
Drudge Retort: The Other Side of the News
Monday, June 17, 2024

If the United States' economy were an athlete, right now it would be peak LeBron James. If it were a pop star, it would be peak Taylor Swift.



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Four years ago the bankruptcy-prone orange pedo was crowing about his 15% unemployment rate. It's amazing how Fat Smelvis was able to pack a century's worth of failure into 48 months.

#1 | Posted by reinheitsgebot at 2024-06-16 02:00 PM | Reply

If it were a pop star, it would be peak Taylor Swift.

Why not Michael Jackson before his face melted and those socially awkward allegations surfaced?

#2 | Posted by censored at 2024-06-16 02:10 PM | Reply

"In the U.S., however, the post-pandemic recession never arrived. The economy just keeps growing"

Dark Brandon!

#3 | Posted by Zed at 2024-06-16 02:56 PM | Reply | Newsworthy 1

MAGA would think this wondrous news had they noted hated the United States.

#4 | Posted by Zed at 2024-06-16 03:00 PM | Reply

Since they live in the 1950's anyway, perhaps if we called this the Elvis of Economies, that would make a dent in their iron-plated skulls?

#5 | Posted by Corky at 2024-06-16 03:08 PM | Reply | Newsworthy 1

Bull. Homelessness is rising, fewer jobs and they are paying less, no universal healthcare or even an attempt to limit pricing, housing is IMPOSSIBLE, schools are being privatized, food, gasoline and utilities are all higher than ever.

"superstar" for the ownership society only.

Civil war is on the horizon.

#6 | Posted by redlightrobot at 2024-06-16 03:41 PM | Reply

Since they (MAGA) live in the 1950's anyway


For some reason, they inhabit only the nastiest corners of the 1950s, not the fun parts.

#7 | Posted by Zed at 2024-06-16 03:51 PM | Reply | Newsworthy 2

#6 | Posted by redlightrobot

I don't know how some people even manage to pay rent let alone buy a $400k house, which is about the median price these days.

Private equity bought up single family homes and jacked up rent. Harlan Crow (Clarence Thomas' sugar daddy) and his software that allowed apartment complexes and property management firms to collude on rental prices is equally to blame.

#8 | Posted by AMERICANUNITY at 2024-06-16 04:12 PM | Reply

#3 | Posted by Zed

It should also be noted that the student debt forgiveness wasn't giving money to anyone.

Those were primarily former students who's already paid back more than what they initially borrowed but still had balances thanks to interest.

#9 | Posted by AMERICANUNITY at 2024-06-16 04:29 PM | Reply | Newsworthy 2

It should also be noted that the student debt forgiveness wasn't giving money to anyone.
- AU

In the same way tax cuts isn't giving money to anyone?

#10 | Posted by oneironaut at 2024-06-16 05:56 PM | Reply

Those were primarily former students who's already paid back more than what they initally borrowed.
- AU

So take expensive dollars and give back cheap dollars.

Why can't everyone do that?

Mortgages in particular.

#11 | Posted by oneironaut at 2024-06-16 05:57 PM | Reply

#10 why do you hate Republicans and their tax cutting for billionaires?
You some kind of commie?

#12 | Posted by northguy3 at 2024-06-16 07:38 PM | Reply

"Superstar status"

The only thing holding this economy together is baling wire and fake reporting of stats. The only hope and prayer the Democrats have at this point, is that it doesn't come all the way undone before the first week of November.,

#13 | Posted by lfthndthrds at 2024-06-17 07:19 AM | Reply

The only thing holding this economy together is


The fact that the US issues its own currency and the economy can never and will never be "bad" until the people running it what you to think it is.

Anyone else find it odd that between Ukraine and Isn'treal the US has spent roughly 10s of billions of dollars, if not hundreds of billions of dollars, that it wasn't planning on spending just this year, but somehow inflation is going down and taxes haven't gone up 1 cent?

Peculiar thing, in'nit?

#14 | Posted by tres_flechas at 2024-06-17 08:05 AM | Reply

"inflation is going down"

Not rising as fast as it previously was, does not = going down.

#15 | Posted by lfthndthrds at 2024-06-17 09:19 AM | Reply


Yeah the inflation is a steady 5%.

The fed can't solve the inflation issue because it can't raise rates.

Why? Because that would increase US debt servicing costs.

It can't lower the rates either because it would drive inflation upwards.

The new inflation rate is now 5.5%.

Get used to it, media soon will claim this is correct and the new normal.

#16 | Posted by oneironaut at 2024-06-17 09:25 AM | Reply

Anyone else find it odd that between Ukraine and Isn'treal the US has spent roughly 10s of billions of dollars, if not hundreds of billions of dollars, that it wasn't planning on spending just this year, but somehow inflation is going down and taxes haven't gone up 1 cent?
- tres feces

The affects of spending today don't come into view until later

For instance, spending to your credit limit today, doesn't mean you're going to feel it today .

#17 | Posted by oneironaut at 2024-06-17 09:27 AM | Reply

Not rising as fast as it previously was, does not = going down.

The Fed has found a new sweet spot.

#18 | Posted by oneironaut at 2024-06-17 09:27 AM | Reply | Newsworthy 1

#10 why do you hate Republicans and their tax cutting for billionaires?
You some kind of commie?

Yeah. Them and freeloading students.

#19 | Posted by oneironaut at 2024-06-17 09:30 AM | Reply

Not rising as fast as it previously was, does not = going down.

If inflation was 8% and now it's 5% then it went down.

#20 | Posted by REDIAL at 2024-06-17 10:31 AM | Reply

If inflation is still high, it's because corporations are loving the significantly higher profit margins.

#21 | Posted by Whatsleft at 2024-06-17 12:18 PM | Reply

In this economy, it seems like the worst thing anyone could do is stay at a job where wages didn't keep up.

#22 | Posted by Whatsleft at 2024-06-17 12:37 PM | Reply

For instance, spending to your credit limit today, doesn't mean you're going to feel it today .


It only took 3 posts for some ------ to compare the currency sovereignty that the United States of America has my God damned discover card account...

#23 | Posted by tres_flechas at 2024-06-17 12:47 PM | Reply

I mean, what's the difference between a person's capital one account and a government that can conjure currency into existence with a key stroke and then make it disappear like it was never there any time it feels like it???

#24 | Posted by tres_flechas at 2024-06-17 12:48 PM | Reply

So take expensive dollars and give back cheap dollars.

Congratulations, you've discovered why rich people prefer inflation to deflation.

#25 | Posted by snoofy at 2024-06-17 01:15 PM | Reply

Tangentially related...

China's broken recovery: New data shows drag on its economy

... China's rise to global economic powerhouse was propelled in part by a historic property boom. Now, a yearslong housing crisis keeps dragging the economy down -- a notable reversal in the economic dynamics between the China and U.S.

Why it matters: China's government stimulus measures to shore up its property sector have yet to produce results. ...

#26 | Posted by LampLighter at 2024-06-17 02:23 PM | Reply

I no longer have the heart to continue to argue w the right wing morons on this site, who remain ignorant because it is their preferred state of being.

Most of the answers to your economic worries/cares/fixations can be found via Google, via Youtube, etc...if you would just stop going to OAN, Brietbat, & Faux News for your 'daily slice of propaganda'.

But they can't and they won't. Just like Trump can't and won't tell the truth or shut up. He cannot. He is physically incapable of it. So too are many MAGA morons utterly incapable of extricating themselves from their self-impossed hells of repetitive arguments.

I will be spending less time arguing w folks on this site. I largely view now as wasted time. Same old obstinate asses, same old arguments. Maybe Reddit or somewhere else has better threads where people have more open minds and better discussions and less "Waaaaaaaaah". See yah folks. I may pop in from time to time. But this old horse needs 'fresher pastures to trot in'. There is too much repetitive crap here.

#27 | Posted by earthmuse at 2024-06-17 02:57 PM | Reply

The new inflation rate is now 5.5%.

This is why MAGAts don't think they economy is doing well.

They don't even have basic facts.

Inflation is at 3.3% for the last 12 months.

#28 | Posted by Sycophant at 2024-06-17 03:38 PM | Reply | Newsworthy 2

It was 8.3% in 2022. Only 3.3% is "good news". The poors will understand how great it is any minute now.

#29 | Posted by sitzkrieg at 2024-06-17 04:27 PM | Reply

It was 8.3% in 2022. Only 3.3% is "good news". The poors will understand how great it is any minute now.


3.3% is .5% BELOW the average inflation rate since 1960 and its the lowest in the entire industrialized world.

And the fact that uneducated dopes don't understand that is precisely why Trump is doing well.

#30 | Posted by Sycophant at 2024-06-17 04:34 PM | Reply

It's lower than it was 64 years ago? Wow!

It's always the poors fault for being stupid. They should pull themselves up by their bootstraps and thrive. This is great marketing, why don't they get it?!

#31 | Posted by sitzkrieg at 2024-06-17 06:33 PM | Reply | Newsworthy 1

@#29 ... Only 3.3% is "good news". ...

I would not be the first in line to call 3.3% inflation "good news."

That is more than 60% above the target number of 2%.

That aside, the Fed is walking a fine line here, a very fine line.

Stated simply: How to bring inflation down to the 2% goal while not causing a recession.

Indeed, as inflation has dropped from its highs near 10% to the 3-4% range of late, the labor economy has remained strong. From what I've seen, no major layoffs, just a reduction in hiring.

#32 | Posted by LampLighter at 2024-06-17 07:17 PM | Reply

LOL the lies and deception just keep fooling the same dopes over and over again. Walk around areas of California and see the homeless crisis and that's what constitutes a "great economy" according to these dopes

#33 | Posted by THEBULL at 2024-06-18 12:27 AM | Reply

Here's what the economy looked like under the bankruptcy-prone orange pedo.

#34 | Posted by reinheitsgebot at 2024-06-18 12:33 AM | Reply

@#33 ... the lies and deception ...

Does your alias have any specific examples or is it, as it seems to often do, just speaking out of its ---- pore?

#35 | Posted by LampLighter at 2024-06-18 12:49 AM | Reply | Newsworthy 1

"It's always the poors fault for being stupid. They should pull themselves up by their bootstraps and thrive. This is great marketing, why don't they get it?!"

Because blaming immigrants is even better marketing.

#36 | Posted by snoofy at 2024-06-18 10:51 AM | Reply

$4.40 yesterday at Walmart ... for one dozen eggs, large whites, not free-range or any of that BS.

there's a church here that gives out food packages every wednesday 200/300 cars.. and this is in Paris Ark.

statistically the country may be doing great but we'll have to see if semi sane and abortion will trump MAGA
grocery prices and homeless and illegal immigration

#37 | Posted by brerrabbit at 2024-06-18 11:40 AM | Reply

It's lower than it was 64 years ago? Wow!
It's always the poors fault for being stupid. They should pull themselves up by their bootstraps and thrive. This is great marketing, why don't they get it?!


Reading comprehension not your strong suit?

It's lower than the AVERAGE for the last 64 years.

So 3.3% is not bad and seems to be continuing to drop.

#38 | Posted by Sycophant at 2024-06-18 11:43 AM | Reply

Oh for the love of biased craploads. While the country isn't as bad off as the party not in power says, it is definitely nowhere as near as good as the party in power says (which is basically how this same, cookie-cutter story gets told every time an election is coming up).

To really understand the bias in this article, all you have to do is truly understand why they use 2019 as the beginning of the metrics. Once you educate yourself as to why that allows such a vastly skewed representation of current day statistics, you will see how easy these outlets can fool uninformed people. And, the best part of it all is that they use 2019 because of how much higher it set the bar, which was due to Trump. But, of course, they won't tell you that because then you would question the 2019 representation of the origin.

#39 | Posted by humtake at 2024-06-18 12:13 PM | Reply

And, the best part of it all is that they use 2019 because of how much higher it set the bar, which was due to Trump. But, of course, they won't tell you that because then you would question the 2019 representation of the origin.

#39 | Posted by humtake

As always, dems handed repubs a great economy, repubs took credit for it, ruined it, and then handed it back to dems to fix, blaming them for its failure. Rinse and repeat.

#40 | Posted by SpeakSoftly at 2024-06-18 12:23 PM | Reply

they use 2019 as the beginning of the metrics


If you read the article, you will see that the metrics go back to the 1940s.

#41 | Posted by Derek_Wildstar at 2024-06-18 12:28 PM | Reply

Because blaming immigrants is even better marketing.

#36 | POSTED BY SNOOFY AT 2024-06-18 10:51 AM | FLAG: Fen 2024 article:

How Much Do Illegal Immigrants Cost the U.S.?

and you can bet those numbers are low and look how much NYC [at local level] alone is spending just to house them in hotels:
One of Every Five New York City Hotels is Now a Migrant Shelter

#42 | Posted by MSgt at 2024-06-18 01:34 PM | Reply

"How Much Do Illegal Immigrants Cost the U.S.?"

FAIR is not exactly an unbiased source...

Anyway there's no discussion of the costs of doing things differently, so it's not really saying a lot.

#43 | Posted by snoofy at 2024-06-18 01:47 PM | Reply | Newsworthy 1

Re 31 & 33

Obviously Biden is more interested in helping the LIVs (low income voters) than twice impeached convicted felon Trumpy is. Trumpy is more concerned with revenge and retribution than actually helping anyone, especially the poor.

And if they don't get out and and use their voting power and vote for change then they are not even trying to help themselves and their situations may never change. If the LIVs were to use their political power to vote in mass for Joe then Biden would win in a landslide.

"While 58% of eligible homeowners turned out to vote in the midterm elections, just 37% of eligible renters cast their ballots. Sixty-seven percent of eligible voters with household incomes above $100,000 voted, compared to just 33% of eligible voters with household incomes below $20,000. "

#44 | Posted by donnerboy at 2024-06-18 01:48 PM | Reply

Joe Biden posted on X "Zero. That was monthly inflation in May. There is more to do still, but this is welcome progress."

Inflation was 3.3% in May, and services, shelter, and electricity increased by 5.3%, 5.4%, and 5.9%, respectively.

#45 | Posted by look_inward at 2024-06-18 05:26 PM | Reply

The University of Michigan Consumer Sentiment Survey plummeted to its lowest level in seven months.

The U.S. consumer has been adding debt to maintain consumption, and credit card debt has reached new record levels. This is not a strong economy.

#46 | Posted by look_inward at 2024-06-18 05:28 PM | Reply

Daddysfist misses his child-raping hero's 15% unemployment rate.

#47 | Posted by reinheitsgebot at 2024-06-18 05:36 PM | Reply


Stop posting other's works as your own without attribution. What's worse is that you're offering us nothing as it regards your own feelings and sentiments while getting others to respond to what someone else actually said, not you.

For those interested, every single word posted in the above threads was taken from an article written by Daniel Lacalle, a Spanish Economist and Fund Manager, who happens to be the same person that published these things in the recent past:

US economy is already in a 'private sector recession': Daniel Lacalle

The Daniel Lacalle Podcast: Recession, Inflation And Gold

Daniel Lacalle: On The Road To Stagflation

#48 | Posted by tonyroma at 2024-06-18 06:02 PM | Reply | Newsworthy 3

The U.S. consumer has been adding debt to maintain consumption, and credit card debt has reached new record levels. This is not a strong economy.

#46 | Posted by look_inward

Because too many employers have cared about quarterly profits and said "F 'em" about their employees.

Wages haven't kept pace with prices for 40 years. Used to be a person could feed a family of four on a job. Thanks to the "greed is good" culture that began in the 80's, a majority of Americans have to work harder just to keep up.

Corporations have posted record profits year after year. $11-15 an hour doesn't cut it. Even $20 an hour leaves most scrambling to pay monthly expenses after withholding comes off the top. America's economy is upside down, favoring those with the most and leaving the vast majority of Americans trying to keep their heads above water.

#49 | Posted by AMERICANUNITY at 2024-06-18 07:08 PM | Reply

"And if they don't get out and and use their voting power eerrrrrr....civic responsibility and vote for change then they are not even trying to help themselves and their situations may never change."


#50 | Posted by eberly at 2024-06-18 07:17 PM | Reply

"The U.S. consumer has been adding debt to maintain consumption"

Is that bad?
Who lets them do that?

#51 | Posted by snoofy at 2024-06-18 09:24 PM | Reply

a raging economy is great for investors ... ..not the working class, particularly not the young workers who can't afford housing.

#52 | Posted by Miranda7 at 2024-06-18 11:28 PM | Reply

a raging economy is great for investors ... ..not the working class, particularly not the young workers who can't afford housing.

Since 1975, practically all of the gains in household income have gone to the top 20% of households.

#53 | Posted by snoofy at 2024-06-18 11:34 PM | Reply

eerrrrrr....civic responsibility and vote for change then they are not even trying to help themselves and their situations may never change."



Just vote harder! That'll fix it.

#54 | Posted by tres_flechas at 2024-06-19 08:02 AM | Reply

Joe Biden posted on X "Zero. That was monthly inflation in May. There is more to do still, but this is welcome progress."
Inflation was 3.3% in May, and services, shelter, and electricity increased by 5.3%, 5.4%, and 5.9%, respectively.


Moron, 3.3% is the inflation over the last 12 months. It's not just May. May saw 0% inflation in isolation.

#55 | Posted by Sycophant at 2024-06-19 10:42 AM | Reply

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