
Drudge Retort: The Other Side of the News
Monday, June 10, 2024

Progressive activist Lauren Windsor posed as a Christian conservative to take an undercover recording of Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito at the Supreme Court Historical Society's annual dinner ...



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A honest man would resign. But that's the problem, isn't it?

#1 | Posted by Zed at 2024-06-10 01:54 PM | Reply | Newsworthy 4

I hope Dems can flip the House and keep the Senate and impeach Alito and Thomas next year.

#2 | Posted by qcp at 2024-06-10 01:54 PM | Reply

James O'Keefe would be proud.

#3 | Posted by lee_the_agent at 2024-06-10 01:56 PM | Reply

And I guess American will never know who leaked the decision to overturn Roe. But many Americans know who the leaker was...

#4 | Posted by catdog at 2024-06-10 01:56 PM | Reply

Mr. Alito is a citizen of the Vatican, not here.

#5 | Posted by Zed at 2024-06-10 01:59 PM | Reply

James O'Keefe is a ----...

And here I thought he would be found admitting
to being a Grand Wizard of the KKK...

Impartial he is not!
Fair, he ain't!

The problem (seemingly) with all of the current
batch of GOP, GQP, and outright Nutter Reich, is
that NONE of them seem to be able to perform their
basic civic duties (the reason they should have been
elected) without letting partisan politics get in the

#6 | Posted by earthmuse at 2024-06-10 02:11 PM | Reply | Newsworthy 1

Alito should just blame his wife for the words that came out of his mouth.

#7 | Posted by johnny_hotsauce at 2024-06-10 02:29 PM | Reply | Newsworthy 2

Did you notice he was wearing his Flag label pin upside down!?

#8 | Posted by Corky at 2024-06-10 02:33 PM | Reply

""One side or the other is going to win ... There are differences on fundamental things that really can't be compromised.""

I am of the distinct opinion that insurrection is not an acceptable form of protest and there can be NO compromise with people who do not believe in democracy. Full Stop.

#9 | Posted by truthhurts at 2024-06-10 02:36 PM | Reply

I hope Dems can flip the House and keep the Senate and impeach Alito and Thomas next year.

#2 | Posted by qcp

Impeachment is worthless. It's just a finger wag. Trump was impeached twice. No one cared.

#10 | Posted by SpeakSoftly at 2024-06-10 02:37 PM | Reply

As someone with an intense dislike for Justice Alito, this seems like it's being presented as something a not more damning than it actually is. Ironically this will make it harder to expose real problems with Alito both because of public fatigue and because he will likely be more guarded with his remarks in the future.

#11 | Posted by JOE at 2024-06-10 02:40 PM | Reply

*a lot more

#12 | Posted by JOE at 2024-06-10 02:40 PM | Reply

This is the part of the story where "conservatives" argue justice wasn't meant to be totally blind.

#13 | Posted by ChiefTutMoses at 2024-06-10 02:44 PM | Reply

Soros gave 19 million to activist groups for the sole purpose of undermining the court and create chaos.

#14 | Posted by visitor_ at 2024-06-10 02:57 PM | Reply | Funny: 4

Time to water the tree of liberty.

#15 | Posted by LegallyYourDead at 2024-06-10 03:04 PM | Reply

"Soros gave 19 million to activist groups"

One of these things is not like the other.

You ------- ----.

#16 | Posted by LegallyYourDead at 2024-06-10 03:04 PM | Reply

The rrrrriiiiiiggggghhhhttttttt will want her thrown in prison for forcing Alito to say those horrible things.

#17 | Posted by tres_flechas at 2024-06-10 03:04 PM | Reply

As someone with an intense dislike for Justice Alito, this seems like it's being presented as something a not more damning than it actually is.

This is recording captured Alito admitting that he lacks impartiality by admitting that the does not feel compromise is possible with those of differing political beliefs and acknowledged it can be difficult to share a country with those he differs with. That sounds pretty damning for any judge, much less a Supreme Court Justice.

Now add to that the fact that we are talking about a justice who is already facing controversy for flying two different flags on his property that represent support for a political group that attempted to overthrow the US Constitution.

What could possibly be more damning?

#18 | Posted by johnny_hotsauce at 2024-06-10 03:10 PM | Reply | Newsworthy 1

Soros gave 19 million to activist groups for the sole purpose of undermining the court and create chaos.

Did you have a point you were trying to make?
Are you trying to say that it's the fault of the Jews that Alito said the things he said? Are you trying to say that Soros paid Alito to say those things for the purpose of undermining the court?

#19 | Posted by johnny_hotsauce at 2024-06-10 03:14 PM | Reply

This is recording captured Alito admitting that he lacks impartiality by admitting that the does not feel compromise is possible with those of differing political beliefs

Most people already know he's a hack. If he says "yeah im a rightwinger" in a secretly recorded interview this isn't some earth-shattering expose.

#20 | Posted by JOE at 2024-06-10 03:52 PM | Reply

Public opinion of SCOTUS remains near the lowest its ever been, is this because Americans think it is a repository for neutral good-faith decisionmaking?

#21 | Posted by JOE at 2024-06-10 03:56 PM | Reply

Heaven forbid someone have an opinion. Even Biden has an opinion on who's black...

#22 | Posted by lfthndthrds at 2024-06-10 04:19 PM | Reply

#20 - but he didn't just say I'm a rightwinger. He presented divisions in America as some sort of battle to be won by one side or the other. Compare his response to that of Roberts, another rightwinger, who brushed the deliberate bias of the questions aside and reiterated that the Court is not meant to be the moral authority for the nation.
And I don't think this is about most people and their views of Alito. The real impact that I'm curious about here is how his statements are measured by the other justices on the court, most specifically John Roberts. I don't know how John Roberts, not just as another justice on the court but also as Chairman of the Judicial Conference and Chief Administrator of all federal courts, can allow this to pass. Alito has compromised the trust in the Court and the courts in a way that I'm not sure we've ever seen in US history. As for the other justices on the Court, will they sit by silently or will they feel compelled to advise Alito on a path forward like Earl Warren and Hugo Black did with Abe Fortas?

#23 | Posted by johnny_hotsauce at 2024-06-10 04:35 PM | Reply

The recording of Alito "shows he holds a highly Manichean view of his political opponents."

There's a reason I'm always interested in the religious beliefs of public figures, given how a worldview might impact policy and society. This is especially the case with presidents, Supreme Court justices, and the holders of particularly powerful cabinet and other administrative positions, e.g. SECDEF. And the bitter, stunted Sam Alito is a good example of that reason.

#24 | Posted by Doc_Sarvis at 2024-06-10 04:43 PM | Reply | Newsworthy 4

So basically, what The Riiight was fear-mongering with Kennedy and Biden -- allegiance to the Vatican over the Constitution -- turned out to be true for Alito.

#25 | Posted by snoofy at 2024-06-10 04:46 PM | Reply | Newsworthy 1

Public opinion of SCOTUS remains near the lowest its ever been, is this because Americans think it is a repository for neutral good-faith decisionmaking?

Good question. All that pops for me at the moment is a possible partial explanation. Could it be many people who associated the Court with what they perceive as positive developments - e.g. Brown - perceived the Roberts Court as increasingly involved in wrecking ball behavior? For folks who even just superficially follow SCOTUS goings on, (that would be me and my "ilk") the descent into ridiculosity attending the embrace of "Originalist" so-called doctrine might also figure into the mix.

#26 | Posted by Doc_Sarvis at 2024-06-10 04:57 PM | Reply

@#22 ... Heaven forbid someone have an opinion. ...

Having an opinion is one thing.

Having an opinion without the ethics to properly balance that opinion is another thing.

imo Justice Alito is the latter, not the former.

#27 | Posted by LampLighter at 2024-06-10 05:03 PM | Reply | Funny: 1 | Newsworthy 1

The rawstory article doesn't mention this but if you listen to the full recording you also hear Alito blame the media for the of public trust in the Court and went on to blame the lack of trust on polarization among American people.
I would hope that a Supreme Court justice would be capable of a more nuanced view of the matter. Falling support for the Court is a bipartisan issue. It is true that disapproval of the Court has nearly doubled among Democrats, climbing from 39% in 2020 to 73% this year. We see nearly identical among independent voters, increasing from 46% to 72% over that same time period. It might catch Alito off-guard to learn that disapproval of the Court among republicans has more than doubled during that time, up from 20% to 43% today.

Alito went on to talk about the Dobbs leak and claimed the Court lack the power to investigate the leak. He also admitted his own bias in the Dobbs decision when the interviewer expressed her thanks for the ruling. She called it an important fight for the rights of the unborn and Alito agreed despite there being nothing in the US Constitution that conveys such a right.

#28 | Posted by johnny_hotsauce at 2024-06-10 05:07 PM | Reply

he didn't just say I'm a rightwinger. He presented divisions in America as some sort of battle to be won by one side or the other.

The point is he's a partisan activist. Yes it's something we need to drive home, but to secretly record someone and only get this admission is maybe something, but it's not much.

And I don't think this is about most people and their views of Alito.

I do. If you want to build support for impeachment or court expansion, you need stories so outrageous that people at the margins who otherwise wouldn't care start paying attention. I just feel like a story with this kind of setup and framing creates expectations that aren't going to be met in the eyes of those people.

#29 | Posted by JOE at 2024-06-10 05:10 PM | Reply

"Can Someone please Rid Me of this Man"?

#30 | Posted by Effeteposer at 2024-06-10 05:17 PM | Reply

19 million buys a lot of discontentment. Soros smiles.

#31 | Posted by visitor_ at 2024-06-10 05:21 PM | Reply | Funny: 1

19 million buys a lot of discontentment. Soros smiles.

#31 | Posted by visitor_

Trump's puppetmaster smiles.
"Earlier this week, Representative Michael McCaul, a Texas Republican who chairs the House Foreign Affairs Committee, told Puck's Julia Ioffe: "I think Russian propaganda has made its way into the United States, unfortunately, and it's infected a good chuck of my party's base.""

#32 | Posted by SpeakSoftly at 2024-06-10 05:32 PM | Reply | Newsworthy 1


Vistor's whining is either ignorance or disingenuousness... let's see which?

"Leonard Leo used Federalist Society contact to obtain $1.6B donation

The society's close ties to Leo's network raise questions about its nonpartisan, non-political status.

Leonard Leo, who helped to choose judicial nominees for former President Donald Trump, obtained a historic $1.6 billion gift for his conservative legal network via an introduction through the Federalist Society, whose tax status forbids political activism.

The unusual arrangement in which Leo met his top donor through the prestigious Federalist Society " which describes itself as a nonpartisan educational organization " suggests closer ties between the society and Leo's activist network than previously known.

Leo has used the dark money network to donate millions of dollars to the society and to pay at least $1.54 million to one Federalist Society employee and $775,000 to an entity run by another, according to federal disclosure forms."


#33 | Posted by Corky at 2024-06-10 05:36 PM | Reply

"19 million buys a lot of discontentment."

"Trump boasting that his campaign had raised $400 million since he became a felon last week."

#34 | Posted by snoofy at 2024-06-10 05:41 PM | Reply

This is Alito admitting to what we already know, he and the MAGAt Reich on the court do NOT call balls and strikes as is their job, they instead try to find cases in which they can inflict their sick, 16th Century world view on the public at large. SCOTUS is no longer a court, it is now an unelected, minority-view Reichwing legislature with the final say.

#35 | Posted by _Gunslinger_ at 2024-06-10 06:39 PM | Reply

Gasps (clutched pearls)!!!! I thought you were gonna tell me Alito was selling baby parts like planned parenthood. Instead it's just that he's a Catholic. Maybe next time you lefties will get some actual dirt.

#36 | Posted by Bluewaffles at 2024-06-10 08:01 PM | Reply

Gasps (clutched pearls)!!!! I thought you were gonna tell me Alito was selling baby parts like planned parenthood. Instead it's just that he's a Catholic. Maybe next time you lefties will get some actual dirt.


Planned Parenthood doesn't sell body parts. Where do you come up with all of this crap up from??

#37 | Posted by LauraMohr at 2024-06-10 09:33 PM | Reply | Newsworthy 1

Imagine thinking this is some kind of big deal. We're nearing the point where violence is probably needed against the left to put a stop to their insanity.

#38 | Posted by THEBULL at 2024-06-10 09:39 PM | Reply | Funny: 1 | Newsworthy 1

Hopefully you'll get Babbittized soon enough.

#39 | Posted by reinheitsgebot at 2024-06-10 09:43 PM | Reply

Where do you come up with all of this crap up from??

He's a liar.

#40 | Posted by ClownShack at 2024-06-10 09:47 PM | Reply

Ah yes, my lie is so grand that even Vox reported on it 9 years ago ...

#41 | Posted by Bluewaffles at 2024-06-10 10:01 PM | Reply | Funny: 2


You wanna start with me, sweetheart?

Cowardly piece of ----.

#42 | Posted by Corky at 2024-06-10 10:18 PM | Reply

TheBull is a cowardly little 14-YO boy posting from his mommy's basement. He probably gets bullied on the regular for being a little ----- so tries to be tough online. I hate to tell you, princess, Dotard tried to get the MAGAts riled up to demonstrate outside the NYC courthouse and the few pathetic sister-kissing dupes who showed up were vastly outnumbered by counter-protesters. If the Reich comes with violence, there are those of us who can and will deal with them, and either end them or put them in prison, the choice will be theirs.

#43 | Posted by _Gunslinger_ at 2024-06-10 10:30 PM | Reply

Ah yes, my lie is so grand that even Vox reported on it 9 years ago ...

The videos themselves raise two issues. The first is whether Planned Parenthood's actions are legal; selling fetal remains for profit is against the law. But Planned Parenthood says it only charges enough to cover its own costs for preserving and transporting the fetal tissues, and that's allowed under federal law.

From your own link LIAR

#44 | Posted by LauraMohr at 2024-06-10 10:50 PM | Reply | Newsworthy 1

TheBull is a cowardly little 14-YO boy posting from his mommy's basement.

Posting the stuff his "Dad" yells at the TV.

#45 | Posted by REDIAL at 2024-06-10 10:54 PM | Reply

Yeah they were still selling body parts ...

#46 | Posted by Bluewaffles at 2024-06-10 11:06 PM | Reply | Funny: 2

Yeah they were still selling body parts ...


No they weren't you lying fraudster.

#47 | Posted by LauraMohr at 2024-06-10 11:07 PM | Reply | Newsworthy 1

Fraudster, is that the pot calling the kettle black there?

#48 | Posted by Bluewaffles at 2024-06-11 12:05 AM | Reply | Funny: 2

Supplying viable embryonic fluid for stem cell research ISN'T "selling body parts."

It's controversial at times, depending on who's doing the talking, but it isn't illegal.

And the practice is certainly controlled by a vast array of strict rules and regulations in the medical field.

#49 | Posted by Twinpac at 2024-06-11 12:29 AM | Reply | Newsworthy 1

Fraudster, is that the pot calling the kettle black there?
#48 | Posted by Bluewaffles at 2024-06-11 12:05 AM

"Man, Woman, Person, Camera, Tv" is literally a love poem to intellectual dishonesty.

#50 | Posted by redlightrobot at 2024-06-11 02:51 AM | Reply

well first of all..

" As reported by Rolling Stone, "

so the first thing is to cull out the lies since the rolling stone has a well known and vast history of dishonesty

but even with that..


that we can't compromise ? AAAAAAAAAAAA HAHAHHAHAHAHAAA

despicable lying garbage...I mean democrats...never EVER compromise and I don't read how they should

abdicate or even admit it......but then why should I expect 2 faced hypocritical liars to admit anything.

lastly it appears that the bar to achieve big headline status has dropped significantly in the face

of sad desperation.

#51 | Posted by shrimptacodan at 2024-06-11 09:16 AM | Reply | Funny: 1

Imagine thinking this is some kind of big deal. We're nearing the point where violence is probably needed against the left to put a stop to their insanity.
#38 | Posted by THEBULL

oh noooo...shameless call for violence has no place here....
well...unless you're talking about the right people dying...

"Time to water the tree of liberty.
#15 | Posted by LegallyYourDea

Hopefully you'll get Babbittized soon enough.
#39 | Posted by reinheitsgebot

---2 faced hypocritical lying TRASH.

#52 | Posted by shrimptacodan at 2024-06-11 09:21 AM | Reply | Funny: 1

AGAIN.... the grievous "sin" from Alito is he doubts compromise is possible which has nothing to do with........

"As the final arbiter of the law, the Court is charged with ensuring the American people the promise of equal justice under law and, thereby, also functions as guardian and interpreter of the Constitution.
---due to its power of judicial review, it plays an essential role in ensuring that each branch of government recognizes the limits of its own power."

--it's apparent that he's visited here and other blogs of same.... and read

some of the poster's stunning examples of 2 faced / hate mongering bigotry followed by outrage

that anyone could possibly disagree with the leftist-dogma KLAN's manifesto of authoritarian Marxism.

---kilroy was here--

#53 | Posted by shrimptacodan at 2024-06-11 09:38 AM | Reply | Funny: 1

This is the second time the same reporter has got Alito to make statements that were recorded and would disqualify him if the United States was a normal country.

His wife talking about the flags was nice.

I want you to consider what freaks these people are.

He has a lifetime appointment to one of the nine most powerful political positions on the planet, but that isn't enough.

They have to hang flags up to try to intimidate their neighbors.

#54 | Posted by tres_flechas at 2024-06-11 10:20 AM | Reply

Oh no.

Shrimp is off his meds and having a meltdown.

No one tell him where to get a hammer and Paul Pelosi's address.

#55 | Posted by Sycophant at 2024-06-11 01:06 PM | Reply

No, for real. Listen to the part where alito's wife is talking and tell me you don't feel a little bit bad for him....

She says that she can't wait until he's "done with this nonsense", in the nonsense that she is referring to is being one of the, maybe 20 most powerful human beings on the planet.

And the reason that she can't wait for him to be done is so that she can put up a flag to taunt the people who live across the lagoon from her.

They put up a pride flag, you see......

#56 | Posted by tres_flechas at 2024-06-11 01:26 PM | Reply

LOL! But there isnt such a thing as a truthful and honest Dem leftist. Anything goes for more control and power. Communism is about unilateral power and tyranny. Always has throughout the world. What they tell the people is the opposite of reality and truth.

#57 | Posted by Robson at 2024-06-11 03:39 PM | Reply | Funny: 1

" But there isnt such a thing as a truthful and honest Dem leftist."

What a riot.

The folks you vote for can't/won't even tell you the truth about who won the last presidential election.

#58 | Posted by Danforth at 2024-06-11 03:41 PM | Reply

#56. The pot stirrers here who first made the issue are typical unproductive leftist kids. They moved back into mommy and daddys house because they dont have a productive job in Biden economy and their professions are political leftist activists. Thank God I live in an area where people raise kids to be worthwhile instead of antagonizing neighbors.

#59 | Posted by Robson at 2024-06-11 03:52 PM | Reply | Funny: 1

first made the issue are typical unproductive leftist kids. They moved back into mommy and daddys house



You're talking about this on a thread about how a 70 year old woman who is married to one of the most powerful people on the planet taunts her neighbors.

With flags...

#60 | Posted by tres_flechas at 2024-06-11 06:40 PM | Reply

We all know Shrimp isn't banging all eight cylinders, folks, so why do you even bother?

#61 | Posted by Twinpac at 2024-06-11 07:03 PM | Reply

Yeah they were still selling body parts ...

Why didn't Trump and Republicans stop them?

#62 | Posted by rstybeach11 at 2024-06-11 07:07 PM | Reply

So is the 70 yr old woman home owner the inciter or her clueless radical unproductive, leftist kids? You know the type.

Well educated in basket weaving or DEI and globalism, but unable to produce enough useful living to own their own house under BIDENOMICS. But then so many of this ilk are now afflicted with radical hyper politics, hate of others, and hate of country. Nothing will ever make these brainwashed angry radicals productive citizens unless they have neighbors to hate.

#63 | Posted by Robson at 2024-06-11 07:32 PM | Reply | Funny: 1

Democrats are the impeachers of others who specialize in covering up the dirty deeds of trash.

#64 | Posted by Robson at 2024-06-11 07:37 PM | Reply | Funny: 1

Why have v2024 Democrats become the impeachers of others who specialize in covering up the dirty deeds of trash

#65 | Posted by Robson at 2024-06-11 08:07 PM | Reply | Funny: 1



I think you're completely lost and have no idea what the thread is even about.

#66 | Posted by tres_flechas at 2024-06-11 08:07 PM | Reply | Newsworthy 1

Whoops sorry for duplicate post.

#67 | Posted by Robson at 2024-06-11 08:09 PM | Reply

This story is trash. Desperate attempt by a tarnished group of dishonest actors who find outlets that

help to indoctrinate the casual observer/ reader.

a condensed history of this outlet that jokingly calls what they do...journalism.

Beginning with the story of general stan McChrystal who dared to tell the truth.

When Rolling Stone published Chrystal comments, he was shocked that Rolling Stone would throw him under the leftist bus. McChrystal was one of "them." Stan was canned. Telling the truth wasn't his sin; he was booted because he told the truth about Obama's people.

Since Rolling Stone published its libelous Duke lacrosse story in 2006, the world recognized it for what it was " a leftist rag in a range between the National Enquirer and scribbles on a bathroom stall. Rolling Stone seems intent on trolling the gutter to find stories that will validate a conclusion and then find something that it thinks will shoehorn into the pre-conceived narrative.

The narrative now is the unending attacks on Justice Samuel Alito. It started with the claim that flying a flag upside down was a call for insurrection...or something. I wrote about that last month that it was the first of what now seems to be an assembly line of nothingburgers in an election year.

Now, Rolling Stone has published 2,000 words of breathlessness nonsense claiming that it has the goods on Alito. They finally got him. I hope you are sitting down. It seems Alito has private opinions. As shocking as that seems " Alito, as a practicing Catholic, has an opinion on Christianity. "

kilroy was here.


#68 | Posted by shrimptacodan at 2024-06-11 08:56 PM | Reply

Scalia White is an obvious reich-wing plant that has NO Ability to be impartial.

#69 | Posted by LegallyYourDead at 2024-06-11 11:04 PM | Reply

you lying fraudster.....#47 | POSTED BY LAURAMOHR

That's rich

#70 | Posted by brerrabbit at 2024-06-12 12:26 AM | Reply

As I always suspected. A total right wing ideologue and fundy freak in a robe.
NOT FIT to be a SCOTUS Justice...

Both him and Thomas,
birds of a feather...

#71 | Posted by earthmuse at 2024-06-12 06:45 AM | Reply

Democrats are the impeachers of others who specialize in covering up the dirty deeds of trash.

Posted by Robson at 2024-06-11 07:37 PM | Reply


#72 | Posted by Nixon at 2024-06-12 09:13 AM | Reply

What kind of website is this reported on?

And you guys talk about the Dailymail?


#73 | Posted by boaz at 2024-06-12 11:08 AM | Reply


Are you saying that Alito would have never said those things, or are you just upset that it's being reported?

#74 | Posted by Derek_Wildstar at 2024-06-12 11:55 AM | Reply


Jesus butt loving christ you're dumb

#75 | Posted by rstybeach11 at 2024-06-13 02:01 AM | Reply

Comments are closed for this entry.

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