
Drudge Retort: The Other Side of the News
Wednesday, February 12, 2025

Billionaire Elon Musk has said there is widespread fraud taking place in the payment of "federal entitlements" like Social Security.


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I'll be clipping an "Elon Musk: Hands Off Our Social Security" rally at the Social Security Administration today as part of my partnership with, featuring speeches from Sens. Chris Van Hollen and Angela Alsobrooks. Follow this thread for clips and commentary.

[image or embed]

-- Aaron Rupar ( February 10, 2025 at 12:29 PM


Admin's note: Participants in this discussion must follow the site's moderation policy. Profanity will be filtered. Abusive conduct is not allowed.

"It follows another post from February 8 in which Musk said he was told there are currently over $100 billion per year of entitlements payments to individuals with no Social Security Number or "even a temporary ID number."

Yeah, right... why don't you find out for yourself and try to get SS without a SS number, or hey, try to use your number to get a another account.

But have a good lawyer ready.

There are surely some problems, but the vast majority will be do to cheap, antiquated data facilities, including that 20 year old PC some of them use.

#1 | Posted by Corky at 2025-02-11 12:04 PM | Reply


Just listen to the man. Lets look at his proof. If what he says is true, lets get to the bottom of it and save some money.

You know you can audit without reducing benefits of people receiving, don't you?

I would want him to stop the money going places it shouldn't.

You should too.

#2 | Posted by boaz at 2025-02-11 12:16 PM | Reply | Funny: 3 | Newsworthy 2

You know you can audit and make it come out any way you want, right?

And you are never, ever going to see his 'proof'.

He's a Nazi lover... I remember when US soldiers didn't put up with Nazis.

#3 | Posted by Corky at 2025-02-11 12:21 PM | Reply | Newsworthy 7

Just listen to the man. Lets look at his proof. If what he says is true, lets get to the bottom of it and save some money.

You know you can audit without reducing benefits of people receiving, don't you?

I would want him to stop the money going places it shouldn't.

You should too.

Posted by boaz at 2025-02-11 12:16 PM | Reply

It's not the executive Branch's power to decide where and how much money is spent. That rests solely with the legislative branch. They are the one's who controls the purse. Just sayin

#4 | Posted by LauraMohr at 2025-02-11 12:21 PM | Reply | Newsworthy 3

"Just listen to the man. Let's look at his proof."

I listened to him. He is full of ----. Like you. He doesn't need any proof. He doesn't give any proof. He only spews his hateful ideological nonsense. Like you.

Proof is hard werk.

"You know you can audit without reducing benefits of people receiving, don't you?"

Don't tell corky. Tell Trumpy.

He is the one who thinks you have to freeze funding and shut down an agency and send civil servants home to audit it.

#5 | Posted by donnerboy at 2025-02-11 12:24 PM | Reply | Newsworthy 6

At this point, I am 100% certain that Elon musk has no business threatening Americans and Americans cannot trust Trump and Musk with their crucial federal benefits - or their personal data.

#6 | Posted by donnerboy at 2025-02-11 12:29 PM | Reply | Newsworthy 2

Yeah... Musk now has Boaz's SS number, his Military Pension Acct, and knows where he lives.

#7 | Posted by Corky at 2025-02-11 12:33 PM | Reply

"They are the one's"

Please use proper English.

#8 | Posted by sentinel at 2025-02-11 01:55 PM | Reply

Just listen to the man. Lets look at his proof. If what he says is true, lets get to the bottom of it and save some money.
You know you can audit without reducing benefits of people receiving, don't you?
I would want him to stop the money going places it shouldn't.
You should too.
#2 | Posted by boaz at 2025-02-11 12:16 PM

Oh, I agree that looking at the truth is beneficial.

How much and whom was "saved" by shuttering USAID?

Or by copying our social security information, financial records and medical data and leveraging it?

Paying attention to so much winning can be distracting from the losing.

#9 | Posted by redlightrobot at 2025-02-11 02:07 PM | Reply | Funny: 1

Boaz is a stupid ------- moron.

#10 | Posted by LegallyYourDead at 2025-02-11 02:10 PM | Reply | Newsworthy 1

It's not the executive Branch's power to decide where and how much money is spent.

Are you that ------- stupid? The executive branch executes what money the legislative branch gives it.


Trump is the CEO of the U.S. It's his responsibility that the money isn't wasted.

#11 | Posted by boaz at 2025-02-11 02:15 PM | Reply | Funny: 2

Are you that ------- stupid? The executive branch executes what money the legislative branch gives it.


Trump is the CEO of the U.S. It's his responsibility that the money isn't wasted.

Posted by boaz at 2025-02-11 02:15 PM | Reply

You really are a Dummkopf aren't you Boaz?? It's the job of the Government Accountability Office to do the audits. Which is part of the legislative branch who is in charge of the money. It's part of the Constitution you ignoramus.

#12 | Posted by LauraMohr at 2025-02-11 02:20 PM | Reply | Newsworthy 2

Every time Boaz posts, it's a sad reminder of how stupid Republicans are.

I find it incredible that anyone is okay with an unelected billionaire rummaging through all this nation's private information and getting access to everyone's personal data.

------- unbelievable.

#13 | Posted by ClownShack at 2025-02-11 02:26 PM | Reply | Newsworthy 4

"It's not the executive Branch's power to decide where and how much money is spent."
Are you that ------- stupid? The executive branch executes what money the legislative branch gives it.
Trump is the CEO of the U.S.
It's his responsibility that the money isn't wasted.
#11 | Posted by boaz at 2025-02-11 02:15 PM


Bypassing it's process and separation of powers is opposite to responsible governance.

Why hasn't he stopped subsidies to oil corporations, pharmaceutical corporations, or the mega-wealthy such as Musk?

Your servitude to their ideals is irresponsibility and not upholding democracy.

Also, Trump does not respect military readiness. Transgender people serve without issue. Sexuality is baked into our complexity, THAT is to our advantage, not punishing diversity such as removing clubs and firing amputees. The separation of language such as 'transgender', 'diversity, equity and inclusion' is blatant oppression. How can you command respect if you cannot demonstrate it?

#14 | Posted by redlightrobot at 2025-02-11 02:28 PM | Reply | Newsworthy 2

Just listen to the man. Lets look at his proof.

Proof? You morons didn't need any proof about what was on Hunter Biden's "smoking gun email" or "laptop" and you shht yourselves for four years over it.

No. Republicans don't need proof or evidence.

They're just going to believe anything Elon, Trump or republicans tell them to believe

They live in a fantasy world.

#15 | Posted by ClownShack at 2025-02-11 02:29 PM | Reply | Newsworthy 1

I don't trust musk, one bit.

But where is he headed with this?

#16 | Posted by eberly at 2025-02-11 02:31 PM | Reply | Funny: 2

I would imagine a wealthy guy like musk already has access to a frightening amount of personal data on people.

For generations, Republicans have railed on about fraud and abuse in the Social Security program. Never done jack ---- about it.

What is Musk gonna do?

#17 | Posted by eberly at 2025-02-11 02:34 PM | Reply | Funny: 2

It is already audited. Why are conservatives so arrogant and ignorant?

#18 | Posted by truthhurts at 2025-02-11 02:40 PM | Reply | Newsworthy 1

Never done jack ---- about it.

Well, something is getting done now.

Whole lotta screaming going on now.

#19 | Posted by boaz at 2025-02-11 03:13 PM | Reply | Funny: 3

Never done jack ---- about it.
Well, something is getting done now.
Whole lotta screaming going on now.
#19 | Posted by boaz at 2025-02-11 03:13 PM

The leopard that ate your face has set fire to your house and all you have is "This is fine."

#20 | Posted by redlightrobot at 2025-02-11 03:26 PM | Reply | Newsworthy 2

Whole lotta screaming going on now.


By citizens of the United States.

Trumpy and Elon are acting like we are their subjects.

We are not their subjects.

We are citizens.


#21 | Posted by donnerboy at 2025-02-11 04:04 PM | Reply | Newsworthy 1

WHY are some people just OK with DJT acting like a King, who sends a billionaire (who makes him look like a comparable pauper), who has NO Gov Vetting or Congressional Purse String Hearings... and likes to play Nazi on weekends at German Neo-Nazi Party gatherings while saluting them with their own salute?

We fought a Revolution to get rid of a King... perhaps it time for another?

I mean, while we already have the Military Brass on our side, and before that changes with enough Trump appointees.

#22 | Posted by Corky at 2025-02-11 04:22 PM | Reply | Newsworthy 1

oh, and btw, Herr Musk, (like Trump) refuses to show his taxes, while raking in millions (billions?) in Gov Contracts and Subsidies?

#23 | Posted by Corky at 2025-02-11 04:25 PM | Reply | Newsworthy 1

Republicans are fine with giving billions to the wealthy.

As long as not 1 penny goes to the poor.

They've been brainwashed to be useful idiots, pawns, expendable fools.

#24 | Posted by ClownShack at 2025-02-11 05:08 PM | Reply

-Trumpy and Elon are acting like we are their subjects.

Some here ARE subjects. Peons. Minions

#25 | Posted by eberly at 2025-02-11 08:10 PM | Reply

I don't trust musk, one bit.
But where is he headed with this?

That's the million dollar question, now isn't it.

The problem is, Republicans don't care, at all.

That's worrisome.

Why Republican voters and politicians seem to be okay with Musk doing anything he wants to do is beyond my comprehension.

Musk may know information about people because of Twitter algorithms.

But why he has our social security information and whatever else doesn't sit well with me.

#26 | Posted by ClownShack at 2025-02-11 08:54 PM | Reply | Newsworthy 1

"That's the million dollar question"

More like the trillion dollar question.

#27 | Posted by Danforth at 2025-02-11 09:10 PM | Reply

anyone have an opinion, regardless of how they feel about Trump or Musk, on the claim that there is rampant fraud occurring?

Or is everyone here so partisan that topics can no longer be discussed?

#28 | Posted by kwrx25 at 2025-02-12 07:47 AM | Reply

Please use proper English.

Please use proper grammar.

#8 | Posted by sentinel at 2025-02-11 01:55 PM | Reply

Just sayin

#29 | Posted by LauraMohr at 2025-02-12 07:55 AM | Reply | Funny: 2


The right has cursed at the fraud for years....but so what? What changes to the system have they made?

My brother was an alcoholic for most of his adult life. He managed to eventually qualify for disability. No other issues....just a lazy ass boozer.

I don't think SS should have been paying for it. But that's just my opinion. Is it fraud? I don't know. It might be "waste" but I don't know if he actually lied on the application or not.

I do see cases occasionally where people have kept a dead person in a freezer or buried in the backyard so they can keep getting the SS checks. THAT's fraud....but is it a sizable amount?

And what in the hell is Musk going to do about it anyway? SS keeps paying someone until a death certificate is filed. How else are they supposed to know someone died and no longer qualifies?

#30 | Posted by eberly at 2025-02-12 08:00 AM | Reply

"Please use proper English.
Please use proper grammar."

Proper English implies proper grammar.

#31 | Posted by sentinel at 2025-02-12 08:07 AM | Reply

"At this point, I am 100% certain that the magnitude of the fraud in federal entitlements (Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, Welfare, Disability, etc) exceeds the combined sum of every private scam you've ever heard by FAR. It's not even close."


Fine, show us the proof.

You can't.

Because there is none.

Right now it is just a money grab by this ------.

#32 | Posted by Nixon at 2025-02-12 09:29 AM | Reply | Newsworthy 1

What is Musk gonna do?

Shut it down.

Let it go to the courts.

When the courts say they can't shut it down.

Ignore the ruling.

Jethro Dull says the administration has no checks on it's power.

Welcome to the dictatorship. BTW, it's not just day one anymore.

Shut it down. Let all them stupid ----- wearing their red hats on their medicare paid for hoverounds lose their medicare and social security. They'll be fine...they were using their checks to buy trump bucks and trading cards so I guess it was just disposable income to them. I'll be fine..that is all that matters in right wing world...that I will be fine.

#33 | Posted by Nixon at 2025-02-12 09:33 AM | Reply | Newsworthy 1

-Let all them stupid ----- wearing their red hats on their medicare paid for hoverounds lose their medicare and social security.

Look at the bright side.

Everything will get real real real cheap.

If you have the'll live like a king.

houses, cars, vacations.....all of it for pennies.

You have to understand we have a consumer driven economy. Like it or not.

If nobody has any spending. The uber wealthy can't keep everyone in business. They NEED the "medicare paid for hoveround" crowd.

#34 | Posted by eberly at 2025-02-12 10:10 AM | Reply | Funny: 1

Let me put it more directly to all of you who are of the belief that SS and Medicare are gone.

Unless YOU personally are sitting on a lot of cash (not stocks mutual funds real estate, etc)...CASH then you are ------ 2 ways to Sunday if you're right.

you are completely ------. stocks will crash, real estate prices will crash.

Cash will again be king.

Are you ready?

#35 | Posted by eberly at 2025-02-12 10:15 AM | Reply | Funny: 1

It's not the executive Branch's power to decide where and how much money is spent.

But the executive branch is doing its duty, it is required to look for fraud. ie money congress didn't allocate or want spent.

Not sure what your' just sayin, is in anyway contradicting what Musk is just sayin.

just sayin.

#36 | Posted by oneironaut at 2025-02-12 10:46 AM | Reply

anyone have an opinion, regardless of how they feel about Trump or Musk, on the claim that there is rampant fraud occurring?
Or is everyone here so partisan that topics can no longer be discussed?

IMO There more than likely is systemic fraud in the US Government, State government and local.

The problem I have with Musk's Doge BS, is that him Tweeting on "X" isn't evidence, and isn't justification. I am tired of the obfuscation by him and Trump, if you found fraud, or line items you're going to cut, issue a statement with document support. This shouldn't be difficult.

It would avoid all the rumors and the crazy news cycle filled with Lumpers whining, and Righties claiming victory.

just sayin, do the job quit advertising it.

#37 | Posted by oneironaut at 2025-02-12 10:53 AM | Reply

Cash will again be king.
Are you ready?


Cash won't buy me eggs!

#38 | Posted by oneironaut at 2025-02-12 10:54 AM | Reply

But the executive branch is doing its duty, it is required to look for fraud. ie money congress didn't allocate or want spent.

Not sure what your' just sayin, is in anyway contradicting what Musk is just sayin.

just sayin.

Posted by oneironaut at 2025-02-12 10:46 AM | Reply

The executive branch doesn't get a say where the money goes. That's strictly for Congress to decide. It's their perogative. The Government Accountability Office is tasked with government oversight for waste fraud and the like.

#39 | Posted by LauraMohr at 2025-02-12 10:55 AM | Reply

The degree to which Musk/Trump apologists willingly display abject ignorance of the US Constitution and its governmental blueprint is occasionally shocking, and always a great disappointment.

#40 | Posted by Doc_Sarvis at 2025-02-12 10:58 AM | Reply | Newsworthy 1

Just listen to the man. Lets look at his proof.

Why would I listen to someone who is methodically destroying our constitutional republic while amassing wealth and exploitable information for future plans?

If you were even remotely a "patriot" as you claim to be, you'd be less passive about letting a non-American destroy our country right before our eyes.

#41 | Posted by jpw at 2025-02-12 10:59 AM | Reply | Funny: 1

Trump is the CEO of the U.S. It's his responsibility that the money isn't wasted.

#11 | Posted by boaz

I don't think I've ever met someone who is so proudly illiterate and ignorant.

No, dips*&^, he's not the "CEO" of America. It's pathetic how little it took for you to sell your country out and you aren't even getting anything for it.

#42 | Posted by jpw at 2025-02-12 11:07 AM | Reply | Newsworthy 1

Well, something is getting done now.

Whole lotta screaming going on now.

#19 | Posted by boaz

Yeah, our constitutional republic is being shredded and worthless consumer piles of s*&^ like you cheer it.

Can't wait for the thread where Musk "eliminates fraud and waste" by gutting the VA and military pensions. Your howling will be glorious.

#43 | Posted by jpw at 2025-02-12 11:09 AM | Reply

Or is everyone here so partisan that topics can no longer be discussed?

#28 | Posted by kwrx25

It has been discussed.

It's an assertion at this point, like all his other actions, without any supporting evidence presented.

There's nothing more to discuss.

#44 | Posted by jpw at 2025-02-12 11:12 AM | Reply

" If you were even remotely a "patriot" as you claim to be, you'd be less passive about letting a non-American destroy our country right before our eyes.

#41 | POSTED BY JPW AT 2025-02-12 10:59 AM | REPLY | FLAG:"

In depth auditing of all of these alphabet soup agencies is destroying our country?

4 higher ups at FEMA were fired this week because last week FEMA sent tens of millions of dollars to New York to put illegal aliens into luxury hotels. One would think you'd be upset that FEMA spent valuable taxpayer dollars on an endeavor that is not in its purview. Instead, you are apparently pissed off at the people who shone a light on it. Makes no sense.

#45 | Posted by BellRinger at 2025-02-12 11:34 AM | Reply | Newsworthy 1

Patricide Jeff, your child-raping hero just pissed away $20 million by ------------- the Super Bowl.

#46 | Posted by reinheitsgebot at 2025-02-12 11:37 AM | Reply | Newsworthy 1

Musk gave no evidence to support his claim, and information from the city of New York indicated that money it's received to care for migrants was appropriated by Congress and allocated to the city last year by FEMA.

The city hasn't been notified of any pause in funding, spokeswoman Liz Garcia said. A statement noted that the city has received federal government reimbursements through the past week and said the matter would be discussed directly with federal officials.

Again Jeff. Congress gets to decide where and how much money goes to whatever.

#47 | Posted by LauraMohr at 2025-02-12 11:39 AM | Reply

As President Musk works to slash federal spending, his own firms have received billions in government contracts

No conflict of interest here, no siree.

#48 | Posted by reinheitsgebot at 2025-02-12 11:41 AM | Reply

@#2 ... Lets look at his proof. ..

Yes, let's.

Oh, where is the evidence/proof?

So far, apparently all we have to go on are the words of a serial liar.

#49 | Posted by LampLighter at 2025-02-12 11:51 AM | Reply

@#1 ... There are surely some problems ...

I agree, there are problems, and those problems should be corrected.

However, identification and correction of any problems should be done in a legal and transparent manner.

#50 | Posted by LampLighter at 2025-02-12 11:52 AM | Reply

Leon's kid X tells the orange pedo "you're not the president you need to go away." Lol

#51 | Posted by reinheitsgebot at 2025-02-12 11:53 AM | Reply | Newsworthy 2

Laura Mohr,

My understanding with FEMA is it receives an appropriation from Congress and then the Executive doles out the money where it's needed. It's a disaster relief fund. When Congress appropriates the money they have no idea where disastrous events are going to occur. So in this case it appears as if FEMA defied the Executive to which it serves.

#52 | Posted by BellRinger at 2025-02-12 11:57 AM | Reply | Newsworthy 1

My understanding with FEMA is it receives an appropriation from Congress and then the Executive doles out the money where it's needed. It's a disaster relief fund. When Congress appropriates the money they have no idea where disastrous events are going to occur. So in this case it appears as if FEMA defied the Executive to which it serves.

Posted by BellRinger at 2025-02-12 11:57 AM | Reply

FEMA works for you and me NOT the Executive. He is only authorized to spend the money where Congress has allocated the funds to go. He gets no say.

#53 | Posted by LauraMohr at 2025-02-12 12:01 PM | Reply

FEMA is an agency run by the Executive.

#54 | Posted by BellRinger at 2025-02-12 12:10 PM | Reply

Laura Mohr,

When Congress appropriates money to FEMA it doesn't put in allocations like, $10 billion for Florida because it's a state that usually has a hurricane hit. It's a block grant to the agency that the Executive then doles out when and where natural disasters call for government relief.

#55 | Posted by BellRinger at 2025-02-12 12:28 PM | Reply

In depth auditing of all of these alphabet soup agencies is destroying our country?

You lie like you breathe.

Is it intentional? Or are you just so gullible and lacking in critical thought that you don't even realize it?

#56 | Posted by jpw at 2025-02-12 12:36 PM | Reply


From the mouth of babes... wonder where he heard that??

VIdEO needs to go viral!

#57 | Posted by Corky at 2025-02-12 12:39 PM | Reply

#56. Thats how you came across. You are free to clarify.

#58 | Posted by BellRinger at 2025-02-12 12:50 PM | Reply

It's not the executive Branch's power to decide where and how much money is spent. That rests solely with the legislative branch. They are the one's who controls the purse. Just sayin

#4 | Posted by LauraMohr at 2025-02-11 12:21 PM | Reply | Flag:
| Newsworthy

They control the purse and have been stealing from it.

#59 | Posted by fishpaw at 2025-02-12 12:56 PM | Reply | Funny: 1

Free Luigi.

#60 | Posted by Alexandrite at 2025-02-12 12:59 PM | Reply

As President Musk works to slash federal spending, his own firms have received billions in government contracts

No conflict of interest here, no siree.

#48 | Posted by reinheitsgebot at 2025-02-12 11:41 AM | Reply | Flag:

Do you know what those contracts are for? Satellites that were used during disaster relief that no one else has produced. Rockets with better technology and cost half as much as NASA products. Sounds like a smart contract. Dems don't like it because they're not getting their usual kick back from it.

#61 | Posted by fishpaw at 2025-02-12 01:05 PM | Reply

Leon siphoned billions from the government in order to fill the roads with his exploding cars.

#62 | Posted by reinheitsgebot at 2025-02-12 01:07 PM | Reply

It's funny reading all the Musk sycophants desperately defending why an unelected billionaire should have access to every American's personal and private information.

Instead of all the lies, just admit you don't care what Musk or Trump are doing.

Try being honest.

You're okay with everything happening now because it's the Republican Party doing it.

The truth will set you free.

#63 | Posted by ClownShack at 2025-02-12 01:21 PM | Reply

@#51 ... Leon's kid X tells the orange pedo "you're not the president you need to go away." ...

A 4-year old usually just repeats what he hears his parents say.

#64 | Posted by LampLighter at 2025-02-12 01:38 PM | Reply | Newsworthy 1

That 4 year old has head Elon Musk say he's the president of the United States of America, several times.

The fact Elon Musk was having a press conference in the Oval Office, while Trump sat in the corner being told to shut up and that he's not the president, should be embarrassing for every American.

#65 | Posted by ClownShack at 2025-02-12 02:03 PM | Reply

Parasite number #1, the orange pig traitor and parasite #2 the foreign freeloading Nazi only wish to collect all that information on us all to sale it and or, to use it to clean out the federal government of any liberals or progressives. From now on as long as parasite #1 sits in the POTUS if you attempt to find a job with the feds they will punch your SSI into a A1 machine and there you and all the posts that you ever made will be so they do not have to hire you.

#66 | Posted by Wildman62 at 2025-02-12 02:11 PM | Reply

I find it very strange that anyone would object to an organization (or even one person) looking to minimize fraud, waste, and abuse.

The alternate position seems to be that fraud, waste, and abuse are less offensive than trying to stop those same things.

#67 | Posted by madbomber at 2025-02-12 02:19 PM | Reply | Funny: 1


When that one person is the Richest Man in the World who got that way at least in part from billions Gov Grants and spends his time giving Nazi salutes to actual Nazis IN Germany at their big meet-up... and who hires teenage racists and criminals to do the work... the last thing he is interested in is waste, fraud, and abuse.

Like with his peon by comparison in wealth co-President, he's only interested in himself.

#68 | Posted by Corky at 2025-02-12 02:23 PM | Reply | Newsworthy 1

It's part of the Constitution you ignoramus.

#12 | Posted by LauraMohr

I know a few Trump supporting veterans. I'm constantly amazed at their selective knowledge and understanding of the US Constitution, which they ALL took an oath to protect.

#69 | Posted by Whatsleft at 2025-02-12 02:32 PM | Reply | Newsworthy 1

I find it very strange that anyone would object to an organization (or even one person) looking to minimize fraud, waste, and abuse.

The alternate position seems to be that fraud, waste, and abuse are less offensive than trying to stop those same things.

#67 | Posted by madbomber

I love how people keep saying this bit of stupidity.

Do you really not get it? Or re you just playing at being stupid?

#70 | Posted by jpw at 2025-02-12 02:35 PM | Reply

-When that one person is the Richest Man in the World

Now now now....let's not pretend it matters to you that it's musk with this job.

There is literally nobody on this planet Trump could appoint to this position that you would accept.

Come on now......

#71 | Posted by eberly at 2025-02-12 02:38 PM | Reply

I find it very strange that anyone would object to an organization (or even one person) looking to minimize fraud, waste, and abuse.

#67 | Posted by madbomber

I find it very strange that anyone would take the words of known fraudsters, without any substantial proof that this is even what's happening.

If Trump is trying so hard to root out fraud, then why is he eliminating so many of the people who do actual oversight? I can only think of one reason to eliminate the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau and fire so many Inspector Generals. And it sure as hell has nothing to do with eliminating fraud.

#72 | Posted by Whatsleft at 2025-02-12 02:39 PM | Reply

-I find it very strange that anyone would object to an organization (or even one person) looking to minimize fraud, waste, and abuse.

I suppose it's fair to view it with skepticism. You're witnessing plenty of it right now in response to that post.

But what's going to seem even stranger is if this organization actually discovers some fraud, waste, and abuse.

Then what? Still going to object? Or quietly say "thanks for catching that"?

Not predicting any real success from this but I'll keep watching.........

#73 | Posted by eberly at 2025-02-12 02:45 PM | Reply

#67 - Madbomber doesn't understand that Trump fired all the IGs that actually did the work. Madbomber seems to think that hackers and cyber criminals, including one that ran child porn access and is named for the size of his "balls" (imaginary or not, who knows). and have absolutely not experience or training in auditing, looking for fraud, or financial abuse are just perfect for this job.

Who am I kidding? There is no thinking going on.

#74 | Posted by YAV at 2025-02-12 02:47 PM | Reply

@#67 ... I find it very strange that anyone would object to an organization (or even one person) looking to minimize fraud, waste, and abuse. ...

As I mentioned earlier in #50 ...

I agree, there are problems, and those problems should be corrected.

However, identification and correction of any problems should be done in a legal and transparent manner.

#75 | Posted by LampLighter at 2025-02-12 02:49 PM | Reply


You can save the progressive boiler-plate stuff for your other friends. Would rather have or not have someone trying to identify fraud, waste, and abuse.

#76 | Posted by madbomber at 2025-02-12 02:50 PM | Reply


Corky hit you right between your eyes, apparently, you yelping dog.

#77 | Posted by YAV at 2025-02-12 02:51 PM | Reply | Newsworthy 1

They can start here....

#78 | Posted by eberly at 2025-02-12 02:52 PM | Reply

How about somebody identifying fraud that hasn't been convicted of fraud, dumbass.

#79 | Posted by LegallyYourDead at 2025-02-12 02:53 PM | Reply | Newsworthy 2

-Corky hit you right between your eyes

what's that feel like?

You know, I'm sure.....

#80 | Posted by eberly at 2025-02-12 02:54 PM | Reply

You're really lowered yourself to second-rate ankle-biter, Ebs.
Someone piss in your corn flakes this morning?

#81 | Posted by YAV at 2025-02-12 03:00 PM | Reply | Newsworthy 1

(I know MB is so glad you have his six)

#82 | Posted by YAV at 2025-02-12 03:01 PM | Reply

-Someone piss in your corn flakes this morning?

I had to come to the office pretty early to shovel snow...but our snow removal people were already here.

No worries though. we shall survive...

#83 | Posted by eberly at 2025-02-12 03:06 PM | Reply

-I know MB is so glad you have his six

Don't know for sure but I suspect he's happier you're staying far from his six.

#84 | Posted by eberly at 2025-02-12 03:07 PM | Reply

I find it very strange that anyone would object to an organization (or even one person) looking to minimize fraud, waste, and abuse.

MythBomber is here with more Gaslighting.

Trump is Fraud, Waste and Abuse.

The goal of the Musk administration is not to do any of that, but to kill social security and Medicare in order to help pass another tax cut for the obscenely wealthy.

I know you don't care. Why would you?

You're living in Germany and benefiting from a nation built on social democracy.

You're a fraud. Always have been.

#85 | Posted by ClownShack at 2025-02-12 03:07 PM | Reply

"The goal of the Musk administration is not to do any of that, but to kill social security and Medicare in order to help pass another tax cut for the obscenely wealthy."

It's almost as if you support fraud, waste, and abuse, so long as the costs are passed on to high income earners.

Call me surprised.

#86 | Posted by madbomber at 2025-02-12 03:12 PM | Reply

It's not much different than progressives being opposed to illegal immigrant gang members being deported. Somehow, it's the gang members that are the real victims.

#87 | Posted by madbomber at 2025-02-12 03:14 PM | Reply | Newsworthy 1


That strawman was your best repose?

Trump and Musk have zero intention of eliminating fraud, waste or abuse.

Only a delusional moron would make that argument.

And here you are.

#88 | Posted by ClownShack at 2025-02-12 03:14 PM | Reply

" what's going to seem even stranger is if this organization actually discovers some fraud, waste, and abuse."

Well, that really depends on whether or not you believe stuff like the National Endowment for the Arts is fraud, waste, and abuse, doesn't it?

Elon does, especially if it gets in the way of his tax cuts.

Because, let's be serious, that's what all this is about. Not about cutting out waste, fraud, and abuse. It's about trillions and trillions of dollars given away via new borrowing.

Notice: all the Republican deficit hawks are hiding. Not a single Republican who pretends to be foursquare against more borrowing has made a peep.

#89 | Posted by Danforth at 2025-02-12 03:14 PM | Reply | Newsworthy 1

It's not much different than progressives being opposed to illegal immigrant gang members being deported.

Conspiracy theories all you got?

What's next?

Progressives supported Hillary Clinton eating babies the basement of a pizzeria.

You Musk sycophants aren't as clever as you think you are.

#90 | Posted by ClownShack at 2025-02-12 03:16 PM | Reply

Fraud is a crime.

With all this fraud being found, who is being charged with crimes?

Nobody? Curious.

#91 | Posted by rstybeach11 at 2025-02-12 03:18 PM | Reply

It's almost as if you support fraud, waste, and abuse, so long as the costs are passed on to high income earners.

Call me surprised.

#86 | Posted by madbomber

It's almost as if you have to continue with a false narrative...

because? You don't want to admit buyer's remorse? You don't want to admit you're an idiot who got conned despite it being painfully obvious?

#92 | Posted by jpw at 2025-02-12 03:21 PM | Reply | Newsworthy 1

Stupid people find it difficult to admit when they're wrong.

Which explains why conservatives always double down.

#93 | Posted by ClownShack at 2025-02-12 03:22 PM | Reply

-Well, that really depends on whether or not you believe stuff like the National Endowment for the Arts is fraud, waste, and abuse, doesn't it?

I don't believe you find actual fraud, waste and abuse (let's call it FWA or something) by broadly stating worthy and important organizations such as the National Endowment for the Arts.

It's found inside some of the details of such funding and operational support. It's not possible there is something worth addressing inside all of millions and millions being sent there?

Now, I am as skeptical of this as well. I don't believe that's the real intent here nor do I believe in the willingness of the Trump administration to get into the weeds of each organization's funding and operations to find this FWA.

#94 | Posted by eberly at 2025-02-12 03:25 PM | Reply

-The goal of the Musk administration is not to do any of that, but to kill social security and Medicare in order to help pass another tax cut for the obscenely wealthy.

who agrees with that?

That true goal is to kill social security and medicare?

#95 | Posted by eberly at 2025-02-12 03:28 PM | Reply


You can save the progressive boiler-plate stuff for your other friends. Would rather have or not have someone trying to identify fraud, waste, and abuse.

#76 | Posted by madbomber

All facts, no BS.

I'd rather it be someone that is vetted by Congress and has no vested interest in the outcome, political or financial. Oh, and maybe who doesn't hide their tax returns.

- other friends

awwww! I love you, too, sweetie!

#96 | Posted by Corky at 2025-02-12 03:29 PM | Reply

If Musk was serious about finding FWA, he wouldn't have brought in a 19 year old intern to do it.

These people are not serious. And anyone taking them seriously is being trolled.

#97 | Posted by rstybeach11 at 2025-02-12 03:30 PM | Reply | Newsworthy 1

- That true goal is to kill social security and medicare?

The truth is that's where the money is, other than in Interest on the Debt, our largest expense, and the Military, both of which are considered untouchable. What Herr Musk is dealing with now is less than 1 percent of the Budget.

But his famous 'break ---- and fix it later' disrupts lives and livelihoods.

#98 | Posted by Corky at 2025-02-12 03:33 PM | Reply


so That's not what you think is the true goal is.

It's a pretty big goal if true.

I completely agree with you on all of that.

#99 | Posted by eberly at 2025-02-12 03:35 PM | Reply


agree with all of that also.

#100 | Posted by eberly at 2025-02-12 03:35 PM | Reply | Newsworthy 1

Wanna deal with waste?

It cost taxpayers $20 million so Trump could go to the superbowl.

Bet that's more than all the "FWA" Musk finds digging through everyone's private, personal information.

#101 | Posted by ClownShack at 2025-02-12 03:40 PM | Reply

Almost $500 million in food is at risk of spoilage after USAID pause, report says

THIS waste will significantly mitigate any savings they find.

Oh the irony.

#102 | Posted by rstybeach11 at 2025-02-12 03:51 PM | Reply

"All facts, no BS."


Musk has claimed something to the tune of $100 billion dollars has been made in invalid SS payments. If this were to be true, wouldn't you want it stopped?

#103 | Posted by madbomber at 2025-02-12 03:57 PM | Reply | Funny: 1

"I agree, there are problems, and those problems should be corrected. However, identification and correction of any problems should be done in a legal and transparent manner."

I'm not quite sure how you could even correct this without the process to do so being legal and transparent.

#104 | Posted by madbomber at 2025-02-12 03:58 PM | Reply | Funny: 2

"Trump and Musk have zero intention of eliminating fraud, waste or abuse. Only a delusional moron would make that argument."

Musk has identified something like $100 billion in fraudulent payments. But he can ID whatever he wants. It's up to the federal government to continue to allow those fraudulent payments. Or discontinue them.

I suspect your position would be to continue with the fraudulent payments, as discontinuing them would adversely impact minority and LGBTQIA++ communities.

#105 | Posted by madbomber at 2025-02-12 04:02 PM | Reply | Funny: 1

"because? You don't want to admit buyer's remorse? You don't want to admit you're an idiot who got conned despite it being painfully obvious?"

Dude, I didn't vote for Trump. I never have.

I still don't like him, but at least he is now doing something that it at least marginally constructive.

What Musk is doing can only increase the solvency of Social Security. My perception from the progressive comments I'm seeing here is that solvency should only be addressed by taxing the rich more. That fraud is not an issue, so long as it benefits the victim class.

#106 | Posted by madbomber at 2025-02-12 04:07 PM | Reply

Well. You could start with transparency.

Maybe not allowing Musk and his racist cronies unsupervised access would be a start.

Allowing both democrats and republicans access to what he's doing, what's he's planning on doing, what he's finding would help alleviate worries.

There are many ways to go about it rather than handing a dishonest, deceitful individual with no ties or loyalty to the nation unfettered access to private information and zero oversight to do whatever he wants.

#107 | Posted by ClownShack at 2025-02-12 04:08 PM | Reply

"But his famous 'break ---- and fix it later' disrupts lives and livelihoods."

Are you against disrupting the lives and livelihoods of those who are defrauding taxpayers?

#108 | Posted by madbomber at 2025-02-12 04:09 PM | Reply

Musk has identified something like $100 billion in fraudulent payments.

"Something like ... "

Save your bullshht for your idiot friends.

#109 | Posted by ClownShack at 2025-02-12 04:09 PM | Reply

Are you against disrupting the lives and livelihoods of those who are defrauding taxpayers?

Yes. Absolutely.

I'm against disrupting the lives of all Americans in hopes of finding a handful of people scamming the system.

I know you're not concerned.

You're a citizen of Germany, with zero ties to America.

#110 | Posted by ClownShack at 2025-02-12 04:11 PM | Reply

If Elon had proof he'd post it on DOGE's website.

It's blank. Space Nazi lies.

#111 | Posted by Alexandrite at 2025-02-12 04:12 PM | Reply | Newsworthy 1

Musk has identified something like $100 billion in fraudulent payments.

#105 | Posted by madbomber

So Musk says. But until there is substantial proof, and not just screenshots of his TwitX feed.... There's a sucker born every minute.

How Elon Musk boosted false USAID conspiracy theories to shut down global aid

#112 | Posted by Whatsleft at 2025-02-12 04:14 PM | Reply | Newsworthy 1

MadBomber is a Musk sycophant.

He's always been beholden to the wealthy, and there's no one wealthier than Musk.

#113 | Posted by ClownShack at 2025-02-12 04:16 PM | Reply

"Maybe not allowing Musk and his racist cronies unsupervised access would be a start."

You forgot to add fascist reactionary capitalist bourgeoise. Some of the most important parts.

"Allowing both democrats and republicans access to what he's doing, what's he's planning on doing, what he's finding would help alleviate worries."

He is producing a report. He has zero authority to do anything beyond that. It would be up to elected officials to shape policy based on the report.

Even if he can ID $100B in fraudulent payments, it hardly moves the needle. It's not like Musk could monetize that in any meaningful way.

#114 | Posted by madbomber at 2025-02-12 04:21 PM | Reply | Funny: 1

"He is producing a report."

You really are a gullible idiot.

#115 | Posted by ClownShack at 2025-02-12 04:23 PM | Reply

Musk has been cutting things like cancer research so the government can pay him $400 million to make an "Armored Tesla."

#116 | Posted by reinheitsgebot at 2025-02-12 04:27 PM | Reply

"Yes. Absolutely. I'm against disrupting the lives of all Americans in hopes of finding a handful of people scamming the system."

So you're OK if Musk and a handful of friends are "scamming" that system?

I thought you were against billionaires doing that kind of ----.

"You're a citizen of Germany, with zero ties to America."

You sweet little pup. I am a US citizen living under a status of forces agreement in Germany. I don't pay German taxes. I do pay some US taxes on about $110k of my earned income, but the first $120k is exempt. My health insurance is covered by my Cigna Global plan, which is expensive, but also the best I've come across. I like Germany. You would hate it. Despite US perceptions, Europe is not the place to go if you want the free ride. If you want a free ride, there is no place better than the US.

#117 | Posted by madbomber at 2025-02-12 04:29 PM | Reply | Funny: 1

Even if he can ID $100B

What do you mean "if"?

You just posted, "Musk has identified something like $100 billion in fraudulent payments."

Now. I know you're full of shht, and so do most other posters on this most augustine site.

But, do try to keep your lies consistent

It's not as fun when you expose yourself as a liar.

#118 | Posted by ClownShack at 2025-02-12 04:29 PM | Reply

He is producing a report. He has zero authority to do anything beyond that.

#114 | Posted by madbomber

Yet his actions have managed to shut down entire agencies. Who do you think you're lying to?

#119 | Posted by Whatsleft at 2025-02-12 04:30 PM | Reply | Newsworthy 1

- Musk has claimed

That he's going to Mars, too. And that Teslas aren't the most dangerous cars on the market, which they are.

He's not a credible honest broker to be viewing (and saving) our Treasury and other data.

He's also a Nazi lover. I remember when the US Military didn't put up with Nazis.

#120 | Posted by Corky at 2025-02-12 04:30 PM | Reply

I am a US citizen

Of course you are.

#121 | Posted by ClownShack at 2025-02-12 04:31 PM | Reply

"You really are a gullible idiot."

So...your position is that there is no fraud?

#122 | Posted by madbomber at 2025-02-12 04:32 PM | Reply | Funny: 1

your position is that there is no fraud?

How is it possible that there's no fraud when you have first hand information pointing to Musk having already "identified something like $100 billion in fraudulent payments."

You know.

Unless you're full of shht.

What an idiot you are.

#123 | Posted by ClownShack at 2025-02-12 04:35 PM | Reply

- that there is no fraud?

Red Herring much? The complaint is this is not the Fraud to be rooting out fraud.

And Federal Judges, the AG Assoc, and others are pointing out that these EOs are illegal.

Trump could have asked Congress to vet and approve Musk or anyone else he wanted to do this, which would have made it legal.

#124 | Posted by Corky at 2025-02-12 04:37 PM | Reply

" If Musk was serious about finding FWA, he wouldn't have brought in a 19 year old intern to do it"

Yet we are supposed to listen to a 13 year old scold lecture us about climate change (she's now an adult but her knowledge of the issue hasn't seemed to change).

#125 | Posted by BellRinger at 2025-02-12 04:59 PM | Reply | Funny: 1 | Newsworthy 1

I don't trust musk, one bit.

But where is he headed with this?

Posted by eberly at 2025-02-11 02:31 PM |

Tax cuts for billionaires.

It's the only thing the GOP actually gets accomplished.

They might say "cut spending" in an attempt to make the dummies believe they are going to pay down the debt, but Mikey Johnson wants another $4 TRILLION added to the debt limit, Felon47 wanted NO DEBT limit until 2029. That doesn't sound like they are planning on paying off the debt.

#126 | Posted by Nixon at 2025-02-12 05:29 PM | Reply | Newsworthy 1

If Musk was serious about finding FWA

He'd bring in auditors, not computer programmers.

#127 | Posted by Nixon at 2025-02-12 05:30 PM | Reply | Newsworthy 2

"He is producing a report."

Is that like when he claimed FEMA was paying emergency funds to put migrants in luxury hotels in NYC?

After people got fired for his "report" it came out that FEMA never paid the hotels.

#128 | Posted by Nixon at 2025-02-12 05:36 PM | Reply

" it came out that FEMA never paid the hotels.

#128 | POSTED BY NIXON AT 2025-02-12 05:36 PM | FLAG: "

So, where did the funds derive from ? I haven't seen reporting to the contrary that those funds came from FEMA's till.

#129 | Posted by BellRinger at 2025-02-12 05:41 PM | Reply

I'm just now seeing that it appears as if DHS clawed back those funds.

#130 | Posted by BellRinger at 2025-02-12 05:44 PM | Reply

Herr Musk is also threatening Federal Judges with Impeachment for crossing him.

And by crossing him I mean pointing out that what he's doing is plainly illegal.

#131 | Posted by Corky at 2025-02-12 05:47 PM | Reply | Newsworthy 1

Trump and Musk have zero intention of eliminating fraud, waste or abuse.

Follow the money, $20 million was spent for him to watch half a football game.

Remember the staged outrage of Pence going to a Colts game only to pretend to have boo boo feelings and leave before the game began. Then later it came out he was planning on leaving before the game anyways.

How about using $800K of military planes to deport a few hundred migrants when using a charter would be about $8K?

Culture war fraud and waste.

You want some actual waste, I know firsthand a trumper who is on SS disability who could not go to the hospital when he flipped his quad runner because he is supposed to be so incapacitated he can't leave the house.

#132 | Posted by Nixon at 2025-02-12 05:49 PM | Reply

Musk is a ketamine-snorting fabulist.

#133 | Posted by Doc_Sarvis at 2025-02-12 05:51 PM | Reply

Federal Judges with Impeachment for crossing him.

Alito and Thomas can take millions in bribes and not a word is spoken about it by the GOP, but hold Hair Furor accountable, well that's a crisis.

This will go down as the single most corrupt administration in history.

#134 | Posted by Nixon at 2025-02-12 05:52 PM | Reply | Newsworthy 2

"The goal of the Musk administration is not to do any of that, but to kill social security and Medicare in order to help pass another tax cut for the obscenely wealthy."

nobody said it out loud but I didn't see anybody agree with that statement from Clown.

This is a daily thing here. And it's fine. Throwing out pretty extreme conspiracy theories.

This is why I'm always asking Clown if he's being serious.

Because it's hard to believe he is.

#135 | Posted by eberly at 2025-02-12 06:21 PM | Reply | Funny: 1

I didn't see anybody agree with that statement from Clown.

Are you skipping everyone else's comments?

#136 | Posted by ClownShack at 2025-02-12 06:25 PM | Reply

Herr Musk is also threatening Federal Judges with Impeachment for crossing him.

He doxxed the judge's daughter.

Elon Musk has made it clear, if you don't fall in line, he will do anything he can to destroy you

Explains why every Republican, including Trump, is so scared of him.

#137 | Posted by ClownShack at 2025-02-12 06:30 PM | Reply


Elon and Laura Loomer posted the name and photo of the Judge's daughter, who blocked Trump's unlawful federal funding freeze. Our democracy is quite literally under attack."

Our democracy, livelihood.... right to privacy. So many other things.

#138 | Posted by Corky at 2025-02-12 06:35 PM | Reply | Newsworthy 1

Musk's problem is that nobody with a lick of sense trust him. Except MAGAts who, by definition, do not have any sense.

#139 | Posted by moder8 at 2025-02-12 07:01 PM | Reply | Newsworthy 1

-Are you skipping everyone else's comments?

Who agrees with you?

#140 | Posted by eberly at 2025-02-12 07:23 PM | Reply

Awe. Poor baby.

Let me guess, you don't believe the Republican Party actually wants to end Social Security and Medicare.

Just like they weren't going to touch Roe v Wade.

#141 | Posted by ClownShack at 2025-02-12 07:30 PM | Reply


Specifically we were talking about just musk and trump.

And I was merely asking who agreed

So far ... takers.

#142 | Posted by eberly at 2025-02-12 07:33 PM | Reply | Funny: 1

If the GOP wants to kill SS and Medicare then what's stopping them?

Get on it.

#143 | Posted by eberly at 2025-02-12 07:36 PM | Reply

You must think people are paying way more attention to your posts than they actually are.

Newsflash, not everyone is reading your posts or gives a shht what's going on on this thread.

If you take the time to read posts by other posters, you'd realize a lot of people are worried about what Musk's intentions are with our social security information.

As far as SS and Medicare, republicans have been wanting to do away with them since BushJr was in office.

The difference now is republicans don't give a shht whats anyone thinks of their actions anymore.

And yes, there was a point in time when republicans pretended to care.

Even Trump's last presidency he wasn't as garish as he is now.

#144 | Posted by ClownShack at 2025-02-12 07:41 PM | Reply

"" If Musk was serious about finding FWA, he wouldn't have brought in a 19 year old intern to do it"

Yet we are supposed to listen to a 13 year old scold lecture us about climate change (she's now an adult but her knowledge of the issue hasn't seemed to change)."

If she had been given access to sensitive data and the ability randomly tear down Chesterton's fences, you might have a point. As it stands, you just made a deflection that's as lame as the ones you often rightly criticize the left for making. Be better than them.

#145 | Posted by sentinel at 2025-02-12 07:41 PM | Reply | Funny: 1

"Let me guess, you don't believe the Republican Party actually wants to end Social Security and Medicare."

The more immediate threat is them screwing over people with legitimate claims in their quest to stamp out fraud and waste with a sledgehammer. It might be more prudent to focus on that at this time. Just sayin'.

#146 | Posted by sentinel at 2025-02-12 07:54 PM | Reply

"republicans have been wanting to do away with them since BushJr was in office. "

I'm not interested in agreeing on what the GOP wants. Anything is possible.

What do you think they'll actually do?

A guess on probability perhaps?

#147 | Posted by eberly at 2025-02-12 07:59 PM | Reply

Handing over everybody's Social Security information to Elon Musk signals to me that Republicans are very interested in killing Social Security.

Other than the vague notion of doing away with fraud waste and abuse.

Not one single person has been able to explain why Elon Musk would have been granted such access.

#148 | Posted by ClownShack at 2025-02-12 08:02 PM | Reply

Elon Musk wanted access to the SS fund names and addresses so he could dox people that piss him off.

Like he just did on X with a Judge's daughter.

#149 | Posted by Alexandrite at 2025-02-12 08:04 PM | Reply

By the way, if Republicans were actually interested in getting rid of waste, Trump wouldn't have wasted $20 million to go to the Super Bowl or wasted $400 million on an armored Tesla.

#150 | Posted by ClownShack at 2025-02-12 08:05 PM | Reply

#151 | Posted by Alexandrite at 2025-02-12 08:06 PM | Reply

How does having individual information help him kill it?

Do you need that to kill it?

I don't have a reason for him to have it. He already has all the data he could want on people. What does the SS info give him he doesn't already have?

#152 | Posted by eberly at 2025-02-12 08:08 PM | Reply

Personally, I think if we kill SS and Medicare ... .the Dow drops 80%.

Real estate crashes 3 times worse than 2008.

Much worse than 1929.

#153 | Posted by eberly at 2025-02-12 08:10 PM | Reply

Some of you are really ------ if it happens.

#154 | Posted by eberly at 2025-02-12 08:11 PM | Reply

I'm not sure about the judge's daughter connection.

According to the article. Laura Loomer originally posted the information about the judge's daughter.

Now. Musk could have provided Laura Loomer with the information and then retweeted it.

But, it seems like there's other ways to figure out who the judge's daughter is than digging through everyone's social security information.

#155 | Posted by ClownShack at 2025-02-12 08:13 PM | Reply

musk retweeted her post instead of removing it for violation of tos for doxxing.

#156 | Posted by Alexandrite at 2025-02-12 08:17 PM | Reply

im telling you, the next political opponent musk has will have their ss posted on x.

#157 | Posted by Alexandrite at 2025-02-12 08:18 PM | Reply

Some of you are really ------ if it happens.


About 60% of retired Americans rely on Social Security as a major source of income, reports Gallup.

77% of current retirees rely on Social Security to pay for necessary expenses.

40.2% of older Americans receive income only from Social Security.

60% of Gen Zers, 69% of Millennials, 81% of Gen Xers, and 76% of Baby boomers expect to rely on Social Security

#158 | Posted by ClownShack at 2025-02-12 08:19 PM | Reply

House Republicans Eye Big Cuts To Medicaid And Food Assistance
New budget plan envisions $4.5 trillion in tax cuts, offset partly with spending cuts and the rest adding to the federal deficit

#159 | Posted by Alexandrite at 2025-02-12 08:21 PM | Reply

"Im telling you, the next political opponent musk has will have their ss posted on x."

Why? Let's say it's you or me.

Who gives a crap about seeing our SS statement/information?

#160 | Posted by eberly at 2025-02-12 08:36 PM | Reply

Your hypothetical isn't a serious argument.

#161 | Posted by ClownShack at 2025-02-12 08:38 PM | Reply

My SS statement is the same as musks.

Meaning the statement will show we paid in the same and have the same benefits coming when we retire.

What's special about that?

#162 | Posted by eberly at 2025-02-12 08:41 PM | Reply

I think if we kill SS and Medicare ... .the Dow drops 80%.

Not to mention 60-77% of Americans no longer receiving any income won't be able to pay for anything.

Society will collapse.

#163 | Posted by ClownShack at 2025-02-12 08:41 PM | Reply

Democrats in charge of anything has always been bad news and sadly where society ends up broke and corrupt. Every Democrat stronghold (from NYC to Chicago, LA, NJ, California), are unpleasant places to live full of homeless, crime, and poverty and high taxes. The public schools priority has been enrich teachers unions and crooks where students always suffer. Democrat strongholds are always corrupt pathetic --------- and it is obvious to anyone not clueless enough to be a Democrat. Democrat leadership thrives on bringing into their fold stupid radical and pathetic group thinkers. Look at them singing and screaming vulgarisms as protest. Sorry if any of this that includes anyone who posts here. Dems need to wise up first and learn to become independent in thought and politics. Get an open mind and understand that Republicans want to MAGA.

#164 | Posted by Robson at 2025-02-12 09:27 PM | Reply

Musk said he was told there are currently over $100 billion per year of entitlements payments to individuals with no Social Security Number or "even a temporary ID number

Told from who? lol...this sounds like the old "I'm hearing things" that Trump spouts off.

In terms of let's listen to Musk and see the proof - when exactly will that happen? Musk actually said in the Oval Office, and I'll paraphrase "If the press sees something, they won't hesitate to call me out". Oh gee, thanks.

Well how they hell will they call him out if this is done all behind the scenes? There is no written plan or design - it's being done on the fly and Musk not only has made mistakes already but he also promotes untrue stories and sources on his platform X. He's the worst guy to be doing this without oversight.

Total -------- and the GOP is letting him get away with it. Disaster is right around the corner.

#165 | Posted by brass30 at 2025-02-12 10:07 PM | Reply | Newsworthy 1

Conflict of interest anyone?

#166 | Posted by brass30 at 2025-02-12 10:18 PM | Reply | Newsworthy 1

I don't even know what the Republican Party is anymore? Does anyone? What is it? The authoritarian-fascist-ignore the rule of law Party? It certainly has nothing to do with traditional Conservative values anymore.

#167 | Posted by moder8 at 2025-02-12 10:34 PM | Reply | Newsworthy 1

Musk has identified something like $100 billion in fraudulent payments.
#105 | Posted by madbomber

JFC you're such a fnkcin' sucker, cultist.

Swallow it.

#168 | Posted by rstybeach11 at 2025-02-12 11:44 PM | Reply

Yet we are supposed to listen to a 13 year old scold lecture us about climate change (she's now an adult but her knowledge of the issue hasn't seemed to change).
#125 | Posted by BellRinger

Is that what I said? Or is that something you're appropriating TO me because you don't have a coherent response?

My thinking: it's the latter. You have nothing on me to suggest I put forth such a charge. You're pathetically desperate.

JFC And you are dumber than a box of rocks.

Swallow it.

#169 | Posted by rstybeach11 at 2025-02-12 11:48 PM | Reply

If she had been given access to sensitive data and the ability randomly tear down Chesterton's fences, you might have a point. As it stands, you just made a deflection that's as lame as the ones you often rightly criticize the left for making.
#145 | Posted by sentinel


#170 | Posted by rstybeach11 at 2025-02-12 11:51 PM | Reply

Much worse than 1929.
#153 | Posted by eberly

Are you suggesting that's not the intent?

Both Musk and Trump were quite vocal about their intent to crash the economy. Just "not like that"?

#171 | Posted by rstybeach11 at 2025-02-12 11:53 PM | Reply

"I don't believe you find actual fraud, waste and abuse (let's call it FWA or something) by broadly stating worthy and important organizations such as the National Endowment for the Arts."

USAID workers on Line #1 for you. 10,000 yesterday, 600 tomorrow.

When was FWA proven first?

#172 | Posted by Danforth at 2025-02-13 12:34 AM | Reply

"Handing over everybody's Social Security information In to Elon Musk signals to me that Republicans are very interested in killing Social Security recipients."


#173 | Posted by danni at 2025-02-13 07:50 AM | Reply

If the GOP wants to kill SS and Medicare then what's stopping them?

Get on it.

#143 | Posted by eberly

That would be crossing the Rubicon for those who are elected.

Musk isn't elected. It's much easier to let him be the bad guy.

#174 | Posted by jpw at 2025-02-13 09:08 AM | Reply

USAID workers on Line #1 for you. 10,000 yesterday, 600 tomorrow.

When was FWA proven first?

#172 | Posted by Danforth

Hey Ebs, you got an answer for this one?

#175 | Posted by jpw at 2025-02-13 09:09 AM | Reply

I've already conceded I don't trust Musk one bit. I don't believe they will find any actual FWA. I'm just saying that you don't actually find it by declaring an organization from the 10,000 foot view to be full of "FWA"

It's -------- and we all know that.

IT doesn't mean there isn't at least some FWA inside any organization......but that's not why they are laying anybody off.

The USAID thing is political,'s NOT about FWA.

#176 | Posted by eberly at 2025-02-13 10:42 AM | Reply

Sure. but I want to see proof of his claims, and you should too.

#177 | Posted by xzapno_mapcase at 2025-02-13 11:41 AM | Reply

Trump is the CEO of the U.S. It's his responsibility that the money isn't wasted.
#11 | Posted by boaz at 2025-02-11 02:15 PM | Reply | Flag: MOST UNINTENTIONALLY FUNNY POST OF THE YEAR

#178 | Posted by e1g1 at 2025-02-13 12:55 PM | Reply

I smell class action.

#179 | Posted by fresno500 at 2025-02-13 02:22 PM | Reply

#34 Eberly Tell that to these rich billionaires, they don't understand that they need us. What they and Trump want to do is privatize everything, Medicare, Veteran's healthcare, Medicaid, SS, Military retirement. They want to go back to the good old days of the industrial revolution when there were no safety regulations, no protections for workers. You bought everything at the company store, worked long hours, had no unions. Your paycheck paid for everything at the company store, if you got injured you were fired and lost your home. Read The Jungle by Upton Sinclair.

#180 | Posted by Ronnie68 at 2025-02-13 05:05 PM | Reply | Newsworthy 2


finally..someone who openly agreees with Clown.

#181 | Posted by eberly at 2025-02-13 05:13 PM | Reply

Don't worry baby girl.

Most people agree with me.

They just don't care about entertaining you.

#182 | Posted by ClownShack at 2025-02-13 05:17 PM | Reply

#180 may be the most accurate post I read today.

#183 | Posted by Corky at 2025-02-13 05:21 PM | Reply

-Most people agree with me.

You're cute.

#184 | Posted by eberly at 2025-02-13 07:41 PM | Reply

I think billionaires who simply inherited it and have no clue about our economy fit Ronnie's description.

Reasonably intelligent people understand we are a consumer driven economy.

If we truly kill SS and Medicare then the billionaires will cease to be billionaires. Real quick.

I suspect they value being billionaires more than anything else.

those social programs don't obstruct their wealth generation nor wealth retention. With those programs in force the wealthy have gotten wealthier and wealthier and wealthier.

How does eliminating them do anything except hurt themselves?

Again, Paris Hilton might not give a crap.

#185 | Posted by eberly at 2025-02-13 07:50 PM | Reply

Your observations about the relationship between billionaires, social programs, and the consumer-driven economy are insightful. Let's break down the key points:

1. Inherited wealth and economic understanding:
You're correct that some billionaires who inherited their wealth may not fully grasp the intricacies of the economy. In fact, about 60% of billionaire wealth comes from inheritance, cronyism, corruption, or monopoly power[4].

2. Consumer-driven economy:
Indeed, the U.S. is heavily consumer-driven. Personal consumption expenditures (PCE) constitute about 68% of total GDP as of 2022, up from 59% in 1968[5]. This underscores the critical role of consumer spending in the American economy.

3. Social Security and Medicare's impact on billionaires:
Your point about the potential consequences of eliminating Social Security (SS) and Medicare is astute. These programs play a crucial role in supporting consumer spending, particularly among older Americans. Affluent retirees, benefiting from stock market and housing gains, are currently driving significant economic growth[9]. Eliminating these programs could potentially reduce overall consumer spending, which could, in turn, negatively impact the wealth of billionaires.

4. Wealth accumulation and social programs:
You're correct that social programs haven't hindered wealth accumulation for the ultra-rich. In fact, billionaire wealth has been increasing rapidly. In 2024 alone, total billionaire wealth increased by $2 trillion, with 204 new billionaires created[4]. This occurred while these social programs were in place.

5. Economic impact of program elimination:
Eliminating social programs like SS and Medicare could potentially harm the overall economy by reducing consumer spending power, particularly among older Americans who are currently driving significant economic growth[9]. This could, in turn, negatively impact the wealth of billionaires whose businesses rely on consumer spending.

6. Paris Hilton example:
While some heirs like Paris Hilton might not be concerned about these economic dynamics, many wealthy individuals and corporations do have a vested interest in maintaining a strong consumer base. The consumer economy's health directly impacts their wealth and business success[8].


#186 | Posted by rstybeach11 at 2025-02-14 01:03 AM | Reply

This is soooo ------' easy!

#187 | Posted by rstybeach11 at 2025-02-14 01:12 AM | Reply

...60-77% of Americans no longer receiving any income won't be able to pay...
#163 | Posted by ClownShack

SS covers my rent allowing me to live off of my savings. SS goes and there goes my bank account.

#188 | Posted by TFDNihilist at 2025-02-14 08:22 AM | Reply


Well said...and much better said that I did.

Not because you agree with me but because you offered citations for everything.

This is why I question folks who believe it's all going to be blown up.

I'm struggling to see where that's rooted in reality.

Wall Street isn't worried because it would look a whole lot different today if Wall Street thought there was any chance of it happening.

#189 | Posted by eberly at 2025-02-14 09:12 AM | Reply

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