
Drudge Retort: The Other Side of the News
Monday, July 01, 2024

The U.S. Supreme Court has found Donald Trump enjoys complete immunity for clearly "official acts" he took while in office and at least "presumptive immunity" for other official acts as president. The decision did not grant immunity for unofficial acts. The justices sent the case back to a district court to review, making it less likely a trial happens before the presidential election. The vote was 6-3, and Chief Justice John Roberts wrote the opinion. In a fiery dissent, Justice Sonia Sotomayor said the majority opinion "makes a mockery of the principle, foundational to our Constitution and system of Government, that no man is above the law."



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Trump and his packed court have fundamentally changed this country for the worse. I am pretty much certain the country won't survive another Trump term if he wins.

#1 | Posted by qcp at 2024-07-01 10:59 AM | Reply

Our country is fundamentally broken. This is a travesty.

#2 | Posted by LauraMohr at 2024-07-01 11:06 AM | Reply

is not stopping an insurrection you started an official act?

6-3 says yes.

#3 | Posted by Alexandrite at 2024-07-01 11:08 AM | Reply | Newsworthy 3

I don't know if Trump is going to be reelected in 2024.

But he is, he's going to preface every blatantly illegal thing he does by saying, "Official act, this is an official act."

#4 | Posted by lee_the_agent at 2024-07-01 11:19 AM | Reply | Newsworthy 4

In her dissent, she declared that "When [a president] uses his official powers in any way, under the majority's reasoning, he now will be insulated from criminal prosecution." She listed out some extreme cases where she argued this ruling would shield presidents from prosecution:

Orders the Navy's Seal Team 6 to assassinate a political rival? Immune. Organizes a military coup to hold onto power? Immune. Takes a bribe in exchange for a pardon? Immune. Immune, immune, immune.

Let the President violate the law, let him exploit the trappings of his office for personal gain, let him use his official power for evil ends. Because if he knew that he may one day face liability for breaking the law, he might not be as bold and fearless as we would like him to be. That is the majority's message today.

Sotomayor added: "In every use of official power, the President is now a king above the law." She went on, concluding her dissent by stating her "fear for our democracy":

The majority's single-minded fixation on the President's need for boldness and dispatch ignores the countervailing need for accountability and restraint. The Framers were not so single-minded. In the Federalist Papers, after "endeavor[ing] to show" that the Executive designed by the Constitution "combines ... all the requisites to energy," Alexander Hamilton asked a separate, equally important question: "Does it also combine the requisites to safety, in a republican sense, a due dependence on the people, a due responsibility?" The Federalist No. 77, p. 507 (J. Harvard Library ed. 2009). The answer then was yes, based in part upon the President's vulnerability to "prosecution in the common course of law." Ibid. The answer after today is no.

Never in the history of our Republic has a President had reason to believe that he would be immune from criminal prosecution if he used the trappings of his office to violate the criminal law. Moving forward, however, all former Presidents will be cloaked in such immunity. If the occupant of that office misuses official power for personal gain, the criminal law that the rest of us must abide will not provide a backstop.

With fear for our democracy, I dissent.

#5 | Posted by qcp at 2024-07-01 11:22 AM | Reply | Funny: 1 | Newsworthy 4

Our country is fundamentally broken. This is a travesty.
#2 | Posted by LauraMohr

Jill Stein/Ralph Nader 2024!

#6 | Posted by censored at 2024-07-01 11:26 AM | Reply

America dies the week it was born.

At least now Dark Brandon can imprison TFG as an official act.

#7 | Posted by TFDNihilist at 2024-07-01 11:35 AM | Reply | Newsworthy 1

How is using seal team 6 to assassinate a political rival an official act?

I need to read the opinion to see what their exact reasoning is, but it seems they split the middle, which was entirely predictable and, for me at least, expected.

Stealing, holding on to and hiding official documents after leaving office isn't an official act.

My biggest gripe is that it took so long to state the obvious.

#8 | Posted by jpw at 2024-07-01 11:38 AM | Reply | Funny: 1 | Newsworthy 1

Nevermind, I just read a few quotes and not only do they seem to set an extremely low bar for an "official act," but they apparently state the intent can't be considered.

So because Trump was speaking to Pence about his official duties when he pressured him to overrule the counts and favor him, it was an official act and the intent can't be considered.

We're ------ as a country with that official blessing from this travesty of a court.

#9 | Posted by jpw at 2024-07-01 11:49 AM | Reply | Newsworthy 2

I need to read the opinion to see what their exact reasoning is, but it seems they split the middle, which was entirely predictable and, for me at least, expected.
Stealing, holding on to and hiding official documents after leaving office isn't an official act.
My biggest gripe is that it took so long to state the obvious.



This is pretty accurate. They took this long to basically say what everyone already knew and then pushed it back to the lower court saying "We need more info."

The gist of the dissents is essentially, "Why the hell do you need more information?" and "Are you really saying these things could be official protected acts even if they are clearly illegal and nuts?"

#10 | Posted by Sycophant at 2024-07-01 12:02 PM | Reply | Newsworthy 1

I object your honor. This trial is a travesty. It's a travesty of a mockery of a sham of a mockery of two mockeries of a sham. I move for a mistrial.

The very least it this will do is push the start of the trial into next year.

Most likely it will mean that anything a Pres does is an Official Action.

Like shooting someone dead and their Base not caring.

I would advise Dark Brandon to immediately put Trump before a Military Firing Squad for a violent Coup Attempt.

#11 | Posted by Corky at 2024-07-01 12:04 PM | Reply | Newsworthy 1

We are ------ as a nation.
The Sharia Supremes want a king.

#12 | Posted by YAV at 2024-07-01 12:05 PM | Reply

"Justice Ketanji Brown Jackson wrote in a separate dissent that the majority's ruling "breaks new and dangerous ground" by granting immunity "only to the most powerful official in our Government."

She said that her conservative colleagues were "discarding" the nation's long-held principle that no one is above the law.

"That core principle has long prevented our Nation from devolving into despotism," she said.

"Yet the Court now opts to let down the guardrails of the law for one extremely powerful category of citizen: any future President who has the will to flout Congress's established boundaries."

The liberal justice described the impact of the court's ruling in dark terms, saying that "even a hypothetical President who admits to having ordered the assassinations of his political rivals or critics or one who indisputably instigates an unsuccessful coup, has a fair shot at getting immunity under the majority's new Presidential accountability model."

"In the end, then, under the majority's new paradigm, whether the President will be exempt from legal liability for murder, assault, theft, fraud, or any other reprehensible and outlawed criminal act will turn on whether he committed that act in his official capacity, such that the answer to the immunity question will always and inevitably be: It depends," Jackson wrote."

#13 | Posted by Corky at 2024-07-01 12:14 PM | Reply

"Justice Barrett suggests that Trump should stand trial

In a concurrence, Justice Amy Coney Barrett, appointed by former President Donald Trump in 2020, expressed frustration with how the court was sending the case back down for more proceedings.

"I would have framed the underlying legal issues differently," Barrett said.

She suggested that because Trump's wholesale challenge to the indictment had failed, at least some of the case could go forward.

She wrote "a President facing prosecution may challenge the constitutionality of a criminal statute as applied to official acts alleged in the indictment."

"If that challenge fails, however, he must stand trial," she said.

Barrett took issue with how the court had ruled that evidence from Trump's official acts should be excluded from the trial, writing that there was no reason to depart from the "familiar and time-tested procedure" that would allow for such evidence to be included."

from the above link

#14 | Posted by Corky at 2024-07-01 12:16 PM | Reply

Jill Stein/Ralph Nader 2024!

#6 | POSTED BY CENSORED AT 2024-07-01 11:26 AM | REPLY

GFY Censored.

#15 | Posted by LauraMohr at 2024-07-01 12:40 PM | Reply

This does prove that Hillary was a much more dangerous threat to America than Trump would ever be.

#16 | Posted by Corky at 2024-07-01 12:44 PM | Reply

Biden's first "official act" since this ruling should be to revise the number of justices on the Supreme Court and impose term limits upon all of them. His second act should be to eliminate the Electoral College, as it has become obsolete.

#17 | Posted by Whatsleft at 2024-07-01 01:17 PM | Reply | Newsworthy 1

"The Supreme Court's disastrous Trump immunity decision, explained

The Court's Trump immunity decision is a blueprint for dictatorship.

Trump v. United States is an astonishing opinion. It holds that presidents have broad immunity from criminal prosecution " essentially, a license to commit crimes " so long as they use the official powers of their office to do so.

Broadly speaking, Chief Justice John Roberts's majority opinion reaches three conclusions...."



"Finally, Roberts does concede that the president may be prosecuted for "unofficial" acts.

So, for example, if Trump had personally attempted to shoot and kill then-presidential candidate Joe Biden in the lead-up to the 2020 election, rather than ordering a subordinate to do so, then Trump could probably be prosecuted for murder.

But even this caveat to Roberts's sweeping immunity decision is not very strong.

Roberts writes that "in dividing official from unofficial conduct, courts may not inquire into the President's motives."

And Roberts even limits the ability of prosecutors to pursue a president who accepts a bribe in return for committing an official act, such as pardoning a criminal who pays off the president.

In Roberts's words, a prosecutor may not "admit testimony or private records of the President or his advisers probing the official act itself."


Emperor God Trump, indeed.

#18 | Posted by Corky at 2024-07-01 01:27 PM | Reply

If POTUS is absolutely immune for core constitutional acts.
And if the Constitution makes the POTUS Commander in Chief of the armed forces.
Then he has absolute immunity for ANY unlawful order given to the armed forces.

Umm, yay?

#19 | Posted by truthhurts at 2024-07-01 01:32 PM | Reply

If you use the instrumentalities of your public office to commit a crime, you should be subject to prosecution.

The official position of the Republican Party is that Presidents are allowed to commit crimes, so long as they can plausibly connect it to the office they hold.

That is extremely ------ up and bad.

#20 | Posted by JOE at 2024-07-01 01:33 PM | Reply | Newsworthy 2

BTW, how can a president be impeached for high crimes and misdemeanors if he is immune from high crimes and misdemeanors?

#21 | Posted by truthhurts at 2024-07-01 01:33 PM | Reply | Newsworthy 3

The repercussions of this are terrifying.

#22 | Posted by YAV at 2024-07-01 01:37 PM | Reply

Lucky for us ------- is a Christian who lives by the Ten Commandments.

#23 | Posted by truthhurts at 2024-07-01 01:38 PM | Reply | Funny: 3

"Clarence Thomas Goes After Jack Smith in Supreme Court Ruling

Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas has questioned the legitimacy of Jack Smith's appointment as special counsel as the Supreme Court ruled that Donald Trump is partially immune from prosecution for actions taken while he was in the White House.

"If this unprecedented prosecution is to proceed, it must be conducted by someone duly authorized to do so by the American people. The lower courts should thus answer these essential questions concerning the special counsel's appointment before proceeding," Thomas added.

Thomas explained that he was writing a separate opinion, in support of the majority, to highlight that Smith may have been illegally appointed." excerpts

He just made Judge Cannon wet.

#24 | Posted by Corky at 2024-07-01 01:41 PM | Reply

The Cult is strong with this one.

#25 | Posted by YAV at 2024-07-01 01:46 PM | Reply

That about puts the nail in the coffin as to whether or not
I go overseas for retirement.

I didn't leave America.

America, left me.

THIS Reich Wing Wet Dream, is NOT America!
At least not an America I want to reside in.

#26 | Posted by earthmuse at 2024-07-01 01:47 PM | Reply | Newsworthy 2

Party of Law And Order.
Party of Personal Responsibility.

#27 | Posted by snoofy at 2024-07-01 01:52 PM | Reply | Funny: 1

feels like there is a right wing shift in many places.

#28 | Posted by eberly at 2024-07-01 01:56 PM | Reply

Circling the drain.

Still a shining city on a hill?

A Beacon of freedom in a dark world?

This ruling rivals the worst legal decisions in Germany early in the Hitler regime.

Setting the stage for something yet undefined but clearly only in the interests of enemies of freedom and accountability.

Even if Trump loses in November this is dangerous to our entire system of government.

Any president can Now order War Crimes and illegal actions without fear of consequences.

It's like the SCOTUS creating a framework for Tyranny.

#29 | Posted by Effeteposer at 2024-07-01 01:56 PM | Reply | Newsworthy 1

Dems need to forget all this Playing by the Rules in politics nonsense.

The Rules have changed when the SC becomes a tool of one Party, disinterested in the Law and Precedence.

The Senate and the WH need to Act Now to counter these Purely Political Justices on the SC.

And the Pres needs to have Trump arrested on charges proven in his Congressional Impeachment.

Because apparently the President can do anything he wants to now; all he needs to do is talk to his Aides about it first, then it's 'legal'.

#30 | Posted by Corky at 2024-07-01 01:59 PM | Reply | Newsworthy 1

"feels like there is a right wing shift in many places."

Propaganda Werks!

#31 | Posted by snoofy at 2024-07-01 02:00 PM | Reply

#30 - I'm afraid you are 100% right.

#32 | Posted by YAV at 2024-07-01 02:01 PM | Reply | Newsworthy 1

The last time I was this frightened of any court decision or legislative act, Bush was ramming through the Patriot Act and all the other tools a despotic authoritarian regime would need to monitor and imprison a political rival, merely by labeling them part of a terrorist organization.

This ruling removed any fail safes to that and gave them a cookie.

#33 | Posted by zeropointnrg at 2024-07-01 02:11 PM | Reply | Newsworthy 3


I don't blame you. But I would only say: as goes America so goes the rest of the world.

#34 | Posted by Whatsleft at 2024-07-01 02:11 PM | Reply | Funny: 1


I think that ship has sailed. Instead of banning guns, liberals had better start buying them and practicing.

#35 | Posted by Whatsleft at 2024-07-01 02:14 PM | Reply

Serious question:

So, does this give President Biden the authority to disregard the 2024 election all-together and appoint his successor?

#36 | Posted by TrueBlue at 2024-07-01 02:16 PM | Reply | Newsworthy 1


We already have guns that we already know how to use. We just think some guns should be much harder to get.

#37 | Posted by qcp at 2024-07-01 02:17 PM | Reply

Serious question:
So, does this give President Biden the authority to disregard the 2024 election all-together and appoint his successor?

Under this ruling, why should he let there be an election?

#38 | Posted by Sycophant at 2024-07-01 02:19 PM | Reply | Newsworthy 2


Can anyone tell me where in the Constitution it says Presidents have immunity?

I'll be waiting...probably forever...

#39 | Posted by Sycophant at 2024-07-01 02:21 PM | Reply

Can republicans even be happy with this decision?

#40 | Posted by truthhurts at 2024-07-01 02:22 PM | Reply

Well I guessed biden needs to officially arrest trump and have him officially sent to meet Ashley Babbitt.

#41 | Posted by Tor at 2024-07-01 02:22 PM | Reply

"Can republicans even be happy with this decision?"

Republicans are never happy for long.

#42 | Posted by snoofy at 2024-07-01 02:24 PM | Reply

So, does this give President Biden the authority to disregard the 2024 election all-together and appoint his successor?

It would insulate him from criminal liability for doing so, as long as he used the trappings of his office to accomplish it.

It does not necessarily mean he can do those things and achieve his desired outcome, which is a separate issue.

#43 | Posted by JOE at 2024-07-01 02:25 PM | Reply

Biden should officially declare the Republican party a terrorist organization today and have the DOJ seize their accounts and assets.

#44 | Posted by qcp at 2024-07-01 02:25 PM | Reply | Newsworthy 1

#34 All I can say is, "Ireland is a Happy place".
I am tired of a lifetime of putting up with this partisan -----...

The GOP and the Reich only believe in THEIR JUSTICE and
THEIR version of America. I've lived most of my life in
Red States. I refuse to live in a Red Autocratic 'Rich Whites-Only'

Not when all of Dublin is a bar! Not when Ireland has 100's of
castles yet to visit (I've only seen 13 of them), and a climate
much more in line with my heart condition. I know this nation isn't...

#45 | Posted by earthmuse at 2024-07-01 02:27 PM | Reply

This may backfire with the Independents big time.

Which may be our only hope for sanity.

#46 | Posted by Corky at 2024-07-01 02:27 PM | Reply

Biden should officially declare the Republican party a terrorist organization today and have the DOJ seize their accounts and assets.


Oh please. That's so ridiculous.

Official Acts are immune from criminal prosecution now.

We can talk about drone strikes, Seal Team 6, and sending all Republican Congressman and Republican Appointed SCOTUS justices to Guantanamo.

What are they going to do? Impeach him? There won't be any Republican congressman.

Fly a Trump flag? Guantanamo.

Prosecutor brings a case? Guantanamo.

Judge hears the case? Guantanamo.

Go big.

#47 | Posted by Sycophant at 2024-07-01 02:30 PM | Reply

I said Biden should have done that 1/20/21.

Seems I was prescient.

IoW right, as usual

#48 | Posted by truthhurts at 2024-07-01 02:32 PM | Reply

Why is this SCOTUS so interested in giving carte blanche to Presidents?

Is this ruling consistent or targeted to only apply to Trump and other Republicans?

If Biden tried to use this decision to stop Trump from being elected or seated as president would be be on solid legal ground?

If so, will be use his new powers to prevent the transfer of power to Trump?

This could bite Trump in the Ass Hard if Biden has any imagination at all.

Hitler got similar powers in 1934,by 1936 any political rivals on the horizon were dead or in camps.

Interesting Times Ahead.

#49 | Posted by Effeteposer at 2024-07-01 02:42 PM | Reply

Why is this SCOTUS so interested in giving carte blanche to Presidents?

They aren't.

They're interested in giving carte blanche to people like Trump. They know Dems are too big of ------- to ever take this as far as he will.

Biden will continue governing like it's the 1980s while the country falls apart.

#50 | Posted by JOE at 2024-07-01 02:44 PM | Reply | Newsworthy 3

I THINK the thought is a couple fold:

1. It helps assist ------- in his re-election bid.
2. They may perceive it as the SC having power OVER the executive branch as they now decide what is immune, maybe immune or not immune, so they essentially define the presidency.
3. As you point out, they're idiots if they think this won't rebound on them. Power expands, it does not retract. Take a guardrail away? the power will expand.

#51 | Posted by truthhurts at 2024-07-01 02:45 PM | Reply

They're interested in giving carte blanche to people like Trump. They know Dems are too big of ------- to ever take this as far as he will.
Biden will continue governing like it's the 1980s while the country falls apart.


Yes, but, they act like there will never be a democratic president again or one who is as ruthless as -------.

Like not prosecuting Nixon, giving ------- this power will, a generation from now, have unforeseen (by the SC 6) consequences.

#52 | Posted by truthhurts at 2024-07-01 02:48 PM | Reply

I just LOVE reading the rambling predictions of the end of democracy BS !

from people who love Macron...

" Macron has vowed to remain president until 2027 regardless of the results "

and who adore undemocratic TYRANTS like Trudeau...

February 2022, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau announced he was invoking the 1988 Emergencies Act, a new Rubicon in Canadian history.
The target of the younger Trudeau's wrath was not political terrorists, however, but truck drivers protesting the government's vaccine mandates and broader COVID-19 restrictions.

"We cannot and will not allow illegal and dangerous activities to continue," Trudeau said of the group of truckers, who became known as "the Freedom Convoy."

It turns out, however, that it was not truckers who were behaving illegally. It was Trudeau."

BOTH give your 2 faced hypocrisy and bloviated hyperbolic crappiolla a certain "center"....something that's

always going to be unchanged in an ever changing world.


#53 | Posted by shrimptacodan at 2024-07-01 02:53 PM | Reply

Yes, but, they act like there will never be a democratic president again

What makes you think there will be? SCOTUS is officially in the bag for Republicans.

#54 | Posted by JOE at 2024-07-01 02:56 PM | Reply | Newsworthy 1

Biden should officially declare the Republican party a terrorist organization today and have the DOJ seize their accounts and assets.

He can start small. Seize the Sharia Six, declare the courts open, and try Trump and his accolades. He can then have his DOJ remove Loose Cannon.

#55 | Posted by YAV at 2024-07-01 03:02 PM | Reply

Biden could "Officially", pack the Supreme Court with Toads and have Trump arrested preventively as official acts.

He could cancel elections based on Martial law. Trump and the SCOTUS are counting on Biden to not be crazy enough to push the envelope.

If Biden wanted to he could push this very far. Enough to imprison people preventively without charge and completely remake the legal

The only thing keeping Trump alive at this point is a lack of imagination by Biden,the legal framework of Oppression and Totalitarian Terror is already in place.

If this country elects Trump, it's over for us as a Free People.

#56 | Posted by Effeteposer at 2024-07-01 03:02 PM | Reply

Biden could

Biden can't do shht.

He's wasted 4 years when he could have taken action to protect America from the Russian invasion.

#57 | Posted by ClownShack at 2024-07-01 03:06 PM | Reply

GFY Censored.
#15 | Posted by LauraMohr

Trump's "proposals would terminate Medicare and Medicaid funding for hospitals that provide gender-affirming care to trans youth, attempt to charge teachers with sex discrimination for affirming students' gender identities and order federal agencies to 'cease all programs that promote the concept of sex and gender transition at any age.' Trump also pledged to ask Congress to halt the use of federal funds to promote or pay for gender-affirming care, without distinguishing between care for adults or minors."

But hey, at least we didn't have to tolerate Hillary or Al Gore presidencies. Thank you Green voters!

#58 | Posted by censored at 2024-07-01 03:07 PM | Reply | Newsworthy 1

from people who love Macron...
" Macron has vowed to remain president until 2027 regardless of the results "
and who adore undemocratic TYRANTS like Trudeau...


Literally no one on here talks about Macron or Trudeau.

Did you just have to make up a fake scenario in your head to justify your stupid take?

Damn...that's pretty sad.

#59 | Posted by Sycophant at 2024-07-01 03:07 PM | Reply | Newsworthy 2

Did you just have to make up a fake scenario in your head to justify your stupid take?

That's pretty much his entire shtick.

#60 | Posted by ClownShack at 2024-07-01 03:11 PM | Reply | Newsworthy 2

Democrats can now take their faux outrage away from Biden's dementia riddled debate embarrassment

and look at who was lying and who predicted his "performance"

won't be hard to keep lying.

they're masters of lying to blind sheep and progressive robotic parrots.

just watch and listen....I can smell some coming along soon.

#61 | Posted by shrimptacodan at 2024-07-01 03:17 PM | Reply | Funny: 1

We already have guns that we already know how to use. We just think some guns should be much harder to get.


Same. But I seriously doubt if we're representative of a large cross section of liberals. And the guns that you would like to be harder to acquire...? There are way too many in circulation already to put that genie back in the bottle.

#62 | Posted by Whatsleft at 2024-07-01 03:22 PM | Reply

"To start, let's look at how we got here.

All six Republican-appointed justices reached the court with the backing of groups like the billionaire-funded Federalist Society. Trump's three nominees for the court came from a list written by Federalist Society leader Leonard Leo.

The conservative legal movement's aim is no secret: to take us back to the America of the 1920s.

They want to return to a country when the excesses of unregulated capitalism went unrestrained (before plunging the nation into the Great Depression), and systemic sexism and racism went uncontested."


But there is still a path to stopping the pro-Trump agenda on the court now, before the former president and his allies can get their hooks into the White House for the second time.

The Court has given Judge Chutkan the ability to hold an evidentiary hearing to apply its test.

That will allow her to rebut the presumption that Trump's pressure campaign against Pence is entitled to immunity and also to decide whether Trump's interactions with parties outside of the executive branch fall within the outer perimeter of official duties.

She should do so expeditiously, demonstrating that his conduct was not shielded by the Constitution.

While that is no substitute for a full trial, it is better than nothing and will at least call attention to Trump's propensity for breaking the law " a companion piece to the Manhattan conviction.


The ultimate recourse is now at the ballot box. As in 2018, 2020 and 2022, the antidote to the MAGA agenda is an American public that is animated by a need to preserve our laws, justice and values.

We recognize that the stakes " and the risk " are even higher after the presidential debate, but also that ample time remains to make the case to the American people that accountability is up to them.

If Trump loses, there is no obstacle to his being tried in this and the other remaining criminal cases. Justice is now ultimately in the hands of the voters."

Which is NOT how it should be; Justice should be in the hands of the Justice system.

But when the SC and Trump appointee judges make up their own rules as Trump requires, then what we need is... No Justice No Peace!

#63 | Posted by Corky at 2024-07-01 03:25 PM | Reply | Newsworthy 2

(3) Presidents cannot be indicted based on conduct for which they are immune from prosecution. On remand, the District Court must carefully analyze the indictment's remaining allegations to determine whether they too involve conduct for which a President must be immune from prosecution. And the parties and the District Court must ensure that sufficient allegations support the indictment's charges without such conduct. Testimony or private records of the President or his advisers probing such conduct may not be admitted as evidence at trial. Pp. 30"32

Virtually all evidence of a president's criminal acts are inadmissible to the Supreme Court!

JFC This is fnkcin wild

#64 | Posted by rstybeach11 at 2024-07-01 03:28 PM | Reply | Newsworthy 1

this is a direct result of democrats, elected and electorate, response to mCconnells treachery with Obama

#65 | Posted by brerrabbit at 2024-07-01 03:29 PM | Reply

(3) Presidents cannot be indicted based on conduct for which they are immune from prosecution. On remand, the District Court must carefully analyze the indictment's remaining allegations to determine whether they too involve conduct for which a President must be immune from prosecution. And the parties and the District Court must ensure that sufficient allegations support the indictment's charges without such conduct. Testimony or private records of the President or his advisers probing such conduct may not be admitted as evidence at trial. Pp. 30"32

Virtually all evidence of a president's criminal acts are inadmissible to the Supreme Court!
JFC This is fnkcin wild


One is reminded of a box owned by someone named Pandora and hope is a NY judge

#66 | Posted by truthhurts at 2024-07-01 03:32 PM | Reply


What in the flying fnkc are you talking about?

#67 | Posted by rstybeach11 at 2024-07-01 03:32 PM | Reply

If this country elects Trump, it's over for us as a Free People.

To quote a moron: "Makes sense to me"

#68 | Posted by truthhurts at 2024-07-01 03:35 PM | Reply

John Roberts Casually Obliterates Independent Justice Department

The Justice Department will no longer be an independent authority on the law, thanks to the Supreme Court's ruling on Donald Trump's immunity case Monday.

Instead, it will be an arm to be leveraged by the Oval Office, with open communication enabled between the federal law enforcement agency and the presidency for all future investigations.

Chief Justice John Roberts slipped the allowance into his majority opinion, as the justices ruled 6"3 in Trump's favor along ideological lines.

In a quiet sentence, Roberts argued that the fresh take on the executive branch relationship would help the president carry out his constitutional duties.

This means that if Trump returns to office, he will have free rein to wield the Justice Department as he sees fit " and he and his allies have already given plenty of indications as to what they plan to do.

The decision from the conservative majority overturned a federal appeals court ruling that had unanimously rejected all three of Trump's presidential immunity arguments in his January 6 case, "patiently, painstakingly, and unsparingly" dismantling his arguments in an "airtight" opinion, according to George Conway, a conservative attorney and ex-husband of former Trump adviser Kellyanne Conway.

Monday's ruling has effectively killed the January 6 trial, which would have been overseen by U.S. District Judge Tanya Chutkan." excerpts

#69 | Posted by Corky at 2024-07-01 03:36 PM | Reply

Does this mean Biden, as commander in chief, can order a SEAL team to kill Trump?

#70 | Posted by AMERICANUNITY at 2024-07-01 03:43 PM | Reply

This is sort of nuts.

The convictions on the pre-Presidential hush money is clearly not an official act but a personal one.
The Secret documents case is clearly not an official act but a personal one.
The Election fraud things are also clearly not an official act but a personal one.

So how will SCOTUS find any of these to be official acts? They left the door open on it. The bit RSTYBEACH11 just highlighted is stupid beyond measure as well. If they were all involved in non-official illegal conspiracy the documents and testimony should absolutely be evidence I mean seriously... "Get me the votes" is not an official act but a personal one born of desperation.

#71 | Posted by GalaxiePete at 2024-07-01 03:43 PM | Reply | Newsworthy 1


In a lawsuit filed on Monday, millions of Americans asked the U.S. Supreme Court to grant them immunity from Donald J. Trump.

The lawsuit argues that the Constitution was intended to protect the people from Trump, unlike the Court's recent actions, which have protected Trump from the Constitution.

"The Constitution was designed to shield the people from domestic tyranny and foreign threats," the filing reads. "Trump represents both."

In a separate filing, the American people asked for protection from violent insurrections enabled by Supreme Court justices' wives.

#72 | Posted by lee_the_agent at 2024-07-01 03:44 PM | Reply

Harry Reid's rule change on Federal Judges is the gift that keeps on giving.

#73 | Posted by Bluewaffles at 2024-07-01 03:48 PM | Reply

Does this mean Biden, as commander in chief, can order a SEAL team to kill Trump?


Yes, absolutely, without a doubt.

He would enjoy absolute immunity.

Now, it is uncertain whether his order would therefore be considered an illegal order requiring the Seal Team to disregard, BUT, he can then pardon the Seal Team for any criminal act.

It is doubtful he could even be impeached (if he is immune from a high crime and misdemeanor how can he be impeached for a high crime and misdemeanor).

Of course the Republican HoR WILL impeach him and the Democratic Senate won't convict him.

If only Biden had the balls.

#74 | Posted by truthhurts at 2024-07-01 03:50 PM | Reply

This is sort of nuts.
The convictions on the pre-Presidential hush money is clearly not an official act but a personal one.
The Secret documents case is clearly not an official act but a personal one.
The Election fraud things are also clearly not an official act but a personal one.
So how will SCOTUS find any of these to be official acts? They left the door open on it. The bit RSTYBEACH11 just highlighted is stupid beyond measure as well. If they were all involved in non-official illegal conspiracy the documents and testimony should absolutely be evidence I mean seriously... "Get me the votes" is not an official act but a personal one born of desperation.



well, did he falsify the documents while president? Probably would be considered official acts
well, did he steal the documents while president? Probably would be considered an official act. Keep in mind that Thomas in his concurrence said Special Counsel was unconstitutional so that case will end up before the SC
well, the election fraud is several crimes and many of which are official acts AND many will be unprovable given the shackles the court put on the prosecution.

So, yeah more than a little sort of nuts

#75 | Posted by truthhurts at 2024-07-01 03:54 PM | Reply

This gives the SCOTUS great power to define legality by defining the meaning of "official", it gives the executive branch to power to act first and get a corrupt legal system to legitimatize obvious crimes retroactively.

Hitler would be proud of the subtle usurpation of powers reserved for the legislature.

The judicial branch is the least accountable and most easily corrupted branch of government because they are unelected and can't be removed except with great difficulty. Lifetime tenure was the dumbest thing the founders ever did.

It just gives lovers of Freedom a motive to commit political murders.

Have any of the Justices considered the Targets they are making of Themselves?

This opinion is clearly not well thought out.

#76 | Posted by Effeteposer at 2024-07-01 03:56 PM | Reply | Newsworthy 3

"Judges in Nazi Germany were instructed that in the event of any conflict between Nazi Party and law, Nazi Party should always succeed.

Things came to a head within three weeks of Hitler being sworn in as Chancellor in what is known as the Reichstag Fire case.

Hitler had this unexpressed expectation that the judges would find a sinister and ambitious conspiracy by the Communists behind the Reichstag fire, but the judges convicted only a single communist.

Outraged Hitler leveraged the authority conceded to him in terms of the Reichstag Fire Decree to set up his own judicial system, outside the hierarchical order of the German court system and even outside the ambit of German law.

These were the Sondergerichte or the Nazi special courts." more

#77 | Posted by Corky at 2024-07-01 04:10 PM | Reply | Newsworthy 1

"These measures spelt the death knell for the German legal and judicial system.

Even the fig leaf of feigned impartiality was ripped to shreds when Hitler addressed the judiciary in a speech in the Reichstag on 26 April 1942.

Hitler said: "I expect the German legal profession to understand that the nation is not here for them but they are here for the nation ... From now on, I shall intervene in these cases and remove from office those judges who evidently do not understand the demand of the hour."

from the above link

#78 | Posted by Corky at 2024-07-01 04:14 PM | Reply

Does this mean Biden, as commander in chief, can order a SEAL team to kill Trump?

Yes, absolutely, without a doubt.
He would enjoy absolute immunity.

You're smarter than this. If the composition of SCOTUS remains the same, Biden would absolutely NOT have immunity for that. This power will only inure to the benefit of Republicans. Just like every other fake doctrine this court invents which gives them the final word on intentionally flexible concepts.

#79 | Posted by JOE at 2024-07-01 04:17 PM | Reply

Trump is following this blueprint. This is serious.

Special courts could become a thing here too.

#80 | Posted by Effeteposer at 2024-07-01 04:18 PM | Reply

Ugh, yes Joe I forgot that wrinkle immunity only applies to R presidents.

#81 | Posted by truthhurts at 2024-07-01 04:22 PM | Reply

Serious question:

So, does this give President Biden the authority to disregard the 2024 election all-together and appoint his successor?

Yes it does. President Biden is now King Dark Brandon. He can do whatever the ---- he wants.

#82 | Posted by a_monson at 2024-07-01 04:22 PM | Reply

Biden should abolish the Supreme Court effective immediately.

#83 | Posted by a_monson at 2024-07-01 04:23 PM | Reply

"legal analyst" on MSNBC just said that the POTUS will now be able

to assassinate his political opponents..


as opposed to taking a post statue misdemeanor / inflating it to a class E felony using democrat donors

and a DA who won on his campaign promise to 'get trump'...and arrest them....

This jerk-hoff sounds as crazy stupid as you people.....


#84 | Posted by shrimptacodan at 2024-07-01 04:24 PM | Reply

"A democracy if you can keep it." We couldn't:

It can never again be said that in America "no man is above the law." The Supreme Court held today that the President of the United States " and the former president in particular " is above the law, and the only person in America who is above the law.
2:02 PM Jul 1, 2024

#85 | Posted by Gal_Tuesday at 2024-07-01 04:25 PM | Reply

Biden should abolish the Supreme Court effective immediately.

#83 | Posted by a_monson


wow....what happened to "democracy".

oh that's right.


--2 faced hypocritical liar...

#86 | Posted by shrimptacodan at 2024-07-01 04:26 PM | Reply

Biden should abolish the Supreme Court effective immediately.

#83 | Posted by a_monson

Or expand it to 11 or 13

#87 | Posted by AMERICANUNITY at 2024-07-01 04:32 PM | Reply

So now a US president can be like Putin who imprisoned and killed his political opponent Alexei Navalny and no one will be able to hold him accountable? This ruling is truly Donald Trump's wet dream of what it means to be POTUS.

#88 | Posted by Gal_Tuesday at 2024-07-01 04:32 PM | Reply | Newsworthy 2

On a brighter note...

"Why Trump shouldn't celebrate the immunity ruling just yet

True, as the case now returns to the trial court, there is no longer time for a full jury trial in 2024.

But the opinion calls on District Court Judge Tanya Chutkan to initiate the next best thing: an evidentiary hearing " a kind of mini-trial " that will thoroughly ventilate the facts in this case. She should do so quickly.

Smith charged Trump with engaging in a "criminal scheme" to subvert the 2020 election; Trump has pleaded not guilty to four counts.

The trial, which was originally scheduled to begin on March 4, has instead been stayed since December 2023.

That is when Trump appealed an order refusing to dismiss the case on immunity grounds " and the Supreme Court first declined to review the case, beginning its unconscionable slow-roll that finally ended almost seven months later with this new decision.


First, the court has ruled that all of the allegations concerning Trump's interactions with the Justice Department " and his attempt to get them to interfere in the election " were official.

Therefore, all of that conduct is protected by immunity and cannot be presented at trial.

But the court also held that there are two allegations for which Trump has presumptive immunity, yet this presumption can be overcome:

the allegations surrounding his interactions with former Vice President Mike Pence, and his public communications.

However, the court did not specify what it would take for that presumption to be overcome. Again, that is for resolution by Chutkan in the mini-trial.

Finally, the court stated that there is one category of alleged conduct that requires a "fact-specific analysis of the indictment's extensive and interrelated allegations":

all of Trump's interactions with "persons outside the Executive Branch," including state officials and private parties.

More grist for Chutkan's courtroom." excerpts

SO... the DOJ can't go after the Fake Ballots Conspiracy, in which his own DOJ Trumpers threatened to resign en masse, but they MAY be able to go after the Plan B Fake Electors scheme, which almost werked.

#89 | Posted by Corky at 2024-07-01 04:33 PM | Reply

No, these rules will only apply to Republican presidents:

Mike Johnson pretends not to understand that even if Biden's DOJ had been weaponized, John Roberts just gave sanction to that.

Scott MacFarlane
House Speaker Mike Johnson (R-La): "Today's ruling by the Court is a victory for former President Trump and all future presidents, and another defeat for President Biden's weaponized Department of Justice and Jack Smith"

#90 | Posted by Gal_Tuesday at 2024-07-01 04:39 PM | Reply

Republicans should be troubled by this ruling because a President Trump can target anyone who opposed him in anyway, Democrat or Republican. For example, Pence, Christie, Haley, DeSantis--anyone who ran against him, opposed or disappointed him can now become the object of Trump's promised retribtion should he become president again.

#91 | Posted by Gal_Tuesday at 2024-07-01 04:47 PM | Reply

"if the president does it, it's legal." Future presidencies can now be President Nixon on steriods.

#92 | Posted by Gal_Tuesday at 2024-07-01 04:49 PM | Reply | Newsworthy 1

How will the state's rights republicans view an imperial president bent on inserting himself into state and local politics? I don't know, say having the US Army invade Saint Louis to pacify the locals.

the future is bleak

#93 | Posted by truthhurts at 2024-07-01 04:55 PM | Reply

Asha Rangappa
The Court has handed Trump, if he wins this November, carte blanche to be a "dictator on day one," and the ability to use every lever of official power at his disposal for his personal ends without any recourse.

This election is now a clear-cut decision between democracy and autocracy. Vote accordingly.
10:49 AM Jul 1, 2024

#94 | Posted by Gal_Tuesday at 2024-07-01 04:57 PM | Reply

"if the president does it, it's legal." Future presidencies can now be President Nixon on steriods.

OK - let's say Trump on the first day robs a bank.

How do we square that being part of presidential acts?

What am I missing here?

#95 | Posted by brass30 at 2024-07-01 05:00 PM | Reply

Asha Rangappa
According to the Court, a President could literally provide the leader of a hostile adversary with intelligence needed to win a conflict in which we are involved, or even attack or invade the U.S., and not be prosecuted for treason, because negotiating with heads of state is an exclusive Art. II function. In case you were wondering.
12:54 PM Jul 1, 2024

#96 | Posted by Gal_Tuesday at 2024-07-01 05:04 PM | Reply

Harry Reid's rule change on Federal Judges is the gift that keeps on giving.


Sorry, who was it that changed it on SCOTUS?

#97 | Posted by Sycophant at 2024-07-01 05:05 PM | Reply

The future is indeed bleak:

Asha Rangappa
I don't really see how the Court is protecting former presidents from rogue prosecutions. A sitting president could use his officials to fabricate evidence against a former president, ostensibly for "nonofficial" crimes -- and there would be no way to show that the sitting president was making it up because it would all be "official." This whole thing is so dumb and is designed literally to protect one person.
12:13 PM Jul 1, 2024

#98 | Posted by Gal_Tuesday at 2024-07-01 05:07 PM | Reply | Newsworthy 2

One thing hitler did was make sure Mein Kampf was at the top of the best seller list. Prepare to have Art of the Deal staining your coffee table in the near future

#99 | Posted by truthhurts at 2024-07-01 05:08 PM | Reply | Funny: 1

- "This whole thing is so dumb and is designed literally to protect one person."

Well said.

At this moment, Dark Brandon could sic the DOJ on Trump the way Trumpers already claim he has.

It's tough being classy enough not to.

#100 | Posted by Corky at 2024-07-01 05:12 PM | Reply

"This gives the SCOTUS great power to define legality by defining the meaning of "official", it gives the executive branch to power to act first and get a corrupt legal system to legitimatize obvious crimes retroactively.
Hitler would be proud of the subtle usurpation of powers reserved for the legislature.
The judicial branch is the least accountable and most easily corrupted branch of government because they are unelected and can't be removed except with great difficulty. Lifetime tenure was the dumbest thing the founders ever did.
It just gives lovers of Freedom a motive to commit political murders.
Have any of the Justices considered the Targets they are making of Themselves?
This opinion is clearly not well thought out.

This is easily the most insightful, interesting and poignant thing that you have ever written on this site, and quite possibly one of the most foreboding posts ever on the DR. No hyperbole intended.

#101 | Posted by NerfHerder at 2024-07-01 05:52 PM | Reply

So which billionaires will provide the "gratuities" which they have just ruled don't constitute illegal bribes?

#102 | Posted by TenMile at 2024-07-01 06:03 PM | Reply

Some potentially useful email addresses and other poc methods:

The Perps
Federalist Society:
Illinois GPO:
National GPO:
National Libertarian Party:
National Better Business Bureau:
Supreme Court POC: Have not found a direct email but there is a message form you can find by googling Supreme Court email.

If you have the courage to tell these vile people what you think of their new king. I will post what I sent but it is greater than the max message size here. Yes I am angry over the whole situation.

#103 | Posted by Killjoy at 2024-07-01 06:08 PM | Reply

Message sent to above addresses - part 1

Was creating Imperial America your intent all along? Or do you just hate people of color, gays, non-christians, etc so much that you would kill the Republic so that you can murder the rest of us? You should ask the people of Germany about the impact of conducting wholesale murder has on a people. Do you really want tour decedents to go back to being caught between King and Church?

If the Republic survives, the Robert's Court that you connived to build will be remembered as the court that attempted to end the liberty of the majority of Americans. If Imperial American rises you will be its founders, and cursed in private for so long as it endures.

Who are your major funders? Is it their intent to destroy the Republic?

Is ALEC a part of this madness? Who else have you connived with to create your king?

To the National Better Business Bureau, is this what you wanted when you funded libertarian / conservative causes? Do you really think that an environment that has to respond to the whims of a lawless king is a stable business environment? How many customers / employees can you afford to lose to general religious / civil warfare?

To Democrats, find out who is funding this organization, ALEC, and all of the other organizations funding attacks on me and my family so that I can make sure that I do not do business with them. It is time to make the billionaires who are funding this attack on the Republic pay for their insanity in the only way that is meaningful ... .their bank accounts.

Also suggest to the current President that he use his newly bestowed power, that no prior executive has welded, to round up all of the current Republican legislators since they have been obviously been compromised by the Russian Federation and are traitors to the Republic. Send them to a Cuban exile. /s

#104 | Posted by Killjoy at 2024-07-01 06:09 PM | Reply

Message Sent to above addresses part 2

He will turn on you all, you know that, right? The first time you criticize him, in any way, he will use the power your court has just given him to destroy you as a threat to America. What threatens Trump threatens America after all.

Please try to protect our military and law enforcement from the new king you have created. It appears that he can't be held accountable for ordering our military to violate the Military Code of Conduct and Geneva Conventions, or any other civilized standard of behavior and can use Law Enforcement as his personal enforcers.

Please don't let your king betray Ukraine the way he did the Kurds.

Please don't let your king remove us from NATO and bow down to Tsar Vlad.

Please don't let your king establish a national religion. Tsar Vlad wants to end all of the christian congregations except for the Russian Orthodox variant, that might be the saftest choice if you decide to go that way, but the beards are so itchy. Who decides which congregation is the One? Who will prevent unapproved congregations from spreading false beliefs? Who decides which bible in which language will be the approved bible? What will be the punishment for heresy and other thought crimes?

You have opened pandora's box and we will all suffer for it. You must be mad and thus will feel no shame for what you have done. A sane person would be ashamed before their God and ancestors for disrupting the Rule of Law and threatening the very survival of our species.

May you live long and watch everything you love crumble to dust. Damn you all, Damn you to Hell.

#105 | Posted by Killjoy at 2024-07-01 06:11 PM | Reply

I'd like to thank everyone in a swing state who voted third party or chose not to vote in 2016.

You helped make this possible.

#106 | Posted by Tor at 2024-07-01 06:13 PM | Reply | Funny: 1 | Newsworthy 1

Well said Killjoy

That is one thing that really gets me, have they not watch ------- for the past 10 years?

What makes them think they are immune to his actions?

Do they REALLY think they can control him if he chooses to ignore them or do away with them?

Ask the literal hundreds of former ------- supporters who were thrown under the bus by him.

But then again, this is a party where ------- can insult your wife and not lose your undying support, where he can try to kill you and he won't lose your undying support.

Republicans are a weird weird group.

#107 | Posted by truthhurts at 2024-07-01 06:18 PM | Reply | Newsworthy 1

"You helped make this possible."

I blame the Founding Fathers. They should have never invented America in the first place.

And, while we are at it, I also blame Adam and Eve for not having the forethought to use contraception.

#108 | Posted by NerfHerder at 2024-07-01 06:19 PM | Reply

#106 That's quite a stretch,.. Bud.

Nobody can see the future.

Maybe the DNC created this by making the primaries irrelevant?

By sandbagging Bernie? Treating Hillary as inevitable?

They're gonna do it again with Biden too.

Open Conventions are an American tradition, annoiting leaders in defiance of the Voters will is what got us here.

The Two party, winner take all system, is the worst way to design a democracy there is.

It guarantees a one party dictatorship when it fails.

#109 | Posted by Effeteposer at 2024-07-01 06:26 PM | Reply

I donated to Biden specifically to get my list on the name of people ineligible for hire. Just makes things easier for everyone.

See y'all at Camp Reagan!

#110 | Posted by snoofy at 2024-07-01 06:26 PM | Reply

Hillary makes to much money

She had something to do with the Obama administration

She's not a vegan

Whatever the excuses was it helped trump.

They gambled with other peoples well being no different than a drunk on the highway.

#111 | Posted by Tor at 2024-07-01 06:27 PM | Reply

The only reason this is ruffling feathers is because it's Trump. A lot of OTHER Presidents have done ---- that would land you and I, either in prison or executed. and not one of them were indicted. Biden made off (illegally) with classified docs and you clowns didn't skip a beat.

"liberals need to stop banning guns and start practicing"

LMAO... A real ----------- here

#112 | Posted by lfthndthrds at 2024-07-01 06:40 PM | Reply

I am angry over the whole situation.


Channel that anger. "Don't boo. Vote." -Obama

It's our only way out. If the election is close and you know it will be. (only the Gods know why that is) Biden can just declare himself the winner. And have Trump arrested for his crimes against America.

#113 | Posted by donnerboy at 2024-07-01 06:42 PM | Reply

Because of all the criminal activity Trumpy was involved in the last election Biden can even declare the elections are "on hold" until we have a legal election in which Trumpy can prove he is no longer tampering with our elections in America.

And I agree he should immediately stack the court with 3 to five more justices. I do know that is perfectly legal and in accept with our constitution and an official duty of the President.

Unfortunately I don't think Biden will do any of those things.

#114 | Posted by donnerboy at 2024-07-01 06:47 PM | Reply | Newsworthy 1

"The only reason this is ruffling feathers is because it's Trump."

It would ruffle feathers for any President convicted of 34 felonies.

The only reason it's Trump is because Trump was charged with 91 felonies.

#115 | Posted by snoofy at 2024-07-01 06:49 PM | Reply | Funny: 1 | Newsworthy 1

You all should be glad as this also covers the actions of dem presidents like obama and biden.

#116 | Posted by MSgt at 2024-07-01 06:52 PM | Reply | Funny: 1

Why should anyone be glad that President Biden is immune from the law?

#117 | Posted by snoofy at 2024-07-01 06:53 PM | Reply | Newsworthy 1

Re 45

Definitely incentive to get my passport renewed. My retirement check can be sent anywhere. It doesn't have to be in America. Though fortunately for now I am relatively safe behind the Blue Wall in California.

#118 | Posted by donnerboy at 2024-07-01 06:58 PM | Reply

#116 | POSTED BY MSGT AT 2024-07-01 06:52 PM | REPLY

"Be happy, your guy can now commit crimes too"

~MSGT, probably

#119 | Posted by bartimus at 2024-07-01 07:40 PM | Reply

- because it's Trump.

SO... the DOJ can't go after the Fake Ballots Conspiracy, in which his own DOJ Trumpers threatened to resign en masse, but they MAY be able to go after the Plan B Fake Electors scheme, which almost werked.

Interestingly, the Ruling basically admits that Trump DID, as his own DOJ Leadership say he did, illegally try to get them to send a Letter to States changing the Ballot votes in his favor.

"it's Trump" because he broke the Law numerous times trying to overturn the Election.

His Cult obviously couldn't care less about that.

#120 | Posted by Corky at 2024-07-01 07:41 PM | Reply | Funny: 1

Real question: Could President Biden forgive all student loans as an official act? Suddenly sounds like he'd have immunity for that, right?

#121 | Posted by bartimus at 2024-07-01 07:43 PM | Reply

Real question: Could President Biden forgive all student loans as an official act? Suddenly sounds like he'd have immunity for that, right?


That is a power that the SC has taken from the executive, so no. (Non snark)

-------? Though, he can add student loans to everyone for ------- University degrees. (snark)

#122 | Posted by truthhurts at 2024-07-01 07:46 PM | Reply

Lefthandterds ran out of tissues totally wiping up.

#123 | Posted by e1g1 at 2024-07-01 07:52 PM | Reply

What I wanted to hear from Biden tonight was that he was appointing 6 new supreme court judges and bypassing congress completely.
Didn't happen.
Instead we got "I will a good boy and not abuse the authority the sharia supremes gave me."

#124 | Posted by YAV at 2024-07-01 07:55 PM | Reply

"There are no kings in America. Each, each of us is equal before the law. No one, no one is above the law, not even the president of the United States," Biden said in a speech from the White House.

"(With) today's Supreme Court decision on presidential immunity, that fundamentally changed. For all practical purposes, there are virtually no limits on what the president can do.

It's a fundamentally new principle and it's a dangerous precedent because the power of the office will no longer be constrained by the law even including the supreme court of the United States."

Biden repeatedly warned that the limits of the president's power now solely rest with the choices made by the holder of the office. He said Trump would be a danger in that role.

#125 | Posted by Corky at 2024-07-01 08:05 PM | Reply | Funny: 1

"d it's a dangerous precedent because the power of the office will no longer be constrained by the law even including the supreme court of the United States"

THEN ------- DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11

at what point is action going to be taken by the people to stop this rampantly corrupt, fringe, insane, authoritarian --------!?!?!

#126 | Posted by truthhurts at 2024-07-01 08:07 PM | Reply | Funny: 1

"Let's talk about Trump, SCOTUS, and the immunity decision....

< 5 mins... in which Beau quotes an article listing all the things that ANY President is immune from prosecution for... and says that it's not even a strong enough list; that this is much worse even than it sounds.

And reminds people who are cheering this Ruling, that Biden has all this new Constitutional Immunity... today.

#127 | Posted by Corky at 2024-07-01 08:17 PM | Reply

which he won't do ---- with

#128 | Posted by truthhurts at 2024-07-01 08:20 PM | Reply

#128 - Yep.

#129 | Posted by YAV at 2024-07-01 08:24 PM | Reply

Biden is too Old and too Decent a Man to do wrong with this unacceptable level of immunity.

He knows it's Wrong.

Trump, on the other Hand.....

#130 | Posted by Effeteposer at 2024-07-01 08:35 PM | Reply | Funny: 1

Despite the radical left teeth gnashing, it only means the trial won't be prior to election day. They didn't give more power to the executive, they took it for themselves.

#131 | Posted by willowby at 2024-07-01 08:41 PM | Reply


Not even close...

#132 | Posted by Corky at 2024-07-01 08:53 PM | Reply | Funny: 1

Despite the radical left teeth gnashing, it only means the trial won't be prior to election day. They didn't give more power to the executive, they took it for themselves.


No human being on the planet can be this naive.

You do realize that nothing the SC could do moving forward could stop a re-elected ------- from doing essentially anything he wants?

This SC has explicitly stated that the DoJ can pursue obviously corrupt made up charges against -------'s political rivals and NO ONE can do anything about it.

FFS Wake UP!

This isn't about -------, this isn't about the SC

This is about the FACT that this SC has created an incredibly new powerful executive branch.

You think it's bad when boogeyman Biden is at the wheel?

Wait till you see a ------- or a Democratic version of --------half the moral 2x the brain power.

These are power------- got. That allowed him to become a dictator.

this decision is very likely the death of democracy

#133 | Posted by truthhurts at 2024-07-01 08:56 PM | Reply

THEN ------- DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11

at what point is action going to be taken by the people to stop this rampantly corrupt, fringe, insane, authoritarian --------!?!?!

#126 | Posted by truthhurts at 2024-07-01 08:07 PM | Reply | Flag:

Somebody knows Trump is going to win.

#134 | Posted by lfthndthrds at 2024-07-01 09:02 PM | Reply | Newsworthy 1

That should scare you too dumbass-look what happened to all of the original Hitler's friends and supporters.

History isn't kind to the likes of you.

#135 | Posted by truthhurts at 2024-07-01 09:03 PM | Reply | Funny: 1

BTW, as I predicted, the debate seems to be having dramatically less effect than idiot like lefthandedturd imagine

#136 | Posted by truthhurts at 2024-07-01 09:05 PM | Reply


Traitors for Trump... they stick together.

#137 | Posted by Corky at 2024-07-01 09:11 PM | Reply


You're a totally unhinged moron, spewing the sky is falling rhetoric 24/7. get a life for crying out loud. We'll be fine regardless of the outcome between the fraud and the fossil.

#138 | Posted by willowby at 2024-07-01 09:14 PM | Reply | Funny: 1

You're a totally unhinged moron, spewing the sky is falling rhetoric 24/7. get a life for crying out loud. We'll be fine regardless of the outcome between the fraud and the fossil.


I told you in 2015 Trump would be a dangerous president

I told you in 2018 you should impeach the bastard

I told you in 2020 he wouldn't step down.

I told you in 2021 the Senate should have gone through with an impeachment trial.

We have lost voting rights, reproductive freedoms, and we are facing an incredible transformation of our federal government-think of it as Citizen's United on crack.

If you can't see what everyone is telling you, the problem just might be you.

Look around the DR if you won't venture out, is there ANYONE defending this decision? I think even the most warped magat types realize this is a bridge too far.

#139 | Posted by truthhurts at 2024-07-01 09:20 PM | Reply

What republicans won't admit to is, they'd all support Trump as the first King of America.

It's what weak men who feel powerless need.

A monarch to help restore their egos.

By making everyone else as weak and powerless as they are.

#140 | Posted by ClownShack at 2024-07-01 09:25 PM | Reply

- We'll be fine regardless of the outcome between the fraud and the fossil.

No we won't... the criminal just got a Get Out of Jail FREE card from the Supreme Court.

Of course, smart voters may realize this and vote for the fossil instead.

#141 | Posted by Corky at 2024-07-01 09:27 PM | Reply | Funny: 1


Where did we lose voting rights? We lost national abortion rights. Your hyperventilating makes you think the world is ending. It's not.

Speaking of abortion, I thought Roe would never be overturned. Taking away rights is never good. That's why I'm protective of my 2nd amendment rights.

#142 | Posted by willowby at 2024-07-01 09:29 PM | Reply

#142 |

Are you saying that if vaginas had ammo, we'd still have Row?


#143 | Posted by Corky at 2024-07-01 09:31 PM | Reply

This is exactly why McConnell seated Gorsuch, Kavanaugh and Barrett.

To grant Trump immunity to prosecution and terminate term limits.

2020 and the pandemic was a minor bump in their plans.

But they'll be back on track in 2025.

#144 | Posted by ClownShack at 2024-07-01 09:31 PM | Reply


Smart voters? That excludes you. "Smart voters" would demand someone else.

#145 | Posted by willowby at 2024-07-01 09:31 PM | Reply

So there's no smart voters left in the Republican party?
Thank you, Captain Obvious.

#146 | Posted by YAV at 2024-07-01 09:33 PM | Reply


McConnell's lame excuse for not convicting Trump in the Impeachment was that there were other laws that could be used to hold him accountable.

An argument that can't be used after this Rwing SC Coup of Justice.

#147 | Posted by Corky at 2024-07-01 09:33 PM | Reply

"Where did we lose voting rights? "

Educate yourself before you open your mouth, or hit send in this case

#148 | Posted by truthhurts at 2024-07-01 09:35 PM | Reply


Probably the same as the Dems. Both of your parties are ridiculous.

#149 | Posted by willowby at 2024-07-01 09:35 PM | Reply

Funny, this ruling goes back to what Alan Dershowtiz said at the time - that if Trump really felt he was right and won the election, he should be able to basically go to any length he wants to prove it.

Now it seems law.

Say good bye to the peaceful transfer of power if the sitting President doesn't want it. Doesn't mean he'll remain in office, he but won't have to worry about what strings he pulls to accomplish it.

#150 | Posted by brass30 at 2024-07-01 09:36 PM | Reply

- That excludes you.

Demanding whom?

There's not another candidate that matches up as well.

And the news of his demise is very much premature.

Indies don't actually love criminals.

#151 | Posted by Corky at 2024-07-01 09:36 PM | Reply

So who are you voting for, Willowby?
No reason to throw aspersions at you without knowing that.

#152 | Posted by YAV at 2024-07-01 09:36 PM | Reply

- Both of your parties are ridiculous.

True, but only one of them has a Mafia Don as leader.

#153 | Posted by Corky at 2024-07-01 09:37 PM | Reply

This session of the Supreme Court is one of the worst ever for this country. We are seriously in trouble if Trump gets back in office. I never want to hear another conservative complaining about judicial activism or legislating from the bench ever again.

#154 | Posted by SLBronkowitz at 2024-07-01 09:45 PM | Reply | Newsworthy 1

We are seriously in trouble when Trump gets back in office.

Let's stop kidding ourselves.

Biden needs a miracle in order to win.

#155 | Posted by ClownShack at 2024-07-01 09:50 PM | Reply


Been a registered Libertarian forever, so that's my vote. Trump or Biden, not even at gunpoint.

#156 | Posted by willowby at 2024-07-01 09:54 PM | Reply

So you are voting for the end of our Republic.
Thanks for answering, though.

#157 | Posted by YAV at 2024-07-01 09:55 PM | Reply | Funny: 1


No, I'm voting Libertarian. If we're both still alive in 5 years, I'll have to paraphrase Mark Twain. The republic will be just fine, despite your chicken little outlook.

#158 | Posted by willowby at 2024-07-01 10:04 PM | Reply

so youre throwing away your vote.

good call.

#159 | Posted by Alexandrite at 2024-07-01 10:08 PM | Reply

There is only one vote that might save this Republic. A vote for Biden. As much as you or anyone else may hate it.

#160 | Posted by YAV at 2024-07-01 10:13 PM | Reply | Funny: 1

More lib tears - the last 7 days have been pretty great to be a conservative.

1.) Liberals finally released Pedophile Joe Biden is mentally impaired and the press and white house has been lying to stupid faces for the last 3.5 years
2.) Even the French have kicked the librards to the curb
3.) Trump wins in the SCOTUS

The best part is, Pedophile Joe Biden stealing his classified docs AS A SENATOR is not protected by this decision so we can lock the vegetable up after he gets crushed in the election.

#161 | Posted by Claudio at 2024-07-01 10:19 PM | Reply

" pretty great to be a conservative."

you just killed the Republic, moron.

#162 | Posted by Alexandrite at 2024-07-01 10:21 PM | Reply | Newsworthy 1

"you just killed the Republic, moron.

How do you figure? This latest ruling was just giving Trump the same protections as were already afforded to Obama when he droned a US citizen without cause. This just solidifies one rule of law for both parties - which I can see why that would upset Democrats that have spent the last 7.5 years trying to pervert the system of justice in the country.

#163 | Posted by Claudio at 2024-07-01 10:31 PM | Reply

- droned a US citizen without cause.

More lies, same stupid Trumper.

"This chapter analyzes the constitutionality of the targeted killing of Anwar al-Awlaki, a U.S. citizen whom the executive branch believed to be a senior planner for AQAP (a regional branch of al-Qaeda), concluding that the Obama administration's claim that the killing was lawful is correct..."

"Awlaki's relationship with al-Qaeda "brings him within the scope" of the 2001 congressional authorization of the use of military force, according to the document. Citing information provided by the CIA and Pentagon, the memo said Awlaki has "operational and leadership roles" with al-Qaeda and "continues to plot attacks intended to kill Americans."

#164 | Posted by Corky at 2024-07-01 10:39 PM | Reply | Newsworthy 1

- Pedophile Joe Biden

Still lying... like Trump like sonny boy, one supposes.

There's no direct evidence of Biden ever molesting anyone anywhere.

Your Cult Leader, however, is a very different story:

#165 | Posted by Corky at 2024-07-01 10:44 PM | Reply


It's called principle. Something hardcore partisans don't have.

#166 | Posted by willowby at 2024-07-01 10:44 PM | Reply

Biden's not going to accept the Supreme Court's independence and authority. He's going to whine about it. Because that's what he is, a whiner. Everytime the Supreme
court makes a decision that's not aligned with neoliberal agenda, there he is, undermining them and whining about them.

#167 | Posted by look_inward at 2024-07-01 10:46 PM | Reply


The only principle a libertarian has is selfish childishness

#168 | Posted by truthhurts at 2024-07-01 10:46 PM | Reply | Funny: 1 | Newsworthy 1

Pedophile Joe Biden

You're too hamfisted with your trolling.

#169 | Posted by ClownShack at 2024-07-01 10:47 PM | Reply

""This chapter analyzes the constitutionality of the targeted killing of Anwar al-Awlaki, a U.S. citizen whom the executive branch believed to be a senior planner for AQAP (a regional branch of al-Qaeda), concluding that the Obama administration's claim that the killing was lawful is correct..."

You are linking to the wrong person -------. Obama intentionally droned this guy's 16 year old son in a completely separate strike. No one claims the 16 year old kid was linked to al-Qaeda and yet Obama murdered him anyway.'s%20death.

"Abdulrahman Anwar al-Awlaki (also spelled al-Aulaqi, Arabic: ; August 26, 1995 " October 14, 2011) was a 16-year-old United States citizen who was killed by a U.S. drone strike in Yemen."

#170 | Posted by Claudio at 2024-07-01 10:50 PM | Reply

When mass murders in America shoot up schools it's "acceptable losses" to you.
Don't pretend you care.

#171 | Posted by YAV at 2024-07-01 10:52 PM | Reply

"- Pedophile Joe Biden
Still lying...

Tell us what Ashley Biden meant by 'inappropriate showers' with her dad that does not make Pedophile Joe Biden a pedophile. I have asked you half a dozen times and you have yet to provide any such scenario. Just shouting liar shows your desperation and realization that you have been a pedophile enabler for the last 3.5 years.

#172 | Posted by Claudio at 2024-07-01 10:53 PM | Reply

"A bystander in the wrong place at the wrong time."
Now you don't have to worry about any prosecution. SCOTUS has made targeting killing of anyone non-prosecutable.

Also you've had your ass handed to you so many times over your idiocy about #172.
You are seriously brain damaged.

#173 | Posted by YAV at 2024-07-01 10:56 PM | Reply

"When mass murders in America shoot up schools it's "acceptable losses" to you.
Don't pretend you care.

Were any mass murders in the US specifically authorized/ordered by Obama? I don't see the equivalence here. If Obama would have droned the 16 year old kid in a US school, would you then feel outrage at his murder? Please clarify because you seem to accept this murder by Obama because 1.) the kid is brown and Democrats love killing brown people - especially with drones and 2.) Obama murdered him outside of the US.

#174 | Posted by Claudio at 2024-07-01 10:56 PM | Reply

The relevance was in your face in my post. "Don't pretend you care."

#175 | Posted by YAV at 2024-07-01 10:57 PM | Reply

"Also you've had your ass handed to you so many times over your idiocy about #172.

Then you should have no issue linking to any such occurrence because I have never had this happen. Or, if linking is too difficult for you, you can just tell me what Ashley Biden meant by 'inappropriate showers' with Pedophile Joe Biden.

#176 | Posted by Claudio at 2024-07-01 10:58 PM | Reply

Obama didn't drone "the 16 year old".
You can't post without lying.

#177 | Posted by YAV at 2024-07-01 10:58 PM | Reply

You're too stupid to understand and too dense for it to penetrate.
I'm not interested in hearing about you playing with yourself.
Find someone else.

#178 | Posted by YAV at 2024-07-01 11:00 PM | Reply


Funny, coming from a Joementia cultist. You're every bit as fanatical as your MAGA bogeyman.

#179 | Posted by willowby at 2024-07-01 11:00 PM | Reply

"The relevance was in your face in my post. "Don't pretend you care."

Whether I care or not is irrelevant - the law is the law and Pedophile Joe Biden just reminded us that 'no one is above the law' so why have you given a pass to Obama for this intentional murder of an innocent 16 year old US citizen or Pedophile Biden a pass on intentionally droning an innocent aid worker and his family prior to this latest ruling? Is intentionally murdering innocent people a lesser evil than investigating election fraud?

#180 | Posted by Claudio at 2024-07-01 11:01 PM | Reply

The more analysis on SCOTUS betrayal of America the worse it looks. This decision is beyond anything I had thought possible.
And the condescension of the male "justices" towards the women is utterly reprehensible.

#181 | Posted by YAV at 2024-07-01 11:02 PM | Reply

"And the condescension of the male "justices" towards the women is utterly reprehensible.

We don't have any female justices on the Supreme Court - or if we do - we have no idea which are which according to Ketanji Brown Jackson so I don't get your point here.

#182 | Posted by Claudio at 2024-07-01 11:08 PM | Reply

We don't have any female justices on the Supreme Court - or if we do - we have no idea which are which

Must suck going through life this ignorant of reality.

No wonder you need Trump and big republican government to control your life.

#183 | Posted by ClownShack at 2024-07-01 11:15 PM | Reply


It was your side that nominated the ------- to the Supreme Court. For me, I think not being able to define a woman would be a disqualifying event for someone expected to rule on infinitely more complex problems. But...she was the right color for Pedophile Joe Biden so we are where we are.

#184 | Posted by Claudio at 2024-07-01 11:19 PM | Reply

Joementia cultist ... MAGA bogeyman.

Another embarrassed Trumper outs themself.

As soon as Biden supporters start wearing blue hats with his slogan on it, chanting things like "Jews will not replace us!" and "thank you Brandon", or denying jury verdicts in order to support Biden, you'll have a point.

Until then, you're a Trump voter pretending to be a libertarian.

#185 | Posted by ClownShack at 2024-07-01 11:21 PM | Reply

Obama didn't drone "the 16 year old".
- yav

He kinda did everything but pull the trigger.

The U.S. drone strike that killed Abdulrahman Anwar al-Awlaki was conducted under a policy approved by U.S. President Barack Obama

#186 | Posted by oneironaut at 2024-07-01 11:23 PM | Reply


Hilarious. You can't find anything in my posting history supporting Trump. You partisan idiots think everybody is either a MAGA fascist, or a Biden Commucrat. Unlike you, most people have a life.

#187 | Posted by willowby at 2024-07-01 11:27 PM | Reply

I think not being able to define a woman ...

We don't have any female justices on the Supreme Court - or if we do - we have no idea which are which

Don't worry. Once big Republican government steps in, they'll tell you.

It's amazing how much you feeble minded losers need the government to force everyone to live by your ignorant standards.

#188 | Posted by ClownShack at 2024-07-01 11:28 PM | Reply

You can't find anything in my posting history supporting Trump.

There's what I quoted from your prior post.

You partisan idiots think everybody is either a MAGA fascist, or a Biden Commucrat.

I think people who wear red MAGA hats, plaster their vehicles and property with Trump flags, don't believe Trump is guilty of his crimes, support his adulterous conduct, pay all his bills, donate to him nonstop ... are absolute cultists and fascists.

Please name similar behavior by Democrats.

Unlike you, most people have a life.

Unlike me, most people are ignorant of the realities our nation is facing.

You embarrassed Trumper.

#189 | Posted by ClownShack at 2024-07-01 11:47 PM | Reply | Newsworthy 1

just peeking to see if the thread was still sizzling with hysterical psychotic XXXXXXX [ female anatomy culled

from feline animals ]

looks like it is.

with a lot of bold talk going on too.

virtually NOTHING you worthless GD clowns are predicting will come true.

#190 | Posted by shrimptacodan at 2024-07-02 12:12 AM | Reply | Newsworthy 1

"Please name similar behavior by Democrats.

1.) Voting for Biden despite him being a proven pedophile (to be fair, you might just be pro-pedophile and not specifically pro-Biden).

2.) You spent 4 years saying Hunter's laptop is fake despite all the obvious evidence that it was real and now ignore all the crime and deviant behavior documented on it by Pedophile Joe and Hunter.

3.) You ignored the clear reality of Pedophile Biden's mental collapse and acted surprised when he sundowned at the debate

4.) You still wear a mask when driving alone in your car and are on booster #6

5.) You consider George Floyd to be a righteous martyr

You people are in a cult of the stupid and gullible.

#191 | Posted by Claudio at 2024-07-02 12:16 AM | Reply | Newsworthy 2

"it's a dangerous precedent because the power of the office will no longer be constrained by the law even including the supreme court of the United States"
THEN ------- DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11
at what point is action going to be taken by the people to stop this rampantly corrupt, fringe, insane, authoritarian --------!?!?!
#126 | Posted by truthhurts at 2024-07-01 08:07 PM | Reply | Flag:

whatcha gonna do about it tough guy / girl / it / them / they / whatever the F you are ??

well ?? ahahahhahaha

white girls are being slaughtered by illegals in this country thanks to biden and YOU !!
no riots / burning buildings / beatings / looting....---You have to be a drug addict rapist to get new shoes / tv's and a statue.

trump was convicted in judge roy bean's riots / burning buildings / beatings / looting.

supreme court rules and trash got to be talking S**T bout "doing something"

-- as I said previously...the rest of the leftist-dogma KLAN kook klunts is reacting the same way

stupid / lying / hypocrites.

#192 | Posted by shrimptacodan at 2024-07-02 12:24 AM | Reply


Not even close.

What a desperate attempt at a response.

I listed MAGA behavior.

You listed MAGA conspiracy theories.

#193 | Posted by ClownShack at 2024-07-02 12:29 AM | Reply


Holy shht man.

Do you actually expect anyone to read that vomit?

Get your Tourette under control.

#194 | Posted by ClownShack at 2024-07-02 12:33 AM | Reply


this ruling comes at a good time for you hysterical psychotics.

takes attention away from the brain dead vegetable proving to the world that we were right
and you and the democrat legacy media were GD liars about his condition.

and Jill..NOT A DR...Biden is deciding what happens.

--Nancy Reagan knew when it was time to shield her husband from the world stage;

then again....she loved her husband.

kilroy was here.


#195 | Posted by shrimptacodan at 2024-07-02 12:33 AM | Reply | Newsworthy 1


Which one is a conspiracy theory? Each one of the items I stated is 100% true and readily observable.

#196 | Posted by Claudio at 2024-07-02 12:34 AM | Reply | Funny: 1

"Please name similar behavior by Democrats." Devotion to an unembalmed corpse. You had plenty of time to replace him. I seem to remember he was supposed to be a placeholder. He miserably lost his first two runs for president. His only qualification then and now is that he's not Trump.

"You embarrassed Trumper." You desperate leftist idiots prove my point with every post. What happened to you clown? you used to be fairly rational.

#197 | Posted by willowby at 2024-07-02 12:35 AM | Reply

We just think it's weird that you don't vote for Trump.

Since you seem to echo much of what the Deplorables say.

I hope that makes sense.

#198 | Posted by snoofy at 2024-07-02 12:43 AM | Reply | Newsworthy 1



that combined with hate mongering bigotry and this is what happens.

#199 | Posted by shrimptacodan at 2024-07-02 12:44 AM | Reply

n early 2009, Los Angeles Times opinion columnist Robin Abcarian noticed that campaign news releases and subsequent White House announcements persistently referred to her as "Dr. Jill Biden." She asked fellow journalists and academics to weigh in.
--Abcarian wrote that Joel Goldstein, a professor at St. Louis University School of Law, appeared to be "mildly amused upon hearing that Biden liked to be called Dr."

--Time magazine writer Amy Sullivan opined, "Ordinarily, when someone goes by doctor and they are a PhD, not an MD, I find it a little bit obnoxious."

" Washington Post desk chief Bill Walsh observed that "if you can't heal the sick, we don't call you doctor."

Despite the criticism, the Biden camp continued to use the title with impunity.

#200 | Posted by shrimptacodan at 2024-07-02 12:45 AM | Reply

#201 | Posted by shrimptacodan at 2024-07-02 12:45 AM | Reply

Pillowbitey is the most pathetic MAGAt flaggit on this site.

#202 | Posted by reinheitsgebot at 2024-07-02 01:10 AM | Reply | Funny: 1

Devotion to an unembalmed corpse.

Define your use of "devotion". Is it anything close to plastering your life with Trump paraphernalia and repeating phrases like, "Thank you, Brandon!"

You had plenty of time to replace him.

Despite your belief in the sway I hold upon the Democratic Party.

I'm not a Biden supporter.

I'm adamantly anti Trump. But I've never been pro Biden.

I'm simply not stupid enough to believe Trump is a better choice.

Or that Democrats are as bad for the country as republicans.

Statistically, republicans are worse for America

I seem to remember he was supposed to be a placeholder. He miserably lost his first two runs for president. His only qualification then and now is that he's not Trump.

In 2020 I would have voted for Biden's corpse over another four years of Trump.

#203 | Posted by ClownShack at 2024-07-02 02:04 AM | Reply | Newsworthy 1

TDS - The unfounded delusion that Trump was good for America. Suffered by his red hats.

#204 | Posted by ClownShack at 2024-07-02 02:08 AM | Reply

Which one is a conspiracy theory?

All of them.

Each one of the items I stated is 100% true and readily observable.

Then it should be easy for you to prove it.

I'm eager waiting for your response.

#205 | Posted by ClownShack at 2024-07-02 02:11 AM | Reply


I'll let these idiots help you.

Especially Willow "I'm not a Trump supporter" by.

I'm sure anything SHRIMPdick posts will continue to remain unintelligible.

#206 | Posted by ClownShack at 2024-07-02 02:40 AM | Reply

What a shame. I was hoping to see Biden prosecuted for negligent homicide for the deaths related to his bungled Afghanistan withdrawal.

#207 | Posted by visitor_ at 2024-07-02 03:00 AM | Reply

Biden should declare Putin's demented orange bitch an enemy of the state and send him to Gitmo.

#208 | Posted by reinheitsgebot at 2024-07-02 03:18 AM | Reply

Willowby, you "newsworthy" flagged post #191? Seriously?

You deserve all the sttt you get here.

#209 | Posted by YAV at 2024-07-02 07:06 AM | Reply

You consider George Floyd to be a righteous martyr

Damn right. No one should be choked to death slowly while handcuffed over 9 minutes in public by a police officer.

That is why a jury of his peers sent that POS to jail for a long time.

#210 | Posted by Nixon at 2024-07-02 08:33 AM | Reply

so you guys got all your stuff ready to take over the supreme court building ?

take out 6 SC justices ?

cause I've read some comments that could be construed as that threat.

you're probably working on your rationale for doing that while still talking " excrement"
about J6....

and how about ole Joe yesterday...DAYUM that guy is "sharp as a tack".( thank you teleprompter )


well I was just looking around.

I'll let you get back to your idiotic psychopathic, hyperbolic festival of hysteria.

#211 | Posted by shrimptacodan at 2024-07-02 08:47 AM | Reply

I'll let you get back to your idiotic psychopathic, hyperbolic festival of hysteria.

Flagged: Projecting Lewzer

#212 | Posted by Doc_Sarvis at 2024-07-02 08:53 AM | Reply | Newsworthy 1

I've read some comments that could be construed as that threat.


I've read many statements from people like you that are threats.

Now is the time for all good men to come to the aid of their country.

If you aren't armed, correct that.

#213 | Posted by Zed at 2024-07-02 09:16 AM | Reply

Gee, and it really really looked like George W. Bush would be held accountable for his mass murder in Iraq! I guess the Supreme Court decision puts the kibosh on that!

#214 | Posted by NerfHerder at 2024-07-02 09:18 AM | Reply



So. Are you admitting then that it's fascism when YOU do it?

#215 | Posted by Whatsleft at 2024-07-02 10:47 AM | Reply

if biden and his people were as awful as the righties here say ...

trump would be in guantanamo right now as an "official act".

#216 | Posted by Alexandrite at 2024-07-02 10:51 AM | Reply

#216 patience.

#217 | Posted by oneironaut at 2024-07-02 11:02 AM | Reply

want to bet trump doesnt end up in gitmo?

100 bucks to a favorite charity.

#218 | Posted by Alexandrite at 2024-07-02 11:07 AM | Reply


#219 | Posted by Alexandrite at 2024-07-02 11:34 AM | Reply

The only real takeaway, as usual, is how saddened I am that the political party against something that is ideologically attached to the other party never uses the same scrutiny in their own decisions. If liberals were to scrutinize the negatives of everything they propose, and Reps too, this country could truly get somewhere (if, of course, action is taken to eliminate/reduce the negatives).

But, instead, liberals yesterday and today just whine and fearmonger about every hypothetical situation that can happen because of something ideologically conservative. And continue to completely ignore or be incapable of seeing all of the bad hypotheticals that can occur because of their refusal to enforce laws on the books and create new laws that negatively impact the country in one way or another.

This ruling puts all of this into perspective. But DR kids refuse to accept that every decisions has cons. They can't see beyond their own partisan blinders that Democrat politicians have worked hard to create around their eyes. The debate reactions by Newsom and many other Dems is proof-positive of this, putting someone who is clearly...beyond any debate...cognitively declining to the point he can't make coherent statements. There are cons to keeping him in office. Are they less than the pros? Maybe, maybe not. But this ruling is more scary to me in what it enables a person with dementia to get away with than a blathering idiot who exaggerates everything he says. Hate on me all you want, you can't change reality...and the typical liberal tactic of redefining words to meet their narrative won't work with "dementia".

#220 | Posted by humtake at 2024-07-02 12:07 PM | Reply

" What I wanted to hear from Biden tonight was that he was appointing 6 new supreme court judges and bypassing congress completely.
Didn't happen.
Instead we got "I will a good boy and not abuse the authority the sharia supremes gave me."

#124 | POSTED BY YAV AT 2024-07-01 07:55 PM | FLAG: "

FFS. What happens when the pendulum swings the other way? Further expansion of the court. Lefties are incapable of seeing past the ends of their noses.

You all are only hyperventilating because Trump will likely win and you can't bog him down with lawsuits if he takes out Qassem Suleimani 2.0. And this ruling applies to ALL presidents, including the corpse currently in the WH.

#221 | Posted by BellRinger at 2024-07-02 12:27 PM | Reply

"This ruling puts all of this into perspective."

What kind of perspective is

"Every official act carried out by The President is always legal."

Seriously, what kind of perspective is that?

#222 | Posted by snoofy at 2024-07-02 12:30 PM | Reply

Lefties are incapable of seeing past the ends of their noses.

What do you mean? Did they just hand out immunity to the president for any "official act"?

This was a rhetorical question, I don't expect a partisan stooge, like you, to ever be able to provide an honest answer.

#223 | Posted by ClownShack at 2024-07-02 12:51 PM | Reply

The ICC has something to say about war crimes even if the SCOTUS doesn't.

Soleimani was not an enemy combatant. No State of war existed with Iran.

Killing him was just Murder. Stupid and counterproductive too.

If the West won't deal with it the Iranians might.

And they would be justified if they did.

Like the Houthis are justified in targeting shipping to Israel, in solidarity with the Gazans.

Impunity only lasts for a while.

#224 | Posted by Effeteposer at 2024-07-02 01:18 PM | Reply

the true definition of Power is use it or lose it..if you supposedly habve it and don't use it, did you really have it?

If the democrats don't stop talking about the debate and immediately challenge the SC ruling, i.e. bring charges not only against trump but also clarence thomas sam alito, charge those two with taking bribes, charge trump with sedition

Get the ball rolling or we're toast

#225 | Posted by brerrabbit at 2024-07-02 02:22 PM | Reply

#226 | Posted by Alexandrite at 2024-07-02 05:14 PM | Reply


Good article, including:

Here is John Roberts LYING at his confirmation hearing, where he said that presidents are bound by the law and not above the law.

By Conover Kennard " July 2, 2024

We're witnessing the most corrupt Supreme Court in our lives, and it's unsurprising that they can now accept gratuities. Clarence Thomas might need a new RV soon, so pay up if you need a favor.

If you want democracy demolished and the presidency turned into a monarchy, they are there for you. And, of course, it's not surprising that Justices like Brett Kavanaugh lied during his confirmation. Either that, or he's been having lunch with the likes of Nick Fuentes and did an about-face.

Look how principled he was just a few years ago:

No one's above the law in the United States of America.

Secondly, the president serves a term in office, not an unlimited term in office, again specified in Federalist 69.

The president is subject to the law.

No one's above the law in the United States, including the president of the United States.

And that's something that is made clear in Federalist 69.

Even in the national security context, where the Constitution gives the commander-in-chief power to the president, the president remains subject to the law.

A president is not above the law with respect to the criminal process.

No one is above the law in our constitutional system.

Federalist 69, Hamilton, makes clear all the ways that the executive branch, as designed by the framers of the Constitution, was different from the monarchy."

He also said, "No one is above the law in our constitutional system," adding that the presidency is not a monarchy.

Now, it's 2024, and Kavanaugh is complicit in tilting the United States toward a monarchy. We fought this once many years ago and can do it again; we just shouldn't have to."

#227 | Posted by Corky at 2024-07-02 05:25 PM | Reply

If the democrats don't stop talking about the debate and immediately challenge the SC ruling, i.e. bring charges not only against trump but also clarence thomas sam alito, charge those two with taking bribes, charge trump with sedition

Lol. Biden appointed a meek loser AG and Biden himself can barely function, there is a 0% chance of this happening

#228 | Posted by JOE at 2024-07-02 05:34 PM | Reply

Re #227

Ha ha you said "69"

Sorry Corky. That's all maga maroons probably got from that post.

You think maga maroons actually read the Federalist papers or care one bit about what they said and why they were written?

Not likely.

They are more familiar with everything "Q" wrote than with anything Hamilton, Madison or Jay wrote.

#229 | Posted by donnerboy at 2024-07-02 05:59 PM | Reply

I'm just fishin' for Indies....

#230 | Posted by Corky at 2024-07-02 06:02 PM | Reply

I may not be the first to suggest this ... . But now Biden should order the assassinations of Justices Alito and Thomas as an official act for the good of the country. Apparently he can no longer be prosecuted for an official act such as that for the well being of this country.

#231 | Posted by moder8 at 2024-07-02 06:29 PM | Reply

While he is at it he should also take a page out of Putin's book and order a whole slew of right wing Congressmen and women be pushed out of windows. Official acts to keep America free.

#232 | Posted by moder8 at 2024-07-02 06:32 PM | Reply

Per the right wing SC, Biden now has the absolute power of a king. Joey boy, you may only have about five months to enjoy this pose. Go for it. For the good of America do some long overdue housekeeping. The SC has your back.

#233 | Posted by moder8 at 2024-07-02 06:36 PM | Reply

#231 Moderhate, you have suggested that a few times before, when you were still employed, on the Nooner.

#234 | Posted by gracieamazed at 2024-07-02 06:42 PM | Reply

Good gosh. You lefties are so fricking stupid. Your entire lives are driven by false talking points.

It's pathetic.

#235 | Posted by BellRinger at 2024-07-02 07:05 PM | Reply | Funny: 1

- false talking points

Such as?

#236 | Posted by Corky at 2024-07-02 07:18 PM | Reply

Projection and gaslighting is all the MAGAs in power have ever had, everything in bad faith. Unfortunately, it works on enough idiots that we all must suffer

#237 | Posted by hamburglar at 2024-07-02 07:41 PM | Reply

Good gosh. You lefties are so fricking stupid. Your entire lives are driven by false talking points.
It's pathetic.


Jeff, for a few seconds put aside your usual trolling behavior. I am asking this with a modicum of respect.

You claim to hold certain values regarding the constitution.

How can you find this decision anything but reprehensible?

It immunizes a president from ANY criminal liability for essentially anything he does as president. The presumptive immunity is insanely difficult bar to clear when you can't a. use anything the president said or did OR b. even consider intent.

This decision is BONKERS.

It destroys any pretense at an independent DoJ.

Think of the actions that Trump has stated or even joked about doing. Even you can admit the damage that ripping 15 Million people from their homes and deporting them will do. Even you can recognize that a President sending the army into cities to quell protests is terrifying, especially when combined with his violent rhetoric towards protestors.

The man is posting about military tribunals for Liz Cheney FFS.

What can constrain him?

Be honest for a second. Does this power not terrify you?

If need be, consider a democratic president using this power like the picture that Fox News painted of Obama or Biden. Do you want to live in a country where the president can hold military tribunals for members of congress?

#238 | Posted by truthhurts at 2024-07-02 07:42 PM | Reply | Newsworthy 3

I may not be the first to suggest this ... . But now Biden should order the assassinations of Justices Alito and Thomas as an official act for the good of the country. Apparently he can no longer be prosecuted for an official act such as that for the well being of this country.

#231 | Posted by moder8

oh the words of Reagan...."there you go again."

it's cool though / I'll put this threat with all of the others.

lawyers are scum sucking vermin to begin with....(what do you call EVERY GD lawyer on the bottom of the lake ? )

a lawyer who is clearly too illiterate to understand this ruling by the Supreme Court OR

one who does and is a lying tyrd worse.

#239 | Posted by shrimptacodan at 2024-07-02 11:10 PM | Reply

but I"m glad to see the thread has reached # 239.

It's soon to be time to get back to the real crime....the "wag the dog" presidency

of Ruth Bader Biden.

#240 | Posted by shrimptacodan at 2024-07-02 11:13 PM | Reply

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