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Shall we play a game?

Can you spot the difference?

"I don't have any doubts the authors of project 2025 want a ban on abortion ,even though I don't know that.....because they aren't willing to say that." - #126 | Posted by eberly at 2024-10-21
And ...
"I don't have any doubts the author of Mein Kampf wanted to kill all European Jews ,even though I don't know that.....because he isn't willing to say that." - #126 | Posted by eberly, sr. at 1938-10-10
Hint: the dates posted give you an important clue.

BONUS: At which one of Germany's mass deportation camps (1933-1945) was this quote discovered written on a barracks wall:

"So, God wants me to ask for forgiveness? Maybe He's the one who needs to ask for forgiveness."
. Good luck!

Oh man, this is one of the most hilarious examples of liberal hypocrisy yet. So, soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo many prominent Dems and liberal journalists are on record saying Trump should be silenced because of his lies. Countless lawsuits in almost every state by liberals over the last two terms have tried to silence Trump and other Reps for their lies.

But, oooooooooooommmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmggggggggggggggggggggg, liberal outlets put out lies and Reps complain and all of a sudden lies are a 1st Amendment right. Fact is,

Can't make this stuff up.

"There are no lies or disinformation in the ad. DeSantis and Ladapo are furious because it's the real and accurate story told by the victim of their policies. So they are lying about it, mischaracterizing the results of what they passed."

Like the real and accurate stories of a hotel being taken over by immigrant gangs that Dems won't accept as reality? Or the real and accurate story of a person's pet being eaten by immigrants (it's true no matter how much you want to ignore it, albeit it was one example and should never have blown up like it did), like the real and accurate stories of women being raped AND/or killed by illegal immigrants (of which we have many examples now so, again, it's true no matter how much you want to ignore it).

Point is, I have seen a lot of accusations made by Reps that are supported by real and accurate evidence that Dems ignore, that to hear Dems hypocritically call out Reps for doing the same thing just makes me sad for the country. Dems are lying to everyone every day all while calling out Reps lying.

"so is that like the 3rd time you are calling me a Nazi camp worker exterminating jews?" -

#135 | Posted by eberly (new)


I'm calling you a Sonderkommando, who were Jews still healthy enough to clean out the gas chambers and put the bodies in a crematorium for an extra slice of bread, for an extra day of life

You're a sophist, a person who reasons with clever but fallacious arguments.

"I don't have any doubts the authors of project 2025 want a ban on abortion even though I don't know that.....because they aren't willing to say that." - Just like Hitler wasn't willing to say what he really wanted to do to the Jews.
And to what end are you being a sophist? For an extra slice of bread, or an extra day of life? For "respect" from the likes of visitor_?

Why don't you just join your brothers-in-arms, admit you completely and fully support the Kumquat Pol Pot, and stop being clever and cute by half.

Educate yourself


The lawyer for Mr. Trump, Jonathan F. Mitchell, 47, is best known for drafting anti-abortion laws that ultimately led the Supreme Court to abolish the constitutional right to the procedure.

One of those laws, Senate Bill 8, was engineered in part by Mr. Mitchell and led to a near-total ban on abortion in Texas. He also worked on similar laws in other states.


"We don't need [Congress to pass] a federal ban when we have Comstock on the books."

Mitchell wants Trump and anti-abortion groups to "keep their mouths shut [on Comstock] as much as possible until the election." Once in office, they plan to shut down abortion care nationwide without any need for congressional action.

If you don't think Mitchell will hold a top position in a 2nd ------- administration are well, an idiot.

Oh, btw, the SC and lower courts are already alluding to the Comstock Act in arguments about abortion.

"The links are really creepy." -

#126 | Posted by eberly (new)

Thanks for the clicks.

As the saying goes, if the shoe fits...

1 in 5 Republicans want Trump to call election invalid if he loses

... Nearly one in five Republicans say that if Donald Trump loses the 2024 election, he should declare the results invalid and do whatever it takes to assume office, according to a new national survey. ...

#117 | Posted by eberly

Abortion: Project 2025 describes the Dobbs decision, which overturned Roe v. Wade, as "just the beginning." ...

... The book also calls for ending federal funding for "Planned Parenthood and all other abortion providers and redirect[ing] funding to health centers that provide real health care to women." As we have written before, Planned Parenthood provides more than abortion services. In its 2022-2023 annual report, Planned Parenthood said it provided 4.6 million tests and treatment for sexually transmitted infections, 2.25 million contraception services, 464,021 cancer screenings and prevention services (mostly breast exams and Pap tests), and 1.1 million pregnancy tests and prenatal services.


Project 2025 = --- WOMEN

Authors of Project 2025 = VOTE FOR TRUMP

Thanks for posting that, eberly

#117 | Posted by eberly

Abortion: Project 2025 describes the Dobbs decision, which overturned Roe v. Wade, as "just the beginning."

"Conservatives in the states and in Washington, including in the next conservative Administration, should push as hard as possible to protect the unborn in every jurisdiction in America," the book states. "In particular, the next conservative President should work with Congress to enact the most robust protections for the unborn that Congress will support while deploying existing federal powers to protect innocent life and vigorously complying with statutory bans on the federal funding of abortion."

The book calls on the Department of Health and Human Services to protect "the health and well-being of all Americans," beginning at conception, and to end mandatory health insurance coverage of Ella, an emergency contraceptive that Project 2025 describes as a "potential abortifacient." It also advocates using an 1873 anti-vice law to block abortion pills from being sent via the mail. (More about that later.)

The book also calls for ending federal funding for "Planned Parenthood and all other abortion providers and redirect[ing] funding to health centers that provide real health care to women." As we have written before, Planned Parenthood provides more than abortion services. In its 2022-2023 annual report, Planned Parenthood said it provided 4.6 million tests and treatment for sexually transmitted infections, 2.25 million contraception services, 464,021 cancer screenings and prevention services (mostly breast exams and Pap tests), and 1.1 million pregnancy tests and prenatal services.

#114 | Posted by visitor_ at 2024-10-21 10:58 AM | Reply | Flag: 100% oops

Oh, and Happy Anniversary ! ! !

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