"Thanks to decades of Republican tax cuts, the wealthy pay less in taxes than I do."
I know you really would like to think that's the case, budditznot. At least not according to those reactionary bourgeoise capitalist pigs at the IRS.
The top 1% paid an average rate of 26%, covering 42.3% of the total federal income tax burden. The average tax amount was $458,894.
In comparison, you and your peers in the bottom 50% had an average rate of 3.1%, covering 2.3% of the total federal income tax burden, with an average federal income tax bill of $504. The notes state that the burden on lower income earners is overrated, as refunds are not factored into these totals.
Numbers are from 2020. The last year Trump was in office.
"A lot of wealthy people don't pay taxes."
few, if any poor people pay taxes.
"Trump bragged not paying taxes means he's smart."
I pay very little in taxes. The first $128k of my income is non-taxable through the overseas exemption. The rest of it is taxable, but I generally have deductions that reduce it way down.