The military protects the wealthy from the poor.
Police, Fire Depts, and a huge nationwide security industry protect the wealthy from the poor.
Protecting the wealthy will become Luigi-tougher as the oligarchs become more transparent in their contempt for poor Americans.
The numbers of the oppressed will soon swell to include millions more angry 2nd amendment citizens who are armed. It wont be long till current MAGA (poor rural Americans who are about to see Mayberry turn into Grapes of Wrath America) will be joining the anti-trump half of the voters once MAGAts have lost the farm, the job, the medical care, the IRA/401K, and financial security, they will plot against the wealthy along with masses.
Do you plan to see military retirement benefits continue to be paid after Muskrump steals our Social Security and Mecicare/Medicade ?
You think he cares about an uppity retired Major? You are on the chopping block to BOAZO, Suckers and Losers, Maj phkup, and you are about to become a sucker and a loser.
The government has been your piggy bank since you were a kid. I'd wager you have extracted more Guberment cheese from the gubmnt piggy bank than anybody else on the RETORT.
To you, the Government always was, and still is a piggy bank strictly for you with the poor paying higher tax rates than the morbidly wealthy.
Sit TF down and shut TF up, you Government-cheese-eating emeffer.
You are a gvmnt hand-out welfare queen. You will be a poor man as soon as your Cheese gets cut off by real 'rich people'.
The agency we are discussing was shuttered because it was a law enforcement Agency protecting the American Citizens from corporations who break laws. Period! Knowing this, you somehow decided it was logical to turn the thieves into the victims.
With logic like that, you musta been one effed-up leader of men.