I was listening to Carville a couple of nights ago and he argued that something was welling up and it was, as he termed it, "organic." He also advised politicians to just stand out of the way. (They usually follow anyway.)
His words brought to my mind the opposition to the Vietnam War. It started out small, scattered, and then grew. I know, that was then and this is now, it's a different situation and so on.
But I can't shake Carville's idea about an "organic" movement - of which the Civil Rights Revolution and Antiwar Movement stand out. Hopefully, something akin may be in the offing. Starts small, making contacts, forging networks, talking, not being afraid.
#10 | Posted by Doc_Sarvis
Well, that may be, and I support it.
That is when another front against our rights will open-the freedom of assembly and the freedom to petition the government will be assailed.
This administration is hoping and praying for protests because they will come down hard on them.
And when a few protestors show up with guns, we will see what ------- REALLY thinks of the 2nd Amendment. And no, nothing that threatens his power will be allowed to exist.