Also, I don't understand how crypto currency, Bitcoin even works. So, it's difficult for me to comment on that.
#58 | Posted by BellRinger a
Here's how it works (essentially)
------- says he is selling magical fairy dust.
The magical fairy dust can only be bought by real money converted to magical fairy dust in some non-governmentally accessible computer programs (called blockchain) that are alleged to be secure.
Since there is no governmental oversight, those blockchains are created by companies.
You see where we are going here?
So, -------'s fairy dust sells like a stock on the blockchain.
So, let's use a real-life example, immediately after ------- announced he was selling magical fairy dust, some guy bought some magical fairy dust for like a million dollars (seems like he had some knowledge, let's call it insider knowledge) of the pending sale.
Said guy sells that coin 2 days later to some other guy for 1.5 million dollars.
Said guy profits $500,000 for 2 days work.
See what is happening yet?
So ------- and his kids and his wife control like 85% of the magical fairy dust, so they put magical fairy dust on the "market" and control the "market"
You trust your money to this guy?
Some common slob buys some magical fairy dust when the price is high thinking ------- will keep magical fairy dust flying sky high.
Common slob can't sell cause he is a sucker for those guys with insider knowledge-it's happening already.
Also, there are big buyers of magical fairy dust in Saudi Arabia and Quatar and UAE and China who just love them some ------- magical fairy dust who won't expect ANYTHING in return for his magical fairy dust.
If you didn't get it yet, magical fairy dust is actually, in reality, nothing, nothing at all, bubkis, nada,...
Spiro Agnew was forced out of the VP over a $10,000 gift.
The corruption is mind blowing.