Why and when did US government workers become evil, corrupt, waste, fraud and abusers?
I reject the whole ------- concept.
They are enacting the laws passed by congress.
You want to get rid of their jobs? Pass laws getting rid of their functions.
Ex. Our nation saw the need and benefit to provide economic assistance to foreign countries, to do humanitarian work-you know something GOOD in the world. We also recognized the benefit to OUR nation to have stable developing countries that we could trade with, who were not failed states generating terrorists and again, it was good that we were literally saving the lives of MILLIONS of people, all for a pittance of our GDP. This work was conducted through an agency established through executive action and later established as a separate agency through congressional action. This agency was funded through congressional action, you know through law
At some point, ignorant or evil people decided that that was waste fraud and abuse, so they just eliminated the whole program. Despite our nation passing laws and funding to the contrary.
USAID was not evil, it was not waste, fraud and abuse.
Anyone who says it was, is a lying piece of ----.
But, we can't even debate the benefits of USAID, an unelected billionaire just decides it and unthinking lemmings just suddenly say people who have dedicated their lives to helping the poorest and most at risk people and children on the planet are defrauding our country.
Magat scum are truly despicable creatures.