife Russian stooge.

#22 | Posted by LegallyYourDead at 2024-08-26 08:45 PM | Reply

I heard RFK Junior and a bunch of his buddies got drunk one night and beat ET to death with hammers.

#23 | Posted by cbob at 2024-08-26 09:29 PM | Reply

@#19 ... This on top of thinking it was funny to bury a bear in Central Park along with a bicycle. ...

He dumped the bear and the bicycle in Central Park. He did not bury it.

RFK Jr. admits to dumping a dead bear in Central Park, solving a decade-old mystery

... The six-month-old, 44-pound cub made national news after a dog walker stumbled upon it that fateful October morning, in a wide-open part of the park right near the path where thousands of people run and bike each day.

Weirdly enough, one of the New York Times reporters who covered the mystery was Caroline Kennedy's daughter Tatiana Schlossberg, RJK Jr.'s first cousin once removed. She told the paper this weekend that "like law enforcement, I had no idea who was responsible for this when I wrote the story."

Law enforcement took the bear to Albany for analysis and determined that it had been hit by a car, likely outside the park. They also confiscated the bicycle to test for fingerprints.

"I was worried because my prints were all over that bike," Kennedy says in the video, drawing laughs from the room. ...

If you're interested, that article is an excellent timeline of what happened. Worth a read, imho.

#24 | Posted by LampLighter at 2024-08-26 09:38 PM | Reply

I once found a huge whale vertebra on a middle-of-nowhere beach on the Sea of Cortez. It was the size of a tree stump.

I wanted to bring it home with me, but it smelled awful.

#25 | Posted by madbomber at 2024-08-27 12:46 PM | Reply

RFKJr is just too interesting...

#26 | Posted by madbomber at 2024-08-27 12:47 PM | Reply

Recently there was a dead sea lion washed up on one of our local beaches.. The marine rescue folks wouldn't touch it, as it was already dead.. The state park folks wouldn't deal with it.. they said it would wash back out to sea during the next high tide.. it was there for a couple of weeks baking in the sun every day.. It was very gross and smelled terrible, all swollen.. looked like a giant sausage ready to explode. It never occurred to me to cut the head off and bring it home as a trophy. I'll have to consider that next time it happens.

#27 | Posted by igashosparks at 2024-08-27 04:56 PM | Reply

RFK jr got his brain work (probably taeniasis) from eating undercooked meat. Could be pork but could also be an ungulate; deer, domestic cattle, sheep, elk, and moose. This 'expert' can't even cook his own meat correctly.

His daughter said his whale chainsaw chop in and 5 hour drive home was just a 'normal day' for her family. Drag your kids along to wear plastic bags with mouthholes while dead while juice drips in their faces.

Perfectly normal!

God only know how many 'Conversation Pieces' he had stocked in his house.

Yeah, hard to converse about anything else other than the s*** you chopped up and display as some ConservaCrazy Nativity Scene.

#28 | Posted by zarnon at 2024-08-27 10:10 PM | Reply

Easy to do when you can hire someone else to"detail" your car.

#29 | Posted by RightisTrite at 2024-08-27 11:46 PM | Reply

Didn't this clown try to get a Cabinet position in exchange for his flock of sheep? I seem to remember Sec. of Health & Human Services was mentioned and IMHO, someone who would transport a whale's head home on the roof of his car with a six year old child inside isFOREVER DISQUALIFIED FOR ANY SUCH APPOINTMENT no matter how many sheep he could deliver to the Trump campaign.

#30 | Posted by danni at 2024-08-28 08:04 AM | Reply

Is Kennedy a Hemingway fan?

#31 | Posted by sentinel at 2024-08-28 08:43 AM | Reply


"Didn't this clown try to get a Cabinet position in exchange for his flock of sheep?"

You remember right. He made the same offer to both Harris (first) and then to Trump.

Harris turned him down.

#32 | Posted by Twinpac at 2024-08-28 03:10 PM | Reply

" Harris turned him down."

So basically, RFK was offering, and the first Jane he approached turned him down, so then he went to the next john. (In this case, Donald John.)

He was offering the same services, and would've done EXACTLY the same to Republicans.

Sounds like a whore to me.

#33 | Posted by Danforth at 2024-08-28 03:20 PM | Reply


"Sounds like a whore to me."

Well, yes. In another sense of the word, I guess he is. He just wanted a cabinet level position. He didn't care who gave it to him.

However, no guarantees. It would be just like Trump to kick RFK, Jr. to the curb after using him.

#34 | Posted by Twinpac at 2024-08-28 10:48 PM | Reply

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